Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 01, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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li.f !'
V. O. Itnttlo nnil 13. C. Fswcrtt,
inlnJiiK inon from Sllvcrton, Colo., re
turned last night from nn Insertion
trip to tile Hlue I-wlse district. Air.
Pnweatt will remain !n Meilforil, as
lio It already Interwtert In various
mlnillK liroportlns. Mr. Itnttlo leaY
this inornltiK for San Francisco. It
it vary much pleased with the Ulna
l-odgo mid will rolnm for further In
vast 11 Ion In two weeks.
1)8 Vos gives trading stumps with
ororythlitK oscept grooorlea.
Vrml T. Ostium Itft this uiornlim
for Gurry Count, where he will
sponil n vo)i In tho InspooHun of
mliiliiK tiroperttes.
Seo the his; Imlloaii ascension Ht
(lio Iwll park In Ashland during the
Khiiim hlweon Medrord anil Weed.
Harry Tresham came In from Sams
valluy htst night anil drove home a
A hronkfnst you pan afford mid lio
dollKhtod with. Uuswll's Cnfo.
lion Hilton or Contral I'olnt Is
fipnndliiK tho dny In .Mcjdford on husl
noss. (lot your milk, crmim, liultur, ogijs
mid huttoriiillli at Do Vos'a.
.lolin I'oiiKor nrrlvwl this morning
from Knrtliorn Oallftirnln. lio will
rcniuln In tho city ovor tho fourth.
Tiowrller pmiur of all kinds at
Jlodford Printing Co.
It. C. aionor hiiiI Wlfo at Snms
valley luft for Aahland yoslordwy
aflrriioon. wlicm llioy will roinaln
for tho roundup.
A 1500-foot Imlloon aaronslon
from tho iwrk at Aahlnnd during tho
hall awino, .Inly A, R and .
Afjar atteudliiK it fow ilnya hi Med
ford, Miasm Martha mid IStsttt Oohlnr
or l.odl, Cal., lvfl this morning to
spend two siuks In BmIoiii.
Wo innko a specialty of plPiiln
partloa. Utissell's Cnfo.
Krod llalrh luft this uioiuIiik for
Ynklma, Wash.
Tho world's groutost rompunlos.
1 Inline, Tho Insuraiifo Man.
JMrs. Oeorga Traua toft this morit
liiK for liigouo,vliuro she will maku
hor homo during the suinmur.
1'ostagct stamps nt Do Voe's.
I'ropareil to have a royiil hooiI time
nor the fourth, l. Iloryfonl and IC.
Tucker arrived last night from
Caloueu, Cal.
Dance In now Moosci hall over the
Optimo CiUe ttaturdar night. July I,
I din. The pulillc Invited. Tlckala
.Migrant. ' 4- 7 t4
Johh Breltior of Talent la sintut
Iiik tho day transacting attain ws In
Mi'dford. . x
Try a King Spit cigar and en
roll rago home Industry. tf
John Johnson of Hoxy Ann Is
xpeudliig the day In Bedford.
Wealon Camera Rhop for firsl-rlass
kodak rtHlshlng and kmlak supplies.
Dave ltoatuiburg left ywitenla
nrt.rniMii ror Beattle, where he will
l emu In six week.
If you can't go ahead aud' pull. K"t
ludiluil mid push for a railroad to the
Hlue Lodge, for Instance. Don't l
a Kiourh. erarybodr In the rit IkIi
miu well, even the doctors,
field Orowry, Phone 216. N7
I. II. Wltatx has um rrom r.uun
lipaurals to spend the rouitli Mi
Wilcox and Jack Aural urn imul
lug the summer at the ramp
Dr. Klrrhgnteuer will lie at Hot. 1
Nash every Wednesday, Hours lot
(unauitattoH 10 to 3.
K. I'. Ilulo of Malt I'VmikIkmi i
Npfiidtng the summer In Mlforil
T. Henry I'aliaahaa left Uil nrnm
Iiik for the Ht. Albans mine In tin
Hlue ldgc district, lie took hiiu
htm aa ore rar. tlm first tximdrm 1 d
In Medford.
Kor rMt, : room furbished hotu
(' A. UeVoe.
:U llrowii arrived this iiioiiiin
in in the Imperial vallr I ! iH
upeud two weeks In Mislford with iii
Kiuu Ktoyd, Kdwlu ami Chi"ti r
Iluttermllk 3c quart at D.Vop'h
Jerr Hamlin of tho I'Mni Yullo
dlHtriel la In Mudford on Iii1iim
Hlg Be Mllkaunkts at D Voe's.
Will Mr Daniels of AppIiksI)' i
ix tiding the wut'k rnd ltti Juiiuk
1' and W. M Hanson.
If you rgn't go nhend and pull. n t
lit'hiud and pusli (or a rallroud t the
Hlue Ledge for Inslanee. Don t r
a arourh, everybody in thr tlty wthhex
ou well, even the doetoru. Hultn
field Urocery. I'hone 81 nT
Austin t'orUlu of Unglv rutin h. in
town on buslues.
He Dave Wood about that (lie la
nurauce potto. Office Mall TrlPuin'
About "u inrmliers ot ('ompniiv 7
took the federal oath last night. Al
though notification ot tho order ro
iiulrlng the members to suliacrlho to
tho oath reached Med ford only yes
terday moriilng, most of thoso out of
town rraplnd the armory In tlmo.
Members nppoarod from I'rospert,
Oohl Hill and Untie Falls. Only
two refused to take the oath because
or parental objection. Helng mus
tered Into the federal eervlre will
bring from r,o to BOO dollars ad
ditional pay per yonr to the mem
bers of the company. They will
be held In reserve, subject In call for
threo years after the expiration ot
their term or enlistment.
Utatlis 36c. Hotel Holland.
Jfiarl Price rotnmod to hi" homo
on Hlk crceK arter a two woes
visit with Medtord friends.
Uates sella Pord oars, $100 down
and $25 a mouth.
1,, lfl. McDonald left yestord tor
the Itogue Elk resort of which he It
Whipping eroam at DoVoo's.
At a regular meeting of Medford
Cmnn No. 90. Wood men or tho
World, held lent Wednesday night,
plans woro launched for a big Wood
iiidu picnic to ho held in the near
rutiiro and a committee was np
tmliileii on aeiiHral arrangements. It
wan also decided In accept tho Invlta
Hon or Itev. Itolllns to nllend u pa
ll lotlc millions at tho I'lrst Metho
dist churHi Sunday night, Inly I,
at eight o'clock. The Woodmen and
Initios or WoodoraH will meet at
the Woodmen hall at 7:30 and imireh
In a body to the church. A full at
tendance rrom both orders aro ex
pected to take iwrt In this possession.
Iluttermllk 10c gal. at DeVoo's.
The Cottrell stork ranch, compris
ing 200 acres or laud In the Meadows
section, hss been sold In W. 8.
I'lckert and I'. II. Maxwely for $21,
noo. The piirchaseis have taken po
sosslou. The sale was msdu through
the Clark llealty Company.
Mmoke a King Rpllx cigar, lie.
Thoy nro hoiiie-iuado. If
.1. W. Ilartlett, tho tnxldormlst,
who has been spending the sumiiior
on his Klamath lllver hoineslead,
near llornhrook, was a Modfonl
visitor Saturday.
(Wo make n siieclalty or picnic
lunches. Itussal's Cafeteria.
John M. Keolt. general passengor
agent of tho . 1. will arrivo with
the party of Kiistnrn Agnuls wjio
aro on an odiieatlnnal tour of the
West Buiulay morning Mr fcrMt
will apond sovoral das lllhig
friends In and about Medford and
attending the loundiip. Mrs. colt
wll nrrlve Tttesdav.
Do Voe bijjn bjxtf littles.
L. I). Cofieln rodVtt ld three
ear-old In from 8ams Valley thin
morutng. 2 He Is headed for the
Itovnl llcbb of Central 1'olnt is
shopping In Medford today.
IMr. nnd Mrs. Flod Offenbacher
ot Applegnte aro In town shopping.
Blerrlll I). Chase or Table Itock Is
In town for tlid da).
A. Inngley arrived this morning
from Sacramento. He will he here
about two weeks.
Mrs. 18. V. Maddox relumed Fri
day evening from a visit with frlonds
nl llrownsvllle, Ore. ,
II. P. 1'attenwn, the Quaker nur
soryman, has returned from a trip
to lOnstaru Oregon.
JMxty hens and three durn In
I ho flock owned by County Anaeaoor
W. W. Orloves at his residence In
Jacksonville, died mystcrloualy Frl
day night. The cause la unknown,
hut (Wilson Is suspected.
lAt a special meeting or the County
Com I Saturday, Chris Xatwlok was
awarded the contract for grading
nearly a utile or the Sains valley
road,. near Mounvllle.
Ooorgo W. Irvine arrived from Hla-
be, Arlxona, this week and with Ills
family will reside on their orchard
on Iltmlo Lane. The orchard lias
hcon In charge or Mr. Harvey Wal
ters ot tho valley, who has' kept It
In excellent condition and from pies
ent Indications a large pear ciop is
assured. Mr. Irvine Is glad to bo
hack and Is dnllglitcd with the Mod
ford clluinti) and looks for good tlnios
for this rommiiulty.
After having linen mlsaliig since
June If, Marie Taylor, age 17, nnd
Josle Oliver, age !', wero located
this morning by Judge Chun. II. day,
and ruliiruod to Uiulr home In I'lioo
nix. Dining the time slnuu their
dlsappoarauro no trace was found of
them until word reached Judge (lay
last night that the 'Oliver girl was
sin) lug with rrleuils In Snms valley
and the Tajlor girl west or Medford.
Charles 11. l'rlco recolvod orders
yesterday to report lit the Texaa bor
der where ho hue been assigned to
the quartermaster's department. He
will leave within a fow day. Mr.
Price, who llvos In Cold Hill, rucenl-
Kd ('Itiftcade nnd ti H Holmes or
Kngle Point nro spending the day In
Loyal Diamond, of the P. & K ,
loft thla morning for an uxtondud
visit In Michigan.
Mrs. 15. O. Uuiratio arrived this
tnornlng front Pasadena and "HI ,IC
tho guost of Mr. and Mrs. Chan. L.
(.Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cay and Flolch
or Linn of Portland, arrived last
night by motor. They will spend
two weeks ttaltlng Mr. Cay's parents,
Mr. and Mj-s. J- H. Oay at Central
Point, and Mr. "Oay's brother, Charles
Cay, of Medford. The party Is spend
ing tho day at the remain plant at
Cold Hill, In which Mr. Linn Is Inter
ested. '.Mrs. Peter Ilotts ot Kagle Point Is
spending a few days In Medford vis
iting friends. i
A. Iloggli or Cold Hill Is In Med
ford for the day. He Is headed for
tho Itoundup,
J. It. Stevenson is In from Ilcrry
dalo for tho day.
After a two weeks visit In the
Klamath country, J. D. Pankey ar
rived this .morning In Jdedforii Ho
will tarry In Medford and Ashland
until aflor tho Itoundup.
.1. It. Smith of Iloxy Ann Is In town
on buslnuse.
Arthur M. (ioary, who has been
Invostlgatlug crop conditions In tin
Orngoit inn! Washington fruit In lit
has arrived In Aledfortl for u two
week's vlsll with tils parents.
J). M. Loowo or Ashland Is In town
sottllug details or the Jaeksoi County
Tnlr. .
lllllls Strnot arrived this mornliiK
rrom Dorrls, Cal. lie Is boosting for
the Joint eolebrntmn being held at
Dorrls by that city ami Klnnmth
William von dor llellen Is a busi
ness visitor rrom ISngle Point.
(ieorgo N'lchols. Jr., Is In for the
day rrom Iiko Creek.
Chrla Natwlck is In town rrom
ICaglu Point on biislnoss.
Tho sloro room under the Seattle
Mr. and Mr? .1 II Lnno ot Sliver
Lake and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Davis
of Corvallls nrc stopping a tew days
In Medford' boford proceeding to tho
roundup city.
'Halo's Piano Houso Is moving to
the building ncross Mnin street, for
merly occupied by tho Art Store Tho
building being vacated bj Hale '8 will
ly unlisted In Company 7. Ho was rooming house on South mini sireei
formerlv iiiai tcrinasler clerk under Is being remodeled and will ho oc
Col. Sargent. jcupletl by tho Nuriiil linking Co
Sherwood Hamilton or ICaglo Point 'modern oven with a capacity ot
left this morning for a month's vaca- 'loaves it day Is being Installed. The
Hon at Crescent Clt. oven has white tiled finish
lagC Motion Picture Tlicrtter
Now Playing
'.' Pirate
I 'till of Heil-lltiMMled
Hon nnd 1101111111(0.
'I'lie Uiolone Kc!iiiIimi
The Judge
TiuiUMliitv .Mel li piCM'iilk
llHinlltou Itewllt) mill
Maittiierlle hmttt In "'llir
Halt Million ItiltKi."
itar Theatre
win iti: tiii. mow us oo
7 ft -4HM 4-Tty-- A-A '
How Linoleum Is Made
Do you have any idea what liumVuiu i made of ln
von kiiow how iniiiix rar-olT count I'ics cont I'ilmtc to its
nianurarturW Did you ever realize that cork from siiiuiv
Spain, flax rrom Siheria, jute from the swamps of India
and kauri urn rrom New Zealand are all brought totfc'thei'
in thin modern rioor covering
It in a loiitf story find columns devoted to its telling
would not enlighten oii half as much as a few iiiinules
spent in front of the windows of the
Medford Furniture & Hardware Co.
They have obtained a linoleum display from the Lin
oleum Hepart incut of the Armstrong Cork Company, lau-ia-ier.
I'n., that is not only remarkablv complete, but ex
tremely interest iiiK and instructive. It comprises speei
iiicii. !f every ingredient that enters into the manufacture
of liiioleuui'.'Sheets of cork bark and found cork flour,
!l;iMed and its derivative linseed oil, jars of color pljj
nn nts, samples of jute ifnd burlap, kauri gum and rosin.
Theit there are the various bliM-ks usedju printing lin
oleum and samples showing the MicccNslive stages of the
printing process. Some patterns remiiro as nuiuy as thir
teen different colors.
The many large photographs included in the exhibit
are especial!) inteivhtiug. One shows block-cutters at
work; another, the mixing of the colors. Still a third shows
the immense calendering machines that exert a pressure
of thousands of pounds to the square inch and yet can be
adjusted to differences as fine as one-thousandth of an
inch. Other pictures give some Ulea of the inuueuse
"Mows." or curing rooms, where miles of linoleum are
hung up to season and dry.
It i.x a real treat for those who like to know how and tliiniv are made of, and anyone who makes ii a point
In Ml tins i vhlblt Will bi Wi U 1 pail.
he occupied nboul the loth ot July
by the Golden llule Store Whose busi-
Tiosu demands more spnee
"W. J. Colo, tho elocutionist who
npponrod at tho K. P. Lodge and the
Haptlst church this woek, will onter
taln tho Oddfollows noxt Monday
nlKht. All Oddfollows, tholr wives
and friends are cordially Invited.
Mr .1 W
Ashland toda
Mull' it li movln-' to
Wliy SmoRc nit Clear
When' La ilondan are only Kn.
f h
' xoTicn
Harbor Sliops will be open until 0
o'clock p. m. tho Srd and cloned nil
da tho 4th.
Burr Mcintosh1 m
Rear view mir
rors, both square
and oval, $1.50,
?ly Pardnef
nTWyram.-TTMTftx-48aaMaraa "Sfl
im S 8 vmkw KR&wimmmulM
1 BswWBi'ysf sMl4jl?0jEbMEB 8
.""aA iw
V Ml 11 l MXSII.Il Pit Tl It
Miwi of (Im- m'ih In thU PuhImi-
Ion iiiv tMkiMi apiimiU iviHiUNiii
in o Ke stone Reprint
5c AlsfD 106
m .r c
R5 v i 1I--
li i in- Mt.ih inteitMcil in O'e welfare of our ilitl-
iiiiii timid Mm do unMhtiiK I'etter tor our boy or lrl
Hi ii . luniir itii; 1 1" ( 1 1 Mulfiv ilurlitii lite formsttve
p. i . I oi tin ii li the . pertoil Now thai the
i ii ii m mill, are to oiier.iiini;. wli not lenlnio eitcoui-
i in mk thlr iienile, itUkcls and duties u me
1. pu it im nt uf the
'" ' Hft
40 horse power
F.O.B. Detroit
i.t ,y?x. i i.inrv
nhsjssui bjmiss m ti in ii 1 1 i rfr tTIi
most wender:
motor the Industry knows
Without a single exception, this new SERIES 17 Stvtdebakcr
motor is tho most wonderful motor that tho industry has ever
seen and it is wonderful not because it is a novelty or offers a
new and hopeful experiment in engine designing but because it
represents the highest development of a long-established typo of
motor and because in tho hands of moro than 50,000 Studc
baker owners, this motor has proved itself supreme in POWER,
flexibility and most important, ECONOMY.
Fact ia nimply that Studebnkcr lina
never looked on the motor as de
vice by which to soil n car hao
never souRht to follow styles or to
inject untried novelties into its design.
Instead, SERVICE nnd porformnnco
have been Studebaker's chief ideals.
And for four years Studcbakcr engi
neers have worked over this ono
For example, they spent two yonra
on the Rao passaRcs, Retting them to
taper offjuat so without angles or any
other impediments to tho frcost How
of tho gases. That alone ruvo in
creased power.;
Then they developed n way of Riving
tho crnnk-shaft what ia called
"dynamic balance" that is, balanco
when in motion, bo that it is free from
vibration even at tho highest speeds.
!Thatv too, gave increased POWER
nnd smoother running qualities in
Many refincmentn woro made in tho
little details of the motor such, for
example, aa tho longer pistons, tho
connecting-rod hearings, tho valves,
tho oversize bearings of tho crank
shaft, tho larger radiator and evory
last ono of thetn was made with tho
SOLE object of giving tho Studebaker
owner n motor that will do anything
he wants it to do at tho lowest cost.
Today, StudcbakcY is recognised as
tho MOST POWERFUL car on tho
market of its weight ono of tho
designed and a car that is remark
ably LOW in fuel, tire and main
tenance expense.
Wilt you drive- thc.carand prove
this for yourself V
For Championship Southern Orogon and Northern California each morning
after parade.
A 5000 Fcot Balloon Ascension from the Ball Park During tho Game.
e Reduces from
We arc making this price on 1917 Maxwell
cars, the lowest price ever known
on this class of cars
Don't miss this opportunity to get '
one of these cars for the 4th
Phone or call for demonstration Phone 21
mllWH,MfHW 9mmmm
) ill-Mill I "- T
i "i