Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 24, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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4iHM-lnil !
lAlra. T. H. Klllson loft this niornliiK
for Or tits I'm wlinre slit will trans
wot buslneaa anil later prore to Mer
lin vlira aha lll visit her son.
lAttar rlsttlnx for several ilavs with
lf. iintt Mm. Kolrart Duncan, Mr.
kutl Mr. C. B. Kirk left thin morn
ing lot; their homo In ltogne lllvor.
Waaten Cawiara Shop for flrat-claaa
kmlftk flnlahtng ! Kodak aunnllea.
John Johnson wus an early nrtlvnl
tkla mornlMK from tlio neighbor) I
of Itoxy Ann. He lll procuil to Aali
UhiI to epoml the day.
,1'rwl llsnason. assistant superin
tendent of this 41 vision or I lie Houtli
irn I'selflr. with hoailqiiartera at
Itoaaburx, U In town 'today.
A Hreakfaat yon ran afford ami ho
(Iwllahtwl with. Ittiwwll'a 0r.
(W. C. Mlllor I aft for th north hut
II. V. Campbell, who la reports
to have reofllvail promotion to tho po
rtion of aaalatant aenoral malinger
of the 8. P. will paaa through Mail-
flinl In Ills private ear nttacheil to
Nninhor in lonlalit.
Ilo Voo Klve trailltiK atampa with
ovurythliiK except Krocorlo.
Hurt -Wliltn, who haa lieon work
ing In Mbilfortl for tho pail six
niontha, loft for ('reawnll today.
Hud .atenlnMison. MUmy at tho
Auntfyi, left yrtstunlay Hilcirnoon upon
rH( of, il fWugroin informing him
that lift urnther la wrlously 111 rrnm
)lodl "HraV)iiliiK at llohurg. Ilo
will leinrn aa toon aa hla brothor
haa hiinrovod.
0j. aur milk, croam, liuftor, crk
and hutiormllk at He Vob'b.
It. J. JlcPrny, of (Irlfffln crmik, was
In toun Friday afternoon.
til. .1. ISIiurly. alato foroat runner
lift ror llnsoliurg hiat ulghl whoro
ho will tlnllver an nddroaa hoforo tho
foroatry convention lining hold In Hint
ciltjr. Ilo will roturn to Mwlford Hun
da. Typowrltor pitpor of nil kltuln nt
Medford Printing Co.
0. A. Clodding arrived from KnIpiii
yuatunlHy afternoon, lutenillng to sot
tin purmanontly In .Mwlford.
(Mr. and Mra. J. A. Homers arriv
ed Krhjay uvening and wll spuml suv
iirnl weeka visiting Medford frlmula.
.Mr. Honiara waa formerly hookkoopur
for the lluftita Itlver Krult and I'm
dnqy iMteorlaiJon, lint foe til. J laat
tlr,ff)ra Ifta bn In th omyloy of
ths.fflolu dunaolldatod Mining Co.,
at lUglrfek, Callfirnla.
JWt HWki a aperlaUy of nlrnle
pXrtlaa. HHaaeD'a Cafe.
II, II. Uitahnell, editor uf tho Ore
gon Parmer, left yesterday afternoon
for hla bow In Portland. Mr. Hhsm
nail lingered to look Moilforil nvcraf
tor tho cloae ot the Xuraerymen'a
lit. W. My era and J. M. Cant ton
left thla morn lug for I hair horaea In
Portland after a three day business
vlalt. While hero Mr. Myers bought
an Highly acra ranch near Central
The world' greateat oomiianlsa
llolmaa, Tho Inauranee Man.
t faalura uf the Hawaiian dame
given by the Aluntnl aatMHUtlou Krl
tUy night, waa the appearance of the
Royal Hawaiian flerenadera short 1)
after eleven a'rloek. They Hang sev
eral numbers and thru finished nut
lb last aeveu numbers on the danee
Hfttgratu. AceordluK tu man or the
tUttcers, they ruruUhed the trst
tuuslo fur danelng ever heard lu Med
Ptjetage atampa a I Vm Voe"a.
Word has been received that Mrs.
U. I. Hrbnildl. of t!J South lw.- H
t, the Portland Surglcul hohpllal.
where she ou Wednesday underwent
9 aarious and painful uperaton,(per
formed b lr. Cnrfee. Mr Hch'nildt
Hi daughter will continue la remain
tu lorthuui until her rt-i-overy.
Try King Splta eigar and e
eoqrage home Industry. tf
Obi Arauiger. Treve I.umsden and
Vernon Vater left this afternoon ror
riab Lake Thto will sMud tumor
rue fubluu reluming tomorru
UiC be nillkshakos at IH Voe'a
XV A Hu inner has returned from
a trip to riilaa"
gee Dave Woods adout that fire In
auranea policy. Office Mall Tribune
:. ....,,, w,. ; ,.
I'p til lliylll. The lii(lliy iiitiiit itiiiicdv liiaile 111 Mcdt'ulil h liicjtl ttlltilt,
WllJi ('. K. (inl-.w, l.owill tnitlli' iiitil uiiiliN tit lici local juojilf.
IP3JB IT NOW OR NEVER, hk ii will m-.T !. Iimii in Mf.ironl ajtaiii. ThU
in iMHitivt'l oiir lai rliaiict' tu ' it. 'I'luri' will In- six othrr hijrjvt'ls on
tuauv's )iojiain, iiuliKlinu; a HiiU'-bplitluiu Ki-yKtoiu-Cuiueh ami Mi lUaiuh
SwKt iH a Mpccial Imokcd rarHiiioiiut ii'Mliirti(i(L KwrvdhuigT Iuk tttt tlu
)iM-o. Sim-itui TODAV.
Kd M nilrra retuincil thla moni
liiK from h two week's visit to Mnrsh
field, whero In addition to transact
ing liualnoaa, he assisted (leorgo Wil
son of this city In producing an operti
for tho Marahrield Klks Lodge.
Hnths, S5c. Hotel Holland.
Miss KbIHIh Hayes Is In town ror
the day from Ashland.
Clilckon pfe. Ilnasell'a Sunday.
After a thioo-day vfall In Medford
looking over prnpetly Interosta, It. C.
Klntnyslde left this morning for his
home In !akeporl, Cal. Mr. Klnlsy
alde formerly lived In Mod font, hav
ing left hero about a yoar ago, for
OatfM telle Kord ears, $200 down
and $2B a month.
Miss Itolpha Hammond, who for
merly lived hete, and la now a tearh
or In the Portland City Schools, was
met at tho train at 10: IS thla morn
ing by Medford ft lends and (aktm
over the highway to Ashland, whoro
aim hkhIji caught the train ror Herat."
(It liuprnvoa tho eoup to throw a
llltle peppor Into It; aame way with
a town. On to the llluo Lodge genllo
mon, ou to tho f line Ledgo. Htiltar
rield Grocery. Phono 110.
(Attorney .1. V. Trerron ami IC. I).
Ill lags or Ashland, spent a tow hours I
In MiHlfnnl (odnv liefore iirocnndlnx
to the county sonl ou lognl huslnuas.
Kuttormllk 10c gal. nt Do Voos.
Ole Alendorrer and Don Colvlg lo
liirned last night fruni a camping trip
at Prospect.
Hmoko n King Spitz cluar, fie.
Thoy are honm-mado. tr
AHer a three weeks li at the
ranch home or Mr. and Mm. William
McKay. Mrs. William KwHit-and Miss
Kdlth Kwart loft this morning ror u
visit to California cities and Yellow
stone Pnik liornrn roturulng to their
homo In Mllwaukoo, Wis.
AVo mnko u specialty or picnic
lunchos Itussoll's Carulotla.
II. II. King who haa huen work
ing lu ouo or tho local garages, left
this morning ror Central Point. Mr.
King, who recently enmo from Mo
desto, Cat., has purchased tho It. A.
Sflndors proport) In Central Point.
Whipping cronm nt DoVoo's.
'Mrs. Itcdlua Ilohm. mother or Mrs.
It. W. Wateis, haa returned from u
two mouths visit with relatives In
Cottage drove and Drain. j
It Improve tho soup to throw n ,
llttlo pepper Into It; same way llth
a town. One to tho lllue Lmlgo gHitlo- j
men, ou to tho llluo Ledge. IluUor
rield (Irocery. Phono JIB.
W. I). Yant or Kanna Cruek la lu
town ou business today.
(I'lom $ft',000 to l 0,000. to loan
on at security. J. It. Andrews, XI 0
Oaruett -Corey llulldlug. SI
Waller ltrnwn haa remodeled his
Auburn Into a speedeter.
I)e Voe buys beer bottles. '
.1. K Ithoten of the Ashland Hilne
tarried In Medford a few houra ou
hla way to Hold Hill.
A Wreak fast you can afford and be
delighted with. Itusaell's Cafeteria.
L. tt. McUouald left thla mninlng
for the Itogue ICIk Iteaorl of which he
la manager.
Window and niHir seieens, garden
rurnlture. Pacific Kurn. & 11 x. 11c
tory. According In a letter received li
T. K. Itanlela thla morning from a
frleml In Lea Cruees, New Mexlto,
the presence of national guardsmen
along tbe border has relieved all un
easiness from (be minds of the iteople
concerning further .Melcau raids
Lea Cruics. which Is syte ten miles
from the border, has Ita au organ I -tatioH
lu the shaiie of a vnlnntver
cavalry companv, accordjug tu Mr.
Daniels, who has several fthiea visited
there. Thla compauv Is orguUed fqr
th imrpose ot energene proieiilon
from surh raids as have recently o
iitrred across the liorder.
Tbe 11 A. It. and W It. C will give
an Ice cream and lemonade!
Wednesday afternoon, lune 3h. In Hie i
building formerly occupied bv Moe 1 j
A party of emploves of the Call-1
fornlt Oregon Powei Co , with their '
families, numlierlug In all ahout tu, i
lett tbla nooti lu ears for Hiendule.
where the annual picnic of tbe C o.
P. Kleitrir Cluh will he held To
ulghl, after a taiKkel dinner, a short
program will be given after which the
part) ill retire ou beds of fir houghs
to Im tarnished
Snndav morning
In the committee
will lt hieut in
games and spurt followed i a hi-
oecuc ai uoou. ine tutriy win utcik
camv and ictuin to Meiltoiil at 1 .!"
Iluttermtlk .tc iuart at De Veea
(Icorgv lint., Jr, Is visiting hln
parontB In Medford. Mr. Htitz waft
formurly clork or the Hotel Holland
and 1ms boon, ror tho past two years.
In tho hotel business In Honolulu
He will loavo Mondaj ror a trip
through China and .Japan after which
he will hp In husineas In Manila, P I
for rent, 2-room fnrnlslioil house
C. A. KeVoe.
An espm'lallv fine musical program
will Im proseutod l the Vested Choir
or the First Methodist HplscopAl
Church, under the direction or lor
rest Kdmeadca, Snndav evenlnx to
which the public Is most cordlftllv
Invited. The regular choir will lie as
sisted by Miss Sadie Lacy, noprano,
Mr.'Otterge Andrews and Mr f'arlton
Dr. KichgoMiior will ho nt Hotel
Nah ovary Wodncaday. Hours ror
consultation 10 to 3.
Chrysanthemum circle will kIvc n
social Tuesday evening to all m m
hcra and rrlenda. Kach person Is c
pneted to bring aa many pennies a
their those Is numbers.
d)r. .1. II. Nuddlug or Itrowushoro
Is lu MmUnrd todav.
A. Throckmorton or Ituch Is Intown
ou biisinotfl.
(Joorge P. Minis or Ruvon Oiika I
In town ror the day.
vMr. and Mrs. Ceorge A. Mansfield
and family of Prospoc.t aio In town
for tho day.
During tho paal week tho A. W.
Walker Auto Co., have dollvorod cars
to tho following persens: Dr. T. (1.
Heine, Orant nix; Jr. Shaw, Yroka
(Irani sl; K It. Ulllsnn, Ashland.
Chalmers; .1. IC. Patterson, Ashland,
Kliuo Throi'kmoilen roiln In fruni
Applngato this morning.
.1. .1. Skinner and wire am lu (own
rrom (Irirrin Crook.
U. It. Citichaa and S. T. ItollliM are
huslnets visitors rrom (trlffin Creek.
lilmor Leveudlcker and llughie At
wood or Tacoma passed through Med
Mod ford on motorcycles this morning
nu route to San Francisco. At Frisco
thoy will load their machines on Kc
boat and return by water. Thoy aro
rrlnuds of .1. II. Foo, who rocontl.v
came to Medford fiom Portland.
W. II. McOowaii, past exalted ruler
or tho local ICIk Lodge will lenve .Inly
first for Illrmblugham, Ala , as dele
gate to the (irnnd Uxlgo of tho order
to he held July 10 to !.. Mr. Mc
Cowan will stop off to visit hla family
In his old home, llarrlshurg Penuayl
vaiiln. From there he will go to Now
York and take the boat to Now Or
leans, following the souther rail route
hack to Mwlford.
Mla Mabel Mickey, a teacJier In
the Talent schools, leaves tonight for
llnrkeloy, whero she will attend the
toi in in hi- normal seealou or the Univer
sity of California.
A very appreciative audience was
present at tho Page last night. The
feature attraollen being the Koyal
Hawaiian Hereunder. David Nakea,
the tenor and Princess Kealuha tbe
ramous k)u dancer, won a great ai
plauMi, while Henry Kane waa much
liked In hla eeceutrii comedy. Dick
Iteutor with his Ckalelee Solo and
lllll Aylett th ltaaai, well deserved
the applause, (leoige 1). Kulaln, the
noted baritone made a great hit and
John S. Kalamu and Nakeu, both
masters on the steel guitar were
much admired The original llawllau
Sextette up pea ley greatly to Music
lovers and a capacity bouse la ex
pected again today and tonight.
W. W. Itegau la In town from
UerWvtfe). , y
J, RwRHt&ufff Sunityaide la Itins
antjgg Uusiatea In Medferd today.
A' .Y. Urnwaou Is a blaH'ss visitor
from Ashland.
James UtWnc of I'rositect Is aimnd
iug thellly in Medlord.
Mr. and Mis (leoiae II Noten ar
rived In their ear from Hun l'ruuiiHo
thla ntorulutf. The will spend a
week or two looking over the valley
a lui will visit Crater Lake as soon as
the road to the ilm Is open,
F()U KKN'T New"7-roomfiirnlsbed
house for summer or for vear
Mr I. P Mark, Plume 1111. MJ
FOiritKNTStrlctlv'motleiu house
Sleeping iwrehae aud garage. " Hi
W Jucksnu street si.
FOK SALK (lood dairy sale. Phone
.! I I V. . kl
KOIt KJ.K u jkiiiuig ililikt'iis
tii IU wctoks'otd luiilre at '-'.'
j'ark avenue South .:'
iOU ,
(llniuhc Swot, the Ixa'itifil nnd
popular star of 'in L.txky company,
will he seen nt the Star theatre todav
lu the .lesso L. Lasky pioduc-tlon of
the thrilling drama Tho Illack-List,"
hy Marlon Fairfax aud William C. Do
Mllle, the two noted dramutlxta who
wrote this production ospuulnlly for
.Miss Swocl.
)lu tho cast supporting Miss Swoel
lire such vvoll known players im
Oliarloa Cliiry, lloraoo M. Carpenter.
Wlllium Ifilnior. .lane Wolf, Krueat
.toy aud other membera or tho l.uaky
all alar stock company.
.1 l. Citichea from Applegalo and
C. (). Cliche from Talent were lu
town today.
Frank Uoloman, Injured Tuesday
evening whllu practicing with the
hasohall tenm Is. hobbling around on
crutches todtt. It will be necessary
for him to 'use crultchea for several
days, hut he will be able to get In
the game within a mouth. Hill Mc
lutyre will take his place lu lett Held
Iii tomorrow's game with Cold lllll.
Horace Pulton or Sam Valley was
lu town yoatorday afternoon.
IS. Colo is lu town from (irirfin
II. M. McPherson Is lu town from
liugle Point ou business.
James Morton Is lu town rrom
if. J. Mallek Is a business vlsitoi
rrom OranUs Pasa.
Francis Dennett will entertain die
Hawaiian troupe now playing at tin
Page, at a awfmmlng party In the
this afternoon..
L. U. Itoss, J. M. Smith and (leorne
and Jim Buckley are in (or the dav
rrom Applegate.
W. W. Wlllita, Mst master of Per
slst. who has been In town for a tc
days will leave tomorrow.
CdXSTAN'TlNOl'I.K. June Jl
TurWixli troofw on June 12. alter .u
attack with the bavonct, iiiitnr- .1 i in
irrenter iMirt of the Kumn i..-himm-vvtemlimf
tr ii ilifiiiuie nt tfmiii i.
on the iiiiiiiiitain rid'.'e inntli i tu.
(iiornkli liver, ill Tilt K i-ti Allium i
.it-, hi .Iiiij to I he TiiiIi-Ii "Ilm
otiilement I'Sttetl In i liiday I in
TiiiL i iiiiiiami -Mm li'u--ii.-
tmik n ,rt"iTinimlH,i ni" tint .'
IllUlltllll'.- t,l, loo I.
If Hair's Your Pride
Use Herpicidc .
Ml lU'Oltlt lilMIM i
sis-4-ial k' ""
Maiinello Hair Shop
lu , (tain limo lil'i.
M Bh
PWf . $j
i.t iLi v r
' jmmm ''Imffii v
&ame&mw&mmxmfi hi
mzmmmmmm- v
I IwJuIBkK r JvjE BMPiav
'wm&w "wmzm
m5Er $mvmi
MXIHit ICItlTi: I.Alllv in "Mil I
Wll Mlv'.N." IHIMltV iMr. If.
it tWuiil). We tl.e tiur tviuiiiiu
tin Ih ciniiliijt yywkV pMiucsiu.
JESSE L. &ASKY PrvsriiK tin- lx.i.tim- F,tuiitf nt' tin- Plmtuplax Drama,
ii T M.inon Fairfax aud William ('. Di Millc.
Is ih ru r ir inni.iv riylit f Mti.t Ktlir fijjht tu win the riuht t wurk . Tin- sj.ictaitdar answer tu the jumIi
leui nf eajaul .ituI l.ili.M, iee.tled in thih thrillhiy; ilKtolav of the mines,
('. V.. (jat.. malvp far'tll ierFormaneo today and nijfht in "The Stolen Pie.' The movie made in Medford.
See it iuw, or never.
Tlie mldiiiuu nt thiee iniiiortcil
li.i-elinll tiu--, ineltuliUK I'luilt, who 1
ionnerlv played in the Count lc.ijjiu.
to the Gobi Hill tenm nwnic- u loi
(li.itlle hi the jfome between Gold 11:111
.mil .Meillunl nt the bull puik touuii-
i row alteruoou.
liven before Hie niWithm of llu-c
.!.iei!, (lidd Hill had lo-t hut tew
( iiime nnd wsc conecdeil to lie n
-timig: conleniler for vnllev lmelmll
ioiiir. Tbe l( uf Coleman, who
Vv.ih injiiied in iiructiee Tlmr-dux
' i i'-lit, Iiiim ti n degree weakened the
IihmI lenni, nllhoiiffli Mi-Iiitvie. who
i i- emiied thi- week from Kioti,
j v ilj Ml Iii-. place in left field. Mc
. lut it laiyiil lent neiixtm i i i Wct-d
.lid Yri'kn end will make u hlioiiv
1 utility iiiiiii fur .Medfiinl.
A on milled nttrncliou. Cnok nuil
Slicrmiui will xlage n niirnehiile ilnip
Irum n hich nltitude. 'I'liewe men re
eenflx niteuie(l at the utruwlnirv
le-livnl nl lloweliiiiv mid will uppctr
it the roundup at iwlilhiul.
The linllerie". will lie: Gold Hill.
Pruit iirnl I'Mdinge; Medfiinl, Sic
heitH and Force.
Tin1 firat of n eiic nl ilinnci
danecM which will he given this sum
met llv Hie Counlrv club was iven
Inxl Htiirdii e.viutHC at. the club
limiHe. A jerv oHilivulilc cMiunt;
wax (.pent bv Ihe lotlv ei;lit pit-ent.!
with ditiieiiut nuil imrilw. i
Why S'moliiy lilt Cluma
AVhcn Lu Rntulas are only 10c
n.rtKJf. nOKIEllll
BLcucwui&in WUSMnnu
Suvi Your Hair
Willi Newbro's Ilcrplcldc.
.Mcdfonl limriniuy, SK'iial A(;eutfi.
Playing Tomorrow-Monday
The Film Play
New York Critics Went Wild Over
Wm. S.
rrpreJsstuiajusjuxi.iJiJuij.'tLMiaJmBjisKWK hi i iswuaw 1 1 1 w,givrTff nrviiiaaL!aajjiMatwjtrriflffrwowtw
JT jfTLVT M2J Big Shows....
....THE ROYAL....
Hawaiian Serenaders
Poiiiit'ily of the I'miainn-PiuMni Imposition
In JJefimul Voi-sion r lll'J.A DANCING
TJio ywcot-Ttiiicd Hawaiian Tenor
of the Steel Guitar
The Most Meauiil'ul Photoplay
"JEWEL" K'Sku.
Also FORD STERLING in I lit- Kpvsfmir Couictlv,
Special Ohildron'c Matinee Today, Cliildron 5c
PARC SERVICE i ,nc ...n i-tenllv tu - 111111- .1 1I.1-- .m.l (,U LIT
nl iiitmc-, iltiiiuiiH. cuniciln , cciiii i iiitiitit 111 end un-i nit in
eii'ii-e uur prc-liRc iiiiil drnwuii' power. T).M()ltltt) wi -h"W tlu lli-t
wind 111 Western Pnnmi n ciecn production that i-li.illcuve- (oinpai
iou. 1
s Hin
Med ford's Loading
Motion Picture
' r 1 -
-. V ,jf
DnwrK nnw
? waj&rTT c
w, C O
acknowledged the greatest
"Western" ever filmed
wonderful acting won
derful scenic effects marks
this super-feature
a Comedy That's Different
Wife & Auto Troubles
VI ItDltMI.N lu "A (iT
Ol I." It lihllAV (IM,V. Slie up- H
mjii-mI in jm-ixjii in .Mudroul h
lnut time nyo.