PAflE FOTTK, ftlEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE AN TNnrcPKNDKNT NKWHJ'AI'KK. rUllt.IHIIKf) HVKItV AJ TJOnNOON BXCKIT HUNOAV HY THU aibdj'oud rniNTiNO co. Office 'Mall Trlbttnn Uullillng, I5-S7-S9 North Kir ntrCt tclgplians 76. Tim DfinnornllR TlmrM. Dip DfiDoorntlo Tlmi, the Mmlfort Mall, TBio Mflforl Tribune, TJie.Hoiilli erb arfgonlun. The" Ashland Tribune Pi OliOnClC PUTNAM. Kullor. HtniBCBIFTIOtT nATKS Onn VMir. by itmf. It.OQ Ono month, by mull 1U l'or tutmtji, Uj)lpr. l by carrier ta MnrniM, I'M..!-, Jacksotivllln nm Lranirai 101111 . .60 1H ftUTrday only, by mull, oar vear. Wfokl, per yr . .. Offjolnl lpir ef Dm City tif X ml ford QfClelol ninr uf Jscas-m County. IfnUrcd A mooiul-rlami matter at Mmlford, OrKon, under (ha (tot of March I, im. Sworn Circulation for 1918 2. CO. Pull lenaud wire AasoclaleU 1'ruea din twitches. EM-TEES A Itouuimo Ono night IiimI week, with a cow thoy liml ono In souiili of, tlul lo a lolugrnph polo ottlsldo, a couplo of tiur iiopuliir )utiiK moil woro spend ing Hid uyunliiK with n ludy filend, wlillo tho hdxIoiik purunt of ono of thorn, vlth tlio aid uf a lantern, whh mtourliiK tlio tnuntry lookhiK for tlio lost Imvlnn anil youthful swulu. Valparaiso (Inil.) Vlilattu. 'I ho .Mjsteiy I)mjkiiiciI At tlio roctor store a lirlrk vtai thrown through tlio Blues In u door nnil tlio tli lor unlocked tho door" thru tho opaitlng iiiihIo. Air. lliustpr inles yd nothing today uxcopt about two pounds of enndy. ' , (At first It wax thought that hoy u&ru tho kiiHU' iirtJoi. hut on tho (jlnnH door at thu llortor store tho fliiKor prli(s ImlloiUud a luru luilid ljltiffum (Intl.) Iiannur. Where Id) Cuiun 1'ioni .Mr. Harris, who hn boan wlh tho Jjtcwurt Imrhur shop fur auroral wopkji, lips rosljjnod his position, j lo Iiiik Hovoj'iil iiatonU pondliiK Mid ho la giving UK -hU work so lit can v njory nttanllon to, thsiu. lie Is a ulnar liiukor by tradft, hut ha ivi indulges In amokliiif. Ho la alto a graduate final an osteopath collttgv. Air. Ilnr rlirii h vary flu nupaarluii yttniif liniii mid many ronrla ar miiroanml tlwt he to liHVliiK KfriuKliHui. Ef fliifhaiit (Kau.) New Kr. Tholi' ('onc'ilon (of .il Vartilti Vau Noy la i rtgular at tBJ)ilHiit at aiitRliiB, and whlla he doa nut know anything about vocal mualr, or oven wijoy It, he amuaoa hi maul r hjr drawing pen akatehsa of th alug m, and dutM It woll. Of ouurao If u fallow dutMii't do much lie ahoulil do II wull. Van lluruu Comity (Ark ) Democrat. hid 'I hoy UM'l .Mnio lira. Aaanllu ettrrltNl aiUH lift- in auranr, m bowae waa luaurtNt fur $S0 aud tJHwHlnita for Jjoo. Au HMiiMt ihiHW (Hi the Itfu uf lUtlt JdarUt Mtnuunta to ii Air. Aalln and hla aorrowlng fttni lly hart" Iho Hnipalliv of th nutlru (ottniull ('hebo)Kau (MUh I Dally TilUuai. MEnGUOY RISES TO THE HUNURHl) MARK The hatlDMt iU uf I In- mmuh. unyl lifct la th hultttal Juiu Uy aine lllf hi,in4 l Mtf Hler WMnaarfay. whtm tih iHwcury rww tu tu 1HU mark. I.nt rar, Jun 30, I Im ttmii'tura waa IUI, lu 11 1 lb hoitwat Juu '4h Hi' llth, with 7, m.1, (V i 1U wlUi . 11 lbt iitU wll 17 J'r). iMttl llll I he nth with a iilgh mark of II. Th miultouiu leiniMTitiuro WtNtawwia) wa ((i 4ugrH, (ttgJ rang oJ o itaruHi. rrfTifTt4gr -r--- m-glEg.VT.fflap-q BWri, ' THE RAILROAD PROBLEM POSSIHlLlTY of a kciiphiI .strike of niilroml traiiinicn thrcatODs flic niiHon. On llic oiif liaud, the employes demand higher vaesjnid improved conditions and claim that the )resent prospei'ity o' the traffic Hvsteitis justify sharing 1he profits vith the eniployeK. On lie other side, the 1'ailroad managements claim that the increases asked for total $100,000,000 a year, are unreasonable and not justified hy conditions; that to grant the demrtnds of the men would force an increase in freight rates, and that they are prevented by federal and state regulations from im posing these increased rotes and passing it on to the public. It is a noticeable ftict that labor is always ready to share in the prosperity of the employers by demanding higher wages, Ijnt seldom willing to share in adversity by accepting reduced wages. A wage scale, once established, is changed only for an increase. A strike, whether successful or not, punishes not oiil, tne employer and employes, oui i lie general punuc. in me of a railroad strike, tho public is the chief sufferer. The public character of our steel highways is acknowl edged in the creation of commissions for their regulation. The chief weakness of the regulation is that it floes not ! embrace relations between ploy ess as well as bet ween the railroads and the public. It there was this federal rcirulation, with coinuulsorv arbi tration, there would be no danger of strikes, for both the! owners profit, and wages would be adjusted lo earnings. There fire abundant signs that the present system of railroad regulation is breaking down. The machinery of forty-eight .stale commissions and a federal commission is cumbersome and burdensome and extravagant both to railroads and the public. The regulation should be taken from the forty-eight stale commissions and centered in the federal commission. The alternative is federal ownership, for which the nation is not prepared. The interstate commerce commission should he given power to establish rates, both interstate and intrastate, and control the service. Tho commission should be en larged so that railroads can be regulated in groups and trade-basins instead of by states. Its jurisdiction should extend lo the expenditures .'is well as receipts and embrace the dividend and wage and rate problems. So regulated, the public would not b( threatened periodically by in creased rates and strikes. E ALLIES' ATTITUDE ATIINNS, .him. 15. Tho altitude of the allii'H lowaid (hot'eo wan ili'- tinuiiM'd at a iiiiinhor of moutiUKH held linn IihIkv ut which rrmiliitiuim irv udoptfil oxpi'UKkiuir loyally lo King- CoiialMiitiuo nud coufidoMcn in llir Mlin of I'rimiier SkoiiloudiM. The rcwolntimiN iiut(Ml njtuinat tlit hhu-kiiile of tlit'cimi poll tw tahlixhrri h Kiiglnml and Krwiua and th'iiouiii-od Hit coinlurt ot the allit'H toward neutral nation nud "tKM'iullv the iiwidrnl uf Ik Uwil d 8tl" of America." A fen t a i e of the nwdutKiu wa that the kinu ua- reJVriHd to ax "our kIohiiuk uVKiciju. Kin" t'onittaiitiiie Ml " TIiih lith placed I he moiiaieh in the line ol llic nm unt inlur oil ( ouMntdiuiiph 10 I'llll.AIH.I.I'IIIA. June I.'. -aui I). UruuUei-. lemitlv upiKiuit ed an u4M'iaLc iiiUu'v ut the km pii'tue euurt ut the I ailed Slulex h l'vidujl VViUom, Mill la1 the pi met put 4XMk4r Ut tlu MIMNtul voliteillioii of KiuuUU brv a JuU )i. Su huu itred tMKuit trum all ow the eMiiitr ml! b hi ulltMHlaucf. JiirtOee UraudaiM ia ctuttruiaii ot the trov ihitiniil tatMwtlvp tHHUUiittee fur ' uffaira, nmiiM Auk ul llll. UM I. The eiHlilliltlee was eieiited tu take ui the work ol tin uileiiiiiiiiMinl 7.muiIi uriMiuuatiou REEKS DFNOUNC Ull It opted h the Mar. can I'ihimiI U.illelt ol iimi l.aiido, The 7auuipl ar uigmued lei Uulcx h- wind tit- mi. U (... i in.-nt purpooe nl n oliildwhuiK tin- Jew-'1'1 Wa-hiiiulnu thin; thai i-h iHuile a- h li. Mi.. o in l'liltiatme h,ls 'ilv he plai ed uodei amilial law. i w. With Medford traile Im Kedford mad. REMARKABLE PICTURE SHOWING EXERUTI0N OF REBELS IN SAIGON, COCHIN CHINA MisDFOTm mfl TjtrBTjttrc, the railroads and their em KEEP FLAG DAY ASH1.ANI), .lime 15, I'lnif il w ideall obnerieil licie vcHterday ufteiuooii, liolabh h the Klkn of LoiIko No. 0 1 1. The lodc luemlier nlnp, loKether wi,th it Iiiikc lepiCHou laliou o fitimuiM, met iu'lhe uaik at :) d'elock, wlnau a loiinnl program of tiHiMie Mini HiMnen utt iieii 4ta untluieil liclow;, "Xalional Kiurit." oirlien- Irw: iufrwUK'loi eereiM, ruler uml ofluHi; prayer, iihaplaiii; uhi. "Whew, tho Ktuy U Full of Slur." Doom IJaglev; Klmr Itevmil." I). I). Niirn: Miny, "Slr SpuHfrltul ltaimei," KIWm iiuh'iU'I; altar mm'viiio, HMuiie and offiaui-H; oiujr, "AmorieH, I Yon." ('. II. I.inelttiul; Tuh ute to the I'lay, I I). Diikr; hoiiu:, "Indw Um Stara awl SttiM'," lllkxj ipiHi-tul. lueitatiou, "Tho Old I'Ihk, atii'Mtm (ireyr: aoim. "Tlio J'lug: That J llu Never Known iJrfcul,11 IJti-tjtlitu Harl Khmm ; muam. uu'iMay f na tional an-., oivhtwdra; patrioUe ail d ie. It. S. Xnoii of Vio,k, amur, "Auieiiea.'' ipmUel ami oivh extra. The 1'n rent -Tiaeliir aoeiatioiiK thiiiugluMil the valley nUo mat ou the park puine v'roiiuilw and an wr irw won aiiiioaiiii'Uioiil yao an outer lajiuiu'iil puitieipated iu h Iiutli old ad miiiio. to Ihr uieat edifleutiou uf uU jivMitv llic (utrii'tic leaturv ho fj( kyf)H m the exelelxt'ri. ML 1 - A 1 1 1. 1 M . IV . I I okii tlt.l .... Hilar I. kl.llllll.fl t Hl.lliiill.u.1 irpiiil here. s: ASHLAND E MnKmo, onrcaosr, frrrrftSDAY, JTNfi is, 101G Ibk fc irmrfvfmJt'fwVVCWv atfBggryeL 3L -f v9kEbbkLV .aaJnv$ nfte 7 aawtBKdaM'JCwp'.il PWawlfla AlltS MIRIAM FINN SCOTT, IN 11 (lly Mali MiClouo OIIihoii) Now, with (lUjor lato hour jiroroaaom of olilclcnoy coimm the CoiimIiUIiik Muthor. Alra Miriam Klnti HmiII Iiiik a child "THE BONDSMAN" AT El The nlory told b HiIh picture from Hall CiiIiio'h "Thu DoiiiIhiuiiu" Iiuh a compollliiK iiialltv that makes tho offering popular with all kinds uf aju'ctatora. It la a picture of horolHiu. dovotlou and tallf-aacrlflco and It, will Mtlr and plooio. ICdgnr f.uwls put the plcturu ou for tho Kox loiapany and WJIIIapi Karmiiii tukoa tho load Ihk charaolor lu It, a douhlo rolu of father uml roil An Iceland vagrant of marvoloua Htiongth iittiiiLtji( the dnughtor of tho Dnnlali govoruor of Icoluml. alio ruiia away with him and l caHt off by her father, liar husband and hor nmthor-ln-law are not oasy to Urn with. She la distorted and brings up a hoii. Th vwiiKii't Vommi to tho Jalu of Man and there. Is lad Into another uiarrlaxo and has another hoii. Knoli of (Iiosm In tlmo learn Ills fnthor's siorv and the picture luter- ostlnjclj handleH the different action ill tha aituutlon of tbfau two men with different iharaQtora aud lironnlit up different! Tlw love stor Is lilnh grade amt froalib Interesting. Doth men lore the same woman and It la hor Influence that softens the hard uatiiro of the older aon, the Ice iluiui iiiam, though she marriea tho youiiKor, the IhIb of Man sou. The Krowlng- hmuanlt)' shown by these thrtf us hard t linos and great troubles oom upon them, till the great cli max of the htory, sots thu closing of I ho picture on a high plain. It is certainly worth whllo seeing, which Jl((roHiuUl tonight at the Page thea t.ii'r for the last time. ABOARD THE BEAR I .OS AMU I. IX ( .il.. June l.". - Mi-K Sarah II. Voteiihi.ei- ami her u uml uauytU'A Jului Al. Wi'oleu lniei and .Mi-- .Miuuna Velenhier, meuKet. on the Wlrekfd Iteur. liv ed at Yoiu.clU. Or., neur ItiiMdiury. Tho wi-re on iheii wu here to viil lri Wr-tiuhihiir's ciiuMii, A. L We-.U'lilll-i i. Almlfoiil IliNtsif i Sniiike The Medford aud Mt. I'll! Cigars. ' ! - i i it .ClJafftl11lf a5 "CONSULTING MOTHER" IS LATE ST OF OCCUPATIONS nit C'llU.I) liAIJOKVTOIlY, ' W11LR1J SI113 IS VIS AND CIlil.UHKN ShhKINO fill, Mil Of AN liXlMMl lahorntoiy" lu hur homo in Now Yotlt and la tollhiK mothora how they ciiu lioHt roar their oiiiikUim. .Mm. Scott In tho molher of two chlhlicu Mrri Scott Ihii t (i bimj hoil.v iih jou TO WEST POINT lltohurl I'oloupc. won of Mr. nud Mrs. Frederick Colonic of Kaglo I'olnt, who has won atato fame at an atlilolo, has received his appointment to WViat I'olnt, and leaves Thursday hy way of I.os Angeles 1'riMiIdont WIIkou has granted to Itotiort, a special appointment to the U. S. army college, an apiwlutmunt that few re calve. General William l'oloiuo Is n rola tlvo of Mr. l'olotir.o ami was at one time attorney goueinl. Ho aluo serv ed lu the Civil war. Hubert has Just loiupluted a uar's work at Stanford ami won consider able honor lu football. Ho will make a strong addition to tho West Point team. Hubert passed the examina tions hold al tho Vancouver barracks last week with high honors. Ho scoreil 08. 2 lu tho phslcal test. He Is k member of the coast ar- tiller) and a graduate of Medfodd high school. RUSSIANS OVER PRUTH. TEUTON LINES YIELD LONDON, .lime i ;.--An advance of , alamt twenty miles b ihe Itusalsas J who have Csernowlis as their obec-; .. . . i. ii. i . .. iA.. tlvo Is chriuilcleit lu ilie latest llusslan official feuiuHiuulfaUoii. Having pre-1 vlously the Daelster river and i taken lloroiidonka and Xale Ssvs)ky, lite Russians have now driven their men to the loft bank of the ltlvor I'rtith aud captured the town of Sola On. which Hon only twenty mllos north of tlw llukowlua capitisl , Nowhvre on fne ful from the I'M pet river In Hussia and through fia llda to llukowlua has there been any cesaailou In tho great Itusalan nffejt rthe Along Ihe enllie Hue. acooutllig lo Ihe Itiihsluii war olfVce, I be Aus tiluiix anil (icrmuns are being driven back ami the Itusslaus still are taking ihousandH of piluonwrK ami eatrturing gutis. muclilue guna and wui aupplioa In the elevon days drive I.7S0 offl ivrs and iso.noo men aiul ISO kuus and ttiv uiaohlue guus liuvo lieou cap twre4 j On I be twwor pud (rf the Owmsu line , In JtHwila. to the oorth of Maranovlehi the Kuaslans evlcletiHy have auticliat el .the urvoMtl Osruwui offensl e and I Vakan the tultbutvw lulo theli own hauas Heui alter vkrieut attllbiv pre pgratiou they seven tiiuea canuM-d ( simiu the Oeriuau lines D.ilm .iv howover. that all Iheh elfins f.ulid ami tliey weie lopoUed wlih Ik.ivn losses GERMAN CONVOY FLEET SUNK IN BALTIC SEA AMSTBUDAM. June 1". via I .m don, 1.16 a. ui The IoIIovmii Htatemwut has been alve u out in lb 1 llu lu conuecttou with Ho altsi k bv Kussiau warships In tic UaltU During the night of Juue l.l the ...., .-. ...,- . '.nataaaaka uUttllluSI Hlau IlaklTVIiiitsnSl aa attacked by four Russian d- iitrovers lu uie oignt Miiineai oi Mockholui Xfter a lourageou. re-, tsnce the sel u set lire i -1.. tin and man blowu up lu nn lit roiuuiAndei stut inoxl o! tin i v were sged ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes IncliffOStion. Oneimckagc Tpelouze appointed 11V MOTllKUS r uilKht think rrom thin buhl Htatumcnt of hur pioruMloii. Iliindreila of mothuiK ha( como (o her In (picat of an expert a opinion on what wan tho tiouhlo with Willie or little Afan T IT BEGIN ON JUNE 28 Count School Supeiiutemlciil Well will hold the ivular cMimiiiu tiou ol tipplieanlM for atute eeitili eales at .lackHonvilh' ah follow ., coinmeueiiiy 'wliH'(Iay, June '2.H, mid eouliuiunK until Saturdu.v , July 1 : Wednesday Koiuiioont vvrilinn: (penmuuship), nniHie, I'. S. lintory, drnvviuV; atternoou, it'iulln. pliysU olojjy, uiuiiuul trniuinif, eompoNitioii, doiiittie Mciencc, methixlK in tending, course of windy for drawing;, metli oda in uritlituctie. Thursday Forenoon, niitlunetie, hiplory of education, pliycholmty, uiethodi. in geogrhphv. iiieeliunicul dra win if. domcilie art, eourve of study Im iloinctie nit: ufteiuooii, gnnnmar, geograpliy, Htouonipliy, American liteiuture.' iliVr-ii, t,vpc writiugr, method in tang-miKi', tlmvu's for nrimnrv ceitifieute. Mionce of eiliieatiou. Fmluy - FomiiMiii, theory and practice. orlht.grhy, rhvieul co irniphy. KiikIUIi literature, elictuirit rv, hiatorv of oducathm, ph.VMieal c til -litre; iiftertiooii, nrhool law, geology, ulgehra, civil governweiit, education rliihihuml anil uihdecence. Sutunluy Forenoon, geometrv, 1...I...... ..,!...... ..... ..l.....l ...1...!...,... ummii, -i,iit-til li'll, i-,i.i Kill, ii, ,11 1 - ' . , . "M1 ''""'". -neral l..;t...v. VV. " " '" nicaiiou PORTLAND ZEITUNG PLANT IS GUTTED I'OltTLAMl. June IB Fire gutted the two upper stories of a hulhlluK oc cupled by the Oeiman Publishing coin pauy and as furniture stoie at First aud Saliuou streets hist night, eu talliug a loss of approximately JIU.ouO. A K. Kern, jmbllshur uf the Dally Deutsche iielluug. with otfioos lu the building said he suspwUid iuocudlar Ics. The Oeriuaa publishlug company was the heaviest loser, aluiost the en tire slock and murhlnen fur publish- llIK the aM'l ItlllU llestliiM'd ' ho toHti tO UliH f i I III tr. Xtllll.ltl l It fjU,- (ti. !u pi i icnt liisurnl A Little Blossom To Delight the Home When It I knnun tn ,1... - f .i.l ".7V"". "-.' " " iicjr ffi-"" i" ,."r"ci 'vu ' lIeseU wlih a & pmi nrw arrival tlw Brt 'JitJI lifiiiflit hi mi Id be 'M.itbert rrleail." Tli 4 M an external rfnioily gtnlly applied oor the klomacli om-k-il4. It malM tlwm Una and nllaul, they ripaivl naturally with out undue strain. It rniKwes froai the icre thote uflu. nun whicb are re. kponailile for tuuth f liij aula lu!iliHt in Hi. perknt of that mm I expn.1 iu-r II I. I..r 11,1. . mwh (,f ti (. .(,,, Mllh . ,.rz" tkkiK '" H li.l All nnuiwiil.. r.i.... fboul.l tue lu t IllSt thtf tfliMrtnl iaii.11.. M prutidcd Willi Iricud." a ukiw Of ' Mother j ,w u,ruon are nimple. fiet It at aav 181111 HltTa II Id aSUKlIJ U.. IL. . M The dinvliorn are tJJ ffSSiZSSlL VjS f;:"'". fn" na . U i piorital Ub, dS, Hm to&TlXTT "M',' & .... muoi aou tarn write MradSeM . mU.r r.i in i amir WU . Vll-ala uT tor prHI) (.III. UV hr.mful uf laf.nb.' Un f..r rxiHXUnt awlUf, It U a dlU to 11. I it JOHN A. UNDERTAXE Idy Am14aj n 8. ltAllTLV'n I'bonea M. 11 mi ATJfift AiiimiHibilf Hcmi-m srire VJSITnil h i!r t rr. Suffered From Backache and Kidney Trouble fob Years. Dtar Jltnder$-l wish lo Wl yotl thill BuSercd from bwVackc i am kidney trouble for years. I a Doctor l'icrce'8 Amiric Tableta and I trW 1 thcin. Tliey cured my V!)c,jncl1,,t; I impo , iloonlc tfiat nro trouWed w -It i backache vv II give them a odJm 1 nm sure they will not fail to benctn. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Geo. Demino- Netk: Folks in town and ndjoininR places nro delighted with the restiH-i hoyhaveobtaincdbyu8inBtiYWK. the newest discovery of Dr. Pinto, " is head of the Ixvamim' I Ion.1 .ami Surgical Institute, in Buffalo, N. Y. Those who started the day with a back ache, stiff loss, arms and musoloa, ami nn aching head (worn out boforo lh day becan because they were in and ou. of bed W a doron times at "iRlit ) ar" apprecialing tho perfect reft, coinr-ut and new strength they obtained from Dr. Tierce's Anuric Tablets. To prov. that this Is a certain uric acid solvent and conquers headache, kidney nnd bladder diseases and rheumatism, ii you've never used tho "Amino cot tills out nnd send ten ccnlfl to Doctor Ficrco for a largo sample packpgo. riim will provo to yoa that "Anurlo' h thirty-sovon liinea more active Inan litliia in elimin.itins uric acid-and tho most perfect kidney ana bladder cor rector. If you arc a sufferer, o to yoin best dniMist and nsk for n W-coet box of "Anuric." You run no risk for Dr Pierce's eood namo etnndi? helund tnw wonderful new discovery as it baa for tho past half century for, bis "Golden Medical Discovery" which makes tlio blood puro, hla "Favorite Prescription" for weak women and his "I' relicts" for liver ills. All Dr. Picrce'fl medicines can bo bad in Tablet form by mall or nt drug etoro. TO ORDER $25.00 UP Also Clcanliifi, Prcsslnp anil Altcrlnn 128 E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS Medf ord House Movers WE MOVE HOUSES, BARNS, GARAGES, MACHINERY. ETC. Phone 408-M GI2 S. Ncwlown. 737 W 14th SI, IXTlCltimilAN AUTOOAIt CO. TISIK CAItll. Leave Medford tor Asnland, Tnlont and Phooulx dally, except Sunday, al 8:00 a. in., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 nnd C:15 p. in. Also on Saturday at 11:15 v. ra. Sundays loavo nt 8:00 and 10:30 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. Lcavo Ashland for Medford dally, except Sunday, nt 9:00 a. m.. 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 nnd C:1C p. tn'. Alan on Saturday nights nt C:30 and 2:20. Sundays lonvo Ashland nt 0:00 a. m. and 1:00, 4:30, 0:30 and 10:30 P. m. y- ICE CREAMTIIAT IS DIFEERENT Vh don't ou come in try some of our 1CK OltlCAM that is different Just tr one of our Dollcloua or any of our Ire Cream Hpeoialtle -jou will at once notice tho dlffereuto you will very easily hn able to tell that ours la made from tho purest aud richest croam and tho host fresh fruit flavors. It has that different ploatJ'K taste that you will lumomher -tint! will bring you back ortnn. Come iu toda ami tr souie Itl.'At. JCK CRKAM. THE DAIRY I'houv 1HI WESTON'S Camera Shop 208 Enst Main Street, Medford The Oifly ISxclnsivo Commorcial Photop,rn)hera ill Sjoutliorn Oregon N'ogativoa M"fJo any lima o placu by appointment. Wt1itJit3icr'Ht (yfih Suits (Fis) KM 9-""" Ik Tin ii 'i'liol ' lo proves it 20c al all druggists. . uukJ4. nnv m flll .S,D.,VS12fWlSr). i or i