Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 03, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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?.tKUrOllU I'ltlNTINQ CO.
Office Mall Tribune Ilulldlne, 5S-27-2B
North Dr streal; telephone "S.
Tlie Demoomtlo Times, the Medford
Mull, The .Medford Tribune, The South
ern Orsaonlun, The Ashland Tribune.
OBOIiatC PUTNAM, Editor.
One yor, by itmt . . . a..S 00
One month, by mall 10
1'er month, delivered by carrier In
Metlftn-d, Phoenix, Jacksonville
ami Central Point .. .- .CO
Saturday only, by mall, ixtr year.... S 00
Weekly, per year 1 0
Official Iaer of the City of Medfonl
Official Paper of Jackaon County.
JSnti-rrd a second-class inattnr at
Medford, Orsfion, under the act of March
S, 147.
Htvorn Circulation for IBIS JUfl.
Full leaned wire Associated Press din-patrlik
Jt 1 1 ,, i I,.
Vor" Ulr.
Ovrr tho souls of mon I throw a jmll
of jiloom,
And little children woop nml uro dlR
Inrchuntg who tloal In cooling wnroa
And thou) who rule tha pliiyKroutiils
When) folk are, wont to go on pluna-
urc limit
.Seoul at me in hate and on run for losa
of ahukulH.
Fair daniHula woop anil Knzu upon
tho finery
With which thoy'd deck thcmaulvos
woron't not
That I havo Intorvonod
And inudu thoy lay away tholr prutty
1 am tho moat annoyltiK tloBKonotl
That comoa In spring or nuininor
An) tiling Llkii Tiiiiko'.'
Tho OkiIoii Chaorful tinnier.
apont tholr chaorful wIkkIIuk hour
ut HniiiiihI Shank's Tuwulny ovonlnK.
Tho WIliuliiKtoii (().) .loiirual Ite-
Tin in t
Ai my iinwa not a wora loft out
last wwk I will ho eompiillwl to ro-
wrltu sonm of thoiu, an wo havo no
iihhs to waata. Holla llouil Co. of
tho ltUMMllvllItt (Ark.) Courlar-Dem-
ocrat. (
The bridge wai of reinforced con
nte, hut It slooil upon tho alto of
tin oM nne and iuatiMwl lli same
stream. Tha Anthony (Kan.) Itu
puullean. "I hop you ar truthful, Mary."
"I am that, mum. t ouly Una to
thorn aa tJw family don't want to ace!
Whilst making hla xaual dally In
aKotlw of tha ataulaa the major
uollretl Trooper Jouna kIvIhk hla
horae a plec of lump augar.
"1 am rery ulaasoil to ae you mak
ing much of your horae. Trooper
Jones," he said; "It shows that you
roast l him with the true aplrlt, and
1 Mill not forget jott for It."
Troeptr Jouea walled until hla
commanding officer went out of
hoarlug, aud then turned to hla mlgh
bor. I waaa'l makln' much of htm,"
he aald. "Tho blighter throw mo off
this morning. and I am tryin' to give
hi into blluklu' toothache." Til-Mils.
IT is loo early to comment intelligenth upon the naval
buttle in tlie North sea, but it seems evident that Brit
ish prestige on the high seas has received a severe jolt.
Tlie supposedly invincible fleet is no longer invincible
although the battle was not in any sense a decisive one.
It would appear, from their own account, that the Brit
ish battle cruiser squadron encountered the full German
fleet with disastrous results and thai when the main Brit
ish battleship fleet arrived the Germans retreated safely
to their base. If this is the case, the Germans evidently
caught the British napping.
In its first real battle the German fleet acquitted itself
well, showing that German efficiency is as thorough on
the sea as on land, rndoubtedly the German loss is much
greater than reported, but even so, the engagement will
have its moral effect in shattering British prestige.
Britain's part in the world conflict, as far as actual
fighting goes, has not been very brilliant. Whipped by
the Germans in Belgium, by the Turks at the Dardan
elles, forced to surrender to Turks in Mesopotamia, with
an immense army God knows where, but not fighting, and
now defeated by a brand-new inferior naval power near
home, it is small wonder the Germans proclaim the British
a decadent nation.
But it, takes defeat to make the British fight. In nearly
every conflict Britain's initial part is more or less inglor
ous. It usually takes a year of defeat and a year of prep
aration before the year of fighting arrives. But British
pluck and British courage winin the long run when op
portunity has developed leaders of capacity. The rank
and file are as brave as ever, but the caste system of select
ing officers from the decadent aristocracy provides bone
head leaders.
One thing the naval battle will do it will arouse
British pride and put peace out of question for a long"
lime, to come.
In "Acquitted." the feature of tho
Piiae bill today, the Trlauglo com
pany Introduces a new Ingenue, ltaa
slo !.ove. I) V. (Iriftith, who haa a
reputation for picking successful mo
tion picture actreaaea, tieclaras thai
abo haa the personal rbarm and men
tality that marks her aa a "comer"
lu ' Acquitted " she haa a part (hat
well suits her personality.
Mary Hubert Khtnetiart wrote tho
whole from which the screen version
of "Acquitted" wan made.
The many familiar lucldonta of
everyday life which have boon trans
ferred to tho acreon will bo sure to
strike a rvsuouaive chord in moat of
those who mm this picture
It la not often that commonplace
episodes are so faithful!) and so
aympathelieally produced on tho
screen an In "Acquitted "
The play has been piuduced with
Vino Arts thoroughness The photo
cranny is good, tho settlua excilUut
and the nHnportlta east one of the
best that ha been en so far. Mui)
Alden, kuowu for her ffioiti In the
"Hlrth of a Nuttou." gives a ftiilliDt
iDrftirmunre a- Mrs ('nrP
"lll IWrntflftr ' ejtHdfeg lb alte
(itfed n.w ttmcti rul win litv juid
TTIIC confirmation of Louis I). Urandeis was a triumph
of public opinion a popular victory, forced by pub
lie sentiment. The delay in the confirmation, the long
disgraceful and disreputable effort to besmirch his reputa
tion are a reproach to the senate.
ICvery scandalmonger in the country was gravely lis
tened to at the hearings in the endeavor to dignify tittle
tattle, livery tory-minded member of the bur was permit
ted to air his prejudices. Kvery tainted corporation was
encouraged to sling mud. But the extended farce failed to
develop anything detrimental to the character, but, on the
contrary, much to the credit of Louis I). Brandeis.
Justice Brandeis' great sin consisted in having cham
pioned tlie under dog in the industrial struggle, lie had
appeared gratuitously for the people against plutocracy
menacing their welfare. The powerful enemies that he
made combined for his rejection in a campaign of slander,
iuueudo and detraction.
It has been well said that the supreme court needed
Mr. Brandeis far more than Mr. Brandeis needed a job on
the bench. It is well that the people have a champion on
the supreme bench.
Weekly Hews Letter of Rofjue River
Fruit and Produce Association
Bassett's Lecture Feature of Week
In Fruit Circles 800 Cars of Fruit
Estimated Valley Output.
"mu1 t rrnii I 'niter hike indicate
n ileplli of mx I eel of -mow on April
'20. Mr. Switiw ol" the I'nitwl
Stale piigiiiwrH i in the mirk near
the I'iunat'lHM entrniice, iiirwnnriiijt to
xtart the load work. Horn mimi
vinr (Irievo examined conditiona to
WuiiMir eiimp on the M ami reMHlM
it poMNihle to in i Hail far with n ma
chine. On the moriiitig ut' the ."tli he
will eiMOineni'e the work of clcmum
and reNiiriiig the roud to the Med
titrd entrance of the park, nereu
miles from headquarter. The kch
hoii will he late ami to hnsteu mat
tent Mr. I'urkhurM will vn-it the park
uhoul the middle of the month with
it crew of men who Mill try to ohmi
the roud mi that a party of tom-iot.
due to nrmp at the UhIko on the 'JlUh.
iimv lie taken proper eure of. Mm.
Mouiycr hit joined ber hiixhaml at
headquarter, where he haa been on
duly xinee the fint of February.
Mr Steel uMtml the park two
uioiilliH iik, at tthih time the hiiom
wum i-leMMi feet deep, aud export to
io again in a t'v iIii.vm to formulate
In plan tor the enou.
IMuaieal proKram for tho morning
aervlre will Include:
il'loe organ aeloctlona by Mr
C'hortiH choir taalMted by Mr. anil
Mr. Andrewa will alnit tho itwea
aionat, bVhnecker
Holo, selected, Mra. Uuy Palmer.
Kev Paul 8 Uand will preach
Xveninn aervlre at a o clock Her.
Bandy will preach.
Musical numbers l the choir
solo and chorun, Hark. Haik. M
lioiil. Stullev.
olo and chorus, Jerunalem. lieo
II. Nolu.
102 LOSI
MiMKlN, June 3 n KxchatiKe
TclcKrapli iIIh))hIc1i from C'openhaKon
sas the tiermaii torepdo boat V-3K
ae sunk diirliiK the naval ciiikh
meiit. Three aurvlvora who wore tea
r u eil (i oin a raft by a Swedish steam
ship reported, the dispatch saa. that
all the i est or the erw of 102 were
'According to tula statement the
survivors of the V-18 aald the believ
ed two Herman torepdo boats were
deal toyed and that the Oerman loss
es as a whole were "colossal."
LONDON. June S." The llritl
admiralty o(ficiall) aiinouuced Iiihi
night that the total number of lirlt
tsh destroy era lost In the uaial en
gagement was eight.
Tha announcement udda that of
thiee (lermau buttle cruisers, either
the Dcrffllnger or Lutiow was blown
up, another waa son tu have been
disabled and a third to be seriously
Card ot Thanks
In the uame of Theater A. Arthur
in and corji we wih to thank the
eitv hank, who 1.11 e their nenue-. on
1 )c. iratiou tii'. glud to iixm-i , tin
Keienth eonipouy, who joined in I he
pal tide, the owners of iai- ho
tiniiorled to uud from the me
terv the members mid eitueu, i U
k'iikcr, who gne Mich ait aide ,nl
dre. Mra. Hoioua with hei tliilu 1
Kill; the M-hool rblldivu who m.n '
ed m line; tho ladies moo gu- ' i
in.-; nUo the uiuicmii win. c' i . '
ii all who contributed tor il is
IhiiM-, bv the .ml of the pn-. '
to all who in .tin w.i helpd in n
the da n . -m --. w i aie n .'-1 I i .
The tnol inlerctiii" ftcnt of the
week to fruit jfiower. o far im lo
eal Inippenintfs are eoncenied, was
the incetitiK U tlie pulilie horary on
Mny III at which Mr. Mnett. of tlio
department of market of tlie I'liited
Slatei nvtnciilturKl depaitmeiit; .Mr.
Skinner, tlie editor of the Kruit tc
l'rodiico Markctor; I'rofeor Ilrown
and Dr. Mel'lierxon of tlie Orejron
Agrieultiiial eollee all xpoko eon-
reniinjf the Fntit (Irowers' Ajteney,
Inc., wliieli ii tlie oiyuniiitioii result -iiijf
from the offorls of thu I'nited
States iiKiienltiinil departineiit to
help the deeidiioiii fruit ftrovvera of
the northwest to put on u better bum
the nun ket in of their produelH. Wo
believe Unit nil who attended this
iiicctiiiK went awnv antisfietl thai il
ia a inoveincnt which no intcHieiit
fruit ki'owit eaii alford not to siifi-
riort. Tbia uaaoeiiitHin decided, the
day thexe ixeiitleineu Here in Med
ford, to join the Kruit drawer.'
Ajrency aa an aelive nieiiiber, and
our applicalion lina been dulv for
warded to the proaiilent of the ngenev
at Walla Walla, Wnb.. toxether 'villi
our cheek in payment of our admi
tion fen. Wo believe that the or
vice that will bu rendered ilurini; the
coiniii(f weapon bv tln iikomi'v will
repay u ninny times for tho epei)e
of nictiibiipilify.
Itetlow of (Nillillllons
A xenenil review of crop eondilions
in tlie llognio Ilivor vnllev i not
ainiHa at thi time Our own ier
xoiuil invoHtiKHlioii coupled with tho
rcMirlK of otliera who luivo cvmii
ini'd (be orebarda in the various d in
dict Ihioiigbiiiit the Millev lemlrt u
to believe thai we will produce I hi"
yeur a very HiiltnlantiU crop, nii
oiim ctiiiiiitcH are made nii'jini.
from a total or 0011 to a total of
l'JIIII eara of apple and Hiir. lu
our opinion it ia quite probable that
we mny turn out from tbix district
this hi'iikou SOO car of apple and
peaia. lu our opinion it in unite
probable that we mnv turn out from
ihi ditrirt tbia aeijaon SOO enr of
apple and H'iirH, Hiiblv tiO per
cent ot which will 1h pc:ir. and II)
per cent apple. TbU wilt inelnde
Mime exceptionally I'ine tnnt, eM'
1'iiilly Anjoii, Ike, Howell- mid
Thi- office bit for Ihe pnl month
been circiiliiruiiii.' iIh trade with terv
food rvitltN. We have in our po
M'ion a very Miluable trade li-t.
coiiituif of caiload Inner- of ft ml
ill) over the I'nited State Canada and!
I'.uroM', who line iluiini; the pa-t
six aeaNona purehnaed from u- om
or more carload lnta of Mime van
ety of npplea or )iear. Thee Id
tore Jihvh met with very KratitMn,'
reaiiUa. We are in receipt abno-t
daily of ittpliea from some one or
more of Uiomo enrbmd buxer in
which thev expreaa their de-ire to
do liiiMlic with iih thi seaiin. The
reipiirenient of onie of thc-e con
cern, v. ill run a- 1. Ji n f.iiocn or
twcriH i ar- .mil we hai bopc-i
that In tin- int .in iilom wi will be
able to market a large Ciutntit t
fruit on the f o. b. Medford hai at
extremely atisfactory price.
Cannery lnwlil lltte.s
The market for Haitlell pears for
'imiiiiijr pur)i)t' bns not vet suf
ficiently develojml on this district
to warrant any jMinilivo opinion n
to the advisability of umiik tin out
let for our product. Wo believe thnt
it i possible now to eenlrnet for n
ciiinpnratively lniue toniingc at t tic
rate of flO per ton f. o. b. Med lord
This price may bo iiierenaetl later m
the aennon ntid tnav reneb a auni that
will Iw anfficienlly nttrnetie t..
warrant ottr adviinj Ihe growr t..
nee this mnrkcl. We are not preput
ial to do so at the present tune, a
in our opinion, extra fnnex' llattli-it-of
the proHr sine should lirinir thi
reason a rery f(ooil price in the Ik-Ii
fruit mnrkels.
I.nst year wo did a considerable
businuas in elierries, jienehes, apri
cots, if rapes and nlber so-called
Miiull fmits. Wo met with xcr
good average letiirns. Our matket
hfC outlets are well developed and we
are already bavitnr inquiries tor
produce of this kind. It is our ol
starvation, however, that eonidcrabl'
damage has been tlone to llii'e crop
tliis your iind that there will not be
as large, a tonnaj'e of that kind a we
bud in the cuon of llllo. We are
prepated to handle this class of
produce and to do our best lo dis
pose of it al satisfactory price, and
we feel confident thai with the con
nections already established we can
get most satisfiiettiry lesults in tin
clasa of business.
I low .Vow town ICecp
An interesting bit of news lias ju-t
reached ns which relleets a gient
deal of credit iihiii the kecpimr tital
ities of our Newtown tipples as well
as upon our own packing and grad
ing lasl seitHoti. We hear from a
point in Alaska, 20U0 miles bc.Miml
Seattle, that a box of our Hltte Tri
angle Yellow Newtown apples ha
just been opened in a company'
store and found in extremely good
condition, showing practically no
bruising or decay.
Crop lepoits from oilier ditrict
reacb us from time to time,
Uiver repoits coinparalivelv little
frost (biiniiue. We understand th it
certain districts in Yakima tune -ut
fored ipute severely, but that the
(laiiinge will not ieult in a -nli-l u
tial reduction of the total Val.n i.i
tonnage. Wenatehee, we are inform
ed, hit suffered practically no dam
nRe and eH'cls a large crop of ap
ple. Idaho damage is rexirtcd .i
evere. Onr latest advice from the
east is that the weather has been
very backward and it is too enrlv to
form any ctimatc a- to the -ie of
the THii ciii.
KOIII I' IM lit (Ut II I'lMHH i I
Il s ' l'i ' n
' "J 1 1 j.i "HgJPWHsl1 W i"1 'iH'i'u
Vette? Yea you can)
prove hi i
All are cordlall) invit.d to aiteud1"1 " "'"t" ' "
the aim . sen ices. l(i l H l t i "MM! I . I
Young People's society meets at 7
All souiik People & Invited . JOHN A. P1ERL
The Kev (V J liOlt: h.ts a
oppied u i till to the pastoral' "f tiu
chuM dUtt &1U bsgiu Mundi Juii
Delicious and Refreshing
Hi rr - vcr c s (lr n
Iiln in t (.lu tuit I I. I T
K'K riti: wi soti.
Wh not come In one of thee hot
tla3 ami try one ot our Thli.-t
Quenching Sodas with Pure Vch.i
Ice Cream In It.
It's a Pure Wholesome, Keep Cool
it's bound I pleas you.
Everybody who trio one of our
Ice Cream Sodai once comes tail
Come lu today aud try one.
ljuf .Aiiin.iei(
H. MAlU'l.t XT
I'lkiiiM It. 17 UW1 47-stM
iitinoolU lleai-M sjtnin1
Medford House Movers
o vi.r
PnOne 4S3-W
612 S. HMW, 737 W. Nth St,
Camera Shop
208 East Main Street,
Mod ford
The Ouly Exclusive
Commercial lhotoi'raphoi
iu Southern Orogon
Negatives Made auy time or
place by appointment.
Phoue M7-.T
We'll do Uiereit
E. D. WESTON, Prop,
Preparing iur June ewn-inati'-n . N"U in M.ion.
iriilf-Dny Hessiuns June, July ami August. Special
rates. (Viaeliing elav- for grade pupils imw being
fiii'ined. I'lione lo-L
Medford Commercial College
S CTBgquauiMuifaaa wj
fit ('111' VO.lll.ll l ll I II IK I I II ' I I I) I nil"' I IK' ' '
111 ll.Unll'lIK flMIUKl YlMll ll III lll'il'l HI' l III I ' OH!
or hiivIiikh iicconut at the .luckr.ou t'ount) Hunk Mill ' '
leadllv occeaslhle from home or downtown. Why not tmt
one '.'
imssEes3aEsssssszZ'staa3aam maiflMKZ-
fww "WilliaM
Pleasant Reflections
pr safety ")
It's a big load off one's
mind to know that his
storage battery is work
ing right. Our expert
v service is an assurance
AV2" r j !... .;., ,4
Ol gUUU SLttiLiAlg emu
The Electric Shop
103-105 SOUTH CENTRAL Phone 22-J
r- .'NaMaMi.VH t rMi Unttart nf- anv time
rrtb tndbuttiu w ttjr wMkwi .- j
Put that Camera
to Work
Nature will -ii be at her lei
and will invite mui u1tli(ir. to
lake her pitttiics. If yi.u
haven't a eanuia reiiHnilnr
We Sell Picture Takers
We also el f.inieiii aiul pi"to
.sllpplie. iil'sili'h a el.i";n-te' .t
1st insure ihe best IVMt'l" in
pirture taking aiul making.
Medford Pharmacy
Phone 10
Sundav Imurs: Open until
io:;Kii. in.
a niu..t not .indgc the Frd ear bv
il lirst etist. That is low, beeaUM- the
best manufacturing methods and the
great YolutiUMif production reduce the
-o.t tt' makiug and wiling, lietter
niiiterialK, bought at lower prices,
make the Ford a lictter car for less
money. Order muu-s todnv. Runabout
!!n; Touring Car $4-10; Coupeht
s'.iR); Town ( 'ar ifiUO; s.'dan 7 10. All
prices t'. o. b. Detroit. On sale at
Sparta bldg.
,- C. E. GATES
K4K tlTIII- J.i'il ilull. $.'. 4 IlKilit'i
A S& naJTifiail
. fi ii " .-!, 'ffLlliPWI
SuuMmh. in, Uu Jigljcai) j.UtJj) dJ)
rwik s mi Pipii 0
ei Uvmliu ax only ig
S?3BB?3BttS&3r. ".
Uil&nw 0