PAGE TWO mwdfohd vail TRmrxK "mkdfot?!). oukciox, friday, jfxe no, 1010 1 - i "w J c f OCAL AND L' PERSONAL - T. K. Iloaulloti wan In from Tabic Rook yesterday afternoon. Mr lleau llau Iim 17 acre of sugar heals plant mi bttwsen liia treos which are show, lng a ory tins growth. If I iaUndwl to itifnd the -Itli of July In the opon, I would protect rnr complexion by mini; Dike's Peroxide Crdam, the IRc sis will do. Only at llettlk'a Drug Store, opposite the Naah HotOl. 8R J. G. Taylor left lest night for Ban Iranelefl, whero he wll spnd the summer. Do Voe gives trading samM with ovarylhlng oxeept grooerlea. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Co rum left to day for the Alamda mine. Thoy have hfln visiting for the past two weeks with Oearge Coram, having arrived from Kingman, Arlwwa, by motor. A breakfast you can afford and he dollghtod with. UiiwmU's Cafe. Tom CiRlllgher was In from Del Itlo ranch this morning. (let your milk, cronm, butter, oggs and biitturtnllk at I)e Voe's. John Lux, of Applngate, Is in Mod ford. Ho will stay until aflor the fourth. 1 Typewriter paper of all kinds at Medford Printing Co. lAIts. A. F. Itwuiott and daughter, Jlnry HllMbsth, left Friday morning for a two weoks visit with friends at Myrtlo Creek. If I waa anxious to protect my rfotiplfltlon from sunburn, tan or frecfkles, 1 would use Dike's Perlxlde Cream. Only at Heath's Drug Store opposite Nash Hotel. 8C Mm. .T. M. ICIlgore loft this morn ing for hor homo In Hogue lllvcr, after a visit with Medford friends. "Wo make h soorlalty of plrnlc parties. HhsmII's Cafo. Mr. and Mrs. .7. Morris Stewart left this morning for Pittsburgh, l'enn s'lvaultt, after a sojourn nt tho home or 1. J. Stewart. Our prompt delivery service Is al ways operating. Phone (881) your drug sloro wants to Month's Drug Hltorn. KG A deal whs consummated yoatorday whoroby the management of the Star thoator uassod Into the hands or (leo. Hunt, manager of the Page. D. I,, gbnrrlts, former manager of the Star will loave July 0 for lllrmlughitm, Alabama via motor. Tlin world's gioatoat companies. Holmes, The Insurance Man. A special troop train carrying the Inst of the Oregon militia mobilised at. Camp Wllhyeombe passed through Bedford at I a. m. Friday. The troops were (be first battalion of the Third Oregon Infantry, a machine gun tnapany and the roglmtmtnl band. The first battalion consists of Oom iwny A of McMlntivllle and Com iwnlea II, C, and D or Portland. .PetUge stamps at D Voe'a. I)r. and Mrs. J. Uwrence Hill left this morning to spend the summer at Newport. 10. II. Klneheloe, who has been working near Kagle Point, returned this morning to Medford. ttfta. T. M. Craig Is spending lh. day at Siskiyou. ir you ean't go ahead and pull, get behind and uuak for a rallroud to lm Mine I .edge, for instance. Don't he a grouefc, everybody In the city wishes yon well, even the doctors. Hm tier field Qroeery. Phone 81 IT J. P. Hale returned this mominK from Portlan. where be spent a few days attending to business mat ten. DftftM In new Moos hall over the QutUno Cafe Saturday night. July 1. 1111. The public Invited. Tlrkets 10 cents. K7 Miss 1 1 as I Welch left this morn ing to spend a month In Anderson, Oal. J. 0. Chubb Mm arrived iu Mrd fl from the Appiegate. He will re main over the fourth. Try a ICiug Spit cigar and on wwago home industry. tf A party of Callforula-Orcgou Power Co., repreaeutatlves and their families motored to I'i-osiwt this Moralng to spend a few days Thoee la the party were, Mr. and Mrs. II U Walthar, Miss Uah Walther. I.yle Walther. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Churchill. Miss Dorothy Churchill, Helen Gould aud Art-ulo McDoiutld of an Kranelsc. Weston Camera Shop for first-rlaas kodak finishing and kodak supplies. Members of the Moose !odge will give a dance tomorrow aigat in their new kali over the Optimo Cafe on Nertk Kront street. If yog can't ae ahead and pull, get klM aid path tor a railroad to the Ttiur Ledge for instance Itoa't be a grouch, everybody la th, city wishes you well, evert the doctors. Hut ter atoid Oroeery, Phone ltt. s 7 .William Isaacs and T. H. Ilathway pent the morning In Cenlaa.1 Point. Mrs J. J. Mc.Velr of Ashland is in vsu Hiiopplng today. lir. Kir. hgj-nr vlll tuj at Hotel almtl t-vtry W'odnuy. Houri1 hm (0iulwiib io te: :i. o " ' T. The efforts made bv local horse men to rematch Hessle Mills mid Undo Hampton came to naught, ns the Ashland owners of Wude Hamp ton fulled to appear to sottlo dotallH of the match. The 4 tli of July Is coining, but the 1)1(5 ovent this week Is the pavilion dance at Cold Hill Saturday night Splendid music, best of order and n royal good time. Court Hall, who Is confined to his lied with an attack of Ilheumatlsm, Is slowly improving. For rent, 2-room furnished liouso. C. A. DeVoe. J. Ti. Dowers topped In Medford last night, en route from his home In Seattle to San Kranclsco. Uultermllk 8r quart at DeVoe'x. (leorge M. Culls of Stockton is a business visitor In Medford. "Window and door screens, gardon furniture. Pacific Kuril. Fix. Fac. Charles Wahl of Cold IIIII Is spend ing it few days In town on bitslnoss. 'Paul McDonald has arrived In Med ford from Merrill. He says that num bers of Indians and cow punch era from the Klamath country are already on their way to Ashland, where they will tako part In tho round-up. A number of tholr crack riders will participate. At Ashland's threo dny celebration the parRdos start at nine In the morn Inx'.Tuly fourth and fifth mid at seven In the evening, July sixth. A niimbor of Medford horso women will ride In the Fourtlrof July parnde In Ashland. Several will bo In cos tume. Wanton Camera Shop for first-class kodak finishing and kodak supplied. The (irlasly Camp Fire scheduled for this evening will be held at the camp grounds back of the Nat atorluiu owing to the threatening weather oonilltlons. Tho camp fire will be followed by swimming, danc ing anil a general good tlmo nt the Natatorlum. All member are re quested to lie present and help make the evening n success. Time i o'clock. Dig lie Mllkshakea at Do Voo's.- IW. II. Mcrtowan will lenvo Sunday night for llHllimoro, .Maryland where he will atteiijj the Klks convention ns delegate. Soo Dave Wood nbont that flrn In siirnnco policy. Offlco Mall Tribune Illdg. Tho building foriueily occupied by the Nash Livery on South Fir Is being remodeled and will be occupied by the A. W. Walker Company, dis tributors for Chalmers, Saxon and Grant oars, llntlm 3Rc. Hotel Holland. C. II. Holt nud J. C. Uoliliison pent yesterday In (1 rants Pass on business. (iates sells Ford our, $100 down aud $3S a month. IPrank Abbot of ISagle Point Is spending a few days In .Medford. Whipping cream at ImVoo's. Mr. aud Mrs. (' O. WVarln and Miss Hess Winston are visiting at the home of J F. Wortmau. a cniiHln of Mr. WeariH. Mr. Wearln Is a large property owner of South Pasa dena, Cal. The paity traveled over laud In their Hudson 4 0 and found excellent roads practically the entire distance. They expect to visit Crater l,ake and the Columbia Itlver High way, before returning home. Buttermilk toe gal. at DeVoe's. The Junk store of O. S. Wilson ou South Front street was broken Into lust night and a considerable quan tity of Junk stolen. Kiilrauce was gftlned by pr lng the hasp olf the front door No clue has been found as to the Identity of the periwtrator. Smoke a King Spits cigar, fc. They are home-made. tf James Doyle arrived thla morning from Phoenix, Arls. Mr. Doyle Is looking for a business opening We make a specialty ef picnic lunches. Mussel's Cafeteria. Mrs. D. I,. Hharrila received loda a tetter from her father, P. .('oppo, who left Medford two month ami for Oeuoa, Italy. The letter stuled that nit passengers un the boat were required to sleep with their clothe ou. Life sating drills were practiced every day so that in event of meeting a hostile craft, the paseugers would be prepared to take care of them selves. In Italy, the letter rontinued, the people are in a pitiable atale, their cattle and stock na!ng been confiscated b the government. There is a great scarcity of uwat and tney are not allowed to turn ou lights at night. Mr. Cuppo thinks that for the present , tho majority of the lieopie are ruined financially. De Voe buys beer bottles. Mart Foster. Western I'nlon mes senger, broke his thumb )terda afternoon, The first ore car made in Medford I on exhibit at the Medford Coiomer tlai Club. The car will be forwarded tomorrow to the tit. Allmn mine. kvr there ar now sU nun ork lng It l thought that the oix-uiiit: or the lllue l.dge ditrlrt will rente Iih'uI dciuniiil for Midi product A telephone mcRnngc from Scelcy Hall states that his party wag able to reach Camp Steel this morning. The party of four with him arc en deavoring to take their car through to headquarters before the fourth. PUBLIC FAREWELL 10 rc IU UlllUMU I Ul I COMING BALL GAMES! E EE BE CONST SARGENT Colonel anil lire. II. II. Sargent wen' the gtieets of honor at a public repetition given '" tJio armory Int night by the fhenlcr Mwlfonl club nud rVimfmny 7. They leuvo tomor row nfturnooii Tor Son p'mneiwo, where Colonel Sargent Iiiih been nn Higni'i it h chief nix)inl to I lie iiuir IcrtiuiKler for the western division of the I'nitcil KtnU'H nrmy. A large number of people look oc 1'iiHiou to liiil the gucMlK nf honor farewell. The hull itxelf whm deco rated, under the direction of Urn. F. W. Ilollin, in the unlioniil colon, in teixpcrKciI with Simula dnieice, I)or olliv I'erkiim roeee nml greenery. A solo wmi niven by .Minn Ilia Coffin. In the receiving line, in addition (o Colonel nml .Mth. Snrgent, were llrx. Mine Alfonl, Mr. ,lnp Amlrewe, .Min. F. K. Merrick. .Mr-. .1. A. Vniiee, lire. .1. F. Alumly, nml .Mr. ('. L. Seliief felin. For the prcHenl Colonel Siirjicnl will lie stalioncd nt llie I'icsiclio, Sun Frimeiseo, tliouuh in event of tron lilc he vmII prnlinliK lie j.-iwii an ic- tlC I'lllMll.Illill RAILROAD PARIY E SUNDAY Kastnrn representatives of the Southern Pacific, who are on an cdu cntloual tour of the west, will arrive In Medford at 10: IB a. in. Sunday and remain until 5:10 p. in., spend ing that tlmo In a scenic trip over the Hogue Itlver Valley. Kucli year It Is the custom of the company to send eastern men west nud western men oast to study the country aud traffic conditions so that they may be aide to glvo tho fravul the public hotter service. Those In the party are Mr. mid Mrs. A. Simmons or Philadelphia, W. C. (itlbert. purser or the S. S. Antil les, Mrs. W. C. Ollhert, Mr. aud Mrs. N. M. Komi or Chicago, and IC. II. Williams of Kansas City. From Medford the party will pro ceed Houili to San 1'ranrlHco. There will be ball games at Ash land each morning Immediately after the parade, July Itli, and ftth, between Weed and Medford. From Weed oomes the report that they have recruited several first class players from various parts of Cali fornia for those Important games, which are for the championship of southern Oregon and northern Cali fornia. Four years ago Weed was victor ious over Medford In a series of three games in which the championship was Involved. The Interest manifest ed In these games at the time was so great that the capaolty of tho local ball park was overtaxed, many being turned away. Tho local hall club has boon strengthened by the addition of Set bert, the speedy pitcher from O. A. C. It Is also rumored that other strango faces will be seen In tho Medford team wlion they take tho field against Wood. Tho Medford hoys will go to Ash laud this ovenlng and tomorrow oven lng for practice ou tho high school diamond which has been placed In oxcellunl condition for those games. It must bo remembered that these Ramos lake place In tho morning, starting right otter tho parade. YREKA RAISES $1000 j FOR PROPOSED RAILROAD Captain Emits Dobbins, or Seattle, Is engaged In Installing a dredge for ffi. S. Dullls at the mouth of Sterling creek, on the Llltlo Applegate. It has a capacity of 1000 cubic wards a day and will "clean up" about 00 acres of placer ground In that loca tion. Captain Dobbins camo down from Seattle some days ago to superintend Its operation. It Is a new Invention operation. In the dredge line and has boen passed upon by those famil iar with dredge work as not only something new in placer mining equipment, but as iiractlcally the last word In machinery of that type. Its work has been fully demonstrated in successful operation and It Is bo Hoveil that It will onablo owners of ! placer ground to obtain the gold from hundreds of acres In Southern Oregon that could not bo profitably handled with tho old-style dredges, llui'lilnu Shops for .Medford. It Is rl'portod that thuro are seve ral localities In surrounding dis tricts in which this now dredge pro cess tuny bo applied successfully mid with largo profit. Should those who own these properties, find the opera tion of this new dredge u success on the Dullls properties, there will bo an Immediate demand for more dredges of Its tpp In that event,' the company, in which Captain Dob bins Is a prominent factor, will at once establish machine shops -In Med ford and build tho rotpilrod dredgoa here. The principal offices or this dredge company are In Seattle. It Is esti mated that It will be cheapor to build the dredges here, near tho field of operation, than to construct them In Seattle and ship them to this point. Captain Dobbins will noon bo able to announce definitely at to whether or not tho local demands will justify the installation of shops in, Medford. ' ' Illinois Retjlm'onts Entrnfrl SPRINGFIELD, 111., June 30 The 7th regiment 'Illinois Xatlolrnl Guard and thoitaff offlcors or Ufa First In fantry hrlgnde entrained for tho Mexican border today. XOTICH narher shops will be open until 0 o'clock p. in. tho 3rd and closed all day the 4tli. J5" " .tTL' -v SSS2"K?K?Ssr-w '"J JOG? u .rfiK-MSLtn H Bats' a IS B5s sir,T',i - -Aj t f' W . -wjwgAB-' r.Rcwns cf ' Wl . ' WHF.RF THE TOD AY ONLY SILAS MAHNEH The 1Ir seven-reel production from the f.imous novel by (icon;c Fllot, whUh whs billed at tho Star Wednesday and failed to iu rlve ulll be shown TODAY only. IIY HPKCIAIj KKQCKST the moving pictures or nil the m-IkmiN will be shown today, which will positively be your last chance to see thorn. Tho show today is n quarter attraction. The admission will be 5c for children and lTr for adults. Sio this today or never. PHYSICAL FITNESS MAN REQU SHE Tho urn department has Issued the following recruit erders: To all officers of the general n crulttug service: The Act of Congress approved Juro 3, lwld, "TheiNatlannl Defense Act.'' u construed by the department, ren ders unnecessary the parental con sent to the enlistment of iiersoiiM Sc tween the ages or IK and 21 e.n. and authorises (he enlistment or :n person under 1 " years of age, w n i able to meet the requirements .cid has the consent of his parents guardian. lly order of the (I W. HKMi I Adjutant (iciu r. I Medford Commercial Club, Mrd ford Oregon. . Gentlemen: Wo havo Just read the proceeding ' of your Common Council In the Med ford Hun of Juno 21, and wo dehlrc at this tlmo to longratiilnte the loin merclitl club of Mwlford upon tin public-spirited way they are solvliiK the problem or rail rommonlcutloii with the coust. A beginning must bo made nt some point mid your people nro certainly good "beginners." It has not been to tho credit or the clt lion or either Jackson count!, or Siskiyou county that they have permitted those Immenso copper proportion or the Illuo l.edgo mid Klamath Itlver districts to remain unproductive for tho Inch of trans portntlou facilities. The committee from HNKIsou county are enthusiastic over the po,i ' slbllltles of tliKlayiatli rlvor road to the ocean, aud our board or super I visors have plated at the'dispoKm of that committee,' $1,000 for prelim! nary work, sucii as gathering data, j publicity, etc. We trust that at the propose 1 meeting In KurekH definite steps ulll be taken tu formulate pluus v I ich Hill get lesults In the near future Very Truly Yours, YltF.ICA CIlAMIIrSIt OK COMMi:itCS5i Solon II. Williams Sctretao. Aloiiitf Picture World says: "Lillian (iish Ims deiiKinst rated iu "Dajiliiie" ilial .she is a veritable arlisl." Motion Picture evs miu-: "Auv one who denies (he lael liillian flisli is a star is cither out of his mind or not capable to speak on the (juestion. Le H illian Gish in tHe R.oinarcc of the Seu--the pulsating tale of love and adventure Daphne and tine 1- ira TG AL.SO- The Keystone Laugh Provoker nTf-j Iiiirio- 2 Reels-2000 Feet of Fast Fun A lit; J fiJUue Why Sinoho lilt ('Ignis When I.a (Inudas are only 10c Matinee 10c iMPft v gjr. "W Medford 's Leading Evening lncegw an Hr A vl ff a Motion Picture Children 5c J&. Zh. J AL Theater ifi t ii i i in 'irrmwiimi ' wgi m iimii hine s i'immivnT"pr'mn"iTlc?rTiir BaMmtmiiimmgi Mil iru I n I wjaMXaiuxX3mae7mtmwrrrmrtmwTprmriFmmtv,t,y - - 2 ' '"' " " '' " ''V' " if2' " " ,' "' " " " 5" " X ' " " '' -V " "5I "'' '' " MILLINERY REGULATE TRADE SAX KKANCIKCll, June Mi. 'An-tralum IVderul gu eminent itoMimcd cuulrid of all liiiiih ping iu Atixtreliuu Hrt under the ur prtH'uutuMio net, uwnnliug li u abU-gram I'mrn the premier ot New South Wtilc ffi von out today b ihe New Sonlh With (rude t'omuii-in to Amcrii'M here, Trudc i')miinoiii til'liemU iioiiuu-d thill I'Oiiimniuli'fi -ing '!' tcli, which i the ivnl mean nit ot the order iinmiulgiitcd U the AiiMruluiii parliaiiiint. wu n- i'Mir I" iiiiim- thi' tri nifiul.'ii i:riiiii flop riue llii. e.ii, iiui-i nt whiili lll lir lllit'd In I'iiul.iud. hi X Me ? ITT' 1 I A LfcKJEt..v?Ey5 UkTs t Him $ Hill hua lllp- COATS Special $9.98 One riu-k of 2S Newest Spring Coats in pivtly mixtures, slripoa' and plaids, also plain colors in poplins and serjjeg, poimlnr blue shades, git'eiw, tans, etc., roiil valmiJ lt$l(?,r)0, very little of the time von can do without one of tllfM COlt, M'llll DEPARTMENT f r i V V y y y y y y y y y y y Others reduce d JjW.OS accordingly. JACK TAR MIDDIES This is the season for .Middle. You will be better pleased with a Jack Tar than any other make; ma terials are better, wash better aud now at Vi'vy spe cial prices: 1.'J. .Middies OStf l.."u) Middies 1.10 $1.7.") and .J.OO .Middies $1.40 Our showing of Hats is very complete, eoimidering this sea son of the year, and every item is moat temptingly priced. One lot of Trimmed Hats, val ues to ()50 $1.S One lot of Trimmed Hats, val ues to $10.00 $2.9S i1 Others priced at 93.40, $11.08 ?5.S9 and $0.89. All rntriniincd Shapes much reduced, $1.48, $1.0Sand $2.9S. f y 8s Jffiv i as. Y now AVhite ( 'rusher 1'Vlt Hat that otljor season havo sold at $1.00, here special .'. ..G9p (Miildren's Lingerie Hats, .values to $0.50, speeial t ,.9S A big roomy'); u;tool box, size 22x H Starr, manavcr of ili Ash Oyy ifl sT 0 1 f V mi iim k., i u ! I,, wn i...i.v , wAJ Willi A tVlL. . lock land stoi'kliiK U for tin- ton rili W Trot.ain of Smuu nl'ov I siivudiiiH i lie ila In lr tfor 1 N C s from Ross anc 1 ! A. suit X iuv i in Mrtiort i 1 Aa -a I miJi:. e. smiui mnuiiunt case ClilSpS .50 & WASH DRESSES For the warm das that are bound to euiiie, till at special prices. Values to $i."0, now $!.9S Value to $HUK. now $5.80 CHILDREN'S DRESSES X'fV fjic many celt Hint tons, pi.juis, jSjii't iftll limti YOUR HOSIERY "Wants are lust supplied here. NIAGARA MAID GLOVES At Special Prices. Loin; (Mows 800, OSo, $1.18 SHIRT WAISTS All Shirt AVaists are grouped on special sale tables, 08c, $1.98. $2.08 ami S3.98 tt; cagtW unrrfln -inim - jtV c- ' . -it ur ' wry 'i t r TOU THAT OVTINO TRI? K'1 i!vi iM'i-ie.s, skiirUi X'ViMt'i,, iiit M.i.l. Ii. c. lei).. ,. O y y y y y y y y T i c 4i 4 h. I w n Si il; llfttflil'iif lati) from Kaule I. I. erahhloliitilSJtJrQMJAtbi 0 ok y m tb mi KtiiuilU fur I hi- uay o