PAOTl FOFTC irKDFonD vtt mipryrc, arenroTip, orkciox, Saturday, .tune to, 1010 1 " Ml AV, .v r. - ! I- R1EDF0RD JMAIL TRIBUNE AN INPRPENPRNT NKW'BPAPBIt PUBl.IilllSU UVBiir AKTBrtNOON JKCBPT BUNDAT II V TUB MBDFOim vniHnjfo CO. Office Mali Tribune Uutldlnv, U-ll-19 Nerth Fir tret; telephone 7. Thn Deraecretla Time. Mall, the ttertfonl Trllmrte tlirt Medford pi.- Oiiiiiii. era brROnln, The Ashland TrlbuiHt. aBOIIQR l'UTNAM, IWItor. BUHOCRIPTION nATSBI 8ne year, by mat. no month, by mall Itr sisaia, niwrm ay earner ,.J.OO ill Madfard. PhOftitx. mm natural point In Jackaotiyttle z H year ...... l.s Official IHsper of the City of Hertford. OFflalal Pnnar nr Jaekann County. Knlernd aa aeronrt-elnaa matter at Medofd, Orcsron, under the act of March i Saturday only, by mat), par year. weeniy, per ffW- worn Circulation for lull 1416. Kull leaned wire Aaaoelnted I'rees dln patents. I " 7faeaea n WM-aawM ' CANNERS OFFER "" FIVE-YEARCONTRACT FOR PEAR CROP S EI ROLLER 0 F GRANTS PA 0. 0. P. I E RMS GREER IJbby, McNeil & MMiy, tha Inr oat oaniiors in the world, who eon tainplnto orcctitntn large cannery at .Mdtlfunl noxt aenson, urn anxious to naoartaJn tliH penr neroajte they enn swjHre on ifev-year contracts nt .f.'IO it' (on, luuhidlnjr everything 2j iliuho In dlniiiotor mid hIiovo. It is too Into to oreet t Iih cannery Hit season, mill this yonr's crop would lio shipped to California for muiiiliif, Hiitl tlio factory ho orcotod in time for no.vt season's output. Oruhaidlsta willing to offer acre age are rnnuiHtttd to sign up nt tlio Commercial club building, niton tlio jigrufcnoiit tHnl the ooiniwnv urcet tlt mniHorr next yanr. Speedy action in desired, mill fruitgrowers are to iHtmteA to net tin- fnit of the week. FAIRBANKS-COLLIER BILL AT PAGE TONIGHT "lli Picture in llif I'iiwi-," u five reel Kint1 Ait play wlnili (tH-iii'il ut th I'Htrc ytittnluy, ih h ili'lmhllul "OHMdy aaitel nictilv bulmn'ctl, tluniifli i Would b difficult to timl un uclor who tKMtld Maciftcafull t-nrrv tlu Wading role n di' DoiikIu" l'i' ImuiIcm. 1IU iMiNonftlitv i" no ull-Mr-Vkdinir tbut lit i 'ike the mm whrn it rtna ia n aky of morning atarx, the liirbCLy wbitih oa of them kIow, tin Ibrht wtikb cauacM tht'iii all to fnili'. Il ia apkarntly in a uIuhh all by klroavlf, al otto nn athlete of re aura and darlotr, and a aubtla in (rpreter of tha nmniiiiir ide of hu jMk ftatun a rvalai n evorvdav (fafteaca by plain ordiuury mau at lattntinK to h a god. The play not only afford bim juat to aort of otrjort unity that anil a hix qa)hicntioii, hut it in IiIrIiIy iiipmi joua, pltivpriy ronatructcd and u work nf art ia tlaatf. Willi Collier, another famed com jMliaa, nvr apiwaivd to huppier iid vantavc than that of the nrt lutloiit in the rtitreamiuir TriaiiKle-K-.oii' tte, "Itottar Ute Than Ncmt." This great fumed v hill, filled with oontuiuoua fun and itood Immor, it Itaaled urnin tomifht. The tenni-nd!pr of the 0. 0. P. I'oiinlv niiicliiiK' iiriuhel nlonjf mer rily orr the proalrnte forma of the iir-nrKont and inridmtnllv flnttencd out the aa)dratiotifl of Editor Pert It. (Ireer of Aahland Tidinpa, nt the first meeting of the new eniinlv eontrnl (oiNiiiillee Friday, A detonniixid ef fort to defeat the old rnmtnlttuo nt tlie )irimariiH fulled, mid u juerriln rally organired by the sometime pro hibition, aomelime ileinoernt, aome tiine bull mnoae atn aoinctime repub lican Aahlnnd editor fniled to capture the mmt of Clminimn Hurt Andcr Mm and Htnte (Toniiuilteuiuaii S. S. Smith, both of whom won out in tlio pritnurit'H ami in tlie committee by a ole of two to one. There wn n good attendance of committeemen, thirty-eight being present, and proxies represented ton inure, which wore allowed it vote. The following officer were eleeted: County eliiiirnmn, Ilert Antiunion; Hccretary, Ralph Hardwull; treas urer, J, (). IftHAOMftU. Kxeeutivti eommilteo 0. C. lhKt"i I r. Ilollia, C. I). Iloon, Bedford; T. IT. Himiwon, Fred P. Holme, AhIi land; A. J. Smith, Gold Hill; 1). V. HiiKHhnw, JnekHonville; It. K. Itobin 1.011, Talent; ". S. Hammond, Grif fin Creek. State committeeman, S. S. Smith of Meilford. Cnngreaaionnl eommitteoinnn, V H. I,mkin of AhIiIhihI. The members of the executive committee are to bo vieo-ohnirmon, excepting in Med ford and Aahlaud, where one member from oaeh plncc is to ho ehoaen by tlio other members. fipceclien were made hv Caudldntea Hoherta, Wilaon, (lardner and flroer. CAIll) )V TIIAXKK Wn wlih to thank our ninny frloiulH mid iinlKbtiorM In both Hiimmerlniid, Calif., and MqiUonl for their klntl noas and yniiHtliy durttiK the lllueea am! dontli of our beloroil mother, Charity Iflmmollne llnlley, T. V. IIAfXHY & FAMILY, ANNA MAXFIICLD, (of SimimorlBiid. Calif.) It. II. IIALLICY & FAMILY, lV. L. IIALLKY A FAMILY, I. J. IIALLKY AM) FAMILY, (of MtNlford, Ore.) TO PLAY BEDFORD HERE SUNDAY Grants Pas will piny Modfonl in this citv tomorrow aftenioon in what protniai! to be one of the bet ball gnmeM of the, neanon and before what the hall management hope will be the bent attendance of tlio year. So far Medford fans have boon more in terested in the weather and Ashland mrk than in the ball team, and it N earnently prayed they will rouse from (heir coma and be present in the fleab. Dewpito the lukewnnnodnoaa of the fan, the (earn ia at a higher pitch thnii over before, the infield being the bet in (he history of tlio city, with Wilson on first, Mllos on second, Scholtz nt short and Mo ran at third. Tho gentlemen, besides being nblo to stop the hall, nre all hitting. Medley or Hiss Castor will pitch for jModford. All of the torn have been fpmetieiiig faithfully (his week. The Grants Pass loam has been strengthened for the inimo tomorrow, and will he accompanied by n largo delegation of motors. A week from Sunday Medford will play Klamath Falls at Klamulh Falls, nnd tho wcok after thai (earn will play in this city. Then will come the big games of the year Medford V". Weed at Ashland during the Fourth of July celebration. w&c-T5r,;5 3fr i.ii -. nrn- Wf Goiai some! W4 i?4 I 1 1 I FANNIE WARD AT T r Fannie Ward, (he iliHtiuguihed Luskv star, has proven herself to ho one of the moat versatile actresses on Hie stage or screen. In "Tennes see's Pnrduer," her third appearance under the direetiou of tho Lnsky company, she is ween in the title role, Hint of a girl of 1(1 in the curly days of California and those who have had the deanure of witnessing tho pre sentation of this splendid picture, all assert that it is tho best work Miss Ward haa yot done. Her instinctive love for hor unrec ognized mother and her broken-hcurt- ed attitude al the abienco of her "daddy" when she has traveled all the way to Handy liar to ee him for the first time in her life, are but some of the gripping moments in this fa mous play. This sKeeial production will he the offering at the Star theater today only. Mra. Irene iHitncn nunmineei that tone Is oraunlsliiK class of flvo or six miulla at 76 cent au hour Kacli pupil will receive a certain amount of In- ttlvlduul piano Instruction from whleh lb other mom ben of the olasa will profit. Kuitluieulal harmony ear train ing ant) sight-reading will slao be In- 'clitdftd. In this way tho pupil will got a thorough and general knowledge of mnale and may aaeorulu waatner bo or ah has sufficient talent to Justify private training. Class loHlona stimulate Interest ami encourage the pupil In more eonseleu- tloita homo practise, thereby relieving tho parsnta of mueh reapoaaiblltty This elasa system Is stnploy.d In the largo conservatories of both Knro'iu and America. C'asse now orguilcl (hose deslilmc to ,on uiu ipiily to' Mrs Uascs f" U.-on . r fu.Uier li j i '.malum at lci- Mtttlio lit llciiienl AporimentH, e,ro"r Weal Mi'U .o'.ij QllllH'o streets. Prone sti " TOO I,ATK TO UI.KHIIY. FOK KXCMANrilc''"' " Washington ilslr.v ranches from $ C r 0 to Mf, 000 for ranches here. 10 acre Improved In 8ams valley. $6000. lor Medford property; SO acres Ir rlgatod $3(100, for Medford reil tlenea; business property and mer chandise stock oasteru WashliiK ton, $ IS. 000, for close In acreage. Clark Realty Co., ion I'hlppi bldg. FOIt SALIO Or exalmime, 11 1 Ford teHrtag ear awly; will take road ster body and cash. II. U. Hcholi. CI) FOK 8ALK 18.000 celery plants, three belt varieties Phono 027-X Mm Win. Bain. WYM Clark st. 60 JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER Ijwly Assistant ba s. nAUTi.iirr rtiontMi M. 17 and 47-JJ Atitomobllo lloarHO 8orlro iammpsjmimmmtmMkgwa Photographic Headquarters Mark this sign! It stamps our store as the best place to buy photographic materials. And it stands for the best photographic materials. We are proud to handle Ansco goods, because they never disappoint. Long experience has revealed to the Ansco Company the best materials,, the proper formulas for taking and printing perfect photographs. Come in, and let us demonstrate the strong points of the superb Ansco the amateur camera of professional quality, priced from $2 up. Let us show von Ivautiful nicttires taken on famous Ansco Film, developed with Ansco Chemi cals and printed on prize-winning Cyko Paper. You'll be surprised and delighted. Come in TODAY. MEDFORD PHARMACY 1'lltiM. Ml SUIWUI) llollll. 0M- I Hill III .ill M III. ft L g a lC) AfttCO CftlrWJ'lul Anato Filir Ansco CkTou-Jje Cyko Popw DeveSHg ami IMrt&g for Amateur 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 -not at all uncommon perform ances for Savages. Do you get mi lages like these from your tires? Comparison o one Savage on your car with three of other makes is a sure way to become a Savage booster. Try it. Have you used a xieTv Grafinitc 'Tube? Users like the new Sav age Tube as well as they do Savage Casings more can not be said of it. TIREM ' raaEtflfn lie Nat Plunge fan SAMMY, JDN A Five-Piece Orchestra for the Dance Single Dance 10c Evening 25c FACTORY DISTRIBUTOR C. E. GATES Medford r.i XKjr")li!mn"r,liinr. Better lighted windows sell more goods At no increased cost for current you can make your show windows just Pivice as bright as they now are. And without the ulare which hurts people's eyes and really drives them away. x-:R2. reflectors The Show Window Searchlights . nre the moit powerful reflectors made and they l.ut indefinitely. They hide the glaring lamp, and on account of their scientific design, concentrate all the liftht on the mercliandite on display. None it wasted on the ceiling or sides of the wiudow nor on the sidenalk. These reflectors are the standard for window lighting. Marshall Field & Co., Chicago, used 1500 X-RAY Reflector ronttantly for thirteen year and when a fcv of these Merc tested by diiin terested engineers in Cleveland itwa found tl.ey liad not lost one in-r cent in reflecting cfTuicncy. X-RAY Reflector aie the only pure iilvcr plated reflector hi'h lost indefinitely. Free Demonstration We'll how you X-RAY lightingany evening )"ou say In your own windows. Nothing will con vince you more qnii kly of its wonderful tuperiont) It rt a necessity to any merihant. Phone us. &X for boollet, "Show Window Scarcldight: " PAUL'S ELECTRIC STORE MKDKOltD. OWl.tiOX ib 1 -. 'l frm ihl ' lAl't. llijmtf' iC ST5i A W.Tn, JPdsLi?4atSin!hV1 BJm LUWLER 1 ASHLAND LITHIA PARK MDA Y 3 p. nnd Evenings at Park Brilliantly Lighted for Evening Pleasures Children's Play Grounds, Tennis, Croquet, Hundreds of Picnic Tables Rp5l IkmuvI Ml'".. .. ." "- 'a' : IM I FATHERS AND MOTHERS Von. vlu are vltaly Intereated In the welfare of your chil dren, could you do anythluK better for your boy or ulrl than eaeoursKlnx them to be thrifty ditrlus; the formatlvu I't.iod of tholr lire the school period? Now that the rmiilii sehoolt aio co-operating, whv not bejln to eucour ase tl.oiii to saris their pennies, nlcksl and dimes In tha MtvinK iltpartiaeiit of the Al $& OVER 92 YCARS UNDER OMt MANAaCMCNY z wmvtxiaBHMmmmls: nni m (F aTa. & V f t y ? ? ? V ? T ? I f T T T f ? T ? Y T V K00MMMH44M(K'H!MjHrM; Irrigation Is P reparedoess mh JVlEv 1 -fisv:.--ir 'WW $$ftW?&5 f 1 , You can raise some crops ovary year and all crops some years without irrigation. But if you want to raise all crop every year you should irrigate. The value of any crop avay year can bo increased 50 to 500 per cent by irrigation. If you have water supply from well, creek or stream, we can supply you with electric power for pumping. On re ceipt of information card we will be pleased to make you estimate of cost. California -Oregon Power Company lilt West Main Street Xhoue XC8 aiEDFORD, OREGON W r. f 4- ( L Sl V J i MaSK. jMje;$: ,.f ,.,