U , .fv i VMM TWO TOCAL AND J PERSONAL! -- i....Ip-MW At n lomilar meeting or Miclfurl Camp No. !', Woodmen or the World, held lat WfilnPHila night, it wa arranged to hold the annual Wool men memorial wrvhe-. at the I. O. O. . cernttlcr.v Hunda morning. June Uh. Tor the purpoiw of derornllmr the gravte of its deceased mem lien. All members or the order ar. expect. chI t tweet at the hall promptl lit 3 o'clock and march to the iiiemeter.v to tako part In these exercise aul to bring as many flower an possible for decoration purposes. De Voe gives trading stamp with everything oxcept groeorloti. Wr. and Mm. H. C. Worthlnglnn will loavo Sunday mi a fnnr inonlha auto our nt the l'aciria coast and Hocky mountain states In the Inter nal of tho Allktm (ligation illtcli fUli Mron and V-IMcx piston rings. They will visit Washington Idaho, .Mon tana, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Now Aloxleo, Arlsona, California and Ne vada. KoinHmtmr, Ilss Moore loneliea art, atitdlo room 101, Farmer and Fruit growers' HHiik llldg. n:t Tlhe first toiti'h of summer came to the Unguis river valley yoalordny and today, with bright warm sunshine. (1st your milk. cmhiii, Mittor, orbs nnd bullormllk at De VoeV. David llarrell. or Copper, Cal., well linowit n the owner of the .loo liar mine i-lalnr, whlrh lerently was alian donnd and filed upon as a homestead, by his sister .Mm. .Martha .lonos, Is In poor health, acroidlng to returning visitor from that suction. Typewriter ttapor of nil kinds nt Modfo'rtl Printing Co. tMedfniil will play Grants I'asa at (Irwin Pasa tomorrow, Caster pitch ing for this elty and Whsulur Usliorn for Grants Pasa. Mudford de'enttHl ('rants Pass In this, city two weeks ago hy the acorn of 0 to o. 'faffitit wvoks private leaching. Call IIS-X.. n.i County Cleik Gardner aient Fri day nfluriioon In this elly attondlng to huatiiiws inuttura. Tho world's KroMtost companies. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man. .Mr. and Mrs. I 'red Lewis of Wollen spout Friday In this elly Waiting frlenda and attending to business matters. J Nat received, another ear of that High grade Olyaipla flour. Going at 11.10 whllt It lasts. I,. It. Drown. 'William Vou der Ilellpn of tCagle Point Is spending tho day In the city ON hHBilMMUI. Weston Camera Shop or first -claim kodak ftalabtng und kodak supplies. itrnosl Webb, of feudal Point, la lit ins city today attending to liuwl MM mailers and vMiliig friends. IW believe a railroad to Ilie-lllue Lodge Is a good thlug for the valley. Thai Is why e are In favor of It. Phone SIS HuUorficId Grocery. 63 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne leaver, ot Central Point, visited friends and rel atives In this city Friday evening. ' Try N King Hplts elgar and en eourage homo Industry. tf W. 1. Young of Corvallls In aiuoutf lhe out of town vlallor in the iit Hflwwlng Juue 1st the Nah Cafe teria will run a regular dcltcateseeii g ceuBectlon with the place, home made piss, cakes, cook lea. doughnuts, salads. roeaU, roast rhtikcns, fried rhirkeu, boiled ham will he prepared for picnic parties b phoning orders ahead. P't cook at home in tyit WBetker, but get things reud pre pared. C. M. TUogiga of this ti uddr'ed i HI bis cs nt the Talvut Mel ho i' t rhurrli Thumda. his subject lie mi. the O. i ('. land graut. It ma mm und why, and haw the ret-out hill ,tfMii by congress, would work. as i.ii .1- i lie people of the slate are ron ni I large crowd was present I'oit.tn.' ataiups at lie Vow's. . im tic Older, or Montague, Cali- iuini.1. u bpeudlug a few da in tho i u mi liUHlueMi. iiai tm .'.".r Hotel Holland. (' !' Marsh, of (1 rants Pass, epenl i'iii.. in thin no transacting busl- lit Ml A -." niert'iiiiiii lunch Is being iiifil nt tho iiMi Cafeteria that Is line. Ilritr ii tried an of theoiT tr noi tr oiu e know you will tome again. 1 :n li r nervice or Cafe larla style. , Mrs. J. L- Kv.nu of Aitliland. lull ed rrlegag ai..l rel.iiie in this rlt Krldgi gflornoeii Hci' liute Uiio.i uliuui that tire In sin am e folic i ii in" Mail Trll'Uiie 111.1k AJ Met Miw from ill im mi i ago to i ii.ii tell loda, return abui r, .1 II Colemiin, or T.ilcnt. HiirrehH. fill ctiiiillilate for the lepuhllcanjiom Inallon for assessor at the May prl ninr), allended to husliies niattois In this city and Jacksonville Satur da . De Voo liuya Imcr lwltlns. Over 100 couples attended the shirt usisl daiicfl at the Klks chili Friday night. There wore many in attendance from out of town, mid the event proved one of the most enjoy able social affairs of the seanon. We bellevo a railroad to the llluo Ida-e is a good thltiK for the valley. Thai is why we are In favor of It. Phono 81U llutlerflelil Grocery. 63 .Attorney II. It. McCabe attended to legal matters in the county seat this morning. Ileath'n drug store fills every mail order the day received snil they pay the patoel post chnrges. 18 !A Jitney belonging lo the Lewis auto line went Into the illleli near the Jackson place on tho Pacific highway Friday. The car was badly damaged. It Is alleged that the Jitney waa trav eling by the lights of a car ahead and when the car turned the corner Iitfl lilm In the dark, cftualng the driver to lose his bearings. Dr. Klfligesstier will be at lloiel NhsIi every Wednesday. Hour for consultation 10 to 3. ITIm regular first of the liioiith meeting or (he city council will be held next Tiiea1 evening at the council chambers Conalilorallon or the llullls rallmad piopositlon will he the most Important mutter. Ac tion toward the elimination of weeds on vacant lols will aluo be taken. The monthly salary warrants will alio be allowed, with the rogulHr batch of hills. "Piidd'nliead Wilson" by Mark Twain, Is the extraordinary Para mount picture at the Slur today. 5 and 10c. I Carl V. Tmigwald or tills city has purchased it Ford roadster which ho will use In his work as a comiiiorclal traveler over the southern Oregon district. Mr. Tmigwald bs recently taken charge of tho candy depart ment of the Medford Grocery com pany. Whipping cream nt lloVon's. 'Complaint Im been made to the police that small boys In the oulsklrlM of the city have taken to shooting the Insulators off or lolepliono and electric light poles. Gales sells Ford ears, $Z0) down and t'i't a mouth. J. II. Ilrown, of ICuglo Point, Intns ncted business matters In this clt Friday. Tho Medford drug stores will only be oon hereafter on Sundays until 1 0: :;n a. in. ' County llecorder Chauncey Florey apent Friday afternoon In this city on official business. Your lawn mower machine harp enid at Mllchi'll's. Phone ;I8U .1. qienr Callagban will leave the rirst or the week for his claims In Hlue l.clnc mining district where Im will Hjiend the minimcr. Hlg Tic milkshakes at De Vo'n. Former V. 8. Senator C. W. Ful lon of this state, well known In this city figured In the news of Friday by Issulug a statement that the Oregon delegation lo the republican conven tion were for Hughes to the fiulnh. Tills Is Hie first definite public atutt- iiiont b ail) state delegation. Kor rent. 2-rooni furnished hoime. C. A IieVoe. lrln T. Hebii, editor of the Cen tral Point Herald spent 8aturda in this cit nu business. liuttermllk He quart at ! Voea. A. J Audersou, of Hutte Counl.v, Cal.. is upending a few days In tho iltv on buslaess. Ilutlerinllk tuc gal at IN Ymm Kulton Miullh. of Talent, routictcd iu the circuit court a week ago of failure lo support an tufani ihild and who was given a week iu whlih lo secure builds, has disappeared. cording lo the authorities ami a bench warrant has boeu Ismicd for him. Hlg dance at Muoe hall tonight Attorney ti M Hubert alli'mlcii to legal butnck Iu the couut cit Haturda) morning. Meveral autolsts and Jllne diiwi who have failed to oleem Hie rub ol the safoit sone are aluted im ,ui peuiaiire before the polite indite in'W Moiiila Ml Kilwiu Heelie o( (liaiil- P.i' tnlletl ill (hi" H Krldn .ilid SHl urdu MKF)KOF?D MWI, TRIUrXK, -MRDFOBD. OHI'XIOX, SAMHMfDAY, jrXTC H. 1010 f RAINFALL IN MAY TOTALS .69 INCHES A W Walker attended to butlnc mutters In northern California tonus Friday, making the trip by auto. Frank Hyhee of Jacksonville nint Saturday In Medford atteudliiK to bitsiuesn mailers. Karl t'lrlch Iibh returned to hl slock ranch on Union creea after spending u week in this city on bus iness and visiting friends and rela tives. Tli" Overland Auto agency has moved to corner of IbulIoU and 8th alreels. Phono 01. 8T Fnlr weather tomorrow will causa a general exodus of Medford cltlsens lo the hills and rier. Ashland and the California towns. Several picnic particti are planned for tho day. l,oul Ulrlch or Jacksonville was a business visitor In this city Batimlay morning. A treat Is In store for those attend ing tho morning service at tho Daptial church when Miss Florence IJaxul rlgg and William Vawtor will sing "Calm as the Night,' by OoeU. There were firteen marriage licen ses issued last month Iu Jackson county. i Mrs. Fred W. Wears entertained Wednesday afternoon at her home on Bonlh Newtown. The afternooh was spent with social conversation, after which refioshmenls woro served by the hostess. The following guests were present. Mrs. Dally, Mrs. West. Mrs. Canode. Mrs. Porter J. Noff, Mrs. Cathcarl, Mrs. Foster and .Mrs. WWaelug, Madame Nnff, Miss Cox, Miss Huffaii, Miss Ferguson, MIhh Pheister, Miss Devore, Miss Coffin. The funeral services for Mrs. Cliailly K. Ilnlley will bo held at the resldoitce or W. I. Halley, 2K North Oakdale. Monday. June 5, at :30 p. m., Itov. Itollina and llranbam offi ciating. Inturmuiil in I. O. O. F. cem etery. The case of l.ee Spour, charged with stealing a horso, scheduled for this morning In tho Justice of the" peace court, was postiKined until the first of next uek. Spear with a partner, who is not In custody, is al leged to have taken the horse from a range near Trail, and sold the sumo to Dr. Holms or this city. The Craier Lake road survey crew has reached Kelh Ihliind on Itoguo iler anil will he i .imped there tor the next week .08 .11 v T .OS During May .! of an Inch or rain fell according to the weather report leaving h seasonal deficit since Sep tember of 12.80 In. The hoalesl rain was on tho 3rd when .215 of an Inch fell. Heavy frost were on May 7,1 1, 12 and HI. 1'he rtoort it: Dam Max. 1 SS t S5 - .8 I SO 5 75) 8 68 7 I 8 00 a so to 60 11 02 12 m 13 71 II ? IB SO 18 76 17 ,. 71 18 OJ 19 (7!l 20 (51 21 22 .'.1 , 21 2 2 28. 20. 80. 21. ..(10 ...M ...87 ...(51 ...TI ,..U ..7ti ..71 ...157 ..US Milt. 10 4.1 13 18 H '42 28.8 47 81 83.6 as 20 31 31 38 oq 45 10 48 Id 16 31! 3 IS 17 US 80 31 1.1 37 .11 Hgu. Pro. 18 IS 10 82 25 20 88. 1 13 88 23.5 85 30 10 II M SO SO 12 21 24 21 ti II VI ti 10 42 42 21 3(1 VI .01 .11 .or. .ot ii .in !" i ceil yrc.itiT. bui we ' not intend to make niiv,iptimulc- mi-' Id we have eiuujdote official repoit trom our eommniulcrs. who do nt lepoit the loan of antagonist-, without delmite evidenco." AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS 01 Zeppelins la Atleio "ZejiKlinn did not piny llie impoi ' tunl port ntlriliutcil to them. Onk one upMnril. It remained iu ik-iuhi it er brief time, reliring niulcr henvy I'itv, eMilciilly bndl iliunng-j wl. UValher comiitiims were -urb llinl il is iloiiljlfHl whelhor nnv hii-j era ft woyliJ huvu Ijcon ol' inueli wr- vice. ! "Tbu enemv aprang iw xiirpiei Willi 17-iiicli gtini. "Tito wonlliur wns the linrde-t bit of htek our fleet eiiiniunlered, n m.i bo jmlged from the followimr imm -grnpli from the offieiul repert: -Wet. Illiety weiltlier of Hint mtved eneinx .from fur more covcre Hiiii-liment.' "I't'om the staiuliMiinl of net no I strength the niivy'a losae iu peri'ii nel, while great, vn not -erimi-. n we have plenty of men to replace , llicnt. (.'unco for llejolclng "With H fight like Wi'ilnedn'-j tietioii oceiu ring every dny. we could aianil thu loxn inueli heller llmu the Guriiiiiiix. Our lmtlle fleet i tall in-! tnel, wlillo Me nlill Iigvo conxiilernhl.v inoro liHllle eruiaera tlmii llie (lei- mihiih. "It U inlenliiitr li note llmt the hotter Kluhitieiil in Hie reich-liiu I ' nol eoiifinu the crenl ielnrt ni pib- ilimily Hiiiiounecd by the (ienii.ni , preah. With mil' battle Heel mlm t , we Ktill bold Hie N'oilli sen. mul wc Imve nrevciitcil Hie enemv trmu n I coiuilihiiiK .my definUe object." MeilPnil ltoofttei Smoke The Medford and Mt. Pitt Cigars. Drama that Thrills Keystone Comedy that Satisfies GriffitKSays: Hessle I.ove, wpo pla a star purt in Aciiultted." Is one of the most iMomiMlng ingenues iu motion pic-turea. TODAY ONLY i -.--. Featuring Wilfred Lucas Bessie Love Mary Alden A life sti.n. sitnply, sil nith fiiiH'tctl. Tlicreisa tlii'o'l). a heart interest in this TiMiiii,r play lJlt litis ti wnnderrully strung nppeal. HERE HE IS CHARLES MURRY (Himself) -in- "His Hereafter" A Three-Part Keystone Comedy that Sets the Pace MEDFORD'S LcntlliKj Motion Picture Theater 'lOMOKItOW itei-le lluilonile In HON Olt'S AII'AH, " Hienie en tirely ncu to MliTHiX PIC-Tfltr.S. BRITISH FORCCD THE FIGHT (Continued from pngo ono) mole Hutu purl ml. Tin. plutM1 in eluileil it runiiiug lifibl u Hie llcr nuiii ilreiiiliiHHglilo fled toward their Iihhc. All the big lii figliting . over by U:to p. in. Allncks by lioMiiiyrrs "Then enme one of the iiiohI wend I'eiiliireH of the buttle, n (Iiniunn de--troyef iiinili' itltnek nflcr Nttuek, like iufnntry iollowiiiK nrtillerv iivnriitioii on our big "liip. Hut tlicc on-laiiglit- wcic xinguliiilv lii lile. not ii winjrle torpmlo iKuuelicd by I hem gelling home. "With tho moriiiuir the nttuek ecu -cil nml the eem of battle wiim pwepl liv JellieflcV fleel. Not u iii- uie enemv veci miiihhicii hi -ikiii. "t'util we gel Adminil JellieueV lep.it't we en 1 1 give oul friiKiiientiiry ineidentx t the bottlo. Among lhee l.dMUIN, .lime .". lei'-A.lmii.il llciillx, mi ieiiulnc llie iletith nl t .1 I It It. ....I . I... Ml,... Ill'l.l .IHIIIIM.I II' ,,....,,, ...Mr ....i . . iiii... i... iw r Im tble ,,. tin- loriloing of the HUM.r.livud M'eotid in ciiliimiiiiil the lll'ill-b bill lie erui-er iiinilliti, -:liil : "Hood led llie dlln.ii into net mil with the mct iiifiiniu: n.iiriige." Hen t Ailiiiiliil IIimi'I iiuiirie.l .Mi-- XicdoUon, nu Aiiieriiiiii. Vice Adminil IWullt nUo rcHiiiiil wilh extreme rvgivl tin death f Ciipliiiu Sotterli.v ol the Iiiilefulig itlile, ut uiie time naxiil iitlnebe ul I lie Iliitish cinbiiv iu Wii-biiiHlou; t'np titin t'nv of the biiltle crnixer Invine title, nml ('iipliiii I'miN-e of the lull tie eniiM'r tliieen Mor." APACHC INDIAN SCOUTS DEFEAT QANDIT BAND itit.l Mill s. V M.. .Inn.' :t. Twclilx Atiiehc hull. in -i'iiiiIi. eiimn: ed n omitll li.nul iM illi-t,i uciir I.ii- Yum- elcil.n. iuiiiilitijur one and eliuilug Hie nllici uiin the luiU, III', nlillll In li'inll- lure toil. i. Wllh Meil'oi.l ii i M. II. I. niiuglit Miirlborougn. winch i now iiinlergiiiiig rejNtiiv. Hv killful liiillictlM'iiiiL' lie n voided (It fee of JiIicm- liitHdoei before lir Wn lin- ullv Int. "Fjirly iu Hie engngiiuenl. iice.ml- ing to Adminil Im'iiII.i - report, u IJcntinn eniier, after being bollv eu gngeil, blew up and broke in two. IkiitKi Ci'iilH'i' lil "OITicer of the i It-el uUo rciit.d pii-iiig ii ' eliwelv ee -aged llcnniiti tin I tie ciui-ei- wbi.-h wiih left Ih-IiiihI while the Hiilicb pur-ncil the tler iiiiin. (hi their r-luiii Hii cxel - tiui.ii.g. Jiiilging from her pre li.uir. (iliubl -lie uiut now be ut the b.ilti'in nl llie e. Thi- iiecmuit lor two of Hie cn1li, ' bui lie eruiei. mid we Iiiim' their .Hluii-Moli I Iiii I Ibet bud l.it I""' liiiltle-biiiK. "The inliiiniill lut- iinorl u I In "iiil.uilt l the four (li'iiiiiin lihl erin-cr- mul the (l-nmin lunc ack imuli .1'.. il lie In-- nl -l tie ll'uM'l' t i , i 'v u I !i"l lll.ll llie lii-l - lQ0OXXXXXX7v. '.XXXQOC r-T" t T i- VX.J- :auirsi o t " or, a.Kvr utiaxKw - i -TO VVHl'P.F THF ) P ROwDS no n ho CHiue up ii two month UK ItlluiillOIIN i io k lie wiH mums Uucotiie TOO UTI Ttl CtfXSSiPV. i-'Olt SM.K IN in ol ld.it k lule d'un he M-eli ut llie t'niou Slu'ile-til- M-e .lubll I'ii I .''- S Khi Hi-It I. ileeit IlilerMte.1 Ill mil ioire. .1 tt l.iHiii ul t.i'ori!i Sinllli .i -' i ' 1 1 . i it til f i Mii Sal I Mi t-it .ii i i Ml tit i iii.t i ' li I. . i i I .nl Ii i i ii ti i t .' i tl i he .Hun. ou into IW blx liiliiliia diklrlct I.NTISItl'ltlU Al'TOOalt CO. j TIMU CAUD. I Uavt Bedford tor Avkiaud, Talant ' and PhoaoU dail), an apt tlunday. at K.UU a. IU.. 1:00, 3.00, t.00 and 5:16 , p. in. AUo on Saturday at 11:15 p. nt. Sundayi leave at X.0 ad 10:30 a. m. and I:0U. t 00, 5 30 sad 9 30 p ai. Lea Aibland for Madford dally, airapt Sunday, at v. 00 a. a.,' too, :00, tuo and 6 ii p. m. Alaa oi Haturday atghu at :30 a t'XO gundayt Inava Ahlaud t I 00 , p) ud l uo i . 6 30 and ltf 30 I p Hi. . J I'liramount llirlury.pQLYl,nrammint Pit'tiin JKSSli L. LASKY Presents the Leading Character Star of the Screen THEODORE ROBERTS in a Superh Picturiation of the American Classic MARK TWAIN'S "Pudd'nhead Wilson" w ih. i t i 1 1 I.tik Tu.iiii ' A Photoplay of Combined Humor and Stirring Drama, Tempered by a Deep Note of Human Sym o partly a ml Heart Interest KEYSTONE COMEDY Xm iws332 How the Texas Tube test happened ! IT nrltbxl Hill Tarr ronrfilcraWy t So many Motri4 ll catelwly mated that "all Tire Twb are )ut Kulaier.'' Hr detcrminfd to ohow Kinw folk Has dtfetmtt. In a way they would never forget. ... There were tour Cam at Uw door, and their Owner or IWvers at hi elbow. To then- he wild, "Boya, how strong do yon think thia OoodiWi Drown Tube actually in ? "Do you believe it i tlrong enough to tow Mr, Oden't five passenger Car, with four peonk iu II, foe 1-0 WocV.ii? "You don't, eh! "Well now bere't a bit of a Bet I want to make with any, or all. of you. ..... , , "I will bet you n Dinner that this little oW tegu lar Goedrich Tube (31x4) will not only tow Mr. (Men Car. but will tow all Ihr.r of .vwfUij.-lully piuwengcrrd. through the street f.r the full 21 blocka (more than a mile and a half) rtai ting ami atopjang u many time aa the crowd mkc it necenwjry. "I will, if you Gentlemen art- agreeable, line up nil four of your Car tijiht here ami now, take three regular Goodrich Tube hap haraid out of their boe, tie one tube between each two Cara, (which nw-ana linuling three Cart on the Ant Tuba) and tot You all l hat way to The Comers" "Aie ou witling to bet a Dinner that any no of the three'Tubet will 'go broke' on the. way. or ahow m flaw which wmikl leak Air, or prevent tU bving ued ior via original Tire purpoae atwrwaida? "Voo are. eh? "Well, i ho lief on! Cone along, and you be the Judge," THE Dinner waa a very Cheerful Affair. An Oden i.iid attcrwaid (when put ting up hit ahare of the Oct) "you could have bet me a Million on' that. Parr, aivl I'd have taken you up.-even if I had to tewj the Million. "I dorit see how the blamed Tubes ever did hold ouL wpeciaMy goieg up Sato St uiul-r aut-h a strain. With eight people in the Iji ihree Cir. ami x total load of over 8,iW pounds 1 Juic tli ui;nt lotiear smithing t.nap before Sr comt Hl k ' Vli.ide put iu lh.it irown t vlr.ui Kuboer anh. i make it hmw t.wtli r Ikf iha' '' 1 ui Kud tht v.hat pu?-K I him mot wah tlve bt wn Rubber TuU-s "ni bunr ull stntJicd out of that aff r tuch a tug, even if they iM hang together at the flnth. . , , .., "lok you." takt he, "when w leieaMd the lod.-after the Haul. they Inttantly anappal ha into jurt three nuartera of an inch longer than they were at the ttartl "And that ' of an inch, they look up ajjaln In Icm than two houta rent." CTT7"EI.T boya," Bill Parr remarked.-aii VV l amoothed out a wrinkle in hi well filled vest, "that'll top the Argument about nZTIre Tubes being 'jutt Kubber,' won't it?" "If the Brown Stun that toted all you Heavy weigh!, and your ICara. for 21 blockt. without , Sign of Heavy Duiy afterwards. Un't aomething MORR than 'Just Subbet.'like other Tube then you'd liet ter buy the 'Just Rubber' kind hereafter. "I'm point to ak all of you to tign your names to thi'lVxasTi.'Tube'Iet,' jutt tofhrnv that you h ivo taH.-n part in a rtgnlar Ilxploit which (s mighty Well lintli recording." bo iiuk'cd they did, and here is the affidavit: AFFIDANIT. This rertlftrs that we, the undersigned, took rout in and wit netted, the Texat tnlc te.-t leferrctl io In the advertisement entitled "ll.w the Texas Tube Ten Happened I" that the test w.it made on date of Nov. 11, at Waco, Texa. the dittance cov i red being twenty-one blocks and that the result waa aa deactibed. Signed W. M. ODEV, J. M. NASH. R A. FRI IZ, W. A. PARR, Aiharrlheil and aworn to before me hv W. M. CW.-.1, J. M Naxh. K. A. Frii and W. A Pair, thla tho 3rd dayot May, A. I). 1916, at Waco, Texaa. Signed- J. G. WREN. Notary Public, McLcnnon County, Texas. N..w h.it think You of the- GOODRICH Tir Tube- tti.it c.m'd h.r up under such a gruelling tct? K. i'i . i Hut ih. y ct vou no more than the "oi.tit.i.i ' 1 utxa you wo t.arckly accptt 4StWr' Sa? "Snrf slaasB sjamaK ossjassssss&xissssiis:. -Tsftw IMIMEETUEES Goodrich Tires Sold Exclusively by C. E. GATES BEST IN THE LONG RUN ii ( '. ' 1 1 1 1 ! i ;J o 'III. 'I I "W WN I1KI.I) Smoke v Tin I. U)" xvivxovKXXAXoXAXoocKccOsXc l