Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 10, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    fm fc-
Weekly Letter of Ronue River Fruit
& Produce Association Discusses
Subject of Prime Importance to the
Valley Orcharillsts Co-operation
Essential to Success In Marketing.
During tho sonsoii of 1910 the
Rogtio Itlvor Fruit and Produce asso
ciation will linntllo tholr fruit olthor
In pools or (or the Individual uc
coutit ot tho grower. Up to the last
soason nil tltc fruit handled by the
nseoclutlon In thu 5 previous yoars
was pooled nnd tho proceeds from the
different grades In nil tho dlfferen:
varletlos wore divided pro ratn ac
cording to tho nuiubor of boxes thu
groxvors nhippod tlyough the nsso
cliitlou, Mist your on account of po
cullnr crop condition It was dcumttd
wlco to nhnndon the former practice
nnd to null fruit for individual uc
count. DurliiK the coining season
tho growers are giving tho option of
euturltiK poolK or of selling separate-
In no deciduous fruit district In
the northwest, ho far as we are able
(o Iwtru, Is there any substantial ob
jection to the poolliiK sjstem from the
groxvers, and the doclduou associa
tions all pool (heir fruit. Thin does
not necessarily mean that It Is ueces
tmry for us to follow In their foot
stop hut It In nevertheless an indi
cation of a more lendy co-operation
In other fruit district than In our
Objection to Pooling
There scorn to be two principal oh.
Jocllou to pooling In tho Rogue river
valley; first, the uecuaaary time
which elapses before the grower can
ho paid In full for their fruit nnd,
second, tho feollng that certain varie
ties grown in NocIal section or un
der somewhat different conditions
are Hiiporlor In nuullty to other crop
of the snmo variety grown olHexxhorc.
In answer to those objections it
may ho sold that the elapsed time In
iwyliig for nny fruit crop would bo
the Mime under either system. A
grower might bo fortunate enough to
receive his money soon after ship
ping Ills fruit; still there l also tho
poaalbilltx that it would be necoeaary
tu hold that growers fruit until uoar
er the end of the celling season.
Moreover, it has been the practice
of the association to make dlstrlbu
tlon of all caih upon the selo of the
fruit which wan pooled, pro rata
among the grower contributing to
audi pool as noon as sufficient remit
tance have boon mado from tho pur
chaser. In this wnx It often happens
that an Individual grower would get
1)5 percent of the cash finally com
ing to him from the sale or IiIh fruit
boforo the pool was actually clotted
unit no grower would suffer from a
long drawn out selling season more
than all other grower In the pool.
Violation In I'liilt
The claim that rertalu sections of
tho valley grow better fruit than
other soonm to be truo only to far
a the proportion of the blue trlan
glo grade la concerned. For Instance,
there are eartaiu sections which pro
duce gpltaenberg of a better eoter
than other, but the final package
frem any section would bo exactly
almllar to the packagea from all the
other aoetluns. Thla i brought
about by the grading lulea to which
the association closely adhere, and
which ar made iwaatbie by the cen
tralisation of our packing and the
absolute standardisation of our pack.
If a crop meeta raquirementa laid
down in the association grading rule
for extra fancy frntt and if the grid
ing rule are strictly adhered to,
there U only one itosulble a In
which a hardship can be worked ujion
one grower against another, and that
through a superior keeping quality.
Thla matter Is one about which so
little la known that It la Imnoaajblo
to differentiate between different
growers or to accurately tell which
erop will t.nd up better, but with
the Increased use of irrigation it
MM)iu probable that there will be no
wore difference betweeu cropt grown
br different grower than in thjaa
produced by sue grower from dlttar
ant tree.
(Mix'Mitlon ll-entlil
The chief iwgumant in favor of the
pooling syatem arises from the fact
that the business both In any dte-
triat a well as throughout the whole
Northwest muet become evau more
oe-oporatlve in order that tba grow
er may make the sue whlrh they
Mire. A man with a small crop, 1.
t, or a car, might get very disastrous
results even In a year of high jiricai
U his fruit, not being aoid at priviw
awl, arrived at the auction market
woriag a period of local overauppu
It la of course aecewady to 0lgi
a o-itii iiunioiiii! of fitnt fir im1
itltuOUbU tl. rt.-nO. MtKIl iHltll"'!!
nro made to dlsposo of as muc:i as
possible through T, O. D. Bales. l)y
giving every urowor tho prlco which
represents the nvorngo prlco of nil
fruit of the name variety, grade nnd
size sold, there Is little doubt that
with a five year average tl. mnjorl.
of the growora would show better
results If tholr fruit Is pooled than It
It were sold for separate nccount.
The ease of hnndllng the fruit sales
Is much simpler with the pooling a ?
tern In use. i'or Instance In 1!M,! ti.n
association In one day sold flc cars
of Illue Triangle Uartletts to fle
different buyers at five illtfercn'
prices, the grading being the same
nnd the sizes prnctlcnll) the same.
Problem to be Kiueil
The prices were nil exceptionally
good nnd there was no question as
to whether the fruit should be sold
on the bids or not If, however, the
pooling 8stein had not been In force
at that time, It would have been u
dellcuto nwtlor for tho manager to
determine whole Uartletts to use to
fill the different orders. It would
have been possible but somewhat
eomptlcatcd for htm to do ns was
done with an order for five cars of
Uluo Tilnngle N'ewtowns during the
season of 1915 when pooling wns not
In force, whon ho received an order
at $1.05 n box f. o. b. Mud ford In
October. Tho price was good nnd
was accepted. The car were loaded
out nnd shipped, tho fruit arrived In
ood condition and the draft wns
paid, bpt In order to give the grow
ors advantage of this above the aver
ago prlco It was uecessnry to fill the
order by taking the entire stock of
lllue Trlnnglo Xewlowns on hand
which would .meet the specification,
figure the number of boxes of this
fruit owned by each grower nnd load
Into (he car a portion of each ninn'a
fruit proportionate to the site of his
total packed N'owlowns at that date
compared with tho total number call
ed for In thla order.
(This substantially wns a pooling
arrangement In which about forty
grower were represented hut It ne
cessitated an luftiilto amount of extra
labor to the association both In hand
ling the fruit at tho packing house
and in tho hookkeoplng at the execu
tive office At the time that this or
der wns shipped ono glower had suf
ficient fruit nlroady packed In the
unrohouse to entirely fill It. It has
been suggested that u number of lim
ited lime pools be osnblUhed. L'ndor
this system the freight shipped on
certain days, cortoln weohs, or cer
tain months. n specified bofoio tho
shipping season, would be pooled and
all tho growors who had fruit In
those pools would share equally. The
only advantage of this over the koh
onol pool Is that It is thought that
perhaps the final settling up could be
mado with mm delay.
A statod earlier In this letter the
association Is not Instating upon pool
lug this year. It Is optional with the
grower whether he doe o or not,
but It Is well to remember that there
art- advantages as well a disadvan
tages under the pooling svstem.
lteportnd by .la'ckson County Ab
stract Co., Sixth and Kir St.
.Mniiinge I.iceiisfts
(Jeorge A. Austin and l.ueinda
.Mae Stole)'.
W. II. I.vdintil himI I.oln Hough.
Ionurd A. Svenhon and Hmtnu II.
x fin-nil Court.
M. It. Whipple and Mniv A. Wltt
ile, affidavit and rii.
TIioiumh ltaiidle x. 11. O. M(k
el al.. kliHilation.
I'larenee C. wtv va. "it jr of Mod
ford, anHwer filed.
lUlitb M. Anile vs. W. II. Young,
Kole at John lluutle.v, ieeaed,
huul account und order lining titue
lor final xvttlemeut.
ltil llstato Tninfii.
W. II. Kingler, sheriff, to .Mary
A. Stone, lot 5, hl.wk 1, Keu
wood Add., iletlfunl 4
Hax ('. Speocer t u tu Ala X.
.Mill- ct al., lot Pi and wet
bull of 11, bJook 'JU, Jaek
Minvilh lot)
It. II. I'arMin at hi to the Ily
caiterk' elub, land m mn. 28-34-1
T. W.. Daily et ux t the My
ca.trx' Club, right of way
aeroaa land in '24-34-1W.
Joseph ('. liannab to the Fly
ter' Clufc), right of way
aero land in ee. i& 31
1W. K. V. Robtitoun et ui tu W. A.
KaNy, land in sec JO- W-2K.
J. K. Robertt. et ux to W. I).
Hubert, land n . MI-J7-2W.
Why SMk HH Olwii's
When I Oonda ara only !
uu Mediord ti.iJ' i McJfunl u.4 It-
- rd -rTL TRmrxr, wdkokd, oitrnov. smntnvY. .tusk m. mm
Dilhe Burke In Pajamss In the Nw
Trisngla-Flne Arts Romantio Come
dy "Peooy-" "
Thix is the nio'-t ltwili of nil luce
TnnHgle plnN is u $'J."0,0U0 produc
tion nml consists of eiglit reels of
real ,jov nnd will he nhown t thu
Page Sundn.v nnd Monday.
William Vnwter will sinx "Piitjty"
ut eiieli iK'ifonnnneo and there will be
xi-i-utl inuii' lor the occasion by W.
M. Dexine. the new Witililzer artist.
A8III. AND. June 10. - Strlrtlv In
keeping with mythological Ideals and
traditions was the xvolrd and beauti
ful production, "The Heart of the
World." a staged In l.lthlu park last
ovonlng by the large company of ar
tist embraced either within tho
membership or under the tutelage of
the Greater Med ford club, and pre
sented here to perfection under tho
Joint nueplru of that oiguulsatloii
and the Civic Impiovemoul Club of
this city. Ashland never wttneed
an entertainment equalling the multi
plicity of spectacular effects as pre
sented bx, the visitors. The ground
were aglow with electric lights, the
sylvan environment and purling
brook affording a typical setting for
the brilliant outdoor pageant. Tha
Hplrit of Powy, relnforond by the
tout ensemble of gods and grace,
dryad and nymphs, literally Invadod
the improvised fairyland, and It
needed no iuetumorpho:ls of park
surroundings to complete a seen
which wa Mythical personlflod. Mu
sical accompaniment were In keeping
with the major attraction, the bands
of the twlu cities und a skilled or
chestra lending an adlllotml charm to
an eutertalument which was superla
tive, i
It Is planned to make a like attrac
tion an annual event, and the wish l
father to the thought that "The Heart
of the Woild" may prove to he the
harbinger of future prenentatlonu
here nt tho hands of Medford's pleas
ing strollers
Nick Kime of the Griffin Creek
dibtrict Saturday teeeived from
Wenllierfonl, Okla., a full-liloodcd
1'olniitl China iour-monthe-old pig to
he u"od in Har culture in thiw vnllev.
The pig win hiiH4l by uxprexs from
J. I). Pike, one of the beat breeder
of fancy bog in the sonthwent. The
Poland CbiiiHK are famed for their
utockiucss mid meut heft, 't'hev arc
claimed to Im the beat shipNiii ot the
Hwiue fumily. The necuring of funcx
toi k tin he Uogue Hiver vnllev indi
cale that the stuck buiuebH p Ihiii
put on a Mibxtautial ha.
Wilbur AhMile and other tM-k
ibipeii u that thi (.priiig the cnt-lU-
niwl luu xbipnienU to I'oitlnnd
lime Weu the hcuviext in years, uot
witbntnudiuir tbiit latt year pructic
ullv all the iimrkt'table beef u old
tu l.ux Si Miller ol San Krancmcu tor
meat lor the culi lite.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
1 fcirsi M'M ll". IWf rtiaM reach tk
Wil BK(uU ut ihr Mr 1V uutt MM
leKntiMliM J lint u br ouuitliuu.
I nmtiim. llrsfiwH U hf IsSsumi
Mwdlltou "' ,H" llnfc.f of ill eiMtacfcUR
Tah. Wb tula iiibe ' luSaaid T'" ' a
mjsUlM uua r iawnn nrarm( auq anra
HI, Mlrb rlaHHi lh-lur w llw traall. awl
tu insamntaiwHi tau im uir, out uu
rvai-l It- 'irml randltbw k'ir tnrivtr iiiuv iah titH l
1a aia iaa.i 1 it.rrti wbl . la imi.Iiiv Imt
aa iif BM-1 KHiiiil.i f Hi imu .ui- airra...
Wa will tti- II" i'lr-'l ' '!' '' '' hi
i lu-tttu i.iu. I M itflmrbi IUt . hum A t
rt,4 ht Hall'. tt.r.ii u, S-ml In rttcu
' '' r f i III V V & o 1. O.
SM b I'Miff ' -
k IUI. I . i l 'I
i-tift(i i.
Medford House Movers
Pho.ip 488 M
612 S. Newtown, 737 W. I4Ui St.
. ggtewwrarsaft i
S-3 ajHwRbS
At the Churches
n n i ai
Stv MHi-k'a Kirtwrwl
Sam. Holy communion.
10 a. m. Sunday school,
11 n. A. Morning prayar.
8 p. m. Evening prayer.
.lucksouxllle Piostiyteituu
Morning worship with aemion by
Hex V. IT. Gammons, of Hntt falU,
nt It o'clock.
r.xcntng worship with sermon by
Mr iiammens at 8 o'clock.
Kxnnc. I'Utli. .Ion's Cttuixli.
Unkdale Ave. and Fourth St.
Kev. Ur. V. It. MorawvOaMr, Pastor.
Siindar School 10 a. m.
Service At 11 a, in. No evening
. ' Catholic
(South OakdHlu Ax'o)
.Klrst uiaJH) Sunday at C:30 a.
Second mass nt 9 n. m.
No ovonlng services.
I 11KV. .101 IN POWI8US,
OnUdnle Axe. .Mctlindfot
Sunday school at !: 15 a. in.
Prenchliii; at 11 n. m. nnd S p. in.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening
nt S o'clock.
Como to these servlros and help us.
Itemomber the Snbbnth day to keep
It holy.
Strangors are welromo.
II. M. lUtANIIAM, Pastor.
Klrst CluMlau (imiili.
Cor. 1Kb and South Oakland.
The church xvlth a vital message
to which xvo cordially Invito you and
your frlondtf.
Mpoelnl liiusle at both services
Mnlo quartotto selected for morning
service. Mis lne Coffin, choir di
rector. Morning sermon nt 10:55 "The
Positive Sldo of the Christian Life."
OCvonhiK sermon nt 8 o'clock "A
Gospel Moaaage."
llllilo School at 9:45 a. m, n help
ful gathering. O. IC. at 7 p. in., n
live society.
Mld-xveok prayer meeting Thurs
day ovonlng. Atrangom always made
flit .MethoiliCt
(Dr. J. C. Itolllns. Pastor)
undajr grhool moot at Vl" V
cordlal Invitation to strangers to at
Tho ICpwrth League devotional
ineWltM. hoTU. hutTa. l 8:15. A
splaStdld hour for all young people.
'Public worship at 11 a. m. and S
p. m. Dr. Kolltn sneark at both ser
vice. Morning Hihiup, "One of the
Funds moot. its " "A Voice
In the Night."
The usual rxrelh'iit music under
the dilution of Mr i:dmades, sup-
A Sensible Cigarette
For Sale Real Estate
Must sell this seven room modern
house in good condition and with one
acre of ground and large shade tree
for one third IU artual cost. locat
ed on main Jacksouiille highway
near the cur Una Total price ouly
12$0. Terms. fr00 cash.
210 Uaruett-Coioy nik.
2ir - 1
J(ifJiJtjf(yUXfoecCbi ;
five-room cottage, garden tract, berries, flowers, shade, Juat
th) plaoa for a little home and gaideu tract. Paving USMQ,
r, aldewalk 70 HO, all paid lu full. Lot 111x117. Sandy
loam soil. Uast city property of this kind wa hava avar offared.
Total prloa, fvo.
itawi Kaiaiut, Ian, itanUils, ItwumMo.
1( West Main. i'ln "'
i . . ................ I
meruit u. a ve-teu cnoir. win uo ren-
dered. t
The pnMlc Is cordially Invited
all tfca service of tha day.
tiiuday school at in a. in.
Morning "sorxMco i. Kev
ltr.ndr will praarh. Subjec
Mails of Pence."
Musical Mleatluii wl Include:
Voftl ntfl. 0 Divine Itedeemer, (Sou
rofl, MflN nemldlno Ihela. xltli xlo
im obllgnto by M!i nene rfn.l.vnn:
Wiln aolo, teltnted, Mr. Carlton
Jui oa.
Rxenlng lotvloa at S p. m. Knit
Jest of evoHlng sermen: ' l-'nrrta In
Che choir will sing, "Christian tho
Morn," Shully.
lEndenvor society meets at T.
All are cordially ,tuvltml to attend
thotc service.
Klrst IlnptNt
"A llvo ohurcli xvlth n cordial wel
come." Kredorck Cnrstons, Pas
tor. !
10 n. in. ntble school. Subject,
"Sowing nnd Heaping."
10 a. in. sermon. by the pastor.
Subject, "Tho Fatherhood of God, It
Claims and Its Comforts."
At tho morning service tho quar
tette wilt sing, "No Shadows Yon
der," by Gnul, and Win. Vnwter will
sing O'lInrn'B "O, for n Closer Wall;
With God."
7 p. in. Young Pcople'n service,
subject. "The Will and the Way."
(At 7:30 will be hold Children's
day exorclfcos. A good program, con
sisting 6f recitations, songs, and other
nxerclBos, Iiob been prepared. UvoD
body xvolcoino, but parents of chil
dren who nro members of tho llaptlst
Sunday echool especlnly Invited,
Como enrlj to get n good seat
nr 4
lit iM.n iimsiik mill - mm.
iWhy don't ou come In try some
of our 1CK t'KI.WM that is different?
Just tr one of our Delicious or
au of our Ice Cream apeolaltiea
you will at ouce notice the difference
- vou will xer easily be able to tell
thut outs U mude from the purest
and richest cream and the beat freah
fruit flavor.
11 has that different ploasinn
taste that you will remember that
will bring you back oftou.
Come In today and try some 1U8AL
Phono IHt
60 acros Rear Crcok bottom, 70
acres In cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and
grain, oaslly lrrluatod, Less than
3 miles from Medford. JG80 ensh.
One of tho best buys In Jackson
county. Say whon and 1 will show
103 West Mala tit. Phone 70
A paitv offers his 10-ucra home,
new buildings and t.oll that Is good,
pilce fiOOOOQ. Will take u small
Medford homo as part iynient.
The 2 10 acres joining the outrange
over bult In grain and hay, and
moat of the balance good lfulra land
when cleared, Is a real line propo
sition. Will explain fully on lequost.
Will exchuuge for a close lu dairy
Hoon-Calhcart Co.
Phono 1(17
I.dl-tl Aikrrirt:illx
I lltbM trIHMil Ilr..jV
I- n. wit I Hh Kl RlU. y
Tka lkr. lliar mt vasr v
Y) "270
l)iilncilt'nt Sate Notice
California Oregon Power Coinpan
Location of principal place of busl
liMa, San Kranclsco, California.
NOTICB There Is delinquent up
on the follnninrf described slocX. uu
'1G8 'ov JJt, 'eo)u.n 'ojtfouBJj
Vjh. 600 suaro. $260.00.
ifbrclnntllo Trust Coitnmny of 3nn
sdvernl amounts sat opooalt the
on tha ISth day of April, 19 IC, the
Kinuclsco, trustee, Certificate No
name of tho respective shnrahnldrs,
as follew:
nrrrunt of assessment (No. t) levied
Mercantile Trust CoinpSnv of dan
Kranclsco. trustee, Cert. No. 39S,
500 shares, $250 00.
Mercantile Trust Company of san
Mercantile Trust Comimny of Stnn
Kranctaeo, trustee, Cert. No. S9D,
500 shares, $260.00.
Moretintllo Trust Company of San
I'ranclsco, trustee Cert. No. 400.
500 shares, $260.00.
Morcanttlo Trust Company of Snn
Frnnolsco, trustco, Cert. No. 101,
600 shares. $250.00.
Mercantile Trust Company of San
Frnnolsco, trustee, Cert. No. 402,
500 shares, $250.00.
Mercantile Trust Company ot Snn
Francisco, trustee, Cert, No, 403,
500 shares, $250.00.
And In accordance with law nnd
nn order ot tho bonrd of directors
mado on tho ISth day ot April, 1910.
so many shnres ot each parcel of
such stock as may bo necessary will
bo sold nt tho oflco ot tho company,
on Tursdny, Juno 20, 1910, nt tho
hour of 12 o'clock noon ot said dny,
to pny delinquent nsscnsmontH thero
on, together xvlth costs of advertis
ing and oxponscs of tho snlo.
Becrotnry of Callfornln-Orcgou Power
Office: Number 131 T.eldesdorff
slreot, Han Frnnclnco, California. 75
Fon iiKNi--Ttucrirca
with garage, furnished or unfur
nished. 510 W. Jackson nt. 7t
FOU HUNT -Five room house, hard
wood floors, full commit basement
nnd garage. Phono 370-W,
FOIl HUNT Hobet ta home on South
Oakdale; fine nlnc-rooin home,
largo sleeping porch In shade of
unk trees. See George L. Trelch
ler, Phono 01. 73
FOR 11HNT Ono 4-room
liotise. Phone 370-W.
FOR HHNT Hoveu room liousa on
South Holy st., Inquire 520 So.
FOR RK.NT Fttriilslioil liousekeop
lug rooms, plonsant home for 2 or
11 lid ults. Phono 068-J, or cull 210
.N. Central. 71
FOR RK.NT Modern furnished
housekeeping rooms, 31C N. Hart
lell. Phone 372-,!.
; . - .T-a- -. -'-'
FOR 8A LIS 4 acre berry and gar
den tract, rreek bottom land In
city; 6-room house, barn and tool.
Phone 17-R, or call 732 North
a aaaiyaaiiaitiaaaaaaiaagaaaaaaai'ia'
FOR aftU.U My 70f0 elty ranch,
free Irlttoted, dairy, chicken, fruit,
tool and stock, $4600 If taken be
fore July 1. The Carlsbad of Amer
ica. Pop- 6000. Altitude 2000 ft.
Fishing and hunting. Mr. Jucker.
Ashland. Ore. 70
FOR 8AMB-- 11 aero ranch; 10
acre In alfalfa; house. Iwrn, new
fences. Phone el or S18-.I.
rou Mij!-iarj!3vinm
u i.nirin l Hi "I ii n i m- iJinJ-i Jr- aataiBHaaia
FOR KAMC Oood work horse or
will exchange for good cow. llox
S, Mall Tribune.
FOR HAI.K -Small aadln horso, a
dandy. One of the beat In the
county; a Iw run III for somo one.
Call or addroiw H. V. Upton, Gold
dllll. Oregon. 71
FOR 8ALK 11. I'. xna oiiRlno with
.lack; riding cultivator. Phone
r 3 a -i a . 71
FOR SAMS Dig type Poland China
plgH, 7-months old, male or fe
male; Jersoy cow with young calf.
Phone s9-H.
FOR KALK Jersoy hull
old. Phone 639-J4.
FOR RAM?- Team nt hlnok horses.
Cnn be seen at the Union Htabloa
or see John A. Perl. 18 . Itart
leU. tf
7011 SAM? MiaURliliAJTKOUB
FOR SAM:--drain hay In field.
W. Isaacs, Phone 501-Jil.
and ehlffunler.
bedroom dreaser
2X7 Noith Oak-
FOR HAMS - Carafe and general re
pair shoe; good businoMt; about
700 will handle tuo deal. Poor
Health rouson for selling. Addresa
llox 225 Sutharltu, Ore. 70
FOR 8A1.K -One five nnasonger
Ford, one five passenger Overland,
one Overland deliver) all In good
condition. Overland Auto Agency,
coiner Ilartlett and Klghth, phone
FOR SAMS Oue ton Ford truek at
tachment: nlao 40 acres land to
trade tor Ford car. Duhuck'a
Uarage 4KI-J. 88
Ir8AI-Cholc alfalfg hay, $10
per tea In field. Stridor's Dairy.
TO MIAN 11000 on first claaa ae
enrtty. Phone MO I. Room ilo Uar-
natt-Corex llldg. J. U. Andrew
TSAYBt) Oaa alack 1-year old
B -
illlv. branded with a T on rUht
ahoiildr. tram my ranou lit-ar
Hurh Call 31 -Fit. JartaoHvllle
P. F. Andsrsou. C'J
hum WAvrrn maIjK
WANTFI) -KxiK-rtcn c.l thinner nt
Geo. Marshnll On hard. jojIIi Onk
tlalo. Phou0 Hi-J. 70
WANTKD Foathcrs, steam ronovnt
cd, Wool reoare'ed, comforter, pll
lown and cushions made over nnd
to order, fonther bods mndo into
sniiltury folding mattreatos. Phono
190-J C9
W ANTED- - The trnoa taken off of n
small orchard close lii, for the
wood. See J. T. LItllo, Stewart
ave. 72
sasag Ha fe
WANTKD TO BUY Horse of snd-
dlo Upo, and heavy hones. Dr.
Holms, 111 No. Fir, mono 30s.
TAKI0N UP Two ow, 5 ahote.
oxvnor tuny have anmo by pny! in?
idninngea and liidentlflcntlou. K.
II. Dnken, oppoilto Lone Pine
School. 70
.i ' 111.:--;
FOIl BXCHANQE Strictly modern
1'ortlnnd homo for something In or
noar Ashland or Medford. Addrosi
llox 88, Mnll Tribune. 09
TO TltADK 200 acres. CO cleared,
in cron. Jeff, county, nndor now Ir-
rlgntlon plan, $30 per acre, going
higher, for improved, near Central
J'olnt. A. W. Frceborg. Gaston.
Oregon. 73
mar- " 'tu: x
Auto Bnppnea
nro oporntlng tho largost, oldest
and host equipped plant In tho l'a
clflo northwest. Uso our springs
when others fall. Bold under guar
antee. 20 North Flttoenth Bt.,
Portland, Oia.
Attorn era
OEO. W. OHBRRY Attorney and
Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty HanK uuuumg, entrance w,
Contral, Medford, Ore.
rOUTRR J. NDFF Attornoy at law,
rooms 3 and 9, Medford National
Bank Uulldlng.
Coroy bide
O. M. nonKRT8 IwyeT.
Medford National Dank Building.
collcctod totno accounts 14 years
old. Wo kuow how to Ret tba
nionoy. Thn nuitock Mercnnttls
AKonoy, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, His
kins' llldg., 216 K. Main t.
Onrnott-Oorey RldB., ulte lit
Mrdforu, Ore. Pltonn 8B.
Collections end Rejwrts
M. F. & II. RldK. Offlco Hourc
8:30 to 12; 1 to 5. Phono 007-R,
Kiifrinccr unl Contractor
FIIKI) N. CUMM IN08 Snginecr and
contractor, 404 il. F. A H Bide
Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation
ilralnaKO. orohatd and Und Im
provement. Insuranra.
KARI, 8. TUMY (lenornl Insurance
office, Flr, Automobllo, Accident,
Mnblllty, Plato Glass, Contrnct,
and Surety Bonds. BzroUent com
panies, Reed local sorvlce. No,
a 10 (Jarnott-Corey BldK.
Instruction In aiuste
Fltkb ALTON IIAiailT," tcachor of
piano and harmony. Composer
and nrrnngor of music. Hnlght
Music Studio, 401 aarnott-Coroy
BM8S IIEIKie Toaoher ot Violin.
Music furnished for nil occasions.
Prices reasonable Studio 1121 13.
Main St., Phono 303-J2.
m saaa at.
OARRAOB Qet your premise
cleaned up for tho summer Cai
on tho city garbage wagons foi
good sorvlce. Phone ST4-L. T
Y. Allon.
PhyslcUns nnd Barfteoo
dr." v. a . CAnu)w, "dr. hva
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 410-417 Oarnott-Corey
blili;. phono 1030-1. Ketldenca
26 South l.aurol at.
DR. W. W, HOWARD OstoopsthU
physician, 303 Oarnett-Coray
building. Fhona 130.
DR. J. J. KMMKNS Physician and
urgoon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, noso nnd throat. Eyes scien
tifically tosted and glasses sup-,
piled. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
It. R. Co. Office M. P. & II. Co.
bide., opposlto P. O. Paona C07,
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician anfl
surgeon Phonos, of flea 36, resi
dence 7S0. orttro hours, 10 to
12, 3 to 6.
clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm
block, opposlto Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phona 110-J.
Printers and Publishers
best aqulpped printing office In
southern Oregou; book binding,
looso lent ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 27 North
Fir st.
OUloa -it N'ortu Front at. Pi-aun
3.11. Price right, Borvlco guar
' V