Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 09, 1916, Image 1

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    AH .Ksdrs' '-
Unfve-slt of dron
' Ihrary
ThmitiiiK Tonight, Sulimla
l-'nlr, Wauier
Maximum Yo.itcnhty 80;
Minimum Today II).
" Forty-sixth Year.
Dnlli- KM inltt Tfr
MEDFORD ORK(l( F1?1I)V. ,VX) 1. l!)l(i
NO. fiR
imrn w 1 1 WTTfa ndL jHti CbL. Jffll i iH
UUIvlLls I lull I SlnlUlivU i is WFyl
Republicans Place Htilics, Burton,
Root, Weeks, Sherman, Cummins,
Roosevelt aid Other Favorite Sons
In Nomination No Move Towards
Combining With Proyrcssivcs Made
Hay Take One or Two Ballots
Before Adjourning Until Tomorrow
t'nl.ISIXM, Chicago. .Iiihc 0. Tho
lcpnldicuu notional convention late
tin- aftergoow was in sewniun with
L i he announced imi'mm of remaining
iiiiiitiumioly at work until nil presi
dent inl iiitiitiHntt'o lire nominated.
During tin first four hour of tin
M'--tu Justice Hughes, Former Sen
ator Million of Ohio. Klihu Itout mid
Senator Weeks of Massachusetts and
Senator Sherman of Illinois were
jilii'i'.l in nomination. Senator Full
ill' New Mexico wus waiting In tiom
iiuiu t olonel- Hooscvelt. The list nf
other, fuori(e sons remained to lie
prceiited mid the prospect were tluit
when nominations wetu closed oiiu
ballot or "iblv two might lie (iiIcimi
ItciitH' tlii1 convention adj"iuncd un
til tomorrow.
OIhmi nml IINvr.s
Alur tlu convention anil been
cm lied to order, SennWr Smoot rend
tin' ii'Mri of the iwaso conforms.
Vlun Mr. Swoot catoie to (lie an-iioum-i'iiii'iit
that the progressives hail
iirgul (hut Colonel Roosevelt had the
ultrihutc of "the iuo( desirable can
(liilnii- upon which til unite, "there
were applause, cheers nml some
There were ericii of "Hooscvelt,'' n
jiiiiKlinir or cowbells uuri some
chects. Home few tried to hi" down
the demonstration. At cries of "or
der, order," Chuirnuin Harding huug
rd the guvel and the noise subsided.
Scattering upphiuse nnd Mime Inugh
ter marked the close of rhe reudinir.
Then emne the nomination of can
didates. The roll of states wait culled and
Alabama mid Alaska paed. Ari
xoiia yielded to New York.
Governor Whitman of Xew Vork
took the platform to nominate Justice
IliHiionctiHttim fur Tuft
The governor went on to a denun
ciation nf 1'rcsident Wilson's foreign
)Mliey mid u declaration thnt the
)rnMiily of the country onlv wtis
teniMirury and dependent wholly on
declared, the nation called lor "our
greatest stutesmeu and the ropobli
enn purly."
There was the longest dmoa tril
lion of the convention when Ooreinoi
Whitman mentioned the name ot
William II. Tatt. When it showed
iutiix of dyiujj away the rheer lead
ir "Inrted it up attain and it wa oix
iiuuute. before Governor Whitman re-
(3eruor Whitman concluded at
)'.:ll with tin' words, "the greut state
t( New York, through the lip of it
.Koxernor, offei to the people of the
pail, to the voters of the party no.
not only to tlum, but to the (treat
nut ion her son, her noblest and her
HllRllt. HtllllOllktlHtloil
"1 nominate u the republican can
didate for president of the United
tatc t'hailtn Ean lluuhe of New
(Continued on page four).
0 J.ilrrfV. 0 ticncral irffri'
Ihv l'iouih comiiiondfr in chief, i
in Loudon. He attended an imioit
ant conference at the foreign ofiirc
toUu with Paul Cimbon. If rt).' H
am''..--I'lor Si i KJwan! i'io.2lrJt
i ! . i r - ri ' .i r .. I mm in4ft
' I
Idaho Senator Speaks to Progres
sives, Pleading for Harmony
Watchful Waitlnu of G. 0. P. Camp
Is Attitude of Bull Moose Leaders
StrMng to Delay Nomination of
Teddy No Ftrthcr Parley Asked
by Republicans Platform Is
Al'DITOmi'M HAM., (MlirAClO,
June . After finWiiiig eoimidorfl.
lion of their Vint form secliim ly w-
t ton, hut without volitur for its final
ndoplion. Hie-trtt(iieHivo coMVentiiui
lvecsHcd for liinclieou at 1 :0S p. u.
until :i p. in.
The eonftrauce emnmittco wore tin
ilerstood to be wntehiiiff tin1 r-itun-lion
to detemiiue whether Uu'ie is miv
ue to try a ft a in to khI tuyetln'r. This
ili'lKMidwl, it was .vaid, tin whether the
tepuhlieiins went on with nomination
or dr-ired further juuley.
The iit of Senator Ilornh wn
mild hy Mr. Perkins to lie "another
"Urn of the friendly pirit lielHeen
the two convent ion-."'
Mr. IVrkitis xaid he could nol kn.'W
whtit fleiiitieiinre could be nttaehed
to the stuntur's vinit, .lmite lender-
sute'ti'd that Itorah miirlit lie the
comproinie iioiuiuee iiitueHted li.v I lie
"Auyway, we're making n record
for ourselves thnt will set u riht
before the country.''
"Xo mutter what the outcome,
we' sot 'em, anyway," Mr. I'erkin
u id.
Ovation foe Itoivh
Without any preliminary nmiounce
picnt Senator William K. Itorah en
tered the Auditorium hull at 12:1(1 p.
in., where the protrreriives were ok
emllcd in convention, lie was e
corteil to the platform. A tremen
dous ovation was (riven him.
Chairman Itohinx introduced Sen
ator Itorah and the convention roared
itself honre when the senator aid
he hud not come officially.
"I will say to you frankly," were
his first word, "I came oer here to
get au inspiration."
At once a wue swept over the
hull, started no one knew how, tip
ircting that xtronner events than
hurniony, with Itoruh us the man to
unite the piirlies, niitihi happon. This
thought grew us the senator in his
speech introduced the magic name,
"Itoosevelt" as the progressives great
"We want Teddy f" resounded
through the hull awl galleries with
more vim than at any time since the
convention assembled. It wa not
"canned eutliuniasm," or if it was, the
can had burst from internal commes
ion. 1'iiIm Itooxcwdt
Senator ikirah waited auietlv and
finally Chairman itobias urged quiet.
"It k well known, the deep-seated
after lion I have for your leader," he
aid, and wus hultcd by another iiU
of apiiluiixe and a mighty chant of
"We want Teddy," for a full ininnti ,
while Itorah smilingly waited, 'i t
shouting lulled and then was renewed,
lenders on the stage joiuing.
- "Theic i no doubt you want
Teddy," aid Keuntor liornh.
"We want lloruh, too," answered
the delegates, and the senator pro
ceeded, swinging into the stride of
(Continued on Page Four)
m s ISP -
Al'DITOKIl'M. Chicago, June .
The morning and arternoon rwaalom
of the progressive convention were
pent reading the platform and adopt
ing it Mctleu by section, with mttmr
All of' tha first iwragraphs of the
platform were approved by viva voce
votes; later paragraphs were appro v
ed by unanimous oonssnt.
The planks on "Aitwrlcsnlsm" were
approved without dissenting volco.
Mr. Lewis, holding afn Indiana
proxy, offered an amendment to the
Mexican plank.
The amendment read:
"Failure to deal firmly and prompt
ly with the menace of the Mexican
disorder and threatened viola t lows of
the rights of our cltliens on the high
seas has resulted in the wanton mur
der of our cltliens and in the tragic
weakening of our national self res
pect." The convention by overwhelming
rote approved the amendment.
The plank for "universal military
service" was loudly applauded.
Mrs. IS. M. Hhodes of Seattle, Wh .
started discussion of the woman auf-
frage question wheH the plank was
reached, declaring every "male" rltl
leuls bound to defend his couutiy.
She was called to the stand and mov
ed that the word "male" be stricken
The audience loudly applauded.
It was approved without objection
l'l-KINti, Jinn '' 'J In irouices
ot Si liucti. Iltii, .in, I In -Ki.tin.' and
Slien -Si hate ie imled their declar
ations of independence and r'uert
ed their lovalty to the l'ekiug uern
nient. 4tf
fPmam .
kuur i th
n M-k-
' yiir ,.. ic u 'i t- 8w 1 1 fi n m n n i
CLnca.xt.t.m JlLnrXA.
a V
gult&l nUrt t ?Li&
y f'tt
ta w m
r fS
.. -' '
AllJlTOHIl U, CIIICA(H), June I).
Delegate I). V. Cuoper of Ijiw
retiee, Kus., launched the prohibition
fight, introducing an amendment pro
tHieing n federal eonstitntionpl
I amendment to prohibit the sale, man
ufacture and imiorliilion of liquor.
It was greeted with prolonged ap
plause. Ilia umendmeut lead us fol
lows :
"We jdrnlge ourselve to oiihmit to
the people of the I'liiled Slates an
ammidineni to the constitution tr
iiiddiug the mile, mmiufncture, iinpor
tntiou mid exwrtution ol intoxicating
Ik'legote .rVauk Curlici, Mew York,
oened the debate although Mr.
( ooper orrereil his annurtment with
out comment. All Mnkcrs were or
dered to the stage ami Chairman
Kohitis refusetl io 'hut off debate hy
urliitrury mles.
He wiid the couveniioii should vote
on the question on it merits if the
uiaoritv so willed. The motidn to
lay on the table wax lieu ten.
Ilenrv Allen of Kansas urged the
adoption of the plank, which he said
was designed to "conserve humanity."
A roil call defeated the amendment.
HVSTKK HAY. N. N . dune .
jl'olnliel Theodore Wooii'Velt is wait
inif development . at ( Imago. He n -
.iteiated this forenoon that he had no
' "present iuteution" of wiiig there.
jTIm colonel wus ui lu-l night until 2
jo'iliH-k tatkinir to nioineaeive heud-
quurterM oil tlu- long-distance tele
phone. Two hours after he retired he
was uwaMried and answergd another
Chicago call. Nevertheleoa he wus
hip bright and earl tin- morging mid
appeared to be in hiyli -iints.
Mi i,
( Jm
1 sss;- tv
Lz ssf-- A&s: n A k m N T
" .sis -v H-mimwim -y HHiiiHHWnieAan
& .mmwm - -w...
"M. Wfc fcfc.T. .T -
J2tuue o&m-
l 'A It IK, June II. The (leimnn
have launched a general nttuek along
the entire front on the right of.
the Meuse and jieuelratcd the freneh
line at one Winl, but were repulsed
elsewhere with heavy loss, accocdiiirf
to nu ofticial statement issiiml by the
war office toduy.
The Kiiiil when the Herman1 (Ut
tered the French lines i- in the no'gh-hoi-hood
of Thimimont farm, 'lite
Oeiinnns also made two small attacks
south west of Hill Xo. :i(M, but these
attacks, the statement says, were 're
pulsed. The text of the statement says:
"On the left bank or the Meuse we
repulsed lust night two small attacks
nmiiiist positions southwest of Hill
"(m the right bunk of the river the
Ocrmans are continuing to deliver
violent attacks along a front of about
two kilometers, stretching cast pud
west of the Thiaumont farm. 1W
I ween thin farm mid the CniMette
wood the enem itcmtraled one of
our trenches. AH their endeavors on
the west hae Iwcn checked with
hca losves to the ciicnix.
"In the reuiou o St. Mihicl a de
i.H'liiiient nt the cncin wloch was en
.1. .n i.iiiil' in it i ! h inn' lines east
t lli-!ii w.i- ili-pi'i-i'd In iiiir fire."
NKW YOltK, June '. Hr J.
(Irunt l.)iauu, eonviited ui using '.hf
mslbi to defraud invi-tois In oil and
mlulug stocks in whlili he dealt un
der the firm name of John II. Put
nam and company, was today mb
leuced to serve one year and sU
months In the Atlaut i ieiiituiil:iy.
JHaV ' lSv
:&: Wfil
Qu.n a m ha
3 rn mm
oy J&nXi&y
Cat Us Zi.0Vs.
I.OKOOK, June IC Information
has reached the Itossian smbassy in
Home thai the Aualrlan fronl has
been coniplelely brokeji along a
length of UI miles to a deidh or :i7'a
miles, accotidiag to a Cent ml News
liiopntch today from the Italian cap
The Hussion advance, according to
these advices, now threatens to en-
elope the entire Austrian tinny in the
region affected, the Austrian" find
ing themselves attacked from both
the eust and north.
Austrian Slav regiments arc de
clared to have been seised with utui
duriug the first attacks by the Kus
sinns and Io hare surrendered with
out nny real resistance.
A Ueuler'e dwwleh frtmi I'elro
grud today reports the cimtiuuation
of the Itusidan auccoHses in Yulhynia
uud Clalicin. The captun of un ad
ditional 18& officers and I VI I men
is announced.
UBItUlK, June 0 (by wireless to
Knyville1. It i uniioiinced at the
Austro-Jlnngarian headquarters un
der data of Juue that the Austru-
llunguiiati troop in Volhyuia have
reached new jMjsitions mi the Kier
Wtyr after rear-guard cngugeiuents
with the Kussians.
It is also stated that the Itiisniun
are again taking with stioug forces
on the lower Ktnpu in (lahciu and
that the eiiguui'meiit- h.i e not yet
been finished.
l'KNHACOLA. Ha.. June 9. -Lieutenant
Hicluird'C. Siiuflev, a uavul
aviator, was killed late today when
his machine fell on Kautn Rosa island,
w tK0wGV3H
1 '"' ' "" L'!"!!!'1 Ji'PI P. . . II
Conferees of Two Convcnllons Meet
nml Discuss Situation, Advise
Union If Possible nnd Adjourn
Prourcsslvcs After Roosevelt as
Most Dcslrnlilc Compromise Cnntli
clate Rcpulillonns Do Not Present
Name of Any Candidate Another
Mecllnu Probable
COLlfiECM, CIIICA(K). June II. -At
2 o'clock Mr. Ililles, who hud liccu
in tho exeeutive rooms with Senutoia
lodge and Smoot and Mr. Crane, Haul
thnt so far its republicans knew no
further meeting of the pence commit
tee had been arranged for. The ro
puliliniui commit! retnaiiis in cm
tONeu, however. Mr. I lilies, Nicholas
Mil rug Hutler and Senators Smoot
ami Crane said that Senator llonili'
viait to the iirogrensive coinentioii
was puiclv ii personal one.
ClIICAdO. Juno 0. After aiwug
the names of the couferecH on ho(h
sidee, tho reKrt of the rupulilicau
pmgresHive humtoiiy committee pre
sented to both ennvuiitioiis today, re
cites that they had full mid frmik
"HtVftnc last aigHt which reNiilDsl
in an iiKieemenl that tliele slnnild lio
muted uction on the part of the two
parties if ossibe of attainment ; that
the Mdirics mid future of the coun
try for the next few yeuis would de
pend Umiii their getting together anil
uniting to rescue the eounlrv I'miu
the present democratic domination.
It is understood that It i- the plrni
of the conferees to get together iiymii
after two or three ballots in the nt.
publican convention. The republican
representatives mode no eouHtcr
suggestion us to a candidate, but awr
gested they would be willing to ac
cept Mr. Roosevelt if the republlaaii
convention could be brought to tout
conclusion, which they did not be
lieve could he done.
Following is the report of the re
publican conferees of the joint pro-Kn'ssite-repuhlican
peace eonfarsiiro
presented by Senator Mmoot : ,
Jtepulillcmi ltoM)it
"To the Republican KationaJ ConrfH-
"Your committee appointed mtagn
nut to the resolution adopted nt yes
terday's esiou met in confeacHee
with a committee representing the
national progressive couventioa Inst
evening. That the progrsssivg snm
mittee of conference consisted of
Messrs. iVrkius of New York, Jonn
son ut Cahfornui, llunaunrte of
Maryland, Wilkinson of New York
und Itnrker of Louisiana.
"The conference was frank, fm
and niost fneudly. The conferees
were of one mind m believing that Ike
good of the couulr ami perhnn its
repute und intlueuce for yenre to
come depetids utou the eowpleie de
feat of the present demoemtie ad
mini t ration and the restomtiA of
the control of the cseculiv and lag
islative brntfche of the gDvcmHieut
to the bauds of thoae who firmly be
lieve in and will execute tha noUeiea
that are -o heartily supfHirlad by tnn
republican and progreaalve partita
"The progressive conferees vf
unauiinous in urging with fairngas
the opinion that Theodore Uoosevstt
of New York hud so large, a personal
following mid such u close personal
(Continued on Page Four.)
HKKMN'. June 9. The Amertcu)
ambassador, James W i.ii.u.l, U.i
repudiated iu lniervlew nu ,,!. .it
irlimted to hi mou the sunject of
I'rcHtdeui Wilson's peace effort, tho
Overveus News u0ono) u)s.