Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 28, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    PAflM TWO
T " h If
It ! Hi
v M
7 4
The It ml Cross society which has
bean lately oraanir.ed will give
bridle tea Saturday afternoon at t
ci-eloofc, In the Holland Hotal. Kv
orfOita ! Invited to altond.
Tf. Q, Meillke left thin morning for
nnR9ti, after a four days bitsrMeae
vWt In the interest of the Interna
tional Correspondence schools.
Weston Camera Shop for first-class
kodak finishing anil kodak supplier
M. h. 1'atioH arrived yesterday
from Uuaeae. "Pal" will tarry in
Medford a week before returning.
J. I'. Halt loft laal night on a b un
it WM trin t iiorthtrn points In the
!A breakfast yon can afford anil be
dflllaliled with. Ituaacll'a Cafe.
J)r. W. P. Holt waa In from ICaglo
IFolnl Tuesday
a. W. Soraneon left for Clranta
l'aae this morning after upending a
few days In Med ford on business.
Da Voa gives trading stamps with
ovorylhliiR ocept jroeerles.
After having to put out aeveral
ainall flrea around tho (Voparatlve
I'm It Growers' association litilldlnga
In thd laat few woeks. the flro de
imrtnfunt apant an hour this morning
burning off thu dry gram around the
A. H. Millar, W
II. .lohnaon nml
, V. Tftvln loft thla morning for a
foiir liny flailing trip on Serpent
(let your milk, rrwun, luiller, egga
and buttermilk at J)s Voe'a.
Mlaa ISmlly DeVore, a toarher In
tlio city schools loft thla morning
for Oakland, Oregon, whoro she will
tieud the summer vacation, return
ing to teach In tho fall. She joined
hor mother, who waa bound for Oak
land from Son I'rnnclsco on the train
II, U. Young rolurned laat night
from a bimlnosa visit to Sacramento.
Tyoowrllor paper of all klnda at
.Medfonl Printline Co.
Tlio T.hlril Ilnttallun of the ThlV
rogtmout, Orogon National Ouartl.
paaeeil througli .Medford thla morn
ing Ht T: 16 on route to Sun Hlogo.
Tho tnilu was enmpofod of eight
doitehua, logothur with tho officers'
Pullman and four flat oara loadcl
with QOinmlNKiry onulpiiient. Tho
train ! traveling on a faat asenr
schedule, train No. 1 1 bolng held IK
teen mluutea for them at Aahlnnd
Thu thlrJL battalion la mmpoewt of
IH eoHiVHUwe irom naiem. aiiwm
mTIl CffrviilHa. Atwther troop train
will naaa through Medford about
iiIhw o'eleok from Camp Wlthyrombe.
We make a specialty of picnic
partte RuaMUa Cafe.
18. B. Ijawaon of Days Prek Is
fttttdlag few da la Medford on
bualaeaa lt will leave (or lila homo
(asorrvw. '
tU B. trtugfellow la aiMndlng a
ft Any Itt Medford.
'r world's greatest companlce
Holme. The Insurance Man.
W. H. Ooeheuour Is In from the
ttdeu Valley Orchard on bualness.
The etotklng stores of Medford
art affected by a decision of the
atate Inauranc rating buregu ralaing
Ike inaurauee rates to cent a hun
(kwl on all reUII clothing huslneaaea.
Tni tuny flrtrn In audi stores la the
reeesMi for the ralac.
Poet age stamps at " Voe's.
K. f. Upenrcr la hi Medford from
H)tle Kalla aiiendlng few daa In
IrenaaetiM bMslaesn.
atarcua linker came lo Medford
yesterday . from Hutle Falls and will
return tomorrow taking bis wife and
tafant mm.
Try n King Holt cigar and en
eoMfage home Induslo. if
ttevea ateelbeads. thirty-fire cut
titreaia aad aa equal number of
sjMlter trout was I be result of ea-
terday's flhlna trip on Itogiu River
Imwa Trail, taken by T. K DanlelM,
John Perl and 1 C lllnaham. Illng
ham waa champion flHhrinian. ratth
lag an eHht-pouud jatk-affmon on
g number ala fly.
U A. Murphy la In for the day
rem Perrydale on buaines.
Big fc MllkBhakea at le Voe's.
Mr. and Mrs. W K. Hemmel of
Ragle Pelai left yesterday afternoon
for Ht. Itouls upon receipt of a tele
gram Informing them that Mr. Ham
nel's father la aerloasly III.
Joe Wilson is siending the day iu
Atllad on business.
ie Dave Wood about that fire In
aargaee polio Office Mali Tribune
A party of fifteen young men
paaaed Ureugh Medford thia room
tag from Poitland Iwund to Vallejo
They are deslriouM of going to war
aad think that b eolWUng lit Valb'Jo
they till hatt- bcttfr (h.iui of
eclat tctlre ertice
Tkr r uUf if r IU of niminri n
VtU lt litlfl tiiMKiffo fUMit ;fi.ti .a
r Yaelvfit !) (f Hi- J'"iiii( of
paaatle Vaa.e. TiU!t tbiro win
Te a iH'Jut4r extra drill,
!PU c Hotel tl.tlUb'1
tiy Ait'rur ' T Whuo ir ii
fycCu ,j)J4- Uial lioaiiiHt IU. Itw'i'Oiil
tetaitr. '
. O x - .
AV. J Hatllc and K (' 1'awfctt,
who Hrrhed In Medford )entorda
from Sllverton, Colo., left thla morn
ing to look orir the Hluo Lodge dla
trlct. They drovo a team so that
tln'y may ride the horsoa and look
over the gtoutid carefully.
Whipping cream at DeVoe's.
The committee appointed by tho
Commercial Club to Hsslal in carry
ing the bond election will meet at
7.30 tomorrow night to confer on a
plan of campaign. Those on the
committee are: first Ward, 0. K.
Oaddls. C. M. Kldd, T. K. Daniels,
C. II. Mttle, C. ). Hnon. HtteoMrf
ward, C. U Schelfclln, C. 8. HUtter
fleld, C. J. Hutchison, Oua Newbury,
Jap Andrews, K. (1 Klddell. Third
Ward, J. A. Wusterlund, K. V. Cof
fin. Roger Itennett, Archie Ash, W,
A, Aiken, (loorge Prlddy.
On and after July 1, the Medford
fish Market will be conducted on
strictly oaah basis. afi
W. Ilumphrt-y of Hay Gold haa
returtHNl from a month's hualuesa
trip through the Puget Bound roun-
try In Washington ami llrltlnh CI
luinbla. He reports HritlKh Colum
bia very ittlet, but the Puget Sound
towns very busy. Taeoma In par
ticular, he says la crowded as all tho
mills and machine shops hio running
to full eaimeity. Tliore aro n largo
number of ships lying In Iho harbor
(led up by the longshorenioii'a
Iluttfinillk Hie gal. at DnVon'a.
II. K. 'Plait tranaaotml legal , bust
ueaa In Orauta Pass yesterday.
O. W. Murphy returned last night
rrom .loo I Kir bringing- with him
ICrlck Anderson and (leorge NuUtjr.
Hmoko it King Sdta cigar, tic
Thev are homo-made. tf
Tho rbapparal on iNoith Orape
atreol near tho Paulriiiiu building,
that haa beou an oyeeore of (He
neighborhood for some tlmu, is be
ing removed by the propeity owners
today. A petition waa presented to
the council at Its last session asking
that thla be ilono. The work greatly
Improved tho appearance of tho
empty lots boaldea iiilnlmlxlug tho
diiugor of flro.
'W make a apeclulty of picnic
luuchoa. Kuaeel's Cufoterla.
JMra. N'ollle Wing will hmvu for
Oakland tomorrow, where nlm will
spend (ho siimmor with hor daughter.
0. W. Isaacs Is In .Medford oulhusl-
uoea. I I
Do Voo bujs beer bottloa. '
forty niembora of the Aajilaud
Choral Society came (o Medford last
night to praullce with (he local so
ciety In preparation for tho program
that lifitli will ujlt.uu-ag the oupiilug
feature of (he Aahlaud Chautaiuiua.
1..... .... ...... ... . m
iioori nan win laae a ciew oi
men to Crater Iak tomorrow morn
Window am! door screeug.-Jrarden
furniture. Pacific Kuril. A Kl-far
Dr. and Mra. V. Allen ilarr aud
family stopped off( la .MiHlford this
morning. The) are touring (he full
ed Htatee In a leleureU fashion and
are now bound for their home In
New York by the Northern loute.
HutteriHlIk 3c quart at DeVoe's.
Attorney k. I), llrlgga of Ashland,
waa a visitor In the valley metropolis
this morning.
The W. C. T. C. will meet al the
home of Mra. Leonard oh CoIIuko
street Thureilay afternoon at 2 30
A cordial Invitation la extended to
all memboru lo be present.
for rent, 3-ruom furnudied heuao.
A. ItoVo
Mr. and Mrs. .lames Leslie wilt
entertain (he membere of the (luldeu
Link rlasa and hualtanda of the Hap
list Sunday school at their home on
:iKI West JarkHou thla cuing, AH
inemhera are luvlied lo be pieseni
Mra. A. W. Waraock aad daughter
arrived thla morning from MIuunh
If) aad are the guests of Mrs. War
aock 'h slater, Mrs. lleurgv H. Caiiotk
Dr. Klrvhgeeaaer alii be at Hotel
Naah ever) Weduesda. Hours for
vonanliaiion iu to :i.
All members of the commercial
i-lub are urgenll) rttueted to attend
the reception to be glteu Colonel mid
Mm Sargent at (he rmwr at elabt
o'clock lomorrow night.
The Medford picture made by Mr
Hbarrlta of the Star, were shown t
a nig house at the vimng la v t
laud Monday aud will be shown it
Clold Hill, tlranta Peas and Ho.
Mr nnd Mrf Ou.v Talliot ot Port
land, iiae been Waiting Mr. and Mr.
I)ae Iowls.
Kdw-ard ami Guy NeU arc spend
ing ttit. woek visiting their aunt, Mm.
Alining near' Phoenix.
Chris Oottlelb haa been under the
weather for the past fow dajs with
a touch of rheumatism In the muiclf
of the back.
Or. Conroy reports unite a number
of casta of rheumatism and lumbago
duo (n the unseasonable weather.
J. R. Iluck and family of Apple
gate are spending the day In Med
ford shopping.
11. A. farlow la In Medford from
Grant Paas. He la outfitting for a
prospoctlng (rip Inio the Three Sla
ters country.
AVI 1 1 Hendricks of the Mden valley
district i In Medford on buaineas.
Cap Iturh Is transacting business
In town today.
Waller Keone, manager of (he
Bungalow at Ashland, (a In town to
day on business.
il M. Stowell Is In for the day
from Ragle Point.
.frauds and T. J. Johnson are
pending a few days In Medford.
They hall from itogno Hirer.
Iter. J. C. Kolllus journeyel to
Ashland early thla morning and met
the (roup train carrying the third
battalion south. Ills sons, Itnlpli nnd
John, members of the Corvallis Com
pany reported that all down the hue
from Camp Wllhyronibo tho irnln
whs met al Hie stations b cntliuM;! ,
lie crowds. Al Salem they wir Mvi u
rhcrrles, at other towns flown" mni j
al Kugoiie although lliev i-inm-l
through In (he weu hours, the
was at the elation.
Mr. John Acre and daughter, Mi j
Itoh Pulaski of PhoenU were lu tn(
HI. II. illngham or the MInuMil
Oroharda I lu Medford (odu on
A. I). Clark la In Mvdfoid for Ui
afli moon on buslneaa.
The loads Into the Applegate uu '
very good, according lo ICarl lt- I
nolda, who mad a trip to Palmer
Crook las( night.
St. Marks Sunday school la luniiik'
a picnic at Ashland Park lodu.
William Murphy la attending the
day in Aahlaud.
.lav llraudt Is lu from Talent for
the day.
L. Neldeme)ur Is lu from .lackson-
vlllo on hualne.
'.Mr. aud Mr. Arthur Itoso of
Phoenix are spending (he day lu Med
ford shopping.
kl. Hockeramlllt I III from the
Meadows UlslrHjt.
Judge Wlthluglou, . who was re
moved two days ago to Sacvrcd
Heart Hospital I reported rapidly
Mra. K. 11. Madden of Milllonaiie
How, is speudlug the day In Medfonl
Herthoid I learn, Tribune carrier at
Phoenix waa aerlouelv Injured (IiIh
uftornoon. wheu Mrs, Porter ran b r
car Into (he load of hay on which
he was riding. He wan (brown tuna
(lie load through (he windHbiclil ot
the car and la mifferlnn from hi wiv
bruises and sculp Mound It i
thought b will lie onfiiuMl lo hi
bed for hcmthI d.nn III utie nn
the Hi ('III. 'Ill llUM llOt UfCH fxi il
MKUI.IN. J.u.e JH. I)i. Karl Lu-1)-Kneilit,
the wot-iii ii-t h oiler. n m
teiiccil today to thirt month' penal
Kcrvitude und ilUmiHenl from the
orm.v for attempted high treaeon,
limn inaiibontimitioM nnd rtaJeteuce
n (he uiltkoritiev.
Tlic trial bcMrtn ItHlny iMrfore n
court martini winch decided that lie
wiih guilty uf utU-mpled trenvon in
time of war Til ioilieiaitinK in n Miiv
In v iwn?e (letmoiNiruliou in I Berlin.
Dr. Uebkneehl, wlne eritietHiitM
t (he ffovemincnt in eitetidiea in ihe
rcichxtiii pri'V nu-lv led to his et
IMilxmn from the Hoeinlisl miiI in
(hut body, wiih urrevted .Muv 1. He
Iiiih Im'cu neetixed not only of hiking
luit in, hill of .irrunuitu (he demon
I. Ii u.i- nniiiniiH i li lii Ii.ii! ii niil lie WO-, llll(. Otr tll'il-llll. 1nt
hnd iidmitfej taking tmrt Id the (ein
ont ration. The tnuximnm penallv
lor the ehnrpe of nttempted Ircnon
in war time w fifteen yonrs' Hnnl
wn itude.
(Contlnuod from page ono)
leaving tlio garage In the morning
and going to Helm's wood to await
tho coming of Marlon to the luterur
ban station nearby was not changed
on cross-examination.
ToM or Hiding.
Witness said, that, looking from
the edge of the Helm'' woods, he
saw Marlon Lambert; ,Joephluc
Davis and Verne Jackson, on the
Interurban platform. Witness said
that ho eftticealed himself behind a
large tro.
jVorne and Josephine took tho train
to school and Marlon remained be
hind. "I then came rrom the woods aud
mot her on the platform," said the
They pVoceeded througli the snow
-tiiiiion nt who Ii it i- nlleired Unit to a lug over a llttlo stream. Orpet
ctic uf "Ihiwn with Ihe win!" mid brushed the snow off the log and
"Dnvwi with tin kniei !" woe hm-ciI j Mailon nt down Orpet took a seat
li the (lcniiin-ii.itoM. on tho wound with a rlKlit uiikIc to
l'.n I hi tut'ii t it iiiiiiiiiiiiI v lui lli. her
liilil'iiht i iilcil. liul urn .I'luw ' The Witney rii'.it(d ln d'rift
ir tliuoin .1- to Hi ir i Oliver atinu Tom Itoil'im dro hi tt i t
whlih In ii.ii t il ilt with her coudl- to Trail today lo bring In V Moi
Hon and Orpet cndvor' to reaa- fet.
""" I OAKLANP, Cnl., .hmvjH v
Markm was sullen, the witness 'UV,tc.ln ,,(t,.i(i(. rilir,i XU). ., , ,
said, as soon as the subject of her hi, u.urn?l!lliJoti ,.,m,niili.. t (i ,
condition came up He did not rccol-, m i(, ,t,)e tll(,1N for jftiH.miiMiHO ot .
lect details of their conven-atlon. i ,,!,. ii,ioii.
Mr- rfTf i. i i r tWfl EfVig tBaa m . .,-r. s?i
iMLW;l . ifi-M""" M -'" 'ST U D-J5i;SLtVV
L-i . ic L ati EI kkw Asa i6n B SI w(7Arf
r vcv,r-.-fi3UJeT m u -w uwiiIm sb
WHERE THE " adaaw-".
1 Wil?
-K f'
A genuine quarter .show fin l.i" -'m il .nliiii-- ion of " .md in nt
The Big Seen-Pnrt Master I'ictuie
featuring the popular movie stars KUi:i)l2ItICK WARD aud WIL
LIAM KUSSKLL lu immortal work of (leorgo IClliott.
Fllmliallon of noted book, a tremendous production ttcll worth
coming mile (o see. TODAY only.
Little Marguerite Clark will lie seen tomorrow In the hn.iU-U
Picture of her career, OIT OK Tlll IHMITS.
IU spcrlal request, the pictures of all the nhouls will be shown
1'iidav, which will potltlel be the IbhI time lo sec them, u the)
will not be iliowu hk.iIii.
KSS W&A'jmMH31i2XUtiBVW&U!ltJA USE3X7X9ES1 3
1 VlljO 1 ""
ijiiaujae jxarststmnnj sumusj avmms itauJu.taMMiuaiautaanMxnajtJiia.vjerLuxjiaM
n yxrwntra muamir ir,r3rnrs3qKEgnraMrajjiflaMUi&7i;fl
144 4
Unique Vaudeville (Si Suprenne Photoplays
The Royal
Tlml will remain moists
Uvcry lwHttewife who hakt-s lur own
teeed knows that If a little potato is ,i,!.i, ,1
lolex sponge, (he laad will not Urv . it
as qvkkU. In Ibis ictioe potato ii uiili ,,
to make doutihnult that will unuin niut
and freali (or wveral days, j
K C will be found lo have dlttlnrt -,.
ant.iic nui any other (taking )',, , r
lor doughnutk. K C it a double .unn ;
baking powder with whUh a Utic lui n m
doughnut inav be miMd jod tin J ,1 1. ,t
a (bm- Thv Ust will be 4 lijiht and n,
M Ihv tirat.
K C Potato Doughnuts
Hy Mr. 1hkj;, o JUk i ,
fcrhoul fsinr.
tleuptjleur: $jqn, 1 run
Hear; i leivl tiutfxwttfula
KC Unban luil,r; j l,,i
$)H'Hjiil tatt; ) l i ih,,,i r I
teiii i , t e:)t i-nlil i, ,i 1,1
Kifiir.i, f i ui, unit,, i.r ii i u
f iu i u it.
"Funny Comedians Singers -Dancers
Cake Walk Teams-Bucking MulejSketches
The Wm. Fox Comedy Drama of the Golden West
Introducing Two New Stars
Adults 25c
Children 15c i
I wvKKJumiagxxKnvMssiMmzBs&V33mmi. wwTig.atB?wrwwawtLwBnagEcaa BPsyiraBsHg'9nawwiHBaBSMP'nBSM
"""'-'"" i.liiiMMiniiMMaMiiKvi.iiitiirn!MiiwMyiiuviiii.ii i .TiiiniriM.rr1-mnpjJjMH,MWf,w,irtW)t)
r -T ' -i I
r w rafrfjn r
Q te
1 T
I j m f
m J m v
Sitl Ih-r liinfj. Il r Hour. si'f. uur .1 I
Ittkmir I'uM.I, r. II.. .t .... .. nl, ... ,,u
I tttnh to thank the Oregon KlrM h,4,rr ,ilr ,n g tuur, i,,,, tUl. A
Rillef aoiailon for lliclr aix l
and sallsfartor) settlement of 1 1
loss of June tii. Mary I). Orr
lAlcx Kes borough, vice-president of
the ralifornla-Oreaoa lewor t'oiu
pan Is In Medford on buaiuees.
Mrs K. II Davis Is actonipautltiK
frleiiil on a pleasure trip to Banff.
It. V. Imogen of Bagbe I'alirornia
U lu Mtiliord for a fevt dus
ueJit sJd tiar, ibrn work in the nuhrd
pnlMo Willi 4 Hoii and tltiriutcly aU milk
aad Hour mixture. Make a ft dough, roll
into a then, rut into roumli, pmoli a hair in
tbscenttf with the hitgcr aiul in in lcri (al.
Kai fur frj in knukl not he lir crunch
lo hron the Jui;hiut moil it hat mm.
When thr timichnut Jroicil into the (at
it unkt to ike bottom At toon a il tomet
Uji it thouM be turned and tunic.l a uiiintcr
of tunes while itiukinf. Itui rrn i ex-i-ellent
anlu .l.i n.,t uLr the 11 in U)uig
ai.J will jiu MKM.t fur dm.
the'MEDFORD and
Is drawing near, and you can save spending money if you do X
your buying at the CHEAPEST STORE IN THE WEST I
A nice up-to-date Dress Shoe, black or tan, button or lace, at $2.69. Elk Hide
Shoes at $2.24. A $20 All-Wool Suit at $12.48. We have others at $7.50.
Silk Front Shirts 98c. $1 Shirts at 74c. Hats at 98c. 50c Suspenders
Canvas Gloves at 5c
kind that never EAGLE POINT
i ii llmnl-h a i(o will
Kjk t I'ouit .it n aud 1 I1 M
.lull, x. ii SumlaN. U'Ue MoJlorU
y V M and .. I' M Will call tor
ioVt-ngorii at hotels in Medford and
hotels and businees Houses la Kagla
at 25c 10c Handkerchiefs at 5C-
Brooms at 23 Co $
36 Ne :
JFxqixc t
Will H. w
f is
KaMie1 Vom (JW ID-1")
i.if. vViA n x .. .v.. .,
jjNii njf.xa y-'i t-..
' lllfttfjllff,