1UEDF0BD TSVAJL TRIBUNE, EDFORB, ORECTOX, TUESDAY, JUNE IX 191G PAGE FIVE .' i- i AMERICANS I L OF LEFT FIELD HEADQUARTERS, June 13. Tho finishing blow was glvon tlio largest surviving band of Villa followers) In Chihuahua nt daylight June 9 by twenty men of the 13th United States cavalry under Cairtaln Otto W. Rethorso, In a dashing can yon fight twenty miles north of San ta Clara, near here. The Amnrtcnns wero unhurt. Tho Americans routed twony-fIvc Villa bandits, killing throb, wounding several and capturing all their horsoa nnd saddles, soma rifles and several thousand rounds of ammunition, crip pllng (ho band completely. A night ride brought tho Ameri cans Into the canyon nt daybreak, where they followed fresh horso trallB. Hiding nt n gallop thoy round ed n turn within 200 yards of the bandits, encamped In a grovo of pines. It was a complete surprise, Thero was a headlong rush among tho Villa followers, who, half clad, grab bed rlfloa and fought from behind trees. Tho Amorlcana dismounted and within' threo mluutoe had routed tho bandits, who abandoned everything and sought refugo in tho rugged mountains. For four hours tho Am ericans conttnuod the pursuit, climb, lnt? over tho mountalnn nfoot nnd fighting from tho shelter of rocks. Several Moxlcnim wero shot but neith er their bodle nor tho wounded vroro recovered. This band Is Bald to havo been the largest surviving remnant of tho force of Candolarla Cervantes, who was killed threo weeks ago in a brush with Americans, Is regarded as tho most Important accomplishment of the campaign. BUTTE FALLS BUBBLES Mrs. Itlchardson and children re turned from Jacksonville Saturday. iMrs. llornico Daker and Miss lles bIu Chambers returned from their visit to Ashland Saturday, Mr. MiihorioyV family nnd Hny Spencer moved to Talent Thursduy. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kdmondson, Mrs. Dernlco linker nnd Miss Etta Stewart went up to tho Hock plnco Sunday on an outing. pn Monday Mr. llorriaii brought up a Inrge truck load of fish to de posit In Olugor creek to start tho hutehory buslneas. air. and ftlrs. Ilarkor made a trip to Medford and returned Tuosdny af ternoon, i I. J. Patton and son, Harold, mado n trip to Medford Thursday. Shlrloy Clasplll and Merrill Stow art returned from Pollcan Uuy Wed nesday, i , Mr. and Mrs. narker made a trip to Medford Friday afternoon, return ing In tho evening. I. J. Patton and pon oamo with thoni. iMImi Mildred Patton returned homo Friday ovonlug fro ma two weeks' visit to friends nnd relative In Ash land and Talent and Medford. "W. W. Parker went to Jacksonville Friday afternoon. '.Mr. Rorrlan'u little son, William, came up Monday and vUltod with his fathor until Thursday. EAGLE P01NTEAGLETS By A. C. nowlett Since my lust report, Ic Farlow f I,ake Creek, Ah in Hiebertedt of ltruwiiiuoro ami Johu AH-'ii of Peiby have brought in wool fir (leorge Drown & Sons. A few days ago I lock h (rip hh to tho 1. Poloiue farm with Frank Hrowit, into of the firm of George Drown & Sons, in hi auto. We found Mr. P. Inlay t work uud hie stood wife Httetiding to her domestic du ties. Had a talk with Mr. 1'. with re gard te the management of our sch.iol and eepoeinlly with regard to the move to Iihvc a high itehool to he vot ed om at our hiiiihmI xohool wwlii,' ou Monday, June ID, nt 11:15 p. in., and a to how we could conduct our school at a le oxiieiine than what we httve been doing, HHd finally w, all three had a general talk with re gard to the read work that wan un dertaken last soMn, awl mnUlwilv dripjted after thewe who had paid the amount uubcrMHd toward wakinc a omI road. And then we all throe went on an and wet A. Corwin, and they three agreed to meet in the eoauty teat Wednesday and hac the eoaniy court do aomething toward re- ItaJrutf the raad. And while 1 waa there on the road I had my eye. open to eee all that was going on in the hue of farming. I ai-ki-d Mr. I. hon II ARGEST i VILLISTAS ho wtm pettinp; nlonp with hi? susrnr beets and he told me that he did not p;et any in ns the ground was not in n proper state for beets, but he hnd some good-looking com and potatoes. On inquiry nt the whereabouts of their sou Robbie, wns told that that day (Tuesday) he wns in Vancouver, Wash., undergoing nu examination to ontcr the military nendemy nt Wet Point, ami we all lire hoping to honr (hat lie passed with his colors fly ing. 1 ee by the Mnil Tribune that tho couutv court hns ordered the piece of road mentioned repaired. I nlso noticed tlint William Perrv hns had a uoat garago built for his nuto to he housed iu. R. M. Ilowk of Rutin Fnlls passed (hroueh here Tuesday evening oil his wnv to Medford lo'get legal advice with regard tothc use of the water for his sawmill ih the Dig Hutto coun try, nnd Lester Abbott went to Med ford tho next morning to look nfter his clnim on the mmo wnter. Mrs. I-1. I,. Henth, wife of our mer chant, mode n business (rip to Med ford Monday, where her husband is conducting a drug store. Mrs. Heath nnd her son, Frederick, conduct the business of the store hero. She re turned to her home Tuesday evening. Last Tuesday evening our mail contractor nnd carrier, (iconic Aus tin, nnd Miss Litoindn M. Story of Gold Hill were married in Jackson ville and he miqirised his mr.ny friends in our town by bringing her nut with him mid introducing her us his wife. Wo nil "wish him n lot of unalloyed plenMiro and a prosperous journey through life. Invitations were given out (he first of tho week to some of the older members of the community to meet on Wednesday, June 7. nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Clinrlos Painter nnd loin in commemorating the Htii birthdav of his mother-in-law, Mrs, June Curtis, nnd also Mrs. A. X. ThomiiH of Cent nil Point, who wns also bom on the 7th of June, this be ing her 7(lth hirthdny. Thoso pres ent were: Itev. L. L. Simmons and family (they wore not so old, but he being tho twister of Mr. and Mrs. P.'h nnd Mrs. Curtis' church, of course they hnd to be there), Mr. nnd Mrs. David Cingende, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Wood, Mrs. M. E. Owens, Miss Vir gie Owens, Mrs. Wlieedoen, Mrs. Thomas, George II. Wnmsley nnd daughter, Miss Mabel, Mr. and Mrs, It. J. McQuold, Mis. f. E. Nichols, Mrs, Elizabeth Jonas, Mr. nnd Mrs, William G. Knighton, Mrs. K. M. Whiteside, beside tho family nnd your correspondent. There wns u sumptu ous feast prepared and one of Mrs. A. S Thomas' daughters, Mrs. Hond, thought enough of her mother to send her n nice, large birthday oake for the occasion froin Bend, Or., and that seamed to please the old lady more Ihau all (he rest of. the presents she received. Misa Mary, Anna and CIco Rob ertson nnd Miss Amcndio Scliloichert of the licotfo Crook district were do ing business in Eagle Point Wednes day. Thursday Hev. I). J. C. Rollins, wife and son Robert, P. J. Ifnlloy and W. 11. Gore of Medford called for dinner on thoir rounds looking over the country. E. W. Lijegran, nsmayor of Med ford, on mining Iiumuosh, was nut nnd took dinner Thursday, nnd thnf. brings to my mind (hat C. E. Terrill pf Hrnwiikboro was in town this Saturday, morning and while hwio told of home of tho discoveries being made in the hills surrounding uk. Some days ago I called attention to (he discovery of copper in the neigh borhood of Lout creek, and Mr. T. J old mo that Irvin Daley and Mauley I'onley havo run n tunnel into the hill eighty-five foot find stnek a regu lar uin of copper, and that he, Mr. Torrill, was here to meet u miiu and ahow liiiu a place where asphalt is found in abundance. And hu had other siHs-imciis of rock that ho thought would prove valuable. He seems (o think that the hills in (hia Ituttc nnd Antelope country abound in rich orea of different kinds. Carl Richardson of Peyton was a caller for dinner Thursday. Don't neglect to attend the aebool meetiug on Monday, June 10, ns tho elerk, J. V. Mclntyro, w going to put the financial report ou the black board so that all can understand tho whole arrangement. Thero it. (piite a lot of Iiumiich. to attend to nnd you are wanted there at 3:16 p. m. sharp. If you don'( come, don't kick. Thero was an audi car wont through hero Thursday from Ala meda, Cal., on tho way to Crator Lake. A little early, but they looked as though they did not stop nt triflow. Mite Mabel Pruitt motored into town Friday, She was accompanied by her mother and aunt, Mrs, John Cox, formerly of this county, hut how of Oakland, Cal. .Jo)m Cox owna one of the hit etoek muche in Klamath county. It is leaded now to Jamua Gordon, Mr. Wylaad, who ued to live on Antelope creek, but uow of the Mead own, w here Friday on business. It. W. Deyle of PotUville. Ky., wac here Friday for dinner. He repre eutd While' Crown Frait Jar Co. To of our neighbors, V. E. Heui- Iwell and Robert Mutter, met with yitite oq pit4li;fxt tiact other day. They had n ltore thnt hnd been traded off quite a number of times lately and they hitched him to a buggy to come to town, ttnd just nB Mr. II. wns starting to get into the buggy while Mr. M. wns holding (he horse bv tho bit, he started to run, drugging Mr. M. some twenty yards. The hind Wheel of the buggy struck Mr. II. nnd knocked him down, nnd in less time than it takes mo to write it Mr. M. was thrown out of the way, nnd the sequel is the wreck of tho buggy was brought to W. L. Childreth's shop for repair, but fortunately no one was seriously hurt. Miss KUznbeth Illackford has been here visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Cle ments. Attorney Gus Newbury of Medford wns out Thuredny on professional biisino.sft. Ed Walker, deputy game warden, nnd J. H. Dristnll, district deputy game warden, wero here for dinner, nnd so was Dr. Holt, Mr. Slosser and Fred Heath. Cliaunccy Florey, our county re corder, nnd C. M. Itawk enme out on the P. & E. Saturday morning, nnd Mr. Hawk, Mr. Swilinrt and Miss Gladys Holmes of Derby went on up. Since my Inst report George Aus tin of Wellen, M. I). Howies of Lake Creek and C. E. Terrill of llrowns boro huvo renewed their subscriptions to the Mail Tribune. GOLD HILL NUGGETS Ernest Hoitehol is on u short visit with his father, P. llouchet, of this place before going to his new posi tion in Montana. II. D. Reed returned from the rose festival celebration Sunday after noon. Mrs. William Cheshire of Grants Pass came up Sunday to spend u couple of days with her friend, Mrs. C. II. Ilowmnn, W. S. La Shells of tho Mountain King cinnabar mine journeyed to Medford Snturday afternoon on bus iness connected with that property, also iu quest of miners. Mrs. T. II. Roberts spent Monday jn Grunts Pass. Miss Agues Dietrich went lo Suth crliu, Or., Monday morning (n visit with hor old elnssmnte, Mrs. C. W. Wntson. A. E. Kellogg, . 0. Kelsey, Cnl Diiscnbury ami II. J. Van I lout en at tended the Taxpayers' convention u( Medford Saturday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Truux and daughter, Mary, who has just return ed from tlnj state university, motored to Horubook Sunday to witness the ball game which Gold Hill nine play ed with that team. Mr. mid Mrs. E. D. Weston .accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Hrous, and son, Charles David, visited nt the home of Unfits Thompson and then visited with Mr. nnd Mrs. 1). II. Miller Sunday afternoon. Rov. Wharton filled tho pulpit of the Newman M. E. churuh in Grouts Pass Sunday morning in the absence of that pastor, who is with his wife at the bedside of her mother in Luke view. He letumed Sunday afternoon in time to deliver the usual Sunday evening discourse. The children's day program Sun day evening was u very creditable af fair, some of the very smnll per formers making their first appear ance on the platform and showing much training uud careful instruc tion. The suHtrintcuilent, Miss Ida Stnros, is certainly a wideawake of ficial and very efficient work is be ing dime iu the Sunday school under hor direction, The contoats have been vory interoatip and nrofitablo. Grant Harrison died at his home in this city about noon Sunday aftor an illuettB of several montlia. Ho is aurvived bv his wife. His father died a fow weeks ugo ut Hosoburg. RufiiB ThumiMton returned to Hud son, Mont., Sunday evening, where he is in the reclamation service of the government. He hna been visiting in Gold Hill since April. Mrs. William Moo and son Gerald nttonded tho Rebokah memorial cele bration at Aehland Sunday. Miswea Elsie Miller and Agnea Dietrich visited with friend in Ash laud Sunday. F. W. Dodge of Grants Pass apont Sunday with friends at Gold Hill. George Lyman and wife, hocohi panied by Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Diet rich nnd daughter, Nellie, motored to Ashland Sundav to attend the I, 0. O. F. celebration. F. J. Alex Mayor of Portland, ad juster of fire loaaofl, was at the Merrill ranch Saturday investigating the cause and extent of thoir recent fire. Miss Knthorinc Foley of Kanea eroek was visiting friends in Medford Saturday and Sunday. W. II. Gardner, iu the employ of the Southern Pacific at Green, fue miles south of Roseburg, wa in Gold Hill viKituig relative- Sundav. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Oncpacku'go proves it 25c it t ull druggists. FRANK DANIELS AT STAR THEATER TODAY iiiBiir ,iii oHl HH fl Among tho beatitudes, which may havo been overlooked, Is tbls: "llloBKcd aro the laugh-makers, for they lighten the Ills of tho earth." Certainly, Frnnk Daniels, now star ring In "Wliat Happened to Father," Vltagraph Hlue Hlbbou Feature, would bo classed among tho benefac tors of the race, for It would require a Riiper-Htntlstlcan to compute tho number of human woos which havo taken wings and fled betoro tho magic of IiIb Inimitable drolleries. A quick cstlmato discovers that It marshalled In columns of four abreast, tho "grouchcB" ho has dis sipated In his years boforo tho pub lic, would take sovontcon weeks to pass a given point. Frank Daniels nt tho Star today and tonight, Reported by Jackson County Ab stract Co., Sixth nnd Fir Sta. Circuit Court. M. A. ('nrllon vs. Hroadiunor ''arms, decree. Medford flrocerv Co. vs. C. L. 'Jnrslcv et ux, decree. M. II. Edmonds vs. Nneni Miniiur & Milling Co., order overruling de murrer. H. F. Peart et nl vs. P. W. Carnn- haii et ill., answer filed. Mary A. Heckman vs. Charles Rcekmaii, decree rendered. - lYolwfo Estate of John Htiutlev. deceased. petition filed. Estate of Thomas 0. Cox. deceas ed, petition filed ami order. ivstute ot Lawrence h. Hoover, de ceived, proof of publientiou of no tice of s.n'srU igal property. COMMUNICATION. To the Editer: In your imic of June 10 you stat ed that I would support Justice A WOMAN'S TORTURE No Ingonulty of barbartrfiit ever do vised an ni;ony bo intenso, no perHUUmt, so long enduring, bo norvu-hnrniw lug aa Uiat which itf oufrered day after day by the woman wIioho dlntlnctly femluiiiH nrgnniHiii U deranged or tils caEcd. There uro three trying timed in every woman's lifu: 1st when girlhood blossom, into womanhood; I'd whon motherhood in uohioved; JUi tlio change. Dr. Pierce' Favorite Proscription wns deviled to muko thoflo three periods safe and painless by restoring to vigorous health the organs involved. It Bootheo, lieeln, iioiirlsliea. It gives nature Just the help it needs. It is the only ready-prepared medlolno de vised by a regularly graduated pby Blcian and skilled upcoiallBt iu too diseases of women. You know what you aro getting with tldd Proscription of Doctor Pieroo's, by cause it's extracted from native rooU by using glycerino no alcohol or nar ootlos. Tlie ingredieuU iubllheI on wrapper and free to the world. For all discanen peculiar to women, Dr. Pierce's l'uvorilo PrMcriptlon is a ivoworful restorative. For nearly llfty yeora it has bsnlnhed from the lives of tens of thousands of women the pain, worry, misery and distrsss caused by irregularitiesi and dlsouReti of a feminine character. Uuy it tiou', iu liquid or tablet form from your druggist or send M) canto or $1.00 to Doctor Piurco'a Invnlids' Hotel, Huffalo.N. Y., for tub lets. V'rite for fruu book on wcuinu's dhiouses. If you will pay tho mailing charges, Doctor Pierce will send you his oloth bound book of ovor 1,000 pages, newly revised with color plates and Illustra tions. Send threo dimes or stamps to Dr. Pierco, Invalids' Hotel, Uuifalo, K. Y., and cncloao this notico. Medford House Movers WE MOVE HOUSES, DARNS, GARAGES, MACHINERY, ETC. Phone 408-M 612 S. Newtorvn. 737 W. 14th St. COURT HOUSE NEWS CHOICE GARDEN TRACT AND HOME PLACE-$950 Five-room cottage, uardsu tract, brriw, flowers, uhad, Juet the place for a UttU boota aui itiuduu tml. Paviao 250.2, mm er $100.32, slatwalk 70.80, all imld Is full. Lot IIImUT. fti4t loam soil. Deat city property ot this kind wo bav ovr ntUjnsf. Total prico, $950. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. ltuil Ibtuto, Iiun, ItvnUib, Insuranco. 102 Wet Slain. Phano 700 i Hughes for president. Penult me to gie it few reasons why 1 shall vote tor Charles E. Hughes. I am a finn believer iu progres sive principles. I have not -changed in mv t ii it li in the triumph of pro gressive principles. The reptiblioun 'platform just adopted nt Chicago was progressive, and in Chnrles E. I Hughes the republicans nominated n thorough-going progressive, as his record ns governor of New York bhows. I The progressive pnrlv lenders, in cluding Colonel Roosevelt, have re peatedly announced that they would unite with the republicans if the re ( publican party would adopt a pro gressive platform with strong planks on Americanism nnd prepnredness ami nominate as their standard bearer n mon who was progressive and was n supporter of such a plat form. They further stated that the nomineo did not liooossiirily have to be Colonel RooBovelt. The course of events since 11)12, due id a large measure to the great war iu Europe, bus brought new is suos to the front. This, together with the willingness of the piogressie jmrty lender to unite with the re publican oil n (n-ogressive platform with Amorieniiism its keynote nnd n candidate in harmony with these principles, is my reason for voting for Charles E. Hughes nnd the re publican party in the coming cam paign, The progressive and republican platforms just adopted at Chicago arc iu their miiln planks alike, dif fering mil" in phraseology. The bosses nnd the spccinl interests did not want Hughes. The standpatters at heart wore opnosed to him. The rank and file of the republican pnrty, I however, demanded the nomination of Hughes, and the people ruled. The progressive parly has saved the soul of tho reptiblioun pnrty. The republican arty, purified and re deemed by the experiences or the Inst four years, has n new lease of life hnd an opportunity for krcnl good in the years to come. Charles E. Hughes has always been n progressive. As governor he fought for iv primary law hi New York, nnd it was only the combinn- tiou of Doss llnriies and Ross Murphy which defeated it. Hughes was the Deafness Cannot Bo Cured br lvsl stipllrstluna, llirf rmnt-t rttU th iIimsmJ lurllnn nt lit "t. tbt U uulr un us larur l.-lfui-., sml tint In T mistltiltlon si rflimllm. UrSfurH Is ruinl tr su lutlaiara i-ondltlun nt llin tuui-uut llnluc ut tti IMstsrliliiU Tub. Whfii this tubs Is Indimrd jou list s ruiulllns found luu-r(i-ct hvsrlar, sml ntim It u vuilpslv rla.vtl lfsfau 1 tttn ri stilt, sim! unless tb Intlsininstluti ruu t tsktn uut siul Ibis tut rrstuirj to lie lusmsl enlltlon. tirst Ids lll Ik ttiMtrofrit tMsttti Glus lists out ut Iru ie cumul l-r C'stsrrb. vhltli li'iHShlnii liul su luOsmrd cendlllno nt tbs rouann surtscrs. Ws will (lie Oils lluiulrr.l Uollsrs fur tut ei' ef Drsfncu. lrsu.nl t itnb) lbt rsnnot bs cr.-Mj lij- iisll s I'ststiu lurr. (Mna ler cusu isrs, itrf. I" J I'llKNT.Y ft CO., T..W. O. XoM br prufglits, 75c. Tsks llsll's fsmllr Mils fur cmiilplln. For Sale Real Estate Must soil this seven room modern Iiouho In good condition and with one aero of KTouud and largo shado trees for ono third its actual cost. locat ed on main Jacksonville highway, near tho car Una. Total prlco only $1250. Tonus, $500 cash, EARL S. TUMY 210 aarnott-Coroy Hk. WHY? cash wAirran 80 ucros Dear Crcok bottom, 70 acros in cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and grain, easily Irrigated. Less than 3 miles from Medford. $C80u cash. One of tho best buys In Jackson county. Bay when and I will show you. J. C. BARNES lOt West Mala BL P hon 799 NEW TODAY A party offers his -t0-tie.ro homo, now buildings uud soil that Is good, price $5000.00. Will take u small Medford homo as part payment. Tho 2 10 acros Joining tho outrango ovor half in grain and buy, and most of the balance good alfalfa land when cleared, Is a roal flue propo sition. Will oxjiluln fully on roquost. Will exchange for a closo in dairy proposition. Hoon-Cathcart Co. Itione tfl7 .j www fH'vf to propose n "public utilities coinim-islon" to regulate and control corporations which sorved (ho pub lie, hi conducting the insurance in vestigation iu New York Hughe9 showed his great ability, and that ho wns not ofntid to fight tho entrench ed uvils of great eorponitioiis, Hughes is progressive, n firm be liever iu Auierionnimii and in n pre pnreduoHB which is adequate in nil lines social, ecottomi nnd military, a doer of the word and not a phrnse uuikor onlv. FRED A. MEARS. June V2, HMO. The Boy is Father to the Man Old sayings llko this aro fraught with n most important meaning. And what will nld tho eipfcLiht mother In concrvlnft lifr health, liec trcngth. litr acot.it repose and tlie at Kcnco of Ttxntl o tn palm li a Aukjtct of viut moment. Among tlio roo(rnltcd htlpa li a iptciullil rem e il y Vnown m "Mothr' friend." Applied to tlio tnum-lr It (Inks In ilccnlj- to innLo them Arm nnd nllnnl. it thn wfcr lft, tlm tlritln im UrimenU thnt produce m In, It lltiteni tho Imrilcn on tho nervoui njntrtn, Induce calm, restful nUliU of licnlllnrltlnic Alecp and makes tho rinpi iranny nnd happy. Get a lottlc or "Mother" Friend" of nn drunbt nnd you will then renllio why It tin been comlilercd true to It nnmo In our best IwmM Ihrtnuli threo eentrotlons. It If perfectly lmrmlcM hut no effective tint once used It Is recommended to nil expectant mothers by tlwto wtio went through the ordeal with surprising rate. By wrltlne to UradflcM Iteguhilor Co.. 413 Ijitnar illdr, Attuitrt. 0:u you rnn lmvc n free cupr of n wonderful stork look that unfolds time tlitnrs which nil expectant mothers Ucllht to read. "tU today, Delinquent Sale Not I Co California-Oregon Power Cou'iany. Location ot principal placo of busi ness, San Francisco, California. .NOTICE Thero Is delinquent up on tho following described ntock, ou ittC 'ON JJoa 'OOPUl.ll '03SIOUUJ.4 3!u COO Hhnrus, $2u0.00. Mercantile Trust Company of San several amounts sot opponlto the on tho 18th day or April, 19 tC, tho Fianclsco, trustee, Certificate No nnineo ot tho rcsiicctlve sliaro.'ioMnrn, as follews: account of assessment (No. t) lovted Mercantile Trtitit Company of Han Fruuclnco, trustee, Cert, No. 39S, COO shares, $-'50.00. 300 bares, $250.00. Mercantllo Trust Company ot San Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco, trustee Cert. No. 39, COO shares. $250.00. (Mcrcnutllo Trust Company of San Francisco, trustco, Cert. No. 400, COO shares, $250.00. MorcMitllu Trust Company ot Snn Francisco, trustoo, Cert, No. 401, COO shares. $250.00. Mercantile Trust Company of Ban Francisco, trustee, Curt. No. 402, uuo snares, i'J&o.oo. Morcantllo Trust Company of Ban Francisco, trustco, Cert. No. 403, 600 shares, $250.00. And Iu accordance with law and nn ordor of tho board of directors made on tho 18th duy'of April, 191C, so ninny shares of each parcel of such stock nn may bo necessary will bo uold at tho otflco of the company, on Tuesday, June 20, 1910, nt tlio hour of 12 o'clock noon of said day, to puy delinquent nsMoasmeiits thoro ou, together with costs of advertis ing and expenses of the sale. J. C. THOMPSON. Secretary of Caltrornla-Oregoti Power .Company. Office: Number 131 Leldesdorff street, Bnu Franolsco, California. 76 FOR ltKXl nofJhKfl FOfMUSNT Strldiy'niodorn'hmtiio with garage, furnished or unfi-r-nlshed. 616 W. Jackson st. 74 FOR RENT Five room house, bard wood floors, full cement haMomont nnd gurago. Phono 370-W, FOR HUNT -itouorts home on South Oskrtalc; fine uluo-room Iioiimo, largo sleopliiR porch In shndo of oitk trees. Beo tleorge L. Trelch ler, Phone 01. 73 FOR RENT -Ono -l-rooin modorii house. Phone 370-W. FOR RENT Seven room houso on 8011th Holy it., Inquire 630 Su. Holly. FOR HUNT IIOUNIIKKI.TINO ROOMS FOR RENT FtirnlshtMl hoiHtikeop lug rooms, iilmisant homo for 2 01 3 adults. Phono 0S8-J, or call 310 N. Central. 71 FOR RENT Modern furnished housekeeping rooms, 315 N. Dart lett. Phono 37-J. l-Y)R HALK RANOIIRS FOR SALE 13 acre ranch; 10 acres In alfulfa; house, barn, new fencoH. Phone S -13 or 2 18-J. rOH HAIJU-tvtVnSTtOK FOR HALK One brown inaru six years old, welicht 1360 lbs: will work or drive sluglo Or doublu or xldo. PrlcolltC. K. K. Morrison, Medford, Ore., It. R. 1, Dox 120. 71 FOlf SALIfsiiiall sa(ile"horsoi" a dandy. Ono of the best in the county; u bnrRulu for some one. Call or uddrotw K. V. Upton, Oold J fill, Oregon. 71 FOR SALU-HIk type Poland China Plus, 7-monthn old, male or fe--malo; Jersey eow with young ealf. Phone K69-H. FOR SALE Team ot black horses. Can be seen at the Union Stable or see John A. Perl. 28 S. Dart lett. tf HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTKDIlrlaht capable girl for steady employment. 121 East Main Btrcot, Phone 100. 71 pllSSgigl lil FOIt BALK IIHtntJiUATfEfJUS FOR 8ALE-ll2.uno "calory" nlinta, from threo best varletlds. Mm. AVm. Dalit, Phono 027-X. 72 FOR SALE 2 II. P. ftaB englno with Jack; riding corn cultivator. Phono 533-J2. 70 FOR SALE Oraln hay in field. C. W. JuaacB, Phono G91-J2. FOR SALE Ono ton Ford truck at tachment; also 40 acres land to trndo for Ford car. Dahack's Oarage 482-J. 88 FOR SAUJCholce alfalfn hay, $10 per ton In flold. Snlder's Dairy, Phono 201-J3. WAXTBU -MIHCKLLAXKOUH WANTED Passenger to Snn Fran cisco by auto Thursday. Phone 200; . 7i W A NTBD Tho trees takon off ot a Biunll orchard closo In, for tho wood. See J. T. Little, Stewart ave. 72 V. TAKEN UP TAKBN UP Threo blaok shoten. Owner call and pay charges. Mrs. E. It. Land, Griffin creek. 79 roil ExciiAaaa TO TItADE 200 ncros. CO cleared, in crop, Jotr. county, under now Ir rigation plan, $30 per acre, going hlghor, for Improved, near Central Point. A. W. Frooborg, Oaston. Oregon. 73 nUSLNESH IMnKCTOltY Auto RBpptlM LAHEIl AUTO 8PRINQ CO. -W are operating the largest, oldost and best equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Uso our springs whon others fall. Bold under guar antee. 26 North Flftoonth Bt, Portland, Ots. Attorneys fJEO. W. CHKItUY Attornoy and Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun ty Dank Ilulldlng, ontranco N. Coutral, Medford, Ore. POUTER J, NEFF Attornoy at law. rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Dank Building. A. E. REAME8, LAWTKR QsraetN Corey bids. Q. M. RODERTS Lawyer. Medford National Dank Building. Collections. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS We collected tomo accounts 14 years old. Wo know how to get tha money. Tho Dutlock Mercantile Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 3, 3, Hae klna' Dldg., 210 E. Mala aL DenUita Dr. W. M. VAN BCOYOO DR. C. O. VAN BCOTOO Dentists Onrnett-Coroy Dldg., ult Mfdforo, Oro. Phono 85t5. Collections wnd ItcportA 81 DR. FRANK RODERTS Dentist M. F. & II. Dldg. Office Hourt 8:30 to 12; I to 5. Phono 007-R. Engineer nad Contractor niEim "CUMM rNOSSngineerana contractor, 404 M. F. & H. Dldg Surreys,, estlmatos, Irrigation drainage, orchard and land Im provement. Instiranr. EARL B. TUMY Gonoral Insurance otflco, Flro, Automobllo, Accident, Liability, Plato dines, Contract, nnd Suroty Dondn. Excollent com. panles, good local sorvlcs. No. 210 aarnott-Coroy Dldg. Instruction In Murlo FRED ALTONlTAia i IT, Uachor "0! piano and harmony. Composer and arranger of mualo. Halght Music Studio, 401 (larnott-Coroy building. DLISS HEINE Toachor ot Violin. Music furnished for nil occasions. Prices reasonable. Studio 1121 H. Main St., Phono 303-JS. Garbage QAltnAOB Oct your premises cloanod up for the summer. Cal) on tho city garbage wagons tor good service. Phone 274-L. T. Y. Allen. Physicians and Burgeons, DTTTTliTHoATfilowi DlCBVA MAINS CARIXJW Osteopathia physicians, 416-417 Qarnett-Corey bldg., phone 1036-L. Residence 26 South Laurel st DR. W. W. HOWARD OstoopathU physician, 303 Oarnett-Corey building. Phone 130. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup-1 piled. Oculist aud Aurlst tor B. P. II. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co, bldg., opposlto P. O. Phone 567. DR. It. W. CLANQY Physician and surgeon Phones, office 30. resi dence 780. Otflco hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 6. DR. MARTIN C. DARBER PhysN dan and surgeon. Office Paint block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. Printers nnd Publishers llEDFORD PRiNTINQJc6.?naathe best equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding loose leaf ledgers, billing system1, etc. Portland prices. 27 Noriit Fir st. ,1 r--P.w l-g r J, SISJS.S Trnnsfora s-JssssssssssssisMsii,swassM.sJ,sssstJss, s.sm sssssmsssis BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front st. Phone 316. Prices right. Service guars anteed. -fl jrn .31 f