PAGE FOUR AfEDFOBD MATL TBTBUNE, MEDFORD, OftEClON, SATURDAY, JTLY 1, "1916 as Ft i MEDFORD JJIAIL TRIBUNE AN INnnPl-NDKNT NEW8lAIEIt. PUUMHHKD HVKtir AFTKHNOON KXCRIT 8UMJAV IIY TUB MEDFOIID I'ltlNTINQ CO. Office Mall Tribune Dulldlnff, 26-27-29 North Fir ntrcot; telephone 76. The Democratic Time, tlie Mull, The Motlfqrtl Trlbuno. The Meiirord Mull, The Motlfqrtl Trlbuno, The south ern OreROnlaM, Tho -Ashland Tribune. QKOItaiS PUTNAM, Btlltor. BODSCniTTIOtl 11ATEBI Qno year, by itinh . un )no month, by mull I'or month, tlrllveretl by onrrler In ..fS.OQ ou Mcdforii. Pliofnlx, nmi uemrai J'oini .. . Saturday only, by mall Weekly, pr year Jacksonville iie'r year- .GO 2 an 1.C0 Official Paper of the City of Medford. Official Paper of .Taekson County. Khtered aa nernml-claas mutter At Medford, Oregon, under the aat of Maroh t, mi. flworn Circulation for 10152458. Full Ijo.I wJrn Aafiorlatnd l'roas din-patclun. njr HUGHES AND VILLA EM-TEES ! OlTlt OU'.V TKAVKMHIUILS f Kl Pnso Kl Pnso Ik nn American town on tlio Moxk-nn liorclor untlrolv nurromiilatl by nuwapaiior corrasponil cntg. You can tell tlio corrcwiionil cntH by tholr Iirniul of khaVct olothtm. Thoy aro tho only jiooplo In HI Pnso who wonr rlotliM Ilka Hint oxrojit tho Kolillurn. I'orhniw thu iinwHRar rorroapontlonta want to look like mil tllora hut wo don't know why thoy flhouhl liwaiiM) tho Muxlcnn might Hhoot thorn by inlitnkn, ninl thoro'H no cIiihh to that. A duntl nolillor It n horo hut n tlond corroMjiontlotit In a doad correspondent. Anil ho loaoa bin Job boflldoH, Tho wnltorR In tho Kl Pniio hotula wait nil right but thoy don't wnlt wntchfully booniiNO wntohful wnlthiK la not vary popular In HI Pnuo. . Tlio Trim Woiimn IIjiUt WANTHI) -Plntm whom thnro Ih no women to rook for nioii. llootn II, Iluffurlln ltluclc. MvIukhIoii, Mont., Hutorprlno. I . ltonl Soltiniuisil "Iluy soino flowor for your wlfo?" Hut I'm not niftrrlwl!" "Tluui tiny n biiiiob, bow, to cnlo brnto your luukl" i The lux Porte Iloriilil niinounrea that A. U (lotwell, tlokut mtiut Ht tin- I,k Shore sttlin ii ilck. Crutil "I wm Ht the bUjt Renerel stores In AUikHt at., the other day." elil llm- riiiRerml Jofl, "whan Ihe wbolu lee- trlr 1 1 h t (tiwretne wont wrong; and nil tht different rfewrtinent woio Mark ni pilch.' "My word, wlmt bit o' luck!" ihiitkliMl lili friend. "Wlmt did you jce-t" "My bMtly look iln. It'e Hi saH decitiiK iuo. I wne Ih tho Brand Pluiiii ileMriment."Tlt lllln. LILLIAN GISH AT PAGE THEATER TODAY Thf feature nltoto play, wliloli opent'd at the ini yeaterday for a to day abowliig la the kind of nlory Uuiiert luula ttteveuaun alKhetl for lion be aaltl be wtahed he could find h Komi one to read, "Dauhne and tb Pirate" la crowded with thu In ttrHtlni attventurea of two lovera, all plrturctl with Uie hlalieet aort of Itrtlktry, a production of rate Iteauty III addition, to all Ita other werlla, tho pletured alory ureaenta what la poHKlldy the moat remarkable obHrncv ttrlation over attempted by Lillian (ilb. Her ork exhibit finer capubllltlea than ab baa hitherto ahown, though ahe oaalty holda the o) t m batterer ahe la In eYldettre. Wry few pertrayala of ronfllct be twtten veaaela at eea, If any, have been eo original In treattnent and Konerally effective, tut la the claah between the Klug'e ahlp, conveying Lillian and a number of ladle of leee acruple to the marriage market of New Orleaui, and the pirate ehio on wbleh her lover, Ue Moritay la un willingly aervlug. Prom an almoat lllht-bearted Daphne, timid ehllU, oliaae and final atruggle are ahowu and thoae lopolule are ao ad mirably thoaon that the audleuee jtaaeea a whole gallery of spirited portrayaia tu aw(t rt-vlew. Of al moat equal value, poaalbly of greater, aro the quick efcaugea of mood ao ex dUlaltely revealed by Mlllan (iUh gjit hga never been given to th "imp 8Wllo of tho llreiouio chorus Klrl. uj Vet abf (ouvey the tmurixlvii f llK-krarted IjphM, tlsiM V.ild .UW n teaeelti'e mini, alay lovalh A 1jJol Ky.'afiP, "Tho Judite.' tfjiXtvatMa lo luw'ltUt oitUMtlOUa, fm- lllvTuWJiitJ bV boat. CIIAlfLES JO. lIlTaifKS, cniulidntc i'or president, has Ijcon heard from again. Tic makes it plain that lie will make his campaign bv following in the lead of the Hearst papers and engage in the disreputable pastime of slandering the president and tlie American people. The people had u right to suppose that a man who had been governor of New York and a justice of the highest court in the world would be possessed of some degree of intellectual honesty and fairness, But he is the same old Hughes who vetoed the two-cent faro bill passed by the legislature when he was governor, and the bill for the five-cent fare to Coney Island. Ho is the same Hughes who conducted the insurance investigation up to the point where it began to touch the big ones, who at the bottom wore the rotten ones, and there stopped. Air. Hughes was put on the supreme bench by Toft be cause his appointment was satisfactory to AVall street and Kpecial privilege, and during the time of his service on the bench has well earned the confidence of his billionaire promoters. t Air. Hughes' first visit to New York after his nomina tion was to meet Frank A. Vanderlip, the head of the National City bank, which is the bank of (Standard Oil and liockefellers'. The standpat papers paraded this meeting proudly and boastfully, notwithstanding the fact that it lias been but Jour years since the public were given abun dant proof that Standard Oil was engaged in the daily business of buying and bribing senators, representatives and judges of federal and state courts. The subject of this Hughes-Vanderlip interview is now apparent. Afr. Hughes is going lo make his campaign on the Afexieon issue. 1 lie president lias been .detained lor three years because lie did not clean up" .Mexico by making war upon the people of Alcxieo, and now that ho has been compelled to send troops there, he is to be reviled, as Lin coln was, as the cause of the loss of the lives of any sol diers as an accessory before tlie fact to their killing. Air. Hughes undertakes in. his letter of acceptance to say that if the president had acted differently there would have been no trouble along the border, and when he states that as a fact every thinking man knows he is a cheap and contemptible falsifier, and hangs his head in shame that a candidate for such a high office should stoop to the shabby methods of tinhorn polities. Why is the Alexican question pushed to the front to the exclusion of the great domestic questions that must be' settled before we con be a J'reo and happy people? The answer is, Standard Oil. Standard Oil and its allies wont the oil lands of Afexico, the richest in the werld: its con- por, iron, gold and silver mines; its forests of hard woods and millions of acres of sugar and rubber lands. Arillions and millions of Alexico's agricultural laiids have been stolen from the natives and are claimed by Americans like John Hays Hammond, who owns 100,000 acres. One American oil company owns u'00,000 acres of oil lands. The natural resources of Mexico is the milk in the cocoauut, and to hold (hem and gobble them the giant thieves and would-be thieves will back Hughes with the greatest campaign fund ever raised in this country. A lark llanna's sack will seom like a tobacco pouch compared to the one that will bock the new apostle of purity ami pat riotism. The idea is that if Hughes can win on such an issuo congress will be forced to enter upon a war of conquest in Mexico. And war, as the murderous plunderers of Wall street well know, diverts the minds of tlie people from such questions as income and inheritance taxes, the gov ernment ownership of monopolies, conservation and labor ing men's rights, and while stealing Mexico they will have still more time to steal the rest of this country. For this reason Mr. Hughes was selected as the stalk ing horse and will be scut forth on the Alexican issue. If he wins, next to Standard Oil he will owe his election to 1'ancho Villa, for his murderous raid on Columbus gave Air. Hughes his campaign issue. Had Villa not mode his raid, not murdered Americans, Air. Hughes would be without an issue. If the constitution would permit, out of gratitude Villa should have .second place on the ticket. APPLAUSE GREETS BASEBALL TEAM BAND 1 The ilfdford baud una greeted with apnlauae during the mtrnde of the down-town atreeta on Friday eveulug, t-roud lined the aldowulka and encouraging eheera were given the uuya aa they marched In norfect lino oh main street. The members are to complimented on tholr neat ftnueurnnro , atnart murrhliiK nml play lug. On the band's return to the park, rain again commenced to fait, ao the bos withdrew to the baud hall, where the remainder of the eveulug as speut In rehearsal. The Medford baud la scheduled to take an luiportaut part in the pro ceedings at Ashland during the three data enjoyment July 1. ft, and 6. Ou the ewulug of the 6th, ill the bauds preaenl, com pr (slug 100 mualcUua. are to be at Ulthta Park, under the dlreotlou of our local baudmaster, Prof. Hegiuald O. How land. If. M. Conger or Jacksonville is In MeiHord tor tlu da V Hi ,tl of Komk 1-ullr U xpendtilK the u in Mt'diont I a " nrw Jkiijg tUiS1 1 Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Ono package groves it 35c at all druggists. Tho ontlro Mcdford bnsobnll club motored to Ashland Inst ovcutm;, where thoy wont throiiRh the most atrcuuoiia work out of tho aonson on the high school bull itrouudri, where tho big Knuieo aro to l playod with Weed each morning July -I, 5 and C. from nil appoaranoou tho local boys are right on edge ami feel con fident that thoy will bo able to cap ture at loast two out of tho throo gam en from the hard hIukbIhk anro. gallon from Northern California, who aa boastful of not having mot defeat this Heasou. A 6000-foot balloon nseouElou will take place from the ball park durltiK the game. These gamos will atnrt linmo dlately after the parade. Joe Ha u in of Portland Is spondliiR a few days In town. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ANTED Auto outweiiger going to San KraiuiHco atari about Wednes day Inquire Mouanii Feed Slot.- ss JOHN A. PERL" imDEILTAKSa OJ aV4tMti tO 8. n.UTl.S tfiotrtrt H. 4f iu -t-JfB Automobile lle.ii ffcetuo o DARING BALLOONIST IN OAILY FLIGHTS Professor Cook, the daring bnl looniHt, bns been enngi'd to mako nn nHccnsion from the Alilnml high Rpliool bnll KrountiH ouch morning, July 4, f and 0, nt some titno during tlie bnll guinea between Med ford nnd Weed. Professor Cook, who only woigln 114 pounds, agrees to tincentl 000 feet before ejittiug his parachute loose. Tliig attraction will no doubt 'draw nn iinrnoiiHo throng to tile ball jiark. Tho bnll gnnUi.H start immediately rffter the imrndo. Local and Personal iMr. Edwin Uoulton, Mr a. Plorenco Ahlefeld and eon, Nell, of Kenton, troops passed through Medford this Ohio, aro 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jap Andrews of Orange street. .Mrs. Charles Drown was thrown from, her horso this morning when tho animal shied and slipped on tho wet pavement on South Central near Main. Mrs. Drown wan thrown over tho horso's head alighting on her head, cutting a long gash to tho bone. Tho Injury will leave no per manent 111 effects. Jnmos P. Hansen of tho Pioneer Orchards is In Medford on business. Lyle Dorr and Clarence Jaqua aro spending tho afternoon In. Ashland. rib b TfiC eCV S l Vj smGE (SRMNni TUBES Stand -tlie strain Savage Grafinito Tubes In Savage Casings give maximum service and satisfaction. Puro Para Rubber- Savage Grafintte tube is lamU natcd made of layer on layer of pure gray Para rub ber. To test quality of the rubber, put a deflated tube in water it will float. A still better test, put Grafinlte Tubes In your casings all around. Graphite Coated The only tube that has graphite VULCANIZED into its surface. Prevents deteriora tion, sticking, friction and heating; eliminates necessity for soapstone; lengthens life of tube. , A true round at the splice Vulcanized with the tube in this shape. No chance for trouble as there might be if spliced flat. Savage Graflnite Tubes, like Savage Tires, are sold direct from factory. Prices on both very low, quality considered. FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS C. E. GATES Medford Go To Newport Orogon's old reliable Outing Resort Numerous attractions make this beach city an ideal place for an outing Agate Beach Devil's Punch Bowl Soal Rocks Government Light House Rocky Causeway Yaquina Bay Surf Bathing Fino Fishing Natatorium Dance Hall Bowling Alleys Clam Digging Low Round Trip Fares nro on solo to Newport from nil Southern Pacific i ntntloiiH in Oroon. ltoturu limit Oct. 31. For coniplote Information regarding hotels nt : i ' Newport, rates, train service, consult our agent I or wrlto for copy of Illustrated folder "Xuwport lloaohcfl." . John M. Scott, Ooueral Passenger Agent i 1 Portland, Oregon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Sednn made and sold ev ery day of the year. A woman's ear in all details; cozy, refined, smart, easy to drive, easy to earo for. The convenience of an electric ear with sturdy endurance and Ford oeonomy. The price of the Sedan is $7-10; Coupe let $590; Kmmbout $.190; Touring Car $110; Town C'ttr $IU0 f. o. b. De troit. On display and sale at gjTc7 eTg ates" UaeMsjsjtsjMBMMMUBkft A WONDERFUL RECORD The 24 Annual Programs of the Chautauqua at Ashland bring the best to your very doors at a trifling cost 12 DAYS-JULY 7-18 Season Tickets, if bought now, $2.25 Fine Camping Send for Program Auto Drivers, Attention Autos for Hire Wanted at Ashland for the Springs Dedication Celebration July 4, 5 and 6 FOUR SHORT HAULS City to Round-up Grounds (afternoon). City to Baseball Grounds (morning). Lithia Park to Natatorium Dance (night). City to Helman's Natatorium (day and night). .Requirements: Special city license of 50 cents per scat for all ears which run i'or hire to above points up to capacity of 20 seats. Cars of more than 20 seating capacity flat rate of $10. A seven-passenger car pays $3.50 license and a five-passenger Ford pays $2,f)0, ote. (State chauffeur's license necessary, $1 for tho balance of 191G). Here is a chance to make money. Bring a load from vour home town and stay over. Apply to C. II. GILLETTE, City Recorder, Ash-laud. m$m$mJJ f f t ? ? y ? f f ? t ? ? T f ? ? ? f T ? Here's Your Sunday Game Eagle Point vs. Medford The Eagle Point team has class beat Gold Hill and tied Hornbrook Come and Root for Victory Time 2:30 p. m. Admission 35 and 25c e4 CELEBRATE My 4-5-6 At ASHLAND Formal Opening 250,000 Park and Dedication of Famous Mineral Springs 3 Great Parades I 4 Concert Bands Honoring Queen Lithia and King Sulphur. Miles of Floats. Inspiring Music Every where by All Three, Days and Nights. $10,000 Round-Up Base Ball Games Feature, Pendleton Cow Boys, Indians, Horses and Cattle. Every Morning at 10;00 Between "Weed and Medford Teams. Fireworks Display Carnival of Gaiety Staged by Seattle Ex perts who Illuminated the Frisco Expo. Water Sports at Natn toriums, Dancing, Con fetti Battles, etiC Round-Up Tickets: General Admission and Grand stand, $1; General Admission and Bleachers, 50c FREE CAMP GROUNDS Acrvs of greensward,, seats, reat rooms, rustic tables. Children's playground. Splendid water ac cessible on every hajad. BKOUCSt) RATES F8CH1& ALT, POJHTB : T T T f t t ? t t ? t ? ? ? f y f ? ? . Jf u