Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 20, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MhDFORD vul tkhhtnt. mi vrom onrciov, iriMnv, .itm: -j, mir
' i
J v
I .?,
fc ,
4 i-tifi iiit i4
Mr. Ernest Price, of Gold Ra.
waa a Med ford vinllor Monday after
44 (M Krelm Parrar or Portland, li
ptMRMf a few dsrs netting Med
ford Critfo and hor parents Mr. ami
Mri). T. M. Farrnr of Ray Oold.
Wests Cunra Shop for flrst-elses
k4ilt llntshiag and kodak supplies.
Mitt Marie Hltscher loft Monday
nsnooa to vmt ner ptrtnu in
Wenatcbee, Washington.
Tfd Plah spent Monday In Med
ford learning the latest nows on the
Mexican situation.
De Vm gives trading stamps with
overytalns; aept groceries.
t. jr. Warner passed through Med
ian! yotterdoy on hla way to bla hone
In Mtsaoaia. Montana. Mr. Warner,
who lived In Medford some eighteen
yoara ago, left Mlssouls last Jaly.
and tared lelaurely to Arizona, where
he passed the wlnted la Phoenix.
Get yenr milk, cream, onttor, ognc
and Vuttarmllk at De Voe'i.
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. King stopped
off at Medford Monday and were tak
om over the Pacific highway to Ash
land by A. 8. Itosenbaum, where they
oaagbt Me. 13 for the south. Mr.
King, who la superintendent of tele
graph on Southern Pacific II nee,
with headquarters at Ban Francisco,
I on an Inspection toar of all B. I'.
Typewriter papor of all kinds at
Medfard Printing Co.
'A party Of Med ford people motored
to Pretfuct Sunday and apont thn
day. Those In the company were,
Mr. and Mrs. Ons Newbury, Mr. and
Mr. C. W. Abercromble, Dr. and
Mr. Kmmona, Mr. and Mrs. Homer
(Monday afternoon A. W. Walker
oomMtHced tb work of unloading a
carload of now Saxon sixes.
Tko world'? greatest companies
Holmes, Tho Insaranea Man.
James Vance who for the paat year
lis attended the unlrerslty at ICu
gone, left for the north on the 5:10
yesterday afternoon. Il will work
lmtwoen Portland and ffealtle for the
l'aaUie Telephone and Telegraph Co.
with a line crow.
Mr. and Mrs, A. It. Ton Voile from
tlifl ttagla Paint district spent Mon
day afternoon In Medford.
Try a King Spitz, olgar and en
oeurage Wows Industry. tf
David Kosenburg eame lo Medford
yesterday afternoon In seareN of
braadlag point for his band or snoop
which bo Intends to turn back Into
tho hilts on summsr range within a
few days.
(J. D. CrOBOtntller, who Is connect
ed with the Vort hern California Pow
er Co., at Koddlng, Is In town for
a fow dam on business.
Dr. KJahgessner will be at Hotel
MMk every Wednesday. Hours for
eoMMttstlen 10 to I.
H. R. MJntor, or Eagle Point, Is
troMOMotiMg bustMosa In Medford to
day. Toung Hull, local Chevrolet dis
tributors, have sold a flro passenger
ear t Pttor Toung, who lives on the
Orator !ake highway.
Oaioa Mils Ford ears, 106 down
and til month.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude (lay nor and
galor Moll of Fresno. California,
who art on route to Seattle In their
ear, are guests for a few days of Mr
ami Mrs. W. W. Watson. Mrs. (Jay
or has written a large number of
short stories for American magailnos,
writing under tko name of Kthel
' v I'.ifi 'TcMnfn cf McKonl
Imi jut rctiiriie'l froi'i HrkcM,
t'sl , where ulio upent the winter
Window and door screens, garden
fnrnlture. Paciric Purn. & Fir. Fac
tory. A party of, motorists consisting of
Hr. and Mrs. T. V. Ysnay, Mies Mar
garet Drown and Ouy M. Harris ar
rived from Portland, this morning ex
pecting to make the trip to Crater
Lake. When informed that the road
is not aa yet open, tboy set out for
Klamath Falls and will return to
the lake at the opening of the road.
Baths, 15c. Hotel Holland.
The cannery, which has been
closed down for several days as the
erop of Koyal Annes is ripening but
slowly, due to the unsettled weather,
will commence operations again Mon
day, according to W. C. Larned the
manager. It Is thought that after
Monday tho plant will continue
steadily In operation until winter.
Httttermllk So quart at De Vom,
A carload of mules was shipped to
Walla Walla, Wash , last night by J.
M. Dunham, who has spent several
weeks In this vicinity buying horses
and moles. Mr. and Mrs. Dan ham
left this morning for Portland.
Whipping cream at DoVeo'n.
John li. Henault or Jacksonville is
spending the day In Medford.
Mrs. Maud Phllbrook and Miss
Kathyran Dunham left this morning
for I, os Angeles from which place
they expect to proceed to San Diego
to attend the summer session of tho
Normal School.
PHttormllk 10c gal. At De Voes.
The monthly Inspection train,
carrying Superintendent F. U. Hurck-
halter hi expected to stop at Medford
about 6:30 a. m. tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chapman of
Iower Sams Valley are spending the
day In Medford shopping.
For concessions at Kogue Hirer
Round Up grounds, Ashland, A, 6,
and Oth of July, see Wm. S. Voorhoes
at Susie Allen's Heal Rstate office,
Ashland, or write P. O. llox 14, Ash
land. 78
y. W. Streets, proprietor or tho
Oxford Hotel at Grants Pass, was a
Medford visitor Tuesday.
Iilg le milkshakes at De Voe's.
O. h. Davidson of tho Medford
Cigar Store received a telegram this
morning from hut father, D. O.
Davidson, who resides near Calumet,
Mick., stating that the two companies
rrom he nearby owns are getting
ready to leave for the Mexican bor
der. Mr. Davidson expects to oome
to Medford to visit his son in the near
future and will take charge of the
Medford Cigar Store in the event bis
son Is called to tho colors with tho
local company.
For rent, I-room furnished house.
C. A. DeVoe.
F. A. Dengor, who resides soar
Phoenix was la town today on bus!-
Ssa Dava Woods about that fire la
suraaea palter. Oftiso Mail Tribus
Tha Amonia class of tho Baptist
Suaday school will hold their mld-
moathly Male study mooting at tho
aoaw of Mrs. I. J. Stewart. 5M Penn
sylvania avenue Wednesday evening.
All old and now members are re
quested to bo present.
Bmako a King Spits elgar. Be.
Thar tra bome-mado. if
Tho eomi'lalnt filed by Charles L
Hansen, district sealer or weights and
measures sgainst T. K. Plynn of the
Msdferd Klecjrn Co.. charging him
with seUiug icssoline adult rated with
iuHIUtatf was tried la the district
atari Tuesday Plynn entered a pies
of failty and was fined 185 and costs
hat upou a motion by the prosecuting
attorney sentnce was tuspendfd on
payment of costs by the dofeudant.
as it appeared that the whole matter
was the result of a mistake and that
Mr. K!un a victim of clrcuuwtunce.
The gasoline wagon, having put gaao
llne in a barrel containing distillate
unknown to Mr. Plyuu, which caused
the iiilNUtke
De Voe bays bsr hottlas.
C C. Pursel of tho Applegate dis
trict same to Medford to mevt
trtaads, who will arrive front Port
laad this afternoon.
Posuee stamps at Da Voe's.
TIim rinaU of the Kp worth league
tonuU tiiu-naiueutowlll be plsyed st
the Ivuitut lourt Wadaesday svaniag,
taUoMi ,i i,) a hocIs evening, to wbJca
all dJto iiii'intinri .iii 'oasis are In
vltatPio uttond.
A warrant won isMued Monday nf
urnnon by Jiixtice Taylor agnipot
John Uoe MtJIer, who in ehargml b
-mtnble A. B. Hammond with cru
elty t animals.
A number of man interented in t In
iuar boot plant being erected .it
(Irani lai earns to Medford tlm
in the intcreot of the enterpn
Thiic hi tlw' pnrtv are: f). K. Cut
(Jf.nuf Auxtiu. Kd X. Auntui, A
Nibley, W. T. Uinrr.
A curd MUusrkot Konllle wu i
ifivcil l O. I DttvitUon Huh iik i
intr tmsn llaldy WorthuMjtan, wii
on ii motor trip, belling- tho -i
nghl for Iks Aitken-Worthuc
lih ciwn.
A. S. Furry of Phoenix in in !
Ma. H. ('. Joy of tno Munny Hln)M
nr.'liuiU in in Medford today in iht
mtciv-4 of her ruvrrv crop.
II. U. Unit loft thin niurning for
Yreka. when- be hen Mtveral imiulini:
iHintret't. He will bo joined later l
lloutwn laiiu and Mahih McKsv.
I.. A. Kit Iumiimuj Irli tlii moriiiii.'
l)i r.M-nd ii fiw dni in Moiitntiui'.
Ilav truvcl ni'ioMtutiil tin- run
lima "f No. ):i in two Moetion tods.v.
K. K. Kox . the Wagner l'rW
dilm-t i KNudiu' the day ui aII
Sixt li'i-ini -- tr-n MrtirijntH in
thv irit-t'ictlirr iii luitr miI lmuuuet
given li tin- Bninc-- Men'- uhooi
stioti, (omtinrcuil dull iriil Fair sc
socifltion at tlrr Hotel Aiiin Mondr
ercninf. K. ('. Ondfli of the Ituxi
noee men n'ideil. Ktieeche were
mnrfe lv H. H. Hull in uimn the Blue
Iedge rnilrnrl. H. 0. Frohbseh nf
Anhlnnd tipon the Fourth of July eel
ebmtion. J. W. I)n'lrr upon pro
pact- fTIr a xugar fnctorv, I). W.
Klone of Vnt rnl Point, I). M. Iiwe
of Ahfnnd, A. If. Fiwher, 0. A. More
of Tulent nnd Ileno t'ttllahan of (he
Blue LceVe.
A HUtnittiion hill of fnrc wax serv
ed bv Mine Hol Chi'-hitin eonxinting
pnreipnlly f Hoifiic Iliver nll
prMlnet4, tnn-'p being furniihed by
a five. piece orrhcMra.
Tbo new directors of the fair asso
ciation retired after tho dinner and
nlected the following officers for the
onsnlng yean
The directors arc: A. J. Vance, H.
h. Waithara, C. K. Gates, J. 1,. Helms,
S. S. Smith, E. F. Schmidt, Scott
Wolff. K. C. Gaddls, S. I. Brown of
Medford, Miles Cantrall of Applegate,
Louis Ulrich of Jacksonville, 0. A.
Morse of Talent. C. B. Wolfe, D. M.
I.owe, H. C. Frohbach, of Ashland. A.
A. Fisher of Phoenix, Fred Pelouxe
(jf Brownsboro, Joe Beeman of Gold
Hill, W. R. n rower of Rogue River
and D. W. Stone of Willow Springs.
President. A. J. Vance.
Vice-Presidents, C. E. Gates and
G. A. Moras.
Secretary, 8. I. Brown.
Treasurer, W. H. Gorn.
Attorney, John II. Carkin.
The directors adjourn ad to meet in
the armory In Medford Monday, Jumt
16 to set a date for tha fair and to
prepare a program.
Dl'I.UTH, Minn., June 19. Com
plete returns from the 43 precincts or
the city show a dry victory by 600
votes In th local option election held
here today. The vote was one or the
heaviest ever cast In the city, nearly
16,000 voters expressing their wishes
st the polls.
A l)IJI,li(.-.TI() OP WOMIS.V.
were Intentely Interested when they
recently visited the Plnkham labora
tory at Lynn, Mass., and say the ex
treme cleanliness and purity which
prevail In the preparation and stor
ing of Lydls E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound, as well ss of bar other
medicines. An hour Is required to go
through so large an establishment.
One thing which struck the visitors
was the great number of files con-
tslnong the letters or women who
told how much the famous Compaund
had don' for thm nh p.irt of
tl'i in an mi i-lit .1 .it 1 tio 1' it"-r 'h
t w-r i''i i-ni.l wliUor tin- writr'it
jiortnl 'i
Tho fotirteontli iimiiiiii' invention
of the Northwestern Xiir-erymen"
sfxiH'ialion wai pncil in tlia pnhLir
library buildingilii- morning with .'i.)
members from Oregon, Washington
and r'alifornia in nttendanoe. The
mornin" was occupied in hearing the
preliminary rtport.s of committeen.
which showed a large trade demand
for domestic and ornamental stock
and a iliMioct xlackcning in the de
mand for pommcrcml trees.
This afternoon the prineinnl ad-
dreMM will be on the subject of
rn.M run t.. t.ruun it r
Bat-ff of the 0. A .('. The chairman
I of the convention tinreii outHMler to
attend the frae lecture to be given on
Wedneda ' eveuiw; by Howard Kv
urtw Weed of Portland, wbo ia not
ed InndMenpe architect.
The viaitora will be given three dis
tinct entertainment. The first will
be TrtCKday afternoon, consisting of
trips in and around Medford under
the supervision of Mrs. Ilovioo.
Wednesday afternoon, Jfr. K. E.
Oore as hostess, will give an orchard
trip. Mrs. IS. V. Coffin Thnrwlay
wiH take the dclejrutes to Utbia
park, Ashland.
There will be three musical pro
grams under the direction of Mrs.
Lynette Uovious Mr-. K. E. (lore
and Mrs. li. V. Coffin, one for each
day. The trip will be startcil at 3
p. m.
The program n follews:
Convention sinrts nt Kin. m.; Hev.
Frederick Carstcni of Medford will
give the invocatien: address of wel
come, V. .1, Emcrick. mayor; re
Mponse, A. ISekcrt, Detroit, Wash.:
rejiort of offVi'M; retwrt of com
mittees; "I'rorre.- and Plans for
Uniform Ijiws,'' M. McDonald, Or
oneo, Or.; "Crown Onll," Professor
II. 1'. Barss, O. A. ('.; president's nil
drexH, S. A. Mill r, Milton; reic-s to
'1 ' , . , ...j If. r
I -I. . x ,ir- t . -i, F V Si ttV
.!. . ..'bum; "Ntnniliiriliinv;
Wliolc.nlc Term to Trade," AHicrt
JBrownell. Portland; "Cost Plan for
Orowia Stock," F. A. Wignins, Top-Ipcni-h,
Wash.; "Better Businegs,"
' John A. McOac, Oranco. Or.
n ruiirMiiij -rrom urnamg
Small Fruit Plants,'' B. H. Bongle
hati. Sumner, Wash.; "Bookini Or
ders." ('. D. Hobb, Xllten: "Sul.-x-manHhip."
It. J. Ktippcrt. Rnlem; re
cess; "Some Xeeded Improvements
Based on Present fmdition." H. A.
Iiwris, Pertland: MMrketing of Xur
erv Stock, hHudinf Sales, Collec
iionn and InpectIoD,,' F. W. Mav,
Xortk Yakhrm: "Grndrn of Shade,
Ornamental Treew-ond hruln." F.
C. Brtithnupt, Kenneuick. Wash.:
"Selling Ornamental,' Guy Jilking
ton. Portland.
ThurRdny-,,SyMteifl in the Busi
ness Department," T. E. Movbec.
Presno, Cal.; "Proposeil Xomencla
lorn and Catalogue Revision; Some
Genaral Snpfestiono." John Vollance,
Oakland; MThe Xurseryman's Kela
tion to Lnmlsaaping," H. E. Bor
dctte. Oreneo; "Bligiii-Keoittant
Stocks for Pears," F. C. Heimer, su
nerintendent Soutlwrn Oregon xer
iment xlntiott ; selection of neit con
vention city; election of officers.
V w i
,.( I'! ' nl l.ilil.i
Alone With
National lAfumc.
Brooklyn . ..I8
Philadelphia 2S
New Yark 14
Chicago ...
St. Louis .
.... 1
Splendid Flavor
This fiini'iiiH fiifid lias both dflicious i'lavor that
Vnwals to ainit'titc. nnd the vU h biiildinif clciiu'iils
of whole whfut and multerl barley that makes for
sturdy bodies and keen brains.
Thoimands who have iuad Grapt-Kute, with
cream or ood milk, a part of their daily lfttions
find that it helps wonderfully in restoring "bal
ance" and vij,'or, and puts ud" into life.
"There's a Reason"
(Jroeers everywhere sell Grape-Nuts.
The Moving Picture World saysi (lever i just the
wiu-d todtsiiib.-'iii:;; (jk'kat puici-:."' wiiii the
winsome MAJJKL T VLIAKKKRO m the 'nr.
Pacific Coast Iwujiih,
fxxtnasKBSxosamacEBiExsmxiiAWujmmssicriiAiit'n uaaeagi
Vernon .....
Loa A males .
San Francisco
Salt hake
. 32
. 29
AiHoriciui Takikuc.
W. h,
Cleveland . . 33 :'2
WimhliiKton . 29
KL PASO. Ten , June 18. A train
load of approximately one thousand
half starved Mexican peons arrived
In Juarez today from southern Chi
huahua, who almost Immediately
crossed Into the lotted Stated in
tarili of work.
I ' i I'M
HnYffsaw Y 'farHI
Is. -
ll I I K.llll
tlO the i;r-Mlfkl I ! tl tflH-I U . H
eon through the mfkiie of our cx
qiiiilti csndU- nliadn. un'il with Mil
lie supurts. or in liiatktt-i or 1411
dels bra.
Make our selection today
Hee tbf new rliiK itiount lutes.
Martin J. Reddy
ti 11c
Hum of (JaalMy.
Vikitors Always Welcome.
SIS Vast
" - I ' BMW am! Ilr? iTh W '
4S 368 U
,vCJfi SI VT-1 " v0" "V "",- I'll! I S
of the charming stage favorite
i Oil
2800 people up t.. M..1..I w ni-ht s;)v C. E. GATES, Med-
foi-d's Charlie Chaplin, u. -TI1K STOI.KN IMK" at the
I -Sl'IiK-f-C IT. .is we will make another next week and
you mav be ealled upon to play the lead.
in a Metro Wonderplay
er Great Price"
Intense Situations, Sparkling Comedy and n
Genuine Surprise in a Startling Climax
Leading Motion
Picture Thoater
Lonesome Luke
ffTi if i'iiiismacBgBMaaaasiEmsnsmTirTMgTWTtBg
TOO MTK TO Ol.tKoil'V.
"J-J" - -"1 ij i - . n.i -i . 1
KOK MALIC 7 room bungalow, tisse
mont furnncv, crthlnit modi rn
Will hi'II for ft. nun Im limn iot
luruUtied 01 unfurUlicd 'As
(icucvH uvc ,s:
Made to Order
at the
Ha if Shop
(4P (in JkOsjrujr) aUIn
Just What You Want During:
This Hot Weather
We-just reeeived eeli stlt, llnludinjf S-ili ii l"
lnmUf Uw heel siMirt laee xhoe.. white buek .inl
white Lenox cloth oxfords, pumps and euloiu.-ii.
AVhite ivory soles and heels, white rubber heels
and alao eoveivd heels to mat eh.
"A Tit or No Salt"
Thty art in tht window now
$aic SU North
Sigu uf
"K)0D aHOBS" iWlLT ouk busikbss
WrERIT;rHEJaail3r $'
VL-S-E 5-Act Peaturt
"Unto Those Who Sin"
Featuring the Vivacious tnr I'ltlT.l ItltlXinTK.
drama of a woman's loe for j;oU.
A baart-stirrliiii
"The Stolen Pie"
again today and tomorrow, feat urine t K. Gates. Carl Tengaald
i-owell JEundle auj hundreds of other local talont. ge this ulcturo
.. 7vu., umouw,,,, tn isMOiua- urt la another, abich
fsVlll Kai niftrlo iAV uosb i?t
will )m made u&xt week.