Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 30, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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SAN ANTONIO, Tuxas, June 30.
Adequate preparations to proservo
tliti health of troops now moving to
tho border nnd to care for tho "sick
and those who might be wounded
In event of a clash with Mexico prno
tlcally liav0 been completed.
illaso hospitals capablo of caring
for flvo hundred patients each nl
rondy ure oitabllithed at Sun Antonio
and at Fort Dllss. Tliorc alio la u
smaller baio hospital at Douglas,
Arlr.. Arrangements havo been made
to establish otlior bate hospitals at
Tort Crockett, nonr Onlvoston, Ragle
Pass, Larodo and NogaloR. Camp
hospitals havo been oBtabllshed nil
along the border.
In the regular tinny thoro arc seven
field hospital companion and seven
nmbulanco companies. The National
Guard will add to the force twenty
two field hospitals and twenty-two
ambulanco companion. Stops havo
boon tnkon to orjulp all field ambu
lance companion with motor nmbu
luncoa nnd euch field hospital will be
given a motor truck.
A report readied Fort Sam Hous
ton lato Inst night that bandits had
made a ruld on tho bridge guard at
Mucduna, Texas, but Intor It wits
learned that the roport was untrue
and grow out of a fight between two
soldier' of the guard In which both
wero wounded.
By A. C. Howlctt
I Inward A. Hill, one of our promi
nent fruit men, and one of the fruit
dripper, wna out Monday looking
over the outlmnls, to learn npproxi
mutoly tlie iimoiiut of fruit there will
lie to whip. While liore lie took din
ner ul. the Sunn.VMilc.
I.ust "Sunday morning I drove over
the new road to Tolo nnd found that
it wiih nil (). K. ho fur ns it goex, but
by tin time it ruins on it for u couple
of week Hie men Hint travel over it
Mill find thai about siv inche of fine
gmvcl or erin-hcd rock will impiove
it very tuttterinlly, but it in n very de
cided improvement over the old road.
While riding- along I wua noticing to
aee if there wh any change on the
route for the better. After leaving
Agate I noticed Unit Home of the
pUtce looked h though they were nl
moat deserted, if not iiiite and one
place in particular jimt hh 1 was
h t lifting down into lleur creek bottom
that the crop, if there wiih tiny, for
whul wiih growing looked like dog
IVttiiel, and iiiuxlard looked erv had,
nnd what lriiek me moid was thut
Jnftl yeur they upenrcri to have auch
fine eropa, and when I Mopjied nt
one of the prominent oitisciiM in the
neighborhood of tolo I inquired tin
(Hiie of the place looking mo dilap
idated, wan told tlmt the piece had
been bonded to one of the couipMii-
iea which wax in that buiucs, and
according to the contract wax to give
up the place lite find of May and
receive a giMiri price for the place, hut
the ileal did nut go through and the
man had tried lo put in a little crop
lute, hut tlmt it did not amount to
much of anything, a it wun ho wed
o late.
Miea Mary Holme of Med ford in
viitiug Mum Haael Ilrown, her
Mr. ml Mrc. George Austin of Cli
max were trading among our roer
ehuuU Monday.
lMi Saturday night we had u com
Muni ion how. The Iloyt cotiiMiuy
were here and had announced tbtit
they would "how on Friday night,
giving a adeiyht-of-buuri and other
lierfoinmures, and there were a few
of the younger folk turned out to fee
whul wan done, hut of the program.
they told thoe who had taid to re
ceive their mouey back and eome the
next night, when they would have the
combination show, the movie and
the Iloyt company ahow combined,
uud by .Saturday night the tulk of the
womwrful feau Mr. and Mr. Iloyt
jterfornied, the Iioum wa well filled
and the people were well ileu-ed with
the whole performance.
Then i being hauled out of here
quite a lot of lumber from the F.ngle
Point lumber yard thi. mon and
buiuee a to be looking up in
erery direction. During the Ut few
day Human Jdyer, Jr., ha taken
to the Lise Creek section a load of
extra fine flouring to put in a new
Uou-c he U building, and J. T. Sui
rleton aud William Perry f thi
neicMiorhood and lcr. Arc-bubal
and Steven- of )rownburo have
taken out quite a kit of lumber, uud
our ruilroad agent, Mr. Newport,
m that they haul it away about a
fst uh they can get it in from the
nill. Our merchant ay thut bui-
nM ia'aatiar tkaa it wm ai tbiai
time luVvcar. Fred Luv of Wellen
brought in u fine coop of chn-keiih
C. J. YuughuUjOlbe foreman of the
section ennir on the P. & E. railroad.
gne me hix suhstription to the Daily
Mail Tribune Monday and since my
Inst report C. V. CuminhiKS, Hoy Ash
pole nnd Thomas V. Iloltz linn re
newed their subscriptions lo the Daily
Mail Tribune.
J. L. Roberson, Fred Pedegeno nnd
John Minter were doing business in
our town Mondnv.
Frank Tungnte and wifo nnd Miss
Norn Daley were on the train Tues
day going to Uutto Fnlls, and S. S.
Akins wns on hi way lo Prospect.
Mrs. E. C. Hellows brought in
ean of cream Tnemlav and teok bek
a buggv load of supplies.
Mrs. George Philips went lo Mod
ford Tuemlnv to be with her sister,
Misn Aunti Wiitkius, in the hospital.
Miss Aihih wns to be operated on for
goitro. Her mother, Mrs. Watkins,
went in on Monduy.
Mr. and Mrs. llort Higinbothnm, W.
H. llnnmicl uud wife, the lust iiiun-
ed were on their wuv to St. Louis,
Mo.; .loliu Minter; Ilrown, Hie meat
man: Henry Trusty, Fred Henth nnd
Dr. Holt wore at tho Sunnyside for
dinner Tuesday.
A. C. Weeks nnd his brothor Oeorire
of I-1k creek were doing business
here Tuesday nnd so wns Perry Fos
ter and Henry French.
Thomas Long (I'licle Touimie)
went to Ashland TuomIiiv on the P. &
E. and Mrs. Elizabeth Jones George
Hichardsnn nf Unite Fulls and Mm.
Gludvs Holmes of Deibv cnnie out on
the sumo train. Mys Gladys e.spoets
lo spend n while with her cousin,
Miss Cltirn Ziminerman, nt the Siiii
nyside. Mrs. Thoinns Cingcade was doing
some slioiuiing Tuesday in our town.
Our mill men, the Hraiiden llros..
are tearing out the old timbera where
the old wheel wna placed nnd are
planning to put in u concrete foun
dation Mini a much larger wheel, fur
nishing 100 per cent more power.
S. II. Harnish will run hia auto jit
ney from Eagle Point to Ashland,
July -l-VO. Adv.
l-ast weok tho stntomont appoarcd
In the Applegate Items Hint Uuch nnd
I'nloutown bad voted on Joining those
two districts into one, and having a
high school at Uuch, but I am sorry
to any that l mado a mistake for tboseJ
two schools votod and Hulontowu vot
ed against Joining the districts.
Kay Harrow and Fred nnd Jack
Vincent left In their anr Monday for
northwoatorn Idaho, whore tho boys
Intend to get work. Tho boys have I
many menus at Appiegnto, who nope
to see them return so mo tlmo In the
uoar future.
Mum Courh, Mr. and Mrs. Honodlct
and John Pornoll motored to Grants
Push Sunday evening. '
Mr. and Mr. Hurley Mansfield
went to Crencent City and book last
week In their new Grant car.
Tho little social dance Saturday
night was not very woll attended duo
to tho season but tho small crowd
from around the neighborhood had a
vory onjoyablo tlmo by themselves.
The speolal feature was tho music
from Grants J'ntw.
iMonday ovenlng John Martin's
house caught fire while Mrs. Mutony
with her two small children woro
out whero ho was working, and when
she returned to tho house the smoke
boiled Into her faee when she open
ed tho door, which wmh the first Mrs.
Mateuy know of the fire. It was Im
possible for bor to rescue anything
from the fir as the children would
cling to her when she tried to enter
the house so she uounded on an old
natt arousing the attention of Mr.
Mateny and the neighbors who rush
ed to tho house too late to help aud
nothing was saved. Mr. Mateny had
a thousand dollars Insurance on the
Mrs. 15. J. Drown and son Harry
made a business trip to Med ford Tues
day. Wo are still having March woathor
In June and from all appearance It
vjll continue so in July.
Violet Thwlston left Tuesday for
Med ford where she will stay with her
sister until after the Fourth of July.
T. W. Harriott mado a business trip
to Medford Tuesday.
Miss Jessie Knutien Is spending a
rev. days with Mrs. Italuh IMltock.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hen
son have received word that they are
eomlug home this fall. Mr. and Mrs.
Densoa will be welcomed by ninny
iMr. and Mrs. Denton Peel and Mr.
Harvo aud Wm. Cameron of Union
town spent Hun day with Mrs. Maud
Mies Qertrutle Mee Is recovering
from a six week spell of serious ill
neat. Miss Mee it very popular
among the younger set and her mauy
friends misted her at the various so
cial affairs.
George Harriott baa left for Sis
kiyou county, where he has gone In
lh iHtweet of the Charles Smith
heating ay stem.
Many of the tennis players aaaem
bled at Browns tennis court Sunday
afternoon. .
Mrs Oordea. Mrs Ralph Pittoek.
Nina itebkoph aud Itev. Long motor
" " to Ruch for Sundnj school latf
Sunday and In the evening Mr. Long
held services nt Applegnte.
Miss Pari Williams of Grants Pass
is the house guest of Miss Mf.rgnrct
(Miss Doss Hoffman Is homo with
her parents on Thompson creek.
Wm. Smith drove to Jacksonville
this week.
Five car loads of Jolly Joy riders
passed through hero Sunday night
traveling toward Grants Pass.
iMlse Tlielma McDantel Is staying
with her grandmother, Mrs. Throck
morton, for n few weeks.
Abo Kromllng Is painting
O'Drlon's now house this week
J. A.
F. W. llntisen, trninmnsler of the
AkIiIuimI division of the Southern Pa
cific, with heudipiurters nt Hosebuif?,
inn ile an official stop between trains
nt the coinont plant Friday morning.
Mrs. Myrtle H. Dny, our estimable
poslmistioHs, wns n business visitor
to Mcdlord Wednesday.
Hert Kellogg of Klnniutlt county,
who wns in town the first of . the
week, left Wednesday iifleruoon for
Med ford for u Nhort tune before go
ing on lo Portland the Inst of the
George Jacobs of Hock Point wns
transuding business in Gold Hill on
Wednesdny afternoon.
F. E. Willi of the Hivorside colony
was in Gold Hill a Nhort time before
taking the train for Mcdford.
Miss Opal Gilmore, ticcompniiieil
by her brother, Valeu uud Hilton,
pud her friend, Miss Doris Cutsfurtli,
cnnie on Tuesdiiv ufternoon'H train
to visit (heir grandmother, Mrs. E. J.
Mr. Drown, solieitor for Hie Mail
Tribune, wn in Gold IIil on busi
ness connected with that pnper. Much
lnteiesi in now taken in the paper
and subscribers tire more easily got
ten than formerly.
F. Everet uud M. MeConoehie of
the Sardine creek milling district
brought in u lump of gold of very
attractive size, weighing 2.1 V&
ounces, being a fair sample nf Die
products of that region.
Mr. nnd Mr. Tonoy Olson of
Kunes Cieuk district were visitors to
Mcdfonl the lust pint of Inst week.
-Miss itthcl iiurkuoliler, who is vis
iting her friend, Mrs. Wilson, of
Mcdford, iiccomiHiuicd her to this
citv on a to her connin, Mrs. I)
II. MUlor.
Mr. 1L F. Parent loft on Wednea-
day iifterhoon (ruin for n short visit
with friends in Mcdfonl.
A very pleusnnt daiu'e nt Hill
PomcroyV was the social event of
the week, when the Meadows young
folks gathered lor the usual lort-
uightly Saturday evening dunce.
S. HertelMou, two sons mid It. J.
Itowen were in Giants Putin n few
days last week.
John Payne nnd John Drake worn
and Friday.
Mr. Hoekersmilli is again staying
in the MeudoWM looking lifter bis new
ranch. ' ,
Dock HutHoii made a hurry-up trip
(o Gold Hill Saturday night.
Dr. Climholui uud Charlie Auder
sou spent Sunday at the mines in the
Meadows district.
Theo lee and daughter, Kmmii,
hhopned in Medford Thiirwduy.
John Payne aud family ure moving
up to Mill Hollow for the summer.
John in working in the mines there.
Ralph llusseil and Wallace Diiikum
Nis'iit Sunday getting their stock
from the Itcaglc range.
Alt' Lenin and Ned Potter went to
Gold Hill float the Mountain King
Set iinla v.
Finis Mayfiohl is making trails for
the government.
Mrs. Wylaud aud three daughters
are at the bedside of her mother, who
is quite sick in the valley.
Miss Jennie Drake is Buffering
with an injured foot, quite iKaiufiil.
The tunnel in the Little Jean mine
is iu fine ore, which kccw improving
with depth.
Game Wardens Apidegate and
Walker, George Mclvollan and some
oiuers are oieuiug up tuo oopper
cropHiigK oil Dattle creek, near Ev-
aus. it looks mee and pnmivos
Beautiful gpeoimeia of mek and
much high-grade ore continues to
come down front Mill Hollow lo the
Mer. Cumuhan aud Collin were
ut the Meuilimn mute- Fudiiy. Myron
Audersun cuiut- to the mines Friday
to work.
Jdr. J. W. Hicks, who bus been
isituig ui Ashland for u few weeks,
bus returned bouic.
Mr. ninl Mrs. Urorve Kolnnson of
Elbiira, III., old ii-ifmU nl Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Klden, ntupocd olt on
their way en route to California. They
visited with tile Klilen tmuilv from
Sunday until Tuesday morning.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Robinson and the J.
W. Eldon family took supper with
the II. W. Elden family on Sunday
Mrs. flrifthnm, mother of Mm. E.
Heft, .nnd Mis. . Nicliull, has re
turned to her heme in Hie Willamette
valley after spending sevornl weeks
in this district. Her daughter, Lola,
will remain several weeks longer.
W. A. Trcshani nnd family spent
Saturday afternoon in Mcdford.
Mrs. J. It. Cook and niece, Lotatn
Houghmnn, were trading In Mcdford
one day lull week.
Vlrgll IConnoy In company with
his mother returned to Central Point
Saturday. ,
'Mrs. L. C. Applegate mndo n hur
ried trip by nuto to Gold Hill Thurs
day with quite a sick baby, How
ever the little one la doing flno nt
this writing.
Word was received of tho recont
mnrriago In Klnmnth Fnlla of Miss
Hazel Mooro of Iloguu Klvcr aud Dill
Whlto of tho same place. Mrs. Whlto
In a granddaughter of J. K. Moore nnd
has many friends throughout this val
ley who Join In wishing her succoss
and happiness through matrimony.
Wo nro now experiencing some of
tho coldest wenthor witnessed for
muny years for tho sonHon. Though
tho strongest slgim of rain havo fail
ed many mill are hopeful of us having
n good rain bofore the weather settloa.
Mr. Doblnnon nnd wlfo o Mcdford
visited Wednesday and Thursday with
Geo. Lyman and family.
(Mis. F. A. Adnum of Central Point
visited Saturday with relatives, and
wns accompanied homo by bor daugh
ter Miss Zcllu.
Mrs. W. C. Kennoy Is having dentnl
work dono In Medford this week,
II. O. Polton nnd I). C. Wilson were
among those who visited In Mcdford
this weok. ,
At a speclnl meeting of tho tele
phone company hold Monday ovenlng,
Geo. Lyman was elected president,
George McDonough roolectcd trons
uror, nnd Mr. Abbot iih director.
Jiocontly Mr. Lyman used his now
car In motoring Into Central Point
by way of Tablu Dock district, n routo
he had not been over for somo twenty
yeara, and ho found thoro had been
no few Improvements as well as mauy
changes mado during that tlmo.
Five deer wiuideied down from Hie
hills uud visited the Corliss ranch
one day last week.
Professor uud Mrs. F. C. Ileimer
ami little daughter motored over to
the Webster ranch on hiiudav anil
took Dr. and Mrs. Webster for a de
lightful tide out Griffin creek way.
The Webster will be gnosis ut the
Ituimer liuiome during Ashland
Hound-Up days, July 4, .1, (I,
Mrs. Gnmmlll has returned from
California, where she bus been visit
ing hur mother the past few months.
She nnd Mi's. L. Aiming wero Med
ford visitors on Friday.
Theo. Fish, Jr., attended the nlumiii
Hawaiian iwrty Friday evening and
spent the week end with his sister,
Mrs. M. L. Dodge, ut Hiveraide ranch.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. II. Corliss and lit
tle son, Guy, spent a pleasant Sunday
ut Hutto Falls, going over with
friends in a Cadillac ear.
Haymond Pish went to Central
Point on Monduy (o help his brother,
Hotelier, who is in charge of Itcv
W. H. Hamilton's raiieh near that
place. Fletcher reports that Iheie
wus no fro-t daiuego there and u
bountiful crop ol otierrieti waa har
vested mid disposed of in Medford at
u good pliee.
Halph Norria has gone to join his
company at Portland in response to
his country - call. The Mexican sit
uation has assumed grave aspect
aud this cull for one of our bravest
and moat isqatlar young men brings
torth the hope that Huh (rouble niuy
bo sixiedily settlisl without further
loss of life ami that our braie boys
will soon return to their homos nnd
William Cottrell of the Meadows
bus purchased a new Ford and is
down getting his bay under cover at
the old home place near Itoxy Ann.
.Mm. toiireii anil intuiit sou name
down with luui and am visiting Mrs.
Cot 1 1 ell's i Mt rents.
Mrs. E. Calhoun and Miss Eleanor
Daily were Ashland visitors on Fri
day. The Grixily Hiking club of Med
ford, through one of its members,
Miss Murguret Daily, lias declured
its intention of invading the jtence
and quiet of our neighborhood to
hold a campfire and wiener roast iu
the Cook Mistur on Tbuisday even
ing, June 20. Though they may be
somen but noisy, uo alarm need be
felt, for these G rushes are tame aud
Why Smoke nit Cigars
When La Uondas are only ICo.
Reported by Jnckson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth nnd Fir Sts.
Circuit Court
Joe llnskins vs. William Scott,
certificate of levy.
J. M. Under vs. T. J. Pnrton el nl.,
order for nuiouded sheriffs return.
W. II. Edmunds v. Nuera Mining
& Milling Co., cost bill.
Thomas Maudlin vh. II. 0. MeGee,
brief agninst motion to substitute
lYoldito (Aiurt
Estate of David Miiyhum, order
for sale of real proerty, order np
pointinir guardian ml litem.
W. M. Johnson estnlc, petition lo
appoint guntdiau.
Gtmrtlinnhlp of (Tmrloa Winkle et
nl., petition to appoint gunrdimi.
ltwil IXnto Transfers.
Nancy S. Clcarwnler to John
Minter, land in sou. l)-!h")-1W
$ 10
H. F. McCrnry to Jnckaoii
County, laud in Hoc. 20-10-2E.
Xntltru of Slicilff's Salt? Piulcr Ke
cut Ion.
Alldn D. Miner, ob KxecutrU of tho
estate of Edgar 12. Miner, Hecoasod,
Plaintiff. vh.
Victor Dono, Dolln Dono, husband
and wife, et nl. defendants.
IDy Vlrtuo of nu execution nnd
order of sale duly Issued out of and
under the seal of tho circuit Court
of tho Stnto of Oregon In nnd for
the County or Jackson, dated tho
2Cth day of Juno, 1SU0, In a certain
suit therein, wherein the plaintiff
above named recorded n Judgment
against tho defendant Vlvtor Dono,
on tho 1! 1 tli day of June, 1910, for
tho sum of threo thousand sixty-flvu
($3,005) dollars with Interest there
on from tho 20th day of February,
lit 10, nt tho rnto of (I per cent per
minimi nnd three hundred ($300)
nttomey's feo and tho further sum of
$S2.fiO costs, which Judgment wnH
enrolled nnd doeketod In tho clork'a
offlco of said court In said county on
tho 24th day or June, 101 0, and Is
of record In volutin) 24 or the Circuit
Court Journal nt pages 443-4-D there
of. Public notice Is horoby given, that
In pursuance to the commaiidH of
said execution nnd order of sale, I
will on Saturday, tho 20th day of
July, 1910, nt the hour of lTj o'clock
a. tn, at the front door of Jho court
house iu Jacksonville, Jnckson coun
ty Oregon, offer for sale mid will
sell at public miction, nubject to re
demption as Is by law provided, all of
tho right, tltlo nnd Interest of tho de.
fendnuts had on tho date or tho
mortgngo, herein foreclosed or have
Hluco acquired or now have Iu nnd to
tho following described real prop
erty, to-wlt:
Tho frnctlonnl southeast quarter nf
Section 27, mid the fractional south
west quarter of Section 20, nnd the
west hall or the northwest quarter
or Section 35; also an undivided one
hair Interest In uud to the oast half
of tho northeast quarter of Section
14 mid lot 7 in Section 27, nil nt
said described land being In Town
ship 30 South of linage 3, West of
the Willamette Modldlan, mid con
taining tn all 200 neres moro or less,
located In Jackson County, State of
Said ahovn dosorlbed lands will bo
sold us per tho provisions of the do
creo rendered In tho nbovo-ontltled
eiiHo to sntlsfy the Judgment, at
toruey'a toes, costs mid accruing
COfttM of Hftlo
Dated this 27th dny or Juno, 1910.
Dy K. W. Wilson Deputy.
I'Olt SALIC One Duroc boar, regls
tored. Phono lO-FX. 88
FOK SALIC 2 milk cows, 2 yonrllng
heifers, 2 spring calves. II. C.
Dost, Phono 539-112. 87
I'Olt 8ALU -Horses, and grain liny
In the field, one mile northeast of
Phoenix. IS. K. Doomoe. 100
t - i
A block of ground, modern bunga
low, 4-rooms, bath, Hlooplng porch,
largo barn, Just outsldo city limits,
off King's Highway, or will trade for
small city property.
Leave Medford lor Ashland, Talent
and Phoontx dally, except Sunday, at
8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and G:1C
p. in. Also ou Saturday at 11;1C p.
m. Sundays leavo at 8:00 and 10:30
a, m, and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 0:30
p. m. Leavo Ashland' for Medford
dnlly, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. in.,
1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. in. Also
on Saturday nights at C:30 and
2:20. Sundays leavo Ashland at 9:00
a. m. and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30
p. m.
Uuve party with woll improved 25-nore tract, located
4 miles from Santa Cruz, Calif, that wants to trade
for good biifcjines8 here. J lis properly is oloar.
Real KfctuU) limits, Itontubj, Insurance,
102 Went Main. Phone 701)
f"6"u DENT"" -" F it r n I shod 5-rooni
house, gas nnd electricity, on paved
street. Phono 929-W. 89
FOR DENT Strictly modern house.
Sleeping porches mid gnrago. 51G
W. Jackson street. 80
FOR RENT Five room houso, hard
wood floors, full comont basement
nnd gurngo. Phono 370-W.
FOR RENT Ono 4-rootn
house. Phono 370-W.
. - .. . ... -3
FOR RENT Modern houso keen'n
rooms, down stairs. 345 North
FOR RENT Houbo keeping rooms
down stairs, closo In. 379-.1. 94
FOR S ALlI)avenport nnd lliirnry
. table chair, unique. 27 Gouevn
nyonuo. Phono 257-R.
FOR SALE Second crop alfnUn nnd
grain liny. Bidder's Dairy.
FOR SALE Leathor upholstered
furniture. Central Point Oregon,
Jlox 17, Routo 1. Phono 147. 91
FOR SALE A nmnll paying buslnoss
or trade. Dox D. 85
iPhono 539-J4,
or evenings.
Choice grain liny.
Call morning, noon
FOR SALE Flvo passenger touring
car nt a bargain. Phoiiu 201-R2.
FOR SALE cheap, property at 11GC
West 8th strcot. 88
FOR SALE Ono ton Ford truck at
tachment; also 40 acres land to
trndo for Ford car. Dahack'a
Gurago 482-J. 88
FOR RALE Cholco alfalfa hay, $10
per ton In field. Snldor'e Dairy,
Phono 20W3.
FOR HALK Reduced again, my
$7000 city ranch, fre0 irrigated,
dairy, chicken, fruit, tools, Htock,
$4000, The Carlsbad or Amorlca;
iiusurpnssed ncenlc boauty. Pop.
0000; altitude 2000 ft., flailing mid
bunting, Mrs. M, Jackor, Ashland,
Oregon. PI
WANTicn nrroATlONH
WANTED Dn"n"x"i)OrionceirgTrr,
euro of children,
hour or
m:i,r WANTim sialic
WANTED Man to run gasollno on
glim mid do somu shop work on
near-by ranch. Mlravistn Orchard.
WANTED- Experienced girl for gen
eral housework In tho country. Ap
iply 9 to 11, 41 Ross Court.
WANTEIlG irTf or cooking and
general housework. Dr. Snlado,
Seven Oaka. 81
wTnt 1CD-- ntuTearor store" Wliut
havo ou? C. A. DeVoo.
WANTED To loaso nowspuper, or
situation as linotype machinist op
erator. L. L. Illinium, Murysvllle,
Cal., Gen. Dal. 85
WANTED Party to conduct n res
tnurmit In this city; good opening
for right party; low rout and no
competition. Call on or nddross S,
1C. DunuliiKlon, Jacksonville, Ore.
WANTED To rent a house or npnrt
menta furnished. Dox 25 Mall
Tribune. 89
WANTED Wo do feather work,
folding mattroHsoH, comforters, pil
lows, renovating and repairing.
Phono 190-J, 322 E 12th. 88
Wd havo stock ranched, high grado
hay ranches, and general farms both
large mid small on our list. Somo
city property also nt uttructlvo prlcos.
40 acres with house and barn, ftuo
level land, $7000.
22 nerea full bearing apples mid
pears, elegant buugulow, $8000,
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
IMinnn 1fl7
I have n lflO-uoro stock ranch;
good location; 100 scran In grain,
somo alfalfa. This place receutly
sold for $12,000; no Incumbrance.
Will trade for good orchard, profor
pours, or would take city property.
Would trade even or assume somo In
cumbrance on orchard proposition.
10'J Wot Main Stnsjt.
nosiNESs ninr.OToitY
Auto Hopprie
M MM.i.l
are operating tho largest, oldest
and best .equipped plant In the Pa
cific northwest. Uso our springs
whon others tail. Sold under guar
ntoo. 28" North Flftoonth BL,
Portland, Ote.
GEO. W. CHERRY Attornoy and
Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty Dank Building, entranco N,
Central, Mcdford, Oro.
PORTER J. NEFF Attorney nt law.
rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National
Dank Building.
A. E. REAME3, LAWYER Garnett
Corey bids.
O. M. ROBERTS Lawyer.
Medford National Dank Dulldlnn.
collected somo accounts 14 joari
old. Wo know how to got the
money. Tho Duilock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Ha
kins' Dldg., 21G B. Main sL
Uarnott-Coroy Dldg., nttA UK
Medfora, Ore. Phone 868.
Collections nnd Reports
M. F. ft II. Dldg. Offlco Houre
8:30 to 12; 1 to 5. Phono C07-R.
Engineer nnd Contractor
Flucl)lVuMMiNas8nKlneer an
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Dldg
Surveys,, estlmatos, Irrigation
dralnngo, orchard and land Im
provement. Insurance.
EARL S. TUMY General Insurance
offlco, Flro, Automobllo, Accident.
Liability, Plato Glass, Contract,
nnd Suroty Bonds. Excellent com
panion, good local sarvlcfi. No.
210 Garnett-Coroy Dldg.
Instruction In Musto
FREl) ALTOnIiAIGiTt Vcnclierf
piano and harmony. Halght Music
Studio, 401 Garnett-Corey Dldg,
Phono 72. '
BLISS HEINE Tcnchor ot Violin.
Music furnished for nil occasions.
Prices reasonable Studio 1121 E.
Main St., Phono 303-J2.
li " ii Wk 'mmtm
OARDAGE Oot your premises
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on tbo city garbage wagona tor
good sorvlco. Phone 274-L. r.
Y. Allon.
PliytlcUns and Bargcon
bit? "V. 6. CARLO W, RBVA
physicians, 410-417 Oarnott-Corey
bldg., phone 1030-L. Resldenrt
2C South Lnurel st.
DR. Vf. W. HOWARD Osteopath!
physician, 303 Garnett-Corey
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EMMENSPhynlclan nnd
surgoon. Prnctlco limited to eyo,
ear, noso and throat. Eyos scion
tltlcnlly tested nnd glasses sup
pllod. Oculist and Aurlst tor 8, P
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft II. Co
bldg., opposito P. O. Phone 5S7
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon Phones, offlco 30, rest
donco 780. Offlco hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
cian and surgeon. Offlco Palm
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
Printers and Publishers
best equipped printing offlco In
eoutporn Orogou; book binding
loose loaf ledgers, billing systems
otc. Portland prices. 27 Norih
Kir st.
Office 42 North Front at. Phone
815. Prlcos right. Service guar
Mcdford House Movers
Phone 488-M
612 S. Newtown. 737 W. 14th St.
Camera Shop
208 East Main Stroot,
Tho Only Exclusivo
Commercial Photographera
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Made any time or
place by appointment.
Phono 147-J
We'll do the rost
X. D. WESTON, Prop. ,