Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 28, 1916, Image 1

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    UnHy f Oregon
Medford Mail Tribune
Maximum Yostonlny "(lj
Minimum Today IT.
JLjTorty-slxth Yen
Ty.inlv Klcvnlli
NO. 84
i "I iTai
Nolhlnn Heard From Carranza in
Answer to Note Dcmniulinn Release
of American Troopers Captured at
Cnrrizai Consul Roduers Reports
Inquiry Bclnn Made as to Battle
If No Reply Is Received, or Un
favorable Answer Is Made, Presi
dent to Go Before Conness.
WASHINGTON', Juno 28. Sim-rein
ry Luusinir niiiHitinwil lute today
a llml imthinn further Itntl liuoti henrd
Mriiiii Siwiul Agent liydRvra nt .Mex
ico Cil, ami that tliu Mate demrt
itii'iit hail mi intimation of wliuii the
luply of Mexico City would liu went
r of it nature.
WASHINGTON, July X8. Special
Agent Kodgcrs at Mexico City In n
lirlof telegram dated yesterday and
received nt the itate dopartmont
onrly today, mIi Iio oxpected (
bunded Carransa's roply tndny, to tlio
American nolo demanding the re
lease of soldiers token prisoner at
Cardial, i
' The message containing but two
aentencea, waa the first word the
department had heard from Mr.
Hodgera alnee he roportetl the do-
livery of the note. It Ald It waa
believed the Mexican authorities
were Investigating the Carrlsal af
fulr, but gave no Indication of what
would be the reply to the American
.. Crurliil liny,
Thla waa regarded by Washington
officials aa the crucial day In nego
tiation with Mexico. It waa prob
ubly the laat day allowed General
Carranxa In which to comply with the
Vnlted States' demand for release of
2:t troopera held aa prisoners at
Chihuahua City. If hla reply, either
by act or In a communication doea
not urrlve by tonight, or If it la 1111
Mitlxractory, President Wllaon la de
termined to go before congress,
( prolmldv tomorrow and ask authority
r to rescue the prisoners by for-ce.
An thing ahort or Immediate re
lease of the American troopera will
bo unxatlsfactory. No suggestions or
proponal of negotiation In thia re
gam will be accepted. It waa pointed
out today that Secretary Lanalug's
nolo, presenting the demand aought
to open no discussion of the Carriial
Incident. The fact that the men were
captured and were being held wua
viewed aa a hostile aet, requiring Im
mediate repudiation by the de facto
ConiliictltiK Inquiry.
Mr. Hodgera' atatement that Car
ranza officiala appear to be conduct
ing an Inquiry Into the Carriial
clash waa interpreted here aa Indi
cating rather that the reply would
support prerloua aaaertioua that
t 'American troopa were reaponaible.
i.usoo .rreuonao, inw min
ambassador-designate, still had re
ceded no word early today from bia
chief about the status of the diplo
matic regotiations. Mr. Arredondo
ha:) informed General Carrama of
(Continued on page six)
i:i. I "A Ml, Te . J.'nc Uh - AH the
;ois i topic ..1 In. Ill co.intrio- oil. lit
tu net together and woi tor M'uce,
t'r tbi war, if it come will be hell
on iurth tvlule il lt und it will
Id-t jj, ln - tune, Andnu Garcia, the
ftlfVieHii eonu at Kl Pa so .iii todv.
Ho made the itv anav
hiutl.uurter at Juarez, in front of
Inch united eivilian kept tfitartl.
(ieneiulQunzale nd hi- -t.ift were
i'i tin nliwi-. I.iir tin- '.iri.ili;i l'e-'
I 1 . , t 11 1 1 1 -.lit
Bombardment Over Broad Front in
Progress Trench Raids Made
Italians Continue Regaining Lost
Ground From ,'Austtinns French
Holding Own at Verdun German
Resistance to Russian Drive Is
Strengthened and Ground Gained
on the Styr.
The notable advanro of tlio Ital
ians over the ground from which they
wore forced In the recent Austrian
offensive, ahowi no signs of a hnlt.
Dispatches from the Hrltlsh front
In franco and Flanders lay emphnsU
upon the Intensity of the bombard
inont which is being brought to boar
upon the German lines.
fThe French are holding their own
north of Vordun and In tho Finery
sector, according to tho Paris bul
letin. The German resistance to the Itus
sluu offensive In Volhyuln has
streiigthoued. llorlln nunouucea a
gain of ground on tho Styr, wlioro
the village of Wlneowka wna takon
by storm from tho Kussluns.
Mill Mi ItoinKinl.
FHANCK, June 27, via London,
via London, June 2S. Hrltlsh guns
continued today the bombardment
over a broad front, which was begun
yesterday according to the Associated
Press corrospoudetu, who roilo 70
miles along the lines.
Il'nder cover of the bombardment,
the lirltish made numerous trench
raids last night, bringing In group
of prisoners. 1
fioriiiuu Statement.
INSULIN'. June 28, via Loudon.
The great battle In Volhyula where
the reinforced Gorman army has
succeeded In cheeking the Ituaalan
advance lias resulted In further re
verses for the Russians. Auuouuco
ment was made by the war offlee to
day that the Germans have captured
the village of Wlnlewka, west nf
Sokul, and Ituaalan positions south
of that polut.
Picncli Slnti'iiieiit.
P'AKIS. Juns 28. Geruau troops
last night delivered another attack
on the sector of the Verdun front
on the French positions near Finery
over which violeut fighting has been
in progresa for several days. The as
sault was checked by the French
fire, the war office announced toduv
There waa spirited fighting near
the Thlaumont work which the tier
mans captured several days ago, but
no change took place in the situa
tion there.
West of the Meuae there waa no In
fantry fighting of Artil
lery engagements occurred In the
sector between Avocourt and Ckatt
ancourt. Italian KloUtmoiit.
HOMK, June 28. The Italians
have flung back the Austrlaua u fur
ther distance on the Trentlno front.
The war office announced the cap-
Continued on page six)
HKI.LlSGH.i.M, Wa.h.. June 2S.--
Ilulf of the buinen i.K'tlofl of GU-
tir, a Riimnitrr rurt ml outfitting
eunip in the national furrt at the
bdM- of lount Baker, va destroyed
bv tiKOAiiKy tudav. A hciTcl, t'ncr
-tore, a buG.or h"p i tlie di'Mit of
the Itelliugliam t Nt.Ttlitm rtJwuy.
kie d. Tllfi tii'C -tartfti ffW
.1 IhmMiu'' 111 liu I . . I d D tf'li
li. 1 1 1 11 I. 1 111. .
j I 1p t iJitpg'i
I luVllll lE M I I ' . T,...?n.
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f X U , yZr Nf J X I Jlr
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1 .P'Wy! ,r, .A .it 'Ti I rr) pwJ'"'n ,tit
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i. . a v v 1 ir . .' ctirirTB. - .-
YTN . x
...I I . ..'... 1 "' " W.'
This (total! map or the soctlon of
Chihuahua, where General Pershing
Is operating, shows the American
lines In large dotted lines.
The heavy Idaek lines and cres
cents Indicate the iiosltlon of the
Mexicans, who nearly surround tho
V. S. troops. I
Fig. 1 shows the route of the ex
pected attack on Pershing from San
Antonio ami Matachlc.
WASHING'! ON. June Jh. Will
department otln.iU believe the.V
iiertueted iiminiifment' liv
which iimtile uiHilien of food, eiiuin-
page and elothinir would be provided
tor all troopti called iuto the federal
xerviee, un matter bow greut the
number may be. Secretary (taker
today made publie the following
Htatement from the iuarterniiiter
general: "The quarterroawter cor)M haa up
tu the present met all the ealU made
uhiii it for auiiea in the wuv of
clothing- and equippvve and with the
arrangement which we uow have for
purchasing in order to replenish atock
it is not believed there will he any
difficulty no matter how many troop,
art called.
"A far a food xuuplie ar con
cerned, tbee have been abundant in
quantitv aid of eveellent quality,
und itifauueinentit uie ueh that the
same will coiitimie lie 11 the lurt' in-
trti-'i' nf triHips 41 TeT.i- i-. made,
thtr irtttter Jicmu oinrt'lv hutitlled by
trp cfu ri oiCni . 'hi jr... mil r iiikihIi
l.i .! ilHlln.i i(. 11 1. 1 11 ,i 1.
1 " . a.
' 1 A
2 Probable lino of attack on Kl
Valle, if Gon. Trevluo carries out his
roportud Intontlous.
3 Carriial, where Amorlean
wonting party, moving toward
Ahumada, ran into a Mmloan am
bush and brought about the first
actual clash.
i San Antonio, on the Mexican
Northwestern, tho southern base of
the Carranslnta in Chihuahua.
HHtttftH t
PARIS. June Uh. A Zurich
diKputeh to the Mm in a,VM tluil
Uennuny'-. demand- on
1 11 nd for the exehimue of coin
moditiCM me in the form of an
ultimatum, which expire at (i
o'clock ThufMlin muht.
WASHINGTON'. June L'--ynti:
Insisted upon its amendment tt tbo
housf draftlm reholutlon an! di
rected further conference.
.Senator Stone Introduced resolu
tion aa'aing president for Information
rexardina a commercial treaty bne
negotiated by the entente sill's.
Resumed debate on postofUe ap
propriation bill.
Meur.g: Considers urgent de
ficiency bill and bill proiiding for
extension of current appropriations
tlin.'i&'i Inlv 0
. .i-.
9ANTAtAtfk I
, i,.yl I " ,
& Ahumuda, the northern base,
from which Curranilstaa can move
either toward Pershing's column or
toward the border.
1'. Matachle, the forthereat point
on tho Moxloo Northwestern railroad
out or Chihuahua City that Is held
by the Carramtlatas In force,
7 Gen. Pershlugs field headquar
tera at Numlqulpa.
WASHINGTON, .1 . A m.t
prole-tuitf iiiiin-l itut 1 iiyt--. ii.uii-.t
.Mexican eitiaenx alleged to have been
committed by an American force,
;)UUU ttronif, marehiug Horn Knu (ler
onimo, toward Valle, was aeul to the
tute demrtment today by Klieo
Airedoudo, Mexioau Houbassador,
ileiKiuite, on intruetion of the I'er
ra 11x11 foreign office.
'iguiou complaint ugaint the ul-
Vued urreat and mitreattnent of 'MHl
civilian at la Oiu i registered in
thf note, with a request that the of
ficer reonible be punished and
tep taken to prevent a recurrence
of such an incident.
Apache eout aith the American
were charted with ItnUai treatment
of the people in their path.
The column referred to i presum
ed to be a part of General Pershing'
muifl force.
So far a could be teamed, the wur
department lia not been hiIvim-iI i.t
ilit'H ultie- VMlh ,in ciniIiiiii-.
Accused Youth Tells of Taking Train
Day Before Girl's Death anil Mak
ing Dato to Sec Her Next Mornlnn.
Over Telephone Told Her He Had
Brought "Dope" Did Not Go
Home, But Slept In Garage Trip a
Secret One Denies Purchase of
Capsules to Fill With Poison.
WAUKICOAN, III., Juno 18. With
n oloso mIiiivo and an application nf
talcum powdor, Will II. Orpot looked
paler today than over when hla cross
oxamluntlou was resumed tolny. Ho
Is charged with tho murder of Marlon
I.amliort, his mcIiooI girl awuothoart.
Attorney David it. Joslyn rosumod
arnsa.oxutnlnutlon, InturroKUtlng tho
witness concerning a latter wrltton to
Marlon on Daoomhur IR, last, whllo
Orpot waR nttondlug tho Uulvorslty
of Wisconsin.
"Did alio roturu n lottor to you un
opoitdd at about that time?" askod
"Not thon or nt any other llmo,"
ropliod tho wltuoea.
Tho witueaa donlqil that ho had
ovor asked Charlos Iluaetngor, .11
JltidlKon driiK olerir for oaneulos.
"On February S about I o'clock,"
suggested Joslyu, "you took a train
to Iike Forest via Milwaukee?"
JMr. .loslyn tried to pin tho wltnoss
down to tho exact tlmo he stopped
over In Milwaukee. Wltuesa did not
remomber. .Mr., Joslyu next asked
about Orpet's arrival at lake Forest,
when he telephoned In Marlon. The
attorney askod Orpot what he said to
Marlon when she answered the tele
pjiouo. "I asked her If she could not come
nut. She wild Joe Davis waa
thoro." 1
"Now Is that all you recollect?"
"I asked her If she would see me
at the Sacred Heart station In the
morning, she said yea."
Admit .Miiko llato.
"Whs anything said about bring
ing down any dope for her?"
"I may have, but 1 don't remem
ber." "Vow, waa It before or after the
dope was mentioned that you naked
to see her?"
"Probably before, If any mention
of dnpo was made."
Marlon, having aald that aha could
not aee him that night, Or pet started
for hla home on the Cyrus MeCor
mick eatate, of which hla father waa
superlutenlent. ilia trip being a s
cret one, however, he did not go
home, but to the garage.
The witness' previous story of
( ( l.lllllllli'.l nil Plle Two.)
I'OUTI.AND, Or.. June 1'8. Thut
there t a -Irony piohultililN (but the
Willamette uwr at Poilluud will
reach U flood tuge ot Jti or -7 feet,
(he highest 111 maii.v vear. wa tin
opinion today of Fred K. Henhnw.
district engineer of (he I mted stute
geologicul survcv, who ha jut re
turned from au inspection of the
Willamette watershed.
He staled he found twenty feet of
snow in the Cascade where ordinar
ily there i none this time of year.
The river today tood at feet. Cool
wetsther o far ha prevented u rapid
After falling a few inches, the Col
umbia liver agtiiu is rising. At Van
couver, Wash., a large force of men
is trying to save the earth fill lead
iug to the new interstate bridge.
I).uu.iu' iimiMiiiliim to seveial tboua
.1 11. 1 ..iil.u iilit-.iilv I1.1- beii lt ue.
Sir Roger States That He Never Ad
vised Irishmen to Fight Witli Turks
Against Russians or With Germans,
and That German Gold Did Not
Finance Revolt Foreign Money
Rclcctcd Rebellion Not Made In
Germany, Directed From Germany
or Inspired From Germany.
LONDON, June 28. DmimtHo de
velopments arc e.vpeetoil at todn.v's
Mcaaiou of tho trial of Sir llogcr
Caxeini'ut for high troiMHju. Chief
nmonir llicso i a stntoniont in his own
ili'fenac which Sir llojftir Is prepared
to make from the dock.
FrnneiM I'. Doylo, llie 1'liiliulolplilii
attorney, who ia uctin ua aotluitor
for Crtneinent, informed t liu Awioolnt-
ud Prone huforo tlio opoiiin; of I ho
court thut no wiluoaaos would hu
called liv tlio dofeuso. As wns inili-
entcd .veatorday, tho iiiiiin ilofuuBo
will rent on tho urgumont of coiinsol
for the qiiuliink of tlio indictment on
the ground of lack of jurisdiction.
In reference to tlio dooision of
Cnaumuut'N counsel not to cull any
witnoMioH, Mr. Doylo nid:
" na thlatriiiliiffeeW not
only tho life of Sir llogor Ciisdniuiit,
hilt also the aspirations of tlio IrYcli
nation, it Iiam been advisable not tu
call any witnesses in thla jiirisdio
tion." He added that no wHikhmck wen;
available in this country, and that it
would have been neeewaary to MO '
Germany for them hut that the gov
eminent would not penult it.
ChMiiiiont'a StitlumuiiL
Sir lloger Cuseinent'a alatwnuiit
wum delivered in a clear roioe, but It
waa daiu he waa laboring uudar u
gi-eat nervoua strain.
Kir Itoger aaid:
"ily lonU and OenllemH of tho
Jury: I desire to any H fow words
only with reference to aome nlliiaiona
made liv the prosecution.
"Ah to my tension ami tlio honor
of knighthood conferred upon me, I
shall ay only one word. The pan
siou I hud earned by service render
ed and it wu ussiguetl by law, 'Hie
knight IkhhI it was not iu my imwer to
refuse, but there are in eaparhtl four
HiisMtuiemeuts given in the evultmeu
uguinst me which I must refute.
"Fii.t, I never nt any time ailrtted
Irishmen to fight with the 'Parka
ajruinst the Kussiaua or to fight with
the German on the western fruHt.
"Kecond, I never aakad an Iriali
mau to fight for Germany. I hftve
always claimed that be haa no right
to tight for any land but Ireland.
No Starvation Plmi.
"Third, the horrible inaiuuaUuitt
that 1 pot inv own (Mtoule's ration
reduced to the starvation iwJaf lie
cause thev did not join the Irian, bri
gade is an abominable falsehood. Tliu
rut ion were necessarily rtxllituttl
throughout Genoany owing) to the
blockade. The other auggaatioii tlmt
men were sent to uunUlusMt eaniw
at my iusluuee for not joining tjju
Irish brigude in devoid of all fuiiHtla-
"Kouith. thei-c is the widespread
impiitiilion of 'Geruiaii gold.' I owe
il to htonc in Ireland who are ftssallod
(Continued on page four).
WAHIIINOTON, June 2.-An e..
gagement lustiug au hou betwcea
American murine und Santo IA
minyo rebeif. ,eterday at ilonto
Cristi wua reported toduv b Near t'u..itnii. tine Vmcucuii
private, Juhu Ai-nmtsut, wa kjlbd.
Too Irene ben were takeu by the mil
ruien utter uUillcry file,
him iris
t 1
i .. mn