PAGE THREE OF SIEBERT OF O.A.C. PICKEL PLANNING I TO MEET TO LEAD TICKET BY DEMOCRATS PEACE POLICIES E RESIDENCE '. E TO SUMMIT AVE. . aCEDFORD MAIL TRfBFNE, MEDFORD, ORIWON, FRIDAY .IL'NE 10, 1910 NURSERYMEN ID BRYAN PRAISES WORD PITCHER M NEXT WEEK IT KLAMATH OF AM I A N fr yi kTIio I'ncifio Coast Association of NiiVburyinen will lioltl their conven tion in this city ott Tuesday, Wed jiuMluy and Thursday of no.xt week. . N. y. Ikunott, tlio popular local nurseryman, is reHionsiblo for tho (iuooHing of Medford hs tho conven (ion city. Ho has worked for it for live years. Tho (Greater M'edfWd !hiu will entertain tho visitors, who will number about hcventy-five per sons. Howard Kvnrls Weed of Bcnvcrton, Or., will givo a frco leeturo to iho lublio on Wednesday evening, lee luring on lnndm-npc unrdeuiin;. He i3 ti noted lecturer and un nulhority ii thin bubjeet. . Tho convention would appreciate ?,tlie display of fruits, cherries and flowers. The convention and display will lie held at the Nntatonum. . Tho visitors will bo given three dis tinct entertainments. The first will ho .Tuesday afternoon, consisting of trips in and around Med ford under tho supervision of Mrs. Hovious. .Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. E. K. Gore as hostess, will give nn orchard trip. Mrs. E. V. Coffin Thursday will take tho delegates to Lithia park-, Ashland. KTho Pacific Coast Protective as sociation will meet Wednesday af ternoon, the time and placo to be jjivcn later. j There will he three musical pro grams under tho direction of Mrs. li.vnetto Hovious, Mrs. E. E. (Jore mid Mrs. E. V. Coffin, one for each duy. The trips will be started at II p: rni. President S. A. Miller of Milton, Or.1; is a cousin of Mr. Bennett. J, The program in as follews: Convention starts at 10 a. in.; Hev. Froth-lick CiirMi-iin uf Medford will (jiv the invocation; ntltlrehS of wel come, V. .1. Emerick-, mayor; re bpouse, A. Eckert, Detroit, Wash.; report of officers; report of com mittees; "Progress ami Plans for .Uniform Laws," M. McDonald. Or- onco, Or.; "Crown (Jail," Professor iu r. Harsh, O. A. C; president's ad drpss, S. A. Miller, Milton; recess to 3:110 p. in.; "PropiiM-d Kefoniis for Finanein- Nurserymen, F. W. Settle mitjr, Womlburu; "Standanliziiig WIioIomiIu Terms to Trade," Albert Hrownell, Portlnm; "Cost Plan for Growing Stock," F. A. Wiggins, Top. imiiiWi, Wiihh.; "Better Btisinoss," JOMh A. .Mt-Uco, Oreneo, Or. T' Wednestlay "Profits Griming Small Fruit Plnntw," E. U. Bangle haus, Sumner, Wash.; "Booking Or ders," C. I). Ilobb,-Milton; "Salos Winihliip," H. J. Ituppert, Salem; re fits; "Stune Needed Improvementh Baseil on Present Conditions," H. A. Lewis, Portland; "Marketing of Nur sery Stock, Including Sales, Collec tions ami Inspection." F. W. Mnv. North Yakiinn; "Grading of Shade, inniiiiii, urauiug oi MilllJO, icnlul TWj nnd Shrubs," F. uithiiuplMKonncwiek, Wash. ; ig OrnniHeTitnU," Guy Pilking. imiamcutiil T; C. Breith "polling ton, Portland Thursday "Syhtem in the Busi nts Departmenl," T. E. Mabce, Frowno, Cal.j "Proix.ho.l Nomencla ture and Catalogue Kcvihion; Some Gcnoral Suggotions," John Vallance, Oakland; "The Nurseryman's Beta tijin to Liindbcaping," H. E. Bur doito, Onmro; "Blight-Hesistant Stocks for Pears," F. C. Hoimer. mi- jMirintondont Southern Oregon exper iment station; selection of noxt con vention city; election of officers, NEW BUILDING AT E s . A. S. Kohouhuum nnd Clnrcneu .Hoitmoh are ueiihtriietini: a one-story biikiuonfe block on the comer of Main nnd Oakdale, jukt wot of the Hotel Medford. The building will bo 2x70 and tKinbt.uotoil of rod brick. Frank Clark u tho architect. Thu building will ot about $2500. Ground was broken thib morning for tho construction of tho founda tion. L. Clnlderb is the contractor. The building will be occupied by the De Voe grocery store and oontc-- tioiiery. ITALY SHAKEN BY SEVERE EARTHQUAKE " HOME, June 10. via Pan,. A heavy earth shock was reported at 3jB5 tiVloek thin morning at Forli, a tewn of central Italy having a pop uhdUiH of 50,000, and at Itiwim, a town with the same number of per 66ii6, twenty-eight mile further east Then? were no casualties. Tho following Is Mcdford'a batting order for noxt Sunday's game nt Klamath Kails: Scholtz, bs.; Wil son, c; Miles, 2b; Castor, rT; Pcr nol, cf; Sloberts, p.; Force, c; Colo man, If.; Moran, 3b; Milter and Smith utility men. Tho Klamath FallB-Medford gamo at Klamath Falls noxt Sunday Is creating a lot of Interest among tho fans, and 100 will journey to tho Falls city Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning to sco tho game. Tho lino up for Medford Is a good one. Both out nnd Infield will bo equally Btrong. SlebertB Is tho leading pitch er of O. A. C., nnd pitched most of tho games (or that college- during the lato spring mouths. Sloberts comes well recommended and with a fast fielding bunch behind him llko tho Medford tenm ougtit to glvo Klamath Falls a hard gatno Sunday. 'By tho way tho Klamath Falls fans aro clamoring tor some team to glvo their team a hard gamo. The satis faction of jjcclng such a gnmo will occur Juno 18th. Fans should bo honest In their crit icism1 of n ball team. Hccauso a pitcher gets wild and walks half a dozen men In one Inning Is no reason why tho rest of tho team playing should bo criticised. Castor was very wild in tho latter part of last Sun day's gamo with tho'excoptlou of two wild throws tho Medford team play ed a good fast game. Klamatir-Falls and Weed aro two towns wboro tho fanH aro loyal to tho team. Every one wants to sco tholr homo town win. Medford ns a wholo aro loyal, but thoro are a few oxceptlous. , Catcher Forco Is showing up hot ter In every game. TIiIb bird who Is only 20 years old Is a natural ball player. Ho has had very little ex perience, however. Ills throw to sec ond Is a peach, besides he Is no slouch of a batter. McCrcdlo Is already throwing out a lino for Force, nnd who knows but what ho may find another Gulsto In Medford. CADET COMMANDER OF WEST POINT DEAD WEST POINT, N. V., June 1(1. Lieutenant Colonel Morton F. Smith, eomuiaudaul of enduts at tho United States Military itt-adoiny, died at his quarter here today after a brief ill nos. He was born in Colorado on July .'ID, 1872, ami was appointed n cadet at the military ueadomy .June 17, 1801, being graduated with the class of '1)5. Colonel Smith had hemi couimand ant of cadets at the m-ndeinv siuct April .'I, 11)1 1. By iitue of that up poiutment he aeipiired the rank of lieutenant colonel during In iiiium bt'iit-y. Prices for FISH Grey Non -Skids Size CoilS i Tube m Jlx5Q 15.40 2.95 A3Z2200I 4-2.5 4ix35 4i36 31.20 5.70 x37l 57.301 6.90 I Why Pay More for any owe Pl lB3f m mm-Jkja- Jjy' - VLs7 lime to Ke-tirevr ?y (ouy Fik) COLISKUM, St. Louis, Juno 1C President Wilson and Vlco-I'rosldent Marshall were nominated by acclama tion last night by tho democratic na tional convention; tho ticket bolng completed four minutes beforo Fri day. Thoro nover was any doubt of President WIIsoii'b nomluotlon tonight but thoro was n possibility that Home vlco-prcsldontlnl booms might be brought out Into opposition to Vice President Marshall, They melted nwny howovor when tho convention got In session and as soon as President Wil son's nomination had been mndo by a roaring chorus of acclamation, Sena tor Kern, who renominated Mr. Mar shall, cast asldo a long prepared speech nnd simply declared: "I nominate Thomas Kllcy Marshall of Indiana for vlco-presldent." To President Wilson's nomination thoro was only one dissenting vote, Hubert Kminott Hurko, of Illinois, who crimo to tho convention dcclnrlng that ho was opposed to tho president. Ills oto technically mndo the president's nomination 1,091 to one. When tho gavel fell calling tho sos-don to order John W. WoBtcott of Now Jersey, who nominated President Wilson nt tho Ilaltlmoro convention, was ready on tho floor to deliver tho speech of rouoinlnatlon; Senator Kern of Indiana to renomlnato Vlce-l'rcsl- ilont Marshall, and John II. Atwood of Missouri to deliver tho speech nomin ating Governor Major for tho vice presidency. Oovomor Major of Missouri snld tho withdrawal of Governor Morchoad would not change his plana to have his name presented. Beforo tho convention wan called to ordor tho coliseum was so full that tho fire department took charge of tho entrances and permuted no more to como In. William J. Bryan, howovor, managed to got by, and got his usual uproarious reception ns ho took his scat. At 9: 15 o'clock, Chairman James rapped tho convention to ortler. Tho Ilov. W. J. HnrdcBty, chapluln of tho Missouri sennto, otforcd a prayer. Applause was given to Judgo West colt'B rcmarkB on tho policy toward Mexico. Tho crowd was attentive mid n II lilt It t'itf ftil n twtsJft I nt 4 hi nail fan .....i.,iM.. , i . .i , , nmlntonanco of International law. bomo or tno crown nowovcr wero eager for the nomination. "Niuno him, nnmu him," enmo cries from tho galleries. Judgo Woscott hurried n little nnd couclutlod hlu speecn renominating Piosldeiit Wilson nt 10:19 p. m. Ab Judgo Woscott closed with n mention of tho nnnie, "Woodrow Wil son" the crowd broko Into a gront demonstration. Moving picture flash lights blazed and flags wero paradod In front of tho stnnd. The band playod "Tho Stnr Spangled Banner" while n lingo banner boarlng tho president's llkonoss wns unfurled from tho roof of tho hall. Tho delogatcs begun u parade bear ing stato stanchions. Chalnnnn Jamcu yielded the chair - M Wft-tiMUHS Cost Less Than The PlainTreads of Several Other Standard Makes WHEN you buy Non-Skids vv you buy the best tire value on the market Fisk Quality first; protection against skidding; greater mileage and all the benefits of Fisk FREE Service at more than 125 Direct Fisk Branches throughout the country. There isn't a better tire buy today. Fisk Tires For Sale By ' ,t Medford Vulcanizing Works Medford COL1SEPM, ST. LOl'IS, Juno 1C. Tho crowd yielded to tho rasping of tho gavel long enough to hoar tho prayor and then ronowod Its demands for n speech from Bryan last night. Chairman Jnmos ndmonlBhod tho gal lcdles. .Mr. Bryan said In part: iWhllo our presldont nnd our con gross were nt work constructing a splontlid pyramid of performance, u wnr came that threw upon this ad ministration, such bunions na no presldont hns had to bear with In tho Inst GO years. Wo Inherited from n Bepubllcan administration a revolu tion In Mexico. This administration hnB dealt with the situation nnd the Republican party dare not challengo a verdict beforo tho country on tho Mexican question. "Wo hnvo n few men Interested in rnncheB nnd n few Interested In mines, who would usa the blood of American soldiers to guarnntco profits mid tholr Investments In a foreign land. "Wliy, my friends, If Presldont Wilson yielded to tho demand of thoso who hnvo clamored for Inter vention In Mexico, wo would no soonor hnvo crossod tho lino than tho samo men would tell him that tho soldiers must never como out, for, my frlonds, nunoxntlou Is tho noxt step after Intervention ban been undertaken. And If Wo Invaded Mexi co, thcso samo men would Bay 'on to Panama.' "But, my frlonds, tho proHhlont not only has had to deal with war to tho south of ub, but with wnr to tho cast of us. My friends. I hnvo dif fered from our president on somo of tho methods employed In that wnr. but 1 am ono of thoso who dcslro that this nation shall not becomo n par ticipant In tho dreadful conflict. "Wo havo a rocord upon which wo can appeal to tho pcoplo for tholr support, without fear and without blush. I believe tho American pcoplo, grateful for what this administra tion hns done, grntetul that wo havo peaso In this country while war stalks throughout tho world, will not bo unmindful of tho fact that It was u Democratic president, supported by n Democratic senate nnd Iioiibo. who ... ... .... nan iiiiih xuvl'ii mo cuiiiiiry inu nur- rors of that wnr." during tho demonstration to Hoprcson tntlvo Hoflln of Alabama, Women delegates wero among tho paradorn In tho nlsloB. Souatan and representa tives helped carry banners. Senator Hughes personally boro tho Now Jer sey ring. Sorgonnt-nt-ArmH Martin stirred up enthusiasm by waving the Texas "lone stor" flng over tho heads of tho crowd from thu chairman's chair. ATTENTION A. V. & A. M. Regular communication of Bedford Lodge No. 103 this evening nt 8 o clock. A N HILDF.BRAND, Secy Dr. E. B. Pit-kel is coutempluliug thu Moving of his residence, eotner of Ivy and Main, to the lots owned by him on Summit uveuiie, on Main street. It is planned to cut the hoitxe in two part, through the east and west sides, then move it out Iw tti Sixth, then to Oakdale, out Fourth tti Sum mit avenue, ami then to its locution. It is impossible tti go out Main on account of the trolley wires. Fourth street is thirty feel wide nnd Summit avenue is twenty-eight feet, which necessitates Iho cutting of tho resi deneo to fit the streets. The present locution is surrounded by business houses and is a business block. Tho tuxoK nre close It) -ytiOO per year, or u rent of .ffifl per month. It is surrounded on three sides by 530 feet of pavement, Tho Vnwter residence hits been let to Iho University club and it is prob able a business block will be erected on the Pickel property. Contractor Moffat will hnvo charge of tho moving of tho residence. H will cost in the neighborhood of $1500 to move nnd construct n new foundation. ' OVER FOOD PRICES AMSTERDAM, June 1(1, via Lon don. Disturbances at Rotterdam bv demonstrators against the high price of food were repeated last nighl, es pecially in the neighborhood of the town hall. There wns Home stone throwing nnd the police cleared the streets by chitrgiiig the crowds. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. TWO TRIPS DAILY BETWEEN, MEDFORD and EAGLE POINT S. II. Ilnrnlsh'n auto will lonvo Eaglo Point nt 8 A. M. nnd 1 P. M dally, except Sunday; lonvo Medford 9 A. M. nnd 5 P. M. Will call for passongors nt hotels In Medford nnd hotels and business housotj In Euglo Point. PHONE HOC!! oit :i-x:i. TO ORDER $25.00 UP Also Clcanlnrj, Prcsslnq and Altering 128 E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS When You (io CAMPING OR PICNIGING Nothing will mid more to your lunch than a roll of "MEDFORD CREAMERY" BUTTER Jts Pasteurized, is wrapped in sanitary, dual-proof pa per and carton, and is the best made. WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 East Main Street, Medford The Only Exclusivo Commercial Photographers in Southern Oregon Negatives Made any timo or placo by appointment. Phono 147-J We'll do tht rest Suits (g) CUCCESS comes in "cans" and & failure in "can'ts". success in every of VELVET. MafttTXHV' WHY PASTRY COOKS Qnnnnnl- TilBAC0 USE The patrons of our first class hotels and restaurants arc exact ing they demand the best. Women go where the pastry and cakes are noted for their excellence. Men arc attracted by hot bread and biscuits when fresh and moist and light . The pastry cook with a reputation uses K C Baking Powder because he knows that results arc certain; every time everything; Is as good as his best. . Then, too, with K C Baking Powder he can mix the various kinds of batter before the rush of the meal begins and bake as needed so that every order goes to the table fresh and hot, yet tho last lie bakes arc just as good as tnc urst. The reasons behind these reasons Is tnat v C Is really a blend of two baking powders. One commences to give off leavening gas as soon as moistened. The other requires both moisture and heat to make it active. Dough or batter will remain in a partially leavened condition for hours, and when put in the oven, will come up as light as if mixed a moment before. For cookies, pancakes, doughnuts and the like, which cannot all be baked at once, K. C is Indispensa ble. For all baking thedoublcraisc makes doubly certain. y Follow the example of the nrafctnlonal ., 63 cook and your Go To Newport Oregon's old roliablo outing resort Numerous attractions make this beach city an ideal place for an outing Agate Beach Soal Rocks Rocky Oausoway Surf bathing Natatorium Bowling Alloys Low Round Trip Fares urn on wilii dully to Nuwjiort from nil HoiithurH I'Holflc mUUoiui In Oregon. Uuturii limit Oct. St. For romiiUte Information roRHnltiiK hotels nt .Vewiort, riUea, train 8orvc, eonmlt our asent or writs for oojiy of llliutrotwl folilar "Xwtort IleuelitM." , John M. grott, Oeurl l'nMHir Agut I'ortlHinl, Orogon , SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES SHOE POLISHES Contain no acid and thus beep the leather oft, protecting it against cracking. They comblno liquid and patte In a paito form and require) only half tho effort for n brilliant lotting thine. Eaty to uio for all the family -children and adulti. Shlno your shoe at homo and kecf) them neat. jTHE F. P. DALLEY CO., UJ. w jrt. r, n. y. M ATI-WWI8-TAy N ' '" There's can ct l' fflDD n tgAti$3 &f?. 'i 'HnTTTTTT rHT1 II Mil 'A I J t W 1' " " JrS IM I 111 I ' i'IwIUM t III I - ! m Baking Powder baking if III be njual to hi. IRHHHHBHHMHMHMHHH Devil's Punch Bowl Govornmont Light Houso Yauqina Bay Fine fishing Danco hall Clam digging D KFFPYnilPHnFWFAT .