r v PAOTC SIX MICDFOKP M1L TKTBrNF,, AfHDFORD, OHIXJONT. S Tn?T)VY. ,TTTXE 10, '1010 !S NOMINATIONS FAIL 10 AROUSE L DCALENTHUSISAiVi 'JWdyphobia mntiifpfcd i(-t!f lo onlly, but not in ns wild h fonn ns four yoars ngo, when every other voter vm rondy to do buttle nt Ann iis;ol1ou and tuned to sin on short notice, "Onward, Christian Soldier." Whon tho word enmo from ( tnongo thin morning that Tho Horo had boon nominated by acclamation by Hull Muoso 7onlots, not n dovoteo of the IIoupu of lloosohollcrn graticulnterf out of the ordinary or mode motions jndicutinK tmcontrollnblo joy. Jfo loss n distinguished votnry of the colonel thnn Attorney I'rud Menre Announced (tint he would mipporl JuHtico HukIioh, thus rffuetunlly cooking nny ohnnco the Oyter liny lilj;li.cocknlorum might hnvo. Attor ney Monra wns ono of tho pillnrs of tho progressive party initio Inst onin jmigii mid bin renunciation uf the i'liilh comem no u surprise. Tho imnounoomont that Justice llughos had received the republican nomination wn received by (1. 0. I'. followers in tho Hiilno silonpo that London rcooivos nows of a (lunii'in victory on the Hen. It' thero riM any interior joy thorn wan no exterior manifestation. Tho Juckson county central oomnmieo wm proimuiv in donin the action of tho nntionul com mitteo nt their next meeting. Soma WHinpum vns bet upon the icMitltfc, but not enough to Iihvk n uppreciahlo effect upon next work's bauU elenringi. Local and Personal J. K. Howard, of (ilondalo, visited Friday In Moilford, en roulo to his homo from Now York, whoro hn at tondod tho general nssomhly of tho I'roflh) torlan auurch. While In tho onst Mr. Howard was nominated for Joint ropntiontallvo by tho domocratu of Jackion and Douglas counties. A cunranlued comedy plcturo at tho Star thoator tonli;lit. Miss llornlco I'olloy, aecomiiaulod lior aunt, Mrs. John llolaud to Wood, whoro hIio will upend tho summer. Mr, Iloland ban been visiting bur sUtur, Mrs. A. II. l'olley, of South Oraimo stroot, thU city. Mlas Itllzaboth and Kllon Ilonrlck non, who Iiavh bsou visiting with Misses I'loronso and Alice Johnnon, raturuod home this morning to San J'ranolwo. Ilannlo, tho Kill ml yotllnr, at Star thwttar Sunday and Monday even lnR. 'Mr. Dodge loft for KlKiuntb 1'nlls today to visit with frlonds. (loo. T. HiiMoy, of roeatello, left for California last night. Ho In go ing to cngago In farming In tho Incra montn valley. G. 0. Klllot, or 81. Anthony, Idaho, sho ban boon visiting rrleuds in Mod ford loft for OranU I'um last o un til K. Fow ribbon manufacturers bavo ben nbl to Maintain quality. The Kon Lox are the same flue, durable, bright colors. Mndfard Hflflk fltore. Mr. and Mm. X. K. Walker arrival from Klamath Palls Friday. They lll step of or Ih Medford for a few daya. MoHt llawaker, of Klamath Falls, U In Medford tm buaiHtwa. JaiaaH Menree of Hernbrmtk, r rlvotl Saturday mernliiK to fish an HoKue river until uiluy. Tho Madtard ball tam waeta Dranta raaa tawarrew. Tha dcatal laeukay, a groat aouroo of fuH and taaobaa arltuuiiMlr. Mad ford Ittk Stont. 1. H. Jppaou, of Moora, Idaho, who la an aldar lu tha Mar www churck and whs baa boen doing ntlialonary work In tbia ralley. loft for OranU l'naa laat evantng to eontlnuo kta work tbtra. Joka II. Gray, of Xew York, la rafftatorwt at tha Hotel Madford O. haabo, of Lo Angalea. arrived I'rlday on a abort bualuaaa trip Mr. autf Mra. J. P. Qatar or S.it tit), are apOMiliMg today in Mtdfoul algktaaMiug. Mr. and Mra. John Hiavluu. of Saattla, aro touring tko vall. Mr. and Mra. C. A. VillUm oi ICont. Waab., art vlalt lag Medfout friends. 'Maria II. 1'ayna. of Roaaburg, is on bnalnaas In tbla ally today. C. . galea, or UouUvllla. Ky , ar i1va Friday to look ovar tbe al loy. (Mlaa Tboona Carkln lll roudnt eluaaas In slitk. aavantb. alshth an,i nlHlk grados at tba Rooaavflt ii.' for an atgbt waalc tarn, forou n only. Phonal! -X. ' W. O. Lusto. of Ioa Angalek m this eltv far a rvw daya Tho MtNtfonl 1 4(11 Mam will elili.r A number of Medford young people will ko to Ashland tomorrow for an auto trip. rrho Moose glvo tbalr Saturday night danco nt their lodge hall to nlRht. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Qloason of Hose, burg stopped ovor this wook to visit with Mr. and Mrs. 1'rod T. Hyatt They are on their way to Alhambra, Calif Mr. a lesson was nnnuod with the city and will return. He is a retired Itimbor man. fllttgo Meyor, of Ilarborton, Orogon, Is vIsltlitK In Medford. Joseph Llndloy Utirka, of Louts, Orogon, arrlvod this moruiUK to stay ovor until Sunday when ho goes to Wood to play ball for that toam. Mlaa Hose K. Lister, of Uend, Is visiting In Medford with her parents. OoorKo Cafroo, or Vnll, is In this city for a. two woeks' vacation. Ho will go on a hunting trip for timber woIvoh. Lauronce Tidwoll, of Sslom. loft for tils homo this afternoon. Ho has boon Hpondliu; n trampliiK vacation vlsltinc Jouoplilno cnvoi, and also climbing sot oral mountains of the BIs klyous. 31 r. and Mrs. W. A. Shaw, or Yroka, aro visiting frloiuln In Mod ford for u fo wda)s. 'A. I), Hammond was unable to In onto (loorgo Iloonu, who was charged by bis daughter with assault. Cyril I'. Wlso, or (IranU Pass, Is in this city on businoas. J. II. Cnilg, or Tort Jouos, Calif., Is roglstorod nt tho Nash. Tho crook bed washing In Jackson vlllo Is returning on average of f2 por day. Howard Kramo, of Ashland, Is vis Itlng Mod ford frlonils today. P. W. Churchill, of Yreka, Is vis King with his folks In Medford. Tho Nstatorlum opeuud ll shim ming tRiik to the public today. The water Is treated with chloride of cal cium, which Is recommended hy the state board or health. It will bo boated during tho present cold weath er lo 80 dogrees. The wator Is con tluunlly changing, so that the tank Is better than over before. Manager Morrlck says he will hold several swimming tournaments. Hobble Po louze will In all probability .repre sent us In tho dashos. He Is able to moke fast tlmo and laat year held his own with the crack Australian swim mer. Several other good men live In this valloy. Wator polo games u III bo started lu tho near future. This game la well liked In Portland and 'Krlsco, and Is as excelling with hum orous touches aa Ice bock). Special teachers aio uugagod to teach omuii and children. I'aiiry diving will en tertain the public. Panuy Ward In big Paramount at Star tonight. Louis T. Clordou, or San Luis Obis po, arrived today to vlalt friends In Jacksonville. T. 10. Hudftlnk, an old proepflor, la In tho Apnlegate, doing gravel min ing. W. A. Mnorehouae, of Uta An goloa, paaeed through today In n Franklin lor dranta Pasa. (loorgo L. Drown, or Little llutto, was a Mmlfonl visitor rrlda). Howard W. Howard, of Oakland, aeeompanled b his parents, droo through today on their wa to Port land. James Wbt'elor of Yamhill county, who has bean over an ICIk rreek. left for Yinka this morning. Window and door screens, garden furniture. Pacific I'urn. fc Pl. I'ac tory. lllaao hull tomorrow, (iranta Psaa rs. Medford. Tba Yeomen gave a lodge dame Thuraday. DIED IUNYKAKT- PJeraou S Kneart. ago HK years, & months and 13 daya. died at bla bom on Kaat Sixth street, June 10, Ills. The deceased wui born In Uutler county, Ohio, coming to this city ! I years ago. He was one of tho pioneers In the upliulldliin of Medford. He leaves a Ut and two sous, Jess B. Kuyart. or 'attU. and (' A. k'nyart, of UigaiiMport. Ind The funeral notice ill appear later v f n POWHI INla frsm Crcoja of Tartar All the ladies know how hard it is o prevent the hot weather from ruin iiitf their hair. The perspiration ex udes in increased quantities, parrying with it waste, poisonous genu matter, which, unless removed, promptly clogs the pores and irritates the scalp. The difficulty of keeping the hair and scalp sweet and clean in the summer onlv renders the use of NICWHRO'S'lIEIUnClDK more im perative. Destroys Dandruff, Keeps the Hair and Scalp Sweet, Clean and Sanitary Theio i nothing Hint will kino greater comfort on a hot day than nil application ol IIKIU'K'IDK. II induce, a Ki'iise of coolue-m and cleanliness hoiddoH imparting health and xtrcngth to tho hnlr. One' pcrMonttl eliurm and ultructiveiiuaa i onlinnccd by the increased slow and hentity of the Imir, duo to the inlolligout ttso of 1I1WIM PIDK, society's best known senlp prophylactie. If tho hnlr bo net Irnm bathitiK cither in fresh or milt water, IlKltlMCIDK ipiickly restoic the natural fluffini' and Moftnens. It toH itching of tho scalp almowt instantly. The dainty, ox tiuisite odor make NT.WIIIIO'K IlKltl'ICIDK an ideal hot-weather hnir dreMsiug. Wlien you turt away on your Mimmer fititintc have h bottle in your grip. Send len cents for sample bottle to the HERP ICIDE COMPANY, Dcpl. I-B, Detroit, Mich. Applications at the better barber shops. Sold and guaranteed nt all toilet pods coun ters. MEDFOnD PHARMACY, Spot ml Akui. IN SUMMEl! 7 y s5 Get your Mooey's Worth r WHION tho hrgt Rubber Factory In tbo WorM, With a 47-yoiir EXPBUIENCK in Rubber-workinft and, A '17-year RECORD of Dusinosg-Intotrrity, GootUfRith, nnd Squnra denliny; behind it, - Makes the following deliberate Statemont, you can wull AFFORD to bdievo it, Horo is the Statement: MONEY ain't build HETrER Tiroa.of Fabric- Const ruction, AT ANY PRICE, than tho "Blnck Barofoot," GOODRICH Tlrwi which are Fair-list-pricod below. Dependable Tire cannot bo built, and sold, for Uhs. Hut, you WASTE MONEY uktn you pay MORE than tho fol lowing prices for ANY Fabric Tire. Goodrich "Fair-List" Prices BLACK "BAREFOOT" SAFETY TREADS 30x3 ) pic- ($10.40 30x3M ($13.40 32x3 . $15.45 33x4 $22.00 34x4 - $22.40 35x4'a - $31.20 36x4V - - ' $31.60 37x5 $37.35 HotelfAustin Sunday, June 11, 1916 DINNER Cunnpo of Chicken I. Ivor Chickon with Okrn Consomme Prlnccbs Unkod Salmon liocbamel Sauco Potato on Duo Sweetbread Saute on' Toa-tt Compote of Orango a. la Condo Krlod Spring Chicken Croam Sanco Corn Frlttera Roast Heel nit .Ins Shrimp Salnd, Celery Cauliflower In Croam Mashed and Rolled I'otntooi Ice Cream and Cako , Fresh Applo Plo i Ruckoye Pudding Toa Coffee Milk lluttermllk 7.1 CUNTS We Servo California Sparkling nialr Wine, 00 and 25c per bottle. .Musical ProKiiitu Ily Miss Clark and Mr. Howell April Moods" "My Dreamy China Lady" 'Wonderful Gardon of Lovo" "Asia Minor" "A Perfect Day" " 'Twos lu September" Mnnana" (Chilian Danco) That's hove With a Capital I.". AMUSEMENTS PAGE i MEDFORD'S Leading Motion Picture Theater Suits i TO ORDER $25.00 UP Also Cleaning. Presslnu and Altering 128 E. MAIN. UPSTAIRS LEIN roR ) LOTHES LAST TIME The Bin Comedy Bill His Picture in the Paper With the inimitable Comedian Douglas Fairbanks As the Hero. Also the Keystone Feature Starring WilliclGoIIier in Better Late Than Never DON'T forget your pro gram card number tonight. INTKItUIMAN AUTOGAIl CO. TIMH CAKO. Lcavo Modforrt tor Aflftland, Talent and Phoenix dally, except Sunday, at 8:00 a. in., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p. m. Sundays lcavo at 8:00 and 10:30 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. Lcavo Ashland for Medford dally, excopt Sunday, at 9:00 a. m.. 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday nights at 6:30 and 2:20. Sundays lcavo Ashland at 9:00 a. hi. and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30 p. m. DR. J. D. RICKERT EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Tho scientific, Intelligent, drugloss, efficient adaptation of glaiw. o for tho aid of vision and tho rollof of headaches and eyo-Htraln. COUKTBSV, ACCURACY AND PRO.MPTNKSS PRI5VA1L. Suite 1-2 ovor The May Company, Medford, Orogon. MB. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Toacher of Piano and Harmony, composor of "Our Navy," "A Momory," etc A toachor with an established roputatlon, who maintains a high standard and gets results throunh a correct di agnosis and through the application of the proper proMilptlon to meat tho needs of each individual pupil. KU.MMIIU TKK.M HAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO Room to I Cm nett-Coroy IUiIr., Phone 7i!. SliHlfonl, Ore. M $B m OT5S K u $. k U aaoafei f ' i m .. ii iii i i .mil ..-.., , ., fSPl a THE li. F GOODRICH CO. New York Branch l8UHroadwty Fair-Lilted Coodrn'i ''Testan" for Sho SjU U v 4 1 'lwi ft llli-ll (I ' i l" I Iwi ,1'frr lil ur in i rt- t ji I i i r t mf nk c (Ctl t 01 s )?rpi in t i i m r-ig.iT,.. . ... . . ,.i.MIi M- i.. nrnTm I n Him "Black-Tread" - TEACHERS' COURSE Preparing for iluiii' oxaininations. Now in session. SUMMER SCHOOL InlM)ay Sessions June, .lul. and August. KpiM-ial ia(i's. ('uacl'iiiK rlass I'oi' gradt' pupils now being iunitetl, Tlione 1o-b Medford Commercial College Goodrich Tires Sold Exclus Co E, GATES BEST IN THE LONG RUN ivety by I THE UNIVERSAL CAR I V. cry othiT car mi the road is a Ford; more than half the cars bought this car will be Fords. There's a mighty good reason. Ford cars are filling a place in every field uf human activ- Iity. Cost about two cents a mile to operate and maintain. Hotter order yours todav. Runubout $o90; Tour ing Car $-1-10; Coupelet $590; Town Car $610: Sedan $710. All prices f. o. b. lletroit. On sale at Sparta bldg. C. E. GATES l E& tt-rins- Jim UoAii, im a month III f, Ufo Oattter. tiif id raliabU, or Md lgy, of Oakland a (hair pitcher uu- 1. Mrs. K W Kern of Ponlaiiit l . .. ... . 1. 1 . i. . f'T V)ltii"S i "" " I itr-"