muhfotn) Arm, TRrnrxic, mmdtord, otjeoox, satiiniAy. ,jvjat 1, ioig HOOPER JAILED SIINE RE-ELECTED mtaL Alt f Why Spend your Meney: AT SCHOOL I Qnl with a I BY I Ttfcrra srx ' BRUSH NC MUSICAL ! N UPON GREAT OFFENSIVE CLERK OPENSCHAU AUQUA pade,?? u MURDER CHARGE IS FRONI NEW AD NEX AY .""i "i' t '; .; v Tiirunnation Iin liot-ti rcei-iwd by Citiuf HiUkoii (lint John Atislm Hooper, tin1 hiimht who a yvnr mk liulil up the Knjrue Hiwr linnk mnl iipon hi'itiK arit'uli'd liroko joil nl Grunts Vn, Iiiih liven arrunlcd nt loplln, Mo., on n elinixo C mnrdor mid rohbory, having nhot mid killed n dfizon of Joplin wlion ho riminled be in held up. Hooper wus pnnitti'd ami captured hy n jximo Juno I. Hooper wns entonreil to life ini jirifDiiini'iit nt Sun Qiiuntlii, hnl wtn Jmroloil September 1, JIIH. I In per petrated it number or iluriinr robber ies in thin vicinity Inut until. At Hornbrook lu wpont nhoiit $fi(lll with ono of the increlnint ilttrinir t tin dny, buyintr automatic pintol nnd nm iniiuilion. Thnt hiiuio nielli ho rout ed lliu merchant nnd Inn wife from their I1C1I mid walked llii'in nt kuii'm point to the More, whoro ho compell ed them to open the wife. lie untile wnv with the $."()!) ho luid Kiven tliciu mid a thoiiHiind dollar in uddilinii. Later ho held up the. Kotithoru l'a rifie "tnlion at OrantH 1'nsa and on raped from the authorities, hut later was locntod nt Tho Dalles, Or., where he had been living an a gentleman of leisure. Ho wan taken to Omuls I'll- and pinned in jhII. In eoinpnny with im Ituliuu puddlor ho ovurpow-i-reil Sheriff Smith of JoHtiphino coniil nnd looked him in a cell after relieMiij; him of hiH gun, wnteh nnd iniuii.v. Jlo diet uipollcil (ho pus- M'wieM of a MiMMiiifc mitn to drive Inin In Rogue llivur, from which plnee lie matlo liis way over tho mountain to the Klmnuth country. Later ho i-ent n letter to tho driver of tho enr, Matin that ho vji,ij Mulligan mid In in in opulence, and ineloaeil u $o hill in piiyinont for the ride. PRECIPITATION FOR. JUNE IS DELOW AVERAGE Juno rainfall totnllod .73 IiicIim tvltli tho liouvloat fall on tho 2Hlh with .SO Incline, the nvoniRo rnlnfall for Juno la 1.05 Inchon, tho mnntli bo Iiir .a IiioIioh tdiy. I.ttai your Juno ralim totnllod .12 IiioIioh, nnd In toil CO Indies. It ruined on nlno (Inyo, 13 woro olonr, and 17 cloudy or partly no Tho inurcury rono to 101 on tho mill, nnd tho coldMt wan tho tenth nt ,U iingreoH. Tho soasonnl liortBo is 11 C3 lneliofl. Tho wtuitlior roport Im: (Continued from pngo one. while writing of the Ilrilmh artillery and raiding sucre-Hex, warned the public, thiil an iidvunce ihiimI be iiihiIp by infantry, and not by artillery, nnd that the IlritiMli nriny could not ev HM't to eome out of the engagement HcatholeHM, Kirl inicoHiitn of the battle, however, ntnto Hint the Hrit- isli ensualtieM were not heavy. I'lcncli AIm Attack. SiuiultfliieoiiHly with Hie launching of the Miitinli offenme, French in fantry Hilvnneed to tlie attack. Thin iiioW'Uicul of French lrooH4 ww in HiigurHlpil over n nerlioti of the French line adjoining tho junction point with the iiriliuli fioul. Tho Mrtillery bonihiirdmeul of the lant few day wan coneliuled I hi morning with a ilogreu of fury and n numlier of gmm which were unpre- rcdentcd in the region of Albeit nnd the Soinme, with tho French eo-op- uniting to the noiitli. At 7hI() o'clock, throuli chtiuln of Miuoko and dunt whifh Iiiiiik over the whole field an far an the eye could nee, the infantry npraiiK from the tronchtm for an hkhhiiH over n front of twenty mile. Already it him giiiuod poMNMinn of the fiml lino trrnchoH nnd tho ndvaueo in coutiiiu- inif. New llrlllsli .Moiling. The new Hritixli trvneli nirtar, whieh firelhirly-flvti hIioIk n inin ule, played a (ireiil imrl, pulling wire eiih;mujjuiuiiU and dcntrtiyinK I eh en. Irene Large number of prinoncm have been Inkeu. Some of the primmum hhv tho IlritiMli ciirtninn of fire pro vented them from get! in food for the lant five dayn. A Hrltlnh Mnff ofrieer who wlt iichhiiiI the HilvMiice al the juuotion of tho French nnd l!rilih linen, naiil tint attnek wnn Iniimdietl an thiiuli the men woic on wnlo. Dnto. Wax. Mln. llgo. lluln 1 (17 II (S 3 -.. 7!) i 41 h. .01 1 - M II II 1 Tl t U I r. . ...w io r fi ....-....8i it n 7 - it II i ..,....80 10 10 a .......ts i m o 10 .. ....70 II il 11 .S7 10 -17 12 .! -lit 4U m . 4 y -if, . ... -.100 y 11 li . 117 IS 10 1Q1 If -t i; 17 ....-r.0 "tjl" IB .OS 1 78 13 18 .IS l' 78 II It "" -t l .03 ?1 71 IS .im "-' ...It l! II - -.S It , -I 81 lit It) i' Tl If, Hi :U .........71 (I n;' a? 7i m ii - 91 17 IS .:'.. '' ! 80 o !" 71 IB II ,1, DIED Mih l(u Dh Oroat, (ornurh n rthldont f MMitard, died at I lie home nt her ilntar In Santa Cnu, (al , itii daya o aa thy rvault f h mirnlittl oiwrntloH pirformed fur the rtMiioval of a oaucer. .Mr. Ue (Hoot wan an aunt of Jifa. Jiuill Kin )iKerr. who Uvm uar Trail. 1't rcy ) Ureot, ton of Ibe deceaitNt, Iihk been In (ha eniploy of the Owl Dm romoany In Dan frHuctaw (or the iwat 10 yean, but n la how oiHirnUnK 5 aad loo tUH-a lu earn Itauy with Xark Uaxrr. auother for )iier resident of MaUtortl. FIRST LINE CAPTURED (Uontlnu&U from page one; uomt'onlent watched the k'riMUtUt it Um buttle. ItiiMino Still lleltl IWIilud. KolwithtaiidiiHf the fact that tlMiM have been nnicd to the front ill iuunanae inmjli for the atturk, Uiero are alill reumiain billet in (Jio roar which are aiareutly uniif oHMIiry iu wurkiu out the prestnt l)ia. VUll dchl., mm and methodical profialui) tit j it I., nig of huuiun and HIUffllHlllwl in.ilciiil protpfdfd. The 'jvhnlo Till ' '- "i nMed ill the nt iliulllUfrS' Uoi'l"ilnieiii for the jwir pti.p of, (JjlliK: 'he (ti-riiiiin back fnuii ili I'Ut i'i -n-ck. . Tho tieiiieutloiH offennive which Iiiim heeu laiiiiched by the Hritiili iirmy on the nerinnn front i (he mil miimliou of a fivc-ilny houibiirdiiieut which, in the amount of UHiiniiuiliou 'pciidetl nnd in the terrilorv involv ed, exeeetU Hiiylliin of the kind that Iihh previously been known lu the woild war. Two .Million lu Army. For untile week rcntrtn have been euiiTiil in F.Hlnml iiutl Fruuee that the "hi piiHh" nf the Mritih wan ahtMil to eoniinenee. It wax Muted thut ICiikImimI Iih.I JJHHt.lMIII men fully eiiiiiMl anl truinetl in iivmr ntlon for the u picnic effort to break the (leriumi linen. More than 1 .0(1(1. (IIHI nIicII are (liH-lnntl to have been fired daily iu the preliminary bom bardment whieh extended over a front ninety in ilex iu lenth. The allien nre nttw on the orfeinme iu praeticnllv every field of the war. The ltriliwli hnxhiiII couit'K on the lieeU of Ihe Kieat xueccMHeM won li the Itu-xiaiiK iu (lalieiH antl Ituko wina, which have resulted in com nlelelx iliixiu Ihe AuxInaiiM from ltiikiiwina nnd are -III' ftinliuiiin. Dr. II. II. Keelv- was eleeled chnir man of the Med lord sidiool board nt a xHfinl inectin Thurdav niht, and II. H. Stine clerk for the coinin year. Committees were appointed, plann were inuitnrated for improve ment of tho Miiiitation nnd lieatiu fncllitioa nt the Vnliintoii m'hool, nnd it wan decided to deposit all Nchonl fuuiln iu tho bunk of Med io rd in proportion to the amount of their capital ntock. Lot lorn nre beiiijr written by Clerk fttine, who wan re-eleeletl Tliurmlay niht, to vnrioun mcIiooI diMtriet clerk" throughout the county iuteront in thoin in tho movumoiil ankiu for tho roponl of tho law mmd by the lant leialutuio providFti that inter cxl fiom dolinipioiit tnxen ehall bo paid to the county iuntmid of belli divided between the county nnd Mchuol dintricln, un wan tlono formerly. The commit teen were appointed an follow; Finniioo .Mm. (Initio V. (lore, J. V. Ilorriuu, It. J. Palmer. Inaurnupo K. II.. Sooly mid MraH Ooro. Judiuiary W. K. 1'liippa, J. W. lUirilnu. Tcaehem Mm. I Initio Y. Ooro, K. II. Sooly. Supplies H. J. Palmer, J. Ilor rian, I1'. PhipM. llopairM J. V. Itorrlnn, II. J. Pal mer, Kmiitnliou- IC It. Seelv, Mrs. Ilaltiu V. (lore. 1 fiB'ilf SESilmfKUEiiAMJ On tho Italian front tho central pow er have nlno mot with aovore ro veix'H and for novoral duyn tho Itul iaim have heeu ntondily tlriviu tho AuntriaiiH fnini ponition alter posi tion iu tho Tiontino. Tho tlefonxo nlno tif Verdun liy the French up penn to have Mliffeueil and the bal auee of battle iu Hint bitterly con lented aoetor upjienre leeontly to have nwuyed iu favor of the defend er, The number of Oeriuann opponlto tho llriliidi fiont nnd in rcHerve be hind llin linen wnn enliuiHted u mouth no at 81)0,(11)0. Sector of llallle. The nector of Ihe (lorinuu front on which the llritinli hae hhhuiiumI the nffeiiHive fori n a considerable bile in the IlritiMli line. The Hoiithern end renin on the Somme. It I a broad, rollin country over which the Itnt inh are piiHhJn, altoethtr iliffereut fnmi the flat, mai-Miy a'nd bleak n peel of I'lHiidei'H. h rounded chalk kltln are tlenwlv wiHnled. At many ihhiiU tm thin H-lor of the ItiitiMh front it Ukijpihlo to ee, the treNehe of the GoJiiiniix windiut: almiit the oppttMite Ioh'. A mili tary e.xpeit wriliiui of the offeuxic xaj: "It in nafe to nav the (lennniiH never expeelml a reat at luck in tin country. We may hope, Iherefoie, for a reduction of the (leimmi nnliciit there Mini the xeeiuiit of better xlrateic iHtxitioiix. I'ar intire iuiMir lant I linn that, it i certain this at tack will be ver tlettnietie to Hie moiiilt' ol Ihe (lerman trooic." Xexl Friday, the 7lh r Julv, the Clmulauipia at A-dilnnd oH-ns with h Houc Itivor valley inu-ical duy. Tho choruioa of Metlford and Anil hind Imvo liuun l ohoiirBfli for some monllm pant with u viow of iinitin the nine of tho two town into one lnro ehorun. A joint rehearsal of the two iiiunin club wax held at Medford . Ial Tuwday nilit, in which ft hundred niiiRom mid mi or elienlm of twenty pleoon were brouht toeJ.hcr. It luia been Iho tloMire of Oeoive Andrew, nineo opouin bin Htudio lant winter, not only to improve the NiiiKoni iu individual nolo work, but to build up nu internet in choral work, in (lie entire community from Axhlunil to (IrmitH 1'm-h. He i-, iniicli otieoiimcd with his initial et foil, mnl liopon by another year to bo able to brin toelher a chorus of 'JfiO Voicon for n niuticul eonveu lion, on which ocounion Mime of the best noted mimical Inlunt mnv be eu uvd to uaniet tho local societies ol tho valley. H. C. Hoot, Curloton Janoi mid Ilarry Howell are iloiu nplendid work iu briuin oether their pu pil to unite in one hi orchexlrn, mnl it in their intention to build this or client nil orgmtiMitinu up to thirty or foity member, which will be lined not only tin mi Heeomimnimenl for the idmrux, hnl Mandiinl oerturen, and nouie of the Hymphtuiie will be tuketi up. i he orclieetrn In eouiMxed ol nitiMtfiHiiH from Medford, Talent mid Axlilund. A picuie dinner linn been amtiiL'cd for Friday, at which nil the mu-i-eiuiin mid iner nre to Htrtieipate, and concert at tho pnilioii in the ufternoou nnd evenln. The proruin of tho afternoon will be iutcixporxcd with nolo iniiiK by Mix. Mil Andrew, Mix Oeruldiue Thoin, Mr. Ouy Childora mid .Fletcher I'ixh, nlno Mincm from Ornuln Pan and Anhlaiul. lu fact, Friday in to be Hie hi mimical tla of tho Chautauiiiu, which xhouhl ic ceie Ihe (neourMKeuieit ami imtron iikc of all mutc-lover4 of the nllc. Why Sniolio lilt ClKurN When Lu (londns nro only lOo Have Glasses Fitted to rorrtct oiir evi-icht nnd top that headache Your work will then lie done on time and with oh no. Don't loo out throiiKh ee tttraln when le llof awallK miu here Ul. XV1L.1V.C1L Siecaist Suite I and '', Over Maj'.s .MltlfoMl, Oivkoii W1 f d HTO'J WJ . mtiwfjriiiWi iV J Are You Ready? Might as Well Get YourThinncr Suit for the Fourth '1' Tlun Mm will have the use nl" it through all nf July and August. Notlnnt; iniicli (u wait I'nr mnv. Yum measure has been autiei-pali-d and the clnlhes are ready fur you 1 put nu. Our splendid line of high-ela suits tailored In Hirsh-Wickwire-Co., Chicago and Michaels, Stern & Co., Rochester, N. Y. includes a remarkably ehoiee selection of fabrics and put terns suitable for summer wear silks, linens, mixtures of silk and linen, I 'aim I leach and other tropical cloths. Your inspecting of these garments will tell you inoiv in a minute than we could possibly explain iu t jk. ifilrTMiBiriHiii!iSSPyV CI Mode othiog Lo f I Wi 1 1 1 JwwWl EwSl I irriTs aK) I ' M II I 1 - ii f - r - - - 1 Hit 1 Goodrich " Fair-List " Prices (SAFETY-TREADS) x 3 ) x.V'i) 30 30 32 x 3JS 33x4 31 x 4 35x4'i 3Gx4Ji Ford Sizes - THRIFT docs net mean Pcnurious nosfi! Its first principle consists in goidtirj FULL VALUE for each Dollar of Income expended. Getting lcsn is not complimentary to tho intelligence of even a Millionaire. Being liberal and generous, in affairs where if is proper and deliberate, to be so, diffgrs widely from being thriftless, thought less and careless in buying things, on a busi ness basis. A habit of "Jumping at Conclusions," instead of TJiinlcinu out these Conclusions, costs many a man a lifetime of Ua-success. TOO many Americans indolently act upon the filial low theory that an article "must be WORTH more, merely because it Costs more. They are thus taxed a heavy price, all through life, for such an indolent habit of Thought. They work hard, industriously and in telligently, to acquire money. Then (for their personal needs) they "Spend it with a Spade." Is this complimentary to the judgment oi even me ucaiuuusu jlrdj I Do people become Wealthy who acquire lllllll-ll I the careless HABIT of "Spending Money," ! Bill 1 1 I II I i 1 P ?..!.. 11? a. il 1.A..1 TlTTTf TMl instead of intelligent, thoughtful BUYING with it? MONEY cannot make BETTER Fabric Tires, -at ANY price, than Goodrich 47-Year Experience,- 300,000,000 lbs. Purchasing-Power, and Deliberate Intention, are now producing. No Rubber Concern in the world could afford to offer the low Fair-List Prices hero quoted, on Fabric Tires (for such HIGH quality) without tho enormous Goodrich VOLUME, which so reduces Cost as to make these lowest prices possible. - When, therefore, you pay MORE than these Goodrich Fair-List prices for ANY Fabric Tire, you are NOT getting "hotter" Tires. Test out Goodrich Tires, and sec ! $10.40 l $13.40 -$15.45 $22.00 - $22.40 $31.20 - $31. GO $37.35 THE B. F. GOODRICH CO. Akron, 0. -Black-Tread" JlRES i6rPT? VT1 A AT'Tf,c New Goodrich Sfioc Sole for your Feet). 1 JOjS 1 rXly Docs for your SHOES what the black "Bare "' foot-Rubber" Tread does for Goodrich Tires. Waurs timber limit l.cntlmrl Ii WalorprtHill - It Nnit'illppery I """ - Is Lighter limit I.oothcrl u Ii more Plcxihlc than Leather I Is KASIHH on your lrcetl v Ask your Shoe Dealer, or Shoe Repairer, for Tcxtun Soles on your next pair of Shoes. Goodrich Tires Sold Exclusively by G. E. GATES BEST IN THE LONG RUN OU I 3 "nnwir v IJ i at ASHLAND Rogue River Round-Up Dedication of Springs l'ltH.ltM Hill Tl'liKllAY, Jl'I.V I. 9 a. m. Industrial ami Patriotic Parade Hull games d.tilj , Weed v. Mudford, immediately after pa rade. 2 i. m. Hougue KHer RouuJ-ui'. Hand I'oiuert iu Uthta Park. Darning. Water Sports at XaUtorlum. SPECIAL TRAIN GRANTS PASS TO ASHLAND AND RETURN Lmv Grant Pasa 7.00 a. m. Leava Central Point S.0 a. ra. Leave Roue River 7.20 a. m. Leave Medford S.17 a. n. , Leav. Gold Hill 7.U a- m. Le.vf PhoenU 8. SO a m. Leave Tolo ., 7.5 .t. m. Le.v Telent . a. m. ArrlTe Ashland (up town) at S.50 a. m. Returning epeclal will leave AahUnd (up town) at 10.30 p. w. Low Mound Trip Pares will "toe ou sale front all Southern Pacific ftlon from Roseburg and south to Ashlasd July 3, 4, 5, and t. Return limit July 7. For further information as to fares, train service, etc.. ask local agent. 1 m J- M lOTT, (ieneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC IINES A ,( i yTnrr"r.rT irr '-t""" " " fc.-...- . .M. .. l,.,.. ....r. . r.ll1-l r-rrTl u