Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 09, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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t, n "...
Vf t?'
o o
mvutt rniNTiNa co,.
Office Mall Trlliun.. IlullUIn, 3I-27-J3
North Kir afrrel, telephone 76.
Th Dtmocrntio Ttttion, (tic Mpdfortl
Mali, Tb Modfurd Tribune, The Muth
ef Otrtfbnnin, Th Aalilsml Tribune.
ft HOMO iniTNAitTlMltAr.
8K aWirw-i : ?'M
I'er tttomh, d)Hfi"il by cnrrlar In
aim Ontral lolnt .to
SatttMay wtljtf by matt, par year J. OS
WwWy, war your . 1 ct
tttffi Clrsulallun for 1J1S1IIC.
INill low ami wire AMooUted Press dig.
How Atom S'iln Tlii'iuY
1'oltcu Offlrnr KkIiik linn lemluiud
1iln roHlKiiatjdii. llo rotlrue from (ho
forco with tint woll-wlalioa of ovory
oiio. llo linn dim I oil tliti publlu
mitiiiru nt ovury opiiorttutlty. Tim
Woustqr (0.) ltoMililloim.
Tlio fjlH'iiiioiiH fu
Dr. I'll' whh out onrly with IiIm
homo iniil plow Sunility iiioiiiIiik uut
wiih rttlluil lo son u putluiil bofoto liu
Hot to plo.w nijioli. lUillfontiilnt' (O.)
Ardor Itnriiliii; Out
A llollon Kill who tvui iiioiiIIim nyo
i;ot lx lutlurn a wi-ok from an nut of
town Htoiiy now koIb but tlnuo.
llollon (Kut.) Sl'nul. '
(JlllllJJ Ollt l)f llllslllOM
iKor 8lo A iiuriuol top, whtinr
tired Iiukk rofrlM'Tiitor mill n ul
tur. Mr. A. I. Hlonn -Ailv. In the
Mtil.oniultoro (HI.) TIiiiimi.
Vl'IN l.lll1
I hid not Inrgo.
Ill ftiot, I taiiiulliiiea mill ho rovurt'il
Or flrriHl In tlia Imiilmg of a lady,
Yet I, t crtl MMOiu of th tar,
Hold targ place In Hi thouihU
AhI yw of lliouaauda
I am not iiiodMt,
Yet at HniM am I ahrtuklna
1 tnnlia baaulllHl wow mar ba
Ami liOHtalr iMwa to WV ltku hpe
lw UtMM
My wiaanlrr wakua fat w
Hhh fat tar.
AhI thin vm inlniiHr.
I am ttaa ffMtaat anany af bumau
Tha moat ruthleaa r ulnar af all dla-
(Qaintlnued on dm: two.)
itdation lo I In iui ot th coiuinK
'iuniaiitB mm tiiitkt' Imu III iu1
desirable cudidut uhii wliwu to
"U waa aicraaU ibat your ronforw
would rvfivrt llama l'al to Hun foil
wniiau. "(MXtfttllv MulMuit(ii,
"(t)d Mmot, W. Murray ('rati.
W. I!. Uoi-aa, Xifhultta alurmy ItutUtr.
A. It. JuttHMM."
l'l)U106MM UltHUl
Tbp ivHit of t'onfVrwn fullowm
"To thf l'rogrtivH Nutioual C'au-
vrutiou :
"Your foiuiuitlai' aiHtiutitl uru
ful to llu yrimluttoii adoptod tit v
tvnia'a MUiii uu't in i'outVniii'
vrilh iltf I'omaiilti'w rrirrMutiiiK Ibf
itakiiial n-puLlifou routenttuw luat
uvuninif. Tltu i'ouuiitUH of i-ouft'i-ottrv
r''rt',iituig ilw' rtubli'u M
iiual (HMivMilinn mmnt'l of il'..i,
Hwl Siuoot, Uurmy Cruiif, William
Jt. Itomli, Nibolaa JJuriav ljUWr
KMd A. 11 Johmwin.
"Tbc t'oufarviwa uH iuukI frii-ud
ly. IiiiMediaMy upon amblinK
yoar couiaiiUM rotMil, a tliv
aiMl iioniinw of both 'onvrtitiouM, tbi'
name of TluHxlorr )(ouoult. TUt
t'owuiuilt-it rrtt'utiiMt iIik riobli
iau natioual couvanlion did ut tttf
aanl tha oniut of any audidat4, nor
did it aMwJipt lo rvluli' our rnu
ntwiU r-UiiUK to tuo uuimn- avail
ability of Tlirutlor? Rooms clt a
faodiduttt io uniti' botb HirtU or to
Mpve our uiitrv at tliu oriuiul hi
W4. in lb liixturv of thf world Al
tH amrHl bour of friendly diM-u-kion,
durinit ahicb uu t'onirai piop
n-ltuiii u'tiM udMinurd b I lie ivpult
llMIII i.' ", eni','i tlllll ,i tiirllx'i
0(IW Itr Of the Pity of Madforrt.
Official Paper of .Tb. kon County.
ttntvfsd aa arcond-elua inaMar at
MaVwi Oregon, undor Um aat of Mnruli
Hililiii I
,mU .1"
IJfhl b' leliable ibi- nt
ntuj, tbc jfiui t'liu'init
(i i.. I', il
ATRIOTISM- -llic lusl ivfiiKf o!' wouiidivls."
TIhm wjix tlw uYl'initioii bv SuhihcI rjolinsoii, llic
KH'til lcxifornplicr, jui ironical Iccm describing ccrtnin
wdifions disliirbcrs of tbc novcniiiiciit who in tin1 cilil
fiMitli ct'iiiiiry souhl lo further personal ambition and
pari tarn advantage under the Honk of love of country.
Similarly today we have our commercial and political
nmtten foiuiuoT'elnli'iiig patriotism as a business and par
tisan awiet, pai'iidhitf under Old (llory and arrogating to
thcniRHvcs a monopoly of love of country.
"Webntcr defines a patriot ax "one who loves his coun
try and aealoiwry supports it authority and interests."
Our bombastic, masquerading patriots do not fit the
definition, for they are doing everything but support its
authority. They arc doiiig their utmost to disparage and
deride its authority. At a time of most serious interna
tional crisis, when the nation should stand unitedly behind
and baHc up the president, they seek lo slab him in the
Colonel IJooHevell, the most conspicuous, malignant
and hostile of the administration's critics, has for three
years omitted no opportunity to censure the president and
undermine his prestige at home and ubroad, fanning the
embers of discontent into the flame of international dis-
conl, lor the sellish and Sordid ends ol lurtliering Jus own
political ambitions.
Only yesterday iMr. Roosevelt accused flics prosidont of
Having (lulled the nation s
"llic most evil service that
democracy by its chosen leader" because the president
has kept peace with the world and preserved the traditions
of international law without sacrificing national honor or
consult iug the colonel. No president since .Lincoln ever
faced such difficulties and none has been guided by higher
ideals for human welfare than WoodroW Wilson.
frantic with disappointed ambition, having futilely
wrecked his party to further his aims, Roosevelt now seeks
to dictate to the party he ruined his own return to power,
lie has become a common scold and shrieks his maledic
tions against all who fail to follow him. Without an issue
and a party, he has, aided by munition makers and big bus
iness, striven to create an issue based upon his monopoly
of patriotism a patriotism that would just as recklessly
plunge the nation into disaster for hjs pei'soiiiil aggrandize
ment as it plunged his own party.
A long-suffering public, wearied by f Iks incessant
clamor ol this politically greedy, lcnov-it-all, jingoistic
busybody and infallible trouble-maker echo .Job's remark:
"No doubt ye are the people and wisdom shall die
with vou."
y d :.;::
I. Il.i'ho
(Ooiilluuml from uiga oua)
bia afiaai'li, which he miuid would
ba btiaf.
I la it a iuiilu on tin- w ltiKred
oirvulaliou of hi imm a Maible
"loaeR" by reminding the utigrvH
mU' convpiition that he wm preNeut
uk ii member of u tHiuiuitttt from an
other contention.
"There inn'i n doubt but that you
want Teddy and that niillioiix of eili
anx thiwiiihout tho eomitrv aUo
mint Twldy," he hewm. "You nir
I'ortuuuto in hauiiu n lender," he -u-tiiiueil,
"who hu ibue mom Hutu un
oilier mini lo make the ientH of tin-;
"lie i ii umber of tueiiou m
oUml in thii. inivrnalioual en.i.
I'ltHiil for llHinuniy
"Hut let iik (war in uuud." he ui
liut'd "what lbtMi two eouxeutioiiH do
hero will Mibiiw dmido (Ih wolftue
of the l'ni(el Htale fur the next
ipiurter of n eoiilury. Wa ean onlv
mure oureleH b working tou'ellirr
mi iltixe eo-oHruliiui. do not di
I'ourane our loyally and inlhuiam
to your lender, but 1 mut av it n
eMM'iiliul that Im-Ioi we leave thin
irreat eity it xhoulil U definitely de
teruiiniHl Hint we will mureh mid fljtht
(OKVlher ill Ihia nieiil loineiititui yet.
"Hul if the two eonwmlioiift uiee
iimui your great lender yon will hud
im more euibuHuihtic iuiuwrlvr thuu
ltowib eomlmliHl amid npphiiKe
mill Hboul of ltiuitult and llonili
A lloiuh klumk hunUh with the lend
era on I he atutta and left, the fU.i
hummed with utel divUkMu t
the ilrumutii' deteloutueut.
iMiumiii Sl)itli'u
Uanaral Jobuoa waa called to r
lata lila iart In the coufaraueea.
"1 wouldn't tor the world dauipeu
auy niaa'a uinuatamu," a aald.
"but placo uut too imu-h roultdeuca
In tha reauhUeaa'a report."
Ha referred to tha reoubllran roa
vaalloa aa eouuioaad of aavoral "Ua
llghlful vanllautan."
"Tha auni total of tba caaa," he
aald, "waa that tha prograaatvea mada
the laaue of Ibl cawpalvu aiid lliey
offer tbr man '
'The repii'iln uu .uev t 1 1 ! Hi
tm - --- o-ejj
Imli"i n
O i I
conscience and rendering
could be rendered lo a great
Mini admit In ronforoni't that they
huve no iiihii to aunwoal excopt Thoo
dora Itooiovalt," (lovernor Joluiion
Another treumamlftjia outbiirat of
upplmnfl followtMl.
(iovornor Johiiaon atlrtad tho con-
uilon Into another demuiiatratlou
Iih bo daclarad ha would ataud to
and for ooo man and oua man
alone, "the araatHat Amerlrau."
Whan the iaadarn not time to
breath attain, they conferred on tho
oauraa to be followed by tha con
vention and decldad to be regulated
by the action of tho republican. It
waa agreed that If tba republirun
convention gavo no algaa of making
nomination, (be progressive
vantlon would tramart other roiillno
teiiMlneMH. Hhuuld n uomluatlou by
the republican appear linmlnent, It
wan aitreed, the pronifKHUen Imme
dlalelv would uoiuluale Culouvl
NNW YOUK. .luue U V Ju.lmneiil
by, default for approxtiuiiielv J 1 7.
300, 000 agaluat the Wealern l'arlfu
Kallroiid r0tiiiau) wuh entered In the
federal eoiirt hero today bv tho New
York Truat company aa truatee for
the leuier and Itlo Orande ItHllroail
tompau). Tha acllou waa huned up
on at unpaid notaa.
Thii Wealarn HaoHh- 1 uow In re
raherahlp. A Judgment for about
$l,a5u,oou againat it iutiu.i
eairday In favor of the New YoiU
Tiut compauy In default of luiiu-t
I lMlll. June H. A Inn t en
unt'iiiilil liilWecli --liuiU 1 tt it il ami
liiiuitin wurhii oil the ! -1 ul
UeUuiiu teilay a mode Vimwii
liuliix im the fulluttiug oflu'ial m
inuiiiewtioii: "(hi ThuiMlnv mortuna a Huti-h
pallid loree eomMed ol iiuuulir-
and nrK'ili ilelroei enui;ed nil
.eebruuui' trelo-biMil de-lruxei- nt
line I'lit'inv wlni'li. on oeiou ineii i" n
Mu'iiilni-. iiiniued i pi'H 'I In io
Will li.( I l-ll.lltlf " d.Mii, '-I- MI-
-ii hi , 1 In i, oiii tin
-- k
(9 H HMtll.t s
t'lione. M 47 anil t7-J
ui m I it- II' i si
(Continued from pqro ono)
The noiirmition lifoku into nil up
roar while tlio ImiiuI plnynl.
The Ilogliea men in the New York
delegation led the cheering. The
other delation from tho "favorite
ion" ataloa for (he immt irt kept
their ot. Th rlieem mid Hppliuiac,
howevur, woro general on the lloor
and Jtnlli'rioe.
A 0, 0. P. elpplniiit on roller" wa
taken lo (lie (dot form. Th Oregon
men iiekeil up their xtMiidnrd anil be
gun a innt'aii nlHiiit the (mil. Tlic
Uitglioa man from Xow York juincil
Vermont nml Aliehigttn delognttff
jniniiil tlio proeecKiiui. The inNt'i'liera
ciied, "wo wiuil lliigliun!" nml pmii
pliruNiiic tlio Hull iliiimo tnuVeliing
yell, fdioillud, "we winit ('linjliel''
WIhmi the ntiixe liud buen in full
awiiy twimty iniimlua Clminimti
Hunting tried lo iritval il down.
Hoot Ih NoiiiIiiuIcmI
Tlie Kill no were directed (o gel ilel
egnteM Hcnli'il, Mr. llHtilitig then ice
oKiiited NitdiohiH .Murrnv Holler ol'
Xow York lo miminulc Klilui Root,
undor tlio yiuld of plitce by Atixouu.
Dr. ltntlor'a Heeli n puueluuled
with freipiinit Mpplunae. Theru wore
wlioii, wntiiig of I'Iul'h mid lintn,
lmnd-i'lnpiiiig nml din from I Iu
miiHc-iimkiiig niiii'liiiitm. A womnn in
(liu Kiicel gnllurv behind the (rial form
xtnoil in bur eliair mid Hcronmiiil n
mlirill lielitti until nil vh in (he hall
woro tiiruud upon her. Tlio lmiul got
Iiiimv mid Ilia eheerN coiiliuuud (o llic
mvitv of tlio uiHMie.
Waving ii flng in either hum!, Ihc
piercing voice of the womnn in the
gullcry finully teviinl tlio ilciuun
atrntinii. WIioii tlm iipiuir hud Iicoii going on
ten miiitiloa Clniruiau llunliiiK t'Hi
ped for orilur nml iiIiiioh! got it. hut
the Remaining woinmi in the gallery
mioiiki'iI nnollier ualliuiit.
A delegulo from Oregon nimwereil
the tdirill elialli'iiui' fniin the gallery
and the (wo liml a idling eoulext.
I tilt t (Ml .VoillllllllOll
Tliliiga fiunllv iiiiete down, uud
when Atkanii( wuh enlfed tba Mule
yioltlaii to Ohiif, nnd (inventor Willi
wna reeognixed to place in nomina
tion Theodore P.. Ihirtou.
The Hurton demon M rut ion Itegaii
whin (lowriio! Willi- eloed hii
-hvci nl 1J ;l.. The Ohio deleuii
lion, "en led duvrtlv in front of tha
plutl'onu, roue to a uinii, wiivinc
When (he liurton demonatrntiou
hud Ik'cu goiug oh twentv miuutea the
OhioauH look up their Mtuudofd nnd
began omdher maivfi around the hull.
I'huiniiau llunling, lum-ell' uu Ohm
iiii, bniided down the elephuul tiiul
(ocrnor Willis Hboulilered it ai the
lien 1 1 of (he pioeoMHiun.
N'n i' I lull nun ma lie at tu-l In i-iii
lull tin I ; i 1 1 1 . . 1 1 id niiiii-lr ilinii, and in
puiht il im i( ci ci 'I'd tlie lliuln-
Ii i, ii lint im! in inllit ot
Go! Rid of My Corns
Willi Magic "Gets-it"
Simplest Corn Curo In tho World-No
Pain, No Fuss. New, Sure Way,
hail i op's mika ou almost 'Ate
nh our Imota on." wiim sou'vo
Himk-tl tli hi Uli'l l! k- t tin m uti!
aiix'il tli. io, h'U igrn-swi'llinic
Wlir IUtx Conn AI Atnviin"aU.ltM
Kcmurix'l'hem lhoNew,UandSuro Wajr?
.ilv. mil tapaa. liandaaea. ami
iUtra tint maka rorna p.ip-iyail
haw onl mada your corn a row
faalar mi liulJ your heart a momani
anil fitfur,' thta: I'ut two drua
or "Oata-lt ' the eorn H Urlas
at one You can nut your aha
and atockln riskt ovtr ti Th
iHirn la duoniad. U makfa tha corn
oomv cUT rli r aail elano Wit the now.
was)' way N nth in to atlca. or Irsa
9 tha rum Vou eaa ar ainaller
buaa. You'll U a oy-wUer No
pull, H trutiMa. ,omm no ubtltutai.
"Qata-tl ' la aold by drueaiata vvcry
Vkr Ji Uvttlr. r nt (Uriel by
Ii) l.wrn , & i' , lliuiii), III
tfold ia Xedfortl aad roommenU4
as tbo viorU's tostt sora reuedy by
w 1 1 1 W-m
I'liui u "
ImVTJI V t ltl. N
iHli'! ' Nrl Vvi'W,
: flekfcr X fish
tin1 nuiiibcrH puitifiimliiiff in it. Km
ullv niter it IiihI Ui'cn u'mg on thirt
tliiif minutes I'lminimn Hnnlintj
iitpi ied for older.
Wet'I.s Xoinliiiited
('ulitoruia and foloroflo w-el
.uu! Couneetieitt yielded to lluxii
I'luiM'ttH. Order wan restored nnd
Senator Lodge look the plutfotin to
tiotmmile Senator Week.
At i!:,10 o'eloek Senntor Inlge fin
ished nnd the Week" deipoiint ration
begun. In two minute it eubided,
the gnvel fell, (he roll enll Wfl re
ainneil nnd Dele. wore huing reuehed.
UcpreHtntntive T. W. Miller took the
idatforpj to nominute DttPont.
The xtuteH were Nid until Illi
nois brought n round of ehcem. Col
onel W. .1. Cnllimin wn reeogtiiKed
nnd plneed Senntor lwrenee Y.
Slienimii in iioniiuntioii. A demon
almlion folhiwed. When'lwcrity-lwo
iiiiutitea hud pine Mr. Sulherlaml
ordered the roll fall to nroeeed, which
it did in great iiMe Hml confusion.
"Inillnna." Hhouted thi' elerk, (ry
ing to lift liia voice nliove the i'oii
fnnioii. CntenllM, eliret-H nml IiNkon
Niiiimled. Itul I lie elialr ieiiUted.
tndiniiu wiim eullt'd nnd Kcprewctiln-
livo Wood of tluil ntntc axceifdcil die
plulfonn to nominate Knirtmtika.
Clieer.s for lililmnl;s
Wood eUmeil nml h dumotmt ration
for Tuirbunkn begun. Tlio Indiana
delttgntioii mareheil nbmit the room
singing "Down I'pon the Wnlmxli."
The iiidiunu nml Kuiihuh dulogii-
tioiiM xl ill weie parading, but the gal
lericN joined in the diu ami diowned
out I lie band. The ie)iililiean loail
ei'H (iHik opKrt unity to confer nmoni;
ilictnuohcH mid find out whul the pro
grefceivo convention wan doing. There
were eoimtntit impiirieM to know if
Colonel UooM'M'lt Imd been nomiunt
ed there. The overworked toy ele
phant wiin ca I ltd out ago iu.
A FaiilmukH man took it from
wlioie it wum hidden on llic pint form
from behind a big uc of pconic hiiiI
"it made the round', of (he ball on bin
Vliouldei. The deinoiihtiutmn lusted
thirty two minute.
''Tell Me
"llavt da (wu
nutha lueA tfel!
F I "Hat do iwu " ma$a thtnt I V -' '"1 I
ctovM mnfTtni Mint ore tWuuwi m dry. cmly I tu K C Baking Wlf. AAm
And tf I nxdw the UlUr thin llwy alt. oiam turn out axil, U mutf U m
Ho Jo you Jolt?" Mt( ptwJtt. "
It is tha baking powder. To make muffin, cake nnd lmatry ricli
and moist, yet llht and feathery, n modern double acting baking
powder must be used one that will (jive off leavening yew in this
even as well us in the mixing bowl.
K Baksng Powder
is really a blend of two baking powders, one of which
Marts to raise as soon as moisture is added. Tho
other Is inactive until heat is applied. This sustains
the raise until your muffins, biscuits or cako ic done.
K C Baking Powder costs less than the old
fashioned quick acting kinds, yet you need use no
more nnd it is superior to them in every way.
12 Tru a can at our riofc ami fre wuviHccd.
A Five-Piece Orchestra
for the Dance
Single Dance 10c
' "I ' 1 l
tluir .. tin
ii i . ,
! IBS' . ; , J8H
13 ?F !!yar!'c,w',lllllll,',lvaB 1
M )t
ffll ' '
H ......
BAX FRANCISCO, .Tunn 9. t'etir
F. Dunnt, of Sau Kranclaco, attorney
for the Southern Pacific lomranj In
Uu greateat legal actions, aided the
government today aa a wltneas, in
laying the technical groundwork of
ita caae In the no-called Oregon-California
land fraud, lie testified in
atiawor to quentloni by Clarence, h.
lleamea, United State dletrlct attor
ney of Portland, Ore., that the South
ern Pacific company had no connec
tion or understanding of any kind
with the defedanla concerning the
Oregon-California lands, held by the
Southern Pacific under grant, upon
which the defendants are acctisod of
advising Inventors to file.
Attorney for the defense, to save
time, announced they would not try
to dispute IMf.
The government put on more wit
uoasoa who testified they had paid
the "luud ring" various sums for lo
cating them on the lands, which, they
wero advisod. the Southern Pacific
wa compelled to sell at $2. JO an
WAI KI.OAX. III.. .Tone I). The
trial of Will (Irpet, I niersitv ot
Wisconsin udont, i-hnrgcd with the
murder of Marion Lumbtit, his lnr
iner sweelheurl. will moxc to one of
its most comH'iliiig elimaxes today
when I'lank l.ainbelt. rather of the
dead girl, i- called to (he stand as a
witness im tin slate. Mi. Lambert's
sol. nhieli is evpictid t" his I'm
-c.eral 1111111-, vm'I tell ol. the t n i 1 1 '
of tlie dirt'- IhiiU in Ihc snow in
the Secret'
maa thtm
nUuit at uatt tin.
onge opens
Evening 25c
.. i . , ,
tl ,'I . HI), i M1
I,, (111,1$, Is ilg,! dams iu ll.i
llelmV wood Uit February uud of
the ecnt lending up lo the meeting'
nf Oipet and Malum in tho -Woodx
that day.
Most" Riclily-Flavored Chew
That Was Ever Pressed
Into PIuqs r "
Red-blooded men with real tobacco
hunger find that they can satisfy it only
by chewing, and the moit wholesome
and satis flng tobacco to chew is that
made in plug form.
The limit o luxury, in tobacco chew
ing it the rich, sweet, juicy flavor that
trickles through your system when you
chew Spear Head.
No other chewing tobacco is so mr I
low, so luscious and so satisfying. No
other equals Spear Head for putting a
keen edge on your appetite.
Spear Head is made of the world's
lest tobacco leaf the choicest of red
Kentucky Burlcy. This leaf is selected
for its full, juicy richness with the
most painstaking care, is stemmed by
hand, is pressed into Spear Head phms
so slowly that not a drop of tho rich,
natural juice escape.
our first chew of Spear Head will
open your eyes to the pnuinc enjoy
ment there it in chcwiiK
Chew the rich and m.llow tobacco
that Ins been the 'a ri'i for a third
of a century that' Head. Iti
10c cuts, wrapped in wa-c paper.
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Also Clcaniiid, Prcsiinn anil Altering
Medford House Movers
Wi: MtiVK
Phone 488-M
612 S. Hnwtnwti. 737 W. Mill St.
Leave Medford tor Asttland. Talent
and I'hoenlx dally, except 8unday, At
8:00 a. nt., 1:00. X:00, -1:00 and 5:15
i. ni. Also on Saturday at 11:16 p.
nt. Sunilnys leave at 8:U0 and 10:10
a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 5:80 and 9:30
p. ra. Leave Ashland for Medford
dally, except Sunday, at 9:00 a. in.,
1:00, 8:00, 1:00 and 5:16 p. m. Also
on Saturday nights at 6:30 nnd
2:80. Sundays leave Ashlaud at 9:00
a. in. nnd 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30
P. ra.
We are
paying the following prices
Hens, all weighls,
14c per ib
Broilers . 20c per Ib
No. I Turkeys 16c per lb
Old Cocks . 7c per Ib
Ducks and Geese 8c per lb
Cash on Delivery
Central Point Poultry Co.
Phone 71
Camera hop
208 ICast Alain Streot,
n Suits (f5)
The Ouly TSxelualre
Comiuerclul Photuymphera
m Southern Oregon
Kegatives Made any tiwo v
place by appointuwut.
JVe'lMo the rest
E. D WESTON, Prop,
I .
Aiul ulaun. tfurilca (ror