Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 08, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Eidiitwii imJttiK- -
By A. C. Hewlett
Since rnv Inst report George Brown
& Sons have bought wool of Joe
Mnyhnm nnil Adolph 01eon, the Int
tor of Elk Creok.
John nnd Charles Bins'' were in
town Inst Saturday afternoon for
supplies. Thev ore jint finishing
contract for bnilcliiij; a large barn for
Green Muthews on his home phico,
100x100 feet square, with the posts
twenty-eight feet Ion nnd the roof
to run down to within seven. feet of
the (round, hnvinjc n double row of
iiiniuqrg all around, no that he can
shelter nnd feed u large lot of cattle
at a time.
Lucius Kinonid, the panther hun
ter of Prospect, spent Saturday nnd
Sunday night with us, nnd Clyde
Hodgor whs with us Snturdnv, nnd
so wan Mr. Hotur of Jacksonville and
John Foster of Butte Fall.
Suiiduy was another busy duv nt
the Sunnyside. About 11 o'clock Mr.
and Mr. II. II. Boycc, Mr. and Mrs.
W. MiiICuv, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur
Hose, Miss June Hoso and Mr. nnd
Mm. Joseph Under, nil of Phoenix,
autoed up too the Sunnyside und
called for dinner. And thev lmd been
there but a short time before Mr. and
Mm. Fronk Abbott und two children,
Lester Abbott, N. Gornion, William
von der Ilellon and fnmily, Br. W. W.
P. Holt and daughter Miss Helen,
Mm. R L. Heath nnd son Fred, Mr.
and Mrs. Koyal Brown and daughter
Miss Haxtd, A. C. Kldur nnd brother,
Andrew, bosidos a number whose
names I failed to learn, were here for
Ooorgo von der Ilolleu and wife
started in their car to Corvnllis Sun
day morning to attend the commence
ment exerrixes of the 0. A. C. They
both graduated in that college Home
eight years ago, nnd they feel an in
terest in the institution, although tlioy
do not expect to moot ninny of their
old associates there. They wero nc
companied by Mr, von der Hollon'fl
.ister-in-lnw, Mm. Huff, and after
Hending n few day.s in Corvnllis they
expect to proceed to Portland nnd
viiit friends in that section.
The new free ferry across Hogue
liver was completed last week and
everything plnced in readinesB to ac
commodate the travel, and now the
Knglo Point-Persist auto stage
crosses there again, but there has
been it change uiiide in the uiuil route
or either in the plan of carrying the
mail, and now instead .if the auto
stage going from here to Trail by the
furry, ns has boon the rule, now it
goes by the Dodge-French bridge,
crossing there, and gocti up on the
north side of the river to Trail, etc.,
nnd on the return trip orosso. at the
ferry. The ehnnge will make u dif-
feionoe in tin time of those along
the route receiving their mail, us in
stead of getting their mail on Mon
day, Wednesdays nnd Fridays, they
will not get the mall until the fol
lowing days. Iitottmd of Monday they
will get their mail fiom Trail Tues
day, etc. If any of the renders of
the Mail Tribune or Medford Sun
along the route want the address of
their impers changed from Knglo
Point to Trail, if they will drop me a
oard I will make the arrangement to
hne the eliHUge wnde. I met this
(Tuesday) morning Chris Borgiwnnn
Mini J. A. Ilownrd nnd suggested to
thiNU the idea, of having the change
made, but they both said they did
not want the address changed,' ns
then mil of their mail would he in
Jingle Point ud n iwrt in Trail. The
change wns made, no doubt, for the
reason Hint the mail carrier goiutr out
from heie nenrly always ban a heavy
load of mail and jwreels boMdee"
gouorally pMHsengem, and the road
for about four miles this aide of the
ferry it. gtwornll.v bad, and in the
winter always lmd nnd very siteky,
nud the ehnnge will make it much
yasior on the team by making the
ohaueje nnd haing the light load
(KKtie the downhill grade.
W. If. Ilohnau of Climax called on
we nud bud we scud him the V. M.
T ns he nys that he cannot get
AlotMjr without a eoauty vkwr. And
tfnee my last rcx)rt A. C. Kldor of
lake creek has renewed hi nab
ioription to the W. M. T.
, Adolph Olosoii and a friend of his.
botli Intra the Baaeard mius, ami
John Mutter were at the Sunnysitle
fur dinner Monday.
MU Lillinu Dudley went up to
Vv farm of J. I. Ziiuuieriy, near
the free ferry, Mouday with Mr. '..
JIs i the owner of the Farmer' ho
tel, and Mm. Zimineriy eonditeU the
husiftac of tlifct hotel and Mr. '., runs
tiie farm when he I nt ou the road
or tow.
Professor P. II. Daley of Medford
s aoiiliog mi his friends ia l'.ugle
Point Tuesday weruiiur. He was on
lua way up the country.
Mr. Caroline Thomason of Jack
(ton villa, her son Manuel and daugh
ter Bessie Peel, were on tea P. & K.
Tuesday on their way to vUit their
tints and unci, Chris Wooley and
J. Ayi and wife. Taay expert
tj atop off here on their return and
ftU relative here.
Rev. Gammon, the pastor of the
Pre-bWenun t-hun-h of Butte Full,
u ulo uix the cur on hi Hu home.
Also a lndv by the name of Ander
son wan ou hor way to her home be
yond Butte Fnlls.
Jud Edsnll nnd John Foster went
to the Edsnll much with Dr. Holt on
Monday morning.
C. I). Moody of Fullorton, Cnl.,
wns heie Tuesdny to look u n farm,
but when he arrived faid that no one
seemed to know where the orchard
or Applegnte fnnn wns, so returned
to Medford nfter tnking dinner nt
the Sunnyside.
A widow lndv by the name of Poole
nnd her two little girls stopped nt
the Sunnside for dinner Tuesday.
Mrs. J. W. Mcrritt Is In Portland
this weak uttendlni. Hie roue lainhnl.
From Portland Mrs. Marrltt will go
to Tacoinn, Wnshltmtou. where she
will bo tho guest of liar daughter
Mrs. Urldnne Sanderbon, Tor somo
time. .
Itny Agor nnd famllyy spent Sun-
dny motoring along the Hogue and
ovor In tho Applognto country.
Mrs. TlmmliiB, Mrs. Huiihcoih nnd
Mrs. Nlbort of Agnto wore Centrnl
Point visitors tho first of tho week.
Mts. Purccll nnd daughter, Miss
Houston, nud son left the first of the
week for Mlillund, Texas, whoro they
will remain penunncntlj. Tho Pur
cells bnvu lived In our midst for two
years and whllo hero gained a num
ber of staunch friends who strongly
regret their departure
airs. Jnmos Oreor .McDowell left
Sunday morning for McCoy, Oregon,
whoro she will make u toiiKthy visit
to hor daughter, Mrs. IUilph Holmes.
Air. nnd Mrs. J. D, Soars and fam
ily and A. S. Wnrren enjoyed a motor
trip over tho Sterling country Sun
day. iMr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Drnke and Mm. Harry Smith
day from Kdsull crossing, nnd spent
Sunday with Miss Kllon O'Bnon and
returned homo Monday, nccempnniod
by Miss O'Brien.
Scott Cluspoll wont to Medford on
business Sundny.
Mi Mildred Patton went to Ash
land Sundny to visit Mrs. Noll
Mr. Train tond fnmily moved to
Prospect the first of this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bnrkor and Miss F.ttn
Stewart made n trip to Medford
Tueadnv afternoon nud back.
Miss Noma Stewart fa visiting Tom
Walker's fainily at Kdsull crossing
this week.
The men nnd women of our town
nnd surrounding country all gnthered
at the cemetery on Decoration day.
The men put a temporary fence
around the cemetery uud other muoli
needed improvement. The ladies
spread n ltiueli nt noon for them.
V. V. Pnrker and son went up to
their much Wednesday to do some
farm work.
William Hughes and Delwiu Claspill
went up in the mountains Thursday
on some government work,
G. W. Bnrker and K. A. Hildrcth
made a business trip to Derby Thurs
dny evening. jjjj
K. Wheeler und Scott Claspill enino
up from Medford Thursday evening.
They arc removing some machinery
from their mill here to one they are
putting in there. The Literary soci
ety met Friday evening und elected
nil new officers and postponed their
neNt meeting until the first of September.
ried on Mindn tiotn their home at
Montague, tab, lot a isit at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Dnngey.
The Hoguo liner Vnllev Minister
ial association met in Gold Hill Mon
day, June a. Very interesting papers
were rend nnd the tiunl business per
taining to Uie association. The fol
lowing ministers were in at tendance :
llevs. Hutchinson nnd Bandy of
Jacksonville, Douglass and Black
stone of Ashland, Tucker nnd Hill of
Medford, Gnmmeus of Butte Falls,
and Wharton and Iverson of Gold
Hill. The not meeting will probably
be in Phoenix in two months.
shoppers In
wero among tho Tolo
town this weok. ,
tMolvIa Idlest ml, n student nt tho
O. A. C, tins returned lio'iuo for the
Mrs. Lyons nnd dnughtor, of Med
ford, and Miss Drimlo Sumner of
Phoonlx, spont Tuesday ns tho guest
of Mrs. Van Hardcnburg in this city.
Miss Agnes Dunlap, who will ho
n senior In tho University of Oregon
noxt yeur, will return to hor homo
hero Saturdny for tho summer va
cation. (Miss Fern Van Hardenburg Is at
tending tho summer school for chil
dren nt tho Medford business col-logo.
IMrs. W. U. Price nnd Mrs. J. II.
Holmes woro guests of Phoonlx rol
nttvos recently.
It Is rumored that Cupid Is soon
to plorco tho hearts of two of Cen
tral Point's charming young teach
ers. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mlddlcbushor of Trail
wero busluoas visitors hore Tuosduy.
.Miss Alice Whipple ennio up from
Hogue rlvor Tuosdny to spoud n fow
days with Mrs. Alvln WUllnins.
Miss Ina Austin of Cold Hill Is
spending a fow days with hor par
ents hore.
airs. Olio Olsson onjoyed a visit
with Itoguo Illvor frlonds tho first of
tho week,
airs. '. D. llrophy, Mrs. Fnye Bro
phy, uea Plioasant8, and Leland llro
phy of Medford (wiled on Centrnl
Point relatives Monday.
-Mis Nana Seely of Medford was
tho guost of Miss Ha Wnlkor hero
Mrs. M. O. Ilroadbent nnd Miss Kl
slo Dorran loft Wodnmday morning
for Oregon's metropolis whore tlioy
will enjoy the roso carnival for a
(Mayor A. Cowley nnd family
departed at sunrise Wednesday morn
ing for Portland, where they will re
main for a short tlnio. Jnok Cow
ley will Join his parents at Corvallls
and will accompany them tho roat
of the way to Portland nnd thon ro
turu homo with them.
Miss Irnm Hamerlek Is onjoing a
visit with hor aunt at Grunts Pass
this week.
.Misses Audroy aud Gladys Holmes
spent Wednesday evening with'Ash
land friends.
Little Miss Hamilton, who has
spent tho past mouth In Central
Point left for her homo at Huuuom
Tuesday oven lug.
Curloy Wilton and O. A. Gardner
of the county seat were busluosa vis
itors here Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Webber of Ster
ling transacted business here Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mrs. A. J. Olson and daughter
Pauline of Kane's creek were shop
ping here Tuesday.
Hcv. Wier of Grants Pass M. K.
church occupied the pulpit of the lo
cal church Sunday evening-.
.Mrs. Belinda Mnstemon returned
to her home in Grunts Pass Friday.
Kd Weston, photogmphor-rnneher,
stooped for it short time Satutduy,
going to Medford, und Sundny re
turning to his ranch.
J. W. Merritt returned to Gold Hill
Monday evening, having transacted
business in the county scut during
the day.
Game Wardeim Briscoe of Klam
uth district and Walker of Medford
left ou the southbound ul'toniooii
train Monday after spending several
days in this district on business.
They were accomnanied by local
Deputy Warden L. C. Applcgale.
Attorney A. K. Kellogg umde n
business trip to Medford Monday.
Allan Hodges came in Tuesday
Clarence Cn-c and Joss Glass
prominent l ambers of Antioch have
bought Overland cars this week and
nre taking their tamilies for rides in
the cool of the eenings.
John Biglmm and son, Knrl, hnvo
taken their cattle to the mountains
on their summer range.
Glen Large, who has been work
ing near Medfotd, hss returned to
his sister's home at Beagle.
Theo. Glass and family motored to
Central Point Sunday to attend the
church services.
Frank Murdo-k hits sold his crop
nnd loose to pnrtios in Medfoid, who
will take possession in a few duys.
William Vnughnn nnd Ins little
daughter, Clementina, wore visitors at
the W. C. Chnpnian homo Sunday
Miss Lillian Chapman is working
for Mrs. John Vincent of Jackson
illo, who is su-k with the rheumu
tism and is unable to do her work.
Mm. Henry Mnrgnu of Fort Klam-1
nth is visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mm. Guorge Stncy, nt Beagle.
Hnrl Case nud Florence Walker lire
cutting hay for Mr. Fruley nnd put
ting it up on shares.
Karl Cnso hss sold his cuttle to
William Cottrell of the Meadows.
The nounty commissioners hnvo
jnudo us n fow visits rceuntly and nio
going to hnvo somo road work douo
in tho Antioeh country.
Mr. Dressier of Medford wns out
in this section Monday looking nf
ter his laud interests.
The Mnyfiohl Bros, of Kvuiih
creek nre gathering the cattle off the
Antioch rniigd.
The farmers me getting their ma
chinery ready to cut thoir crops of
hay, and thu hay harvest will be in
full blast in a few dnys if tho weather
stays wu mi.
Farms, ntihwcr, motion nnd notice
Kthcl Wlmor vs. 11. L. Wimer, no
ticc filed.
11. 11. Toft vs. F. M. McKinnis and
Marv A. MelCinnis, action for money.
B." F. Penrt et ul vs. F. W. Cania
linn et ul., stipulation nnd amended
nuswer filed.
Pmbnto Court.
In tho mntter of the estate of W.
II. Fnirinnn, doeensed, order appoint
ing appraisers.
Heal Hstutu Transfers.
M. W. Hale to 11. C. Dless et nl,
land in &ocs. 13 aud M-110-4W.
'. l,f!00
J. Piatt Brush et ux to A. L.
Brush, land in tup. .'!!)-HC,
Walker nvonue, Aslilnnd 10
A. L. Brush et ux to Hnrry K.
Palmer, Inml in twp. HO-IK.,
Walker avenue, Ashlnnd 10
L. C. Applegate et ux vs. Lucy
Mcc, lots I and H, block 10.
Amended Dokum Add., Gold
Hill - -- . 1,700
T. J. Ixjonnrd et u to Thomas
W. KillingJnud, lot 0, block '
D., Botilevnrd Pnrk Add.,
Ashlnnd . - - 10
M. C. Heed et ux to Curl L.
Banish, bind in twp. ;!0-lK.,
Ashland 10
G. 11. Hammemly cl ux to '
Maude Holmes, lot 13, hlk.
8, Imperial Add., Medford 10
ti f i ,m
s .
morning from the Meadows district
aud was very enthusiastic uboiit the
Mountain King ciniinbar mine.
Mrs. .F. Dey Sehnimi) and duugli
ter, Belly, nccompnnied by her sister,
Miss Marguerite Walker, left Monday
evening for Portlnml to visit nt the
home of Mr. and Mm. William
Schnunp. Miss Wulker expects to
remain, hut Mm. Schrump will return
in two or three mouths. They left
at this time to he present at the rose
W. G. Myers whs in town for a
short time ou his way from Oakland,
("ul., to Portland, Or., whore he will
attend the marriage of his daughter,
Mildred, to Ivan Hudson, tho Intter
part of the week. He will also make
it brief stop here ou his return trip
in about a fortnight,
D. K. Whitley of Persist, who had
isited rotative nt Beagle, came into
town Monday, leaving that mooing
for Portlnml, where he will isit a
siMer before pi weeding lo Wnlla
Mm. I. C. Apidegnto was u Med
ford visitor Mouday.
Mis Vera Davidson departed on
train No. 10 Mouday oveuing for
Poitlaud, where she expects to pass
a week. She wilt then leave for In
dependence for n short visit and
later to Monmouth to attend the nor
ma I. In all she will probably be gone
about mile weeks.
Frank Dungev came in on Muda
morning-' train from his homo in
Coipiille to visit with his wrenU, Mr.
aud Mm. Tom Dungey, ou Gall's
creek. His wife had come in last
Friday from an extended visit with
her folks near Medford, and they will
return to their houie at the expiration
of Mr. Dnugey's leave of nbsence,
which will be m about two weeks.
The Mountain King cinnabar mine,
in the Meadows district, is to resume
operations Wednesday under the di
rection of Mr. Itobinsou. A retort is
to he installed in thirty days aud n
forty-ton Scott lumace within
ninety days. This is pleasing news to
several Hold mil men, as ouile a
number are employed tlvere.
Mrs. It. T. Caiue left Monday
eNeiiing to uttend the rose festival ut
Mm. Lwin Pin din and child mu ar-
Tom Godfrey of Beagle has start
his Hummer's hauling of wood to
eil Ins suinmur
the valley tovrns.
lteported ly Jiukson Count. Ab
stract Co , Sixth nud I Ir Hts
hwu -3Bk .tllMMS"
Trust Department, CO Broadwa, New
York City, on or before Juno I2tn,
nt 12 o clock noon. The right Is re
served by tho undersigned to reject
any and all offers.
Dated, Now York, May 17tH, 191G.
Delinquent Sale Notice
Cnllfornln-Orcgon Power Company.
Location of principal place of busi
ness, San Francisco, California.
NOTIC1S Thoro Is delinquent up
on tho following described stock, on
'iOC "ON 'Ueo 'ooimui 'oasiaucj.q
39G 600 shares, $150.00.
Mercantile Trust Company of San
sovornl amounts sot opposlt the
on tho 18th day of April, 191C, the
Finnclsco, trustee, Certificate No
names of tho respective shareholder,
us follews:
account of assessment (No. I) lovlM
Moroantllo Trust Company of San
Frnnolsco, trustee, Cort. No. 39S,
GOO shares, $2C0 00.
200 shares, $3B0.00.
'Moroantllo Trust Compnny of San
Mercanttlo Trust Company of Snu
Francisco, trustee, Cort. No. 809,
COO shares. J2G0.00.
iMorcnnllio Trust Compnny of San
Francisco, trustee Cort. No. 400.
500 shares, $200.00.
Moroantllo Trust Company of San
Franolsco, trustco, Cort. No. 401,
500 sharos. $250.00.
(Mercantile Trust Company of San
Francisco, trustee, Cert. No. 402,
COO shares, $250.00.
Mercantilo Trust Company of Han
Finnclsco, trustee, Cort. No. 403,
500 shares, $250.00.
And In nccordanco with law and
nn ordor of tho board of directors
mndo on tho 18th day of April, 191G,
so ninny shares of each parcel of
such stock ns may bo ncccssnry will
bo Bold nt th,o offlro of tho company,
on Tuesday, Juno 20, 1010, nt tho
hour of 12 o clock noon of nnld day,
to pay delinquent assessments thoro
on, togethor with costs of advertis
ing and oxponscs of tho sale.
Secretary of Callfornln-Orogou Power
Office: Number 131 Lcldosdorff
street, San Francisco, California. 75
for nam nucnuH
FOB HKNT Ono 4 -room modern
liouse. Phono, 370-W!
FOB HKNT Strictly modern house
with garage, furnished or unfur
nished. 510 W. Jackson at. C7
"xTBDTo Vent. "amoU furnished
(Cottage or housukceplng rooms,
east side preferable. Phono 172-J.
WANTKD Feathers, steam renovat
ed, wool recarded, comforters, pil
lows and cushions mndo over und
to ordor, feather beds made Into
sanitary folding mattrosscs. Phone
19C-J. C9
WANTED The trees taken off of a
small orchard close In, for tho
wood. Ke J. T. Little, Stowortt
nve. "72
WANTHDCnttlo to pasture 50c to
fl per hoad. Address Iiox 96,
lUaelo Point. Oro. C8
wanthi) to iiusr
WAc?td"tO BUY Horses" oMsa
dlo typo, nnd heavy horses. Dr.
Holms. Ill No. Fir, Phono 308.
TAK1CN UP Ono sow, 5 shotos.
Owner may hnvo samo by paying
damages and Identification. B II.
Dnkon, opposlto Lono Pine school.
FOIt nxcntA.TnR
TO TltADB 200 acres. CO clonrod.
In crop, Joff. county, under now Ir
rigation plan, $30 per acre, going
higher, for Improved, near Central
rotnt. A. W. Frooborg, Gaston.
Oregon. 73
Anto HnppHM
nre operating tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant In the Pa
cific northwest. Use our springs
when others fall. Bold under guar
antee. 26 North Fifteenth BL,
Portland) Oie.
QEO. W. CI1KRRY Attorney and
Notary, Rooms 9-10t Jackson Coun
ty Dank Building, entrance N.
Central, Medford, Oro.
FOR HKNT Seven room houso on
South Holy St., Iuqulro C2G So.
Circuit Court.
Clarence ( Pierce -. I', S, Col
lins, action 1'T mouc.
S. A. ( .irlton etal . - Broadmoor
K. A. Hildreth male i )jtiMiie trip
to Jiiekxonwlle Suturdu) and return
ed Tue.da.
Mr. und Mr. G. W. Barker motored
to Akhland and Uuek Sunda.
Mm. Heraice Hakwr and Miss Bs
ie Chambem weut to Ahlaud Sun
day to vuit their aunt far a few
i Kthel Bi-hop cuiue up Satur-
Dcafncsfl Cannot Bo Cured
br luitl ptllrttliu tUT niot r-rh Ik
dl-M-4 irlWin u( lk -r THrv U u, um
Ha U iur ir !' pad tint Is br ruUtull.-
l t.bIm Iiaftir U oumtiI by u IuBhounI
cUlksi "t tlvr wuiutu lluluc ut lb Kii.UcbU
Tub WkH Ibl tub I luBMnl r l'"
raaMli'g k4 r lairlnl ImnvIdc aixl wba
It ti willraljr eloo-d ! !- U Uhi rr.ult. im
mil tb MSanuatluu rn Le taken ust bu
Ihb tabr Minted t It. 'foul "tidltk-u hear
Mat sill W la(r;l lurettr. klua i ut ul
M ranted bf Catarrh klSi U uutlilag but
astji i xwm tmwmimm nria,
W will alt Ou lluudrrd IMlara fur aiijr caw
f DnfaWMi leuuard l,y i. tart hi that i u"t ka
.-4 bf ItaJI'a Calarb CM Sud fur clieu
' ' f J rilENKY 6 CO. Tuld. O.
Satd br Vrvgflit: V
XU Uali 1 UU i'LUI Ut wfiltltMtlvO.
Today And AIM
Generation Hence
Tho Bight of tlmo makes us think ol
tho future The baby of today reflects
whit irrcatneM may bo
oajulrcd wlion bo
f:mw u. Ami any
nflurnro Uiat brinp)
relief to tlia expectant
matlwr U tbe Drat o4,
prratoit of odllgatlant. I
Tlitro Is a iplcnJIJ '
rrniwly known it
"Motiitr J rrieixt timt
Lu len a Mfujuanl.
a lidpful dally ladit
ence, lo a tmt of
women. Appllol ntfr
1)311 to ilio iniuclas
tltrr tjecoBvs pltaer.
tber ttrctrti vlllmut uiulua pain, titers Id an
nUence of illitre, tlie norvat are aoutlteil
ly taking sua tlia burden of ldttvlnjc all hi
J oat natural ti.nilltlotvi.
There U In 'Mutltdr'a rrlend" the dlret
and ftnmKlluto lirlp tliat all wjcctant uotir
wj require I -"l !V lltolr own IioikI, guided
liv thoir own rtilntli, titer lorn at oncu tlta
Uaed relief from morning aleknewt' nnlt
Ing from undue tretrltlne. Titer eipcrUnci)
dull)- culm und nlgutlr rent. It U Indeetl
"JlgtUr'a Friend." irt n latttlo tiday of
nuy druwUt. Tlwin urltu Ilradseld llesuktor
Co.. 410 luar Mde., Atlanta, Oa., fur ono
of tho moat entertaining and Yaluablo tlttlo
lonU ncr preaeutod. It Id jrorth vtrlUne
To tho Htddci-h of First MorUtauo Six
IVr Cent, KlnkliiK l'ml Oold
Itoutls of 1'aclfic .V CjiMoiii Hall-
vay, IMto .liiuo 1st, 1U1I7.
rriio uuderslKueil trutees under tho
inortKitKO ubovo referred to doslres
under authority of said mortKOKo to
ox pond tho sum of Twtuity-ulKht
thousand seven hundred sixty-four
dollars and sixty-tbreo cents ($28,
704 C3) lu the nurohuso of honds of
said Issue, provided sultl urc!iuso
can, in Its ojilnlon, now bo iniido ml
vantnKooiiBly Sealed offers of said bonds may bo
sent to the office of the undornlKiiod,
TORltKNT Nlceiy'turnlslied Thouse
ItcepliiK rooms, close Ini reason
able. Phono 4G-.T, or call nt 237 X.
Central. CS
FOR RKXT Furnished housukooii
tni; rooms, pleasant homo for 2 or
a intuitu. Phono 05K-J, or call tllti
X. Central. 71
PORTER J. NEFF Attornw at law,
rooms 8 and 0, Medford National
Dank Building.
A. E. RBAMES, LAWTER C-arMtt-Corey
Q. M. ROBERTS Itawysr.
Medford National Bsuk Building.
collected somo accounts 14 years
old. Wo know how to cot the
money. Tho Duilock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 8, H
kins' Uldg., 216 E. Main st
FOIt RENT Modern furnished
housekeeping rooms, 315 X. llnrt
lott, Phono 372-J.
aarsai-ya.i , iv
I aa M aa JHS1 )
FOR SALIC Or trade, 4-room houso
in Medford; close In. Whut hitve
you? R. F. B. 3, IJox 6!. C7
80 noros Dear Crook bottom, 70
ncros In cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and
grain, oastly Irrigated, Less than
3 mllos from Medford. $G80w cash.
One of tho best buys In Jackson
county. Buy when and I will show
103 West Malo Bt Phone. 798
FOirSALU My $7000 oily ranch,
froo Irldtited, dairy, ohloken, fruit,
tools and Mtook, $4f00 If taken be
fore July 1. Tho Carlsbad of Amer
ica. Pop. C000. Altitude 2000 ft.
FIshlnK and hunting, Mrs. Jncknr,
Ashlund. Oro. . 70
FOR BALK 13 aero ronoli; 10
acres lu nlfalfu; lioitbo, harn, now
foncos. Phono C42 or 218-J.
FOIt BALE Jersey bull 7 months
old. Phono 033-J4. 00
FOR SALE - .One bay horse, 9 jonrs
old, weighs about 1100 lhs.. will
ride or drive; for quick sulo.
Inquire Palmer House. ,
FOR SALE Team of black horses.
Can be sesn at the Union 8tallos
or see John A. 1'erL IV a. Dart
lett. tt
Onrnott-Corey Illdg., ulte
Medforu, Oro. Phone 856.
Collections nad Itoporta
M. F. & II. Illdg. Office Hourr
8:30 to 12; 1 to 0. Phono G07-R.
KiiKiuocr and Contractor
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bldi,
Burrcys,. estimates. Irrigation
dralnngo, orchard and land lm-proTcment.
EARL 8, TUMY fJonorul Insurance
office. Flro, Automobile, Accident,
Liability, Plato Glass, Contract,
and Surety Bonds. Kxcollont com
panies, good local sorvlco. No.
210 Qarnott-Coroy Illdg.
Instruction in Mnsle
i1 alaaa.a-P'MaS.ajaatiaajaaa
piano and harmony. Composer
nnd arranger of music. Halght
Music Studio, 401 Garnett-Coroy
BLISS HEINI3 Teachor of Violin.
Mtulo furnlshod for all occasions.
Prlcos roasonablo. Studio 1121 K,
Main St., Phono 303-J2.
For Sale Real Estate
Must sil this seven room modern
house in good condition and with ono
acre of pro mid aud large shade tres
for ens third Its actual cost. Locat
ed on main Jacksonville hlghwa),
near the car line Total pries only
$1250. Terms, $500 cut)i.
210 Gsrnett-Corey Blk.
A party offers his 40-acre homo,
new buildings nnd soil that Is good,
price $&u0u ou. Will take a small
Medford home us part payment.
Tho 2 to seres Joining the outrunga
over half In grain aud hay, nnd
most of ths balance good alfalfa laud
whsii cleared, Is a real tlup propo
sition. Will explain fully on roquost.
Will- exchange for a close lu dairy
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
Pliotm to
Fire-room cottage, garden tract, borrles, flowers, sfcade, Just
the ulaea for a little home and garden tract. Paving $189.20, sew
or $108. IX, sidewalk $70 80, all paid in full. Lot 118x147. Bandy
leatii soil. Best city property of this kind wo have ever offered.
Total price, $9 60.
Hwil a'ntaile, Iiui, IWitttU, lotioruoie.
102 M'ost tfnlO. rtiea tft
ami chiffonier,
bedroom dresser
227 North Oak-
FOIt JSALIfi Will wtcrlflco 4000
shares capital stook of Woods Mo
btlette Co., at 10c per share if tak
en ut oiiflu, or trade for Is) lug
hens. Ilotite 1, Box 8. Phono
FOIt HALE Garage und genets! re
pair shop; good business; about
$700 will handle the deal. Poor
health roasou for selling. Address
1)0X225 Suthsrllu, Oie. 70
FOR SALE One five passenger
Ford, one five passenger Ovorlund,
one Overland delivery all In good
condition Overland Auto Agency,
corner Itartlett and Eighth, phone
Cl. U
FOIt SALE One ton Ford truck at
tnchmont; also 10 unres land to
trade for Ford car, Dshuck's
Garsgo 4M2-J. 88
FOR BALE Choice hlfalfR hoy. $10
per ton tit field. Suider's Dairy.
Phoiie 201-J3. i
WANTED Middle sge lady wants
employment either on ranch, saw
mill er wining camp; good refer
ences given. Addiess 135 South
Central I'ltone 19U-Y. 117
WANTED Competent woman wants
work. Call 729 W. 11th. 67
8THAYED One blatk 8-year old
Xllly. b'rauded with a T on right
shoulder, from tuy raueh near
Uutb Call 31-F21, Jaekeooville.
V, iF. Auioieon, O'J
OARnAGE Get your premises
clonncd up for the summer, Call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good sorvlco. Phone 274-L. T,
Y. Allen.
Physicians anil Surgeons
DRT'FarcXlixOwi DR. ' EVA
MALN'B CARLOW Ostoopathls
physicians, 416-417 Oarnott-Corey
bldg., phono 1036-L. Residence
20 South Laurel st
DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteopathU
physician, 303 Garnett-Corey
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice llmltod to eye,
ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S, P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co.
bldg., opposlto P. O. Phone 687.
DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician ana
surgeon Phones, office 36, resi
lience 7S0 Otfli'o hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 6.
cian and surgeon. Offico Palm
block, opposite Nash hotol. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
Printers anil Publishers
host equipped printing offico in
southern Oregou; book binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etf. Portland prices. 27 North
Fir st.
Offloe 43 North Front st. Phone
315. Prices right. Service guar