Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 28, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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paoto vrvr,
"N'o lime will bi' lo-t, m lur a tins
department i concerned, m prolinuu
tirv woik jiociw-nrv ti lit tlotio before
the HftnrulturHl la ml of the Oregon
& California grant are opened to ot
tlomont," xii, v Cln.v Tallinon, enmniN
Nionur of tin general land office, in
u dispatch to the Portland Journal
from Washington, 1). (V
"It i iinpoixililp to ftive mi npprox
iiimtc date when tho firt land can
he opened to settlement, ' lio cont Hi
lled. "Wo fiivt have to de'tormine o
uclly what IiiiuIk mo the liind in
which title in rovo-tod in the govern
ini'iiU While doeription of (lie hind
tut) given in the hill of emnphiiiit mill
thu deeree of Ike district court, mid
these me no doitht coned iih to the
great iody of the land, we will Imve
to have iieeiimte mn picimicd,
showing exactly nil the laud miHold,
pnloiitod nnd nnNitented, to which
the government 10111110 title.
To Make Pi-cllmliiiii-y Map.
"It, in niirjiurpose to luivo u prelim -iittfrv
limp prepincd ftoin the inlor-
intitiiin now available, iinder winch
the wioik of eliiswifiealioii enn pro
eocM while Hhe final description nre
being winked mt. The oliiifioution
will he t ill ted Hx soon hn possible.
koiiI filter the first of .Inly, we hoH'.
1'laiiH under eoitsidortilioii eall for
thin woik being done liv our local
force in Oregon. o.Hindof to meet
tin? H'jpiiruttiKiitx."
It i learned Hint n sopHi'tilo foreo
will he ortfntiisod in (lie land office to
chock up oh the ln.c, ho Hint the
money to he advanced to Oregon
counties for hack laos iiinv he paid
an proniptlv an poselblo. Hut hefote
those iMiymenlM me made the depart
ment will make a complete cheek of
the hinds, to insuie eeitainty that
tn ii u being paid only on lauds'
that aie loslotod to the government
liy tint tonus of the hill.
WeiKliu: on ()H'iilim rians.
Several ipie-tions of inteipietation
of the land grant law, suid to he
somewhat perplexing, tire looming
the attention of the legal foree of
the hind office. Conference nie also
being held to work out plnn for the
I noil opcniiiH. The net provide for
opeuinir the mud in aecoidanee with
the net of September ill), liil3, which
act provides;
"That hereafter when pnhlic lands
are excluded from imIioiihI forests or
relented from withdrawn!"., the pi evi
dent may. whenever ia hi judgment
it i n'rojM'r or necessary, provide for
the owimitf of the lands liv et I le
nient in advance of entry, liv drawing
or hy uei other method a- he may
deem advisable, in thu interest of
equal opportunity and pood ailminiw
t ration, mid iti mo doing mav provide
that hind o opened -hull he sub
ject only to homestead mitrv bv aet
nal settler only, or to entrv under
the dwrt land lawn for a period not
exceeding ninety diiyV, the unentered
hind to he theionfler subject to !
position under the pnlihe land lawn
applicable thereto."
Riiivvltii; S.vsem Probable.
The significant (tMil of tin- limita
tion im the antlioriadtioH for oMninjr
the lainU h,v ie of the dmwm k.vh
tetn. Thi i the method oidinnnh
emiiioel. utul it eeiti itKeiv mat lite
(heifini IuuiIh will lw fuxiUv oieued
in thi way, uh it i exacted that
tkerf ViU m laru muuiIhmv of appli
eantM fur the Hgrieulttiral IracU.
Tlitwc RKrieiiUurul UuhIm are -uch
hn are tint xuitnhle iim power iicM,
are non-mimral and Iwar a liinoei
temwik of Utt thau :UH).C)4MI reel to
the fwty-acr' KuloliviMon. The
luiiitUHKl' "f the i't aUo iN-riiiilx the
claiiMJtkmtion a aurieullmal of at
tctivtl tmetM coittiMuiutr more than
:i(W,IMMI feet. jtUii with not nioie
limn that iiiautitv of timber i" con
clusively i'lai' h unrieiiltiiial. if
iioii-iuiiierl and md a power ne,
lint land coBtHimiHt n ranter unaii
lity may, in the discretion of the de
partment, be u!m olutvtHl in th airri
cultural cla. where it i dtMud thai
location niakex it uuitable for
eluKkifieulion a limber land.
,'VIIiiiiiiiI ItfUidN Now Open.
Miural In nd a ic -ohiect lo otrv
at the prei'iit time under the uenerul
uiuiiuv !. There are no lrin on
iwawditfte entry of the mineral land,
except that tlut winvril lam locator
iloeo not acquire title to the timber,
Imviiiif the nyht, however, to u
timber. neeexHry to the oK-ration
and dcvaJoiNMnt of a mine.
No other rhfbt can be iuiliuted on
the uiml at the preeu lime. All ex
ee4 unnerul land claimant- mnl
await the clai-ificaiion and formal
opeoiui; b pioclnmution of the pre
ident. It i- exM'i led lint llx1 tun
land will be divided into urit., u fliaf
( ot tl1 vjrml mas In opined
be toed I lie i la-iln ation and olhel
tfp)iniinc 010 tnn p-'ttCit AS &
diflier mit
li'Jnwg JltP&Ojlrtjtj:;!; llio hit a
lui.its ot the ilip.itttneiits elated that
it the leyilalioii wih pa-cd in time
tor them to put agent into the Held
Mav 1 thev would he tilde, to compftite
the dasifiention hefoiv unow fliiw.
As tliH work will not lie hejrnn before
ttnlv 1, tlio promie of eompletloii
duiiiiK the present seon doe not
hold Kood, and offieialx will not com
mit IheniHelvoH a to when it ean be
On Tuesday inornliiK, Julv t, dawns
Ashland da) at the celebration here,
lirlnht mid earlv. At 10 a m occurs
tho big ItidUBtrlnl and patriotic pa
rade which will bo a hummer. At 2
p. in. will bo the Hofiue river round
up, tho Initial font urc of that sorioa,
followed by bund concerts In tho hark
mid water sports at the nutntorlum.
In thu ovonlng there will be uioro
band concerts, flreworkB and dnneltiR.
A special train will leave 0 rants Pans
at 7 a. m., returning at 1U.I10 p. m.
Tho hour for lenvliiR Medford Ik 8:17
a. m. Low round trip faros will alo
bo on sulo between Atihliiud mid all
Soiitliorn Pacific stations In OroKon!
UonoburK mid south, July IS-G Inclu
Hlve, return limit July 7. Reductions
from northern California points as far
nn DuiiHiiiulr. Thu deloftatlou or
Portland visitors loavo that city on
tho evening of .lulj H. ArraiiKuniuiitH
aro vvoll under way for ovtoudliiK all
visitors a most cot dial oleoma. .Mud
ford day, Wednesday, Jul) 0.
Owing to honvy traffic, esptiolnly In
lunibor and box supplies, u dally
ft eight service has boon Instituted
between Klamnth Kails and Wood.
Chautauqua programs are out, a
nont booklet of 2 1 pages, devoid of
all commercial advertising matter.
Over fifty attractions, formal and In
formal, aro available at tho 21th an
imal assembly which will bu In ses
sion July 7-1 S Inclusive. Saturday,
July S, will be Sunday school day,
ono of tho elilof mid earlier events of
tho assembly. Tho Jackson county
association will mako a gala ovout of
this gathering, with u parade in ad
dition to other attractions. Admis
sion to tho auditorium will bo free on
Hint aftoruoou to all enrolled Sun
day school pupils. This privilege is
also extended to thoso who have ro
llglouslv attended Sunday school four
(linos within tho last six weeks pro
ceding tho date of the rally, u ro
(lulromont which undoubtoly a num
ber of recall mid roundup enmp fol
lowers might comply with. Chan
tnuipia soasdu tickets $2.20 If pur
chased on or lioforo July 1.
Jtov. P. K. Hammond, rector of
Trinity church, left .Monday for Port
laud, whore he will attend a summer
theological school under the aus
pices of the Uplscopal dioeeso of Ore
gon, sessions of which will meet In
St. Hone's hall.
dt. V. Campbell, the new Chautau
qua secretary, has rooms vory con
veniently located In ICdglugton's ronl
ostato office on Oak street. Now Is
tho time to secure see. nun tluketa at
a reduction bofore July 1.
A dance will ho given at tho Hung
alow, near park entrance, on Thurs
day evening of this week. Proceeds
will be to aid In defraying oxpenso of
seeirrlnx tho Crauts Pass baud hero
for the celebration. A committee of
well known Initios have tho matter In
charge, and the social oveut Is also
receiving tho encouragement of a
large number of imtroness's. Hallo
ing privileges ten cents per.
J. II. I)er, formorl) superintend
ent of the g. P.'s Sacramouto division,
passed through here on Monday for
Portland, to assume the assistant gen
era managership of the compauy In
place of I). W. Campbell, transferred
to Los Angeles.
J, II. .Morse, who has a model cher
ry orchard on his ranch premises,
Walnut street, Is now shipping the
fruit in wholesale lots on personal
account to various points In south
ern California.
J. II. Swaggart, freight conductor,
Iim again made headquarters here,
hit family havlug located at lot Pine
The Uungalow, near park grounds,
is Already betug eulurged by a sub
stantial addition.
Noel A Inter Hew, writer aiul ox
pert In foreatry and lumbering, vis
I ted Ashlaud receutl). The linnber-
ing ludusto or Oregon Is at urwwitt.'j
reeeivlng attention at bis bauds
through a aeries of articles In the
TimbermsH, leading exponent In the
lumber trade. A capable observer of
the turreut trend of ajfalrs, Mr. Dw
whlle here made a eempariaon of
Ashlaud with other reaert towns
which was exceedingly favorable to
this city.
The elty round! in clearing the cal
ender In advauce ot routine matters
before the advent of celebration week,
will meet in adjourned session on
Friday evening. June :!0.
Th,. Presbv teriau church observed
at flibbtth nllJrn's day, nd
nit Hund ill l" cMiuiunlbn oi
filed in toe rnurrh cslendor
The Rellr Corps la meetliis mbbI
occasionally at the srmoA. assisting
in maklns decora t lens tor the cele
bration evnt
i Anticipating the r b-l. ration period
the entire south front cxpoxiiro of
the Hotel Oregon ctcriOr Is resplend
ent with electric lighting effects, gay
red, mingling with tho moro sub
dued blue. .Masonic ball la also equip
ped with a now flagstaff In order to
better display tho national colors. '
miO Bustem Star Thimble Club mot
In Maoonlc Hall Tuesday, and will
continue its luaostrlnl and social re
unions throughout tho summer on
the second and fourth Tuusdujs In
each mouth.
(Mrs. Jack Millie, of Portland, was
visiting Mrs. Mary II. Woods on Mon
day while eu route to California. Sbc
Is a particular friend or Mrs. 11 Read,
daughter ot Mr Wood, of the Iloso
D. C Carlton, ot Orovlllo, Cal.,
died at Stockton recontly. He was an
expert in map drawing) and In 1010
was employed here by tho Jackson
Couutv Abstract company In that line
of work. Ho loavoa n wife and sev
eral children. He belonged to Ma
hoRnn Camp, Modem Woodmen, of
this city, aiyl held a $1000 bono
riciary certificate In that order.
W. H. Doughtrey, leading offclal
of the Union Stock Yards, Portland,
will net as one or tho judges of round
up featuics at the celebration next
Petitions for tho Institution or a
normal school at I'enillolon are being
circulated hero and ore receiving a
goodly number or signatures.
IMIah Cherry Starkey, lately deceas
ed, carried a policy In the Metropoli
tan life, which has been promptly
Judge C. U. Watson, has formed n
law' partnntshtp with A. i. Kellogg,
or Gold Hill, mid In due sonnsn may
rnmovo to that town for permanent
residence. In tho meantime ho will
nttund to a share or tho firm's busi
ness matters at this end of the line.
The judge has beou a lnng-tluiu resi
dent of Ashland nnd is ono of tho
boat known oltlxona both at homo and
abroad. He owns a fine property on
Hargudlnc street.
A men's get-together meeting, In
stituted along religious and social
linos and liitor-douomliintlonal in
scope, was held tit the llnptlst church
on Tuosday evening. Light refresh
ments weio served. This preliminary
meeting Is expected to result in a per
manent organisation.
Queen Llthla's coronation robo Is
now bolng "built," and will be on ex
hibition in Vaupol'H store windows
this week. It Is mi elaborate affair
and will be as serviceable as It Is or
namental. Moreover It will become
tho pursoual property or either Queen
Mary, Queen Angle or Queen Kuinia.
Thu Chniltmi'qun management has
kindly teudorod uso or buildings on
Its gioiinds to the general conuulttuu
having the celebration lu charge.
Those accommodations Include audi
torium, reception rooms and dining
tioorgo Turner, or Yroka, coroner
or Slsklvou county, motored over to
Ashland, Tuesday, culling upon a
number ot acquaintances.
Doc Holms, or .M ml ford, Is to bo on
hand bore with a goodly number or
wild horses, which he has corraled
from various stock sections for tho
horles of roundup ovonts.
W. 11. Parshall, a rnnclior living In
the vicinity or Montague, returnod
home on Tuesday, nftor taking o
course of mineral water treatment for
rlioumiitle troubles.
Tuesday evening a special train or
Knights Templar wont north, return
ing from the triennial eonclnvo at
Lo Angeles. They wero from Now
Kiiglsml sections, partloularly Hon
ton. ISarly in the week, Mr. and Mrs.
1'. 1). Wagner and sons, Paul. Laur
ence and Wilfred, Mr. mid Mr. II. L.
Whlted and daughter ICsther and
Marjorio, Wilfred Carr, and Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Day motored over Into
tho Apulegate section. A pluulu din
ner was enjoyed on Ideal grounds
bordering the Applegate river, near
the I'rldo of the Valley croamery.
The part) returned home via Grants
Pass. I
Mi Am - DkIiuIi Klotncd Sun
da v trow u visit ot h couple of
week, part of whi'h wus nt with
ber loitner schottlinttte. uovv ilrs.
illM Watson, at Hutheriin, ami
Hirt wuii Hie icicaw iwsiiiy i now
J. V. Heron- aud wife of Sam
Vulley nutiii were in Quid Hill Sun
duy. Mis Helen I lower, who ha been
visiting with ber grnudpareuts, Mr.
aud Mr. D'Hara, ut Ceulral Point,
retained to her hBie Ike Inst of the
We are sorry to ehronkde the fuel
that the Uslell curw wa reported
: to f in fuvuv wf Metltord, when
uiiiili tulk on one hide changes the
color of events. It U too hud that
true umpiring caunor prevail for true
K. V. Kellogg is now engaged in .a
logging camp nt Olene, 'Klamath
county. e
Mr. und Mrs. . II. Miller motored
In Midinril Semi i linn hue,' Mild
-s ot the da wiili IriemU aud rel-
ill i- nt that plic, tctiitmiiK in tlx
eveiniiv to Hold Hill.
The t(H)-toot nvited steel -tnek i
now completed ul the cement phiul.
TovwvJiuj ns it does townrd lite k.
in u night to behold. Tho riveter
remain for a day or two to ee that
it works satisfactorily hcfoie teturn-
iiuf lo their lieadquailor at the Port
land SteeJ A: Iron Work".
Mi. .1. W. Men it I emue over from
Central Point Moudnv moniiuc and
attended to bu sin ens null turn in Child
Hill, returning- to her home on the
afternoon train.
W. II. flaidner, from near Rose
burg, npont Sunday with liN family
at thin plnce.
Mr. N'owton returned to her home
in thin city Sunday afternoon, hav
ing npeiit the pat week at the home
of Iter brother, (.'. Ii. Miller, in Sains
Miss llnxid Knolls and Kiiuiee
Dimgey of Clalls eicol; wore in Gold
Hill Tuesday morning, xhoppiug mid
seeiiur friends.
Mrs. Milam mid daughter, thace.
who him been ill tit Stileiu. returned
to their home in Gold Hill Mundjtv
morning'. The voting- lndy is testing
verv nicely after her tedious trip,
mid alio stirelv ban every prospect of
recovery in the quietude of her own
Mr. Van Hovenbutx of Sams Val
ley was in Gold Hill visiting fiiciula
Hum To Mr. mid Mrs. A. T. Lnlh
rop, a Hiv-poiind daughter, r'riditv,
.lime 'JM. named Knlheriiie Klunbelli.
Miss Inn Aiisliii of Cent nil Point
has been visiting friends in Gold Hill
the past week,.
Mrs. Lewis came homo Thursdiiv
nfler it ten duv' stay in Medford.
Another hid) ulso came up on the
Ntage Hint dav who wan going up to
work ul thu I'tospout hotel this sum
Mr. Irwin, Mix. Sholl and -a friend
of Mrs. Sholl emue up from Medio id
Miss Nellie Dawson mid Mrs, Av
ery's three children enme the lilst to
slay for the Mummer. Mr. Dawson
will put up it house for them mid
Mrs. Avgry" on his funii.
Aunt Susy lliginhotham litis hud
another had sick spell, but she is now
gradually impioviiig again mid is able
to be up,
Itcit lligtnbutham, wife mid daugh
ter Ktliel uttd IM lliillenheuk motored
to the home of Mr, Holleuheak Satur
day evening mid spent the night. r'-
Rev. Mi-f)'niiiihl mid wife mid mi
ni her McDonald family, till of the
butchery, attended the basket dinner
Sunday mid in the aftoruoou Rev.
.McDonald preached to the assembled
company, .lames Peyton brought tho
McDonald' np in (lie Hup. Tkoio
weio time iti the cui', but it's hsimj
to it.
Kov Vaughn visited friends in the
Ittk creek count tv Sunday.
These -luiwerv, some of thum oven
lining rain, aie very weleottie to the
faimei's and stiH'kinen.
Mr. Lewis took TMU head of sheep
to the iecrve last week, the larfoat
hand that has been taken in for eight
een years,
.Sunday Mr. mid Mm. Gus Dils
vmm th visited at T. H. Iligiiihotham's
in the morning, dinetl at Giaudma
Gordon's and supped with Hlaueli
ard's. Co votes are getting very free with
people's chickens in this localitv.
The Kloimce Rock school di-tuct
has had the school gi omul idea I id
and tdeaucd and the rubbish burned
Mr. Kellex did the work,
.lames tlrieve vreut to the vallev
ThillKil.iv .ilid I'oliled home Siitoi-
lihiy Mcitfoiil Piviplo Have n Weak
fail nod Too Ofleo It's
the llaik.
Mali) people have a weak mm1.
Too oftfii It's a budbauk.
Twinges follov. every sudden twist.
Dull aching keeps up. duy and
'Ilaeksche is often front weak kid
neys. In sutb case a kidney iHedlclue la
Dohu'm Kidney Pill are for wutik
kldNwys. ,
iKor bucksehe and urinary Ills.
Medford people recommend ' tho
W. W Mansfield, Meh and ggiue
warden, 111 Roosevelt avenue, Med
ford, says. "I usod to be subject
mere or less to kidney trouble. My
kidneys acted too freely and during
the night I waa obliged to get up
every little while. My back ached
and at Hues I couldn't get In ait) po
sition to ease the misery. Finally I
began taking Dean's Kidney Pills and
I found that they were all that was
represented of them. After I finish
ed a few boxes, my kidneys were nor
mal and iu) back felt nt strong as
ever " , 0
Price Roc, at all dealers. Don't
Imply ask tar a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney PW the same that
Mr Mansfield bad KoHler-Mllbiirii
Co , Plops , ttuflalo, V V.
Mr lv IK .mil Mr. Liv i -larted
to Mcdlord Sniid.iv moiniHi!. Mr.
Lewis took some horse, to sell. Sat
uriliiv nigbl one oT lib finest hoies
was ki'ked and badly crippled, so he
eouhl not take it.
day evening! Mr. Kmbr.v, who went
down Kriikiy, eniue home in the same
We know nothing new ttbuiit the
July I pienle, but it's still going lo be.
Wen Kelso hits exchanged lint
llu.Mies mitomobile for a Fold, which
coins to give sattstaction.
ifred Inlow and son Kroddlo of
Doris, Calif , were tho guests of his
mother, Mrs. Allbrlght, several days
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Houston, Mr.
mid Mrs. Will Houston and (Iraudpa
Houston attended tho funeral of tho
late Floyd Rogers at Heaglo KrldaM.
Among those who took the teach
ers' examinations this week were
Misses Mori Cofreon, Ida atul Hula
Houston, mid Mrs. Marie Foster.
The school meetings passed oir
quietly. lit thu Long Ilrauch dis
trict Mrs. Mnbo! Sngor was elected
cleric and Jack Houston director; In
Reese Creek district Fred l'ettlgrovv
clerk, mid Mr. Robinson, director; In
Dobongcr (lop, Jasper Hannah wan
elected director and Mrs. Mario Fos
ter, clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Houston mid
Given and Mr. mid Mrs. W. P. Mor
gan went to tho valley Tuosday.
There was a social danco at tho
Fludlcy houso Saturday night.
Mrs. Tim Dally visited Iter rather,
J. C. Hannah, Sunday. ,
Frank Houston and wife, moved to
Central Point Tuesday.
Gene Hollow nnd rmully, Wilfred
Jack mid family and Miss May
French wore Sunday guests at thu
Vestal homo.
Henry French, Perrv Foster and
Steve Smith wore Kagle Point visl-
tots Tuesday.
Reported by Jackson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth mid Fir Htu.
F.thol Wiiner vs. It. L. Wiiuei, nus
vv er.
L. A. Murphy vs. W. F. WIioIhIoiio
et al., mmmilud nuewor, tuply of do
t'cndonl. T. L. Devon' vm. .1. M. Rouk et ul.,
default, judgment. s
Henry II. Tuylof vs. Robeit S.
Towiih te al., dofnull, doereo.
Lulu Von Wegnit vs. Aldn (', HMi
et al.. ord it overiiiliuir deiuiirror.
II. II. Helms et ti.v. Vs. Wnllkfe
JullllMOM ft UV, IHfltiuil.
Annu 11 Hlair vm. John F. Rlnir,
tntement of costs nnd disbursement.
Real ItstJito TiausferH
rottie V.. IlildeHmek et vir to
Dm nous N. Davis ot u., Innd
in sec. 'JU-:il)-2l. i HI
C. A. Land et n t. K.thel W.
Ilogir-, lot 7. block II. t'cntral
siihdiM-ion ol ( ottnuc Add.
to Mcdlord 10
Ctwap sabktitutes cot YOU urns price.
For Exchange
tflxty acres twnut) two milos south
or Hacramento, California mid twenty
eight mlli north or tilooktou, Cal.,
a city of over lO.ouu potulatlon. This
place is two ami a hair mlloe from
the electric line running from skicra
uieiito to Stockton, near Lodl, a city
ef over jOOO pepululieii.
Iaad fenced ami faeos two roads
Nonr sUtloa, postofftce. wiheols,
churclies, eU. Prlee fSOO per acre.
Sutull morUjage.
Will exchange for somuthliig ig or
about Medford. Might oonsldor some
properttea ahN whore.
State fully what you have, giving
price, mortgage, etc. No agents.
Address Kox ., Metlford Mull Tri
bune, i
IImvo jjui'ty with vuU improved 2.") hppo irnut, locnlod
'I lAilcH from Suntu Cruz, Calif, that wants to trtule
for good luiBiiK'HK lu'iv. His property is clenr.
Iteul listute Iaswu,
lOli West Main.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Ono package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
KOUItKNV-Modern hnTe
rooms, down stairs, "lo North
FOR HUNT House keeping rooms
down stairs, close In, 379-J. 94
FO iriuSNT lied room" with pVlvnte
sitting room, first floor; also
garage. 25 South Orange. SI
FO R R "iCNT Fitrnishod S-rooin
house, gas and electricity, on pavod
fitreot.' Phone 020-W. SO
FOR RUNT Strictly modern bouse.
Sleeping porches mid garago, 510
W. Jackson street. SO
FOR RHNT Five room house, hard
wood floors, full cement basotnont
mid garage. Phono 370-W.
FOR RHNT Ono 4-room
house. Phono 370-W.
rou HAXJif-iirKSTuaK
TOR 8A1.K- Ono Duroc boar, regis
tered. Phonu 19-K8I. 8S
FOR 8ALH 2 milk cows, 2 jearllng
hoirors, 2 sptltig calves. II C.
Rest, Phono ri3t)-R2. 87
FOR SALK Hornen, and grain hay
lu tho field, ono mile northeast of
Phoenix. K. K. Rcames. 100
for balb nnnurvtiiiAmioua
.l'liune 63!) .11
or oveulugs.
Cholco grain hay
Call mortilng. noon
FOR BALK Wntor powor washer,
and wringer, library mid office
tables, bookoasos and light wagon
203 UmiosHcu St., Phone 2U3-J. 84
FOR SALR Five passougor touring
car at a bargain. Phono 2U1-R2.
FOR HALR cheap, property at lir.G
West 8th street. 88
FOR SALK Ono ton Ford truck at
tachment; also 40 acroo laud to
trade for Ford car. Dahack'u
(larago 482-J, 88
FOR SALK Choice nlfnlfn hay. $10
per ton In Hold, Sntdor'u Dairy,
Phono 201-J3.
FOR SALK Choap. canned IrultH;
also light wagon with (hills and
tongue. Phonu 451-R, 121 Wood
stock st. 84
FOR SALK Reiliirod again, my
I7U0U city ranch, free Irrigated,
dairy, chliken, fruit, tool, stock,
$1000. Tho Carlsbad of America;
unsitviatssed scenic beauty Pop.
0000; altitude 2000 ft , ruhlng and
hunting Mrs. M Jucker, Ashland,
Oregon. ?1
A block or ground, modern bunga
low, l-rooms. bath, sleeping porch,
largo barn, just outside city limits,
off King's Highway, or will trade ror
small city property.
Wo have stock ranches0 high grade
hay ranch os, and general farms both
large mid small on our list. Some
city property also nt attractive prices,
40 acres with house and kmu, fine
level land, 7u00.
22 arras full bearing apples and
pears, ulogant buugalbw, f 8UU0.
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
Phono 107
I have a 160-acre ktuck ranch;
good location, 100 acres in grain,
somo alfalfa. This plane recently
sold for flit.UUU; no Incumbrance
Will trade ror good orchard, prefer
pears, or would lake city property.
Would trade even or assume some In
cumbrance on orchard proposition.
10". WeM .Main Street.
Itentals, Inkiirmiecu
Plioun 71MI
WANTEIk rrii.T10Na
WAVFKI)- liv an oxp rtnnced girl,
rnrr of cbtldrLii, hour or day,
S20-X. 107
VANtVu Man fo' run isollno nn
glne nnd do some shop work on
nonr-by ranch. Mlravlita Orchard.
WANTnD-niri To? cooking nml
gonoral liousovvork. Dr. Salado,
Seven Oaks. 81
WANTKD To lease newtapor. or
sltustlon as linotype machinist op
erator. L. L. llnrman, Mnrysvlllo,
Cat., Cleu. Del. 85
WANTKD Party to condttot n ros
taurant In this city; good opening
ror right imrty: low rent and no
competition. Call on or address H.
H. Dunnlngton, Jaekeonville, Oro.
ii - i i
WANTKD To rout n house or apart
ments rurnlshod. Dox 25 Mali
Tribune, St)
WANTHD Wo do ronther work
folding innttrossoe, comforters, pil
lows, ronovnttns and repalrliiK-
Phono lOU-J. 322 K 12th. 88
ncsixEss ninr.cxouy
Auto Hupptlos
are oporntlng the largest, oldest
and boat equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwest. Uno our springs
when others fall. Sold under gunr
antco. 2G North Flftoonth HL,
Portland, Oie.
QRO. W. CHHRRY Attorney and
Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty nnnk Hulldlnit, entranco N.
Central, Medford, Oro.
PORTHR J. NKFF Attornoy nt law,
rooms 8 and 0, Medford National
Rank Rulldlng,
coroy biag.
0. M. ROnERTS Lawyer.
Medford National Oauk Building.
w i car s.i rii -n. .i -r-nrr.iJ:. 3
collected somo accounts 14 years
old. We know how to got tn
money. Tito Duiiock Mercantile
Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has
kins' Dldg., 2JL6 13. Mnln st.
Oarnott-Ooroy Illdg., nlte
Mcdforo, Oro. Phono 8C9
Collections nnd Reports
M. F. & If. Illdg. Office. Hoitrr
8:30 to 12; 1 to 0. Phono C07-R.
Knglnccr mid Contractor
FRED N. CUM.MINaB--8ngineer and
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Dldg.
Burvoys,, cstlrnntos, irrigation
drainago, orohard aud land Im
provement. Insurance.
.- wi .
EARL 3. TUMY Oonoral Insurance
otrice, I'lro, Automobllo, Accident,
Liability, Plato Olass, Contract,
and Surety Ronds. Excollont com
panies, good local sorvlcs. No.
210 Oh mott-Coroy Illdg.
Instruction in Musto
F?IK i AVrONilA 1 IOI it," tcarhor of
plnno and harmony. Composer
and nrrnngor of music. Hnlght
Music Rtudlo, 401 Oarnott-Coroy
RLISfl HEINE Toachor of Violin.
Music furnished tor all occasions.
Prices reasonable. Studio 1121 E,
Mala 8t Phono q03-J2.
OARRAOE Oet your prcmtsei
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on the city garbage wagons for
good sorvlce. Phone 274-L. F
Y. Allen.
Physicians anil (Surgeons
bR?"F.""or OARLOw) DlT EVA
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physlohvns, 410-417 Oarnett-Corey
bltlg., phone 103 0-L. Residence
26 South Laurel st
Dr7w7 wTlbWAUD Osteopath!
physician, S03 aarnett-Corey
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EMMKN8 Physlolna and
surfioou. Practice limited to eye,
ear, hosg snd throat. Eyes salon
tirically tested und glassos nuix
pllod. Oculist and Aurlst for B. P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & 11. Co.
bldg., opposlto P, O. Phone 667.
DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon Pbonoa, office. SG, resi
dence 7S0. Ottlco hours, 10 to
IS, 2 to 6.
clan and surgeon. Office Palid
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
willlST ii ""JSJ-1 -' f ..Tim ..-sMjBsWX5SrtMBssssBSI
Printers nnd Publishers
MlFORrTpRINTINQ CO., 'has (h
best equipped printing otflso in
southern Oregon; book binding)
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc Portland prices, 27 Norm
Fir st.
Office 42 North Front St. Phon
311. Prices right, fierrlco guar