Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 26, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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AranroRP matt; tjiibunis, arrcm?0RD, onrcaoy, Monday, .tune 20, ioig
ruiiMttuKu uvuitr aktkknoun
Office MrII Tribune lltilliline, tl-H-10
North Kir Htreet; telephone 76.
The peraoeratlc TlniPH, the Mcdforc!
Mall, TJw Meriford Tribune, The South
rrn Un-ifonlan, The Aehlaml Tribune.
OHOnriR rUTMAMriMltor.
8 no year, hjr man ?( W
ne month, by mail 10
I'or mntitli, dMIvrnvt y rarrler In
Mrtlfqnl, l'hfM-nlx, Jackaonvlllo
and Central Tolnt .. .SO
fin t Unlay only, by mull, per yoar.... 2
Weekly, iwr year ...... 1.S0
Off feint napar of tlio City of Med ford.
Official Paper of JcVnn Cnuiily.
IlnUred aa eeoontl-clnae mutter nt
Mmlfort), Orexoti, under th act of March
I, 187B.
Sworn Clroulnllnn for 191 2tS.
Fall ImhiI wlro Aeauclated I'reaa dla
Omii-kw W. I'tTikins Tnht) Xotlin
"I liitlluvo In proparciilnoau ami not
In lotlltiK CleorKn do II."
I i Theodore Itooisuvolt.
Tho Oilier llnlf Nlilei
l'Olt HALM Hair Hhotliind pony,
Kuntlolo rlilo. 8ae (1, II. .Inn oh, Mon
mouth, Oro. Iiidnpandoiico (Oro.)
T. H.'m ConfcffloK
"My nnroHtora nnlil inod T. It.,
followed 0. W. In tlilH war."
"Wo inarvol nt their baokwnrdneHa
And Hint tlio colonel Mliould cmiioM
A Itnuimvnll followed anyniiu
Thoy Hlionld lutvu Mil) QuorKo WiihIi
liiKton. Tills Sound Mho llluli Stake.
I.imt wook thn Advuuiu lntd W. K.
Wnlkor Jr.. Vlilnlln'a popnlnr Jnwolnr,
ctiKiiRt'd In a "dlco content." Of
cnurHO, thin wna n allp of thn pnn. It
ttlioiild linvu boon u "dlninond con
tent." VIiIiiIIh (da.) Advnnco.
IimIrIiik hy tlio apood attained ho
fur In molillUInK tlio mllltln, IIiii Imyn
will lit In tint Irijiiolit by ClirlatniuM.
Well, WVII!
lilr. Q. IS. Ileekninn foil nldv. 1ael
wtg, Ih alt up In bar olmlr for a
wlillit mil Ilia prtianwt now aeema fair
for br atepnlng again. Newtou
(Cuhh.) Belt.
Wall, Wlml'M ji I'enlrk I'iu't
Jdembere of Ih Derrick famll.,
who have bean hoarding Hi varluu.
plaeaa Ih town alnee ('alanine waa
declared lo have diphtheria, bad a
latinlnu tonight at the home on Oremi
atraat, In observance of thn lifting
or the ipierantlno, wlilrb permitted
tUttm to m toithur at Imiiiih for tli
Nrat I1nm hIhm April IB. W'vrew
tr (Mui.) TlirHi.
Vniiluly rliliv
Uthel rbml nloawl Im( Wmlntw-
day wild mi ttuNitHlumvut Vdiuk-
day Higtil. Th tvaehvr and ehlldreii
did all (bay wiulU to nikn It am-
roatful. W'tt b0M) nobody ill In'i i,o
linma dlaapiwlHtad. WIIIUiumuuit
(S. C.) Herald.
Nil Voi'i "lnu".
JttkH Kllllan wm run Uuvmi by an
hhUi tbta wk. lila borati'a lag wh
linkat Ih tbr plaeaa The Medina
(Ohio) (laatlte.
lllsl I. M(k
"How do you (onlrlvo lo lowylnrt
yMr wi(w ywi could nut nfftird t
own an UtRHUbHw?"
"I'ura luck on my patt. ibe want.
ixl lu bara km old draaa rlaauad aud
hotight a gallgH ut gaaellna."
A Slrlftl;- .Mo ii I dolt.
fl'lio itutlaa or bla uffUa rtmlr
lilw to mora y 1th hU ontlia fawlly.
wbloh Oflnalala of Uluitalf aad bla
uwh wfo, to the count) aaat. The
Uttlu Valley CX. Y.) Hub.
jiiiHir Aiiiilomy.
rha dHJUM done the rare aa
light, liar. KbMta aurferlug a brokan
atap nd Mr. Urwig a bilk en light aud
h boHt aJa. Tb C'ar lUulg)
Tlajea. '
lluikHuy Jlniy.
Ury Wyakofr waa aaau going up
tk rMu IaM weak In a blah trot
The Waavarly (U.) Watihiuau.
fTeonnl Shipment Oregon Wool
ilAKlCK, Ora. Juue . -Our of
tiU) Urgaat abeap uhlpmaiita on raeord
ltf e wm atartad toda by It N Stan
field of SuufMd. who ablppad the
first part of lo.ouo aud lain'
to the Cli 1 1 Ago warkft Tlia frl lot
a( 2 7 r.if, u ihlppl from Hunting
jQU tod,., and olnera will be' aet
aonUiUi""- Many will be dropped
III Ceioradn lo finWh Ki ilir and llo'ii
will be nt i" i itK
MIOXICO is mi iii'icultui'f'il country. Fov six years an
archy lias prevailed. Farmers dare not plant bo
cause some rebel chicflain, or some de laclo government
olTieial, or some bandit raider will come along and confis
cate the crop. As a result, Mexico is bankrupt.
Carranza's government is failing because the nation is
bankrupt. IHh efforts to precipitate a war with the
United States is a desperate effort to unite Mexico behind
bis failing government and perpetuate his lease of power
for a few days by making himself a national hero.
The United States does not want war with Mexico.
President "Wilson lias wisely and courageously waited
until insult and conspiracy from a government, he was
seeking to aid has made it impossible to avoid conflict. Be
tween a nation as powerful as the United States and poor,
bleeding, ignorant, bankrupt Mexico, there can be but
one result. Not only the border, but Mexico, will bo made
There is no glory for the mighty in crushing the weak.'
However, there can be glory in the strongs helping the
iceoie 10 sec uieir nouse in oroer, msinieresieuiy urmging
order out of chaos and ending the reign of anarchy.
The American people regret being forced into a war
with Mexico because they recognize in the Mexicans a
people who do not know what they are doing--a people
kept in ignorance and fanaticism, looted and enslaved, vic
tims of '100 years of exploitation by foreign and liative
freebooters. The Mexicans
their rulers have seen to it that they never had a look-in.
The Mexican in his ignorance cannot, understand the
benevolent attitude of the United States toward his nation.,
lie is told by looting .leaders that American patience 'Jiiid
toleration is gringo cowardice, and fanaticism fans the
flames of racial animosity.
The American people .sympathize with the efforts the
Mexican people have made to throw off the yoke of bond
age, ignorance and superstition, and wished them well iii
their efforts to rise through revolution to a better civiliza
tion. The administration could have intervened a hun
dred times, but has held back, hoping that Mexico would
solve her own problems and rise to a realization of her
responsibilities as a nation.
Mexico s leaders her native freebooters her Car-
ranzas, Villas and the rest,
pie toward the precipice.
politics with the mood aud souls ol their country men aifd
bring the desolation and horror of foreign invasion and
destruction to satisfy their lust of ambition.
TI I K supreme court of the State of Oregon in its opinion
in White vs. Kast Side Mill it'laimber company, a
case on appeal from Multnomah county, has just perpe
trated a most glaring outrage against common sense and
AVhite was a traffic policeman on duty in Portland and
was run over by one of defendant's trucks. His widow
brought suit And recovered a judgment for $7."0() in the
circuit court of Multnomah county. An appeal was taken
on the ground that the lower court erred in overruling a
demurrer to plaintiff's reply to the answer, wherein plain
tiff denied that deceased "had carelessly and negligently
turned his back on defendant's truck." The contention
nciiig mat i ue reply suouiti
negligently turned his back on defendant's truck.
After a pcdantical discussion of negative preguants,
the upper court reversed the decision on the theory that
it violated the moht ancient rules of common law pleading.
Of all the stilted- hair-brained, hair-splitting and re
fined technicalities upon which to outrage justice this is
the extreme limit. Is it any wonder that the people are
crying out against the law's technicalities aud delays, and
that judges and courts are in disrepute?
For pure slush and drivel the Oregon supreme court is
entitled to the banner, and this, may it please you, must go
down in the annuls of Oregon jurisprudence as an estab
lished precedent for future generations to pattern to.
WASHINUTON. June 2. Ailiuln
latratlon nffldaU 1wIh prepared lu
aak rougreaa to author! h military
huh a oanaorahlp lu uuHuertbiH with
tba Mexlfau situation. Uimih reoow
iHUHdatlon of th army war (Hdlege
a leaolutlon waa drafted at the war
department euiHmerlHg tho preai
dtmt lu pruuiulgate oanaorahlp regu
latlona. They would apply at the
atate, wur and navy depuiluivuta aa
wwjl aa aluug (be border and lu Mux-
Secretary llaker alao aunouurii
that a preea bureau, udr hh armv
officer aa rnur. waa baiHg urganUod
to handle the ntwa, from tb war d'
On June tlir 1Mb the otlallt of
Watklna (ireciurt lu an eolbualaiito
uteetlug orsauiaed "Local Walkla.'
a lib a i barter membtrablp of is. in
cludtua elabi of the lalre aai.
The aoetalbtt apirn ammita lw run
lug high in tbU aettiott on arooum
of the prapaMueaa laau ( the two
capilallailt partiea. alll lb acotaiuu
hone to' ft om-iiiIiii l,i ni t
i I ll 1 , . i l t (lull I Mix
have neved had a chance and
are driving the ignorant pen
Ir power and pelf, they play
tienv mat ne nan careiesslv or
imT.NSIIOIIl). Kv., June Jll -1'ilcbiHi'
a tUuble-lHader HgatUNt
ClHrkktilb jclenlgj, "ltt" Hub
I'lU of tbv OwouHunro loam of I lie
Killil lcaiiu allow ml only ouo run nud
otnii'k out twentv m en won . tn
twint,-tlmi iiiuitM. Twthe hit
wi-ih iuad oir hi di'liw-ry. Uohcits
won (be lirnt uhuio I to 0. Thn -nd
uauit- of touittH'u inniuuK In1 lot
llN I III1 -.HUH' Nfiin.
I'MtlS. June :'b The chamber ot
deimtlei. lat ulght appiopriated 'ii.-
i'oii.uoo frauca aa a aecrel fud for
th uiluiato of foreign affair. It
wh plalneU b Aludre lttbot
mluUter of fiuance. that tbla amount
waa ne.emury to defend I'rauie
a'roa I in meana of an active pro,M
aauil.i HKuiutt 'a canipaluu of tal
Ull UN '
Absolutely Removes
Indifjestion. Onepaekago
proves it. 25c at all druggists.
Hgggggaw 5V ViHiiigiiiiagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH
EPPVJViSJgggggggggggMgggga1--" iLggggggggggggarB-TV'
( Jr Wtijfi " rxPEAR A.DMIRAL
.dmlml Wlnslow, Mntioucd on tlio Svw Vmk, In In rlnii'Kn or our
fleet In 11(0 Pacific and illl dlicct tlio iiiou-montu of our ships on (ho WY.s
torn const of .Mmlui.
I ever nuy form of uoveininent be
OSIIKOSII, Wis, Juno SOClinrlos i''0UU'H "'"'"'""vo to lliee viuU, it N
vii,. i, ....ii . i. r ii i '"lu "J"1 "f ' pt'opli' to alter or to
Mloa, the uvlntor who foil horo ytw-i..!.,.!! V : n. .i i
iiliulioli it." ll Hue pnueipliw nt e
tordny while loopliiK tho loop In nlM( uim,iimIi for ll.e untion thev
war inonoplimo, died tbla momliiK I oiitfhl to lie xood enoimli for .lack-oit
nt hIx o'clock ut St. Mnrj'a lioapltul. Innl.v. We believe Hint counh ol
lltunorrliHRo of tho brnlu due to bla ' ,'i,,iuU ""' wi-ll-piiiil employe- of the
injurloa, CHU80.1 hie death. Ho waa l'"'llr who eleet tl;,n and Unit ll.eir
tiinplo,r. hne riKlit to oxpeel tlio
.- ,...ra . w ..... wU. v ,lul;.
oator. .V. V. Nllua wag married lant
Friday at Ohlrago to Mlaa l.uallo Cod
dard of Lit (inntlo. I'lillipiduu lalunda.
SAN KUANCISCO, .In no 28. Chaa.
r. Nile, who iIIh1 at Oahkoah toilny
aa tho reault of Vi fall with hla aero
plane yeaturday, waa well known here
as nn aviator at tlio Panama Pacific
ONpoaltlou Imhi your aud aa an "air
flcout" with tho CarrnnaM forcee In
Mexico in 1111. Many tlmea lu hU
flyliiK enruer ho rilrtod with donth,
hut purliupa most dangeroualy laat
Augiiat when liu plunged Into Sun
Frnurlaeo bay during a flight at tho
cxpoeltlnii, i ' i
To the Kditer:
I not ice lluil I lime ik one Kroii
who ha- uei'c-h to the iiIuuiuh ot
jour NtHr lor the furtherunee ol
his opinioiw who) tuanitext deaire i
no( mi miii'h to iIimmi-x. the menu of
the ttH'Hll in'titlou n to iwlueo Hie
ihi.uh to one ol porMHialilii'H. It i to
be rexietU'd tliut we have miiIi h ht
sou with ii-, hut if Mii'h Ih hi
inelhod of pioct'ilure, am willing to
meet hiui on hia own u'und, and I
Iriibl that iinr atnM of pi-.He will
prompt j on lu iimke lbi eoiumuni
eullilll hh eoilhHOUUUN Hk waa hi-.
The eilien of tbi iHimuiuuitv an
VMtleull, inlfieted and xoincwhut
Hinusi'd bv the aido our iwtnotie
neighbor, K A. Ilildreth. Sr . eon tin -ut'K
to dldav iu IfebMlt of Mcm.
Miuhlen, Ut'toi aud Tou Wile, aud
in deuuiii ml ion of tlio-e who had the
uiidmitx to iiii ii tvi-iitl H-titioii
without huxiiiir firwt miiiuIiI In- -jiyr
mhlee. It i- not hui'd lor tho.e who
kimw .Mr. IlilUrelh nud the iuuIiihI
ufl'eelmii ii-tntf bdWfeu buu and
h 'initv court, to uuiiei'-tiind In-
nllituili Of etfHtM' wr enuld not ex
eet ti Minn lo l)iti thi hand that
lVwJ bun," e-poiua!lv when hi ei
bidll lilIU uu4 lil. ll Would be
-uipri-iu, nidavtU if a uiau who om .
fought on eiitjtw reoel unu -in-le-haudcil
-hould kewitate for a momtui
to ph.e the OU pw pent of hi- rebellion-
iilien ueiglibtir- who are -
uiiien-uiiuble a to uk for ju-lno
in the HiluiiuUtralnMi ol eouutx at
fuiiv Ii ,. ,H . tiiint i.tii, ini-
-luililil m nt In he hiinuluiteil III ll
tile I'lilx i . ue i't ti lie ulliiid
Iily .iMUtnnt
l'lione M. -17 aud 4T-J
Atitoiuobilo Ihw-e Serviei
Atubulauna Snriag L)rax
H lllC IlltlUllllltlOII ol
u tiixpuyinK
Wo bi'liint', mm did our uoiinlr.v's
fatlini'M, that "nil iiuii tiro crcnli'd
iinl," mid lluil xovui-niiiuuts "lo-
o their . j 1 1 t power from tlio con-
jM-nt of Hie Koverneil"; tluit "when-
HM0 ,U,,V M
eouipauv lu-
ipiirea of it-i maimuer, timekeeper or
bookkeeper. An Okluliomn eountv
eourt (mil ilx leeall, u llooil Itixer
eoiiiilv had it recall mid n Jaekxnti
eonntv eoiirt "uinr profit bv their
evHiiiple. If HiW htt tiee-nn, mnke
tho inrtt ol it."
Mr. liililieth di-ereili(- Hie slate
meiit that I ii-i'd a new'mHr arliele
to help defeat Mr. Dunn en-Jit vein
ago. If lie were a- well vei-ed in
the election law- exiMiiiK at Hint time
iim lie evidently h in tlio preoent lau,
lie could eiihily iiiiileiMtntul how it
wum done, and not unlawfully, lie
neems to lake jirenl eonifTirt in Hie
illn-im he eiileitniu- Hint jnan who
Hiyneil Hie ri-cilj pelitioi1 will not
liue the cournuc lo vote their dunce.
Rheumatism Due to Bad Blood
Thousand hae bren mailn well Tta
pli In th noorant health. nffrlnic
frtw RheumalUm. wtlh hnm pain was
eonnOnt Who bllrvtl that thalr vl
talltv nut hpip1 bayend repair It
wan provn to thrm that the rams of
their trei'ble waa the blond, that l'rl
Acid, the nmil faithful ally of Hheuma had urlppeil them. The polian
tn the hlooil had moped It itreilKth
The weakened hloo.l had allowed pot
ion and linpurlllen to aceuiuulaie nnit
alt eneio was gone Thoy felt "poor
ly." wcr. tutlea. pain waa ever piei
e,nt. with por aiKaallon and dlepla
Thr tiled S K 8 -r-natur s Mao tuiilo
Th) ua tip druB. Thta loiiiponml
of natuia'a reindl of reels an,l heri
did what driiya falle.1 to do It liter,
ally wahe the blood free from pol,n,
and with the flow nf piu-e blood came
bark health, strength, lgor and Inppi
nes Oet S 8 8 from our drvigsut
Inslit up.n S S If joura la n long
atandlnK cae, writ for medical advice
to Swift Brecinc Co, Atlanta Oa, but
begin taking d. & atone
Also Cleaning, Pressing and Alterlni
Leave Melford tar Ashland, Talent
and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at
8:00 a. m., lrOO, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15
p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p.
ni. Sundays leave at S: 00 and 10:30
a. tu. and 1:00 3:00, 5:30 and 9:30
p. m. Leave Aabiand tor Medtord
dally, oxeept Sunday, at 9:09 a. ni.,
1:01, 1:00, 4:00 and t:lt p. ni. Also
on Sttturdaj nights at 6:30 and
2:30. Suadaya Ioavo Atalattd at 9:00
a. nt. and 100. 4 SO, 6 30 and 10 30
! m.
ffi-HSirift (In
lEDf(WlJUllvJ ltOTHEy
'On tliu otlier liitiut. I lui'.o guoil run
hon lo bulicvu Him many will void
for the let-nil who -iul not wish their
untiles to itppe.ur on the H'titioii.
Wo nolo Hint our count v I'ourt is
coilipo.ed of American citizen", uutl
wo lo not deny that Mr. Ilildrutli
mijilit have done wofe bud ho heen
in HiL-ir pln'e. Jlnnv oi tin sinner-
Why not cook with
a modern oil stove this sum
mer and be comfortable?
Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts.
More efficient than your wood
or coal stove, and costs less to
Better cooking because the
more evenly distributed
hent, under perfect control
like gas. No smoke or smell.
In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sizes,
ovens separate. Also cabinet
models with Firclcss Cooking
Ask your dealer today.
J company isray
I .Medforl ? tl
SKtSSBuAmBSsS-'Ti -. .-3i V
ov Ralo bv
b J
With every purchase of groceries
amounting to $10, one &H QPT
sack of sugar at . . . P -!
With every purchase of groceries
amounting to $5, one OO OC
sack of sugar at . . . pO.CO
Tuesday, June 27, Only
Jackson County Supply Co.
Plione 323-R 33 N. Grape St.
We are closing out and every
thing must go in the next
week, including
Tobaccos (Smoking and Chewing)
a large assortment of Pipes
Money Purses French Harps
Cigar Cases Tobacco Pouches
Bill Books Stationery and
Confectionery Goods
Parker & Stanciiff, Props.
,uVri tilso AinorlfMiL eillzuiif who ilo
MH forul Ihnt AiHortfg fs llm Inml of
the frt'0
.Mr. nilihelli promiM's to do nil ho
eitn to help the present' Iileumbftit"
out; wo shall iippiwiulo. Iihi help, l
HioiikIi I trust we enn gi-t tlit'in out
without il. W. W. PAKKEU.
Jlutte Fall-. Or., .lime 'JO, lUltf.
Cook m. a
cool Kitchen
All the heat is concen
trated wHcre it is needed
keeps you cool and
makes for better cooking
Fur litit
K unlit
PtatlOil 4
ic'.riij: i
Oh V.'lUKMAIl'
" k-i YV MM.