Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 29, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Company Q of Orogon City, Com
pftiiy K ami Tioop A of Portland,
comprising tin' third battalion, pnsed
through Metlfortl nt noon todny,
bound for Sun Diego. They wore mot
nt llio "ititlion by h lnrgo crowd who
greeted old friunds in the eoinputiio
and wished Godspeed to the boys in
The battalion wn traveling with
complete equipment, linving in tlie
train besides thu oilit Pullman?, a
ear of ammunition, threo ears of
transport wagons, box ear continu
ing the offieerrt' horses and a bng
Kane oar for unoh eompany, in which
tho munis for the men arc prepared.
Officer have made provisions to
keep tbuir men busy in the event that
they are held inactively nt Kan Diego,
(noli company having n baseball oat
Jit and tlie necessaries for other
A holidny spirit pervades the whole
battalion, yniingNter.i, who predoniin
utu, and bald beads leaning out of tho
windows or frisking on the platform,
cracking jokes and singing.
feevoml men well known in Med
i'ord were on the train. Among them
wore Seth Pulley, with Company K;
Day McDonald, who was in Medford
this winter; lieutenant I.ngue of K
Company, who is well known anion,'
Medford Elks, and Lieiitoiiniit-C'ol-ouul
.). Ii. May, who is now assistant
Hiiperintendent of the Southern Pn
nifio at Portland, and was formerly
train dispatcher at Ashland.
Tho first battalion or the Third
Oregon Infantry, a machine gun com
pany, headquarters company and tile
regimental bund left Cnnip Withy
oomlio shortly after noon todny on
a special train for San Diego. A
big crowd cheered as tho train pulled
out with the last of the national
guardsmen who were mobilized there,
over a week ngo. They will arrive
in Medford in the early morning.
"Whon ho pedaled his bleyclo from
bohlnd a load of liny on tho Pacific
Highway yesterday afternoon nor
tliold llonrn, was struck by n ma
chine driven by Mm. George Portor
of this city. Henrn, who l 15 your
of age and lives with his parents In
Phoenix, Is a Tribune carrier and was
on bis way to Mod ford to get his
paper when the accident occurred.
Iltwni was thrown through the
windshield of tho oar and sustained
two bndly cut arms and n lacerated
oar. The radiator and lnnipB of the
our woro smashed by tho Impact.
IXo blanio Is attachor to elthor of
tho imrtlos to tho accident ns ac
cording to eyewitnesses of tho ncol
dnnt, 1 1 earn turned out stiddoly from
bohlnd IIih load of liny just aa tho
oar turned out to pass It. Tho head
on collision ocourad before the car
could bo stoipd. Mrs. A. P. Cun
ningham of Medford wns tho other
occupant. A passim; maohlno picked
up the lad and carried him to
Phoenix where medical assistance
was Klven.
The picturesque grandour of Al
pine surroundings haa boon used as
a bark ground for Marguerite Clark's
latest film appearanoe, "Out of the
Drifts," the FamtoiiH Players-Paramount
Picture, which is the attrac
tion at tho Star today. "Out of the
Drifts" is a tale of the eternal snows
of avalanches, dlssy heights and
yawning chasms, ranging from tho
pastoral beauties of Alpine shopherd
life to the grim fight for more exis
tence, against the swashing hurrl-oane-drlven
snows. Put the battlo
against the elemonts is not tho only
one In which tho diminutive star Is
pitted against a powerful adversary
She I a simple, unsophisticated little
Hhepberdess whose very Innonoo and
beauty arouse In a dissolute visitor
at the village, which Is her home,
the lowest Impulses of his nature.
Put the very Inuoceuce which led her
Into the trop proves her salvation,
for it lu turn awakens a mum of
shame and repentance in the man
who turns over a new loaf aud thor
oughly changes his mode of life.
In this stirring Ule. Miss Clark
has an opportunity to do a different
sort of acting from anything she has
done before, but the same irresistible
charm is there and the unforgetuble
Clark personality invests the little
Mountain lass with tho appealing
loroUnsss that holds one fascinated
to tho vory end of the story.
Why Snioko Jilt CTgors
"When La Gondag are ouly 10c
Twenty-five farmers interested in
nlfalfa growing loft in cars nt 2
o'clock yesterday afternoon to at
tend the alfalfa demonstration held
on the Mike Ilnnley and Hemst
ttinelios, near Central Point.
On tlie two ranches some twenty
plots have been treated with differ
ent varieties of fertilizer, nil of the
plots showing good results with tho
exception of those treated with nit
rate of soda and pure phosphorus-.
Jinny farmers have been paying high
prices for these fertilizers and have
been at a loss to understand the lack
of results. In nil cne, however,'
where any fertilizer containing any
form of sulphur wns applied the re
sults were most mitisfuelory. Where
cheek plots were not worth cutting
those a few feet away treated Willi
sulphur allowed n fine second crop.
According to Pathologist Cajo, the
pyrites that wilt be available in im
mense quantities at the openiii" of the
Who Ledge district will furnish an
ideal sulphur feitilizer. This prod
uct can be ground here, if railroad
transportation is available, and sold
at from $8 to $10 a ton. The pvrites
in its present form contains about .'10
per cent sulphur and can be easily
concentrated to a content of f0 per
Haw lump pyrites was applied last
spring to several plots ami showed a
noticeable improvement in the eron.
However, if the pyrites is ground us
fine ns sulphur and applied nt 100
pounds to the acre, remarkable re
sults may be expected, lasting over
two or three years. At present p".
Hum and pure sulphur are the mifst
practical forms to use. The war,
however, has boosted the price of
sulphur to about !?fil) a ton.
As soon ns cuttings are finished
and nil available data has been gath
ered a bulletin will be published giv
ing to growers the exact findings iih
to fertilization of alfalfa.
Wodnosday afternoon tho marrlogo
ceremony was performed uniting
Mrs. Ada Cornell and William E.
Church. Mts. Comoll lias for many
years mado hor homo In Jnckron
Co., and Is known by n host of
friends, for hor congonlnl ns woll is
her hospltablo disposition. Mr.
Church haa for seven yearn
been tho formen of tho Vi
las ranch, whom lie has proven his
Vilas ranch, where he has proven IiIh
worth aud value, as a man aud citi
zen. His family Is ono of the vory
ohlost in our country, having landod
from tho Mayflower. Mrs. Cornell
la a momber of tho local Daptlst
church, whllo Mr. Church Is tho son
of a Paptlst mlnlstor and now thut
they both have the name, Church, It
ought to Insuro a rallglous home.
(Continued from page ono)
Moxlco whon thoro wns hopo of over
taking them.
Maintain Doi-tler Patrol,
peoretary Hakor carried to tho
white houso early today a copy of
Consul Oarcla's message to General
Dell at El Pano, stating that the men
were on route to the border lat
night. Soon afterward camo the dis
patch from Mr. Uodgora. Ullseo Ar
rodoudo, Mexican ambassador desig
nate, was advised by Foreign Minis
ter Agullar'in Moxlco City of his
govornniont's action.
Jtolease of the prisoners had no
offeot, howevor, on efforts to speed
up the mobilization of the (National
Guard along the International Hue
and to furnish an adequate supply of
war material to meet any omorgency.
Even should the Mexican rep'y
dlsclalm any hostile Intention and
withdraw orders to Carranza military
commanders offensive to the Putted
StatoJ!. the border patrol would be
maintained at tho strength now con
templated while any danger from
bandit oontlrwied. To free Itself
from the ineiiaoe of an army mobil
ized on Its northern frontier, tho
Mexican got eminent must comply
also with the demands that It police
adequately Its border states and es
tablish such military control there
that raiding Into the United States is
Improbable and the assembling of
any large group of bandits Impossible.
Deafness Cannot 3e Cured
br kl riUtkwt tT rMMt rrt W
imrd ixrttkua of IW Mr Tlr U valr
war !. clrttem, awl iai l t i-wnillull .d
I rM-'lM talMM U -aUM-4 k) all luOaaMrtl
-m-"1- uf tk mMW linluf ' Ik' lmUii!o
Tut VMian thU tut ) li.flam.l ru ha
raabller aouad loija-rf" brafiuf and wtrs
It U Hillrrl) rluwii lvfu. u tkr rr.ult aud
al4 taw MUlBinstlun ran tukra wit aud
tklt tuW rrf l rd to It' ajoraial tulidltlolj
tu lll be dMtrtvvd fcMW. am , m i ul
bra in raua.l Ir ittlfr rkl-li U uotblnf but
M USaaMd -UiImb uf tk buoimu wrfV
Mr ill lvr iu Hundred Uullant fur aur et
of irtuf uu4 Mtatiki Hum '
d bf lUila tauurb Cut n4 rticn
" '" r J ' IIEM.Y U Cu . Tutrdo. O.
IM.i t lruflH TJ
X liil. Jbi I'UU Ut wiitlntUa.
CHICAGO, Juno 29. After a trip
from Perlln negotiated through tho
state department at Washington the
will of Mrs. Anhcusor Punch, daugh
ter of the founder of tho Anhou.ser
Huscli Prowlng company', rested to
day In tho nrchlvos of tho prolmto
court here. Tho will disposes of $4,
000,000. Sirs. Huscli died nt Pasadena, Cnl.,
last April. The will had been ex
ecuted whllo Mrs. Huscli was visiting
In Perlln and had been left In tho
custody of Miss Lilly Aloxn Huscli, a
daughter who resides In Perlln, and
the American heirs had been unnblo
to got word from Miss Pusch. Pin
ally tho stntc department was ap
pealed to with tho result that the
will started for Amorlca ton weeks
Mrs. Pusch bequeaths her Oregon
ranch to her son, Franz, various arti
cles of Jewelry and art works to her
daughters, Lilly Aloxa nnd tho llar
onoBs Paula von Kloydorff, and di
rects that tho rmealndor of tho prop
erty bo divided Into six equal pnrts.
Her two daughters recolvo each n
portion. Her son, Kdward, of St.
Louis, receives ono half of ono por
tion outright and tho Income during
his life from tho other half. Thin
latter one-half on his death will go
to his Ron, Sidney. Mrs. PuscIi'h son,
Franz, of Los Angeles, receives a llfo
Income from IiIh portion, the portion
Itself to go to his widow and his
children. Provision for Otto Pusch
In the anmo as that for Frnaz.
Threo grandsons, Carl, Arthur nnd
Alfred, children of a dead son of Mrs.
Huscli, each gets tho Incomo of ono
portion until ho Is thirty years old
when ho Kets his ouo-thlrd outright.
Prepared to buck through the snow
to the (lovcriiinciit camp, Seely Hall
left this morning with Wnlter ltrown,
Floyd Hippey nnd Frank MeKce. The
big Cadillac in which they are mak
ing the trip is stripped of fenders,
running boards mid pan. Their plan
is to dig a path the width of the en
gine through the snow from White
horse to (Sovenimeut Camp, a dis
tance of two and one-hulf miles. The
siiim along the road varies from two
to ten feet in depth.
y iqieniug a small path by hand
they think they will be able to buuk
through with the car. Heavy log
chains will be wrapped around the
tires to secure traction. The party
thinks they will get the ear through
mid be able to return by the ltli.
(Continued (Torn pago ono)
of tho onamy and pouetratod at seve
ral places as far as tho second lino.
Hero we blow up a largo number of
sheltering works." '
PISULLV, Juno 23. Tho fighting
on tho wostern front attained pro
portions of considerable violence at
various points yesterday and last
night, the war office announcod to
day, but tho attacks of tho Hrltlsh
and the French were repulsed every
where. HOMK, Juno J9, via London.
Tho Italian advaneo contlnuo on tho
Trentlno front. Tho official report
of today says that in tho Arsa val
loy tho Italians stormod Fort Mut
tassoue and carried the rldgo of
Monto Trappoln.
Medford peoplo should know that
a few (Iokgs of simple buckthorn bark,
glyeorlno, otc, as mlxod In Adler-
l-ka, often rellovo or prevent appen
dicitis. This simple mixture remove
such surprising foul matter that ON'IC
SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY
CASK constipation, sour stomach or
gas. A short treatment helps chronic
stomach trouble. Adlor-l-ka has eas
iest and most thorough aetlon of any
thing we ever sold. L. P. Hasklns,
S H Harnleh's auto lll lesvt
Kagle Point at 8 A M. and 1 P. M.
daily, except Sunday; leave Medford
A. M. and 6 P. M. Will call for
passengers at hotels in Medford and
hotels and business houses in Eagle
riio.VE a-xa on a..a.
Cnptnln A. J. Vanco of tho 7th
Const Artillery Company, returned
from Portland thin morning nnd
whllo thoro conferred with military
authorltlos of tho state on tho pros
pect of tho local company being
called into tho Foderal service It
was loarned that ns yet no Coast Ar
tillery troona haro been mobilized,
but It was denlred that each company
bo recruited up to 100 mon Im
mediately. Official orders woro re
ceived this morning to thnt effect.
It Is thought thnt nil Const Artil
lery troops will be mobilized just as
soon ns tho Infantry, cavalry and
flold nrtlllery nro out of tho wny,
and the order to recruit up to full
strength at this tlmo is to provout
tho delay experienced by tho other
troops In mustering lu sufficient men
to permit them ta go to tho front
In compliance with tho requirements
of tho government.
Every offort will bo mndc to Im
mediately recruit 40 mora men In
tho local company. Full pny nt
camp will bo paid nil new men Join
ing at this time, as woll ns receiving
tho regular monthly pay provided In
tho recent reorganization bill, passed
by Congress.
As thero will undoubtedly bo n
much larger number than 40 men de
siring to enlist, Captnlti Vance tttntos
that tho first 40 applying will bo
taken Into tho company.
Twenty-five eowpunchciN, rope
spinners and rumtilla Indians tmss-.
cd through Bedford this morning,
hound to Ashland from Pendleton. In
an express car they carried their
saddles nnd equipment, four rope
horses nnd four running ponies. Their
wild horses nnd steers arrived by
freight in Ashland yesterday morn
ing. They are oonfidont of walking
away with the roundup honors nnd
ure anxious to see the prize saddle.
"We're after (lie money, nnd, believe
mo, wo have tlie crowd to get it," is
the way into of them expressed it.
During the time the train stopped sev-
Success of a New Remedy for
Backache, Kidheys, Rheumatism.
Ikar Mr. Editor I suffered for yoara
with backneho. Last Mnrcli I tried
"Anuria" nnd hnvo used this new kid
ney mediclno recently discovered by
Dr. Pierce, nnd it was wonderful tho
wcy it eased thu pain nnd gave mo
relief in suoli n short time. I hnva
triod several medicines, but "Anuria"
Is tho only ono that gave satisfaction.
I feel it my duty to recommend
"Anuria rauiuiu"
' to any ono who sulfura
as I did.
(Signed) Mns.MAnuAnrr E. Snidek,
Nete: Folks In town nnd adjoining
counties nro delighted with the result
tho nowest discovory of Dr. Plorco, who
is head of tho' Hotki. and
fitmaiOAJ. iNHTiTtrrK, In Hulfalo, N. Y.
Those who started thu day with a back
ache, stiff legs, arms and muscles, nnd
an aching bond (worn out beforo tho
day began because they woro in and out
of bed half a dozen tunes at night ) nro
appreciating tho perfect rest, comfort
nnd now strength they obtained from
Dr. I'ierco'B Anuric Tablets. To provo
that this is a certain urio acid solvent
and conquers headaaho, kidney aud
bladder uisoasoa and rbeuinutisui, if
you'vo navor used tho "Anurio," oat
this out nnd send ten cent to Doctor
Pierco for n large sample puckago. This
will provo to you thut "Anuria" Is
thirty -bo von times more activo than
lltbia lu eliminating urio acid and tho
most perfect kidney and bladder cor
rector. If you are a sufferer, go to your
bust druggist and ask for a 00-cent box
of "Anurio." You run no risk for Dr.
Pierce's good name stands behind this
wonderful new discovery as it has for
tho past half century for his "Golden
Medical Discovery," a gencrol tonlo
made from roots with pure glyceriuo
which makes tho blood pure, ufs "Fa
vorite inscription " for weak women
niul"Plcuant PdlcW" (or hver ills.
First half mile from stand, I pas
senger 15c, two passengers 2 fie.
Within olty limits, outside halt
mile zone, 1 or 2 passengers, SSc, 3
passengers, 40c, 4 passengors, fiOo.
Country rates, I'o mile. Special
rates along paved highway.
Ktunil nt ISrtmn's.
Leave Medford tor Ashland, Talent
and Phoenix dally, excopt Sunday, at
8:00 a. m 1:00, 2:00, 4;00 and 5:16
p. ra. Also on Saturday at 11:16 p.
id, Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:30
t. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30
p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford
dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. ft.,
1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p, m. Also
on Saturday nights at 6:30 and
2:20. Sundays lsvo Ashland at 9:00
a. m. and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30
p. m.
ASHLAND fancv ropers amused the crowd
gathered to watch the nrnval of tho
troop train with fancy rope-spin-nmg,
a variety of blood-eurdling yells
mid singing with tom-tom accompan
iment by the Indian contingent.
Reported by Jnckson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sts.
Pert Anderson et al vs. J. M. Me
Piiee, order denying motion.
C. A. Williamson vs. Theo. II. F.
Kngle, order.
George Lindley vs. A. M. Hart el
nl., summons.
Estate of Lewis A. Wuitc, citation.
Estate of Christina Orohnrd, order
allowing final account, final nceoiiiit.
Estate of William Cochran, second
semi-auiiuul report.
Estate of Elizaboth Coohrnn, sec
ond seiui-autiual report.
Estate of Jntnw K. Header, umond
ed final report and disehnrgo of ex
ecutrix. Miiirliigo Licenses
Edison Pluiiio Stanley to Myrilo
hlstolln aicason.
Willnrd E. Church to Ada Cnniell.
Francis Marion Ernest lo Mnbel
Elsie Wilson.
1'rcd Hurr to Agnes Pi ice.
William J. Atkins to Kintna Ilnzol
WJiy Hmofco ntt Cigar
Whon La Oondns nro only IPo.
Suniiiioiiu Suit for Divorce.
In the Circuit Court of tho Stnto or
Orogon, for the County of Jack
son. Luclndn Slovcr, Plaintiff, vs. Alouzo
Slover, Defendant.
To Alonzo Hlover, the nbovo mimed
In tho nnmo of the'Stnte of Oregon
you nro hereby required to appear
and niiflwcr tho plaintiff's complaint
against you now on file In tho nbovo
entitled court nnd ciuiro on or beforo
tho last day of tho tlmo proscribed
lu the order for publication of sum
mons horoln, to-wlt: On or beforo tho
10th day of July, 1910, said date be
ing tho expiration of six weeks from
and after tho date of tho first publi
cation of this summons.
And It you fall to appear aud nn
nwer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff
will apply to tho Court for the relief
prayed for In snld complaint, succinct,
ly stated as follews:
That tho bonds of matrimony exist
ing between plaintiff nnd defendant
bo forovor nbrogntod, dissolved and
annulled, and that tho plaintiff bo
awarded such othor nnd furthor ro
ller an to tho court ehnll appear
Just and coultublo.
This numinous In published In tho
Medford Mall Trlhuno by order of
tho Hon. F. M. Calkins, Judgo of the
abovo entitled court, which snld or
dor wns mode and entored or record
on tho 2Cth day or May. 191C. nnd In
compliance therewith, the date of tho
first publication hereof la the 27th
day of May, 1U1C.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
-r ; : : 1
A block of ground, modern bunga
low, 4-rooms, bath, sleeping porch,
lnrgo barn, just outside city limits,
oft King's Highway, or will trade for
nmnll city property,, Ml N. OHANOK STIWItT,
jliono 11.10.11.
Wo have stock ranrhos, high grade
hay ranches, and general farms both
largo nnd small on our list. Some
city property also ut attractive prlsos.
40 acres with houso and burn, flno
levol laud, 7000,
22 ucres full bearing apples and
poars, elegaut bungalow, $8000,
Hoon-Catlicart Co.
llionn 107
I havo n 100-acrn stock ranch;
good location; 100 acre in grain,
eomn alfalfa. This placo recently
sold for 12,000; no Incumbrance.
Will trade for good orchard, profor
pears, or would take city property.
Would trade oven or assuiuo some In
cumbrance on orchard proposition.
102 WW Muiu Htiwt.
TIavo pni'ty with well improved 23-nero tract, loctitod
4 mileg from Santa Cruz, ('alii', thnt wants to trade
for good biiHincsts here. Jlis property is clear.
anres xhvkstmeht co.
ItaJ f4Uto iAwaa, Ucanit, Insonwrfo.
lost W.t Hula.
The Boy is Father
to thi Man
Old sayings like this nro fraught with
a most important meaning. And what
will nlil tho expectant
mother In conserving
lii-r lioAlth, her
ttrongtti, her mental
rctxxta nnd tho Ab
sence of vexatl o u it
pains Is n subject of
vait moment Among
tlio rtfognlicd helps U
a f plcndld rem c il y
known aa "Mother's
friend." Applied to
tho muscles It sinks In
deeply to make them
Arm nnd pliant. It thus
llfta thn alraln nn
llpameuts thnt produce pain, It lightens tbo
burden on tho nervous system, Induces cnlni,
restful night of health-string sleep ant)
makes tho dan sunny nnd happy. Get a
Imttlo of "Mother's Friend" nf any drurjlst
nnd you will tlien rcnllio why It has been
ronl(Urtd Inio to Its -nnmo In our best bomrs
through three generations. It Is perfectly
JiarraleM but so cffcctlvo that ones used It
ts recommended to nil expectant mothers by
tliose Mho went through tlio ordeal with
surprising .ease. By writing to Urndflcld
UcmilMur Co., 412 Ijimar UKis-., Atlanta, Go.,
you ran lic n frco copy of u wonderful
stork book Hint unfolds those things which
nit expectant mothers delight to read. Write
Fon iiKNTnocainnncpiNa
POP HUNT Modern houso koontn
rooms, down stalrn. 34S North
POP PUNT Houso keeping rooms
down Htalrn, close in. 37U-J. 04
FOU PENT Furnished li-room
houso, gas nnd electricity, on paved
ntreot. Phono 029-W. 80
FOU UKNT -Strictly modern house.
Sleeping porches and gnrngo. G10
"W. Jackson street. 80
FOU UKNT Flvo room houso, hnrd
wood floors, full cement basement
nnd garugo. Phone 870-W.
FOU PENT Ono 4-room modern
house. Phono 370-W.
' r 'V r
ron sxvKfvarimTOGK
FOU BALE Ono Duroc hoar, regis
tered. Phono 19-F24. 88
FOU HALE 2 milk cown, 2 ycnrllng
heifers, 2 spring calves. H. C.
Post, Phono G39-U2. 87
FOU SALE Horses, nnd grain hay
in tho flold, ono mllo northoaBt of
Phoonlx. E, E, Itoamca. 100
FOU SALE Socond crop alfaUn nnd
grain liny. Holder's Dnlry.
FOU SALE Leathor upholstorod
furniture. Central Point Orogon,
lllox 17, Pouto t. Phono 147. 91
FOU SALE A small paying buslnoss
,or trade. Pox P. 8G
FOU SALE Cholco grain hay.
.Phono C39-J i. Call morning, noon
or evenings. ,
FOU SALE Five piiHsongor touring
cur at a bargain. Phono 201-H2.
FOU HALE cheap, proporty nt 1150
West 8th street. 88
FOU SALE Ono ton Ford truck at
tachment; also 40 noros land to
trndo for Ford car. Dahack's
Oarago 482-J. 88
FOU SALIC Cholco alfalfa liny. 10
per ton in field. Snlder'a Dairy,
Phono 201-J3.
FOU SALE Ucduced again, my
$7000 city rnnoh, freo Irrigated,
dairy, chicken, fruit, tools, stock,
$1000, The Carlsbnd of America;
unsurpassed scenic beauty. Pop.
0000; altitude 2000 ft., fishing and
hunting. Mrs. M. Juclter, Ashland,
Oregon. 91
WANTED Py nn oxporloncod girl,
ram of children, hour or day.
820-X. 107
H as -SF m j - am, asn
WANTED Man to run gasollno on
gluo and do some shop work on
near-by ranch. Mlravlstn Orchard.
WANTED Olrl for cooking and
general housework. Dr. Salado,
flnvm Ouks. 81
WANTED To lease nowspupor, or
situation ns linotype machinist op
orator. L L. llarmun, Marysvlllo,
Cul., (len. Del. b5
WANTRD Party to oonduct n res
taurant In this city; good opening
for right party; low rent and no
competition. Cull on or address S.
It. Dunnlugton, Jacksonville, Ore
WANTED To rent a house or apart
inonta furnished. Pox 25 Mull
Tribune. 89
WANTED We do roather work,
folding mattresses, comforters, pil
lows, renovating and repairing.
Phone 11H1-J. M2 E 12th. 88
!& yty
nusiMH Dinncxoitr
Auto Buppllc
are operating the largest, oldost
nnd best equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Use our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee. 20 North Flftoonth Bt,
Portlnnd, Ore.
Attorn eja
GEO. W. CHERRY Attorney and
Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty Dank Building, entrance N.
Central, Medford, Oro.
PORTER J. NEFF Attorney at law.
rooms 8 and 0, Medford National
Dank Building.
Corey bldg.
O. M. ROBERTS Lawyer.
Medford National Bank Building.
-jaa. .saMt.Sl
collected somo accounts 14 yean
old. Wo know how to get thi
money. Tho Bullock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, II
klus' Bldg., 21G E. Main t
L 1 l V" "T l
Osrnntt-Coroy Bldg., nlU III
Medtora, Oro. Phone SCI.
Collections nnd lleports
M. F. & H. Bldg. Offlco Hours
8:30 to 12; 1 to 5. Phone C07-R.
Engineer and Contractor
FRED N"0UMMiNQB8"glnwai3
contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Bldg.
Burrcys,, mtlmatos, Irrlgatlo
drnlnngo, orchard and land la
EARL 8. TUMY General Insurance
offlco, Flro, Automobile, Accldont,
Liability, Plato Qlass, Contract,
and Suroty Bonds. Excellent com
panted, good local sorvlce. No.
210 Qarnott-Coroy Bldg.
Instruction In MbsIo
FREDALTOn" HAiailT," toachor of
Iplnno nnd harmony. Halght
Music Studio, 401 Garaott-Corey
building. Phouo 72.
BL18S HEINE Tcachor of Violin.
'Music furnished for nil occasions.
Prices reasonable Studio 1121 K.
Main St., Phono 303-J2.
OARBAGE Get your premises
cleaned ud for the summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good sorvlce. Phono S74-L. T,
Y. Allen.
1'hyslcUna aad "Jargeoas
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 410-417 Garnott-Corey
bldg., phone 1030-L. Resldeac
20 South Lnurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician, 303 aarnett-Coray
building. Phone ISO.
DR. 3. J. EMMEN8 Physician and
surgoon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurtst for B. P.
H. It. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co.
bldg., opposlto P. O. Phone 667,
DP. R. W. CLANCY Physician an
surgeon Phones, of fie 36, real
douce 780. Offlco hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
dan and surgeon. Offlco Palst
block, opposlto Nash hotel. Hours.
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
Printers aud Publishers
best equipped printing offlco in
southern Oregon; book binding
Iooko leaf ledgers, hilling systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 Nena
Fir at.
Office 42 North Front st. Phona
816. Prices right. Service guar
Medford House Movers
Phone 488-M
612 S. Newtown. 737 W. 14th St.
Camera Shop
208 East Main Street,,
Tho Only Exclusivo
Commercial Photographers
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Mado any time ou
placo hy appointment.
Phono 147-J
We'll do tlio rest
a. nxrcoir. Ptop. w
' t