tt tt u M vi & fa &W 8 ffl id IN r, i ki I 'i I ! t. fL" PJOE RTX AGED PROSPECTOR F (leorge Washington Miller, ntos jioctor, wan found iIphiI Wednesday night on the floor of hie cabin on Idrilino Craoh, nlno mils Northwt tlf Oolil Hill. His body was brought to Medfonl last night and Is lild by Coroner Perl, jtondlng a search to ortaln vvlwthur or not lis lwiviw nny ralatlvtw. Mr. Millar, wlio was about S of ago, llvwl for many yeara In JlRini Vallof. I'or sovurnl yoan lie waa at the county lioor farm, but be coming diswUlsflfld, lie morctd to ar dlns Crrk and built a small cabin, mflalni; hla living by doing a llttlo jtroipnctlng and receiving an allow nnpo from tho county. Ho w oin Wodnoadny morning by lliiljdi DnrlhiK of Hold Hill, who tolppltonrd to County Jutlgo Ton Volle that the old man wu vnry slrk. Juilgn TouVollo ordnrud h,H" biougbl to Mcdford. Whcm n oar drlvon by Owen Woods of Oolil Hill rwrlioil Him cabin about eight o'clock W'cd iittwlafiillflil'. Hi" "'' ",l,,,,r WM found dead. .Millar loft no offenla of nny valuo and In tho ovout that'rolatlvaa ato not found toduy, Jio ' will Itn burlod hy I li county. Death waa due to old ago. PAGE BILL IODAY yilian Cliali, uho-e meteoric enieer !n to film firjjifliiicul cany lo a cli max In Hitofi productions u "The lllrlh iiCu Notion" mid "The l.llv and (ho lloso." hla)'lrrt- way to n now triumph in the upectncular dnuna from the I'in AitH-Triauuio. aliylio, Hhtphiio and Ihe I'lrate," which op en a lvrdHv iiUgagiiiient at the I'ttgp lodjiy. MIhHIi i n appeal ittir a over, hut mIic iiiIiIh ii touch of the wjMtfiie to the lovely character that he ilejHels. leading mnii to Mi Hisli is the evMinilod KHiott Dot let', matinee idol ami 1)nmdwn.v atnr. lie i Mr lleulnrlywell known for having plya 1 in tho well-ktinwujiJJUiitiir pnt of the notable New VowTffbaiietiim ir "IMidoniaey.'' Thrntainoer will lie intended in the titay for Knowing a fide of Ida lory that affwta llw people f ttnlny. How many, cvm among Ihe students of wirly I'nilMl .Slale history, are awut that in the early mii1 of the iwmiteanth ewdnrv women weie gathered frinn nil the nook and cor iiiir of Paris ami other eitie of old France and wnt oter to what i now UmisiiinB, hut was then a colony of France, to he sold on the auction Uliii-k in uivc- I'm priiMrty-hohliur ImrbclorsY L OF FOUR MILE LAKE 'Pbur-MiU' lake i- dc-hmd t "' eom a vnmmcr renii," -aid .luhu W Johjttutii, who wa- one ul a pmiv nt Mislford wen that nliiiinl la-t niubl from h flohiHg I rip Font -Mile erwk. "TIm1 eeiieiy i wuiiilmii-, high Bffwn'khia with Mount I'm low ering uImivc the hike. And the bike Uoelf in beautiful ic cold glacier wutw, a clem mm ir,vtal, with n Hiliooth gl'U v el ImiIIimm lipliit; gelillv tnm U beMk "The nhiuK when the lake i up ciied will be fct"mx """V"1""-" he eontiuiicd. "The uiiiibovw nrc mul tiplying i'asl under the closed law. Titey are denlit'ul, too, in Four-Mile erwk, wlh'tv we i.hcd. We brought UoNie ulwut liirtv Miund. nod luidull Wo ciuilil u while we were awnv." The party, coni.limr of Mr. John mii, Keott V. Davu and A. II. Miller. Ibfi (sKi'lv WedncMlay nioniiue. driv ini by ant1 to Ihe intake and from klt HdiiiK on lioi'M'baek to the hike. UM0 twentv-four mile-. The trip IttkM dbout nine hour. Dunn.: ilu lioiii the.v were at Ihe lake -.r.i liiU'ciaa of llu fell and tn .i tm ytmtttimy there - a n nn.ii m jjirvl. .FUluug wu Urn ""! i' ht)p kowever, and Kiev kept ii-.lit . "It'x the l'iiu-1 litlli iMiim. I im. hud iii (hi count n." -md M '-( mm, Mmi(l it iH w'li ip.iv .u.i Xfjr the effort of get t ma iber Celebration fund to Soldiers HOSvv'KLU N. II.. Jinn n MOO HIIAIlt aUUttnll.V bv the .11 v I. ii i tlu eolobratfaul of lh F" ml. ..i .lulv vill he arwnJitL.H' '-""'- ' '' ptjilectM of untfcwnl giiiinlMiimi n..x. NO 0 SARDINE EK ( (( owner, w we' iiu"i day. m FEDERAL MUSTER OF 7 1 Ti'ti'inpliic niUicc- iiM'i-iM'il In the Seventh eoniMin.v thw morning i to the efleet that any orgiiniaation te iteiving t'ederul fundi under the pn viwion ol the new urniy orjrnni.Hlioii hill, miiKt Miihxerihe to the oiith of nl lejriiinee lo Hip president of the I'liil e( St n (en and the (rovernnr ol Ore gon before .Itil.v 1. 1 0 1 CI. Hurry-up order lime llierefoi heen nenl to full member of the. company lo re- K)il nt the armory Imiiirhl, when the oath will he administered. Ilegiiining July 1, Ul(l, nil mem bers of the mililia who have miiIj Meribed to the repiirel onlh will re ceive 2.1 H-r eenl ol the mi.v of ol diera in I lie regular nnny of I he mine grade. I'iiIi'm (lie numher of men re quired under the regulation of the war depniliiH'iit liiko I lie onlh, t lie company us n whole cannot receive 1'eili'inl hiipHiil. The miniuiuiu num ber of men in a eon! artillery com Miny is forty-one. that helnir the mitiimiini niimlwr ihnl enn picil opcrale Ihe large tenincli Mi'iieim! ciiiiihmi. The numher of men nl pte ent in the local enmpnuv is nboiil sixly-tnc, and an etfort is heiug made lo im rcn-c this numher lo not Icmh than one bundled. Ah alli'iidnucc nl Ihe muler lo uicbt will iiii'M n the pimucht ol' I'rinii itOH to i'ldli per vrnr In each of the oil kit- mid nii'ii ol the cumpiiiiy, a lull alli'iidniii'c i- cH'cli'd. BY BAND TONIGHT The regular weeklv concert will bo given by the Medford band at the City Park thla evening commencing at S. Tho program arranged h Iliimliiiaator Rowland for till eveu Ing'a concert contain many lutercHt. Ing number. The overture, "Tancred," hy Kos tiliil la one of the Dtaudard workx rarely attempted, but by tho lanu bauda. Our band haa been tiruMr Ing diligently on (hla wer: tor xoim tlmo and will give tho rirni band rendering of thla great overture In Medford, thla evening. A dlntlnct feature of thla weok'a roncert will lui the placing of one of liandmaater Itnwland'a own eoniKiltlon, which la a march and waa written and ar ranged by Mr. Kowland when he :ih only 18 yeara old. Following In the pregram: Marnh Officer of the Day" Dull Popular "Klllarney My Home," . . .i I.ogun ICkwrpla- -"From the Opera," . Heyer Synopat Mendelaaohu'a W'eddlin? March Walta from Fauat, '"IVinpeat of My Heart," from II Trovatore. "Sextette" from Lueta. Toreador wing from Carmen, C'axalllera KuhII eana', Hoaeltto, Martha TravUtn. "William Tell." Thanhauaer. Lohen grin Anvil Chorua from II Trovatore One Step --"Sweet Cider Time" Memiiii HomIiiI Medford) How land Baxter Hall Ovorture ' Tancred" (l'lit Hand reiidlllou III Mauh ' No Title" Value ' June" M.iuli ' ('iiinaliilel ' Sim Sniiiii'leil tt.iuni'i DYSPEPSIA 0F WOMEN Special Treatment Required. Uany women sutler from u fonnbl IndiiftiaUon or ilypi'pki; w hlch uWa net yield U ordinary tnutmei.l. While th aymptoni are ini,lur to thoae of orvii nary iudiiteatiuu, j . t tho meiliein usually uracritHHi dn not rvstoro Uu iaUnt' normal condition. Thert avema to be a kind of dyapepaia cauaed by derangement of tho female organUm. While thu apura to be tho same a ordinary indigestion it can bo relieved fifty by a medicine which, bo Hide acting as a stmuaeli tonic, is good for female ailment. Head what such a medicine did for Mm. William : She say - "liefore I Ugan taking I.ydia i: riunhain'h Vegetable Com- iiund I was trou- lled with dyspepsi.i and lieartng down puiiw iii my back and side, and after n meals my slom ab would 'jloat up till, ould scarcely yz- r m breath At tin in 1 was so weak 11 . in i nanny sunn on m feet and 1 fl looked hollow-eytsl and my xkin n ellow Now 1 havo H jhI color, lpve gained in every way and tan dwny uora withvut any pains. 1 think it is the best medicine on earth for iton.sch tnmbles of wo i.isa " sir Nbiuk Wiiiiaus, 31 I'Wtlt.aitr.t, jsrt Allaui, luJ.. m HERS ONGHT iri'ii.iim rio . i UiistfiML ii?8allWc.Rf ArFJroT?D -rTL TrunrTrc. BIRTH CONTROL LECTURERS IN I'OIITI.WD. .lone .10. Mr Mar- garet Sanger of New York, birth for a half hour when they were ro leaned on their own recognizance lo confer with tbolr lawyer. At thla eonfeiencc, they decided to demand a Jury trial. They were taken Into cuatody laat night, together with Mrs. F. A. (Irent wood of Portland, following a meet ing at which Mr. Singer dcllveicd an addreaa on birth control, ltall wn fixed at $2.1, but all except Ml. (Iiealwood, refused to accept ball. When the nrreiit occurred a di mnnatrailoii itwaliiHt the net Ion of tbc citv autborltle cnxueil. CZAR'S BAN UPON I'KTIKKIIfAD, .lour .10. i) 1 ..u don. The diiiiia I ml.i p:i-cd tin bill peioiancntlv piiibibuiiiju lh( nli' .of di ink conlaiuiiig more tlnui' one and one-half per cent of iilcuhnl. The inea-nie iinif.1 he pnM'il liv Ihe upHi Ihhihi' nml signed by the ciujhtdi- lie I'oie heeomint; a law. Refiifj!e Steamer Snils F.. Ifl '., .lime :i0. The Waul line -IimIiiit Miilitel'ev, (Mill Allicl'i i un relimee, t cpei ted In tlu lllltl lllmii. &lllZllllZll4Z f f ? f t f V f ? ? T y ? ? v V y y y y T y y y y y y y y y y y y Store Closed All Day JULY 4th W'J PORTLAND control advocate, and Dr. Marie Kqiil ' """ . ..kl,, r Z nr. .1 r C0,inP" "' cXwullv,V "'f'imtlon for wnB,lor ,ownB )imlnK team, equal and Mlaa Maude Mourner of Port- ' "" J;"""1"0.' ",0 or"",t co-ordination of InduHtrloa and ro- to nny leaina In thla pnrt or the atatc. land, who were arreated laat night on Dampalilre orr tne Juno . mnnM for natIonal .ecurlty and wel- Oo,,, nill, heretofore a negligible a ciiarge or iimtrlbutlng olwcene """ ""' "l"" "n ....,. .. faro lloI( proiimdmrj. organzntlon ,, t). B8 fnr aB baaeball Is con- lltriuro reniuitiMl in un iimu ,i. howa that he eft an ctato valued ' , , . ., , , . , ' " '' " , . I te.ature remained n jail Iiiiih to ? .lorim (annrox- ,M,,(,,ln ,olla' at tho wnr lrtnmnt. rorned, aprung a big aurprlce and day. pending their hearing, except l J'1'"" ""; """ torllK tPIrox To t lv rul))1 , .,,,, of ucton Mndford la.t Sun- . JJssSam. I !!! . R Trip HANDBAG SPECIALS W'litiuiiV Leather Hand Days, values upt..$l.(M), A .special, eaell "tV oniiMi extra fine tirade All Leather Hand lan, nieely lined, elieap at $-, ,.ai., . l.Ut y y y y cial, eaeh HOSIERY Children's Fat lila.-k 10c IIom', all sizes, spi ciid. pair , Woiivn's 1'MIkm Silk Ihe, in colors only, po cial. pair 25c Children's Half ll all ei.lul , a I per pair. 25c r.i-i. V..i Hi II s line ylade aiul II.-. Ill.l.k ill w IllU pair 5c VKm-om), om:noT, KITCHENERS WLL PROBATED WORTH ! .000 LONDON, .Tune P.O. The will of I,,le,1 Mnralml Karl Kitchener, tho Imatoly $S0O,OO0.) The largeat be(iieta were the mini of 20,000 tiounda to hla nephew. Henry Hamilton Kitchener, and the llroome Park oatato and all lunila In Kent county to hla nephew, Com mander Henry Frnnklln Chovalller Kitchener of the royal navy, a noil of tho now oarl. To Colonol Onwalil A. O. Fltrger old, Lord Kltchener'a iieraonal mili tary nocrolary, who waa drowned with the field marahnl, vva willed nil Kltchener'a laud In Ilrltluli Kaat Af rica, amounting to flooo ncroa, with plautatloiiR, etc. The will waa dnted November 2, till I. (OI.fMIlI'S. N M., .lune HO. Scouting detacbmeutH aent out to In veatlgate leport that the Ciutrii.Ih taa warn coucenlratliiH large cavalry force near fiimnnn have Informed (leneral l'erhlug that there la no ciiiihp for aiirebeimlon on thl kcoic, according to new received here to day. They round no evidence that the Mexican were preparing to cut the American line of coimniiuliatlou iiiinini.. ivi.n nun i - .---.. -.... MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Attend the ASHLAND ROUND-UP tttt ,r r- JULY 4-5-6 SWEATERS A new line of Killer Silk Sweaters on sale Sat unlay from $( up to $K Welworth Waists NEW SHIP MENT JUST IN. THESE WAISTS ARE WORTH UP TO $4.00 ALWAYS, The now arrivals feature the very latest style effects and host" washable fabrics Full ynlhered lmrk, -ide i.mii if hiiiI l.iittoiii. down limit looc lii'll Willi or without Hieket m (al)LT- ilines, French piques, twills, wnftlc cloths, wide wale Beilfonl, licnclt cloth, hnsket weaves, awiiiny stripes ami silverhlooms. AM. Ol' tiikm: M.vrniti i.s auk 'iiioitoi (iiii.v i'iti:..sin:i nk, iniitnin sst itiNti ei:i!. i-'ko' i rrnvo skiut. i5i:;aui. i.i:ss or tiii: mmiiiii; or timi i..iMu:ui:t. $2 each Women's All Leathi'i Hand l'ajfs well made, $1..")0 values, AO1 for Jol I'iney Hand Hays, in white and eolor., the very latest, spe All ... $1.39 SPECIALS Uov.s' and (lirls extra fine raile Hlaek Hose, worth today 'J(V, special, i C Women's Fiber Silk Hose, in I'laek and white, ttue yrade, special 50c l.n -i i Silk lle,e, ut U and i I'li'i , all v Im. . Iil.ti-U . i 'i pall spi-i lal. $1.10 rrmuv. .Trr, no. -win TUNE AN TO MOBILIZE 'S .10 Six VSII1X0T0N, June cabinet officer, compOMlng the new wore adopted for Preaidont Wllaonli approval and the aelectlon of a civilian advliiory cnmmUalou (on Idered. Co-ordination of military, IihIuh trlal and commercial reaourcea to ''render poaalble. In tlmo of need the immediate couceutrntlon and utiliza tion or the roaource of the nation." Ir the object of the new body. It I coinpoied of tho .ecreinrloa of war, navy, Interior, agriculture, commerce and labor. An initial appropriation of $200. 000 for InvcfltlgntlonK, employment of export and other activities la car ried In tho pending army appropria tion bill. VAXCOt'VICIl, Wash., .lune .TO A rUe of .1 of a foot during the laat 2 1 hour In the Columbia river wni i ccoi tied here today, bringing the tugo to 23 it feet, only .7 of a foot below the mark act In l'.U::. All uprlver bout have Htoppcd running owing to the cloHTr.g of the Cacad locks. Clreat masses of driftwood are being carried down b the fitunl MAIL arms TheWoman's Store. J.I-22 NORTH CKNTliAL MKi)i'om),om:aox ND INDUSTRY effi M:'g: Extra Value in "Korrect-Shrunk" Wash Skirts at $2.35, $3.25, $4.25, $5.25 Waist Bands up Notion Specials Sanitol Talcum Powder, can (iood Safety Pins, special, jNiper Mann's Tooth Paste, liSc jjnule, each Children's Hose . Supportei's. pair Children's Patent Leather Pelts, each Croehei Cotton, all 1 1 ill us, hall Wah jia., iu Kint and Turkish, eath 10c 3c 19c 10c 25c 5c 5e EAGLE POINT TO PLAY MEDFORD , Fagle Point and Medford will il i for 0,lr approval Sunda) The cotintr) team have surely up aet the banehall dope thin vaaon, the day. It va aure a head and tall game, both teams In the money all the tlmo. Now fan and fanettea figure out the strength of the Knglo Point team from the following dope and you will oo Hint you will havo a good after noon' entortnlnment Sunday. .Inly 2. dune Ith Fngle Point defeated Oold Hill 8 to 4 i .lune 11th llornbrook de- feated Oold Hill t to 2 and on the 18th Knglo Point and llornbrook bat tled 12 Inning to a I to I tie. With lllg 11111 DavU twirling for Fngle Point any amateur team that boat them will auro have to go nomo. Canter and Forco will do Ihe bat tery stunt for Medord. Slehort and Hill will work against Weed on tho tth. The price fur I hi game: Automo biles and bleacher 2.c: grandstand :i.1c. TWO TRIPS DAILY IJ13TWEKN' MEDFORD and EAGLE POINT S H Hnrnlsh'fl nuto will leave Kaglo Point at 8 A M. and 1 P. M daily, except Sunday; leave Medford 9 A. M. nnd f. P. M. Will call for pntftcuKcr8 at hotels In Medford and J,lJ" nml bu8"1088 hollg08 Ul lia& IMIOVK OH a-Xrt. OR EXPRESS PREPAID Let 'im Buck at Ashland Round-Up Medford Day JULY 5th NEXT SUNDAY PICNIC GRIPS Made of .lap niat tini?, all sizes, sale pi-ice, eaeh, JS 69t? and 9S AVoiuen's Lisle tuid Chailioisette (i loves worth todav .")l)e. while they last, pair Kayser's 1 (Mint ton Silk (Moves, in hlaek, white to 40 enlors, spe cial, pair UNDERWEAR SPECIALS Women's Suimner Vests, j,food tiuality,.speeial, ifin each v IvL Women's jood grade Cm sets, all sizes, 7oe CQn grade, pair uuvt Kayser's Slimmer Vests, fine snide, very or special, each UuXj Hov.s' Porous Knit lTnion Suits, very special, stilt .. . Infants' shuts, all Hlts, Hpicial, iai U $5c 25c A Little Blossom "If To Delight the Home When it Is known that In the near future the home is to bo blessed with a new arrival tho (lrt lliotiirlit eh o u 1 d b a 'Motlici's Friend." Tlili U nn external remedy itently applied over tho ttouiiich nini clc. It njnkei tliem Crm nml pliant, they "expand naturally with out nniluo strain. It rmoTe from t ti o nerves thoe hilhl- encM wiiien are r- fponllilo fnr nuirli of the pain Incident to tho It l fnr tht renon period of eTpectancr. Hint much of the ill' Tf micli n mornln Ickne n nvoldeil. All prospective fnttien liould Fro In H I ho expectant mother h provided with a bottle of "Mutlier'1 Krleml." The direction nrc simple. Oct It nt nny iluisr store. It Ii npplleil t the expectant mother hern'lf, It penetrates deeply nml nf fonl ipilck and splendid relief In a mmt rrntif) Intr manner nml reflect a phjleal betterment to the ncrvom itljxnltlon of thu Inhy. Don't fall to net a Imttle nf "Motlier" 1'rlenn ' tmlay anil then write UrmlflcM Iten iilator Co., Ill l.nnnr IIMk.. Atlanta. (In., for a pretty little lmfc hrliiifnl of Informa. linn for expectant mothers. Jt ii a dellcht n rem! It. A Ring for Mother- from Iloddya will, like her, grow moro prcclotiR with age. svvcothourt t break an ngngnmeut sealed nml marked wllh a Hcddy Diamond. Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler. House of Quality. YMlniN Alvvny Welcome Store Closed All Day ' JULY 4th New Departm't Y U 11CVVU JIUIU 7UU 111 U T line of Hilbort's Toilet Articles. Tali-urn 1'owder, 10 up to 1S Faee Powdeis 25 and 4S hox "Queen of the May" Perfume, o.. . . $1.00 titty? M a-N. Your 7 bffy l wnn" Juf V '' GLOVE SPECIALS AVoiuen's Two ('las Silk (Moves, all eolors and sizes, 25c very special, l.iiii1 50c 5: kavser's Fa m-v - lUack and White Silk flloves, in new A and styles, very sneeial, & $1.00 per pair, at . .. $1.69 i Women's Corset ood quality, spe cial, each Women's fine Muslin Gowns, 73c grade, each Covers, J, 29c I ipialitv 59c y 1.' ............ !..:.... c..:... :.... ! ivinun a v. mwil ouu, l me J lisle, suit very special, 69c 4 cinMttn's Fuitm Ktiir, ili sins, ' 'al, (V h SinN 35c i 4 f ,t V Y ? t T f T ? Y Y Y Y Y v t A. Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t iK r Y Y I J i && A ,nS-