Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 20, 1916, Image 1

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of Oregon
ii inniM in in
I, ri:onm,
Mux. Yetcrility (Id; MUi.
Today i.
M Fortyntxth Year.
Dullv -)'.' n nth lar.
MEDFORD 01?K(K) Tl'KsDVY, ,)VK 20. 191(5
XO. 77
Stiff Note Sent by Lansing, Reviewing Histcry of Relations of Two
Nations Allegations of Bail Faith anil Insinuations Refuted Car
ranza Government Accused of All Raids and Refusing to Punish
Qitnillts Every Possible Obstacle Thrown In Way of American Troops
to Prevent Capture of Villa and Bandit Gangs Who Were Eucouragefl
and Pi olectcJ Troops to Remain Until Order Restored and Lives and
Property Arc Propotly Protected Co-operation Promised to General
Scott Not Forthcoming Vandalism Openly Practiced.
'WASHIXnTO.V. June 20. The
American note flatly rejecting Gen
eral Oarransa'a demand for the with
clravwil of I'll I led Btutes troops from
MeMeo nnd rebutting the Carrsnsa
nowmniont fur the discourteous tone
niul temper or Ita last coniifinnlcatlon
whh handed today to lCllseo Arredon
do, the Mexican ambassador deslg
nate. Jong and continued outrages
n Rat nut Americana and their prop
el In both In Mexico and on Ameri
can null are reviewed In tho note
nnd warning Riven that tho troops
will he kept In Mexico until anch
tlini' n the de facto govorriment ner
forms the duly, which tlio Untied
State haa not aotiRht, or pursuing
the bandits who might to he arrest -nl
and punished by the Mexican gov
ernment. It coneludea with the state,
mem that If the de facto Korernmeiil
continue to iRnore thin obligation
and carries out Ita threat to defend
Ita territory by an attempt at arm
utrninst the American troop the grav
en! loimequencos wilt folloar.
tilde Swim Standi 11
"While thla government would
deepl reRret auch a reault," the nolo
nan. li cannot recede from lu set
tid d termination to maintain Ita
liiiiuiv; rinhta and to jierform Ita full
.Inn in prevent1!.; further Invasions
f 'I.- terrltoy of the Untied But?
and In removing the peril wh'cn
nierlcan along the International
boundary have borne ao long with
patience and foibearance."
"I am reluctant to be forced to
the cwiclUHion which might be drawn
from the circumstances," Secretin)
Janlng declared, "that the de facto
Roverumeut in aplte of the crime
committed and the alniater designs
of Villa and hie folio were, did no l
and doe not now Intend or dealt e
that these outlawe should be eap
t ii red. destroyed or dlaperaed y
American troop or at the request of
Ihl government by Mexican troop.''
X riivi'lni' Mothe.
The purposes of the I'nlted State
got eminent toward Mexico, ques
tioned in the hut Mexican note, aio
announced In the following laugu me:
If a denial la needed that thh
government baa bad ulterior and im
proper motive In Ita diplomatic rep
ri'R nt at ion or haa countenanced the
unit hie of American sinpathlser
mid the American preaa opposed to
the de facto government 1 am glad
nioiit einphtttlcally to deny It. It la,
however, a matter of common knowl
ede that the Mexican preaa haa been
more active than the preaa in the
Vnlted State in eudeavorlng to In
flame the two peoplea agalnt each
other and to force the two countries
Into notllltie."
Dolt. LAS. Aril.. June JO. The
Ann ruMii Hi flvin-r -rr tic hoM ut
win. li um, located the office of
Ai.iikiiii Consul W. A. Julian at
( hi. .nun, was made the target ot
ImiuliciU of Mexican bulht duriii!.'
I'm ii.ti -Ainerieau dnvai ration l.j-t
S ii i'.i' nijlit. according to American
t i n- aiming here tndnv. Aiur
4) ' In II f'l" $) . ll .. ll
a ' A ' ' ' ! ' Ji 1 1
Tho text of the nolo follew:
The secretary of statu to tho toere
tiiry of foreign relation of the do
facto government of Mexice:
"Department or State, Welling
ton, .lu no 20, 1910.
Text of .Vote
"Sir: I havo road your communi
cation which wns delivered to me on
May 22, 11 IB. under Instructions of
tho chlor executive of the de facto
government of Mexico, oi the subject
of the preaeuce or American troop in
.M'oxlean territory and I would ho
wantltiR In candor ir I did not. be
fore making nnewer to tho alienation
of fact and tho conclusion roachetl
by your govorumout expresa aurprlte
and regret which have been caused
Oils government by the discourteous
tune and temper of thla lat com
munication from the de facto gov
ernment of Mexico.
"The government of the United
State haa viewed Vlth deep concern
and Increaeing jlliMppolntment the
progreaa of the revolution In Mexico.
Contlnuou bloodahed and dlaonlera
have ntalntatneil It progreaa. For
three yeara the Mexican republic haa
been torn with civil atrtfe; the Uvea
of Americana and other alien have
been sacrificed; vat propertlea de
veloped by American capital and en
terprise have been destroyed or ren
dered non-productive; bandit have
been permitted to roam at will thru
the territory routlguoua to the Unit
ed State and to seise, without pun
lahment or without effective attempt
at punishment, the property of Amer
icana, while the lives of cltlaens of
the United State who ventured to re
main on Mexican territory or to re
turn there to protect their lulereata
have been taken, In some case, bar
barously taken, and the murderers
have neither been appiehended nor
brought to juatice. It would be dif
ficult to find In the annala or the his
tory of Mexico conditions more de
plorable than those which have ex
isted there during these recent years
of civil war.
Ontinues Uncounted
"it would be tedious to recount In
stance after Instance, outrage after
outrage, atrocity after atrocity, to Il
lustrate the true nature and extent
of the widespread conditions of law
leaanesa and violence which have pre.
vailed, during the past ulne month in
particular on the froutler of the Tutt
ed State along the lower Klo Grande
which hu been thrown into a state of
constant apprehensiou and turmoil
be cause of frequent ami sudden In
curious into American territory and
depredation and murder on mer-
(Continued on page three)
WAMIIMiTON. Julie JO. Special
Agent Kudcr ut Mexico (itv noti
lied the otute department loduv thut
he wa arranging fur a ieciul truiu
to take American and other foreigner-,
from Mexico t "it v t Vera t'rux.
lie he uiilil remain ut hi pot.
Or. Ii't.ilfir-' mciijc told of iuuih
.Mil 1 ihmii n del oiiHtiiilinn, pnr
. if- tilii It B lfl;r,y. in lliC M4i-
ii iiil 4irtu Jtjilv htrj
tttt-'trt su itiuj ai'it tr tinxnt'c
United States Prepares to Meet Any
Emcrgcncv Cabinet Meeting Con
siders Situation Chances Over
whelming Favor War No Indica
tions That Carranza's Intentions
Arc Peaceful and Hostilities Mav
Begin at Any Moment Military
Falls to Impress Mexicans.
WASHINGTON. Mnne 'in. Willi
J'nHiiilent Wilnon'a firm refunl to
witlntrnw Ameiicnu troop from .Mex
ico on it wnv to the de l'ueto ro
ernmt'iil emlioilieil iu n nolo Mteinlv
iiirniuiiinjr the whole coiiinc if (Icn
erul OiiTniixn in Hie Milnntion wliuh
It ji - brought the two eoiintriiw to (lie
t'.ilau ,,' U'M I. ill. ...l,.tk.,l ihi I ..... ......
.i-,i.- .., nnif ii,i- ,. ,in,,, ,i , ,i i . ,-,'i-
tiniied today to make it- preparations
to meet any emergeuey thut mux
l':i to Cjii'iiiiiii.
War or K'ee lent with (lenerul
(' The noxiliou of the Tint
ed States i Miiit(nlly "el I'oitli iu it
review of the Mmmit innliility of
('iiiiHiixn to prevent hinder rniilm and
to keen the olilijrnlion lie owe to the
world for tho iireaerx'Btion of rtnler
in liix ilominioiix.
Secretary Uuising hud a privnte
conference with I'tvidonl W'iUou he
foiv tmluyV ciihinet incetini.
At (lie enliioel meeting lite opinion
prevailed thnt the ehuneew were over
whelmingly iu the direction of war.
The one hope wa that (lenenil Car-
la n mi would Ih imprced liv the mil
ilarv premratioii of the I'nited
Slutex mid make no further effoiln
l' lune Ameiiean troops withdraw.
There hu been no iitliciilion. how
ever, that Carraiixa'-. intention are
lieineful anil every move now ia he
iii" watched in tho belief thnt boatili
tiex may bein nt nuc moment.
No liiiiltious Sent.
The note oenetf notice thut n- long
iik the Currania fnnae eontinue their
(iicxent Attitude no urm or iimmiini
tion or machinery lor their manufac
ture would be ierniilted to reach
Mexico from the l'nited Slulcx. There
Mill he rigid enforcement of the em
Imrgo. I'nle there in an aetual deelit ra
tion of war, the I'niled KtutcH, under
rule of iuternuliouai law, eunnot
utideHnke n bloekuile of Mexieuii
nort to prevent HhiMneiiU getting t
Mexico' main oiuee of auppliex, am
no fear im expreM'd I hut enough wur
material could lw obtained from
acroxM the Atlantic
IIROWiir'VIM.K, Tex.. June Id.
The IhmIv of William Hrownc, u
brother of Muyor Albeil ltrowne oi
thU city, wm found in the Itio (Iraiide
river u the Mexican ile, ten mile
on th of MntnnioruK, today. Itrowne
i aid to have been liit eeii in Mat
umorii" Snturdav iiftemMn. He i
believed to have lieeu murdered.
'3l , &
j ?
srw i.x.
-. -,t, H
s .. . '
Tin iiictiiif) -hvia .ii tillers r.flff?- .H'Ji.e 'ho t,tt lie todn 'i a- .ii tti ,nnul in ihe fliiliimhiin iTg-cit
wlnic the I aitttJ Htatc tr.ii aiv "'lnc i "
The i l lilt. 18 ftit1 tui.fnill dT flU I'lUII t aif'T 'friop Vo' 4 iMn fnir.i Dm nncio to i .J,
nt t e iTnit icirrJtxf a iuttiu ruination tnt t litujt lu Imr.oit. laun &Isiut U Xslilsd Its,.i-
3) esiniiiu ediifiutr.aniiJ'iiit-aiiwi vaer4T luai'ip- u
SAN ANTONIO. June Jn (leiicrnl
l"Ulllon todn ieiieted Ihe War de
imrtnient to xciiil bun a -.ooii iik h.
ilile n Urge mit of the uutionnl
giinidMiueii to he MtufloVcd along the
Mexican Imniidery, "from Itrowne
ville to I lie I'ueifie ocean. "
Deuernl I'uiihlun did not make pub
lic the exact number reipie-ted, but he
"aid he nuked for enough to provide
"adequate pioleclion" of the lioiilcr.
lie imiiiI thnt a cotiidernhlc force
would he mobilised
a h a reserve.
(!eneinl l''un.ton
making tliin rwitet he aclel milv mi
the prexumntion I hut he wn iiiHir
iug nu arin.v for del'ciiM nnd thnt ii
Vt. been me neeexanry t orgunise an
arm' of invasion he would Hiipplc
uient the reHiMt of today with one
for the liolnnee of the militia, (len
enil lStiiHou nxMunied lhat the find
uuitK to be xent probably woultl lie
thoae from New York, lllinoi nnd
WASIIINOTOX. June 20.--f len
erul I'iiiihIoh'k ruct for national
guardMmeti reached Ihe war depart
ment ufter iiumii uiul resulted in lel
egmnhie reueitH for informnliort a
to which of the force of certain
Mate would he able to move. Order
for enlriiiumcnt of unit rendv for
erviee were cxK'clcd before niglil.
lUKiWNWotJli, '1 x . .lime -jo
(IcI'OIIIIIIO Ijinilll, II Mi li .III tlKM'ct-
ml of nu lilting with n lurge kuil'e
Mr. W. 1. Kiiykeniliill. while be
lept here early todn. wa found
later he a oe about ten mile-, trom
here, and immediate U -hot to dentil.
i i
! JwK
r- i . .
I'rciilcnt Wmnliow Wd-oii lit .i tit t( QSvawn tlsocl
a moiixler lmi.idc in :i-IiiiivIcii IfeSlwWSjl iWWRr
which reived In icleliiiilc l''lin; il.i xfin'fe Vfc 7Sw3
nnd deiniuixtrnle the entimeiit of tin MfiSWwwKal
uiurelier- in luor of uiiliounl pre WsHFwEiMf
fIsionIIesiI rH - -,
ma Hh Km i 'mmvm
4 . I
a. .. Antonio , w nilllMM MM
explained I lint iu Llli I I Iw I lv1 1 Ul 1
-TiJL.i.nt." f sat. i jiuii "JjiLiiiLfll Uu itsIOIlff'fWf' mJ t-o9i nHssB's.
Tft ' " " f CJ'WytJ'il TIK: -vJJ Mr ifl ISVu VBWil .A W4 'T'ggsssssst-. "g U '
ltA: .m itiP
--!, "ITS
r&., .t j- , M-gr
WASHINGTON, June 20. -Ail-mliilstrullou
leader In congress
derided not to eek Immediate ac
tion on a reaolutlon to provide for
making the national Kuurd eligible
for foreign service, fearing that such
a step at this tlmo might b con
strued by the Mexican government
aa a warlike act. Knough regular
are available now to deal with an
emergency across the Mexican bor
der. If It should become necessary
to send In guardsmen the resolution
could then be rushed through.
Reports to the war department In
dicated that mobilisation waa pro
ceeding satisfactorily.
long telegram urging the appoint
incut uf Frank P. Walsh of Kanaa
city. Mo., former chairman of the
Indict riul relation commission to
the vacancy In the supreme court
bench caused by the resignation of
Cbarle K Hughes was sent to Presi
dent WlUon today bj official of the
I'lilted Mine Worker of America
w w
Scadova, Stroglnctz and Glilioka, in
River Scrcth, Captured Russians
Pressing Close to Rear of Retreat
ing Force From Czcmowltz Ger
mans Claim Russian Advance Halt
ed Northwest of Lutsk Three
German Attacks Made Last Night
dn Verdun Front Repulsed.
I'KTIHiailAI). June 20, ;ai l.on
iloii. 'I'he occupation by lluin
hoop of the Uiwh of Sendovn,
siio'ineta nnd (llibokn, on Ifie river
Serelh, wn nnnonnced liy ihe wnr of
iicc today.
LONDON. June MO. Tito Itimwianx
are proseiun fioxe iu llukowinn to the
rear of the Autrinim, who weiv enu
IM'lled li tetrenl Ipialily after the full
of Oeniowils. Itotiler'a Pelrogrml
correponilent any Ihe I'liHwian cov
ered thirteen miles iu one day in ad
vancing MHithward from fsernnwits
unit that the nrmv of (leneral I'fluu
er i believed to huvo linen aplit in
two or inure Heclion.
URltLIK. Juno 'JO,- (leniiHii troop
have broken the leiliice of the
ltniHii at Miriou point noithweat
of Lulk and are fivhtiti" their way
I'orwai-d, the war office announced
I'AKIH, June UO.-Three (lermai:
nltiick made laid night mi the I'Vncli
lio.ituin northet of Hill No. .'12 1
were repulel by the fire of the
French machine mm, according to
no ol'lieml statement iucd toilnv h
in' war on i.e. iiie tierinan are
IiciimU liombiirdiiig the h'reuch mi
lion in the neighborhood of Vnnx,
riinpitrc nnd Chiittiiiieourt.
111. I'ASO, Tc.. June jn An ltd
iiiiiu thnt Ihe Mexican bo tiled
uiMn the American exiM'ditiou-ctir-iiiC
from Mexico near Mnliunoro
hint Saliirdn were ('iirriiimtn, not
bantlit, w.i-. contained in n tuc-..i
received tod i nt the Mexican con--lilate
tioin t. ie Ablco. director
of tin i. I.ii lii i .1I1-.11I11I' -l'lM e.
WASIIINOTltN. June .'II K.l.-eo
Arreilonibi, the Mcmc.ui iiinlm-'-.iidur
ilcxlgnule, lute Itnlnv eaiicelled all eil
gngement he hud to cull on Kecrelitiv
liiuiug. No explanation wu offer
ed nt the cuiliii..
It bail been iiiulerlood, hitw'exer,
thnt Mr. Aircdoiido mudc the eintiige
mei't In It. nil hIii-ii (be Aniericiiu note
Ii. mill lie eiei led. li!iei of tin
i i.iiiiiiiuiii .ill. m -Hid Ii tin I lie tiiiillili
WASIIINliTOV. June 'u. loiup
I roller Wllliuiii iiuiioiineed loditN
that he hail authorueil one of the
lurgc-t natiouul bunk on the Mexi
can border to remote it- unld reserve
to au udaud eitv for feur of u Mox-
ii ail attack. lie deeluied to led
ulni. lln Ii ink ,i Iih.iIiiI, liul aid
I V . li .1 in I I I'.i ..
Flagslilp San Diego and Other Ves
sels of Pacific Squadron Off for
Mexican Ports, Where Trouble Has
Been Reported Between Carranza
Forces and Americans Admiral
Wlnslow to Make Personal Inves
tigation of Situation Reserve
Fleet Also Ordered South.
SAN OIKno. Cnl., Jnne 30. Willi
Admiral Wiimlow, enmiuander of the
Pacific fleet, nboanl, tin- iirmnrciL
eruier Knu Diego, Unship or tho
Pacific fleet, Mailed from tin port nt
7:310 o'clock llii morning for either
fiiiayma or .Mntiitlnn.
Two liour after (he Kan Diego left
Krt the lorpedo-bont !oatro.en
Mull, Truxtnii ami llmikiim snllotl rif
the Mouth. It wna stated thnt tlio do
xlniyera are under order o ovtirtttko
the San Diego nnd Hint nt Unit Onto
I hey will lie given station onlm-K )i
Admiral Wiulow.
Although the destination of the
Sun Diego lis not been uu iimeil.
il i believed flint tho fliiislilp will
iiwi I Aluantlaii. m ortlor thut
Admiral Wiitxltm hihv mnku u pr
onal inve-.tiifBttdh inlo Ihe ouiiMj fur
the elnsli lielween CnrranaMt sulilIurM
and ailor from the Aiitmpolia Inst
Sunday morning. When the visfecl
niled from San Diego this morning;
it wn with fire under all sLlecii
boiler of the wumhin and with the
announced intention or Admtrul Win.
low lo proced Miuth nt full pf4l.
Hear Adinirnl Fullaui. cmtitnantlliur
the I'm-ifie ivere fleet nt 10 o'eloek
tin morning, received order for tk
anno Td ciuier Pittidinr' and t'ol
ormlo to proceed outh. Admiral ftiJ
Iiiiii tatel thut the two ship would
leave tin nfleniooH. eeelimf lo
Mrt to lie deignat(Hl Inter by Ail
inirai Wiiilow. At the snnHi tuttv Atl
iimral I'ullum tuted that the grmorwl
criiivr Marluul, under present or
der, will come direet to San DivM
from Mrciiicrtou and remain Urn- In
mwnt I ii 1 1 her develotHneiit while thu
iirnioied South Dakota, uluo
.t llremerloii, will proceed In Sail
I'Viiiicim n to take on additional meif.
iltel the V.lll, v j,M flits
Mnr Imiil in s.m ).K, burltor.
Kl. PASO. T, N , j,. 2(1. - l'Yeder
ck One, a (ierm.iii banker of Mex
ico I n. n under ileleiilion y oT
IkiiiI-. i the department of Jnalioo
hete lodi, charged uith viulgtlmf thu
liiiled Stale, neutrality law.
Ones mii prevented )nJ HigiiL fiuiu
cro!!! into Mexico.
Agent of ihe deiartineut of jusUet
are muiiitniinug ecrecv resrartUtta: Utu
exact iillegutatn ngaiu! Orioi penil
uig iinetu.'iitioii. It in sai, how
ever, that ho. delentiuu ia an oil!
come ot tainni leiHut revaiding Utd
t-pieuiliiiL' of uiiii-Aineriean proM-
n ndii iu Mexico. He sfeiil. last nigkj
in jail, bin was releu?il today, Iu
the nu aiitime Wa-liililon hu lUKII)
II.. Illi. d
DKNYIIW, June 'jo. Nine Htrau
were burl, two probably fatall, by
a wiiul torm thut lat uurbl ..i
OlllCII'll l'rel,l -. I ,.,-.)
ern Colorado, i im. i.. i, , i ,, i
ailMte- ieeeied here totii. !-
.Ii(mm iiiiiiniiiiii ,ii inn with the ilw-
1 I II l u I - Jilu-I I .lit l,