tft; 5 VA Oft &TX A r fi o OH MAKNG ASSERTS AMES flrEDTOTtn TOT TT?TBFNEt afEDFOftD, ftRTjfoQ??, TTTTftSTUY, .Trfl 15, lom i$ Permanent Chairman of Dcmocratlo ' Convention Reviews Achievements of Administration More Progres sive Remedial Lenlslation In. Three Years Than in Previous History. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Juno 15. Tiio nrhiovcMH'itlw of tho Wilaon ndiului. tititiou in oduonting hrnofirinl log iMbil ion mill in hooping ihn country at pence without Mid-ifioliig tlio tut -tmmil lionor wor pronnunooil epoch making in Anmrienii hiatory )iy Sen ntor Ollie .M. Jniwa of Koiiliieky in In uddroM toilny n pomiiinoiil eliiiiimuii of the doinoorntio nnlionn) 'oiiti'iilimi. 'Durinff tlirco yonra of ilw mi iionnl control," miii.1 Sounlor Jump, 'dcinocruuy lias onuelod into law more prngroaalvp remedial legislation Hum Hie iinlinn hna ever liml written iipnii its sfnlule IiooKh alnoo ils liiiih. In fonner iiiiliiiiuil cnnlosla in I ho Inst (wo iloeudps our parly e.ime as a prophet, while Indnv we i nnio with doeda, nol words; with Jieri'ominnee nioro tlinn promUo. The democratic parly lm kept it word aviIIi the Ainorienn people. Wo have jnnde good." Tim ohniniinii rmiewo, at Imiglh the IcRmliitivo roounl of the admlnls t rut mil iiinl otiloguisl the president lor his iliieelion of foreign nl'faiix. The ilcumernta, he said, lind oiniolod (i tariff law nri.lcr which inonopolioH woie ciuiied ami unexampled pro, jicnlv nltiiinodj n lunikiiif? law Ink iug the iiioiip.v control out of the hands of an nligmvliy irtid making paiiUM no longoi' Mllile, and many other reform moiiMiroa of lessor ini jmrlmiro. 'Xolllior llullles N'nr Oilmen He declared that Prom'ileni Wii. "on'-. Mexican poliey and his enuiho Jn protect iug Amorienn rights nguiust the eueroaeliiiient of Kuropenii Iml liferent, had shown nil Hie. world thai Hie president noither bullies the weak nor Ion re the strong. In a ennoiding upptml for the triumph of patriotism nhovo politica, Senator .lamps aid the ronoiuinutiou ni such it president in n partisan t'iiieiilinn ought not to he nocoaanrv, mid lhal to disoredil him niiicht 1'iil-v the Imml that could write the jiiiei. treaty of the world. Al tlio outset the senator referred hrinlv to Piesidetit Wilanu'a nam. jmhii against lobbying in emigres,, unit puiiileil out that under thiN nd-inirn-iratiim Hip ooulltutinn had been amended for the Ural time since the oml uiip when "wo from, the son nip iii'in the ofintrol of the grout in-tore-Is liv innkiuir it oloetivo by (ho jtooplo at the ports." He then oiilojriiPd the Underwood Suiiiiinus Inrifr not aa otto of which Hie partv was JtiMtJv proml. Tariff Is IVnlMtl "Nut u Mlit.iliil in i fiutew n ' lol,' he Muni, "Our roiinhli .in ipomU li., mm it would elMo Dm l.uli. ties, fill the streets with idle noil. produce a imnio, ereale miii-i. linn i - anil that distrek, w-ml.1 ..!.-,. . '-iM mill the world, the In-tonal mil re cord tho federal leservo law.' , I'or IYopui-ednow Deolnrlug that self-defense Hiid preparation for it Im us neeessary now as ovor hoforc, tho speaker point oil to Hip ndinininlmtlnn'fl prop nrntion projrnim n proof that tho party holipvod in propBrpdnoiw with out militrini. t "DcmoeiHcy whHIh tin nritiy and navy in kpoiiiiiir with Hie ilimntv. presorvntion and worth of I hit uriwt ropiiblii!. Wo do not wmil a foot of nnyhndy olto'a soil, nnd hy tho etor. nnl find (hey hIiiiII not tnjto a font of mint. , "Hiirfnjj I hi adinininl ration' wo havo done mora' to InilM up an'nniiy and navy in thittc yoaiw than tho 10. piihlionu party did in forlM yoam of Km existence. More hnx lioen di to rf vii tho Aiiuirioiin poopln n miyy mill Army in tliroh inonllm tlimi Col onel HooAcvolt ami .Mr. Tuft did in eleven vcais." SOCIETY WOMEN AT SOCIETY RESORTS ARE ANGRY AT CAMERA MAN-HERE'S IYITELL CARRANZA Photos hlniw; Lett, Mi Ilott. Latoll of Now York nt White Sulphur Springs. W. Va.; second from left, Mim. Lnc Winston, nnd fourth from loft, Mis l-'reil lluinphrps ut Sonthompton, L. I.; nt right end, Mrs. .s. A, Thompson of St. Louis at I'nhn linn h. T E BY ASSAULTING JAILER rcLLKN.SMMlO, Wn., .Tumi IT,. Tliron iirlHonom In lliu county Jnll todny nttiteltod .htllur .loo Tliomni wllh n ploco of Iron wrripiioil In n lilnnuot ami twenpod. DtvlaJit l)yor. UKi'd IS, aeciiHPd of mIoiiIIiik ii lilnynlo, wua rooniiturod. L. It. Jtiiyinond, un der n joar'H aetitonco nt .Monroe refor matory for forKory, and Knink Lnuo, nrPiiBPil of utonlliiK oppor wlrn, are Mtlll free. Tliomu In In u itIIIchI condition at a hoiipltal. BRITISH SOLDIERS GAIN LOST YPRES LINES iimiTifiii iiiCAnqrvitricus iv KHAkSTK via London, June 15. -Tlio oiioratloiiN In the vlciilly of YproM havo paMod Into n new, am) fortho IlrltlHh, n nioKt Nnllnfaclory mIuko Tlio CanadlaiiH ynntorilny retook 'the Kroator part or tlio Kroiind lost on Juno 2, luolitdliiK tlio ArmiiKli wood and Olmorvntlon rldKo am! tho Ilrlt lHh front lino Iium lotiirnnd to IIh orlKlnnl poHltlou. Tho Oormnn Iohkoh were lariiu, and tho Intent roportH Hhow almtit Kid irlnonorn. IiioIiiiIIuk four offlcem, In llritlMh IihihIh. Thu nttnok Iiokiui at 2 n. in., tho Krounil wan (julckb Knined, mid hy noon tho Hltuiitlon wui couiinnitlvoly (pilot. Thu (lurtiniiM apimroutly did not nntlrlimtn in upoedy nnd deter mined n rountor-iittuok, and nliuu diiut ovldonco wiih found of the do Htruotlvo offoi'tR of the llrltlidi nrtll lury tiro, which hnd quite proveutod thflin f i om properly pongolldutliiK tho poMltlon (luring their oopuatloii of tlio dlpotetl Kruuud. . , v S . Tinmtisnn nf Kl T.n.111 n Pnlm IIpai 1. Km BHr mmmTi" tIPwW 1 .pi 't . ' 1 . P REMAIN 0 PREVENT RAIDS STEAMER BEAR WRECKED HK OEF MENDOCINO (Continued troni pao onn Huuiholdt, which wont yen on K". Klnirk lloflvy Koof lown twenty for u new declaration of tlio Inten tions of tho I'nlted .Htntea nnd reply to tho nHHO.rtlon that thorn has boon iivljlnnpn nf niiHiilrlnn tirintii. Amnrl. .J., , .J , l' .'.'.. ... .1.W,!..rW.. .. ......ff a...i.. iiic nine oi iiic'onnsiwi-M! vouhcih ..n.ln.U.ra . -Uln.. .l.(nll,l i:.. .- :..i.. ,.. :i .1... 1 " '" "' '" '" urs 1 hum ciKiii 10 leu iiiiich 011 1 lie reef, us a 'tionjf ounrout ruiin in to- TO NOMINATE TONIGHT (Continued from pano ono) owr where, but wit rejoice hU t )i.imt to an iiii4xaiiipled prosHrii in Hk Million, with laksir more teiierull, tmpioiii nt hidker mtes ulimif'r Jiin and UHlor eoMditious tbun iwr lii'lon-. Our ieMilliemi frionds till un Dm 1 niter tho war i oter ).H.r. strirkoM, prostrate, torn, bleed low Kiirois- Hill tukft our 1iihh mnr kt Irom us. J ve no hiipu fer. Aineiicu is goiiiK to lake the autrketn I Hm world. Ihn , Aball out from tliein the Ittxt boN of hnvitiff evati u inl-e ismiiv, for wo hnll tnait a bill reiiiinjr u tuntr biunl lo gittktir Hie lueU oroalotl by mow war voutli-' tiouh." P'imI.iiiiI ite.Muvo Irfiw Turnimr to tb fodpral rvwe law. Soiiatur Jhhws tWhired thai it alone vertJ u IMUi. at the outbreak of tk IJrijHNtii war. MWht wouhl havo Hip If 1JP 0l ropublioua xxhtoin bad been ta affaftf" h kml. -Tbt Ntuck oj;oHni in oven- oily in the ,.ti, rp olwHl. Uiiroji pomod it uf fOldina ia plotbaruie troam iix.o tmr ukanta. Wo thulkn thai the ..1,1 yojwbHoau ayatoui of fiuauoo under Ul JfuWaaoe of tboo talrmii, wnliau would ka Ueu tlble i,, Vitlmtaud tbU mifbtv ottiuelvM.,' Mvl wlwt wa. I bo ranullf Xot m Im,,!, oIommI it dttont; adt a lahotvr vw.. thrown out of emplo.mwn; not a JIUxlUPkH Hll- toleed mto UaukniptiN but t)u4t' loo, strung hfi'Vuiir the wa'M uf iminkiml, tliit rat Iokim lalivt aouii'Mnifiit ,, i e diBHsmtu jwiHy. At the Uuutir aiiu.Vfiueul of Wo.,liun YVSlMin, to iiiv mind, nci Let-pun; .1 hiimli'ftl million .,t p,,.t. IttipriHoiiitatlvo llnlnoy of IHIiinlM, and Senator! WhInIi of Mont nun ami 1 lo). IIh of Now llampulilio, are nuUMkeii for MtiffrnKO, It whm doelarml, while four, Hotintor Mwrtln or VlrKlnla. (lov ornor Htanley of Kuntueky, Kouulor I'oinoroiiH of Ohio, nnd IteprennnU tlvo KltiKorald of .New York mih aaoluit It. Tho other two. Chairman Stone and former ltouriautaHvt Palmer of Pennsylvania, mto boltovod to hold Iho ndniiuleirutlou view of tho ultimtlon, which In for tho en dorsement of miffruao. but not for a roiiatltutlonnl amendment plank. New .National Offliei Wind waa rocelvwl from WkhIiIiib ton thla aftoriKHtu that Dm election of tho follow Ina iifflt'Mra uf llm how ilomucrHtlr nniloiiMl Pommlil woald tat uyrotiablo to President WllaoH. Vauptf MoCormlok or l'iimt)lvaHla, I'balruiHu; Homer ('iimniiMf, uatlon al eommlttw of Conuortlput. vtro chatrman; Cartor OUm, of X'lrnlnla. atu'rotary; W. .Ma rah. national commlttMinaM nf Iowa, tioaaurer. and I'rtsl II. Lynch, nalloual caniMilt. teaman uf Mluneauta. the chairman f tho e)usiiit rommtlteo. Tlio now cuiuinllieo may nitmt for purponen uf oiKanUatloii tomorrow PAULINE FREDERICK AT STAR THEATER TODAY I'llllliue Kll'dl I iPk, lilt 'I i iimliolliil Helie. Will be n u ul the Star tonixhl iu tho adaptation of "l.xdi.i (iiliimli'." I lie flllUOll- inn ti i! dram.i Hear lilted her Imw onto tho fox hidden rooks nnd came to a .joUinic stop. Tho piiHnciiKcr- liml rushed on deck in thoir night ololhon, Iho wo iiioii aoroniniiiK in torror. (Iront holes liml been torn in the sloiuner's how phi I ot by the imiHict, hut Captitiu Nopander, after an evamimitioii or tho duma'to, iiM-iirnl the Misoiigai. Hint there wn no iniincdinlc daiiKor. Tho offieora and men of tho orew, wont about emlehvoiinir to cnlui tlio foar- of tho iMMrtonnHiit. They wore diriM'tftd, however, to not in readiness to leave Iho vpjpI. Tho wmnoii jjalh ored in the vosuol'a oahin, prayiiiR and wooping. When f'upluin N'oimmlor dooidatl that thoro wn- no hopu of niitt tm Ktoamor and (but tho Intsl hnnces or -onviiiar Iho imxaoniiom ami eiiw la!y in tn kino- to tho honia, thov loft In bimiiI oidor. Aeeorilinjr to the mii-. vivora who linnled at IWr river, thoro waa little diffieultv in liiunohv "Mf ino imatM on the loo of dm slrniided htoainor, Kcpnnitc-il In !'); The men who manned tho Imata wore nnleinl to koop tbrk- oraft im obo toitolhor a. Haiblo. Ain-wttm tti Iho Itour'a windoa- call for hol had boon rts-oivod ami Imlh crew ami paeHprw n notified Unit leseim sjiis Hero on iho wuv to the -.ceim. Tbo two bout ttiut iNiidml Inter at Hear river nor.. -.eiMi rated 1'iom il. "inerH in the f. nml made for the "imre, no mile, amy, The ouuld not be diM-ornod iiilbo diirk-Ue.-. ami ihc ,a ,,f br'iikos wtu Hie mI B'ude murk to tbo suilor. who Mtiiiined tbtt oitra. Tbo two boats containc.1 t,nl,v men and wottiou. A boavv swell was ritiiuiiir aud in inuk iuk Hip bulina tbrouKli tho t a iiiiiiiIht of th annunre hoiv buf. folod hIhh and narrow 1 ooniHsl doowiiinjr. Tho who wo iujunsl or nion Mri..iilv -.utforiuir (nm tbu offo-i. uf oximsuro wcro Mad to tbo by fh luoaibore of tho crow and nion (aseuim'. Wivck In llenty Ko( The Ib-ur piled un on tbo iyu-I-,. i.. i be.m foa Im," Inst uigbt. )u. livs ,,,u wviv m.ut out about an 'mr Inter. .Shi. wan .faking badly ml -.IihwihI sign of breaking up at in eailv (ilMir tod. s"i:.M' Iwf ,M'k. wbero Iho Itear -irm-k. Jin. out uf tho am ut tho ouienno-.i and of a log ltdt ot "k. known aa Illuat's rof. which - vi.n.l, out from Ci ilondocino "-hi ft w. milo.. Unring tho ls-t iwenl eL ii umubor of ship-, huto piled hi. .,- (ho rof Un tho lo f niain Inc.. Kih. ..f the liuor Si. J'aul. which ... iv.i.i.a ou I be -vol leu aara .. can -.till bo mou nt low tioiddo tiom Iho .)M. ahoro iho (Vat -.inick. Seoml wore lo nam the S. aU as roekoil. Two other boat, wbioh inol their douat on tbo ref were tho Nowtomuii freigtiter Triotdor. which -Iruek u sl,,, tune utter llie St. Ij'H. ..,i, ucoouutM of the atopa takon to gain tbo po-oporatlon or tho do facto government. Tho fact that coopora. Hon waa connlKtontly refiiflod and WASHIKOTO.V, Juno lG.Sccro--tary LanaliiR laid botoro President Wilson today tho coinnloted dratt of a note to Oenoral' Carranzn roplylnn to tho domand that American troops lo withdrawn from. Mp.xIco. Tho president and Sfr. Lanslnu conferred at lopRth on the situation. President WIIhoii and his advisors ' aro anxious to deal. with, tho Carranzn . , note In such fashion that action can not ho undiluted to domestic poll tics. Prepared hy Secretary Lansing It is understood the note riatlydecljncs to 'withdraw American troops from . Mexico until the do facto Rovcrnmout has shown Its willingness and Its ublllty to pollco tho border properly. Jt Is said to make sharp rejoinder to HiiBgestlons oi tho Carrnnza noto which officials regard as dlscourte'ous and uncalled for. Carranzn question cd the good faith df tho Washington administration and openly hinted that President Wilson bad his oyps on. the American political conventions ln dealing wllh the situation beyond tho- border. ' ' Curranza's request for a new state ment of the Intentions of tho United; -iates toward Mexico has been com piled with. It Is understood, how over, that tho declaration will bo bo framed that tbo do facto government can havo no doubt that tho United Slates government regards Riich a re- nbarply. quest as wholly unnecessary.' It will Jtwlll lie polntcn out In tho noto he pointed out that a friendly spirit that from President Wilson's first constantly has been manifested to- statement, there has been no varia tion in tbo friendly character ot all communications " with Mexico and that American troops have been guilty or no overt act although fired upon ropoiitodly trom towns held by Moxlenn rorcos posted as to observe I Carranru offlcluls. Secretary Lans- 1 the actions of tho American troops Ing Is said to have determined to use IRRESPONSIBLES 0 Do not need liability in.surance. All others do! We write it. McCURDY INSURANCE AGENCY Telephone 1-2-3 Mcdford National Bank BIdg ward the rocks. .Mom of tho boats wrecked on the roof liuvo been blown' otf their course hv the lii-cli wind Hint often prevail ojvliine lost thoir ii " ,..,.! ,, . , , , .,, land hainiior thoir pursuit of tho ban- fharp InngunBo in placing this sllua- Wl.en he loin- struck lual nigh !,, ua)))y w, Vfl JwoU upo ' on baforc tho l fticlo goverumont. -lie was hound south tiom I'.u llimd , to Sun Fraiicii.oo. The steamer wns ' . ' allied nt umiroxitmitelv S 1. 0110.0110 lt nml hud been iu the I'ncifii' coahtwi-e j service ovor xinco shT wiih built ut , N'owport Now. Hovoh.ivpnr-r-p'-o. Tho battleship Orojain, .uud tlio stouinor tlrnoo Dollur.'whieb nnswer-1 od the S. O. S. ciillwej: iho atnuidedj liuor, i.ruisod about iu''tlm vicinity of! tho wieok for aovornl Ifours onily lo- luy without finding any siinivors, nml grnvo fonra were Ontortiiined for tho Mitfoty of tho ship's eoinNiny. Tho Koliof nml ii lifewiiving orow wore sent from hero when tho distro-s cull eniuo. SM-iit Xlulil In IloaL Ovor oight hour, wore apont by the knaionKor uud eiew in tho oru life boat, beforo Hii-, were roM-uod. A thick fog hiy low oor tho water ami u heavy siti was running tho greater art of the lime thov worn nflmit. Tim Orognn arrixod ut tho wicck boforo daylight and phiycd U soarcllllghta thnuislmuf the fog, but to no avail. When tho liner cradled it-elf m the rocki. Cnidaiu L. M. Noiiamlor. who wua iu eharge, did not semi out i a .list rex call immediately, evidently' UlieviHg bo -poitlil dear hi bai. ' Tho eiiHliing of the hip Hgnin-t Hie' riM'ka awoke all the paaaoitgors, tore -ovoral boles iu Iho bow ami -hook Iho owrinos, but did not disable Hicin. The d.viuuHos conluitiQd lo iHruii for fievonil liours nrfcr the Mop Mruok wild aoicriil nttomnt. were uiude to buck off ihcj-prks. AihtatrOMlly timliug bis .eauier tightly cbtHipod, the eapiuiti liuallv ordei,sl tho Mi-eiigor nut of their tlenMims ami cabin and into the lileoaU. Tho onler to abandon ship came nt midnight. Kverybody want oxer the sides iutu the small boats. Tho sen wn culm and Ibeiv wa. but little wind when tho w.eiiyei-. uud orow dok to tho bonis. LuleV a swell started to run and the wind i ereased sli-htl. It wa boboxod ull tbo bout-, would remain togotbor and ho picked up nt da.vbioak. ward Mexico and Carranza will lie told that falluro of Mexican and American troops to co-opernto for tho extermination ot bandits was duo to tho hostility nnd suspicion exhibited by tho Mexicans. K. Chlldors was tho first to violate the city Irrigation ordinance aud Was fluud, $r In pollco court Thursday. T :J -"'''MM'-"--l'-f-'t'Sl m0, ! ------. - SHARP WORDS TO MEXICO IN NOTE! WASHINGTON. Jnno 15. The rartlioomlng repl to tho Moleun note, denrandlng withdrawal of the American troops, will munhatilze again that only b uatinlto co-opera tion, looking to adequate pollplm; b the Carruiuia troon, oun withdrawal b. receivetl. It l understood the uote will grant the Mexican requokt I -A'V I. alncr Deafness Cannot Be Cured ta kwl tUr- ilitj txstiut rr-k Hit wan Iwrilu ul ih. rat Tfcr-- U nl- h , jr Ittnt bfnu ) li Wjr iMUu.l- I I ryal. wtur i. .4an) to ii.i.i laai Twtr. Wkrti ll.l J tujakllM mhi.11 liui-rf.-.t kntrtita iJ h' t 1 1-ff.orr.t I- I. b . -.11 A U1 .. 1. u .. ... MKbHUt IIm lurla.uHi.1 i taia l.W rv.u I. , tl ( .1 it Ii am .in u A'.nvt.t fi'i i ut -.. .Mi. .i IM rSil l . Dlant. vbli'la l tt"' "ll i a UatlHM .-1i4llU. . I Hi.. -Mr.l Kl. . . ' W will rlw . Ilsuarv.1 tMtaM tor i. . I OMfutM msarvl b) , larrkl llait rmtUfi U -il lUllt I'ltwrh Ota-r. ,M fur 'lis hi. Ir. r 4 iin.Niv & ra. Tufc4. SolJ fc rru-(l-l. I.V ; .k iiti. itm-i 'iu fvf MtiirtM. A Record-Br eaking Fruit Crop Is Practically Assured for This Year Now is the time to begin preparing for the packing and shipping season. Among other supplies needed will be Fruit Box Labels We can supply you in any size, style color and quantity. We have the facili ties especially for this kind of work. Ask us for samples and prices. Keep money at home by patronizing home institutions Medford Printing Company "- - -.-.--. iT'eVttia" i - . .- i i. ..... . .....-.... 4)