Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 08, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Sanders and Underwriters Sell Hold
infls in Utali-Orcfjon Company to
' Utah-Idaho Company at Profits
Rangfnn From 200 to 800 Per Cent
Why Grants Pass Got Factory.
Tito Mail Ttibuno is in receipt ol'
the following tolegTiim from
Luke City, sent by (looi-go 15. Sntut
tlers, tolulio to thu iihaorption of tilt
Omuls 1'iihr miffflt' factory by tliu
Mormon aiigni trust:
"Salt, I'lnli, Juno 7. fleorRe
'.. Sanders, vino-president nml roii
ciiil inniing-cr of t ho OrcRnu-rtiili
Sucnr cni'nimny, nunniineoi tint mile
of tin1 Omul Pn mm siiRiir I'lii'tory of
the ioiiiMiny, now under const melion
nt Ormit l'uss, Or., to IIki Clnh
Idaho Sugar ooinpnny of Suit Luke
it. TIiim mito wan approved liy the
liipnnl ol' ditoeliir aovcml diiys ago
mill was IoiImv iiiihiiIiiioiihIv ratified
nml completed nt ft stockholders'
iiHi-tiiijr hold for that pnriwiso. Alex.
Sibley, tin secretary of tint Oicroii
( lull Sugar eninpnuy, has Jmmmi ap
pmiilfil resident muiiHgor for tln
I tuh-lilnhn Kugnr ioniNiiiy nt
din nt I'nui.
AIimiiImsI by TiuM
"Mr. Sunder Minion tlmt lln oom
ph lion of this sale conclude hii iu
tiTi'sliiiK chapter in the animls of the
hk'T industry controlled in Suit
Iwikf City. Hi also stole tluil his
pii'-oiiiil interest in ilm organialiim
ol hr Hiiftiir industry in Oregon in
ilue to (lie fuel tlmt for iiliont n vi'iir
nml n Imlf past tint p(Hipk of t lie
Iliuue Kivor vnlloy liuvo wanted u
suirur factory mid that other persona
in Oregon from limn to (lino hni
tni'd to interest different pooplo in
llu- business, lnil no success resulted.
To help tlio IIoriic rivor poph obtain
n suriii fuotory, Mr. Sander Mrson
nlh beeitmo interested in Iho move
inrni liiNt AtiRiiJt mid i'iiuu hero last
Sip.-inlnr, mid williln n few day in
limit lli-hop ('. V. Nihlev mid 0. ('.
Hi. In nt' this oily io n"is him iii
fiiiniipiiitf the fncltiry now being built
ut (irmilH I'ass.
"To curry out thin purpose the
Onon-rtali Sueur oomimuy wne or-
II III red IHI till UBtll 1V Of Heptl'm-
l r. U.i, nml Mr. Sander became
ii- tir-t president. Shortly thcroaf
ti i llislitip C. ". Niblev consented o
l if president and Mr. Senders
wu- mnde vice-president and general
iniinii('r, Alex. Nibley eeretary. O.
I', Hn'bc treasurer. After oi-gauicu-tion
cmitiitKlM for the growing- of
bill- were outsits! into by the fmin-
r- mid arrangements were then made
to obtain th iiet'oaftarv mod. Suffi-j-h
ni 4'ontrAPlii for tho Kmwiiif of
Im-t- to warrant jfoiun nheml were
(blmiieil abiMit (lie Intter wtrt of lb
fi'inliiT, nml th eoiniMiKy Nucremieil
uitli the liuMneM of fiunriHir the
iMn-trn.'lioH of ft (WKMin mijrur
I'luii of INiiiinrliiK
' I lie lft n minted Im( Deneniber
! Hie f limut'illjr of Ul lHMUHty Has
Hi .1 ..I ium I.VKI.00U boini iue.
vim li ImiimU rf Hiinrtly tlierewflor
mi id i written by irr (wvutv mmII
i l- .if Suit Ukte t'lly, roo mid
in mi. 1'iiMit, Or. Ouniiir the bitter
V.i i ni January tln' entire Itoml i
ii mis rrMikl hy tfte uudirw ri(. i
l i . li'ni.l hou NHtl the eniMinl ( l
i' (In- e.iiuNtiiY mt iunvair.l from
Iiiii.imiii to $'J4HMM)0 and the un.l. I
viii 1 1 ere iiIIowihJ Ut MUluu'rihe lm
Hi. in. i.-iim-iI capital ntiH'k. 'flu
I ii -I 1 (H1.04HI euiNtal n niibKi-i iIm .1
In Mir. Nibley, Suinier mi. I
It, , lK.
"liiiincdiaielv lliensifter U coiili.i, i
vi- let for the ervetiun of a lltH) t.m
ftii'.-nr fnetory nt Dntntit l's. Or,
Kiiue wlneh linf ih eumtrueliiit ln
proecedeil UDinterrupted and the f.n'
kr Hill be eomtiieted bv Seplemli. i
X l hun tile thu veur' ertip. vlmli
kirn u I ready bHo itilUtM itnd kiiuI i..
h iit UetulMl (MHiditiuu..
"Mr. KnMftVnt ay that the citi.n.
f OnyroR Mod tk )in4 of ibe
UoyiHi Kivr ralley wjll welcome tlie
adtaat of the Utah-Idaho Suuar
oitMJiy iu tht country and it
will aiean treat deal to iu future
levelopmunt to have ueli htronu fiu
te4al tntarekta of Salt Lake Cu .b
ywtly ideotified with h Oivkou en
Siillnfactor) liMl'iil(tt.lii(
"Mr. Random aayt 'The ole to
Hto t 'lah -Idaho Kiyjar couipa.v jut
Hiui'tlcteil coneludt'ri a tery natUfuc
torv mid. Tinkinr. The ieop)e of the
Itoctie Wiv i v.ill. have obtaiucd the
miynr t'aiii'M ili.n I uuuted, and the
I lah-ldali'i Sii.i! . nuipaiiy han ob
luuud wli.ii luiil In n n..iioiineed
Mi cXi'fuVlU luld Jul ill ulopiuenl.
Tin nii:anizeiM and Ht.ickliol.lit .
li. ln : in Clali Siiv.ii niiiiiii
lit h .nit j.Mihl- Uillilij; J I win Jill
to H00 pOr conl tin Ihuir iiic-lini'ti(s;
tho underwriters in u period of four
months linve niiide nearly 10(1 per
cent rofit and the bond homo, in the
Hiime per cent, made from two to
five points profit on the bonds sold)
bv them.' '
"Mr. Rmidora enya tlmt tlio busi
ness of the Orcjniii-rinh Rntrnr com
pany otendily jrrow from the very
day of its iiivnizti(iii mid Hint all
of its uiidertiikiii's met with miccck.
The only frietion that arose wan n
controerhy over the bientiou of the
I fllololT.
I'llrtlon Owe Ioealliiii
"Tim two prineiml towns in the
l(iirue Itiver ulley are Medford nml
Oninls I'ass, Hint III people of eneli
of these towns wanted the fnotory
loenleil near their city. To obtain
tho factory Ml Oninls Pass, Mr.
Suiii(-h mid his nssneinles in the
ItoKtio Ifiver I'liblie Heiiei. eorimra-
tioti, a (limits I'ass institution, inuir
unteed the bond issun of the siiRar
eouimuy and deeded to the Oreon
I'tub Kiifrur eoinpnuy a Miluuble fne
ton' site nt n nomiiini consideriifiou
mid siitiM'iilicd for .f.r0.0(l( of the
said bond issue, and Mr. Sanders
says Hint he, himself, mid his irninn
illulc business nsNocinlos nrn now
also rnisiiiK over -10(1 neies nf beet.
"Mr. Siiiideis elates thai the pitm
en! iuilieulioiiM nro thai the Ot'euon
field will support severnl snxiir fac
tories, mid it is a mutter of vnsl im
porlanee Hint tho developmeiil of this
territory be in the hande of u slroiiR
iiiNtiliillou like the lUnli-lilalin Kiitfnr
enniMiny, winch eominuy lias n Iuiko
amount of liquid asset mid is able
to build one or moie suunr factories
without issuiiiK any additional se
"(il'.OKdi: SAXUKUS."
The ell) couutMi wiit meet tonlKht
nml iiism on the Welch llrtm., sawmill
propoMltlou, tho ilullls coutinet can
not lie cloned, hut will bo laid over
for n fow ilaj-s.
fi. H. Ilullls, hn nuked for an ox
tnimlon of time, no that hu ma not a
contract for rails anil mictno tho
IioiiiIh, In order to meet tho time
limit not hy the council. Tho oom
iiiltten nieiilH today nt 1:30 p. m. for
tho flnnl draft of tho contruet.. At
an unofficial nicotinic of tho rnunoll
liut eviinliiK tho eoiitrait was ready
and all point approvod. A few rliutiMoe
In VhrnflooloKy was uoodotl to nmko It
more defliilto. No objections are.
iiihiIo to It nml tho council li ready to
ratirr it.
Tho vawmlll proposition I not
moottiiK with appiovsl on the nut
Ido aa It li bollovod that the alio of
tho mill and the employee It will r:vo
omployHieut to, la not sufficient to
warrant auolt a bonus a le ask til.
They requlrs I&000 and a suitable
alto, fl&OQ on dollvory of machinery
mid tho hnlHitre when they boaln op
ratlon. It li prodlt'lod that tho poiin
all will not accept tho )hiihsIIIoii aa
It U now nroaontotl.
(CnntlnumI from page one)
iiess, but the chairman niuiouneed
that with the uibitrnrv luitluuits
which khs with the unud he would
uppoittl I'onner Secretary Sliiniii
and SM-aker Sweet of New Vuik to
cecort CbiiiiiK e M. lkMw to the
pbitliirm. "luele JM'" Cannon nml
Senator Itonih f.dbiued with
Medlold M'olr .ire sl.,inj; the
proper bnscbiill spirit. Kveiv busi
ness tiinn in town, with the exception
of three or four, have contributed $1
Mr mouth toward the finaneinl nid
of ht boll tentn. This aid is cer
tninly nppreeiated bv the boys, who
are worhiiiK hard to jtive Medfonl a
ball team that will compnrc favor
ably with those iu northern Cnlifor
nin nml Klamnth 1'nlls. Any onn
who has ever bad nnythimt to do
with n ball team knows that to run
a bush team without finaneinl nid is
n problem.
Klnmnth Kails hns not of one
homo plnyer on ita team. Theie nie
two 'holdovers from last season, mid
the renminder of the team is made
up of eollexe players btouKhl in,
uiveu positions nml it small donation
At Weed the temu is nlso miido up
of outside players, Riven positions
nml every onn of the several hundred
employes at tho mills dnnntiiuf $1 per
month toward the fiiinneiiil end.
At 'ireseiit the Medford tenui is
eompiiscd solely of home pluyora.
Hut wilh money now hoiiur misotl an
ullior pitcher will be secured, Jilviiur
the team u ritiht nml left-hmulor. The
bil of ivitcliers net their humps, and
la ehfiuur iimler bouibardiucnt uiny
win many n jinuie.
With the exception of one yiwr,
Medford this season hns the faalesl
iuliebl in its history of baseball. It
was certainly n pleasure Inst Sunday
ut Omuls I'ass to JO'e that infield
eat up those hard-hit bulla mid Kct
the runner ut first. Talk nhout
speed! This infield ha certainly
k-ot it.
What I like nhoul the ball lenui
this year is Unit they are full of
pep. That infield is like u baud of
Keese RoiuR' south iu the fall. Talk
ing nil tho time. If it isuU Shorty,
it is Curly, little Itudv or .Mnran.
Do you know, Mr. Fan, that Curly
Wilson is nihility hard to boat on
lirst base
Little Itudy mid Shinty iloun some
seneutionul fielditie in last Sunday's
Rome, nearly nil the chances eomiiiR
their way.
Mo ran ut thh'd hns made n couple
of the k rent est stois of the aenaou,
fiehliiiR- chnueoe that would bo it
credit to a professions!.
Many fans nro nnyiiur the way (lie
team is jdnyiiur thev don't intend to
miss a gnme on the home ri omuls this
The Klamath l'nlls-.Mcd'roril game
nt Klamath Falls on .Juno IS should
be n hummer. When either Klamnth
Fulls or Weed iJnys nt Medford they
should draw a reeonl-breakiiu'
crowd, n they both bo strtiiix
.Mr. mid Mrs. Fun, jus! attend the
Rimie uevt SuiiiIhv nt .Medford be
tween (Iranls I'ass and our home
team. You will he surprised nt the
ttny the boys nie plu.viiiR.
nKltl.l.V, Juno T. via London. Juno
s. The newspapers devote much
space to Kurt Kitchener, whom they
Keuerally ackunwletltfeil to have been
an nraauUer of the I real est ublltt).
Hut there seems to be no disposi
tion to eiUKKerate. tlio Importance of
hts death or to base purtlculur hopes
t hereon.
patches lrom (hiiui and .Jaioii, how-U-vcr,
hnve rioh the impression tlmt
1 iiiitwillistanditiif the unsettled coiidi
; turns of the Inst lew months, no or
jioiis disorders were ex)cted.
I Tien Tsin i a treaty port nbonl
scenly miltm southeast of 1'ekinar.
, WASIIIN'OTOXT Jun,e S. Twelve
' hundred men of the fifteenth iufnntrv
' under Colonel llarrv C. Hale, satlion-
id in Tien Tson and alon the rnil-
' road between there and 1'ekinr nnd
LOVHOX. .lone S.AAn l'xcliiinuel,, KMtiM mwrd of .1.10 uwrines con-
TeleRTnph tlispnteh from Tien Tin, stitute the Ainerienn military foree in
China, sitys Hint thft Lulled JfilMtoa ; Chinn. It was aid nt the wnr do
roups at that idnee hnve liefii order- imrtment Colonel Hale might take any
cd to hold themselves in readiness to, part of this force to l'ekinir in nn
proceed to Peking. ! enieiyeney w-ilhoul instruction, lie
The dispnteli hImok the Frehch jpndinbly premrcd to net as soon n
nuthorities nlrendv hlReilispiitehed a i he hennl of President Viian Shi Kni's
stroiuc force of nnlive iroops frimi ideal li.
He impressed his
Allen of Kansas
.the Fieueh tirotectofaie nt Annnm to
m of
PckitiR. A ilebirnHoTr of officers of
the biiil.VRiiniil of the new presideul.
Uu Vucn-IlaiiR, baa assured him of
the fenlty of the jrnard.
The reiKiils of movements of for-
oiRii tni(H iu China indicate appre
hension ol ilisturhnneea iollowiiio- the
death of Yuan Shi Kni. Direct dis-
(Continued from pago one)
"WVII nominate T. It. and we'd
hotter do It now before It's too late,"
was a line from one of their sours.
Victor Murdock eaino to tho con
vention convinced It would nominuto-
Uoonevelt at once
views on Henry .1
and other leaders.
Conference Ordoictl
.lames It. Oarflold offered a reso
lution for the appointment of a con
ference committee with the republi
cans. It was seconded by Clifford
I'lnchot, and developed a debate,
after which It was adopted. No time
limit for a report Is set.
"The on- thing ou ought to send
to the republican convention," said
Victor Murdock, "Is the nomination
of Roosevelt." The delegates went
wild. Murdock Rot the crowd again
when ho saltl If the progressives
want "Teddy" they "must nominate
him" before the day Is through.
Former Congressman .MarDonald
of .Michigan closed a speech by salng
the only nioiago to send to the re
publicans wa "to tell them to go to
hell and tell them to do as they
il- please."
LONDON. June s, 2.:.:. n. m-
Ilrltlsh tienches running through I
I ii.,n .inve been captured by tho
(iernmns, accordliiK to tho Ilrltlsh of
ficial statement Iwncd nt midnight,
which rends:
"Last night nnd today thoro wcro
heavy nrtlllery bombardments on
bolh' sides, east of Ypros. In tho
fighting yesterday the enemy suc
ceeded In capturing our front linn
trenches running through tho mine
of the village of Ilooge.
Attacks made against other por
tions of our lino fallod. A further
small Infantry attack delivered onrly
this morning against our trenches
west of Ilooge was repulsed.
"During the night our Australian
troops entered Oerinnn Irenrhos east
of the Hols Cirenler, Inflicting loss
and bringing back prisoners. Our
troops also carried out a succeesful
raid east of Ciilnchy.
"Hostile artillery and trnnch mor
tars wore active today against our
trenches around Ovlllers , llammol,
Sourhcx, Loos and Nouvo Chapelle.
Our nrtlllery shelled enemy untterkm
about Llevln, east of Sottclioa and
about Loo'
J A- - lr--. A Al s iWMil f
18iWmiK &30tMfi& aunt fJL
Nete: Tlio paqkagct
it's ilnxililo unit liuiidd
to fit your pocket.
15for IO
2, Pkgs 25
The Cigarette of the West
There is more crisp, cigarette en
joyment in a La Marquise smoke
than in any other you have tried.
It's the companion of the get-there
spirit the delight of the fresh, un
jaded taste that goes with the energy
of the West.
In the New Vest Pocket Package
Thousands of Pacific Coast Smok
ers have learned that there is an '
appeal and satisfaction in this relish
ahle cigarette that they have never
been able to buy before.
Msnufictured by the BUTLER. MTLER nnANCIT,
Mnker of lngleBrade Turkish Cigarette only.
$e (jasoljfte
giyes you more
miles to the dol
lar. Carbureting
U4li(tM jccount for
thJt no wsu of cj.
Dealeis everywheie and
also at our many
Skkvice Stations.
Standard Oil
We have just bought the Bennett bankrupt stock, known as the ART STORE
for a mere song, and we expect to close it out in one day
Yes, we expect to close out the whole entire Stock and Fixtures
in just one day for whatever it will bring
Paints, Varnishes, Pictures and Picture Frames, Wagons, Coasters, Dolls, Toys,
Music and Music Rolls, Books and Stationery, one large Folding Screen Show
Cases, Tables and Counters, and hundreds of other articles will be sold almost
at your own price
0 at 10 o'clock .sharp, at the Art Store, 220 West Main
w T
o J