Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 14, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    medFord ktl TitmraE, MEnrorcn, omwox, avrdxksday, jitxk u, ioig
ST. I.OflS. Juno 1 1.- Vu-lon for
tlie aiitTmfcWtx in the democratic na
tional convention today appeared ko
cIo-jo Unit "dcni'ml" t'ndeernff's
well-lnid pluu (u keep silent lii-i 8000 '
"iniiruliura'' in the wnlkle, talkies
"golden lime" demonstration, ap
peared" likely to ho whitHcrcd. A
tenlnthc draft of n milTi'imc
form piiinl; tendered them b demo
erntie lenders jiut them in a '-limit
injj mood.
The plunk would put tin1 p.ut mi
record tut ftivuriu pitHMiigc of a t on amendment to oil 1,111.
.eliiho women. 11' tlie ilank n .idopt
I'd, however, lenders of the woman'
party will turn attention to coiiyrc-s
to try to force tliv Siimiiii 11. Anthom
Omcudmniil, through both house hi ,
loru uiljuiinimont M the pre-cnl ms
The "golden lane" dcinoii-lmliun
today wiik. expected Io stand in the
front rank or mirfnij-e display held
in tho Tuiled States. Kilit lluui-.-iiud
or inoie women were to lorai a
hilie down the twelve liloeks between
the hotel when- deinocratic head
jpiarters are loealed and the roiiwn
lion hall. llirouyh wim-h the dele
jttltiii and ciiitwnliuii ticket holders
will iniilcli.
.' ST. l.miS. dune II.- Alter three
days eniieusiujr, the llnan and ant i
Mryau faetioiiH of the Nehraska del
epfiitioii eompromised todav and elect
ed ,. ,. Thomas of Stuail, N'eh.,
meiuher of the plulfonu eouuiiittee.
Thomas, thou)ih eleeted 011 11 llryuu
tiekel at the priinariex, wiik referred
Io by the Huti-llrynu faetion as 11 of their muise.
". I). Oldham, the auti-llrvau euii
didale for platform eominitlee, wns
iiamud ehainimu of the delegation 111
piiraiiMiice of the compromise nffii'c
luent ami V. II. Thompsou, Hryiiu
eandidate for platform eiuauiittee,
was named on the committee to no
tify the president of his reuomiua
'lion. The eoiil roverov in the deleation
iuvohed the prohibition qiulioii.
Heporteil bv Jnckson Cnuntv Ab
stract Co., Sixth mid Fir Sts.
Circuit Court.
Jacksou Coiinlx is l. !'
MX, hllll in eilllt.
Hale et
(nIiiId of Pamiie .1. Doxier, fiiml
neeouiit riled and older lixing day
for fiuul kotlleiueul.
Halalo of Kllh .1. Neil, ileeenmHl,
iiivenlory Mild MpprMinement tiled.
MniiljiKe l.lioii-e.s
l.otiift N. Kiiutseu mid Nellie
Scott Iluhlmrd and Nellie I'. Co
rimi. I'liHik lloutoii .mil (Ira KaincN.
I'etci Lincoln Spi'in'ci h ix t Irelle
The Most Popular Chew for a
Third of a Century
The man who chews gets by far the
matt wholewme enjoyment and satis
faction out of tebaeco, especially if he
chews tlui tobacco. The rich juices
of the leaf are retained in goodJ
plugs better than in any other form.
For more than a generation Spear
Head has held firt place as the favor
ite high-grade plus chewing tebaeco.
This unique dirtinction is due soUly
to the woijikrful quality and flavor of
Spear Hoad-thc richest, mellowest,
tastiest chew in the whole world.
Spear Head is the choicest of all
red Hurley, hand-stemmed and mstje
into mtllow-sweet plugs in a prfetly
clean, nvost stniury factory.
You csw't chew the flavor out of
Spear Head, because it's part of th
tobacco. That rich, ripe, red Bttrley
taste keeps on pleaung you as loS
o you Veep on cbewiaf.
Chew Sjcur He-! aai utl it
chains iHt Ju anJ t"5t ,,ifyin
Hifatito dux it's pyjiMt u rsAks, !
:' Scrslinnvl la tia fsj'tf.
W&msftmS jftfmtll mP js w
wasmmisr ami ir i i
assomssssm' ..m ,i
IhilftlTlli T . IT TTl Ji 1 n iMnTnrffl""
I ysp-r$- rxry
WASHINGTON, dune 11.
I nitud State' answer to the
note from fleueriil Cnrrnnm proliay
ly will pot he made until after (he
St. LuuiH eonveiition ends thin week,
it wum Hiiid in uiliiiiuiHtmtioii circles
today. The delay wnit eoimidered nil-ii-ahlu
to eliminule eliuneu that any
action toward Mexico at lliis time
tiiiffltt ho interpreted an piomptud by
politicnl iiil'lueiiccH.
That eouive Iiiih been laid oat par
ticularly in view of Cnrriunui's utiiniK
intimatiaiis that (he I'nilcd Slnkw'
denliniis with Me.vieo have bemi de
turmiued by itctioim of iulcriiul
poliliiv in thih country. The Htixwer
which Secietiiry lnnsimi W fircpttr
ing will rebuke (lenernl' Coiniuim
xluuply for that iiiMiiiiution, it is
xaiil. AdiniiiiHlrntion olTiMnln frc
still visibly" worried over the Mi
liilit of serious null-Aiiiciichu out
bleaks hi Mcm but the are de
termined not to take the imiiatiu' in
tin .utrr-Hc iK'timi.
. I.OK ANOKI.KS. Cm!., .luue II. -"I'rviwrediiew."
spirit was Msiuil.icd
hete today when Ihoiisiinds of men
Mud wiHtien inatehed IIikuil-Ii fluu
din'ted and decorated -I't'els to the
munic I'ntni niiiiiv bamls.
Iiiiiiicft was siisM'nde.l. The
larvest MtorcH, eiuployiiiK MtruiHi
nlely 17.IHM) perxoiiM, cIomhI at iiooh
so their workers might add l the
thunder of mnrehinu ttsl. TrndeN
were orixauiwd inti units bv dut
eliNiiilM'r of commerce. Visitors caiue
in answer Io the city's invitntiuu to
more than '.1MI town- mid uIIiikcm
tllis MllllltS.
lli-.lni Malt llutthrs. rctenth ap
liollilcil tn I he Melltodlkt dloi ene of
I'oitluiid. puHbid tliroiiuh Ashland on
Uondm on the to Tmiohim, Wn ,
w litre lod bv H!ilormed UU first
ceremonial la tint Portland diocese
l lalng th coruerstoiiw of the
Flint Methodist church of Tsooma. a
htructure which will cost ttOO.QOH,
the pustor of which is lh.
II Trlmlile, fornierly of th Con
teuart church, I'oriUud.
Ou Imi Thursday nUht. Juu v.
occurred the teoUst sjiell of any
temoeratuies iu June in this vicinity
for seventeen .teat's. Tho thermnn
iter regUtei m 32.
Fred 8churna. now of MxClaud.
Cs!.. was homo for a brief visit n
tew days a.o. His old ehum and
clcssmate, tvroy Ashartift. rsiuraoti
with htm In qunat of a job in thai
nilllng canter
K. (i. 8oyr and family, residing
la the Hum ley nous on Alme.-xt
Mreet, ar alwut to rvtirn to UjJir
f)imr hon'e Iu tha vicinity of K
Uny The first ballot for l.ltliU tik n
rcvfsled ten candidate" In the fie' I
Mu Weikculiurger headed th II. t
1H1 00 votes For King .Sulti.
K V. rarte and II d KadcrK, r
eri a tie. :m!i ha In.: re( ei-i) 7
jttlnsofr in. 'ibv ti sWfi. tnAynWalt KS4t9Ui0t;t&
v..ifft Timi' W4S an iiQiiirsv
Prowor, Kinll Poll, nnd Alec I.lvlnK
lo'i wero oati, In tho fiO-voto clnml
flcatlon, fkurntlvoly and ng disciples
.t'tircscntlnx AoseHlnjIno, Thor nnd
V'llcnn rosue.'tlvoly. CandldatoH for
(.iiueii nidst l'u AHiilnnd Klrlu over
1''. and of courso, unmnrrled. Nom-
ImsIIoiih for l.iiiK and (piecn close on
June IS.
A 1IB eiowd from Dunsuiulr, head
ed ty the (IIvIhIoh baud of that town,
irti (I no this way on Sunday, Juno IS,
tint on a picnic.
ti. .M. Ciirlaud, an attornoy of
l.elifinon, offeiH a gold medal to com
potltlon In tho Solo IiIkIi xchool for
tho bcHt coniiioaltlon rn Kiigll.ih. A
hit of sentiment attaches to tho prl7i.
owliix to tho fact that tho medal !
made of Kohl taken from the Ann
tlam liver. How about a modal nt
tho local IiIrIi Hchools next com-
mouenmuut, made of ttold from I lie
Aslilniiil mine?
The Aurora Observer romplaliiri t
too iiiueli disuurlty In prlcuM as lie-
tweeu sugar at IS.GS tier anok and
tlief plttsnce of thirty cents ier buth-
ul doled out to slrawliarry rnlsora
Tho SHfutf conilltloiiH prowll hiuo a
to sugar, hut as to berries tho monr-
iii h In the box InstiKid of tho bushel,
and the price 1! conts per box or two
for a ipiHrter.
Dr. Alnswortli, chief surgeon of the
Southern Pacific and uiniiukoi- of Its
xeneral hospltMl, occuplng the prlvete
car San Kranelseo and Asslstniit Chlof
Knglneer Drake accupylUK the Slorrfc
Nevndn were hnre on Monday after-
noon both cars bulug uttaohud to No,
Hi northbound.
HhuIio & Klunoy succodltiR In dlrocl
lino of succession to pluueor uty
Koods firms hero, are kIhk out of
buslneMH Iu this city, and will lnait-
Kiirato a cloHlng nut snlo lioglunliiK.
Thursihi), .Mine 15. In tho meuntimo
their slnrn Is closed lomporarlly,
pniiilltiR arrangement for tho dntallN
of tho IiIk sale.
A ipiartet of hikers sealed Pilot
Itoek last Sunday, 'isoIiik na iar fig
the Humiult of the Slsklyous by auto
Invliided In tho party, by a eoluel
donee, wore four whoso auruiimm
begin with "V." Thoy worn C. II.
WhUoii, C. II. Wolf, II. I,. Whltcd
and K. I'. Whittle. This trip was
the first one on tlie part of Wo It
and Whittle, though the other two
had visit (Hi the rook previously, In
Whlted's uase an euu four (line.
Itev. Ci. K. Hopkins, of Portland,
field worker In behalf of an organ
Isatlnii rslsliiK funds for rotlroil
preachers and other conference claim
ants within the Methodist following.
occupied the pulpit of the local
church Suuda morning and even
ing, presenting the merits of tho
claims of the soaiety.
11 r and Mrs. I.urluu II. Applugute,
of llnioksldd ranch. In the Swan
lake valley section of Klnmath coun
ty, celebrated their golden wuddlnK
the first of the week They wero
married Iu Ashland in 180fi Mrs.
Auplegate was formar))' Margaret
lill mi Qrubb. a sister of Mrs. Dan
Walker and John (Jrubb of this city.
The Applegates have lived on Hrook
side ranch, now a property of S000
or more acres, 46 years of the period
of their married life. Pour daugh
ters. Mrs. Minnie Chitwood, ISvelyn
Ilaaaie and Blsle. and two sons, Kl-
mr and Fred, were pratont at the
golden Jubilee, also Mr. Apploftate's
three brothers. Jesse, Ivan and Oli
ver and their families. Luelen Ap
plenate U the sou of Lindsay Ap
plcgMte dud it iieplif of. Jesse Ap-
Absolutely Removes
lndifiestmn. Onopat-U v
'ft (.
plegrtte. hotli notable- pioneers of
southern Oregon, In tho IMG period,
Mrs. J. A. McMillan nnil daughter 1
Ruth, of Edmonton, Albertn, nrrlv-
cd on Tuostlaji for n visit with rcla-
tlvos III tho Allon, Dickey nuil Fox
William Scvhnumloffol, fonnor
Rroccryiunn here and now a Southern
Pacific employe in tho Sacramento
shops, hns recovered from a hovero
KcnldhiR received some time oro and
Is now nt work ugnln.
The gns company has installed ad
dltlotinl plates on the general picnic
Kroiinds, utilities which are nUo
available In the Kitchouette at tho
auto on nip grounds. Another tele
phone booth has also been plAced
In the parks, two of theoo conven
iences now being nvnllnble.
Vaudeville at the Page theater.
Medford, on Tuesday evening, drew
a fair sized representation from local
theater goors.
AW 15. nuchnnun, at present prin
cipal of tho Uellnvlesv schools, was
one nmotiR members of a large clnss
who passed a successful examination
and were nwnrded certificates to prac
tice Iu OreRon by the state dental
board which hold a session In Port
land lately.
I.nno and Hartley hnvo installed a
now nuto delivery, with offices nt
Hose Hros. confectionery. They drlvo
n Klidior car.
The Koyal Hawaiian Sereiiailiirs
appear at tho Vlnlug on Thursday
evenliiR, June 15.
Tho Tencup club of tho Methodist
church will adjourn from, drawing
rooms and kitchens In favor of tho
park Krounds during Ihn summer. Ou
Tuescdny afternoon the organization
and Invited giieHts held Its largost
and most uucceseful gathering of tho
year within the Llthla Enclosure.
Dr. l.unce Urlsroe, son of Bupt.
llrlseoo of the Ashland schools, will
locnto In Talent. IIo Is a graduate
Iu regular practlco of the Louisville
medical school,
Tho Vloniia llakory, K. E. Miller,
proprietor, will Install a rest room
Iu tho vacant offices next door to ItH
present quartern Iu the midst of tho
contra! business section nnd theater
district. This will bo a rest room In
nil that tho term Implies, and not
merely the corner of an office equip
ped with a lavatory and looklug
C, C. Gall has returned to Ash
land from a month's visit to Hose
burR. iAmtis Caldwell and Mrs. Anna
Krniiltum, of Los Angeles, nro hero
visiting relatives In the A. M. Heav
er family, particularly their sisters,
MrsK. J. Cfcthouti, who In tho moth
orpf Mrs. Ilouvur.
ley riders returning from Horu
brook report iitragcily there lust Sat
urday In the discovery of the dead
body of II. D. Lynns In u barn. Do
consed was a horse doctor and took
ran ovordose of cocaine secured from
one John Mclntyre, a confirmed dopo
fiend. At the coroner's luquost held
on Mondav the Jury rendered a ver
dict In face of tho evidence that Ly
ons died "from causnti unknown."
(.'eorge Cash, flremnn employed by
Baking Helps
Valuable ,Siife3tlona
Iy Mrs. Atitifa fit i;x, J', vottrnt oj
the At tvf Making, as taught by
Mrs. Jiiiirt MiKtnste I lilt
IWIrful Chn Mating IllnU
Always sift flour mid KCJlakitiR
rowdcr nt lonht three times. The
more sifting, the lighter tlie enke.
Keineiubcr Hint! To crenm litit
tcr nnd sugar quickly, wnrni tlie
sugar slifjlitly. Ilcnt yolkn of cgg.t
with rotary Iwntor. Whip whites
of .eggs with flat spoon whip.
Wn'ter makeo lighter cakes; milk
tuakc richer enkes.
To uiix n enke, first crenm Intt
tcrntul sugar thoroughly, t licit ndd
yolka, if used. Then alternately
ndd moisture nnd flour that linn
len sifted with linking powder
nnd citir until smooth and glossy,
nddingegg whites nfter thoroughly
Always use KC Baking Powder.
Illscult Helps
Alwnyssift flour nnd KC Unking
Powder nt least three times.
Have shortening cold and firm.
Mik dough as soft aa it can be
bundled. The softer dough goc
into the oven, the lighter th6
biscuit when it comes out, It is
easier for K C Baking Powder to
do its work iu soft than iu stiff
dough. Mix biscuits very little.
Do not knead. Stir up with spoon
or knife and press iu shape to roll
ou floured board. n
With K C Baking Powder re
sults are sure nnd certain. AsiS
your grocer for K Ci "
Choice 5 jkm'p Uwt, close in, suitable for jjimlcn, bvr
rics or general piii'iiowH. J'lice !f(2.").
I((ud I5hlai U.ois,
net xff yunih
mtitwirtumUnui niM
tho Southern I'nelflc at Weed, Is J
here for n hrlef vacation
Preliminary toumlup features are
of dally bcftirronco on tho Plnsa with
lariats looping the loop oft n small
settle, precursors of tho big events rtt
the celebration.
Itopcrt Is current here that V. V.
Watson hns resigned his position on
the Mull Trlbuno and that ho will
start n Journal tu Medford devoted
to the composite Interests of fruit ami
farm, Irrigation nnd mining Indus
tries of'soiUhorn Oregon. '
ltociiiiM' It's fur One Thing Only, and
.Mod foul People Appreciate TIiIh
Nothing can bu good for every
'Doing ono thing woll bring suc
Doan'ti Kidney Pills are for ono
thing only.
Vor weak or disordered kidneys.
Iloro Is Mcdford evidence to provo
their worth,
J. II. Atwoll, palntor and pnper
liangor, M211 W". Eleventh St., Mcd
ford. sayst "Doiiu's Kldnby. Pills aro
all that Is claimed of them to bo
and I never hesitate to recommend
anything I bollovo will bo of boncflt
to others. I hnvo taken Donn'a Kid
ney Pills ou different occasions when
I hnvo had any trouble with my
back or kldneyn and thoy hnvo al
wnyn dono tho work. A few doses
now nnd then keeps my klduoya In
good w.orklng order."
Prlco Cue, nt nil (lenient. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Donn'a Kidney Pills the snino Hint
Mr. Atwell had. rostur-Mtlburu Co.,
Props., lluffnlo. N. V. Adv.
Iu tho circuit court of tho slnto
of Oregon, for tho county of Jackson.
Henry II. Taylor, plnlntlff. vs. llob
erl S. Towne, Pacific Coal Company,
mi Arizona corporation, Medford Conl
& Mining' Company, n corporation.
W. D. Dllworth, B. M. Munnon, M. C.
Harris, Huunyslde Conl &. Coko Com
pany, an Arizona corporation, W. K.
Crews, an receiver of .Sunnysldn Coal
& Coke Compnny, Jackson County
Hank, an Oregon corporation, and
also nil other persons or parties un
known, claiming any right, title, es
tate, lien or interest In tho real es
tate described In the complaint hero
in, ilnremlniitn.
To tho above tinined defendants.
Kobcrt H. Towne, Pacific Coal Com
pany, W. I). Dllworth, S. M. .Muuson
and l;. u. Harris:
You and each of you nre hereby
uuinmoiied nnd reiilicd to appear Iu
the nbovti entitled court and cans
nnd answer tho comnlalnt of nlnln
tiff on file therein, within six weeks
after tho dnto or the first publication
of this summons, said period of six
weeks being; the time prescribed by
order of tho Honorable K. M. Calk
ins, Judge of the above iiamod court,
In his order of publication herein,
duted May 1st, 11M0, within which
you shall appear and answer said
And you aro hereby notified that
If you fall to appear nnd answer said
complaint within said time that plain
tiff will npply to tho court for the re.
lief demanded In the complaint, u
sucelnt statomeut ot which is as fol fel fol
eows: 1. That tho defendants and onch
of them be required to set forth tho
u at ure of his claim, If any. In and to
tho following described premlsoa, sit
uated, lying nnd bolng In Jnckson
county, Oregon, to-wt:
Commencing nt tho northeast cor
ner of the west half of section twon-ty-threo
(2) township thirty seven
017) Sou Hi, range One (I) West of
W. M., running thenco oast 14 chains
and H links to a poNt and mound of
rockx situated for a corner; thence
Kouth 20 chains; thenco west 87
chains and ,1.1 links, morn or lean, to
tho Inside ell nf tho John MrKoo Do
nation Land Claim No. (12 In said
township nnd range; thenco north
20 olialim; thenre east to thn north
east corner of the west half of snd
Kootlou 23, thn place of commencing,
containing 176 acres, morn or loss
2. That It be adjudged nnd do
rreed that none of tald dHiifendnntH
hnvo any estato or Interest whutevor
In or to said premise, nnd Hint tho
title or tho plaintiff thereto la good
and valid.
3. That Hie defendants and each
of thoiu be forever barred nnd fore
closed from assorting any claim
whatever In or to said lauds or prom
isee adverse to tho plaintiff, nnd for
such other relief ns the court may
doom Just and equitable.
Attorney for Plulntlff.
Klrst publication of summons Muy
3rd, 11(10.
For Sale Real Estate
Must soil this seven room modern
house In guod condition and with ono
acre of ground and largo shade trees
for otto third Its aotual cost. Locat
ed on main Jacksonville highway,
n oar thu cur lino. Total prlco ouly
$1250. Terms, $600 cash.
210 Oarnott-Corey lllk.
HotUjOs, Iiiariinrr.
'MiAstt ranr)
laniM'iiwifMiiii waaiuiMMrs
Heats Skin Diseases
It Is unih'cosjtnry fflr you to suffer
with eczema, ringworm. rosbM and sim
ilar kfu trouble A Pttlo wmo. gotten
nt uny drug slorr for lc, or ?1.U0 f6t
extra l.irse buttle, aud iirnuiptly npptlvd
will ununlly plvo Itmtruit relief from Itch
ing toil tire. It clrnnei and soothM the
fckiti mul bonU quickly nnd effectively
most skin ulwnte.
zomo li n worn err ul (llNnnnrnrlm: 1 nulil
and doe not smart the mint delicate skin.
It N not creasy. Is easily applied nnu
costs little. Get It today and save all
further dlstresn.
Zcmo. Cleveland.
Delinquent Snlo Notice
California-Oregon Power Compnny.
Location of principal piece o busi
ness, San Francisco, California.
NOTICE There Is delinquent up
on tho following desorlbod nine', un
on 'U"0 'ooibiuj 'oosioiiUJi
S00 shares, J1T.0.00.
Mercantile Tjrust Compnny of Sim
several amounts sot opposite the
on tho 18th day ot April, 101C, tho
FinnclBco, trusteo, Certificate o
names of thu respective Hharoholdnrs,
as follews:
account of assessment (No. 1) levied
Mercantile Trust Company of San
Francisco, trustee, Cert. No. 39S,
r,00 Bhnrcff, $250.00.
300 -hares, $250.00.
fercnntllo Trust Compnny of Sun
Mercantile Trust Compnny of San
Francisco, trustee, Cert. No. nOif,
COO shares, $250.00.
(Mercantile Trust Company of San
FrnncIsOo, trusteo, Cert. No. 00.
GOO shares, $250.00.
torcantllo Trust Company ot 8nn
Francisco, trustee, Cert. Ko. 401,
COO shares, $250.00.
Mercantile Trust Compnny ot San
Francisco, trusteo. Curt. No. 402,
COO shares. $250.00.
Mercantile Trust Compnny ot Kan
Francisco, trustee, Cert. No, 4011,
COO shares, $250.00.
And In accordance with law and
an ordor of tho hoard of directors
made on thn 18th dny ot April, 191C,
so ninny sharca of each parcel ot
such stock as mny bo necessary will
ho sold nt thn office at the company,
on Tuesday, June 20, lfllfi, nt tho
hour of 12 o'clock noon ot said dny,
to pny delinquent assessments thoro
oti, together with costs ot ndrcrtln
ItiC and cxponso.1 ot tho sale.
Secretary of California-Oregon Powor
Offlce: Number 131 Leldrsdnrtt
street, Ban Francisco, Calltornln. 76
ron rtKNi mimics
FOli "nVNV8ricMyindo?n)iso
with gnrnge, furnished or unfer
nlshod, G 10 W. Jnckson st. 74
FOK UKNT FItc room house, hard
'wood Hoofs, full 'cement basement
nnd garage. Pho'un 370-W.
FOIt URN'T Huberts home on South
Oakdnle; fine nine-room house,
largo sleeping porch In shndi ot
oak trees. See Ueorgo L. Treleh
ler, Phono CI. 7.1
FOrt UKNT Oue 4-room modern
house. Phone 370-W.
run HMiB iirrcmrUK
nillk cow.
Cheap, gnnd
Phono 407-W.
FOll SALK lllg typo Poland China
Pigs, 7-nioutlis old, male or fe
.male; Jersey cow with yoling cnlf.
Phono 809-11.
FOIL SAL1 Tooni ot black homos.
Can bu seen at the Union Stables
or sue John A. 1'erL 28 S. llart-
lett. ,f
POH flALF SimtnviitiArtKOUM
FO 1 1 HALK- 1013 liidlHii niotori!
cle; good rnndltlon; fully e(iilp
lied, Prustollte tank, lamp, tnudein
and horn. Tolephone tll-J, or
add row HoiiIh 2, Hex ltC, Med
ford. 7 I
FOIt RALK 12.000 celery plants,
from three best viirlntlos. Mrs.
Win. insist. Phono C27-X. 72
FOIt HAMS a II. P. gaiTcnnliit) with
Jack; riding corn cultivator. Phone
C3D-J2. 70
FO 1 1 SALK- drain hay In fluid. C.
W. Isnnes, Phono 691-JX.
FOIt KALIS Ono ton Ford truck at
tachment; also 40 neroM laud to
trade fur Ford oar. Dahack's
Uarago s2 -I. 88
FOIt SALIC Cholro alfalfa hay, $10
tier ton In field. Snlder'H Dairy,
Phono 201-13.
A party offers his 10-acro homo,
new bulldliiKs and soil that Is good,
pi ire $0000.00. Will tako a small
Medford homo as part payment.
Tho 210 acres Joining tho outrango
over half In grain and hay, ami
most of the balance good alfalfa land
when uloared, is a real flno propo
sition. Will explain fully on request.
Will exchange for a close Iu dairy
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
Plioiin 1(17
80 scros Dear Creek bottom, 70
acres In cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and
grals, easily Irrigated. Less than
3 ulles frois Med ford. $680w cash.
One ot the bent buys In Jackson
couotjr. 6ny wbse ksI ! wU show
i mt$ 5?v k $mtj m
ANTED- -Uellnble pirl wniits work
for suminer. Phone 37'i-J 74
WANTKD ThotrceVlakon ""off ot'd
small orchard closo in, for tho
woo'd.' See j; T. Llttlo, Stewart
nvo. 72
WAN'TKD Feathers, steam renovat
ed, wool recarded, comforters, pil
lows and cushions made over nnd
to order, feather beds mado Into
sanitary folding mnttrossos. Phono
19C-J. itopresonlntlvo Will Call
with sniitpliM. 78
T't1TdTO UUY Until tub. Ail
ilrws llox 82, .Mall Tribune. 73
TAKN UP Thrco blnck shotes.
Owner cnll and pay churgos. Mrs.
K. n. Land, Griffin creek. 70
ion KxcitAnarc
TO TItADE -200 acres, CO cloared,
In crop, Jeff, county, under now Ir
rigation plan, $30 per aero, going
higher, for lmprovod, near Central
J'olnt. A. W. Frcob6rg, Gaston.
Oregon. 73
LOST In grand stand hall park Sun
day, ladles' purso containing some
money nnd n check. Finder plenso
return to Crntor Lnko Gnrnge nnd
receive rownrd.
j.r:.- , , . .i ' . i
udsimcsb DUiKcrroitr
Auto SnppilM
aro operating the largest, oldest
nnd best equipped plant ln tho Pa
cific northwest. Uso our springs
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee. 20 North Fiftoonta St.,
Portlnnd, Oic.
' ' -
OKO. W. CIIKRnY Attornoy and
Notary, Kooms 9-10, Jockson Coun
ty Bank Hiilldlng, entrance N.
Central, Medford, Ore.
PORTER j. NEFF Attorney at law.
rooms S nnd 0, Medford National
Dank rtulldlng.
Corey bldg.
O. M. R0DERT3 Lawyer.
Uedtord National Dank Building.
Xg-l T. -.
collected soino accounts 14 years
old. Wa know how to get the
money. The Htitlock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, lias
kins' nidg., 21G E. Mnlnst,
Dr. W. M. VAN 8COYO0
Oarnett-Corey llldg., nlte
Medfqru, Oro. Thono 85 .
Collections nnd Iteport
M. F. & II. Illdg. Offlco Hourt
8 : 3 0to 12 lto 5. Phono C 0 7-R.
lCnKlncer nnd Contractor
FRED " CUjiMlGSnglncer an
contractor, 404 II. F. & H. Dldg.
Surveys,, estimates, lrrlgntloa
drnlnngo, orchard and land Im
provement. Insurance.
EARL S. TUMY General Insurance
offlco, Flro, Aiitomobllo, Accident,
Liability, Pinto Glass, Contract,
nnd Suroty Honda, Hicollcnt com
pnnles, good locnl service. No.
210 Gnrnott-Corey llldg.
Instruction In Mnslo
FKKI) ALTON "haIGIIT, teacher "ot
piano and harmony. Composer
And nrrnngnr of mnsle. Halght
Music Studio, 401 Garnott-Coroy
I1LIS8 HEIN1C Toaohor of Violin,
Wuslc furnished for nil occasions.
Prices reasonable Studio 1121 E.
Main St., Phono 303-12.
Gat Page
GARflAOE Get your premise
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on the city garbngn wagons for
good service. Phone J74-L. IT,
Y. Allon.
Physicians nttH Surgeons
MAINS OARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Coray
bldg., phono 103C-L. Residence
26 South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath!
physician, 303 Garnott-Corey
building. Phone ISO.
DR. J. J. EMMBN8 Physician ana
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, nosa and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft II. Co.
bids;., opposite P. O. Phone 607.
DR. It. W. CLANOY Physician and
surgeon Phones, office 36, resi
dence 7S0. Offlco hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 6,
clan and surgeon. Offlco Pain
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 13, lto 4. Phone 110-J.
Printers and Publisher
best equipped printing offlco In
southern Oregon; book binding
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 Nena
Fir st.
Office 43 North Front st. Phone
315. PrKee right. Service guar