MEDFOTCD MAIL Ti?inr'!-:, Mniwoin), 01?K(K)T, HAMTTfDW, .irT, .1, 1910 v(o: rivr: ft. J6 9 fc 7 I At the Churches HV.tM -,v--Hfc 6V. ttiafe'i B'glft-ftAid 9 a. in. Holy coimatiln. 110 a. oi. Suoday tcjjeol. 11a. m. Holy cainimintou. 6 1). in. Evsnlwg prayer. Win. 1). MmnlHuB. Viciw. Catholic , (South Oakdale Ave.) First mass Sunday at s a. in. Second mass at 1 0 : J! 0 a. in. (ICvciiIng service nt 7:30 p. in. RISV. JOHN POWMRS, Hector. Hv-Lutli. lull's Church Oukdnlo ave. and Fourth street. Rev. Dr. W. K. Morenz-Oesor, pastor. Sunday sorvlcos English Sun day school 10 a. m. Public worship 11 a. ni. English and (lornian sermon. No evening service as the pastor ha to hold service at ISrants Pass. You are cordially Invited. .lucksouv Ilk Pivdi) (erhui Morning worship at U o'clock, with sermon by the Rev. Oscar '!'. Morgan, I'll. I). ICvciiIng worship at V o'clock, with Honnon by Dr. Morgan. A special attendance Is requested on the part of tlm membership at both services. Oukdnlo Ate. M.'fliii.llM Sunday school at H:ir. h. hi. Preaching at 11 a. in. and S in. .Morning1 Htibjoct "Our llefgue and Strength." Evening subject, "Christian Liberty." Prayer incolliig Thuriday evening at s o'clock. Come to thotfu services and worship with us. If you have no chinch home you aro luvlled id make your homo nlth us. Strangers arc welcome. ' II. M. 1IUANHAM. Pastor I'll-.! Clilircli of CluM, Silent Nt lllranrh of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Hoston, Mass. Sunday service at 1 1 a. m . subject. "(Sod, the Only Course nnd Creator." Wednesday evening meetings at which testimonies of Christian .Sci ence healings aro given, s o'clock. All are cordially Invited. Sunday school at H:lti n. m. All under the age of -0 are welcome. Heading room In church edifice, 212 North O.ikdale. open rrom 1-30 to I: ,10 p. m. dally, except Sunday, and holiday, FlrM ('In Minn (Cor. lull and Oakdalu) Till) ehuroh with a vital message to which wu cordially Invite you. Strnn. gors especially luvltod. iSpeclal music at both sorvlcos, solo by Mm. Lynotte Hovlous and .1. W. KlrkpHtrick. llro. C. I'. gw antler will bo with us gtindsy. Ho Is the stale sectetary of tlm ChrlitlHit churches, and will bring us a helpfeul message. Jllaptlsmal service at dose of even ing mealing. C. te. at 7 p. m. with earnest young people. Sunday school at 0: IT. Lot us put vim Into tho service. tMoriilug service 10:15 Evoiilng eeriiion . HARRY E. TUCKER. Mluistur. I'll st .McIImmIKI (Dr. J. C. Rollins, Pastorl Service for Sunday. June Ith. as follews: , friio Sunday school meets promptly at 0: 15. A cordial Invitation In given strangers to attend. The Mpworth League devotional aorvlee. both chapters, at tit:.. A splendid hour for alt young people. 1'ubllc worship at 1 1 a. in. and a p. hi. Dr. Itolllus will speak tit both nuri'Iet. , Mornlug theme, "A Moat Vital Qxarr. What la It to be u Chita lion?" At the evening hour the theme Is, "The Church st Missionary Porte in Civilisation." with particular refer ence te some present day world wide movements. Tho usual excellent music under Ike diroetlou of Forest Kdiueades. supported by a large vested cbolr will be rendered. Spoclul nuuibers far the day. The public Is cordially iuvlted to worship with us. KIM KiiplM lief. Frederick W. Carsteus, paster r the Plrai Uaiitist church, has re turned heme and will ocup hi pul pit Sunday merulas: and craning. "MagHiring Chrlat" Is the theme Of the morning rmon In the fening he kpeaks upon tlie aubjuci. "Dee Hod .SBi Trouble " Oh for a Cloatr Walk with Jod" 1 iterr. will iw sung liy the ictii ai the morning srvti-e. Quar tette per mi urn-1 Wii 'awter, Kd . uaril Uiifiipr, Mrs J M (iroaaley and Mis Klfireiup Haiolrigg Mls Haiplrigj and Mr Vawtor '111 Im) ing, Calm is the Night" ly- Uout-, At the etreninif ejrv Mrs Frank Uoberts wlllaincac a jqIq, 'Caialrj-'' lit? U(ot9 Wrtit, "tutu cigauia-u - classes for all grades and ages con venes at 10 n. in. Now pupils made welcome. Mrs. Hans Holmos Isdho efficient superin tendent, i The yoiisg people hold their de votleaal service nt 7 p. m. and extend most cardial Invitation to all young people to attend. The sorvlec will bo in charge of the Misses Laura Fonts and Kldelaa Mornn. Subject, "The Consecration of Money." Ppporluulty to iiulto with the church will be given at the morning and evening service. Kvorybody welcome. .Imk.-unxlllo Methodist (Uobt. A. Hutchinson, Piutor. 1 Sunday school 10 a. lit. W. O. Caudlll, suiierltitondent. Classes for young and old. Wo Invito you to be come a member. Mr. II. S. Stlno of Medford will have charge of the morning service at 11 o'clock. Ho wltl discuss one of the greatest problems which confront the church. The Kpworth Lougnc nt T p. in. C. Abbott, leador. Preaching service S p. in. A bright brief service, good singing, a most cordial welcome to every body. EAGLE POINf EAGLETS By A. C. Uowlett W. II. HnbertH ami wife. wlu are 1 1 v I ti k on the old Joe Itadet place, were doing business In our town last Saturday evening. iMrs. llrynut mid Mr. and Mrs. Norman McQuold reluruod from Hoseburg where they had been to attend the convention of the Odd Fellows and Itobektihs the last of (ho wcok. Tho Odd Fellows and Hebekalis gnvo Mis .Mabel Wamsley, one of their number, who Is In poor hftilth. a surprlso parly last Saturday night. Kach visitor brought In some memen to to try to cheer her up and also brought In light refreshments, and they had one of those Joyful times that are so characteristic of this com munity. The Kagln Point Amusement com pany had their movie picture show and a midnight daure nnd report having had a flue time. Sunda morning broke un us bright and clear and the ladles had pre viously dct orated the church with flags and flowers and had everything in readiness for the memorial ser vices to bo held at 1 1 o'clock. Thora nas an unusually largo attendance and Itev. I.. I,. Simmons dellveied the addiess. About all of the old votutnus Mere In attendance and wore reminded of the scene In their younger days. At the same time Sunday theie was itlto a number of our eltiions autoed uut to different wrts of tho country. Some went uihmi the Sis klyous, while others went on to Horn brook, and (itite a number went to vltdt tho Ashland park and drink from the world ucuowned spdlugs, and a few of the cltliuns of Med io rd came out here to get dinner and while away tho time fishing In our beautiful Utile llutte and It ok lie river, among whom were our County Judge Ton Voile and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. IS. It. Oatmau and wlfo, Mr. Oatman Is the fruit tree inspec tor of the Mod ford district, and Mrs. Jud Kennedy and daughter. Miss Mar rella, Of Medford. (fit the afternoon there was a select parly autoed. or rather Forded, over to the Table Iteck district and as cended the lower rock. They were Henry Trusty, Miss Claire .itumer maii, Miss ICtbel Hoosevclt. Miss Hoosevelt Is a near relatlre of ex President Koosevelt, and also a friend of Miss Claire ,l mine rut an. tieorge Wehnian and Carl Kinger. The climbed to the plateau, wheie tins bad a fine view of the entire valle. Misa Kdlth Oliver from Seattle Wash., and Miss Itumuiuge, of (irants Pass, have been here visltlug Mrs. Lottie Van Scoy the past woek. A party of our citiseua consisting largely of the ilrowu family, Frank, and Will. Royal. Mrs. Holmes. Mrs. VnN Scoy and a few others autoed to the Wagner springs Sunday p. m. and Mr. and Mrs John Kader and their two daughters. Mrs Harvey Stanley and Mrs. Hay Asbpole and Harvey Stanley visited Ashland park. Koine of them had never been there before and they were perfectly cap tivated with the beauties of the eil.v, park and surroundings. 'Miss Verah Kasbaw of Climax, Mrs. Owner (Srigsby and her two calldreu Charles Manning and a stronger by the name- of Tsnn. re here ror dlnuer Menda Mr. C'ov, the milk goat man, was doing business here Tuesdav. C K. Johnson, who has been teach ing in Laurel Hill district. Is now enK.meil in ( anv,(.-liiK for HcctifH around the world, iilllie Munda's sermons, etc FloM frliolt. of l.odi California, is here the S')pt of Prof W O. Wheeler who amo in Tueda from Tai.-nt Tuesday night we were left lr darantsi as the elt'cirlc station on lac ualn Lite from Proved wvut SQUIRREL FOOD (Jrx -zrjF " K le movcs poUf? ahu nvc BOtLCK ALL PAV 1. "KAftMV vOOPCKl ra i - V X''- wl JtJ A. v n T f (C HA' m ttW J83 Ml .1 RffT c uazi iJvMS BIRD OOfiSNT MIND "THS HCAWY WORK OI DClrJ6. T((5 3VNlT0K IM f tliO 1?UIUPIH6 out or commission about ten o'clock the Norwlck place, lie will feed this and Just afterward the alarm of fire to his callate neM winter, was sounded and there was a general .-re( Collins of Jacksonville Is now stampede among the housewives to employed at the Modoc orchard, find the old coal oil lamps, but thoj ttoMK C.lluu Is a frequent visitor In rtro was only the burning out or Hie this district lately on account of the chimney (they have a fire place) of blight, lie reports that our orchard the F. L. Heath tesldeiiee. There jgi, ate working very diligently to was no damage done, but some of the eradicate It. neighbors wero almost wild over thoj .ril, ,. I. Vincent spent several Incident. The next morning Mr. ,uys in Oold Hill last week visiting Stimsoii and his helper stalled out rrieuds. and located the trouble at the station Horn, to Mr. and Mra. Wm. where the 15. P. line eonnecta with Vatighau on May 31, a bouncing girl the main Hue. Thoy followed up tbu baby. Moth mother ami babe are line to hero and after dinner started ottllng along nicely, to go up by the French-Dodge bridge . ,,t j, annual meeting of the Ta to follow tho lino through to (Sold ble Hock Improvement Association Hay.. 'Isst Tuesday .1. C. Pendleton was 1. L. Ilradshaw, wife and son wore elected president for Hie neM year at tho S. S. for dinner Wodnusiluy. and H. K. Nealon socrotHry-treasurer. Ceorgo I.'. Ilraudoii moved Into the old Von dor llellen building they used to use us a warehouse betore they moved Into tho storo building, now the postofflce, away. Thoy flod It up for some railroad men to live In before (Seorge K. Johnson moved thorn to Medford. Mr. liraudon Is at work tearing some of the old machin ery and getting ready for the coming crop. When (Seorge W. I)aky Jr. was running this mill the flour command ed a good price, five cents higher on a sack than any other flour In the valley, and with the putting In of the new modern machinery we expect to have a good flour as can be made an where. The starting of that mill, the old flnowy llutte. will revive busi ness and Ih- an Incentive for the farm ers lo pull up their orchards, thai have to he apracd during Ihe warm weather, and healed, smudged, in cold, and cut aud trimmed, pruned and then cut out the blight aud after all not receive euougb off of their orchard lo pay tho exixnise of the upkeep, etc. Tiiore was a moving outfit pass ed through here Wednesday morn ing on the way to II. II. Itrophy's farm, the old T. B Nichols place, (o move one of the Ittrtrc barns TABLE ROCK TABLETS MlhH Kdiis M-..eiiaer of Agate spent W't ilnc ilav alti-inuou with MUs Augllne Camerou ('has. Dugaun aud family started Monday for Klamath Fulls where they expect to remain for the sum mer. I.. C. Applegate of Oold Hill, one of the count v game wardens, was through here the first of the week Investigating the report that game birds wore being killed In this vi la ity Miss Helen Lyilard. who re.entlv sihool. has returned to her home and Is enjotlng farm life. Victor Heautieo was a liunday ev ening visitor in Medford. Many from here attended the ! -oration Da program at Central Point Tue'day ad alM the exercises at the I uraveard. It was ltb a feeling1 akin to pltv that we watched the old ( soldiers as with tottering steps nd dim ee siaht thev searched for eai h comrade's grave to place upon It a flag that token so dear to the hearts of the ms of 'til " Not a soldier's grave wan missed, although some were hard to find, as they were un marked, seaming to lo entlrelv for gotten b eenouo ole Lane Wvlaml of th- Mtbidun's ili" tipt b iu tug tat) vwtvut'.er li; n -von IS ON HANUL.IJS TUNS OF FREIGHT 5l)C PAYS A WEEK -- K cLCANlNtV TilCSC KA-ZORs'-l't-lN V I.CAVG Ff OUT pAAYOC ArAOS J ILL' WAMT fO 5HAVE'X WLVPiNo " "w Wfkm ir " iffs u-f tio MAt-reR WHAT KIND of work TV1GY DO 0URIN6 -THI: OAY- PAVING A SArGTV P&YZOR IS TOO tAUCti OF A TQtJ foR TtlGM i?ar't - Preliminary stops were taken toward the elimination or mosquitoes In the district. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ileebo of Agate were visltlug relatives here last Sun day. Last yoar there was harvested In this district 153 acres or wheal which produced a little better than 23 bushels (o the acte, whllet his year there Is less than -' per cent of the acreage whlih from present Indications will not produce mine than 7;, per out as much grain per acre as last w .ir's crop produced. Reported In Jackson Cotnty Ab stract Co Sixth and Fir SU. Circuit Court. James Harrison Halghl vs. Ada IlHlghl. dhorce. J ttillxa J Lewis vs. J. H. Harnett, el al, cost bill. .V. N. Davis vs. W. II. Klnglsr, do murror. Hank of MagdHlona vs. MIhhIb A. MeKee, cost Mil. i ('. A. Williams va. Theo, II. K. Kugle, ameudetl reply. W. F. Illaikerl vn. J. A. Iubiieoii el nl., ni'lM'i' of litin. Ii-i i Km. .tl- v. J. A. KuIhsoii et a I., notice n hen. ('. A. I'cler-nii o( al vs. J. A. Holi iiisuii et ul.. notice of lieu. Naae Cm -. J. A. Kobisou et ul., notice it' Inn. Jo-epluin N.uaenl u. U. II. gent, divorce. Ileal ..lto Ti-Hiisfer. Leo J. Mliv ai- at ux lo I I. Cat.!' Tlr 'iiiia Stw bine t'o assluiiiiii'iii m on tr.ii t loin I to I ; ii . i.e. i id nor Sur- I - - rsUIPUrQTCD Q D I O .,.. K4kB4l ' l,l A ,, ! SOI D BY DRUGGISTS LVERVHCKE COURTHOUSENEWS t iiir. ULisinu nnt, a . .... -''V'WN. Iill AtkrllrfUi.A "" -,t S it QkiD 1 I.I .i...lIIU.okJ Tl,.j . TJJOf I'll' ' ""I "' "M .'l.lliV llUUll. KIrJ . '' is l k,J. I VI ff P'BSS'M. A .1 r ll.4'iri.TI'K9 I C lY bivvTiiNii iimvmi en.i.K I., ii i V m !.. -akB4l ' ih.l A ,,tHcl., ! CHOICE GARDEN TRACT AND HOME PLACE - $950 Klve-room totiug)-, k;i .)n tract, berries, flowers, shade, Just the place for a little home and garden tract laving 39.0, sew er $100 32, sidewalk S7o 80, all paid In full. Lot 11 lull 7. Sandy loam soil. Rest city property of this kind we have erer effored. Total price, J 950. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. Ileal listMte, Iin, lleutols, InsuiaHiO. 1( Wet Main. limine 7I By Ahern ASK PAV laud addition to Medford . 10 Leo J. Mlkacho el ux to J. 1. Case Threshing Machine Co. Jots I. a. 6. 7, S, P, 10 and Ht, block 2, Westmorland vddltlou to Medford 10 I'nileil State lo Chut lea B. Jones, hind in ser. ll-IIII-II I 'a lent jnncH Itntea el nl lo Henry C. BfWii, land in see. IW. ... 07..100 W. II. Singler, sheril'f, lo (1. II. Mnt hew, lund in "W. i"-:!."-1V. ..iT0 Mary B. O'Neil to .1. B. Holieiln et nl. land iu Up. :t7-'JV. 1 I. V. Ifn.v lo C. . TtiomiiB, ininiiig proNry in sih-. 11-:(5-:iW. 1 llai'i'x l. Mill-, adinini-triitur. WHY? CASH WAXl'BI) 80 acres Hoar Creek bottom, 701 acres In cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and grain, oaslly Irrigated. Loss than 3 inllos from Medford. $680u cash. One or the boat buys In Jackson county. Bay whon and I will show you. J. C. BARNES I0t Wmit Mais Ut Phone 7B NEW TODAY A pmiIn offers his n acre home, new buildings and soil that la good, price J.MiHO no. will lake a small Medford home as part iM.vment. The 3 ID aires Joining the outrange over half In grain anil hay, and most of the balame gooil alfalfa laud when cleared, Ih a real lino propo sition. Will explain fully on request. Will exehanae for a close In daliy proposition lloon-Cathcart Co. I'lmiin 1117 Real Estate Will t.'ll .i scvin mom modern home newt) p.iintiU and In excelluut condition, witti Urge lot. Total price $1400. Terms of $3u cash, balance $!.' mouth with only 6 per ceut Interest CItKAPEK THAN RENT Eight room modern home, with large shade trees and one aero grouud on Jacksonville highway, two miles out, near the car line, ruuiiiug waiei with i-ugiue and pumping plant, com )bti. Total lirhe $120 Payable h, I'aiuui'c iiioulbli or an- E. S. TUMY 10 (laiiii tl Coiw) HlQg. t. J. ', loU 7 ..i d . Jiloik J:t. Untie Kails W. It. Hutloek et nl to .Samuel UIMI ,1. Meadnw et ttx, lnnil in sw. M-IIS-'iW A. B. SlieHird et u. lo C. L. lUrtrtruui et nx, laud In pe. r,-:ill-1 B. W. It. Hulloek et nl to SHmuel .1. Mendowx el ux, laud Mi see M-:iS-'2W; . . . 10 10 10 Delliuiiieut Sale Notice California-Oregon Power Company. Location of principal place o' busi ness, San Francisco, California. NOTICB-There is dellnnurnt up on the following described stee'e, on' recount of assessment (No. I) levied on the 18(h day of April, 1SIC. the several amounts set opposite Hip names of the respective sharo;iolors, as lollews: Mercantile Trust Company of San Ptauclsco, trustee. Certificate No 311 1'. BOO share, J2R0.00. .Alcrcantlle Trust Compauv of San Francisco, trusteo, Cert. No. 397, J00 shares, r.0.00. Morcanlllo Trust Company of San Francisco, trustee, Cert. No. 3 US, 500 shares, lutiO.00. Mercantilo Trust Company of 8an Francisco, trttstpo, Cert. No. H9U, 500 sharos, fKOO.OO. Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco, trustee, Cort. No. 400. 500 shares. $2!0.00. Mercantile Trust Company of Snn Francisco, trustee, Cert. No. 401, r.00 shares. I2C0.00. '.Mercantilo Trust Company of Snn Francisco, trustee, Cert. No. 102, r.00 shares, 2:0.00. Mercantilo Trust Company of Snu Francisco, trustee, Cert. No. 103, COO shares, fUGO.00. Uud In accordance with law nnd an order of tho board of directors made on the tSth dny of April, 1HI0, so innny shares of each parcel of such stock as may bo neressary will bo sold nt the office of tho company, on Tuesday, Juno 20, 111 10, nt tho hour of 12 o'clock noon of said day, to pay delinquent assoHsmeiits there on, (ogctner with costs of advertis ing and expenses of Hie sale. J. C. THOMPSON, Secretary of California-Oregon Power Company. Office: Number 131 Loldosdorff street, Han Francisco, California. 73 FPU ItKNT FUltNtSHUn APT8. FOHIWNT i-roonv nmilshTiMInt; nlHO five room bungalow. Phone 72.VL. 730 West 1 1th st. C3 KOK IlB.Yl nuHHlCfl FOIt HICNT (S-room modern house, flue fruit. 730-lt. . 03 KOHIUSNT- Strictly modern house with garage, rurulshed or unfur nished. 510 W. Jackson at. 07 i FOH HUNT- -Seven room house on South Holy at., Inquire 5SG So. Holly. FOH HUNT 3-1 oom house, hard wood floors, full cement basement and gatage. Phono 370-W. VOH SALI VCItHACK FOIt SALE -Cleared 2 1-2. fi. id," 2(1 acre rarms in beautiful Rochester valley; unsurpassed tor poultry, fruits or dairying. Very low prices. Improved and unimproved places. Write llox 71. Rochester. 'Wash. 03 " FOR SALIJ ItANUIIIW FOR KAI.1S My $7000 city ranch, free IrlgMted. dairy, chicken, fruit, tools and stock, $ I5nn If taken be fore July t. The Carlsbad of Amer ica. Pop. 6000. Altitude 2000 ft. Fish I n a aud hunting. Mrs. .lacker. 'Ashland. Ore. , 70 FOH 8ALK- -13 note ranch; 10 acres In alfalfa; house, barn, new fences. Phone M3 or 21 -J. FOIt HATJU-MYKSTUOK FOR KALE Bhotes and pigs. W. E. Ilrson, H. 1, (irlffm Creek, til VOR BAIjl-MWOrVliIiAWKOUB F()?t RALE 101(1 1 llitlck ; touring ca r jn aofMl condition, cheap. Walker'a (Sarage O.'i FOR BALE -One ton Ford truck nt tarhHient. also to seres land to trade for Ford oar. Uahack's (iarage 12 J. SS FOH KALE -Choice alfalfa hay. f 10 per ton In field. Holder's lalr. Phoue 201-13. WANTED MrrrtTOrtjiivKOUH WANTEI)" AT "oNclvT- Teams for hauling gravel. Appb at the Oulis Cigar Store. 03 WANTKD TO IIUV -Ilorssa of sad dle type, aud heavy horses Dr. Helms, 111 No. Fir, Phone SOS. WANTED- Cattle to puslure. 50c to 1 1 per head. Address llox t j Eagle Point. Ore 6 WANTKD How about having (bat old feather bed made Into a san itary folding mattress" Pillows, feather cushions, snd folding mat tresses made lo order. Feathers renovated, satlsfaetuiu guaranteed, in qualltv aud prite. Phoue or write and our lepieaents'lve will call with samples. Phone IWB J. Medford Feather Heddlng aud lleli ov4tlug Woiks, ;'.:'.' K l'Jth. i:i HltLP WANTKD 1'KMALIf WANTED A tlrst cIshs woman rook one that is capable or handling from 20 to 2 uumi. wants posi tion. Address l.'ii f' iVntral. or Phoue lev-Y. 3 sifcessaaaas' I.WT sBSsssessseeassassssssasssasjasaassassiSs- LOHT Oold headed hat pin between 'Orange and Kir attest. Kinder please phone 522-K or leave at sUrlnger Grocery. Reward J lJslT 4Jn road lo Ashland, a sliver mesh bag with purse inside con I i.iliilu some uioue.N Hotuiii n .Mali liliUUV. il w iWi'icn rr t. ationh WANTKD Strong 11 year old Imv wants plnr on farm to work for board. Phone 27D-J. 01 WANTHD Ity middle agod couple, camp cooking for both or woman to cook; man can drive tonm, Irri gate, do onriiontar work. Make us n offer. Address A. C. W., Mull Trlbuno. 03 WANTKD Competent woman wants pvork. Call 720 W. 11th. 07 FOH k.ciia:cjr FOIt SALB Or trade, SIS acre stock and dairy farm 5 miles from Lob anon, Oregon, for farm In Jackson ceunty: 10 head cattle, goats, hogs and Implements go with place. Price $11,000; will take farm up to $10,000; own time on balance. Prefer atock fa,rm. J. 1C. Nichols, ILobanon, Ore., It. 3. 03 TO THADK 200 ncros, 60 ckmrod. In crop, Jeff, county, under new Ir rigation plan, $30 por acre, golnc lilghor, for Improved, near Centrnl JPolnt. A. W. Froeborg, Gaston, Orogon. 73 UUSLVESS DIKKCfrOItr Anto Snppnea LAHEIl AUTO Bl'RINO CO. W aro oporatlng the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Use our Bprlngs when others fall. Bold under guar antee. 26 North Fifteenth Bt, Portland, Ore. Attorneys OEO. W. CIIRRHY Attorney anfl Notary, ltooms 9-10, JackRon Coun ty Dank llulldlng, ontranco N, Central, Medford, Oro. POHTKH J. NICFF Attornoy nt law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Dank Building. A. K. HEAMKS, LAWYER Coroy bldff. -Qarnett- O. M. ItOIJEKTS Lawyer. Medford National Dank Building. Collections. COL.MCCTIOK8 AND REPORTS Wa colloctod uorao accounts 14 jours old. Wo know how to got the money. Tho Uuitock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has kins' Did t,.. 210 EMaln st. Dentists -vfl Dr. W. M. VAN BCOTOO UR. C. C. VAN BCOTOO Dentists Gartintt-Cnroy Illdg., ulte Mcdfnro, Ore. Phono 356. Collection nnd ltKirts Slf DR. FRANIC ROIIEIITS Dentist. M. F. & II. lildg. Offlco Ilntirc S:30 to 12; 1 to 5. Phono 607-R. Kn;:lnccr nnd Ountractor FRED N. CUMMINOS Snglncor and contractor, 401 M. F. & II. Dldg. Burieyn,, cellmates, Irrigation drainage, orchard and land Im provement. Insurance. EARL S. TUMY (Senoral Insurnnce offlco, Flro, Automobllo, Accident, Liability, Pluto OIbm, Contract, and Surety Honda. Hxcollent com panies, good loon I sorvlce. No. 210 Qnrnfltt-Coroy Dldg. Instruction In Music FRKD ALTON H A in J IT," tenchor of plauo and harmony. Composer nnd nrrnnger of music. Halght Music Studio, 401 Qarnott-Coroy building. DLIBB HEINE Toachor of Violin. Muslo rurulshed for nil occasions. Prices rensnnablo. Btudlo 1121 19. Main St., Phono 303-J2. Gnrnago QARI1AOE (let your premises cloanod up 'or tho summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for good sorvlce. Phone 274-L. V, Y. Allon. ' Physicians nnd Burgeons DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. HVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 410-417 (larnett-Corey tddg, phone 103C-L. Roildcncs 2G Booth Lnurol at. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Qarnett-Coray building. Phons 130. DR. J. J. EMMENB Physician and siirKOon. Practice limited to cy, enr, nose and throat. Eyoa Bclen tlflcally tested and glaaies sujh plted. Oculist nnd Aurlst for B P. R. R. Co. Offices M. V. & H. Co. bldg., opposlta P. O. Phono GC7. DR. It. W. OLANOY Physician and surgeon Phones, office 30, resi dence 724-J, Office hours, 10 te 12, 2 to 6. DR. MARTIN C, HARDER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash hotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. Printers aud Publishers MEDFORD PRiNTTNri TC7 basiThs boat equipped printing offlco In southern Oregou; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing syetews, etc Portland prices. 27 North Kir st. TrMrr-i ssssssssasansso'ig' " -Wiasasl BADS TRANSFER A STORAQK CO Office 42 North rroat st. Phoa J 15. Prkee right Scrriff aw nntad BALE Olt ItKNT Tm0j cuvd su cblncs alo fnr s.Ue (iloaolav teJL repairing Haldwla Pisco for iwUu from factory to cattouir. Ru.d jtaco lie t&, CfatrtJL, PbotH!Ai ij-inr-ij-imi l n -i n Ji i " " ' i.; IT? I' t n