TXQTS FOTTR MEDFOKD 1IAIL TRTnTTNTO, MTCDFOftD, OftKflOX, TUESDAY, .Hfi 13, 1010 3d i i 'V t t. j .01' !.W i ? si w . ys ! I 41 ST M R .- M m t Ev Jl'O JM, K. 1 1 : b Aw HEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE AN I.N'hUPnNDKNT NKU'HPAPKU. I'UUMRflHD HVHItY APTI1IINO0N KM'IIIT Hl'NIiAY nv TIIU MtiPI'OlttJ IMUNTl.NO CO. Office "dH Tribune Iliilldlnj,', SS-jE729 Nartli Fir atr.et. lokpliono 7s. Tllo PmiorritUc Time, tlio Alodfonl Mull. The Metlfurd Tribune. Thn South. cm OfKOtilaii. Tlia Ashland Tribune. (lUOIiaR IM'TNTAMTlCdllor. sunscitirrion xiatus- inotitfi, by mall .go Qua ynr,by maw J,IQ lltWIltl,, Ujr IMBII Par nisnlli, tii!cr-U ly errir in eni. riiDfitix, jacnaonviiio atMffrd. rhjwtiix, ana canirai roint dm rwiin Saturday only, by mall, ht year.. w.exij, pr ywir LEARNING SUGAR HISTORY SLOWLY, through the graltii foils bombardment of newspapers bv flic officials of (lie- Grants Pass sugar factory, flic (rue history of the concern is being unfolded. The fact (hat the reports conflict onlv make (hem the more interesting. J low promise and performance jibed oVcr (he location of (he faclorv site is shown bv (he follewing: HNS i FN BUTE SPRrcni IIY Al.tfiX NIIILl'Y TO JIMtlTOIlH C0MM15IICIAL til.VU, (0 wi i, l, lli. too! An to thp lomtlon of I he lt thin " , In a mntloi' that ban not ben decldod. Offlplfll Vwr of tlio City of MlfntH " di'l'und upon the coninr of Uin Qrnclnl Pnnr of JkuMmhi Cnnniy. acreage. It la a atralglit nnalnoa Hnternl A HfCunil-rliiin inutlnr Bt ' urniinnlllnn with im If llin lnntrnil M jdfonl, OrRon, under the net of March Z, 1879. Sworn Circulation for 191tiit. Pull trailed wire Aixmclatpd I'reis dls-(mlclit EM-TEES Vl'l'.t tillqv. I Klvn roxt to tlio wcurj1 body llut I ovurwork Urn lyim; Ioiikiio. I niu (ltd plndu wliurn ton-foot drlvoH LoiiKllinn out Into linlr n inllo. Within my cojiFIiiuh ulroiiK niun uccp Ah llioy Hxiiluin liow It wnn tlioy fooz.lud Unit l'lnnl tmlt. I am thu plnno whuro lingo liots uro juindo And tnlk rnim IiIkIi of Wlint "I'll do tomorrow." 1 ltotip wivod wnltltiK on tliu club- Iiuuno Vorandn, Ur ciiiiMo tlio nli'iili to dry up mid (Krow cold nt bourn, WMIti thn Imly wnltH In wblto-bot niiKor Kor liqr tnrryliiK lod. I ufii tlio MtrtiiiKthuiiur of Juw muHi'loM And wwikuni'r of tlio blcniiM. An tinny of ombi-yonlc ntblvlc" llnvo I mint down to thulr doom. I AM TIIH NINUTKKNTJI 1IOI.H1 Kii KjiyhiR llo Hid ' iAk thu nnwH hnH not bunn wroto fioin Drniitthton for homu tlmo, I will wrllo.- Thu KIiikhIhiuI (Ark.) I.uudtir. t ! l Our Own TiiivnlotfuvM jiorrON iKMton i m Ihihh titr nillruiy iirrtyiudtfd by llurvnrd ho tHt. 1U ptrtMts are vwj narrow, bt IU "AV urn vary broad. Tmf flt la fiiHtuonlly elogaml by it broad "A" tll)i alHck between th build IllfS. Qhw of Iho principle luduitrlM of llojieu la llin win of olmrU and mini, jmaatta to kiwt atruuiiuia from loaliiK tkfimialvea In thtt crooked atrmita. Til only jrtrin uvr known to find kll wy alHit m 6m I.loyd, tbe hiimU king and flam waa ulwuya liiaky HHyway, llaatun hm thn acouo of tlio tin I lie of lliliiknr lllll, which had notlilns lo do with olf. fWliau lit yotiim ItoatuiilHii of ultliar ( la atlll at an HGotlnaly tondsr nrq IU parouta nut apurtnelt on It Hiid It bMliw to alurty to ant Into Harvard, llaatuu la tliu only (illy in the world ukvro niolty Klrla hiHlit MH)ii marring their bvauty by wonrlng lortolatt abtdl t Hglaaaoa. It Jluy I If All Itlalu J(Mh ftllMukaar anU llalau lllaim yot9 liMkatl In tbv bltawod umbraus uf lr at I ha home or HI Abnar. JftfMacu iXu.) Nh lilaoaliii AwnltluK OTft'15 TtHy I Hi lew la tlio proud jMimwatHir of a brand hw kltckwn rabluat, and It's a dHiidy, too 81110I) tlit next Iking In rdr will b a wlt. I.uak (Wyo.) Iltiald proportion of acreage la alKiied up In 8TATKMICNT nY OtCOrtOIJ tf. StN DUltfl, WIIIKU .MAII TKIUUXU, JU9CK 7. 1916. To obtain the fautory at Ormila I'hm, Mr Sandora and hl naaoclatsa In tlio Itoxuo Itiver Public Service coiioratlon, a Oranta I'nw luafltu Hon. Kuarnntocd tlio bond laauo of tlio Mignr company and ducttod to tlio 0110 Ulatrlrt the factory will go in that (Grcgou-l'tali flugur company u vnln- dlatrlct, for It la to our Intercn to havo tlio frolniit charKoa to tha rnc tory aa low in poaaihln. abltt factory alto at a nominal con aldnratlou and Huhacrlbed for ?."0,000 of tlio sii hi bond laauo. In other words, (lie proportion of acreage signed had nothing to do with the location of the site, and the pros pect of securing the factory by securing the acreage was simply a lure held out to stimulate (he acreage, campaign. There is also a difference in the report of the recent sale of the Utah-Oregon company to the Utah-Idaho com pany, though no reason is given for the sale. The varia tion is apparent in (he follewing: STATEMENT IIY OICOUOIS H. SA.N- DKItS! Thu milo to tlio Utah-Idaho Sugar company juitt cnmplotcd conclitdoa a vory antlnfactory uiidortakliiK. Tlio pooplo of tlio IloRiin rlvor valloy havo ohtalnud tlio mmar factory that I wantod, mid tlio Utnli-Idnho Supar company him ohtnlnod what had been pronouncod u vory oxcolluul (luld for dovuloinuont. I STATKMUNT IIY AI,KX .NIHL13Y: ,Tho wile Im In tbo nuliirc of an op Hon, tin It la oMiorlincutal for a tonn of two yoara, tbo Utuh-ldaho Sugar company havliiK that IoiikUi of -tlmo to run tbo plant and thon docldo whothor or not It doalrrH to acqulro it piirmanontly. If it ahnuld not. mi liar tho contract, 0. W. Nlbloy iiRrnii to (alio thn jmrchaao ovnr poraonally and to rorund tho Utah-Idaho com pany all tho niouoy It Iiuh udvnnctid with Intoroat. That promotion of sugar factories is a pretty fat thing for promoters, even it the operators have to go seventy miles for beets, was the glad tiding sent forth from the city of JMorinons by the duel promoter ol the enterprise but even on (he division of spoils there is a divergence of state ments among the promoters, as witness the follewing: HTATI2.MK.Vr HY (IKOHUK 13. SAN- DI4US: Tlin orKnnlznrK and stockholdnra of tho Onmoii-Utnh Siipnr coinpanv havo niado proflta raiiKliiK from 2f0 to K00 pur cunt on tbolr luvoatinouta; tlio uinlni wrltorH In a period of four uioutlia havo mado noarly 10(1 par emit profit mid tho bond hoiiao, In tbo hiuiio tlmo, mado Iiom two to fho polutH piolll on thu bouda Hold by thorn. i RUSSIAN DIVE 8TATK.MKNT IIY ALKX N1IIUCY: Tho onllro laauod capital of tbo company twih only ? 200,000. Thu puiTbiiHo prlco paid by tbo Utuh-ldaho for Ita aaMiita and all of Ita proper ty of ovory doacrlptlon waa $100,000. Tb In Mini tbo Orngou company uould dtatrlbuto nmouK Ita atockholdora. 35 or 10 In number, aomo ot whom bad advanced tbo company cuah, othora of whom had iiiideiwrltten Ita IioihIk, and Htlll othora of whom hod boiiKbt (bo atook on (be market at prima i an k iik from fix to $so a ahare, ao that wlillo aomo would roallxo n profit, othora would ataud a Iuhb. h'urther developnients will be watched with interest, for truth crushed, to earth, like beets crushed to sugar, will rJHo agaiil. , THE FOUR-FLUSHER SONNET WRITTEN FOR EARL KITCHENER LONDON, Juuo IS TIm Tim U (lay print a auuuot lo (Im latv UhiI Kltaiwttor, writtuM u lir. IU4ri llrMiM, llw rirlileb t Igurwuto TW MNiut fwlluwa "UHtllwcblwg Itont. wauikful to fwroMw Autt fe tby couuto'a iwrll wlwrWvr OlrMtlHf wgr and mo nltb wjual oar 'IIH, by loftl lot! naoiilml, ihou wn b WktHH UWiMd MlM and bad 'at Mty am fret To hy my will aud aav my boaor telr' ViU i Ik ftw UWMiMtd ihi bar itttilNMr AmI 4 lrwf kid tntat It no kut Uaw. jAauntf Uarctttogji dwd tb mlrgtda TfctU WMM'd tk laiapr u( ten )crt In out UkKll b thy atonuuMt. Tby oik la dogt i:i. w aould (bank IbM. and iha kigh tjtg gwfU Singt'ib iMWdlauf wktw thr pnmd itiiy all : tlit lnii (iiik mi tin 'i it nun' ' TIIOSIC enthusiastic I'rogrcHnives who paid their way to Chicago to shout entire days for K'oosevdl and nominate him for the president must feel very bitter toward their idol for his repudiation and betrayal of the cauMe. The colonel has certainly torpedoed without warn ing the party of hi creation and left his supporters to struggle alone in the high seas of politics. 'I he action was typically K'ooHcvcltian. When he found he could no longer dominate the U'epublican party in 1!MU he organi'.ed the Progressive parly as a stepping-stone to power. To draw as much popular support as possible, tho parly platform was largely socialistic. After defeat, he kept the parly alive to use as a club to force his own nomination by republicans. Failing in this, now that the party is ot lit) line for his personal aggrandisement, he dis owns it. There is no indication that Roosevelt ever believed in the social and industrial reforms advocated by the Pro gressives, save to catch votes, for lie has never, since the 1012 campaign, mentioned them. Instead he has devoted his energies to criticising the administration and coinnier- ciali'iug patriotism as a party issue. When Uoosevclt prates of party principles he means his own personal ambitious. Wheii he talks of national honor he mcitns self-glorification. When he shrieks of Americanism he means Roosevelt ism. He is sincere only in advancing the cause of the Colonel, and docs not lusi tale lo betray friend or foe for selfish vantage, lie is the greatest four-flusher in politicsand when his hand is called, sulks and quits the game if he can't break it up. SOUTH HALTED UKItf.lN, Juno IJ (bv wirelc In Siiyi!le). Gorman and AmUo-IIuti-Kdrtuii tump dohwrrd a honw couu-ler-atlHek on ltHiHti foieo ad vancing in noitlicuiteiu liukowiiiH and ilniw.' -tlioin back, the official Austrian tatoftent of Juno IU wi.vs. The AlHli-itiiiN raptured J:lU0 Kiih iiiriM. Tho ulalcmcnt ay: "In iioitliuttalcrn imkowinn, Aua-tro-ituiiKuriitii truOi diaoiiKnvd tliomtolvtw riwii tlio onomv iindoi heavy loMi'-auaiil lightin;. German mid Aitatro-iluiif-nrinn loirimenth by n ooBiiler-iittack drove back a lioh tile force iiilviineinu nortliuest from lluczaz. Tliirtucu litmdred KiiHMiuim wore npltircu'. "On the lioight cflhl of Wiauio wer.k n Kussiiiin nltaok wu iloli ereil tliin nloiiiiiux, bill it broke down iiinler our nrtillery fire. Kant of Kozlov, A'tihtro'IIiiuitariaii Hcont lo tneliiiienth captured a Ittmaiau ud vuueed pol. Violent llfilitinsr cdn tiiturH noltlnvcHl nf Tiirnnpol. "Alonir tlio Ikun and in Volliwiin it wna eouipnnilitolv (iiiel yonlorilii.v. WohI of IColki wo repulhed u IttiNsimi nUeinjil to eroas tlio river. In (hut rof-ion, na ovfrjivhoie, tlio 1omc8 of, the lliiHuinns. oorrepouded to tlioir rookleaa itho of niHsaog of troop. "Italiiin frent: In tho Dolomite nnd on (ho front between (lie llictu n lid the Atligo the Itiiliaim were ro ptiNed wherover they nltnekuil." Suottcil Fever in Bnker County HIAKKIt, Oro, .luno 13. -Two ciinoh of Hpoltcd fovor, mild to havo originated from tbo bltoa of wood tlcka, wore ruportod In Ilnkor county today. In ono caao, that of a child, a fatal roault naa feared. In Oram LIB PAID KITCHENER IT Y E BRITAIN LONDON, June 1.1.-II ir.it i-iowds lined the HlieoH lodiu in the Mtin Ity of Sf. 1'hiiIV entlietlrnl and -locd for boiux in Iho rain nwnitnifc the Hrrivnl of Kiiik Georae, iueen SInr nnd Dowager f'lu'on Alexandra lor tho ineinorial -enii'i'H for l'icld Mar aim! I'm 1 1 Kiteheuer. Ttio (looi'i of the eHtlit'dral opened aliortly lift or 1(1 o'clock and (ho a-tj liiiildinjr wai rapidly filled uilli poo-J pie who weio fortunate enough to; luno ticket. TIioiimiihIs of appli-i euiitrt for nduiiNMiun have been re-1 fiicil ntij it uiih stilted that a build-1 iiifC three time tlio "ice of St. I'aulV , would not bold the annv ofliocr- who u'iihed to nttond the eriee,. It was uiiuouuoed Hint tho son ice would bu praetieally divyatcil of imv militury oeremonial. No troops lined the streets thrnttxli uliiub the royal pnriy won to pnaw and theto won no Kiiunl of honor. A fentuio of tbo "oriee was the part taken by the baud of the royal engineers nnd tbo druumiorH of Hie Im'nIi jimrd, of whieb norpH 1'arl Kitoliener uiik lionoriiiv colonel. Tho (loud iiihicIi wtia plaveil bv the baiitl mid the drummer, and lifter the benediction Ilia giini'dhineu were M'hi'dtiluil to hound Iho "luxt pot." In addition to the orvioc in St. I'aulV, the monuiry of the dead hoI died wn honored bv n oeremonv in WcxlmiiiKlor Abbey, while a thud orieo win held in ("iinteibim entil ed ml. IModfonl ltoosk'i'5 Snioko Tbo Medford and Mt. Pitt Clnar. county, adjoining Dnxer, apottod fovor hna lieuu prevalloul for tio'oral week pawt. 10 I The Fallacy of Paraffine Base: Eastern oil manufac turers have long extolled the superior virtues of paraffine base motor oils. But Pacific Coast motorists have proved that Zero lene, made from selected Califor nia crude, asphalt-base, gave best results. Their experience is now supported by the testimony of in ternational experts. Lieut. Bryan stated before the Am.Soc.of Naval Engineers: "Oils made from the asphalt-base crudes have shown themselves better adapted to motor cylinders, ns far as their carbon forming proclivities are concerned, than are paraffine-base Pennsylvania oils." Zerolene received highest competitive awards, San Francisco and San Dicpo Expositions. Dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of tha Standard Oil Company. ZEROLENE ihe Standard Oilfdrffofor Cars TbTuxedo Hour 1 4 g by Walt Mason f $ Tuxedo's bully all the time; it makes the passing hours aublime, and by its soft and gracious curves it soothes the soul and rests the nerves, and fills my bosom, once again, with peace on earth, good will to men. But best 1 like it when I've fed this face of mine with jam and bread. When I have dined on Irish stew and beans and boiled potatoes, too, and pie and eggs and cheese and tripe, 'tis then I best enjoy , my pipe. When from the table I withdraw, I grip i my briar with my jaw, and fill it with Tuxedo mild the pure J uxedo undented and smoKe away m nrfr.t hlias! no nleaBurc can compare with this. And in the curling smoke I see a world that seemeth i . 1 1 .1 . i t ? i it- good to me. worta inar. s aeDonair ana gay, us woes and worries done away. The plans that seemed foredoomed to fail, the work that seemed of no avail, now wear the rosy glow of hope, and I endorse all sunshine dope. Tis thus in my Tuxedo hour; the world that seemed so dark and dour, is blooming like rose of spring, and I'm in mood to laugh and sing. BAND CONCERT -at- ASHLAND LITHIA PARK EVERY SUNDAY 3 p. m. and Wednesday Evenings at 8 Park Brilliantly Lighted for Eycning Pleasures Children's Play Grounds, Tennis, Cromiet, Hundreds of Picnic Tables Medford Conservatory The summer classes in Music Expression and Physical Education opened Monday, June 12 That we might have larger and cooler rooms, the classes of the .Sledford Conservatory will in the fu ture be held in the east room of the Xatatoriuui. A special class for ladies in Physical Training will bej-in Wednesday a. in. at 0:'l(J. A class for young ladies at SjMO. A class for children at 10:110 a. m. Wcdncsdav. Other .classes arranged for later. Those wishing to arrange for work in either music, expression or physical training are asked to do so, if possible, by AVednesday. Students in all departments of the con servatory wishing to take advantage of the swim ming pool will be allowed lo do so at special reduced vales. Lynelle llovious, instructor in Urania Kxpres fcionand Physical Kdueaiion. Ivadcll Swindler, instructor in Piano aud liar-nionv. a; NOTICE TO WATERUSERS VAUDEVILLE SOON ASSAILED BY r ? ? ? z A iiuh ainuatniivut protium mid u uaw polio tor unt day a uk, wilt Ihi offered Wwlford UiwUur tHH. Tko l'n tkwilw uiaituiMuvut tot'I it I about lu aeorr a triumph. In giv ing thu public the to lulu It baa bwu awkiug (or a luug tlui, coiti blHutuu of lb tHWi ttMiurM in vaa duvllta and tke f ttaga at a wy lw adniUMon rK Tueady k bill will ruuatat of foui dlux uudf villa ul aud alx icul. uf hlU tlaM first run f iliu ptiturv Varifl) nltU u bg V rlmracterUt' tr hill toda Thaw 'a Ilia Tbriv Wc.loos In a PvdU- A'l'IIKNS, June VJ, u.i lmdon, June 1,1. Till- otfiee l the newvia urs which kuxe auiHnifd fonntir PitHnwr N'rtiiaattMk wari' uwde the uli li-ct,. ol a hotile Uiuiou-tr.uiou t du. The ik'UiinlrMtor wure mi mimhI aiatNl)' of IktMio wko had tM-t-u MMtutir curlier at a uoim sbw m tke .IuiUhih, wWb a- aitvwikNi b Kmg t'oMstaatitif and Ikr rotal tain-I). y Commencing Thursday, June 15, 1916, Irrigating Hours will be r . as toiiews: - a. m. ro 1 1 p. m. OTIfK la hficln bIvkh that 1 will list be tifni. arttatlu .tod drlon pwlog ieo-i reniilWo lor and Pill coutiaded i I inula lVai f i g i 'g'i Miion Hurt Hro. lo . iu a om d ktt(k oai It ltd l'li Who wlilcb la alaiutiaOB ItiuiiMi'l biiil long (area lie ami ImiU'I'iidv Kpift1 In romdv and ulnglua. ."0 H'romo and lwi in a mIiikihk suiiinacv Tbta would fin fuouab loi iiipio drm uftv. but tboru l the eel. tratad Kikul Hum mora in ik a tonlxblnK irtl on.l,i(g)m I'll.' IxIm. ..I Huu . AniLulBUivi kirlca tin , if r ii I'i via i JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER Ijuly Anttntt 9 8. IIAUT(.rT lMione. M. 17 M 47J ui.iiiiobllc lie ii xi Simrt' t V t ? V V ? ? ? ? a V V r y y y T V y y t f 4 londuy, Wednesday ami l-'riday on the east side of the streets running north and .south ami north side of all streets running east and west. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the west side of all streets running north uiid south and on the south side of all streets running east and west. "rjalBau- Smulay forenoon on the east side of nil street running north and south and the north side of all streets run- A uni east ami west. Sunday arteruotm on the vve4 side of all streets running north and south and the south skb at all streets running east and west. Wasteful use of water or using an open end hose for irrigating will not b permitted, Corner property will be governed by the tree,t on which the home if numbered. Water must be shut off immediately in case of a fire alarm. Do not use a no-jsle larger than one-quarter inch in diameter. Do no tset sprinkler so that it will interfere with traffic on sidewalk. Do not allow water to ruu to waste down the gutters of streets or alleys. V4p1.it ions of above rule-, are punishable by fines as provided for by Ordinance No. C60 as amended, and will O. ARNSPIQEIt, Water Supt. I V r y y y be ngidl yenowed I y y IXij&S$j3r i ;