VMW TWO AIIWORI) MUI". TRHHTrtf, MIODFORD, OUKdOX, KA'ITRDAV, JUNE 10, 191G Jan- i'-. ;, V m. Bit UV- kit-' fcli! if ! ' .'! iri 'A' ?A i- m w - fOCAL AND PERSONAL j4iiitiiH14M'lliiiiii it W. I). Meliilyre. pitcher unit shorl altiH ot the lornl tram, lft Tor Ms km Saturday, wiier Ik will Join (tin sflsaflh Mil ten in. ' iFrad llunaeii. Mltnnt suiierlii Uuitstit of the Hoirthern lriri. , wlih i)9Htlrftiarleri hi Ashland pnnt Friday ItijH&rlfonl an busta. W. A. ramr iWtd family lcau' Monday on a lour or Alaska. Tln- Strt to be tone two months .Woftatt Camera Bttan for flrst-clnsN kodak fltilshln and kodak supplier. '.Mis Mild rod Veka loft tor Mac (tewfll Id rltlt with frtauria Hatnr (iHjf wtornln. ; 'l)o Voa gleea trading stamps with &vrythlnt wt iwwhrta. 1l. I. .Vnrton, or Hnstou. apvnt si v dJNft tiara In thin city, marine lb. ftriW. He visited Jnrkannrlllc huh liliiMl, alao ihcIr Mraral lanv , dtnjjatHla. II ft fftr Portland tin f f!i$fiilnj. $ ; (lot your milk, or on in, lmttor, orb nnd litittonttllk at Oa We. MIm Dorothy Wlcka loft fur Sun l'miiclsco today to reaiimit nor studies tnnlar I'rof. llormnn nmiaa. Tymiwrllnr Mior of nil kinds at Modfonl Printing Co. II. ttarHHm and wife lfl toi .1 fHWHlHR trip this morning. Tho world' grontoat companies Holma, Tho Insurant Man. ltd ward Huntler and II. A. Patter fn loaaw fwr KastArn OrasjOfi Took day. They will spend mm Hum- in llentl. Try n Klnjt Hnlta clsjar and en Qfliimitt homo Indnatry. tf; Mr. floor W. tlrnwH of Suet 9Hlo, la visiting frtswda at 1'iuh i!Ht. Pbjlftga alamt at I Vool. t III. It, drhar, or tan VHliiri. Hi 0a AHllliu ikllw, lc. Hotel llMllaud. U. 18. I'nrtar, of Sum iMam. I in tkta olty hh buatneaa. tm Ihiv Wooda about tkat fire In MfKhtO nfillay. Offle Mull Tribune Iild. . W HHa,a birthday party for thrcr H(rtl was ilvau at tha Ttl Vox UH PriHw. Tmo Nioylnc thr imr tH&fn Mr. and Mrs. NaMi. Mr ami ytrav Ifumaworth and Mr. and Mr OrV. A l-tara dlnnar was nm 4tnak a King tplta elir. ' Hl4) ra komomado tr I. I. Mky, of rtltiborah. kh Mmi at tho Austin. II la a oH rMHlr and was lattst4 In th M nclda lirr. Ho loft tor tail .Jrl NatMrdA). Da Vw ys bwr bottlta. Owing 10 an error In namr 1 Mfav iMimonNor waa (trtntotl UrMt4MT PHro Hrowti l a l...i MtM ywtarday. .HtM railroad to tho Man l.xit i hattvfw'a otportontty. Romrmixr M apportwalty kaorks onra at rr ' laaji'a 4aor. Hotter bo at hoat w tu-n Uw My rails. Phono Sit. uHr MaM afOMir. !! "T" ". ! r. Ukf Mr, rnanwira ninoi t W Yh, h aro toartat tho tt afHWi Friday la thla ratloy h-aMiu Bar Mfilaad Saturday annrntnc 1 Ttetaa aolls frd vara, f son do n aa)d ll a ataath. U A. Works af Itrthot?, srriv.. fUr a few days to visit rll .Mih. MIiiiiIm I'rlild) who liMfl liecii visiting ffteiHli 1n Aiitt. Mont., re turned homo Saturday. Dr. K. A. Botly arrlvml thla nioia Imr front t'tnrthuiri. riiarloa Kvans, of flranta Pass, i.Nnt rrMay In Mlfrd atUwdlmt to r w,nd' B,ld n,"" bimtni'Hs matters. Atorney F. I). Moor or RosUhnrK HPi'iit tin- middle of tin- ptk to M'l foril on ImiMiicm. lr. V II ("rnwforil who wsm ohi Utt'il upon t Sfli ml Mcntl liofpltiii two aiii,h hro, niprolnK rajilil l ' II M WhUm'I, of Hie I .on AliRi'leii Time, one of the boat known Kjrt lat writers f tli ooast, rlases Don Iladnr of this rlt) as the most val uable man oft the Vernon team, Iw irtar able to hold down third, short. !OH Is In the lilting 3K, .too cIohh. which In t'lose Mrl It. (nor. or .Uhland, imIIIot of the Tldlnir mx-nt Friday in Med-rord. hi uiit Ml'i'ii l.iitt M'lHi' lm.- rH'irni'd from tiiiihd "ii in uorthiMii rnlifor- Jolin K. KuHclinnti, of Corvalltn, forinorly of Mod ford, returned Sat urday for a visit with friends and to look after liuMueM lulorests. Ho Is oi'uiiliiK a men's fiirnlnhliiK store In Simttlo. II. li. Knni'. of Klntuiitli Falls,' Is RifltniK tho put of town vliil tors In the city, Frank llybee. of .lacksonvlllu, spent Friday lit this Dty attetidiiiK to bus iness mutton" luilfte W S Crowell will return to day or tomorrow from nu extended trip to I'ortl.iml on liiiHinon". Tho Klks IocIro aro making elab orate proparutluns for tho holdttiR of thiftr; FlB(? day oxorcloos noxt Vod noudny, "Juno 14. On this day ovory ISIkB lodite lithe land will pity tributo to tho star and stilpos. Thu spoak r of the day will be C. M. Thomas, and tho bountiful flag ritual of the onlor will bo, given. The meeting ' Ih open to life public. t Henry Callaghnn returned Friday nlKht from a two da' trip to the' Ulito hedKe district. ' J Thos II. K Hathaway Hiient Frtda , I flailing on Itogue river. dlalph Ilardwell, of the Hogue MiiKonl Iloostrs Smoke Ulvor Fruit nnd I'roduco assoolatlon, Tlio Medtord and Mt. 1'ltt Cigar. has dolayed his trip to the miduie wost, for a week or ten day. The snow is not melting fast In tho mountains, riforu from Crater lake showing there Is from two to six mill on the ground. Gonry Garrett and Karl Hubbard returned from O. A. C. Friday to spend their vacation with their par ents. Dorn I'. .lameH left for Loi W geles Friday to spend her -iiii-iii-'k vacation. TOUPEES Made to Order at the fk MARINELLO Hair Shop 1(1.17 f.'nrnett.Coiey llldg. wuuisTMmBtuvtaiEVH uut vw uiaBaaaaMiaaauaMMhWtMg PAGE MEDFORD'S LEADING MOTION PICTURE, THEATRE TARTS TOMO The picture play you have been waiting for -sL-alH IE TaW VT IH f aBBaaam HbWHb!IbWbIHuKwV BsW dV -J v vJaBWrBBUEBaV A 'JIHbV' ;? m0Wmlr Tdaftat her screen debut in the greatest the most lavish of all Ince Triangle plays the $250,000 production P a 9Uratnk lc taart al Da Wot Mia Ladle Mewiwar, wh has aMad4its Ik ualTWrttj at Km ratanied taday. tat &f Mllfcahakra at ivs 1. M, Helatea of luiiMutitr t . basttaw vltttor. flat mat, t-raoai fwriH4 hmiM r.A.toTn. Mr X. U. Itantt ami .intuM. artlvd taday la i-ni n -utrn With her husband ) hi.- .Usim : oanstmcllea f the rrst 1 t l.t.i Dr. Ktehttaaatr i "" ' Kash ever Wadaet-da M.m tor conuHatitt 10 to X Wls Ruth Uaarenr i. i attending the t'. at iittiimd h'i to ient thr suattmi .raua tl 1 marnlng Whipping ffawi at tw.. ltol IViovue, h tu- ' i'i! Ina 1 in- stio 41 I'ortiiad, ! rtrad hoot tM Th raltfaad to ihr 11: nr 1 U- Udtard' appuitunft i. ineni. : aa aw'oHoaltx knook vin. a t maa dr Uetter he at twwie . th hady eatU Phoae ill, Huu.i fUlili Orooeo . '" Mt Rath returned trn. 1 aairaraHy tKti RatiarmUk tV sal al lv V.t fjrawaawwam s '" " TWO TRIPS DAILY - t:Ti.r MEDFORD and EAGLE POINT g H iUlKUl. tt'.. IO Alt' . -.. . Ki PoitH i S v V and 1 l v dall), 'r' ! . ee Mt AM aad N P M. Vltl eatt . aaaamrtr at hoti to Mad'ord - hotels aad Nhumi hoaaa 1 K -r.tit riti .? v. i. - the winsome, will-o'-the wisp creature with the wonderful smile who will nvake you feel bettor brighter happier 8 reels vibrating with action 8 reels filled with pure joy "In the not so fiartieularl humble opinion of 1 ho writ.-1 ttitlfe tturke. if she were Hi lit an i'Od vise, would still oe ne of the mot satlifx iiip m-iv. t .tvirw the fllrnn ha lints far pro ,lHi't lUn.c HUH Hurke in adUttion to bet 11 e an si-oifiii; lulled plaer t-t-rore the rsaiers, the onrlurio lollofts that ht taads alatost pre imlnvtit In the nation puturv field, la the art inierted h Mr. I nee 'Peaa' i exquisite, rt rei-r.-.-onu the hialMst form of inotioa nlcture pro .t.Mtiou ivcajr.' with tare and Ml Iturko workiiu tocrther. Is a Renutae triamph. Mia tsurke In a -itiete ptetur ha justified hr staf Knnii ;.!..! -lieuuoU Noif ts th Nea York T lot ram I From the Critics . The fitanhaind actress rou.ed llmMich an nniMualt on'iri.-iiMiiii; puture with all t h' rawer knowledge and aur nre of a screen ratcraa. The lntnolated fairy tur is real l uav of the moot de lishtful parts ( the picture, it abound In lieautlfui iihotoeraphy. with Miss Burse in her most becnttlBR wrt. tripping lifhtl throuch blurre scene, her faasons hair radtaal een in Its screen reflection. tk incarnation l(f tirliu graea Jt beau ty." -New York Time. 1 17VU-' mm nmri.r.. "ltillie ltnrke l a born screen a-tre----he a prob;ibl a tomboy varlier in life luck of her fa.cinatin tracity are the inch Fiurits ( sound health - she is a founts.. n of natural . n er snd vceminfly oxhsumlei- tlcor. Kver movement, however nicely balanced bv tralniir,-, arincs from the natural impulse of a woman to whom mere exittenre U a I'leamre ;ien :t cleter and attractlvo artlMte. Hillle Uurkr's fine cotuedy iMrtunity, such a lisrtlnor Sullivan can provide and the capable dire, tine of Thomas H. Ince, what else than delieht could be exirtid at this stats.' when eH.i M-ioimtie oik is t;k.-n for granted: -txiui ltecws lUrrisou in Mov inn idctiiie World. ADDED FEATURE- Victor Schertzinger's and Thos. H. Ince's n "Peggy Wm, Vawter J f Nrittcn s part of an admirable score and sting at each perform ance by SPECIAL MUSIC A series of Scotch Melodies specially com posed by Victor Schertzinger for "Peggy" interpreted by the PAGE'S NEW ORGANIST WM. M. DEVINE, on the $5000 Wurlitzcr Unit Orchestra S C H IsD U LE" Shows start 2, 4, 7:1S, 1):15 Doors open 1:30 and t:4S mnmmmmtMmtJnmui.0tMwiMmim,mmmiwnii aioat. aaatsaMiaMkaM Hi m 1 imiimx-..,,. -P - -.1 II Ui ufcB I niiiiHifiiiiiiiM ifrags-jarffgffra-flfl tttr"um PRICES- ADULTS . CHILDREN i. :. .) 25c oi, 15c i '""' ! lisMMsJaj 55a viirirtrkw-Afi'c t t a nrvn urnrfimv oT.uMMvrr, ws,fl'Ki;ti"K ' IX JS.ii.C US.U O XXCiVLXilU- 1UUXAU1V j i.AJMi J.AtJUJfcJC.ja. wrii7pji".iiiF.,iiT.iia n iWH ? mMimiM0uaMaamimamm&i1"i ' siiasMMs.wsMi.ftsysw.Maw.a -?? nir ,ii"'7ffsfsaaBaBBjssiiwBsaaaaT miiminaHa ma ii"m n sjoi ill ami a isiani j iii aijaWTBuisTlTsBaamitTMsl biJslii,jajiMBliiiiia.iiii,iiaaiaiiiiaiiiiaiij,ijaaBsjs rwlMraiasaaHisi6asiaaM