Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 20, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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AN WrKIi;Nrl:T NI vWAI'irt
J.XChl'T Sl'NfiXY t.Y TIIK
Office Mall Tribune lliiltrtlty?, 35-27-2B
North Fir strict, telephone 76.
Tlie Democratic Tim, tlie Metlforil
Mull. The JHedfori) Tribune, The South
em OrttfBtilan, The Vnh)am Trlliune.
aaonas I'UTNAM.'lMltor.
Qno yar. by mat.
una inonin, dv mnn ..
l'nr month, Mlvrn-d lv onrrlr In
idrorti. rnornix,
urn) Otitrnl Point
Settirttajr only, by mall, jxr yaar...
vvaaiy( pr ynor .
OrftcJAl J'Riwr of the City of Mwlfnrd.
Offwinl Pnprr of Jack con County.
Hint em aecond-cluim matter at
Medford, Oregon, under the art of Maren
3 1STV
Sworn Circulation for 191111416.
full leaned wire AKRorlated PrnsR din.
OPPOSITION by residents til" flic noifli end to tlie pro
pdsed conversion of the Lincoln school into a junior
liitfh school is responsible for the defeat of the proposed
school bond issue for the rcjHiir and enlargement of the
Washington school.
There is no question but that the Washington school
needs the proposed i-epaii's badly, but there is a general
sentiment that the repairs should be made with the funds
available and not increase the district indebtedness.
It is not believed that the public is inclined to be nig
gardly with the schools, but there is considerable objection
to the way the money is spent. Although many teachers
are paid on a twelve months basis, Med ford punils receive
a scant eight months' schooling. School usually begins in
the middle of September and ends in the middle of May,
instead of beginning the first of September and ending the
last of June. Two months is enough vacation. Indeed,
the modern tendencv is to utilize the school investment
every month in the vear.
Taxation for the schools is high and yields sufficint
revenue, provided the trills and furbelows are cut out.
That too much money is spent on nonessentials, at the ex
pense of fundamentals, is the prevailing opinion.
Sufficient publicity does not attach to school matters
to keep the public informed. JJoard meetings should bo
held at regular stated intervals and the public invited to
attend and participate.
Frank H. Simonds, Only American
Who Has Visited Front, Says Ver
dun Not a Great Fortress and Not
Gateway to Anywhere Galleries
and Chambers Only a Oakcshop.
In Ht'lMN'ft'iiNi
HnlorliiK n liutul Imrlior hIioji tlio
linnl'faoml man prorcmlixl to optm tt
IhiIkIiik IiiiikIIiiik wlilrli ho carried.
"TIiIh Ih poinndu," ho nnnnunend,
IiroiltialiiK ii ll(tlu wlilto pot.
"I nm wtill Biiiipllod," ropllcd tlio
Imrbnr Hhnriily, "anil
VTIili Ih almvliiK noitp," wont on
(ho ntrmiKor, nu he hold out a llttlo
"Yon; but"
'Micro Ih boiiio bay nun."
"Porhajm It In, but 1 imiko my
own, mid "
rilnre In a luountuoliit flxntlvo."
"I liavu plunty of It In llio "
"And horo nro an r-Ioctrlc liRlr
lirush, Inviuiilur walor, dry shampoo,
jinluut rnznr Htrop, and dotiblo
HtruiiKth 'dyo for fmlliiK hair."
"1 don't want any of thorn'" nwmrt-
oil tlio barhur, an ho uyud IiIh vlNltor
"I know you don't." i
"Tlum why Imvn you iliown thnni7"
"lloonimo," wild tlio man woarlly,
an ho olottod hU Ihik, "I want to conto
lioro for a hair-out, and I don't you
to try and palm off any nioro tollm
rwiulaltM on me.' I luv all 1 Haul.''
Our Own lltoilili Hint
IX you Iihyu a Under Ulu nevm
mUt with thai Mttto rantr your wlf
U0f4 for hi'HiuioK iMiiclU.
Mllllmy Trluk
ICyr the wIiuIh of one Sunday m
iwrty f tko Clrlllmu' training onr
Inid bean iRg4 In Itumilui Uw ait
of brtdg ttMlMlng. Pur lh last bur
or w thy hM workml on tlmlr nwit,
m their liutruotor wm DngAgwl !
wbr. But tfor thy wra 4U
mtaMtl camo back to Inanvct their
("Why thin affair would collap In
lislf an hour," hit vscUlmed, In amry
urpriM, lndUutlag whre IU knuta
m on side ware all tied wrongly.
"That'i all rlgln. air." rilll Oik
inakur of the knotn, cilml) "TIiIh
lirlilg la dcalRiMMl (or the i iiinii) to
iTiaw. no I our men "
1. TlllC-t' Willi lllKlnt llllll'l)M
UlfllU. 'A. Tha who kniH'k NtrauRorx uud
who kuttpk th iown to Htmugtrw.
SI. Than wku ow hoapitality lo
uu w.
I. Thuee who kt to m oilier
ft. rtiow who tiitttniMl Hiuli.
aM4ri(d mra.
0. ThuiM who uiHtoav inry niotf
HMtNl wWh diHM uot urigittiili with
7. TboHT who MHomt tvry euler
ri thai ilw uut npiMnti' lu hciif
fil thtwiteiveH.
H. Tkmm who rnjo.y I hi brnvhta
thai t'lNuo from th work of public -ojairited,
broaJ-iiiimlril nioii, but ulio
give poUium bill rriticiwMiN in return.
Po you bfluuKf Why uot rvfomiT
It in u kpleodid IhiuK to Im- u port
of a wnle-awakf inly. It u tiUu
JW tkflit lu know Ihut your uwn
trougth - intiniloly tnuitliliid by
the atraiirth l olh ojhu who love
Ibt'ir Iowa k ou du. It U a adn
did thittw to ttm Ihut Iho whnleKoim
blood of a luitninunity fan Ik uuittnl
in ooioiHon wrpuei ami that by
frankly lookiuK out auoiber iu the
fmw and tukinx fouo.l with out an
other prejudii-t will drop away,
hunilMime umivrtukiimn will arisi. u
iMeivrnml spirit ol Mrviif will ( in
Cvwlentl mud Ibnl with thi tui-rca.-inff
tfiiM of ooiuniuuil (' inirM-f
will riMBf u titfti ffihiidi-ed uidivi.lual
Bui'r of uihii'vi'iiu'iil : Cm i will Im
lifted b llii' wliiilc iiim-k it wlih'h wt
oatitut' !i i wirt
"C IMODIilUIO P. HOWI'j, coinmiKsioner of immigration,
- New York f ity, one of the best writers of todav upon
indiiHtrial and economic problems, has written a new book
entitled, "Why War?" which displays his wide knowledge
of Europe's peoples and government, lu it he discusses
the cause of wars and the present war, which lie declares
is not in any sense a people's war, nor a race war, but a
conflict precipitated by the ruling classes and privileged
interests, by irresponsible monarchs, ruling aristocracies,
foreign ministers and diplomats, by financiers and com
mercial groups seeking profit in foreign lands.
Mr. Ifowe points out that no national boundaries were
menaced, no national honor assailed. There was no race
surge, no race hatred and no race hunger for the lands of
others, no lusl for overseas expansion by overcrowded
populations. The people did not, want war and were not
consulted, and today, with four hundred million people en
gaged iu death struggle, with fifty billions of wealth
wasted, with millions slam and Europe a vast eharncl
house, there is no agreement as to what the war is about.
Mr. Howe says:
Nor are war iniulo by ptioplo. Thero would bi noiiio oxciinc for warn
of tliov were. Not uvun lu democratic countrlim aro tl.o piioplo ooiiHiiltod.
No poll of llio viilcru la laknii; no effoil In madn lo uncurtain public opin
ion, rcvou tlio oloctod rcpnivniitatlvoa only roKlNlnr tliolr aancnt to an ac
oompllihod fact.
Tim prwHjnt ICuropiuin war waa not mado by tlio people. In nono
of tho warrliiK natloua wnro the puoplo ooimlderod, lu nono of tlio rouutrloa
waa thurti any dlmtuaalon; lu noun waa thorn opportunity for delay, for no
ROtlNltoiiM, for kiiowleilHo outalila of tint calilnota, war offlcoa or rulltiK
botiaoa. And with IIih poaMllile ("Kcup-tlou or Kraiico then waa no national
arluvanrc. no proiniitlnn of revHim,)iii knowleUte of Hlmt tlio tlioulilo
waa all about.
i fToua or inlllloiia of men hav bMn laktni from their liotmti and mm!
lo tliM I rem lien for roaMiua whlrh have not benu oxplalued to tlim or
oy virtue or aw ret aiiiaiuMa In whole mukliiK and lo boae proprloty the
people bad no voire.
As Bismarck drove Prussia into war with Denmark
and later with Austria to I'rimHiauiy.e (lermany and ad
vance the House of llohciizollern, and later, by hi own
admiration, altered a telegram lo bring about war with
I'Vauce, to make a I'rusHianized (Icrniauy supreme in
Kurope, no has the kaiser (though Mr. Howe does uot say
it) forced the. present war to give (lermany her "place in
J he sun," and make himself "emperor of the world."
Mlliiiil lluM.T KiunUe
UI J .lIHJ Ml l'l t IK II
A KKATlMiM-: of the Kui-opean war that acts at naught
NajMileonic theories is the age of the commanding
officers. Most of those who have won the laurels of suc
cess are nearer 70 than (10, and the lenders of the CJernian
host are nearly all over (ffi and some 75.
Here is a list of the commanders as compiled by the
Knglish .National UYview:
'IIUITIHII- lieu. Mir I). Ilali. f.:.: tleu Sir II. Clunifr. :. nan
Sir II. KawlliiHon, .':.'; (leu Mr C. Mnaro. S: (leu. Alleuby. Mi: (leu.
I'ultHHay, ,S5; Ofn. Sir (' Keraiieaoa. M: Ooa. Myotnc. SI: Oaa Aldrin
6T; Ueu. Sir II. Wtlaoii. At: Urn. llakliiK. St: (JH. (louah. IB: nan.
lllrdwood. 61: Ohii llunter-llmitoii. fJ; (ion. Lord Cavan. SI: dun KuIp
60; (lea Kauauuwe, i.U, (leu. Morelaud. 61; uen. 8nw, 58; den. Con-
drove, ol.
iPltKNCII -Oen. Juffro. HI. nii de Caatoluau. a; (lew. Vaeh, V;
Qeu. Uimlu de Cate. U7; Oeit. l'Halu. 5; Oeu. Duteall. .'; (leu. VII
lart. 01; (lea. Itoquoa, Kfl, (lii. Iluoihert, .1; Geo. Ooaraud. 47; Oea.
I'rawhea d'Kmwry BO; tleu dTrbal.riN; (!dii. Uely d'OUM. Sr.; (Un Du
bola, 61; lifii d Maudhu. 80.
15K1UIAN (leu. von ilrliolts. 6.'i. Oei roll Pabeek. I'. ft. mi van
libliboru. tix. I'riitce l.eooold of Havana. 70 can von l'uvrnph ae r:
Uneluieu. titi. (leu ou Uotbmer. lit; Field MaraliMl ruu llludwnbMr
. I'iriu .iiarniiai un Marannaen. ii; puae .iorernt ol urteaiirg. SI;
f'rowu I'rlnee of llavarla. 17; lien von lleeriften, 00; f!iii ron Klmen.
1; Crown I'rlnc of (iermauy. .1 1. ()n vo Kalkenbaiiaeu. 7J; Oon. vim
Kluek, 70. Hen. on lleaeler. be, Uen. von Uiilo. 70, Gea von IMow 3.
The figures prove that a uian not only should be, but
actually is, at his best nientully at the ago of three score
and ten.
Mabel Tallferro. the f!ed audi t ,h eihom eieftlou held Mon
ohatniiui )oiiiik atao alar, mill uiaktiida. .lloine V K lblp waa
her Imw lo Metro aiidloiit'N here In elected aebool dlreclur. with Kl I
"Iter Ureat lrlu" a five-part Metro o(h, nd the JsOoo buuda for the
woudwpley, at the Cage Theater Iwi.roveiaent of the Wathiatleu
olayln teda only. Bl htt0, ,Ml0 . Junlw hlth ,cboo,
In thle production Mlaei Taliaferro dofealed 171 yea, tin Ko.
U aeen In a role after her uu heart. The vote for dlreetor waa Attor
ud llkoa the parta tnat have madeuey W. M. !hlpw IS I. M. V. (Maaa
her fnuioue throughout Auierlen. :ceik 181. Dr. K. M. lMokitl kl. Ii. o
Kualand, Ireland and Auatralla. '.Vordwtrk :.. O. ('. BoK 8. and Mlcli
Anone who ever aw thta faaiuat-' arl Uradley oue.
Ini Utile tar In auch .la naj Oonalderahle luleuuditaiultni:
I..KT. .. ivn, ui inr v in u. atra. aroft troin tlie Tart that tlie polUi
H'iua of the Taliban enlrh." aiul'cloaed for volea for dlre.ior .it i. '
IprliiMlmo." ran never foret her, o'clock, aud remained open tui iUi,
he baa none of her ..harm atnee on Hi iwoda uatll eoven o'eloik 1 1, -.
com Inn to nun ion pit nin-v mill in n i ,ror.tane with the whooi
r.u I i nilr-. lun.' .I.' I ' hi -he Ih, Sh.iu lust i i -l r role therein
ll is vi i a si J i , i In , . ; i Ol v
1 u . ' . i .w ifow wade
I'Vank H. Sjiiioiitl'. cliit'l' vililuiinl
writer of the Now Work Tribune,
llm only foroiRti t'orrimpondunl who
Ima vihitotl tin- Krent'li city of Vor
dun inco tlio terrific buttle for il
pHeion bi'gnn, u bnltlu that lins
liiHliul tiioro tliiin J00 ilnya iiiul i. Hie
loiiffoet iu tho hiHtorv of tlio world.
No man in boiler qunlifiril to tell
the truth to the world about Verdun.
And it is n Httirtling truth thnt
SiiuouiN tellw. Up pniVM Hint nil
our nrt'ooncflivt'il notions about the
"jjrent fori row," which wo thought
wiir "tho pniewny to I'nria," nre
Verdun i nol'n nrpnt fortrea.
Verdun is not the utilowny (o nny
If Ihn (JonnniiH hlionld tnko (he
fown Ihey would win only n pile of
Ih Mllltni7 llakrry.
Tlie KtHenoH ttnil chiihibcffl of
what wiih onco one of Ihn Krcntcat
fortn'haes in Efiropo nro now used
hh military bakorioa.
Here ia Siiiioinl'a own ileaeriplioii
of (lie piiHNiu of the nnclt'iit citnilel
of Verdun:
"It wtia built, for I.oula XIV hv
Viiulmn. lie took u Molid rook unit
blnHteil out redoulita and Imltli'ttii'iitM.
The senemtioiiK Unit followed him
dint into (ho living rock and c rented
.vitmn i u wholo city of catacomb",
it vat labyrinth of iuihnhucs: nnil
chatiiberrt and linll.
"The woilil hN come lo think of
Verdun a a city .or eitadel that i
ilcfeiiivii eillier by wnlln or by fort a.
lint the truth is fur different', even
the old citadel Ik but n dimciteil cue;
it miiMMive walla of iinturnl rock re
,sinl tlie hIicIIh a tliev would rcptiNe
an uvnbiucbo, but the u'iiiik tliut ware
oucu on tlio imratM'lH am aonc, lln
KtirriMMt is ifinie, (oiie far out on llio
trench line bevoud the hill.
"The N'aiibnn ellndel ia now n place
wlicrc In end i baked; where wniiud
til men are neeiisioiiallv liroiirht."
Then wbv i" the knier u nnioiw
In capture the Veiiluu "bnkewhop"
that he is willinir to aenlice tboin
audH of (lennan livet everv dayf
ltMU Ansxivi-s Oiurrhv,,
Thew iiuetiuna are answered by
SimomlH in liis romarkiible book,
"These Shall Not 1 ," from whieli
there are iniuitinim herewith niuted
by ponnisioii of Doubledav. I'ukc A;
"War iit HomelhiiiK bevoud nrinie
MinltaclicH, be,oiid aliutev and euu
military uenitio, and the teal mciiiiiuu
of Verdun i not to be found in the
liiioa held or lot, mil even in the
iihliCH of the old town that I 'run
and not Derniaiiy JioliU.
"It ih to be found iu the spirit of
rraneo now that the iiicnt trial U
over and the line have held.
"It wbk fjennaiiy and not France
that raised the 1110 of Vcrduu. The
dentin lis believed, and all their pub
lished statement) allow this, that
IVaitce wan wenry, dislienrteneil.
ready lo ipiil on fair term. They
UdieAcil there waa needed only a shin-in-
victoiy, n Bteat moral demonstra
tion of Herman stiwiath to neeom
plish Ihe end to lirinu victorious
Itntlle forlonil VnliiM.
"The battle lor Veiiluu was a but
tle tor moral rather than iiiilitnrs
value, mid the moral ieton remaihs
ith the I'liiub.
"Iti'side the iiiornl wilue of Verdim.
the militnr is jintf uotbini:. Tu
preeiate its incuniMK V" must iimli r
stand what it Inn metuu to tin
"On the military Hide it is inn
sar tu know find of all tlmt when
the (le nun lis ln-trnn their umnnli'- at
luck uKn Wnlun the h'teiuh biuh
ouannund tliinled Hot ) defend the
city. Jul I re uud those who with bun
direi l the Kreneh nmiies. er
aitrced thai the ehv of Verdun was
without in 1 1 it a i-v value ennipnriible
ttith ihe cost of defemlinif if iiml
thai the wisest uml nel I hint: to do
wns to draw bnrk the lines to ih.
hills above this eity and wei uf tin
,leus( rier
"ll.itl ih. 11 will .r iiili-.l tlicit
wntiM h.ii In en II" ri' billle :i'
would lu v i tin .1 i o the
tov p,
"Jo'trc'- i'W xu'H e.tviU rilu -libit,
mid it wn- liurdl' "osvdilf to
iiiatiel with the military imtmet't it
disclose". To the world Verdun va
.1 (treat fiirtresN, a. aeeontl Gibraltar,
encirelcd by jjieal forta furnished
wiMi Iiuko jrnna, the gatewnv to I'aris
iind the key to the French eastern
Not Now a Km trews,
"And this wow jaat what Verdun
wiih until the ciHiiinif of tho pivaent
nur, when the German and Auntrfnn
niis levelled the fortsfof Antwem of
MaubeiUH!, of l.irjre. Hut after that
Verdun ceased to be anything, be
cause nil fortresses ht their vnlne
with the revelation that they had fail
ed lo keep pace with tho jtiin.
"After Ihe battle of the Miirne.
when trench wnrfam henna, the
Vietieh took nil their mm out of the
forts of Verdun, pushed out before
the forts, and Verdun became just n
sector iu the luiiif trench line from Ihe
sen to Switzerland. It waa itafuudcd
by (ronelica, uot forts.
"When the German drive at Vcr
duu was ut last iliseloftcil iu its real
majmitiule, .loffrc prepared to evacu
ate the town, and the east bank of
tlie (Meuno) river . . . and jrive
over to Ihe German the wreck of
Verdun. The position behind the river
W(i" ue.xt to impregnable. . . ,
"Hut nt this point tho French pol
itician interfered, lie iccojtuizedl the
wiadom of the merely military view
of .loffrc, but he aaw also the iiiorul
value. Me recoaniKed that the French
and German public nliku would not
nee Verdun nn a mere point in 11
trench Hue, a point nluiost impossible
jo defend and destitute of military
"lie saw Unit Ihe Ficiieli ami flcr
innn piibliea would think of Verdun
n it hml been thoiieht of before Ihe
preaent wnr, chiiiiK'ed nil the condi
tion of conflict, lie ris-ofitited that
ihe German eeople Mould be roused
to new hope and confidence bv the
capture of the Brent fortress uud
Hint the French would be cipmllv de
pressed by loss of what tliev bc'iex-
od waa a utPitt foitras . . .
rollficlnim Have Way.
"Iu t lie cud the politicians bud llicr
way. . . . I' ranee took an del-
iuiiuly the irnuiic "f buttle as Ger
many had luid it down. Veiilun now
Jiccamc 11 battle iu the decisive ven-c
pf the word, altttoujrli still mi the
pi oral side.
"Nothiiii; is more preHsfernus than
to ht'liee thai thure evar wn nu
chance of a German advance thiotiub
Verdun to Pari. One bus only to .uo
to Verdun and see Ihe count rv and
lines back of the present toils t rc-
alixe bow foolish such talk is.
"When ono hears about Veidim im
Ihe RHleway lo Palis or lo atiyaheie
else, one hear about Ihe Verdun l
the "iisl. Tt is uot the door to Pari-,
but the outer door to the roynm
around Paris, the plains of Clmlons.
"Hut a ihe Gentians lire ulreadx u
these plains (far lo the west) the
InkiiiK of Verdun would uot linn
them nearer to Paris; the are oith
fifty miles awu at Nd.viiii, on the
disc, mid tbe Minilil be Kill nt i
dun if tin v the cits . . .
"If Mill 11 III Vl I'll Mil Mill Will v ,
Hint the i-stimnic lic uuild jil.ic
ed mum it iv il!iiiii-."
iiiia!iii9Vie,ij ''
ll MitV
Mil be -ttn-
WASHINGTON, June 20. For the
first time in the history of the Amer
ican nay experiments lo determine
Ihe auiili'bilitv of hydroaeroplanes
for scout duty at "en are to be un
dertaken during" the summer maneu
vers of the Atlantic fleet. Six sea
plane are now boitijr put aboard the
armored cruiser North Carnlinn. sta
tion ship nt the Pcnsncola naval avi
ation station, which has lieen ordered
to tcke part in the manetners.
The Ninth Carolina is fitted with
a cntapaiilting device by mentis of
which hydroaeroplane can he shot
out into the air, no matter how rmijfli
eht sea. The device was recent l
periecteii and 1 an advance nw
Anything- in forciun nnie. Hereto
fore it Ima been Kiible to use the
aircraft only in calm weather, when
they could be dropped override and
rise J torn the surface of the water.
The North Carolina will be fitted
also witli a hydrogen geueratiiiir
plant uud efirrv 11 kite I111II00I1 for
ohscrvutinn and lire siultiiig. Offi
cers in the basket of the balloon con
nected with the ship by teleplione will
direct the lire of the (inns. f the
One of the elacrling nieicliundlMcry
events of the week will be the Dollar
Day Bale at Uie M. M. Department
atoro Wednesday and Thursday.
These sales are bwoming Terr
popular, ai well na beneftelal to the
public and the page of price In thta
Issue will be well worth careful consideration.
Perfect Health Is
A Prescription That from Girlhood to
Old Age Has Hccn a Messing
lo Womanhood,
When n jtfrl liecomca a woman,
when a woman Iwcoine mother,
when a wonmn pnetta through the
chances f middle life, are the three
periods of life when health ami atretitli
,yUw$ WaV-r
M 15
vWvVVVCwSwvZ A l L
A Sensible M
llimVKKN -
are most needed to withstand the pain ' rT17T Trrl T itlfl
and distress often caused by seVere , LVlllfLJV V 1VJL tlllU
oriratilc disturbance.
At these critical times womon are
best fortifietl bv the use of Dr. Pierce's
I'avorlte Prescription, nu old remedy S. II. Ilarnlsh's auto will leave
Of proved worth that keeps the entire Unfile Point at 8 A. AI. and 1 P. M.
female system perfectly regu!nted aud Idallv. except Sunday; leave Medford
In excellent condition. 9 a. M. and G P. M. Will call for
Mothers, if your daughter arc weak, J paaneiiRers at hotels In Medford and
ftfJl 0 J" Iv M a in '
u -r .- " phi pvi ci 1 fn 1
jor k u v.0-ai-LaBtrtxihia
tiull Htones- t'linter .nid I 1uih or the
Stom.uli and Intc-tlnr. uto-Intoxl-catlon.
Yellow .laumilie im cmlu iiih
aud nt her all'iteiits result from
aiomiii 1 trnuiili TIiouhmiiiU of
stomach snturtrn owe their t'omplete
recovery to Mavr's Wonderful reme
dy. I'ultke any other for slomueh
uliments Kor H.itg h druggists ev-erjheie.
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Dr. Rickert
Suits (g)
lack ambition, are troubled with head
aches, lassitude and arc pale and sick
ly, Dr. Piercc'3 Favorite rrescrititkm
Is just what they need to surely bring
the bloom of health to their cheeks
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For all diseases peculiar to woman,
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50 years it has banished from the lives
of tens of thousand of women the
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If yon are a sufferer, it your daugh
ter, mother, sister need help get Dr.
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Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, lluffalo. N. Y
and get confidential medical advice
entirely free. You can also obtain a
book on woman's dUeases, seat free.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate aud in.
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hotrls and business houses In Hagla
IMIOXK :..a Oil -A.
I.NTKIlUltltA.N AinoOAIt CO.
Loavo Medford tor Ashland, Talent
and Phooutx dally, except Sunday, at
8:00 a. m., 1:00, 8:00, 4:00 and 5:15
p. tit. Also on Saturday at 11: IS p.
m. Sundays leave at 8:00 and 10:110
a. 111. and 1:00. 2:00, 5:30 and 9:10
p. ni. Leave Ashland for Medford
dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. m.,
1:00, 1:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. nt. Alto
on Saturday nights at 6:30 and
2:30. Sundays leave Ashland at 9:00
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p. ni.
Beautiful Lithia Park (Ashland)
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TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Also Cleanlnu, Presslnq and Altering
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Aiitoiwldl ItHai-w SrrWn;
AnibuUuf ttrvlcti CVnr
ave sev-
i good bar-
'ains in used
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0. ars.