Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 07, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    arffl)F01?T MATT, TRIBUNE, MKDFOttD, OUKdON", AVFT)i:sD VV, .TUNE 7, IMfi
Hotter than ever nntl Greatest In
scope will bo the lueiitv -fourth as
sembly of the Southern Oregon Chau
tauqua which moots here on July 7,
find continues for twelve dajs. In
olutloil anionic the attraction are tho
Now York City Mnrlno l)nn(l, Inlor
nntlonnl Opera Company, Rlncr Sis
ters, a catchy musical organisation,
Charles Zueblln, publicist; the Comus
pluors, Francis Labodle. tho reader;
tho lecturer, Sylvester Long; Houu
ehamp, tho humerist: IJrlggs, the
storyteller; Judge WamimnkeT, 6T the
supmore court of Ohio; moving pic
tures of tho Antarctic by Hunsberger
and Mnwson, nnlmer's Kaffir Hoy
Choir, and u host of other attractions,
lltorary, aclontlflc and musiral Prof.
Lnrlmoro will alno bo on hand with
his physical culture classes. Sluto
edncatlonnl Institutions will as usual
bo ropiesonted by Dr. Conklln of Eu
gonc, his specialty bulnx "Oonetlc
phychology," and Prof, llerchtold of
Corvallls, who will conduct tho liter
ature classes. The Sequoia Quartet,
a stnrorgaitlxutloii, excels In musical
specialties. Development of parks
sinil othor surroundings will add
groutly to the Chautauqua's match
less environment. The customary
discount for soasou tickets Is now In
order. $2.25 being the price If bought
In advanre at an enrh date.
Dra. Uttorbnrk & Ilawley, chiro
practors, have dissolved partnership,
the former retiring from the firm
which has had offlcos In the First
National bank block, and will con
tinue In practice at his prlvnto rosl
dnnro, 10S Pioneer avenue.
'A monitor grand stand Is being
erected on the roundup field, the Ilut
lor Walker proporty adjacent to city
limits. It will accommodato 10.000
people, and with Its completion the
Tnconia stadium will have to look out
for Its laurels as possessing ,tho blg
goBt structure of Its kind on the coast.
Grainger &. Powell arc bossing tho
Miss Allco Thompson, teachor of
physiology and geography In West
school, Is attending postgraduate
KtudlOH at IJorkoloy during tho sum
mer vacation. Her mother accompan
ied hor. The family formerly resid
ed In tho Grant rosldonco on Laurel
.Miss Emma C. Mlllor, now touring
tho country as spoclal advance pross
agent of tho Al G. Pantos allied
shows, and who Is due through this
territory nt an early date, enjoys tho
distinction of being the only real live
' woman pross agout In captivity.
"Tho Masque or Myths," as pro
Kontod by Medford talont through
local Civic Improvement club nus
plcos, will be given In Llthlu park on
Friday oveulng of this week, Juno
Si, with 150 In tho cast. Favorable
vostlier Indicates that ovory detail
will be can led out under Ideal con
ditions, the ontertaiuiiioul having
boon postponed some time ago, and
'arrangements are under way looking
towards the fulfillment of this en
gagement on r scalo which will merit
tho visitor In revolving a most hearty
suppoit In keeping with the spectac
ular pageant which they will pro
tjout. I
.1. W. McCoy and V. O. X. Smith,
oitshlors or the First National and
Cltlion Iwnk respectively, are In
Portland attending the annual con
vention of tho State Hankers asso
ciation, which closes wllh a compli
mentary banquet tender! the visa
ing financiers at the Portland hut el
on Wednesday evening.
The broom factory here has gone
nut 'of bnalueae after a struggle un
der adverse conditions for the past
row jears, though the outlook al
titties appeared quite encouraging.
Inasmuch as the Institution banked
on receiving the output of broom cam
throughout territory exleudlng from
Ashland to Grants Pass. The mnchln
ory has beeu sold and removed to
At a weetlng of the Commercial
club held on Monday evening of this
vek, a special committee of ten
made' a lengthy report, Incorporating
a number of recommendations as to
future iHillcles of the organisation.
One of these advised abolishing the
run! aud billiard adjunct to the elub,
also that the room now occupied W
vacated in favor of smaller quartets
on the ground floor. A room In the
Hotel Oregon was reported available
aUo the old Jail was mentioned as
suitable fer secretary's office xnd
reading annex, the latter proposition
currying with it the privilege of using
tho council chamber in the second
story as an auditorium. The term
of offlco to be one year, the trustees
to appoint a secretary, ludebted
ness of the club at any one time not
to wooed " Uu, ou dollar
per month. Billiard tables to be
ollmiaatod on account of cost of up.
keep by to elub as compared te the
cheapness with wnkh this privilege
Is afforded to player. The commit
tee's report as accepted and the
changes recommended Ut "
up for final action lo Jul The
main object Is to curtail overhead1 tt
j.ensM, hlch ai rtfcowt out of l7f
.jortlon to odsantas" derived
m view o toe trrjwta and 8M
jjjuia. MkHOfilB ajirjaatt 19 IM
rum renaissance either, Ilornbrook
Is to build a new hotel. Its location
Is on north Front street, mid It will
be of two stories containing 14
Quito a nnmbor of Concessions, i
mainly pertaining to refreshments
and autos, are still "at the disposal
of the colouration committee horo, of
which Mottte Drlggs Is chairman.
The dittos nro July 4. 5 and 0,'nnd
prospective applicants should be on
the ground floor early In order to
avoid tho riiBh anil usslst the push.
Tho Park Provision store li the
name of a now Institution located nt
tho entrance to the auto damp
grounds, which wilt be opened next
week by V. S. Voorhols, n newcomer
from Napa, Cnl. Tho proprietor will
not only dispense light refresh incuts
but will also curry a full line of staple
and fancy supplloe- In the grocery
and provision lines.
H. It. Pnlmor, of l.os Angeles, 1ms
traded California property for the
Ilrtish ranch on Walker avonuo, nn
extensive proporty tho exchange of
which, according to report Involved
n donl approximating $10,000.
Tho normal school nt Monmouth
will gradttnte 108 sonlors this year,
exceeding laBt yenr's class by 14".
ISvory county In the state Is repre
sented, and among the list nro tho
namoM of Winifred G. Sponcor and
I'lna Honcdlct or Ashland, also draco
Milam of Gold Hill, aud Karl Ilrunk,
of Snlom, former residents of this
lily. The 1910 lomiiioiiconiont will
bo the :'.:id in the history of the In
stitution, and tho imirclhos will be
gin this week.
A portrait of Mrs. Mary Dunn, who
celebrated her SOth birthday anni
versary hero recently, appearod In
Inst Hunday's Orogonliui. She Is one
6r a trio of slHtcrs, the other two
being Mrs. Mnrtlin Glllotto and Mrs.
Ann Hussoll. daughters of Isaac Hill
of Tennessee, who came to this lo
cality with their pnronts In IPT.a,
nnd who still resldo here. At the
birthday observance nnidng SIR near
relative prosont, four gcnoartlotiH
woro roprosentod. Mrs. Dunn Is tho
motlior of Mrs. J. K. Van Sunt and
George W. Dunn of this vicinity.
'Mrs. I,. L. Merrick, of l.os Angolos,
daughter or Mrs. Martha Gillette, will
bo an Ashland visitor with relative
during tho celebration and Chautau
qua periods.
Mrs. Frank Jordnn Is a Itoso fes
tival visitor at Portland, and nlno In
attendance upon tho sessions of the
Eastern Star grand rhnptor.
'A nnmbor of friends or Mrs. Del
phi! Urynnt, of Seattle renewed hor
acquaintance early In the week whllo
sho was on her way to visit her sou
Llojd at Yolo. Cnl. Tho Uryant fam
ily fortnorly lived horo on Kast Main
!A largo representation from llopo
Itobekah lodgo of this city went to
Medford on Tuosday evening, vvhoic
thoy participated In the exemplifica
tion of tho work and were tho gnosis
of Olive Itobekah lodgo of Medford.
III. G. Kndors 8r. Is In Portland
this week on a business mission.
Miss Minnie Heaver has boon visit
lug hor sudor Xollle. who Is teach
ing tho summor term of school In
tho Grogory dlstrlot on the Slsklyous
uoar Colostlu.
Miss ltuth Turner, of tho Uko
vlow schools, is home for a summer
vacation vlalt with her parents. Mr.
aud Mrs. J. II. Tumor, have come
fiotn San Francisco, where tho fnm
lly havo henn on a trip of recreation
and ploasure. (
Hoe. II. 1C Tucker, pastor of the
Christian church at Mmlford, spoke
at the local church on Tuesdaj even
ing, his remarks having been follow,
od by conferring of the rile or bap
tism jipou number or Christian affll
lales. O. S. Ilutler has been ntaklug esUen
stve Improvements upon his Granite
streot roeldenee property, the scope
of wheb Incorporates additional
rooms sufficient to ewteitalu a Urgr
number ot guests during the roundup
period. '
Four nlo loads or Ashland and
Medtord scientists were pursuing re
search work oarly In the week In the
vkinlty of Shorty Hope aud other
mining lead or the Wagner creek
district. The party struck It rich
as to grubstakes, upou which all
either took options or Hied claims
under the picnic act. The party was
composed of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Newman of Medferd, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hollbaugh of Talent. Dr. J. P.
aud Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Julia McQull
kln, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Footer.
Mrs. Leah Caldwell and Miss May
Price of Aahlaad. HH1 Myers was
guide, being aeoowpaHled by Mrs.
Myer and their daughter Uernlce.
Mrs. Nate Otterbeln has been visit
Imc her mother. Mrs. A. L Harvey,
llvlug on H street Mrs. Maude Hlp
pey Ooehler is also visiting her grand
mother, Mrs Harvey Hotn aaugow
aud granddaughter are from Klamath
ttias iJabi'1 "s.''.-' i i-
f ltav Willi Ot JUfnl Al) thi
sijiuie tinhnio
' &'V S'IlUv itutwl tUt
- - - i i -
, -iHiidini.' it
nnd it half month-.' term of -chool in
the Long llrtimit district Fridnv.
Tlirre vms n fine picnic dituier and
a nice program whs given. Mabel
Snger uttoiulcd six and n half
month' chool Mini wns ituttlicr ab
sent nor turdy.
MNs Kulu Unimton lias closed her
chool in the Central ilUtriet ntul i
iilleiiiling scliool in Med ford.
The Dcbcnger Oup sehool eIoeil
and thoic licit her nliscut nor turdv
weie Velmn llummli. Mtibol ntul 11 it -ilreth
Mix Maxou Iihh eloned Her school
in the upper Trail district nuil te
tttrucd to liar home in Talent.
.Mt. Mae Daw and little ones
spent it few d8 with Mr. Jasper
Mm. Tom Kniuey wan n Central
Point visitor Saturday.
The free ferry it I'minlied and is
ready for travel again. The nmil
route from Iwigle Point to Persist
tins been elinuged to the tipwurd
route, goiiu; up on the went side of
the liver mid rettiiiiins; on the oust
Uranilpn IUiiihIou spent the week
end with Petry Fouler.
Tin1 Aver family liad u reunion
mid pieuie dinner on Ihe river Stiit
iln.v. Alex Kniuiey iud Jini Hiiumih, .lr.,
w ere
mill vlsitiirf,
Tliursibty (Infre wiih a Iinril
shower or over an Imitr'a duration
iltmg the river.
.Millnii Houston and WnyiiHui
Herguinii were dnwii to the valley
Kra Wliilley wnt u eouple of
du.VM ibis week wtli bin brother, Hny.
ProfeNiir Jionrijoiff eipne down
from AkIiIhihI mid helped Fied Pet
tigrew eomliiel the eighth grade ex
amination in the lleeee ereek distriel.
The do nee at the Pindlcv place wits
greatly enjoyed by it participant".
I be nirvcyniK lMtrty of Ihe Crater
lake highway is enmped nt KellV
island, 'llio two huukcs nut some-
whnt iliffieult to move uloiig some of
our imrjovv ron tls. The survey
erosses the river from the eimt wide
to the vveel side of Ihe river nt the
Dodge-Crouch bridge. The survey
follows Ihe river nbuvti tho high-wii-ter
The west side of the river would
have ipiite u boom if ever the nuiiier
ouh surveys should over change to
construction vvoik.
Mis Doris Itiehnnlsuii teltmictl
home Suiidav after u visit nt the
home of her grandparents, Mr.
Mrs. W. T. Houston.
Mr. Lower eatue down in his ear
Tuesdav afternoon mid took Peel
orn' mid lllauehnrdn home with him
to hoar n Mumorial ilav ptogrnm on
the 4uniognili, They remained to
supper nud nUo took it ride on up to
A .Med ford pis no hoe sent a new
piuuo up to Mr. Peyton's Monday.
Mihi Francos Aiken mid HuIvh
Walker came us far us Cascade
(Jorge in Mr. Kmbry's ear Sntttrduy,
then walked on across the river nnd
visited Irieude theie until Kiiudiiv uf
temoon, when Frank Ditwworth look
them homo.
Miss Flossie Tucker steut Sunday
at I'rank Ditsworth's. Frank had
several dinner guesla that day.
Pert McDonald and sister of Trail,
Misses Hope and IJllian Nye and
P.tliol Higinliotham sKnt KiiikIm y Ht
l(. h. Pe.vtous mill Htteiidwl Stutdav
Pearl Peyton Nwut Sumlnv liinht
at T. II. Iligiiiltolhani's.
A number of Kutita iNtssed .Sun
day, some weal oues ami huwu from
the vulley.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin went to Med.
ford last week and ronled u furuitth
el house viheie Mrw. Irwin is stay
ing with her daughter ami Mstur. Air.
Irwin teluriHl to tho iiower plant
Mr. and Mrs. Ouh Ditsworth
sK!iit Sunduy with Mrs. l.isziu
Nirhol and ehildien.
Kd Higiiiuotbttiu ami family ieiit
Sunduy at T. II. IliMHuhothain's.
Mr. ami Mrs. Miller of Medford
sMnt the week end at OHnlon's,
ti-hing and visiting.
Mr. Dili and muuw guests Openl a
few dus (m the IliU & KUt wart roneh
lust week.
Mies Dgwsuu und daughter and
Piiul Peyton visited at Mr. Krwki'
Jaipe Kehaffer went to Medfonl
Thursday uud teturued Saturday.
There will be a Sunday cIhmI pic
me Sunday, June 18, at the camp
ground above the bridgtt. Itaslwt din
ner. Kveryone is most cordially in
vited to attend. If it ruins tho ,ic
nie will transfer itself to the Laurel -hursl
hchool Ikiiihc.
Mi-- Miibt-1 Tlmmp'-itn v iil ed sev
er l il,.- i.-niiiU with Oru Walker.
ScM-rnI ni Mi lirieveV mad work-
- - - -J - S-i- i LSI
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. OnepneluVo
y rtvtai tt 25c at all druggists.
er- have suite up to i num creek to
work road lo the ptuk line.
Wes KeNii nnd faiiulv nte moving
back to Prospeel, as Jlr. Kelso ox
peels to ettrrv the miiil now.
Lucius Utnenid spent the week end
tit the valley.
!rr. llropliv returned Monday
morning from .i vallcv visit.
Mr. nud Mr. 1, it. Alvernon of
(ImiiU l'ntis spent 1'iidnv vUiting
with their dnuglitor, Mrs. W. Parker,
nntl family.
Albert Forgey was it Mudford vis
itor on Tncfilny.
.Mr. mill Mrs. I. Hawkins nud lit
tle son of Cots, Kan., tire visiting
with their coiimii, Joe Iionghuid, and
The I'lirt'iit-TetiulicrH' club met nt
tho home of Mrs. Sam Anderson.
There wiih u good nlteiidnnee. A verv
interesting- paper on "Home Kffie
ieney" wns rend bv Mrs. V. 1). Chirk.
The subject of having it traveling lib
rary from Salem was brought up for
discusiuii mid will be ilccjdcd upon at
the next meeting, whh.ii will he held
nt tiie lionii! of .Mrs. Frank Tompkins.
After, Ihe meeting adjourned ihiinlv
rnfrtwlimont were orvi'il bv the
hostesses, Mesdnuie4 Stun Anderson
mid Hoy Nichols. There will bo no
Hireling in .Inh nud August.
Mis ,l,cu Parkur i visiting with
her grandparents, Mr. mid Mrs. II.
It. Alvurnon, of fl rants Pass.
Jue'IIoaghiiid upd l'ltipilv of .Mr.
ainl,.Mi..Ji. Hawkins mgtuicd to Ash
laud on Sttndnv.
The Willow Springs (Iraiige will
meet on Suliinlnv, .Itiue 10.
lloportctl by Jackson Coiintv Ab
stract Co , Sixth aud Fir Sla.
Miurlage LIcoiihivs
Chnrliw J. ltiedcl mid Viola Hffie
llovvnrd II. Nubbins uud Alice
Lloyd lv. Col well mid lirrii- Hlla
(leorgo Q. Spiekennmintid (I race
Uurvey K. Murphy nnd Keedith
Uielu .loiio.
Cliiult Coin I.
Klhel Wltner vs. I(. L. Wlmer, no
tiee filed. . .
fleoixii Iff Lindlev vs. II. W. .Iiiek
sen el til., proof of publication of
summons filed.
Ileal Ksinlc Tninsfcrs,
(I. It. Ilaimuersly el u to
Maude Holmes, lot I. liloek 8,
ltosH Add., Mislford f 10
Carl L. I la nisi, to M. C. Keeil,
hind in see. 8-1 1 -'J H. 0
W. X. Wells et u to Walter
How ne, Jr., laud in see. Ul-
Luella Springer et vir to T. K.
Flyue, lot in blk. 0, Purl;
Add., Med ford
(leorgo Inlow (o V. M. Cmiiii-
bell, lot I, block "", Mcdfnrd
t'lnraee L. Wolveiton et ux In
II. K. Sbiltery, laud in see.
II .0(11)
lAtia of It III .Medftuil Hut Dally
firovvlng' Iah
Tho kldueu ofton cr for help
Kot another organ In the whole
body more dullculnly eonstriicted;
Kot one iiinio iiiHtr(aiil to hoallh.
The kidneys are the (liters uf the
"When they fall tho blood becomes
foul urn! poisonous.
There caa be no heulth whvie there
Is poisoned blood.
'lliiukache Is on of tho frequent lu
dlsatlons of kidney trouble.
It is often the kidney's cry for
help. Heed It.
Head what Dgiti's Kidney Pills
have doiH- ror overworked kidneys.
Jtoud what Doau'H have done for
Medford People.
1C. Mahar, machlHlst, 539 8. Ivy
St., Medtoid, says: "Toe much can't
bo said lu pralu of Defcn's ICldaey
Pills. I have taken tliwu on sefural
oeeaslous when ms kidneys have been
out of Nv, causing my back to fuel
stiff and lamu aud I have alwas re
ceived relief."
Price 5o. at all dealers. Don't
Imply ask for a kldne remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills thn same that
Mr Mohar had. Foster-Milburn Co ,
Props, Iluffalo, N Y -Adv
Five-room cottage, garden tract, berries, flowers, afeadfl. Jut,
the place for a little homo and garden tract. Paving $111.10. ww
er $106.22, sidewalk $70.80, all paid lu full. Lot 111x147. Bandy
loam soil. Dest city property of this klud we have ever offered.
Total price, $950.
I tool IfcUto, Imiu, Iloutnls, Inmranio.
JOi! West Main. Phono 7
Clears Away Pimples
There Is one remedy that seldom fnll
to ctonr nwny oil pluitilw", black heads
and skin eruption nntl Hint makes tho
skin iwft, clear and healthy.
Any ilriiBgtat enn supply you with zemo,
which generally overcome nil skin dis
eases. Acne, ecfcmn, Itch, pluiplc.
rashes, blsck heail In mot ea-s give
way to semo. Frequently, minor litem
lli illpapiHwr owrnielil. ItcliltiB ustt
ally utopi liistiinily. Zemo h wife, clean,
enxy to ue and dependable. It cots only
J,c: nn extra large bottle. $1.00. It
will not Main, Is not greasy or sticky nnd
Is positively snfe for tenner, sommve
Zemo, Glcvclnud.
In tho circuit court of tho stnto
of Orogou. for the county of Jackson.
Henry H. Taylor, plaintiff, vs. Uob
ort S. Towno, Pacific Coal Company,
nn ArUonn corporation. Medford Coal
& Mining Compnny, a corporation
W. D. Dllworth. S. M. Munson, Id. C.
Harris, Sunnyside Conl & Coko Com
pany, an Artxonn corporation, W. K.
Crows, ub rocclvor of Sunnyside Coal
& Coko Company, Jackson Comity
Ilnnk, nn Oregon corporation, and
also all othor persons or parties un
known, claiming any right, tltlo, oo
tnto, lien or Intorest In tho real es
tate doscrlbod In tho complaint hero
in, dofeiidnnls.
To the above linmed defendants,
Robert S. Towne, PaclHe Conl Com
pany. W. D. Dllworth, S. M. Munson
and K. C. Harris:
You and each of you are hereby
summoned nnd requited to appear In
tho nliovn entitled court and cause
mid nttswor tho complnlut or plain
tiff on file therein, within six weeks
after tho dnlo of the first publication
of this summons, said period of six
weeks being tho tlmo prescribed by
ordor of tho Honorable F. M. Calk
ins, Jiidgo of the ubovo named court,
In his ordor of publlcullon herein,
datod May 1st, 1010, within which
you shall appear mid answer said
And you nro hereby notified that
ir you Tnll to itppoar and niiHwer mild
complaint within said tlmo that plain
tirt will apply to thn court Tor tho re,
lief dommided lit the complaint, a
succlnt statement of which Is its fol fel fol
eows: 1. That tho defendants and each
or them be required to set forth tho
nature of his claim, If any, In nnd to
the following described promlsos. fllt
unted, lying mid being In Jackson
county, Oregon, to-wlt:
Commencing tit tho northonst cor
ner of tho west half of section twenty-three
(13) township thirty soven
(37) South, range One (1) West of
W. M., running tlienco east m ciiiuiih
ami 14 links to n post and mound of
rooks situated for a corner: thonce
south 10 chains; tlienco west 87
chains and 3H links, more or loss, to
tho Inside oil of tho John McKee Do
nation Lund Claim Xo. 02 In said
township and range: tlienco north
JO chains; thence east to tho north
east corner of tho west half of said
soniinn 91. the nlaco of commencing.
containing 176 nerus, more or loss
2. That It bo adjudged mid de
creed Hint none of said danfondtints
hnve any eslnte or Intorest whatover
In or to said premlsos, and that tho
title or tho plalntltr thoroto Is good
nnd valid.
3. That tho defoudants nnd onch
ot thoin bo rorovor barrod and fore
closed from assorting nny claim
whntovor In or to said lands or prem
ises adverse tojhs plalntlfLjtnd for
. --- ii-i. " "
For Sale Real Estate
.-Must sell this soven room modern
house In good condition mid with one
ncio of ground and large shade trees
for one third Its actual cost. Locat
ed on main Jacksonville hlghwa,
near tho ear lino. Total price gnly
$1250. Terms, $500 cash.
210 (larnelt Core lllk.
80 ncroB Roar Crook bottom, 70
acres In cultivation, nltalfn, fruit and
grain, easily Irrlgatod. Lobs than
3 miles from Medford. $080u cash.
Ono of tho boat buys In Jackson
county. Say when aud I will show
103 West MsU Ht. Phons 7B9
A partv iifn-rh IiIm lo-aire home,
new bulldiiigM and soil that Is good,
plica $.oou oo. Will take a small
Medford homo as part payment.
The 210 acres Joining the outrange
over half in grain and hay, and
most ol the balance good alfalfa aud
when cleared, is a real fine propo
sition. Will explain fully un request.
Will exchange for a close lu dairy
Hoon-Cathcart Co.
Plionn 1(17
such other relief nj ttio court maj
deem Just nnd equitable.
Attorney for PInlntlfr.
First publication of summons May
3rd, 19IC.
Delinquent Sale Xotlco
California-Oregon Powor Company.
Location of principal place of busi
ness, San Francisco. Cnllfornla.
NOT1CI8 Thoro ! delinquent up
on tho follo'vln doscrlbod storV on
'iCB o.v uefl 'oeistui oosiaui)Ji
3JG f.00 shares, $250.00.
Morcnntllc Trust Coniimnv of Son
several amounts sot opnoalt't the
on tho lSth day ot April, 191G, the
Francisco, trustee, Certificate Xo
names of tho respective shnrainhlere,
ns follews:
nccount or assessment (No. I) lovled
Mercantile Trust Compnny of flan
Francisco, truatoo. Cert. No. 393,
,100 shares, $2R0.00.
500 shares, $250.00.
'Mercantile Trust Company of San
Mercantile Trust Company of San
Francisco, trustee. Cort. No. 8911,
500 shares, $250.00.
(Mercantile Trust Company of San
Frauclsco, trustee, Cort. No. 400,
600 shares, $2&Q.00.
Mercantile Trust Company or San
FrnuclBco, trustee, Cert. 'No. 401,
000 shares. $250.00.
Mercantile Trust Company of Snu
Francisco, trustee, Cert. No. 402,
500 shnros, $200.00.
Mercantile Trust Company of San
Francisco, trustee, Cort. Xo. 403,
500 shares, $250.00.
Aud In accordance with law nnd
an order ot the board of directors
niado on thn lSth day ot April, 1 DIG,
no many shares of each parcel of
such stock an mny bo uecoHsary will
bo sold nt tho offlco of tho comtxiny.
on Tucaday, Juno 20, 111 1(5, nt tho
hour of 12 o clock noon of said day,
to pay delinquent nsscsHiiunilM thero
ou. together with costs ot advertis
ing and expenses ot tho sale.
Secretary of California-Oregon Powor
Olflce: Number 13 1 I.eldosdorfr
Hlroel, Suit Francisco, California. 75
FOIt HKNT G-rootn modern house
rine fruit. 730-11. C5
FOIt ItKNT- One 4-roout modem
house. Phone 370-W.
with gnrago, furnished or unfur
nished. 510 W. Jackson at. 07
FOIt ItKNT 8ovcn room houso on
South Holy st., Inqulro 52G So.
J lolly. .
FOIt HUNT Xlcely "r urnlshoil "' houio.
koeplitg rooms, close lit; roasou-
nble. Phono I5-.1, or call at 237 N..
Central. , G8
FOIt HKNT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms, ple.iKunt homo for 3 or
3 adults. Phono 05S-J, or cull 3 111
X. Central. 7 1
FOIt 11KNT Modern fitrnlshod
housekeeping rooms, 316 N. llart
lett. Phono 37J-.I.
; 1 r , .au,. , ii i i r " r
FOIt SALIC Or trade, l-room houso
in Medford; close lu. What havo
you? It. F. D. 3, llox 59. J7
i r n mmjran. .
FOIt 8AL15-My $7000 city ranch,
free IrlgHted, dairy, chicken, fruit,
tools and stock, $4(00 If taken be
fore July 1. Tho Carlsbad ot Amer
ica. Pop. GO00. Altitude 2000 ft.
Fishing and hunting. Mrs. Jnoker,
Ashland, Ore. . 70
FOR SALM---1.1 aero ranch; 10
acres lu alfalfa; houso, barn, new
feuciw. Phono 542 or 21S-J.
i sr t r - t traa.ii r T I a
FOIt SALE - o7ie "bay'" iiarso, oars
old, vvnlghs about 1100 llm., will
Tide or drive; $45 for quick salo.
Inquire Palmer House.
FOR MALIC 20 oxcellent young
ewes at market price. Capital It
Ranch, Central Point.
FOIt HALE -Team of black homos
Can be semi at the Union Stables
or see John A. PerL 28 K. Hurt
led, tf
ttt re nt ns-.Tw t i , trr.-
FO it SALhV WlJl aacririce To 0 0
shares capital stock ot Woods Mo
btlstte Co., at I Or per share If tak
en at once, or trade tor laying
hens Route 1, llox. 3, Phone
FOR SALE First class alfalfa hay
$10 per ton lu field. Pogar ranch.
Phone 301-RS. 06
roll HALE - Alfalfa hay $10 per ton.
IfMinim 403-K3
FOR HALE Oarage and general re
ualr shop, good business; about
4700 will handle the deal. Poor
health reason for selling. Ad diem
;Uox 225 Kutlirl(u. Ore. 70
FOR SALB One five passonger
ford. on five pueseuger Ovorlaud,
ohu Overland delivery all in good
condition Overland Auto .getie
eoruer llartlett and Eighth, plmue
FOIt lALtC -One ton Ford truck at
tachment; alau 40 acres land to
trade for Ford car. Dshacks
Garage 482-J. SI
FO U 8 A LK Choice alfalfa hay.Tl 0
pec tea In tteld. Adder Dairy.
Pheue 2U1-JI.
WANTMn wit o ATlONa
- pBMeeasstfaMStaiassssjeiaeaBeftkHrtM
WANTED Middle ago lady wants
employment either ou ranch, saw
mill r mining camp; good refer
ences given Address 15 Bouth
Central Phone ltf-Y. 7
WANTKD Competogt woniiu wants
work. Call 729 W. 1 Uli. 67
LOIT A fraternity pin Return to
office and receive reward. HO
WA'TKO Harir lift lo'i irTiown!
Young ninit prqfi ired. Plioue .1 J
Grants Pass. 00
nr -S. 1 1 .-.:
WANTEfD Feathers, stonm renovat
ed, wool recardod, comforters, pil
lows and cushions ntadu over and
to order, feather beds mndo into
sanitary folding mnttresscs. Phono
190-J. G9
WANTKD Tho troos taken off of a
small orchnrd oloso In, for tho
wood. See J. T. Llttlo, tUowart
avo. i 72
WANTHD TO BUY Horace ot sad
dlo typo, and heavy horses. Dr.
Holms, 111 No. Fir, Phono 308.
WNTMD Cattlo to pasture, 50c to
$1 por bond. Address llox 05,
Haglo Point. Ore, G8
TAKWN UP Ono sow, 5 shotes.
Owner may hnvo snmo by paying
dnmngos and Idontlflontloii. K. H.
Ditkoii, opposite Lono line school.
von nxciiATian
TO TltADB 200 acres. GO cleared,
In crop, Joff. county, under now Ir
rigation plan, $30 per acre, golniv
higher, for Improved, near Central
J'olnt. A. W. Frcobonr, OaBton.
Oregon. 73
uusixras nmKCTOitT
Auto HuppUos
nro oporntlng tho lnrgost, oldest
and host equipped plant In the Pa
cific northwest. Use our spring
when others fall. Sold under guar
antee.. 2G North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Ore.
Attorn ays
OEO. W. CHKItHY -Attornoy and
Notary, Rooms 0-10, Jackson Coun
ty Dank Dulldlng, ontranco N,
Central, Mcdford, Oro.
rOIlTRIt J. NKFF Attornoy at law,
rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National
Dank Ilulldlng.
A. 18. ItKAMES, L.AWYEIt--OarMtfc.
Corey bids.
O. M. nOIlKItT8 Lawyer.
Medford National Dank Building.
oollocted sotuo accounts 14 yonrs
old. Wo know how to got tho
money. Tho Duilock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Hss
kliia' UldR., 21(5 10. Main at
Oamott-Coroy llldg., alto Jl
Medfora, Oro. Phono 858.
Collections and ltewrtu
M. F. & H. nidg. Offlco Hourt
8:30 to 12: 1 to C. l'houo G07-R.
Engineer nnd Contractor
p sies
FRKD N. OUMMINQS Snglneor and
contractor, 404 11. F. & H. Uldg.
Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation
dralnngo, orchard and land im
provement. Insurance.
EARL S. TUMY Ooncrnl Insurance
orrice, Flro, Automobllo, Accident,
Liability, Pinto Olnss, Contract,
and Surety Uonds. Excollont com.
pnnles, good local service. No.
210 Garuott-Coroy Dldg.
Inst ruction In JIuxtc
piano and harmony. Composer
and arrnngar ot music Halght
Music Studio, 401 Oarnott-Coroy
nLISS HEINE Toaohor of Violin.
Music furnished for all occasions,
Prlcoa reasonable Studio 1121 H,
Main St., Phono 303-J2.
QARIIAOE (let your premises
cleaned up 'or tho summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good service. Phone 274-L. r.
Y. Allen.
Pliystclaits nntl Burgeons
5IAIXS CARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 410-117 Oarnett-Corey
bldg., phone 1030-L. Residence
26 South Laurel at.
DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteopsthU
physician, 303 (Jarnott-Corey
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EMMBNS Physlclaa and
surgeon. Practlco limited to eye,
oar, nose and throat, Eyes snlon.
tlflcnlly tasted and glassos sup
pllod. Oculist and Aurlat for S. P.
R. R. Co. Oftlcefi M. F. & H. Co.
bldg., oppoalte P. O. Plionn E67.
DR. R. W. CLANOY- Physician and
surgeon Phones, office 36. resi
dence 7 so oriiie hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 6.
clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm
block, opposite Naab betel. Hours
10 to 13, 1 toT J?bom 110J,
Printers and Publlslien
nr "uniii s.iri nr sikw a ii s-1 r i"i-Tan
beet equipped printing offiae In
southern Oregon; book uludutx
leose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
ete. Portland prices. 27 North
Fir st.
. mjmimtrir- ! Jt,,ii
BADli TRaSSwr" ft STORAGeTco!
Ortleo 42 North Front St. Phone
316. Prlaea right. Servile guar,