Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 06, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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mhdfotu) i ml TiunrNR, medford, onitfioy, ttiosday, jrvu n, ioffi
RfflG MB
Efforts to Secure $25,000,000 From
Government to Develop Plant and
Turn It Over to Company Falls,
But Pcndlnji Bill Presents Com
pany With Power Site for Nothing.
Muasol Blwals haa been put on (lie
iimp by the Alabama Tower, Light &
Traction Co.'a effort lo get Cnelo
Sain to take $26,0(10,000 out of tlic
United State treasury nod tlml H
ovor to thin power oonimny to lo
volop power tit thia alto.
Mu ww I Shoals it a atreteh of tlio
TmiiiuwHW rivur, in Toiineaa.uu jiml
Alabama. TIio fall hiii! the mipply oT
water make it MHible to develop nt
tills point, aoiiording to oatimnte by
unity engineer, it maximum of 010,
000 hnroHJWer, making it tlio great
oat walor power alto outaido of Ki
ngiirx Falla on Uio Atneiirau conti
nent. Tlir Muaaal Shoal Powur company
in tin- ii-.'iwry through which tliiw atoal
JlU IlO'll attempted. Till i H Mill-
" iniiiiHiijr of Un Alabama I'.,
I. T. ('. which in incorporated in
Canmlii :iik which ill turn in connect
ed with the Ainriraii Cyunamid uoin-
pni), i' Canadian niMtrtioii, owning
i jm)' I- In the Norwegian patenti for
making nitratea taken from tha nir
into 1' rtilkicr.
Seeking a Suli-ddy
In 1UM, Itaprcwenlatire Oaear W.
l'iulrwooil (now Nouatur from Ala
bama) attempted lo get thia deal
tlin.naji hy adding n "rider" lo tlio
riur ami liarhoi hill, approving h
iiropoaari agreement ii(ot rrttiNl hy the
nm engineer, which would have
nppioprialtil I'JO.OOO.OOO from the
trua-ory lo "ro-uperalo" with this
powr oiHHiwny in building a plant,
the M iflpany to gel tlio profiU from
the mtrprWo, while I'nele Hum held
I lit Iin'. The deal whh khowii up on
tlio ilnor of the hoime uin wum elim
inated Iiuim the bill.
I)iiiiuir tha preaenl HMnioH the
HAiHH aUettid wan mail to got IhU
)Htwr aile hy iueluding tht proKi
tion in the Hay army hill ax a "pre
Itaredueaa" meaaitre to fiirmah ex
jdoaivea to tha government. Thi
tune they Naked 'J."i,OOI),(l(lO. Again
it wa defeated in tlio house.
The rqnriitiilif of llu puwiT
i-oMtpany at tho -nine lime went Im-
, I'urr the iiKi'ii'iiltural coiniiiitU'i' ot (he
ilimiii' mid attempted to Ret thi'ir pro-
po-al iniu the agrii'tiltural hill as a
j "fertilizer'' plant. ' '
Tin1 Niipruino effort to gt tlux
power nito away from tho govern -tiK'iit
im contaiiKxl in tha SliicliU hill,
wlrrli hnx piiMcd the nenate, is iv-
1 ported out hy the hoiiae cominiltec
'and i now on tho lioitau oalendufj
uwaitinir n fnvomhlu opHr(tuiitv lo
he put throiigh.
rower (Jnili .MiiiMire
The ShiehU hill not oulv give
away the AIiotKol Khoal", hut every
other Hiwer Mite in n imvfgnhlu riter
in tho I'nited Staten.
ruder the lermn of the Shield hill
the government would he eumpolled to
grant the Mnaxel Hhoalx ewtnpany the
right o ulilixe the water power nt
MiiHwel Shoe Ik.
The hill make it innndatory on the
aeoretarv of war lo give the grant lo
the company "kIiokb plaiiM ore Ihn1
(pialificd to oNpiHiito aiieh develop
ment; and an hulweeu mich conlcMtini?
for twenty-eight years and never saw
one without Its ftct of pronhota, nono
of whom turned out to have any
more of a forehanded cinch on things
than anybody olse.
Thero lsn"t any monoy In the
prophet fouBlnew), but thore must be
no end of mystorlouH aatlafactlon,
ijudKliiK hy tho way It Is fololwcd.
j Of course something else comoa
into this Job horo boaidei preference
'for hot Itoosevolt plo or forcold
jllughen jam, and that In tho way
about fifteen leading men will nlzo
Claries Edward RtlSScll Writes of .up adrantagos and dlMadvnntagoa
when it comoa to n show-down. Not
Llnc-Up at Chicago The Fifteen
Bosses Have Not Yet Decided In
CHICAOO, 111b., June 8. Tho men
applicant, which umienr miuullv well "t this oonventlou that Will really pick
ipialfficil in hucIi reapect. preference the Heptibllcau candidate for pros!
ahull he given to that applicant which
Una find complied with the lawn of
the alate or mIuIo in which an eh dam
ia to he coiiMlructod."
The MiiKdcl Slioala coinpanv ha
"complied with tho luw or (he Mate"
of Alahamn. In fant that atate
elm lifted it code no a to give thia
eoiniHiuy full righta at thi point, hy
Minting that the Hght inherent in the
tato to ovoreimi "niiiinent doniain"
over property should niitoniHtieally
go to any company organixid under
the atate law that wnnled to take n
water right to develop twor.
The MiihmcI Shoal eomimnv own
the land and the nefenry riirttU of
way and hhkoihciiI at .Muel Shoal,
an that the war deailment would he
obliged to hold that It plana are hel
(pialificd to expedite development mid
Jtiat it had firr coiti)icl with the
law of the tate.
IVipotual (Jrant
The Shield hill protend to carry
a titty-year grunt to the grantee, hut
in reality the fifty-year prnvUinu 1
a limitation on the light of the t'uited
State to iceover the property and
not a limitation of the grant.
The grant goea on forever uule
the I'nited Slate government liny
out the grantee, aiyiug not only tho
actual vahiH of the propeily, hut for
all increment m land value, and all
righta and intangible proH)rty. liven
then, it iiiuat lake over every piece of
jiropotty connected with the dam and
power dant, aiieh a atraet railway,
elect He lighting vUuia, tranauii
hIoii liiiaa, ote. furthermore, an act
of eongre would be neeeamirv in
each iualanee lo reeover tha prop-
If the iHiwer grabber can get the
Shield bill through eongre and can
induce I'leMilcnl 'ilon to igu it,
they will never need to euoit' to eon
gtv again tor a lamer grant; the
eeretarv of war will he forced hv
the term of the act tu give them all
the lights thi'V want.
I .I..... .. 1ft... . ..1.11. 1 ...1.1. ..-!....
iuiiV niu linu a 1,11 1 Ml nun ! IIII1I I
memorlea that has strayed alone Into
tho family pantry.
Up there on tho aheir Is fioah
Itoosovult iiilnoe plo, pipping hot with
hard aaitco. Hut Dion, how about
Old (I nurd colic? lletter go alow on
that. Knslly within roach Is a dish of
lliighoa Jam. Hut the Progressive
switch hangs by the door and many
an anatomy Is still tingling from tha
lust lima that was used. Ho It In
slow on the Jam also.
Here In the rooter Is fine Fairbanks
Ice ereatn, but wa aren't looking for
Ice cream this year. On other ahelvea
are Weeks inuffllua, Ilu'rton har tack,
Cummins breakfast food and other
highly recoutiiioiiileit. diahua from
cookies to cabbage, all of superior
quality for anybody that likes that
sort of thing and some of them guar
antor to be free from colic or trouble
with switches.
The child In the pantry doesn't
rare a whoop for any of them. His
fancy Is for pie or Jam, and the thing
he Is balancing all the time Is the
chanre of the colic against the chance
of the switch.
If you could remove either, he
would take his 'finger out of Ills
mouth and make up bin uiliid In a
flaah. As It Is, ho stands there fid
dling ami keeps everybody guessing.
WanlH I'lc or lam
One moment ho makes a start for
the Itoosevolt pie, with loud applause,
and you think the thing la as go oil
as settled. And the next minute be
has a vivid teco I lection of what the
stand-pat element might do to him,
or thinks of Henry Ford and his
threats, or gets a warning from hy
phens or pacifists, and you are ready
to bet on the Hughes jam.
The pmfeealonal prophets go to
merely ndvantagoe to the party, but
other advantages; an to thonmolvoa,
for instance. TIihah linvcn'l ilnnlilnil L
UVn MintIS WHO Will Be the Party, anything in their own minds. How.
then, prophots, clairvoyants and
sera, do you have any sure dopo about
Only one thing Is clour, If it is jo bo
til.. 'II ...til l.lll'n l.n M.nt.l....l 1 -
(Copyright by Nowapaper KnterprlaoJ.""' " l" "" '' '
i..i.i' . trurfh. so as to knock out any thought
about colic. And that Is where tho
"old guard" of stand-pata thinks it
has the game In hand. It has SOa
votes that It can cost for anybody Mcdlord among thoae who have not
Prohibition and the t'oiictient
aridity, which, like the German war
hifi, i of a "low visibility," ha
brought to Med ford and Jackon
county mi unincorporated oranniru
tion, -Working a xilcutly a the en
gine of a $0(100 auto, and with the
deadlv accuracy of u machine gun.
The organization constitute the main
line of communication between Horn
brook and the hip 'oeket, ami i
thre time a flint in delivery it the
ordinary ooiuinon earricr. Thev arc
the-h'tya- who bring aero the dead
line tabooed liquid to friend, tlum
throwing out a lifeline.
Final step in the Milling of the
agreement between the city of Bed
ford and S. S. Hullii for the buililing
of it railroad to the lllue Ledge-will
he taken at an adjourned meeting of
tho city council to be held Wi'dne
day or Thurday night. The council
ha agreed to accept the agreement
nowt being formulated bv the commit
tee eompoed of City Hngineer 0.
Ariipiger and t'itv Attorney H. I(.
McCahe, T. Ileveridge and J. T.
Sullivan, acting for the city, and S.
S. Bulli mid Attorney ('. M. Thomas,
acting for the Commercial club.
The committee whh in esion all
N'o doubt some of the modlclnea
advertised are fakes, but those never'
have any lasting success. They rUmt
In striking contost to the good old
standard, dopcndablo remedies, llko
Lydla K. I'lnkhnm's Vegetable Com
pound, which has stood the tost of
time and for mro than forty yoars
has boon ollovlatlng the suffering of
womankind. Such medicine arc a
blessing to the lommunlty and will
continue their cood -work from one
generation to another - Vdv.
It choosea from David l,iimnr. the
Wolf of Wall Street, to Oliver On-
the time or the giioliue to go to
northern California, to have ome of
homo, tho myth. To theso they r.dil i thoc who are on the jump, mot of
no oiuor uoiogaieH equally controii- ttu time between the doert mid the
od hy other gontloinon that aro equal- 4iiii, lo bring buck a bottle of this
ly solid ngalnsUi Htampedo, and they or that or the other thing. No Iriend
toll you that all tho nolso between 1 would deny a friend so miiiiII a favor.
hero ami Oyster buy can't nominate
under such clrcuuihtuucos.
The fact Hint thin year there are no
delegation contcsta, to amount to any
thing, is a sign that thoso gentlemen
may be sound In thdlr vlows. Dele
gation contests moan that the gen
tlemen In control are rowing among
Tim the Ntay-iit-home get hi po
tation without the task of writing
mid waiting and calliiitr at the ex
press office, mid also exoluto with
coiiwidcrnble grace around that por
tion'oT the dry law reatrieting him to
a Hinted number of quart of Miaku
bite per month. The gadder receive
themselves. If thoy don't row among the exhilaration of hi own imbibing
themselvaa they aro tiaualy nblo to J and the iitifactiou of helping out a
thirsty native. It i etima(ed that
ill the neighhothood of a barrel of
put things over na per program
' Moautlmo, tho child In tho pantry
Is tho moat Interoatlng ptizzlo mystery
we havo had In politics thoao many
yoars. in fact, wo haven't had n con
vention that was na good a show
since 1SK0. when tho stampede was
to be for Orant, hut the fart that
! emerged was Garfield. What- Dooh
that suggest anything
It i becoming quite a ciihluin in j morning, and this nfternoon the ar
ticle of agreement ate being put in
tyHw ritton lvu for presentation to
tlie council at it regular .session to
night. S. S. Ilullis this morning granted
an importnut concesiont agreeing to
accept bond. at their par uliie lor
the road, thus entailing mi- discimut
upon himself. This phase was the
one of which the 'ifoiipcil split.
Mnyor Kiuoriektntcd thia morn
ing Hint it was his desire, also the
council', that the Final acceptance
be delayed until Wedneday or Thurs
day night.
The agreement will be legally flaw
proof. .1. T. Sullivan mid V. T. He
eridge, act in an advisory capacity.
on the committee, both being old rail
road conl ritctor.
The promie of acceptance of the
agreement and the conciliatory tone
uimiifcHtod mean that there will be
little delay in securing action, as Mr
Ilullis lies agiecd to begin work a
soon ii the way is cleared of detail.
Preliminary survey ovor the Jack
sonville hill have been made and mi
le an unforeseen hitch arise the
surveying crew will bo back on the
work bv the first of ne.t week. ,
The agreement stipulates that
thirty miles of railroad he built I rem
Hie cud of the JacksoiiMlle line, i
which will take the route to Copper,
on ,loe liar, as a terminal.
IM Pleasurable Savinn J
lJ DlamondH are on
hooxe ooaea into Jackson county be
jween oxery won up and auiiaut upon
the wheel of friendship.
There i no way to atop the prac
tice which i assuming heft daily, ex
cept to declare a state of war 1(11(1 in
voke "the right of seaieh" along the
border. Prohibition Im sent the liar
tender back to the plow and the
forge and counter, mid in hi place
flourishes the hfe-uer.
CHICAGO, June fi Convinced
that Itoosevolt cannot lie nominated ;
by the republican convention, the de.
fenslve cointilimtlon of favorite son j
candidate, which Is said to control
fr.U votes, today exerted its full In
fluence to eliminate Hughea It they
can. In tills effoit they received the
outhiiMlastlc support of all elements
of tlin progressive party leaders.
The plan of the organisation is to
and fro ami look wise and talk as If have the nominating speouliea Friday,
they bad snr tlpa. Hut do not be ! take two ballots and adjourn In the
deceived b) that. Nothing nine thatlnoH of affecting a compromise on
man does Is done more eunlh l'o some one agreeable to the Itoosevolt
been roverlng national conventions I forces
I'nited States' icph to (leucral Cur
ranxn's last note wiis up for consid
eration nt the cabinet meeting: today.;
in iliplomatie circle special inter
est wa exideut over the prospective
attitude of President WiUon toward
Carni nr.a's insistoncc on another
declaration hv the Tinted States of
it iiilculiou toward Mcmco.
Pleasurable Savinn
DlamondH are on.i
of the best Invest
ments offered to
day. Thoy aro constant
ly Increasing in
price and there Is
no probability of a
i eduction.
Hy charging a small
pioflt and buylu
nnd selling for
wo can undersell
most dealers.
Hluo Whlto Dia
monds from $13 to
Perfect diamonds
always not the pur
chaser a profit.
Diamond rings
bought from us wilt
bo repurchased at
tho price which
you paid ono year
from now, plus 10
por cent.
See tho now ring
Visitors always wel
rome. Martin J. Rcddy
Tin .lowoler
Hoiim of guallty
212 Main Street
Medford, Oregon
With Medford trndo Is Medford mndo.
fill? r
Wli SnioWc lilt Cigars
When I. a Hondas are only luc
The scientific, intelllnent, driiglesa, efficient adaptation of glaaa
ea for the aid of vision and the relief of headaches and eye-strain.
Suite 1-2 over The May Company, Medford, Oregon.
JP8 stiSi B3 $$$& S $fck $ML W$$k '.tefev "! fi "k
I S xvNJ &t' viS ,wbi ifflfl $ti 1 Vral !oB uItB IItB
Karisr' .yk .?ET' fc .it.'Cr &. ji.-1-. V . . Wjzrt Sk. rf.srr-. s wjcz bV. traSl'?L' ijarPisstm? tMPlBP traPBP
tsOB 1'fP
J3(K 1 ssfXSmite
The favorite
cars in Med
ford and the
Rogue River
valley with
?!f86 gafr . ilxsssmp
smmmmm&mmmi: ( n
Out- Model .SI, slt'cvi' vttlvo molar, 5-iJftW0iigir,
i?tU50; Kimltfi'$1230.
!'. o. b. Jklwlfottl.
G. L. Trcichler
G. R. Wilson
Phono 61
like t
ate it
KNIGHT motor it more floxiblo than any U-eyl-
iiojijiet valve lliotnr.
is iinet in operation and tas so. Its vahes slidi
hose ol a Meant engine. M-i ride in it to appreei-
on isvt s-i rs mH -r-r-
o iffi yjr - iillf' Xiilm;
Wf 0
".ri'mmmnmEamtmt: , vwi r
isV-i vor " -- jm. --- -- , . -jri zj.wjj-jw f
vr wr- - xfi&ry' i
iy s v ,v
- i s- f
"H. '
Model Mi, t)-e Under, 7-pssing(r 1275
Model s:, l-eylinder, 5-pnssenger 9795
Iatlster $775
Model 7."), l-eylinder, 3-i)a.ssengor $695
Roadster $G75
K o. b. Medford.
THE OVERLANDS have tho style, the good-looking
lines, the smart, individual air of uNcdusiveness. TIu
have the power and pep and eonio fully equipped. Noth
ing extra to huv.
XToixr I nrnfirkn
i.roi v; : , :t::
1U4: . oarueit
jBjf& . vMJk' Sk HsK tfto 3k sliiE isttsV I iiLk. jbV Jv DLhw m sHaR si4BfM & m j& KJbbbH iaSLa JbbVbbhi sIbHH BaSm 9KbbktI