r MEDFORD MAIL TRTBFXE, CEDrOKD, 01?K(10NT. TTKSDAY, JTTE 20, lfilfi PAQE FIVE MOBILIZATION COAST MILITIA IS UNDER WAV Between 9000 and 10,000 Members of National Guard Ready for Entraln inn tor Mexican BorderAlaska Volunteers Regiment Recrultlnn In Progress In All Western States. . SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 20. Na tional gunrdmicn up ntui down tlio I'nnific eonat began today ns,em liling nt the various state inobili.tion (HtniHi in response to Provident Wil son's call for mon fir service on the Mugioun liorder, hutweon !)()00 and 10,000 inilitiamon in California, Ore gon, Washington, Montana and Idaho will be mobilized within three or l'oiii' days, ready and. eager to entrain for the south, according to the state ad jutant general's office. Militia officers said the full strength of the national gunrd could be reached within two week. From Alawka camo reports today that a regiment of infantry will be organized immediately after the army reorganization bill taken effect .Inly . There in no militia in Alaska at picxcnt, hut a regiment is authorised ill the bill. Callfoiiilaim Sleep In Armory, Many California militiamen slept under anas in their armories Inst night. Although Adjutant (leueral C. W. Thomas has not named the date, for the mobilization at Sacramento it waa exjieetcd troops would move to ward the camp within the next few day. Sacramento ndviecs last night said militia officials expected that between -1000 and aflOO guardsmen would he encamped there by Satur day night. Orders for the immedi ate construction of a sixtv-aere camp at the state fair grounds at Sacramento wore issued yesterday. California railroad officials have announced that both the Southern Pacific and Santa Fo railroads wore prewired to handle any troop move ments toward the Mexican border without interrimtion of their regular service. The eouipmont noootwnrv to oonvoy the California militia to the border can he assembled in two hour, they said. Washington KjillMinont. Applications for oulifttmont in the Washington national iuitrd poured in nipidlv yesterday. Several promi nent University of Washington ath letes were anion the recruits. Other uictttlters of the school' teams are members of the militia. Ah a result Washington's football and trauk pru)'ts for the coming season are bloated, unless the men return. Washington guardsmen will begin to mobilise at American I -like, near 'IV eonta. Wednesday or Thursday. Boise, Idaho, is to hold a big civic demonstration tonight to encourage ' recruiting. The Idaho militiamen will be readv to entrain from the mobili sation earap at lioisc by Thursday Night, officers declared today. Manx recruit were mlilvd to the rolls yes terday. Oregon guardsmen wore to begin wnviiv today from their homes to the mobilisation nmi at Clackamas sta tion, tieur 1'ortland. Applicant for enlistment presented themejelvo nt the Portland armory yesterday faster than the urgeou could examine thewi. Montana MoldM!. The vanguard of the eleven com jinnies of the Montana militia wan expected to arrive at the mobilisation camp at Fort William II wiry Ilurri mw at Helena today. Ten companies of the uniform rank of Odd Fellows yesterday offeied their sen ices to Adjutant General Phil Oreenau, ststiug they would servo in Moutana iu the abseface of the guaid, or else where, if needed. In all the western states aot one militiaman haw refused to answer the call to arms. The task of mustering the wen out of the state service and into the t'edrttol serviee will take t)ae at the mobilisation earn). The following mustering official haw tan named: Captain A. F. Iluuigaui. for Cali fornia ; First Ijeutennnt Kenneth P. Williams, for Oregon; Caidain Harold Cobum, for Washington ; Firt Ueu tenant Max P. Garner for Idaho, and First Lieutenant Augustus If. Hoff man, for Montana. PORTLAND. June 19 High water in the Willamette aad Columbia rivers today caused the auepenalea of work iu several ship yards, lumber wills and other plants and threatens to retard rivr shipping. By Ur row The Dallaa-Celilo eaaal on the Columbia la expected to be clawed to navigation. At Vancouver, Wash., the Colum bia reached a ste S4I , anew law water rk shewilr fcltar a rfs of 1.1 fat Jn : Maim. LOCAL MILITIA TO F I In a snint of preparedness, Com pany 7, C. A. C, hold an extra drill Monday night with almost it full com lanv in nttendaiieo. When informed that there is little likelihood of their seeing an active service the com Jmnv members seemed greatly disap pointed and several members asked to be transferred to the .battery of field artillery and to Cumimuv 11 of Portland, both of which will probably be sent to the border. According to Lieutenant Fos, there is a spirit of protest among the '-"artnts of somo of the boys ngaiust the possibility of their sous being sent on active service. Just irevious to the drill he received a tel egram from the parents of one of the boys stating that thev had no objec- lions to their son s drilling, but pro testm against his being sent towar. AI (Grants Pass Courier.) John Hogue, who with his partner, Mr. Pankey, hn.s been operating a boat iu the commercial fishing fleet since the opening of the season, was drowned at about 11 o'clock Sunday night when he was thrown into the water through the capsizing of the boat in the rapids nenr Oriffin ferry. The men were drifting over the rap ids just helow the Flanagan & Cornell mine when the net 'became entangled iu the hnnt, throwing the boat broad side to the stream. Before the net could be cast loose, it hnviug caught iu the oarlocks, the boat wns over turned and both men were thrown into the seething waters. Mr. Pankey succeeded in making his way to hore, hut nothitu' wns seen of Hogue ufter the boat cniircd, and Mr. Pan key called assistance at about 12 o'clock nud search of the river was made. The search is being continued today for the body of the unfortun ute young man. Mr. Hmnic was about 'Jo years of age and had lived iu Josephine countv for many years, residing with his mother on u ranch not far from where he lost his life. POISON OAK ENDS Poison oak, blisters, hunger and an inubility to keep to the right trail combined to wreck the Inking aspira tions of tluee young men who wan dered footsore, ranged and unshaven, into Medford yesterday morning. The )iarty, consisting of II. I!. Uussell, P. J. Mnurer, both of Chehnlis, Wash., nud M. Harmon of San Francisco, left the latter city on the boat, bound for F.ureka. There thev disembarked and set out over the hills for the Hague River valley, from which they intended to continue their hike to Se attle, Wash. Several times they lost the road, money went fast, and at Happy Camp they spent the last imarter iu their tattered trousers. "Hiking's nil right," said Harmon, "but, believe me, I felt better when father telegraphed the money to take me home." GRIZZLIES MAKE TOUR TO MOUNT ASHLAND The Gritzlles left Medford Satur day ovening to scale Mt. Ashland. Twenty people left at S.20 p. in. and quite a num4or on a later bus. Camp for the nlxht was made a mile below Long's Cabin. At three o'clock Sun day morning, sprlnklets of rain brouKHt the sleepers to, and a view of the heavens gave apprehensions of rain. After breakfast a council was held tor a decision, whether or not to let the weather Influence the Grlszly spirit. No one wauled to turn back, at least, no one said so. gome wanted to climb Mt. Ashland and return, some wanted to climb both Mt. Ashland and Mt. Wagner. At 6: IB a. ui., thoy left the eamp and walked five miles In a insuring rain. Some thought an umbrella would b Juat the tbtug, others though that the best umbrella made couldu't shed the rain aa well aa a Grizzly and were willing to prove it. The various colors' of the clothing worn, ran to gether, and the beautiful blends Blight have surprised a Raphael. The rain finally stopped. A fire was started and a drying ot process be gun. A beautiful aeene of Ashland Peak, to near yet so far was Jut to the left. Twenty-one of the part- then walked over anow tor a while, climb ad the Mk and registered. Mt. Ash hunt i 7tm trtt in iftftlMMt. ANXIOUS F SHERIVIAN DROWNS GRANTS AT THC STAR THEATER TONIGHT IBS flM?&x&Z w IB PREACHER JO BE i ASHLAND, June 20.-Petitions were circulated yesterday for Jlov. M. ('. Weed, as .springs commissioner, an action which is the result of the recall movement launched against Uert K. Greer. Inasmuch as it takes only twenty-five signatures to place the name of Heod on the ballot, it is a foregone conclusion thnt ho will be the nominee of thine who seek to oust flreer. Mr. Weed is a Methodist minister, having moved here from Portland some time ago. At present he is iu charge of the Methodist church at Talent. He is also a member of the firm of Hodgson & Heed, a local real estate agency: Since residing here he 1ms taken an active interest iu ciic matters us outlined and pushed towards development through com mercial club nnd Husines Men's as sociation channels. OF ASHLAND, Or., June 20.- Miss Cherry K. Starkey, for the past two years bookkeeper in the Tiding! of fice, died suddenly early this morn ing. She had been convalescing af ter n severe illncnM caused hv conges tion of the brain and was on the sheets yesterday. She came heic from Denver and had made her home with Oliver Paiilserud on Oak street. She was u bright vounir girl and ef- I fieieiit worker. Funeral ni-rnnt!cmcnt arc Waved. pending the arrival of her brother, IS. J. Stiu kev, of Ilcppaer, Or. She was tn have eltt todav on a visit to hir brother. EAGLE POINTEAGLETS By A. C Ilowlotl I omitted Iu my Inst to mention tho Sunday school program that we had last Sunday evening. The ladlos and some of the larger girls of the B. 8. bad nrranxed the church build ing very tastily nnd had tralnod the smaller children with their parts so that ovorythliiK wont off without a hltoh. The entire performance whh vory creditable and the audience, and the house was well fillod, seamed to be woll pleaned and some of us are looking forward to the second Sun day In June, 1017, Children's Oay, for another pleasant tlmo of a simi lar character, (Wednesday night we had Frank Manninc of Peyton and J. T. IluKhe of Dutte Falls with us on their wtv Home from Medford. They had been to Medford, transacted their lut less and came out here to the Sw. nyslde to spend the night. John and William Grlaaom, aUo spent the night with us, having cold tholr wool they brought out for aa Albany firm who refused to take It They finally sold it to Geo. Ilrown ft Sons, lost us about 1100 by th( doal. Messrs. J. II. Haak and his brother. H. E. Hack and 1. Lowenger, all of Portland, also spent the same nl.-.iit vlth us and the next morning stsrt ed at 4 o'clock for Crania Pass for breakfast, stopping on tae rounds to take In Mrs. L. K. Haak, slater-lu-law to the two Haak men. They were aolim to Portland and Mra. II. went with them to make a visit. It. L. aud J. C. Ousenburg. father and son, of Gold IUII. were here Thursday looklnK for a location to Deafness Cannot Bo Cured br loral amlli-atl.ni) Ut mnaai r Hm dWiM-d uiru.ii t lb ' TU- r. M onljr tint i to fair aValurM, uil Ikat ! br cuadllutlua. al fiaMlu. Iwafuru I uwl tr an luSafwS ciutlOwi Ik atuio Ualaf of Itu- fc,uUehiaa Tua. wara nu it.iM it innut h y,m ,. pmbUni MHiad or hub it ta) tutmlf rbw-a Ik unlaw U baaauiatlui iu-rin.1 Munaa- ana r..hi- M tu nMtll. kSjUBuiatlun can In- lak.ni oat 3 Si taw raaiurw iu III W mto.-1 ara aasaaS by 'ai IU toto raaluml Iu lit araul J41tlua, haaf. ill av acn.-q rorvvvr. id raa twi 01 are aaaaai ly CalarrU. WSH-I. la WU.IW BW a laflaaaid eouolil-.D of lb awv"i aurrana. Wi will ia On Huu.lr-1 IMIafa Iw aa rata f DrafaaM raar4 by catarrh) thai cwul at taifi..B fVa fa Hall Catarra I'ur Urn aar tara, we. r. j. niKstif b CO., oat r Drwalet. Tea. zl Uig a fMSllr m taf waiaJMWei, GREERS oppoie Ko Into business of somo kind, hut they left ns soon as thoy had tliolr dlnuors. Miss Violet Zimmerman, a llttlo sister of Miss Clalro 7... one of our regular boarders, as woll ns one. of the phono girls, and P. O. clorks, has boon bore for about a weok. Sho startod homo Saturday morning to her father's place near tho llltio Can yon, liar sister nccompunleil her ns far as Derby, whoro sho expects to spend a few days resting up nnd vis iting relatives and friends. (Alias Lola Carlton and Miss ltruco Putnam of Mod font arc horn tho ghosts of Miss Joyce Von der Hcllnn.' Tho Hth, Flog Day, was colobrnt cd by a grand display of flags, but there was no special demonstrations hero. Quito a number of our citi zens went to Medford. Prof. C. K. Johnson, who Is can vassing for Hilly Sunday's book, "Trip Around tho World," etc., came In Fri day evonlng and reported that bo had done, very well In bis soliciting, lis also carries a petition to placo a now nniondinont to the "dry" law pro hibiting the shipping of Intoxicating lliiuors Into the state for boverages. Ho had filled his petition with sixty naiiios nnd said that if he had had another ho could havo had it filled by tho time, ho conio in. Tho peo ple voted the state dry and thoy aro ' i.nliiis f.i milk., It ilrt itn fiintn Mr. Kline, tho deputy fruit Inspec tor, was hero Friday looking over the fruit trees, said thnt ninny of thorn wore In a bad' shape. Somo of them have tho blight, tho scab, the codlln moth, the soale, nnd goodnoss only knows what ho doesn't find. Tho Brandon llros. aro getting tho grist mill In readiness for tho whoat that Is to bo raised where the din onsorf fruit true aro now onoumbur liiK the ground. Pete Young, one of our prosperous farmers, was In town Friday and ro- ! ports that his brother. Nick, has a flue colt thnt Is sick and fears thnt be will lose It. Loe Kdmonsou and I). L. Swllmrt came, to the 8. 8. Friday at in p. m. for supper and beds. They had start oil out from Medford with a traction I engine to take It up to Mr. K.'s saw mill on III liutttt to bo used to run .the mill a part of the time and to ' haul lumber to the Derby dopot. ;They had had trouble with It on tho desert and had to loave II. Mr. K.'s iaou remained with It while tho two I mon came for something to oat and a place to sleep. David CdiRcade went to Medford Saturday morning. Delhert Meyer and family motored through town Saturday morning on IhoJr way to Medford. Mrs. Charles Prultt and daughter, Miss Mabel, cre In town Saturday morning nud reported th.t they wero A Fine Aid For Rlother-fo-be We fire nil greatly Indobtod to those icbo tell their cxcrlciicoJ. And among tbe iDiny tMnc wbfcn we rrail nUmt ami -aro of Immediate In poilanca to Die cipe. ' tnnt inothtr, I a tpton-1 dM external rereeJy i t-ni'cd "Mother's1 Prlci.d." TbU la i- piled orrr tbo routctai I Of I hO CtORlRCb. It ti deeply H'ntrullnr In IU Influence. Mottiej i ercrjntlMra UII of Iti tuvitlijiiK effort, how It nl'avi iwlrw Incident to l.1rT. I.Ini. rt ...! Pranients nnil r'nlci. Tliey tell of r.ifui comfort, (f i peaceful tiichti, an wore of tl !. InatM-i peculiar to the m. rut of iTpcti-y, relief from mornlsff kliUctM, no in.ru ot tut nppreltoiwlun with iUcti to ro.ii,y loung- wouH-uVi mlmlj U. corn burdened It l a Klndld Iwlp. at a l)ttl uf "Mother'i Frlwd" from your irnrwt drusfl.t. AW your btuband to zct . It for you. TUn wrlu to UmiiaM Kr ulator Co. m I amar Dldif., AttiBla, Oo., , a Ty uwBwufBe ami intiruciive ixwk. I It U MUl Mlth Mirk'wtlre lilui of creat l.ejji to alt women Interolwl In tho uljt of niaterulty. Ami lt (if all ura tome let- ' lint'Ti "IUr4 Uut U rwl j'l;at!vu, ,11,, W wwtt c3s Ktjm i FIVE ACRES Choice ."5 acre tract, close in, suitable for garden, bor rial or general purpoHes. Price $025. BENNET IirVIlSTMENT CO. Itwil !!.(( Iniss, 1QS West Slain. to meet Mrs. P s brothoHu-lnw and wire, Mr and Mrs. C 11 Klug of Se bnRtnpool, C'al. Frank Johnson nud wife, who Hvo near tho mouth of Indian creok, woro on their way home from Modfdrd Sat urday morning. (Mrs. Wultor Wood who has been in tho Good Samaritan hospital for some tlmo, camo out Saturday morn ing on tho P. & E. Our depot agont, F. F. Nuport, reports that ho Is selling a quantity of lumber now, tho lumber botng fur nished by tho Duprcy mill and Mr. X. is in charge of tho lumber yard. Will Mansfield nnd llttlo dnughtor wont up on the P. & E. Saturday morning. Mr. M. Is one of tho gnmo wardens for this county. Mr. and Mrs. John MclCeo and tliolr son-ln-la'w, .Mr. and Mrs. It. A. CourtwrlKht, of linker county, nnd Mrs. A. Peel of Jacksonville, wero out Saturday mornlug looking over tho country. Pat Walker, flume patrolman of the C.-O. P. Co., was much unpriced one dny last week to discover a dead bobent lying beneath the 'JHOO-volt line that runs along the flume. In vestigation allowed that tho nnimnl, which was nn etra large one, had climbed ono of the poles and come in contact with the aluminum conduc tors. Pnt says the eat used poor judgment, coiibidering the number of trees that were handy. Nelson Xye, Joe Pliipps, Chnrlea Manning mid Traev Hoothby have been working with Mr. Binnott'a crew nt tho powor plant for a few days. Messrs. Colvig and Allendorfur of the office staff of tho C.-O. P. Co. are camping for a week at the Pros pect bridge. They will hnve aome tall fish stories to tell on their return to Medford but any, listen: Thorn is n whole lot in picking a guide that is nn expert fishcrmnn. Genial Jim Grieve, the Prospect Honit'neo, reports n full house Sat urday and Sunday a sure indication that summer is here at last. Among the guests at the hotel woro Uuh Neuburv and parly of Medford. The local correspondent who sent in tho items about the epidemic, of piano buying in these parts is wast ing his talents up here in the brush. Ho should he one of Willie Hearst's star reporters. His talo of the pur chase of a whole flock of istrumeutH, including a $(100 pianola, seems to bo based on the sale of a second-hand o rim u to the school board for $27. John Walker nnd Hovon or eight cowputiohor took a large band of cattle from the valley throiiKh Pros IK'ct to tho forest reserve Siindny. Mr. Walker's son, Jack, will look nf tur the eattle during the summer. Miss I Intel Diteworth of Peyton wn visiting at the power station Fri- wnj Mr. Dacheller of the U. S. geolog ical survey came up Sunday to tnke hydrogmphic observations nud meas urements along tliu north fork of the Hoguo river. Cougar Kiiieaid baa resigned his position ns stage driver and resumed his duties as forest ranger. Miss Ilolva Walker loft for Mon mouth, Or., where she will attend tho Mate normal school, Snturday. O. L. Irwin, Mrs, P. C. Rholl nnd .Miss Evelyn Sholl inotmed to Med ford Sunday. Mr. Invin found n t. i NBW TODAY .Wo havo stock ranehos, high grade hay ranehos, and Ksnoral farms both largo and small on our list. Somo city property also nt attractive price. 40 acres with house and barn, fine lovel land, 17000. 3 acres full hearing apples and penrs, elegant bungalow, 8000. Hoon-Cathcart Co. Plionn 1(17 WHY? NOW TI.UK TO TIUDIi. I have a lGO-aoro stock ranch; good location, 100 acres In grain, somo alfalfa. This pluao recently sold for 1 12,00o, no Incumbrance Will trade for good orchard, profer pears, or would take city property Would trade oven or nesumo some In. cumbrauce on orchard propoMtlou. J. G. BARNES HKi Wv.t .Main Ktivut. hleutiiJs, Itmirunco, Itiono 700 brand new daughter awaiting him on Ins arrival in .Medford. The C.-O. P. boys have kept him buying cignra ever simc Otis Stimsen nud Jim Einbry of tho C.-O. P. Co. made several business trips to Piospect last week. Their business wns transacted in the hotel dining room. lleportcd by Jackson County Ab stract Co., Sixth and Fir Sts. Circuit Court. 11. C. Messner vs. II. A. Ensign, default, decree. W. II. Brown vs. Arthur L. Jones ot ux, cost bill. Clara Stewart vs. W. A. Slewart, summons. Tlios. Wnndlos vs. H. O. MuOco ot nl., nffidavit. W. C. Jorgcilsen vs. May Jorgon feti, summons. Kluiira May Cox vs. L. Stookwoll el nl., munitions. C. A. Williams vs. Theo. II. F. En. gle, motion. Mrs. S. C. Wing vs. J. IS. Mclvcn zie et ux, certified copy of oomplnuit nnd summons. Erio Wallers vs. Albert Walters, divorce, W. H. Ilrndshaw vh. W. II. Nudiug, action for money. Hullook Moroantilo Agency vs. W. A. Aitkcn, action to recover money, .Mary Joy Folgor vs. IS. E. Owon et nl., foreclosure. lloguo Hiver Valley Canal Co. vh. Mrs. Mary McKay et nl., order amending complaint, default, judg ment. William II. Drown vh. Arthur L. Jones et ux, default, decree. O. W. Kcnnnrd vs. Albert Mnok nell et ux, default, decree. Amelin Moasuor vs. Gold ITtU Co., default, decree. G. W. Kcnnnrd vh, Albert Mnck null et ux., affidavit of costs. nxtonio Estate of Frank G. Roberts, ordor final settlement and final account. Estate of J. W. Abbott, inventory and appraisement. Estate of David Mayhnm, citation. Estate of Jano Woolsonoroft, ad minist rotor's uoiid. Estate of Caroline IS. Lee, appoint ment of administrator and admission of will to prubntu. Ileal IMnto Transfers Samuel Matlils, administrator, to D. IS. Neathamer, land iu boo. n-an-iw n Hogue Hiver Canal Co. to IS. C. Hnmiltoii, certificate of wa ter right in seo. 2fi.3(J-2W. 1200 7f0 William Clyde to Mrs. .Ionium Clyde, land In soc. :i 1-3-1-1W. .. 10 Why Kmoko lilt Clgarn When La Gondas aro only 10c rou sATiivtvivtaiTucn: KOI ru,7Oood riding or ' driving horse. Phone 3 18, Central Point 71) KOIt SAI.K--Jorsoy bull, old. Phono 539J4. months 81 FOR 8 AUG Choan, good gentlo mnro, will work any pIhco. Will trade for alfalfa hay or cow. Phono 318 Central Point. 70 VOn HAI.K Oil TITADlJ-Teatrof mares, weight $2600, with heavy badness und wur.on. Ono reuls tnrod A. J. C. C. Jersey Dull. 10 wks. old. John II. Hair, Itoguo Illver, Ore. 80 1'OU 8AI,B Horses, and gruln bay In the flold, one mile northeast of Phoenix. K. IS. Ileamos. IOC FOIl 8ALI5 Team ol black horaoa. Can bo seen at the Union Hluldes or soo John A. PurL 28 S. Dart lett. tr von itKNi mus tea FOIl HKN'T 11-rooui housti close iu phutio218y. 80 Vi FOR RHNT Five room house, hard wood floors, full commit busemont and garaeo. Phone 370-W. FOR RB.MT One 4-room modern house. Phone 370-W. FOR H15NT .Mlni.l.t.A.NKOim FOR RKNT- OR BALK 01) uores with' good bulldliiK; alMi lot at HhkIh li'olnt (lood location for garuice or confectionary Oull or Write L, Htns, Ilox 3, Wolf Creek. Btas. Hox 3LWolf Creek, Ore. FOR BALK HOMKHTKAILS FOR 8ALHHoiiiBteaii " roi I nqulsh uieiit, 3-rooiu buiiHo and 12 aorea ifeuced. HarKHln for uu'ck sale. lOJIox 827, Medford, Ore. 78 WAXTICDailKOKMiANKOUH WANTKD -To rent X piano for music studio. To buy second hand library table, chairs and couch. 78 WANTWD Feathers, stoam renovat ed, wool reoarded, comforters, pil lows and cushions made over aud to order, feather beds made into sanitary folding mattresses. Phone iy6-J. Representative, will, eall with samples. 78 TAKH.V UP TAKIBK UP Three black shotes. Owner eall and my ehargea, Mrs. U. It. Luad, Qrlftlu croek. 79 COURT HOUSE NEWS rOK SALE SIIJMTrHLAWKOUl FOIl BALE West Rth cheap, property nt 11 B0 Btreet 88 FOIt BALE Underwood typowrltcr, Msed but a short time. Address Box .C, Mall Tribune FOTt SALE Ono 7-foot John Ilcero tUlndcr. John It. Ilnlr, Itoguo Klvor, Oro. 80 FOIt SALE Six weeks' nnd two months' old turkeys. Jno. V. Chcn oweth, Suthcrlln, Oregon. It. F. D. So. 1. 77 FOR SALE A Reed gas englno and pump Juck. C. U. Tuttlo, Central Point, Oro. 7S FOIt SALE -Ililllnrd table and flx turos. John Lydon, Jacksonville. Oregon. 78 FOR SALE Small steam threshing outfit, ten horse onglno and 24 inch soparator; both In good con dition. E. C. Xeoly, It. 2, Grants I'aBfl, Oro. 78 FOR SALE Oraln hay in field. C. W. Isaacs, Phono 501-J2. FOR SALE Ono ton Ford truck at tnchmont; nlso 40 acres land to trndo for Ford car. Dnhack's Garago 482-J. 88 FOR BALE Oholco alfalfa hay, $10 per ton In field. Snldcr's Dairy, Phono 201-J3. llUBINESR DntRCTOnT Auto Hnpprtefl LAHER AUTO BPRINQ CO. We are oporattng tho largest, oldest and boat equipped plant In the Pa cific northwost. Use our sprlngt when others fall. Bold under guar antor 26 North Flttoonth St Portland, Oie. Attorney OEO. W, CHERRY Attorney and Notary, Rooms 0-10, Jackson Coun ty Bank Dulldlng, ontranco N Contra!, Medford, Oro. PORTER J. NEFF Attornoy at law. rooms 8 and 0, Medford National Ilauk Dulldlng. A. E. REAMES, LAWTER Garaett Corey hldg. G. M. RODERTS Lawyer. Medford National Bank Dulldfni. Oollcctions. COLLECTIONS AND nEP0UT8--W collected nomo accounts 14 yoari old. Wo know how to got tbt money. Tho Quiiock Mercantile Agency. Inc., uooms 1, 2, 3, Haa klns' Illdg., 310 K. Main st DenUsU Dr. W. M. VAN BCOTOO DR. C. O. VAN BCOTOO Dontlsta Oarnett-Coroy Hldg.. nlte III Medforo, Oro. Phono 8C6. Collections nnd Itoports DR. FRANK ROI1ERT8 Dentist M. F. & II. Hldg. Otftco Hourc 8:30 to 12; 1 to 6. Phono C07-R. Itnclnccr mul Contractor rRKD N. CUMMINaSngineor anV coutructor, 404 M. F. ft H. Dldg Burveys,, nitlmntos. Irrigation dralnngo, orchsrrt and land Itn provtmiunt Iiuiirnnce. EARL B, TUMY General Insurant offlco. Ftro, Automobllo, Accident Liability, Plate Qlass, Contract and Surety Uonds. Ezcellont com. panles, good local service. No. 210 Qarnett-Coroy Dldg. Instruction In Music FllRD ALTON iiAiailT," tcfichor of piano and harmony. Composer nnd urranKor of music. Halght Music Btudto, 401 Oarnott-Corey building. BLISS liEINB Teachor of Violin. 'Muslo furnlsbod for all occasions Prices reasonable Studio 1121 E, Main St., Phono 303-J31 Garbage OAli n AOU "ait your premlBet cleaned up for the summer. Cat on tho city garbage wagona for good sorvlce. Phone. S74-L T Y. Alton Physicians nnd ftiu-gcons ' i 'ai'aaii aiiaii iti aii L ai --. an tfi DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. HVA MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathl physicians, 416-417 Qarnott-Corej bldg., phono 1036-U Rosldanra 26 South Laurel at DR. W. W. HQWAnDOsteopathli physician, 303 Oarnett-Corey building. Phone ISO. I)R J J KMMKNrJ Physilinn an surgeon. Practice limited to er ear, nus and throat. Byes salon tlfleally tested and Klasaes sup piled. Ooullst and Aurlst for S. P It. R. Co. Offices M. F & H. Co. bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 681, DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surKeon Phones, oftlco 36, rest deneo 780. Otflco hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 6, DR. MARTIN C, BARBER Physl. clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm blook, opposite Nash hotel. Hour 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. Printers anal Publishers MEDFoit D PRINTINa CO., has thi best equipped printing otflco In southern Orogou; book blndlngi looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, eta Portland prises. 27 Norue fir st. Transfers BADS TRAN8F8R & STORAGE CO OffUe 42 North Front st Phon 316. Prises right Service- guar aotved.