Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 05, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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la connection with the observance
of Flag day in the local parks June 14
bv the pnrent-tencher nxsoeintioiif. of
the alley, it is hoped to secure tho
attendance of the children of the
primary department of the Talent
school", who executed the flap drill
to pedfection at the Armory on Dec
though evidently coached by a master
hand, nevertheless ponseiied intui
tive genius and tact to Mich a degree
as won for them great admirntioii for
skill illiplnyed in the beautiful and
imjKisinje flag exercise;.
An official notice recently iuetl
by the Southern .Pacific culls upon
it employees to exercise rigid econ
omy in all matters pertaining to every
branch of the service. It is pointed
out that every dollar paid out bv the
corporation under normal business
condition tbe ratio of expenditure
for materials i rapidly increasing
At division terminals mieh as Ash
land this fact is emphasired in re
gard to the company's income and
.Mrs. C. II. WW, wife of the editor
of the Record, left Saturday for Se
attle, aeoompauitid by her three chil
dren, for a three months' visit with
her mother, Mrs. Mary Haxter, and
her brothers, T. A. ami B. II. Haxter,
The Haxter Hros., lending shoe mer
chants, formerly conducted estab
lishments not only at Vancouver,
Hritish Columbia, but also in the an
tipodes, notably at .Melbourne and
Sydney, Australia. These they have
disposed of and consolidated the bus
iness at Seattle, with the result that
tftev now hae the largest and finest
shoe emporium in that great trading
XaiMi, Cal., has lmssed an ordin
anee suppressing band music during
certain hours on Sundays. A syndi
cate composed of Kpist'opal, Chris
tian Scientist, Presbyterian, Metho
dist and Catholic churches combined
to place the ban on horn tooting dur
ing the time of public worship. The
band's recourse is to come up here
anil play to their heart's content.
Oct here onrly and participate in the
rush on July -I, 5 and 0.
Alice I'oor and Agues,
prominent among the girls of the
younger social set, returned last Fri
day from a visit with Conductor Pat
rick's family and other friends at
osoburg. They also took occasion
to view the street carnival and the
annual strawberry festival as given
in that city.
Sim. K. K. White and her guest
from Ohio, Sirs. Louise Whitney, were
visitors at Slcdford the last of the
week al the home of Mrs. 1). It. An
lints. Wells Fargo arc removing their ex
promt officii today from Oak street
to a new leoation in Hotel Oregon
block, the Hwce occupied being two
rooms measuring collectively l'Jx-10
feet, equipiK-d with suhtantial fix
tures, but minus nil frilU and furbe
lows. Dan Applegnte is agent unit
his daughter, Oludys, is clerk. When
the business is rushing Hen Turner
and Dewey I.nckett are efficient as
sistants. Hoys nnd girls tire lcquewted to
meet at Hal school ground Tucnday
evening fit 7 .III) to take port in form
ation of the human flag evolution.
Those from 7 to M years old wanted.
The sine and hium of the glass of
water booklets m much resemble the
make-up of the paper drinking cup
that some absent -minded tourists at
the station tuni on the faucet and ut
tetnpt to use the booklet for a tum
bler. Charley Hooper is canvassing for
the Hecord, offering that jwper for
BO cents jwr year, the receipts being
signed by II. 0. Finders.
A delegation from the Belleview
district ami this city went to Med ford
mi Saturday (o li-4eu to an address
from the state engineer relative to
irrigation matter.
Ous lledbwrg, clerk of Mtihoguuy
camp, No. ttfld'i, Modern WoihIhicii of
America, is coriespoading with the
various chhim throughout the valley
on the feasibility of holding a log
rolling pieuie bv that order in Ash
laud park MHiie time iu September.
Humors' are to the effect that
Southern Pacific trains Xoh. .13 and
M, icceiitly discontinued, may ugain
he placed in the sen'ice.
Ilev. William Clyde, who passed
away at Phoenix last Friday morn
ing, was a native of Scotland and had
resided hre for himuv year, lb
was nearly 84 years of age. At one
jitae be filled the Presbyterian pas
torale in thi city, a )oition which
he occupied with signal ability. For
years past be hail heeu a eouiinneil
invulid, and oe the residence at
Phoenix a larger portion of the time
.on uecount of the lover altitude.
Funerul service uere held at
I'hneniT this ittrmitn and the re
main were brought here for inter
ment in Ashland eemetery.
The lieul celebration cnunitteo has
been seounng the city for a man uglv
iookingoenough to occupy the place of
King Sulphur in the Fourth of July
parade, but so far w ithout0 suec,
and the judges may have to visit
Med ford ia order to discover some
body who will meet the requirements.
Sirs. lMsie Churchman left for
Portbiud on Saturday ns delegate to
the Kantem Star grand chapter and
to visit relatives. She will be gone
two weeks.
Sirs. Euimu Coffee ami daughter
Georgia left on Saturday for a three
months' stay in the central west, par
ticularly at Elgin. 111., their former
home. On their return they will visit
in Denver and southern California.
Sirs. Slinnie lane will assist tempor
arily in the Ashland Transfer & Stor
age offices during the absence of
Sliss Coffee.
This morning among a list of 93
grade at the Stnte I'niversity, Ku
.gone, upon whom honors were con
ferred, Cnrrol Jf. Wagner, son of Sir.
and Mrs. ,1. SI. Wagner of this city,
received the cum laude distinction by
virtue of proficiency in completing
the university course
Tonight ut .Memorial hall the
F.Ievun o'clock club will bold its con
cluding dancing paity of the season.
Sonic extra features attach to this
social event in the way of special in
vitations to visiting guests, accom
panied by tho serving of refreshments
on an elaborate scale. The club or
ganization proper now includes twenty-five
S. ,1. Huiley, well known iu South
ern Pacific circles, is the new agent
for the company at Wed Bluff, lie
was formerly agent at Coining and
for the past five years has been in
charge of the station nl Klamath
Sliss Kilnn Wells, former teacher
here and who rocunrlv received the
nomination for superintendent of
schools of Kliimath county on the rc
publicai) ticket, is making a brief
visit to her parents, Sir. and Mrs. ,.
F. Wells, aud numerous other i da
tives and friends in this vicinity.
Sir. aud Sirs. James Hoyd, who on
June 1 accompanied .Mr. and Sirs. C.
W. Boot and Mrs. W. I). Carey on an
automobile trip to .Michigan and Ohio,
were at last accounts at Yrekn,
waiting to decide on a route further
cast, having learned that it wun diffi
cult to negotiate the jmss over the
Sierras this onrly in the season. The
mrty, driving three cars, may con
clude to make the first unit of their
journey via Klamath Falls.
Of the ICt.OOO stockholders of the
Southern Pacific company, 12,01.0 are
women, a number of whom hold cer
tificates in large amounts.
The Hcllcvicw district Sunday
school, of which J. B. Hunter is sti
perintendeut, held a picnic near the
Hunter reservoir up the canyon on
Saturday, over fifty members and
teachers of the school being present.
Sirs. F. C. Sherwood of Slontague
is a visitor here with the Lamkin,
Caldwoll, Nichols and other families.
Salunlny night Sliss Jessie Hatha
way addressed the Fourth street
imshion, dealing with problems of res
cue and evangelistic work in the large
cities. She was reinforced iu n mu
sical wny by a party of Spwortb
Leaguers. The address Sunday
morning was by J. A. Lemery, and
iu the evening by II. A. Autry.
The Parent-Teacher association of
Ihillevievv met Inst Friday with Sirs.
W. L, .Moore, fifteen being present.
Among those from this citv wme
.Mcpilamcs Cssher, Dmlsou and Sul
livan, the former being an honorary
member of the Belleview organiza
tion. Sliss Agnes Storey, who has been
teaching at Ssnt Point, Idaho, return
ed last Friday for a visit with her
parents, Sir. and Sirs. V. A. Storey,
during the summer vacutiou.
Dr. F. 0. Swwlcnburg left for Chi
cago the Inst of the week to attend
a gathering of the AmericHii .Medical
Mociatiou. Before returning he
will aly it-it Detioit. He will be
gone four or five weeks. During his
iibncnc Dr. F,. A. Woods will have
charge of his offiee.
Sirs. W. K. Newcouibe. wife of the
Western I'niou local manager, v. cut
to Portland on Friday to visit iclu
tives and witness the roue enrniwil.
Sirs. Anna Pendleton of Kautu
Ana, Cal., who in laying Ashland un
otber visit during the summer wasou,
has leased the Oregory bungulow on
Pioneer avenue, )Miesr.ion to be
given June 15. Utter on the family
of A. B. Gardner, her son-in-law,
also of Santa Ana, will joiu her beie
for u vacutiou outing.
Stuart Saunders left for Albany
Sunda evening as representative of
local lodge, tit the Masonic gathering
iu that city. June ."ill.
Miss ( oimm i mi has returned
from iiii extended i - it with rela
tives iu Portland uud Kuscin
Min. Joeph Slorcotn and daugh
ter cuuie down from Ashland this
week and will spend ih- Minimi r in
Jacksonville. Silases J.ttu and Mar
ga ret Marcom graduated fnm the
Ashland bigb school this, yeur and
are contemplating a course m do
mestic aeieuce at O. A. C. nxt cni
eater. . Mrs. Kugene Laroch arrived dFnui
San Francisco last week, being call
ed by the severe illness of her father,
Frank Kabftfer.
Dr. T. T. Shaw is spending a few
week in the Willamette vullev.
Mr. uud Mrs. Hon ell J). Him--, unci
Mr. and Sir-. John Dunninglon mo
turd to Kingsbury Springs lust Sun
du.v. Sir. and Mm. (leorgc Von dcr II el
icit of Eagle Point wore dinner guests
of Sir. and Sirs. J. p. Wells .Monday.
Stotlie Hay is visiting at the homo
of Mrs. B. St. Collins this week.
Sirs. Owen SlcKendry and children
of Berkeley, Cal., stopped a few dns
witht Sim. Harry Luy onroutc to
Lakeview from Berkeley.
William Singler, Sirs. Hose Singler
nnd Sir. ttnd Sirs. Otiy Harper left
for Portland Saturday morning in
Mr. Singler' s new Buick.
Sim. Chauncey Florey left for
Portland Sunday, where she will at
tend Grand Chapter of the O. K. S.
Sirs. Lewis Finch entertained the
N. N. Bridge club at her home Thurs
day evening. Additional guests in
cluded Sim. H. K. Golden, Sim. F. J.
Fich and Sim. Owen of San Slnteo,
Sim. William Johnson leaves for
Woodbiirn, Ore, next week for n vis.
it with relatives.
Ivan Simon, n locnl S. P employo,
with his parents at lllllshoro. !lo
expects to return Tuesday.
tA. Schtiormau, who with 12. T.
Simmons conducts tho Gold Hill flour
and feed store, visited Saturday aud
Sunday at his homo In Ashland,
where his family still roslde, al
though they expect to remove hero
Mr. and Mrs. Isabel, aftor spend
ing a week as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. F. K. Wnltl. of Riverside colony,
returned to their home at Medford
Horace Pelton shipped anothod car
load nf hay to Grants Pass tho first
of tho week. Tho shipment contained
both grain and alfalfa liny.
II. Van Hovenberg, a Sums valley
ruuchnr matin a brief visit to Mud-
ford between trains Saturday after
Mlssos Leila and Opal Harvoy, who
havo boon visiting their fnthor,
Hnrry Harvey, and also various
schoolmates for the past week, ro
turned to their Ashland homo Satur
day. I
Mr. Stone of tho Applngnto dis
trict, was In town Saturday morning,
on business with Professor G. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Wltmnrth
roturnud to Grants Pass Saturdny
evening after a buslnoss visit of sov
ernl days.
Charles Krlwelu was n business vis
itor at Medford Saturdny.
For the benufit of tho renders of
tho Mall Tribune, who attend tho
Comiis movlo wo give next Friday's
pregram: Feature. "Drivon by Pate,"
starring Vlolot Moreomu and Win.
Oarwooll; comedy, "Their Bewitch
ing Klopoment."
IMr. and Mrs. Ivan Simon were vis
itors at the Pass on Saturday.
(Miss Tynlo Ionian loft Thursday
morning for a visit with relatives
at Salem and Astoria, and to visit
with friends during tho It one festi
val at Portland.
The local camp of tho I. O. O. V.
Initiated nix at their regulur meotlug
Thursday night and the untlre as
sembly Including visiting members
from the Grants Pass and Medford
Indues numbering alout GO In all,
were feasted about It o'clock and a
delightful lunch spread ready for a
later hour which proved to bo nearer
three o'clock, when they adjourned.
(Mrs. Burl who has been visiting
In Giants Pass for sovoral days, re
turned homo Thursday afternoon.
Curtis IS. Miller was In from his
Status valley ranch Thursday. This
Is the first time In several months,
but us he la so much improved,
we now look for him quite often.
(Mrs. Calhoun uud Mrs. Coe Thomp
son of the Black well bill district were
Iu Gold Hill Thursday shopping and
seelug friends.
Jim Httu and daughter, accom
panied by hit inolber-ln-law. have
leased the Wllmath house furnished,
and will make that their home.
Miss Ida Stearns accompanied the
Misses Harvey as far as Medford Sat.
urday, seeing friends at that city and
returning Iu tbe evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Sardine
creek district were In Gold Hill Sat
urday. 'Mrs. Thomas Pan key of Sam val
ley district, was in town Friday af
ternoon Charles and Frank Kiedel of Kose
liurg came to Cold Hill Saturday
morning in then car MopijIiik long
enough to take in a frleud or two,
on their wa to the omit clerk's
Ua Zamo for Eczema
Nevr uiiad bow often you hsv tried
sad Uild, you uu utiqi burning, itching
esema quickly by ap(iliuy little iutiuo
fumbbed by an drufsut for Xh: Extra
large boule, Sl.OO. Healing begins the
muownt st-nio U stqibcd. Iu u borl tin
usually every trace of pimples, black
bead. rb. ecseiaa, letter and aindlar
skill oiaMJies will be removed.
For clearinc lbs skiu and making U
vigorously healthy, seno U an exreutioaal
remedy. It is not greasy, stick ar
watery and It does not stain. Wte-u
other (ail It U ths aas dspendahte .ml
mtnt for all kln troublm.
Zsbmi, Ctovskuid,
office at Jacksonville They return
ed in the nfteruoon with the neces-
sary document and proceeded to
Uoguo Blvcr, the homo of the bride.
Miss Viola Meers. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ueldol remained there during
tho day and the ceremony was per
formed Sutidaj. The party returned
to Bosoburg Sunday evening.
H. 1). ltced left Sunday evening for
Portland to attend tho postmasters'
convention and the Hose festival.
Quito a number of our people at
tended tho band concert at Central
Point Friday evening.
Mrs. Frank Dungey and daughter
Jean of Mnrshfield are visiting rel
atives in this city, and her husband's
people. MV. and Mrs. Tom Dungat.
up Galls creek. It will be remem
bered that Mrs. Diinguy taught In our
city schools n few years ago.
(Word has been received by local
friends that William Kolsey, a for
mer Gold Hill high bcIiooI graduate,
Is now in the Portland office of tho
Union Moat company. Bill has been
greatly missed tij his comrades and
we arc glud to learn of his good
Mrs. Lovcll Ferns of Phoenix has
been visiting her sister, Sirs. Stew
art Porter, at Foots creek the latter
pnrt of tbe week
By A. C. nowlctt
Grcon Mnthows, ono of our lead
ing farmers nnd stock raisers, was
In town Wednesday on his way to
consult an eye specialist. He was
trimming tho knots off a fish polo
an done struck htm and canto near
putting his eye out. While here tho
subject of blight came up and he
remarked that he had got rid of all
tho fruit pests by pulling up all of
his fruit trees and putting tho laud
out to com, hay aud small grain.
Said that ho rather feed the product
of tho farm to cattle, hogs and other
kinds of stock than to be fighting
tho fruit pests, smudging and watch
ing for tho frost to take tho fruit
after waiting for years for tho trees
to grow. And the result of his action
Is that ho Is adding more farms to
his list and lending money to tho
people who are clinging to tho fruit
(.Mrs. Benjamin Hrophy motored In.
to town last Wednesday to transact
business whllo her husband was look
ing after tho stook on the farm.
Prof. K. X. Deardoff who has lieon
teaching In the llcoso Creole school
district, passed through hero last
Thursday morning on his way from
his home in Ashland to bo present
during the examination of his eighth
grade pupil. For some reason, tho
children or the examiner, Mr. Pedl
grew, wore not ready to have the
examination during the school term.
If I can procure the list or tho appli
cants for eighth grade certificates
and their grades, 1 would be glad to
publish as 1 did the Kugle Point list
J. S. Qusckenbiish and wife were
in town Thursday looking for men
to work In the Corbln orchard thin
nlng the fruit, and at the same time
Mr. Cummliigs the foreman on the
All Vista orchard was Inquiring for
hands to work In that orchard thin
ning the fruit. A few weeks ago the
ory was that all or all except on the
upland, of the fruit had been killed
and that there would not be any fruit
left In the valley, but now the cry
is for help to thin out the fruit as
the trees Mill simply be ruined and
the fruit will be too smull If left on
tho trees. I have lived iu the lingua
river valley continuously for the past
forty-nine ears aud have been tak
ing note on the weather, crops, etc.,
and have never known of a flluie Iu
the crop, either fruit or grain.
Olive Adams of Butte Falla was
here on bunlness Wodnesday and
Thursday, going home on the P. A
M. Thursday
Wiiee my last report Geo. Brown &
Sons have bought wool from George
B. Brown of llrownsuora, B. If. Uru
phy and I'M ('unloy, IS. P.
Lee ISdmonson, the aaw mill mau
of Derby, wss on the P. A IS. on route
for his home Thursday. He has his
sawmill on the banks of Big Butte
creek now ami tells me that he has
a fine lot of lumber on hand and
has a big run before him for this
summer. I). l Swlhart, also of Der
by, and Mrs George Klchsrdson aud
her four tMldren, of Butte Falls,
wore also passengers beside unite a
uumlier that I did not know.
II I). Cox, local organUer aud rep
resentative of the Modem School of
Correspondence, Mau Fraucixco, muh
with us Thursday ulaht
Prof K. A ilalght a mmihIi ten h
Five-room cottage, garden tract, berries, flowers, shade, Just
tbe place for a little home and garden tract. Paring $189.10, v
or $100.31, uidawalk $70. SO, all paid In full. I-ot 118x147. 9andy
loam Mil. Best city properly ot this kind we hare ever offered.
Total price, $950.
Iteul listMto, Jmn, Rentals, Iiikitranco,
lOSi Wt Main. Plume 701)
or of Medford, came out Thursday
evening and spent the night at the
Sunnyslde. Ho was making up n class
In Instrumental music and seemed
to be progressing fairly well.
F. W. Walt and wife and daugh
ter wore here for dinner Friday. Mr.
Whit Is of tbe firm of F. W. Walt
& Co.. of Medford, their business be
ing making monuments and other
work for cemeteries.
J. V. Mclntyro nnd fainllf nnd Miss
Orbla Natwlck, N. W. Slosson, our
barber, Mr. Brown our meat man, H.
F. Smith nnd Kd FoBter wcro hero
for dinner Friday and before be left
town, S. F. Smith renowed his ..sub
scription for the W. M. T.
C. A. llsrtb who came In last fall
and traded for what Is known as the
Harry Carlton ploce, haB traded tho
place off again to n man by the name
of Bandolpb Hlssllng for a farm nenr
Tho Dalles. Mr. Harth says that he
do oh understand raising wheat but
he doos not understand working iu
Mrs. John Holtz nnd son of Sams
valley motored through horo Satur
day morning on her way to Butte
Falls, where she will be met by her
husband, one of tho forest rangers.
Those who are Interested In hav
ing good schools and an economic nd.
ministration and n curtailment of ex
penses and a reduction of taxes nd
n Judicious distribution of the school
funds oro reauosted to bo on hand
nt tho anunl school meeting on Mon
day, Juno lDtli. If you wnnt to aee
the fun bo on hand nt tho time stutud
In the notice to bo sent In later.
Sirs. Kent, the hostess of the Kent
rooming house of Medford, motored
out hero Friday eve aud her son
Polph and wife motored In from the
ranch Saturday morning.
Mrs. J. B. Baker and Miss Bessie
Chambers of Bute Falls were on tho
train going home Saturday morning.
find Kdsal! came out from his farm
near Butte Falls Saturday and while
here paid up his sub to tho D. M. T.
The dance given at Palmer nail Sat
urday night was well attended and
those of our home folks who were
absent missed a very enjoyable time.
'Another of our sociable country
dances will bo given at Palmer hall
Friday night, June tilth, aud all
those wishing a pleasant evening are
Invited to attend.
Two large rnttlosnnkos wero killed
by Baymoud Phillips and Chester
Kubll, being tho first ouos reported
for tho season.
Mr. Kaiser motoiod to the Born
ranch from Medford Saturday.
Sir. Bolllns and Win. Mulby re
tiiduod to Medford Friday after a pro
longed prospecting trip In tho hills
of this vicinity.
.!'. F. Swayuu Is doing considerable
Improvement work on his farm this
Miss Battle Pence of Central Point
i k.l.r.fTlla.l llraat.
IMIUU Ilr4 "I 0M nroilu,
I "i. t&kl with fll tUlrtjua..
TaLa lkr. Mar af m,
KfUj.UU Aar'll). ifrM.TKns
nlllk n , I,H. Mtlt. A1-IlKllbl
80 acres Bear Creek bottom, 70
acres In cultivation, sBulfa, fruit nnd
grain, easily Irrigated. Loss than
3 miles from Medford, JC80u cash.
One of the best buys In Jackson
county. Suy when and I will show
l you.
103 West Mala Ht Phon
A party off.-rH his 4 0-avre home,
new buildings ami noil that Is good,
price $.rooo uo. Will take a amall
Medford home us purt payment.
The 21U acres Joining the outrange
over half In grain and bay, aud
most of the baUm-e good alfalfa laud
whan cleared, is a real flue propo
sition. Will explain fully nu request.
Will exchange for a close Iu dairy
Hoon-Catlicart Co.
I'tionn 1117
v n
Is spending a couplo of weeks visiting
frli nils and relatives iu this neigh
borhood .Medtord anglers havo reported
poor luck In tho Applegate thus far
this season. i
iWm. Loudon drove to Medford ono
day last week.
Tho members of tho Big Apple
gate Stock Association will hold a
meeting at Palmer hall Sunday to
salting and grazing oi stock on the
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Ponce drove to
Stcdrord Thursday, returning Fri
day. Miss Uossle Vennhle of Iluoh visit,
cd Dorrls McKee Saturday aud Sun
day. rJoUInga brothors are operating the
Pennsylvania on Klllot crock.
To Uio Holdws of First Mortgage Hit
Per Out. Kinking Fund (fold
Bonds of Pacific .V ljistern Ball-
wny, Duo Juno Jut, ltl.17.
.Tho undersigned trutces under tho
mortgage above roferred to desires
under authority ot said mortgngo to
expend tho sum of Twenty-eight
thousand seven hundred sixty-four
dollars and stxty-thrue cents ($28,
704. G3) In the purchase of bonds ot
snld Issue, provided said purchase
can, In its opinion, now be mailo ml
vntitagcously. Sealed offers of snld bonds may ho
sent to the office of the undersigned,
Trust Department, 00 Broadway, New
York City, on or beforo Juno 12th,
nt 12 o'clock noon. Tho right Is re
served by the undersigned to reject
any and nil offers,
Dated, Now York, May 17th, 1'JlC.
Delinquent Sale ttntlco
Callfornln-Oregon Power Company.
Location of principal placo or busi
ness, Sun Francisco, California.
NOTIC1S-- Thorn is delinquent up
on the follonin described stock, on
coconut of assessment (No. I) lovled
on tho 18th day of April, 1910, tho
sevoral amounts set opposite) the
names of the respective uharOiioMnrs,
us follews:
.Mercantile Trust Company of San
Francisco, trustee. Certificate No
390 COO uhares, $250.00.
Mercantile Trust Company of San
Francisco, trustee, Cert. No. 397,
J00 shares, $250.00.
Morcantllo Trust Company of San
Francisco, trustee, Cert. No, 39S,
COO shnroa, $250.00.
.Meronntllo Trust Company of San
Francisco, trustee, Cert. No. Z'J'j,
COO shnreu, $200.00.
(Mercantile Trust Company of San
Francisco, trustee, Cert. No. 400.
500 shares, $1(50.00.
Mercantile Trust Company of Sun
Francisco, trustoo, Cert. So. 401,
500 shares, $250.00.
(.Mercantile Trust Company of San
Francisco, trusteo, Cert. No. 402,
COO shares, $250.00.
Mercantile Trust Company of San
Francisco, trusteo, Cert. No. 403,
COO shares, $250.00,
And Iu accordance with law and
an order of tho board of directors
liiniln on the 18th day of April, 1910,
so many shares of eacli parcel of
finch stock as may bo necessary will
lio sold at tho office of tho company,
on Tuesday, June 20, 1910, nt tho
hour of 12 o'clock noon of said day,
to pay delinquent nsseasmnnts there
on, together with costs of advertis
ing ami expunses of tho sale.
Secretary of California-Oregon Power
Office' Number 131 I.oldesdorff
street, Kan Francisco, California. 75
FOB BKNT One 4-roont modern
bouse. Phone 370-W.
FOB BKNT Stiietly modern house
with gArago, furnished or unfur
nished, fill) W. Jackson st. 67
FOB BUNT Seven mom houso on
South Holy st., Inquire MO So.
FOlTsALKV-My $7000 city run'oli",
freo Irlwstod, dairy, chloken, fruit,
tools and stock, $4500 If taken bo
fore July 1. The Carlsbad of Amer
ica Pop Q000. Altitude SOOII ft.
Fishing and hunting. Mrs. Jacker.
Ashland. Ore. 70
FOR HM.K 13 sere ranch; 10
acres In alfalfa; house, barn, new
fauces. Phono 6 42 or 21 X-J.
FOB BALK Team of black horses.
Can be en at the Union rituMcs
ur see John A. Perl, 2K S. Bart
lett. tr
FOR MALE Hhotee and pigs W.
E Bryeon, It. 1. Urlffin Creek 64
FOit 8AI.K Uarage and general re
pair shop; good business; about
$700 will handle the deal. Poor
health res sou for selling, Addnj
Bex 215 Mutherllu, Ore. 10
FOR BALK One five pasaeuger
Ford, one five passenger Overlaud,
one Overland delivery all In good
condition Overlaud Auto Agency,
corner Bartlett aud Eighth, phone
01. 15H
FOB BALlli iTToBuick touring ear
iu good condition, cheap. Walker's
Uarage. 05
FOB 8ALE- -One ton Ford truck at
tachment; also 10 acres land to
trade for Ford ear. Dahack's
Ciarage 4HS-J. Hi
FO R"8 A l!w" Choice alfalfa hay, $1 0
per tou Iu field. Sulder's Dairy.
Phone jtil-n.
WANTED Strong 11 year old boy
'wants place on farm to work for
board. Phuuw STt-J. l
WANTBD Competent woman wants
work. Cull 729 W. Uth. 67
WANTED Ml ft rm.1jAlvr.OOR
W NTED Feathers, steom renovat
ed, wool rccnnlcd, comforters, pil
lows and cushions mnd over and
to order, feather beds made Into
sanitary folding mattresses. Phone
169-J. C'J
WANTED TO BUY Horses of sad
dle type, and heavy horses. Dr.
Helms, 111 No. Fir, Phono 308.
WANTBD Cattlo to pasture. 60c to
$1 per head. Address Box 05,
Kaglo Point, Oro. 63
LOST Qold hooded hat pin botween
Ontngu and 4th; rownrd. Finder
plenso phono 5Z2-B, or leave nt
Stringer's Grocery.
STBAYRD Or stolen from three
miles north ot ISagle Point ono
bay yearling maro colt, star in fore
ihead, branded . on left hip; loft
about throe wcoks ago. Finder ad
dress Zora Dahack, Medford, Ore
gon, and rocelve reward. '! 1
TO TRADE 200 acres. 60 cleared,
In crop, Jeff, county, under now ir
rigation plan, $30 per ncro, going
higher, for Improved, near Central
.Point. A. W. Frcoborg, Gaston.
Oregon. 73
an 11 --" Ha in i ..
Auto Supplies
are oporatlng tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant In the Pa
cific northwest. Use our springs
when others fall. Bold undor guar
antee 26 North Fifteenth Ht
Portland, Ore.
GEO. W. OHKimY Attornoy and
Notary, Booms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty Dank Building, entrance N.
Central, Slcdford, Oro.
FOBTBIt J. NEFF Attorney at law,
rooms 8 and 9, Medford Natlonsl
Bank Building.
Corey bldg.
G. M. ROBERTS Lawyer.
Medford National Bank Building.
ja i i r-a.
collected somo accounts 14 years
old. Wo know how to got th
monoy. Tho Bullock Mercantlls
Agency, Iuc, RoomB 1, 2, 3, Bus
kins' Bldg., 210 E. Main st
Garnott-Coroy Bldg., ulte SIC
Medforu, Oro. Phono 866.
Collections and Report
M. F. & H. Bldg. Otflco Hourt
8:30 to 12; 1 to B.Phono 607-R.
Engineer anil Contractor
FREDN. CUMM i NaaSng'lne'or "and
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Bldg
Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation
dralnago, orchard and land lm
provomont. Insurance.
eXrl"87YuMY i General Ynsuranca
offlco, Flro, Automobllo, Accident,
Liability, Plate Glass, Contract,
and Surety Bonds. Excollent com
pantos, good local sorvlce. No.
210 Garnott-Coroy Bldg.
Instruction In Music
piano and harmony. Composer
hnd arranger of music. Hnlght
Music Studio, 401 Garnott-Coroy
liLI8sTlEINB Tcachor of Violin.
Mustc furnlshod far all occasions.
Prlcos reasonable. Studio 1131 E,
Main St., Phono 303-J3,
OABBAGE Get your premises
cleaned up for the summer. GD
on the city garbage wagons (or
good sorvlce. Phone 274-L. Ts
Y. Allen.
Physicians nnd Surgeons
OR? R " (C C IA i RLO " DR.'kVA
MAINS OARLOW Osteopathic
physlolam, 416-417 Garnatt-Corey
bldg., phono 1036-L. Residence
26 South Laurel st
DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostoopithls
pbyslolau, 303 aarnatt-Coray
building. Phon 130.
DR J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon, Practice limited to eye.
er, no8 and throat. Eyes scion
tlfleully tested and glassos sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for 8., P.
It. It. Co. Offices M. F. & 11. Co.
bldg., opposite P. O. Phono 567
OR. R. W. CLANCY Physician anil
surgeon Phones, offlco 36, rest
donao 724-J. Office hours. 10 tt
12, 2 to 6.
clan and surgeon. Office Paint
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
Printers ui Publishers
best equipped printing offlco in
southern Orogou; book binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prlcos. 27 North
Fir st.
PI 1.i.a.l 'm II '
Office 42 North Front st. Phona
Z$. Prices right. Service guar