PAGE TWO MUDFOR1) f 7L TRIBUNE, MEDFORT), OREUOX, THURSDAY, JUNK 20, IMG .ji f Vb f .1 if' I' H MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDEPENDENT NEWSpAI'EIlT" Fuoi.iHiiRD nvunr ArTEnwooN EXCEPT 8UNDAT BY THE MBDFURD I'KIXTINO CO. Offlcfl Mall Trlbtin BulMIng, JS-I7-J9 North Fir street; telephone 75. The Domocratlo ern Orcganlan. Ttmea. the Metlfortl Mall, The MaOforrt Tribune, The South. inn Aaniann iriuune. A LITTLE AMERICAN OEonan putnam, Editor. SUBSOKUTION KATEHI rear, by malt .. II M e month, by ma I . .10 r month, deltwred by carrier In Mearnro, rnonii, jacKsonvwa and Central Point .... .it turday only, bv mall, per yer.. t " safely, per year...- - 1.10 he ritr or MedforH. Jackson County. aerond-rlaaa matter at Madford, Oregon, under the act of March 1, 1171 Official Iapr of the OfrteWii Paper of Entered a aerond Sworn rirculnflon for lll -iU. full Ictin.'d wlrr Associated l'reee ill' patch.- TJII'j copperhead Oregonian. which docs nof nesitnl' to sacrifice patriotism for partisan politics, is I'm woiuc in iln disloyalty than any of tin hyphenated citizens whom it so roundly he rates for divided allegiance. This delectable tory journal does not halt at anything in its frantic efforts to foment discontent against the Tnit-d States government. Lacking a vital issue lo go before the people in support of its reactionary candidate, the Oregonian is endeavoring ilcr whk immifil In Hip n'li.itc toil.nv to creat one bv a policy of unjust and harping criticism of without drhate n ai j h.ui BORDER EXPENSE BILL PASSES THE SENATES WASIIINOTOV, ,7tine 29 An tir- Ront deficient bill appropriating $27, fi38,000 for eiiKsrgency ;xiifno eon nected with the movement of the National Guard to the M-xIr-aii ''or- M'CUMBER fHS8kp Oil FIRMS DECREE OF CZAR ABOLISHING VODKA our relations with foreign nations at a time when cond5 tioiin are strained and slight provocation may precipitate war. To this end it is printing vulgar and witless f-arfoon. One of these, unusually brutal, appeared in 'ediie.sda, s Issue. It repit'sents the national xunvd marching to Mex ico past a weeping mother, while above the hand of watch ful waiting transforms the legend, "lie kept us out of, war" into "He gol us into war." For many months the Oregonian has censured the pres ident for not massing the troops on the border and actually going to war. Now when, despite; tjje president's patient efforts to avert war. conflict looms probable, the president is censured for preparing for eventualities by sending the troops to the border, which the Oregonian has long clam ored for. So narrow and unfair is this detestable journal that it seeks to foment treason and discord for petty political advantage. Nothing that the president does or can do meets approbation merely because he weal's a different political label. The Oregonian is too mean and small to be an American first and a partisan afterward?. It is a mighty little American and disgraces the state whose name it has appropriated. piiHsed tin hoitRF FAROO, X. 1)., Junt 29. -Tnlted State Senator 1. J. McCumlier has defeated Governor h. I). 1 lamia for the nomination for senator on thp re publican ticket according to returns available totlav from eterda's pri mary John Ilurke, Vnlted Stntea treuurpr. 1h Uadlnfe P O Ilellatrutn on the dnnocratlc senatorial ticket llllllllW cam roAMricrrt II lllllll Mfw vnDVf mW l!!fliiH lilllliliiw,iiii,il,illllll rKTnoOHAI), June .'! The bill Itrovldlng for the nrninni nt prohlbl tlon of vodka came tip In the dtima today for the first time and the ses sion was Riven uvar to a dlacuulon of Un ef(eetlveitM of the preaent regulations fHrltlddlni the sale of liquor and the t ttvlsabllltr of nerput tiRtlitK tlieso nilvaiiUnos of the pros perity evidenced throimhont tlie coun try since the Imperial decree at the beginning of the war. The present prohibition has been prescribed by the goreriiment and no option given to the people except In the matter of light wines and Inter, which lias been Isft In the hands of tits municipal cou noils In various iwrta of the empire. Hut judging from the preliminary debate the rep resentatives of the people will sup port the government and will signify thair Wrval uf the prohibition by abolishing forever the sale of vodka. 1 Uh (act the general sentiment ex pressed by the members of the (tu rns, was dissatisfaction with the lax ity In the enforcement of the pres ent regulations. One speaker asserted that drunk enness win becoming as prevalent as before the war and declared that (ensures should bo taken to enforce and strengthen the laws now In oper ation. (Drnnketineas, continued the speak er, also hud been Increased by the Inhibition of large quantities or fui Mltnre polish, mu dc cologne snd oth or substitutes for liquor roiuum by the peasant population The mesHiire makliiK the proMM tioa permanent lll be put to titii at an early dute nnd It u ipTii"i wUI be lli HOI' ui'Me.liln,i A SUMMERLESS SUMMER TTK7INTUY .lime weather has led weather prophets to y predict that this will be a sufiuuerless summer, without any extended heat periods and with a superabund ance of rain. So far throughout the country the year resembles that of 1HK5, the famous siinmierless year,' when crops failed lo mature and seed brought fabulous prices. The scientists of several observatories state that sun spots of extraordinary size are the cause of the freak weather conditions. There are more sun spots and of im mense size than ever before noted. One is lary,. (.nmurli in cover most of the Tinted States. While sun spots do not control the weather, their electric and magnetic influence affects it. Cluu'lcH b Marvin, chief of (he weather bureau in Washington, is trying to explain the topsy-turvcv weather, lie has been studying the causes of the dark, gloomv, rainv iun we iinve nau ill .nine. Uliier Forecaster 10. II. Howie says there is nothing in the ojtl theory that war causes rain'and dark tin vs. William .). Humphreys, in charge of the seismological investigations for the weather bureau, says volcanic dis turlMtnccH, not war, are the chief factor in regulating weather, but he can find no such disturbances large enough to cause the present weather revemals. History records several periods of suninierless sum mers, and much distress and hardship occasioned thereby. We may be in for a recurrauee of one of these cold aiii iiiinv periods. Go Where You Will you'll find no other food with such a delicious flavor and su h an abundance of nutriment as Grap e-Nuts This ideal health ration combines the sweets and nourishment of whole wheat, with the delicious tang of malted barley. It is easily digested by weak stomachs and has a nourishing aluc uncqualcd by any other cereal food. It's a igr-produccr for keeping body ac tive and mind alert. "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts .Sold bv Grocers evervwhere. ATE LAST STRONGHOLD OF ZAPAIA TAKEN MjCXiro t IT. Inn. ji Thf at stronahuid of i:iuii z.i'.n.i, iiir ii.m dll chief tu lr M'terul w.irn has overrun the Mut of Mou-loa. ha boon i-sptuied li coiiHiltiitlonnlWi foreea. according to report recuit ed by the secretao of war from (Jen oral Pablo Uousalee. ' The posltlou was knon as Ki Jllguero. a deep cauon coippletel) surrouuded by high nnd rugked Mountains. Cnrraiuistas believe it means an end to the depredations of the Itau dlt chief. CIIKIIM.IS, Wash , .limn s -J K. Wills, a I'hehalls attorney, was suspended from active practice lor one year by the superior court of! t.iK wgieaajajkasn CITY OF BOYS 10 E W8III(lTON. June i!l The seualo loda apruved and sent to the white house the conference reiwrt on the l(a resolution nut hot lilim the iireHlil.iii in ili-ufi int.. ik. ...1....1 i ..-I. .i. i, i i .ii.. it...... , " ",r .in ..- .., .-.- .. .. HMwlt, S,,,,,,,,.,, , riHlI, was iharged with making unwarraut-! Ink in.- .... nh,i n.nii ed uttacks ii pon the state supreme ' rourt aud upon Judge A K It Ice of the l.els county superior rourt .Indue Hullhuu or Spokane, presided! ut the trial The trial was marked l one of tin longest speeches ever delhered In it Washington court. Wills Ihkuii Ing In his own behalf at 1 1 .10 hi hi. k esterday moinltu. lie did inn hnl-l, until n :io lust uiKht In im-Ihk sentence Judae Sulln.ui -.ul in .. leniwnt owlni; to tin' dri.n.luni - ml am cil uKe Jumbo Molite Spark Plugs are guaranteed for the life of your car or are replaced free. They cost no more than ordinary plugs. C. E. GATES ? OF ESCAPES AIR RAID litiNO. Niv , June .Ml In the pine t'OMiiil IiIIIn of the Verdi see tlon, overtopping the Trmkee river, a city for bo) Is to be started by J. WUIts Hrowu, noted Juvenile authori ty, author of the Juvenile It a ef Utah nnd educator of note. It m to ton enlled Ho City and will .m,.n 4seus from throughout the t u'i-i Crates. Hos will be taught wonii WThtle nchlevements aside from it..u USltorvd along educational and imt.i) linen. The boy eltlseas will neci their own luws and elect their omu urn) or end ed cniuutissloners Theie Is li0H' ''ah conducted by bo, a pottiDiiKt. library and clvie center. Th in m (i 4 to be bulk by the first boy arrival m io Clt. HICltl.lN. .Inue :! ijui .ii i torla uf Sweden, kistei of t,i .n,i , , Krledrlch II of Sweden. i .t n.i castle lu Kuilsrulie, tlniim the French air raid ou U.u c, m uu ,n wheu o persons were kill, , i bombs, saH an Overseas N. m-, a. n r dispatch from KarUniln si. esiaped lull hi, howtver, H-. on Hi, oteuMtiii if lh.' piilotiK ii I 'i t-lie vs.i- Ji-. i in I In i i i i, i h Ii ii m . lh il -iiin ut ii. 'h.m ilii'l in il Min inii-.iiuni-. i i i In ii .i I !. . I CU.-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Ouepnckuge )rovea it. 25c ut all drui&uts. Fatima oales" lire jumping becauso tirery man wants a BUNSIULli elgi.tu. Tbere era ethar smm1U dgsraltss MdH Patlma but ihsre are nana that also Just hit tha taste of so many thousands ef smokers u l'mlma do, Vour utte may bo 3Afttni But if you ltappsn to Ills I'atlmas as wall as niojf nun do, you can kp light on smoking without any wotry about your tcmuoo throat and without "ie.Unjf iBMnNaftf wards. Fsdwas we saflsiUe. Ty Fatlntas today and you'll probably uruUrstarul why tbsy'ie sailing so fast. A Sensible Cigarette JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAitEIl I(SVy AvNtAHt h. HAItTMiTT HteHem M. n aim IT-JS AuMiulile llmive li'lee WubuUuea Wrvlos Ctirowcr CELEBRATE July 4-5-6 At ASHLAND Formal Opening $250,000 Park and Dedication of Famous Mineral Springs 3 Great Parades llmioriiii; (iieen Litliin ami Kint; Sulphur. Milt's of l'lat. $10,000 Roimd-Up Im'iiIui'i-, INutllctou Cow llox.x, Imliaus, IIoi-m-s ami Cattle. Fireworks Display Stutfcil ly Soattlc K p'lis who llluiiiinatctl tin- l-Yisro Kx. n 4 Concert Bands Inspiring Muxif Mvcry whfiv l. All 'I'luvf, 1 jh and Nights. Base Ball Games l-lvt-ry Mtirniiit; at, K:(H) Mttwct'ii Wfctl ami Mctlt'onl TfauiK Carnival of Gaiety Watt r Sports at Nata toriuiii.s. Dam-in, (n-ft-iti HattU-.s, 'tr. AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS Exccllont Pieces Vaudeville & Pictures if&ME LAST TIME -The Royal &AjrM:i.:MA99 RS H;lfl il w MQ km & ttW hB JSt VJ NpS M br K5 $k1 Va wt 9) WV En H w Prc$entcd by WALTER E. DEAVES AND THE SPECIAL FOX PHOTOPLAY COMEDY DRAMA OF THE GOLDEN WEST BLUE and RE OOD Adults 25c Children 15c PA G Brimful ofi l Action and Amusing Situations TOMORROW v Lillian Gish in l)nplinc nnd the Pirate SOUTHERN OREGON'S GREATEST PLACE OF AMUSEMENT STAR THEATRE WIIKUI: TIII; CROWDS (JO A f SaHsaUsaaHlt ''' " ' ; I , TaK !0W 5 bbbbbT - .i ..T- i .' 1, VwESt WPsW - -. ;. -- f ,:x- ? t f '.ini i" "' SiA ' " " ; ' '- ' MARGUERITE CLARK In a Powerful Alpiu' Diainn, "OUT OF THE DRIFTS" A Pilitimount IVtuiv," proiluiil hy tho Famous IMa.x irs Film Co. Tin' j;rrati'st picture of her career. Don't miss it. ST AH TODAY ONLY Round -Up TickeU: General Admission and Grand stand, $1; General Admission and Bleachers, 50c FREE CAMP GROUNIXS Acrts of greensward, shade, seats, rest rooms, rustic tables. Children's playgi'ound. Splendid w$tr ac cessible oib every hand. REDUCED RATES FROM ALL POINTS J Auto Drivers, Attention Autos for Hire Wanted at Ashland for the Springs Dedication Celebration July 4, 5 and 6 FOUR SHORT HAULS City to Round-up Grounds (afternoon). City to Baseball Grounds (morning). Lithia Park to Natatorium Dance (night). City to Helman's Natatorium (day and night), leiuiivmeut: Special city license of ."50 eents per seat for all cars which run for hire to above joints up to capacity of 'JO seats. Cars of more thiui 20 seating capacity flat rate of $10. A seven-passenger car pas 1.50 and a five-passenger Ford pays 'J..";i), etc. (State chauffeur's license necessarv, $1 lor tIu' of lmti), Hetv i. a chance to make money. Bring a load from Muir home town and stav over. Appl to C. II. CULLKTTK, City Uecorder,Ash land. o V v 4 l v m i v f : -rr