Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 02, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Office Mull Tribune Building, 11-27-19
North Kir Direct, telephone 76.
The Democratic Times, the Medford
Mall, The MecHunl Tribune, The South
ern Oregonlen, The Aahland Tribune,
OROltUB 1'UTNAM, Kdllor.
One year, by maiv fS.OO
One month, by mall 10
l'er month, tlrlhenM by carrier In
MedTord. 1'hnenlx, Ju kaonvltle
and Central Point . - .SO
Saturday only, by mall, per year.... 1(1
Weekly, er year - -. 1
r of
the City of Med ford
of .taekeon County.
entered a aaconil-cliiaa matter at
M i'l ford. Orecon. under the act. of JWmoh
. l;.
Official Pub
Official Paper of Jacaaon
en as
Hworn Circulation for 1IU JUG.
1 .ill leaied wire Associated Preaa ills-putilua.
Vrix l.lliio
I Hill hii oxitori'r,
Hut furs I du not wonr
To ahluld mo from tlio polar winds,
Xeltlior ilo I don thtt white pith hnl-
III (it
To ward the tropic n from off my
1 inaku ih maps, nor lo I mount
Tio I (Kit urn platform lmforo tliu mnl-
i tltude;
Hut I, too, talk mnl nmntlinos shout,
And little ohllilrwi run In fear as
Do hoar mu call down Mialudletlou
Whllt orouchwl mid peering Into durk
I'nknown rHglons iievur ii.uuut for
(ho man to ontur.
Yos, I urn thMXilorr who
ltalvus bnath tin liurMii for
IIIh vanished collar liutton.
It IIimii'( (i'i'I u Hie Siimh Way
(li'oruw Smith la Iiiiiiih again. ! Ik!
Kit' Hm! Poo!
Curtis cor. of UihHI. Iguwo (Mich.)
orit town tiuvuukmi: '
OYSTKIt UAYOyater Hay Is nam
id for a blvulra closply ndutrd to
u similar ,riiatai,au which la tliUfl
noli-il for It ronvraatluual ii's.-m
iilniirM to a pertain juatlrt of (he mi-I-r
me court. The o stern In Oyster
itiiv, however, nr th ouy things In
Hint plan which Med remotely re
mold lb Justice of tho auprt-tiiA
imrt afortMiuiiilloned- The town of
tHtr Hay la tntlrely Inhabited by
T Uooaarelt. who nc fcsld a r-
iiiiinIi job Ih the aoveriiment aerv
i n ml In no way reaembla thtt
ohiiT or the clam. Thwra- art awn
naturalists who claim that the oys
tiiN In Oyatar Hay would not b. ao
Miprume curtly allnt If they over
had a rhaitr to gat a word In dg'
mImo. but thty ar probably "nature
fas Ira." Til Oyster Ha oyateta
huM' Im-hh too timid lu venturH forth
from their watery re treat vr alne
a i i talu wall known former goveru
iii'iit ouiploye returned from the
Wihi Indies. They am ufrald the)
will be satea by a wblskarad, nut-
Hin bird.
fVnl uf 'HihhWh
1 wish to thank all those who
in ii'i'd ma durluii my mUfortuuw of
i uiiiig a cow. Kaet'taly do I wtah
' tliank Mr. Nick Kohlmo. who col
i ..i. a 136 10, and Mm. Hill, who
THE Rogue River a alley needs preparedness not for
military purposis, hut for prosperity. To be pros
perous we must prepare to produce more.
To produce more agriculturally we must prepare
against drouth hy irrigation and against frost by orchard
heating, and for increased yields by scientific. farming.
To produce more industrially and commercially we
must prepare hy utilizing our timber and mineral re
sources. We must manufacture our lumber and mine our
ores and make them accessible by building railroads.
In 1015 the valley imported -11' cars of flour and feed,
37 of fruit and vegetables, 'M of grain, 107 of hay, 109 of
potatoes, 12 cars of condensed milk, 10 cars of packing
house products all of which could be produced here.
There is evidently a great opportunity for the farmer.
The valley imported in this same off year 259 cai's of
lumber and lumber materials with billions of feet .of mer
chantable timber covering its hillsides. There is no lack
of opportunity for the lumberman.
We cannot expect prosperity when wo send our money
out lor lood and other products tlfat can be produced at
Industry spells preparedness for prosperity. Idleness
spells preparedness for hard times. Too many among us
are idle some from lack of opportunity, some from lack
of energy. Idleness breeds discontent, discord and dis
aster. The hv.y loafer is not tolerated on the streets of a
irosperoiiH city, lie is an earmark ol the depressed vil
age, where street loafing, knocking, scandal-mongering
assumes the dignity of an occupation. This sort of indus
try is preparedness for failure.
By actual count, 1!15 automobile passed over the Sis
kiyou highway between 8 a. m. unci H p. m. Wednesday,
all going I roin Oregon to ( alilorma. The count was not
kept upon the autos returning, most of which were after
8 p. m. These autos were carrying Oregon money into
(California and speaks louder than words of the actual
workings of prohibition under the Oregon law. The saloon
has been eliminated, but the booze is still with us and
will be until its manufacture and sale for any purposes
whatsoever is nationally prohibited.
The house passed the 0. & C. land grant bill, giving
Oregon 50 per cent of the revenue'derived from the sale of
the property. Senators Chamberlain and Lane secured its
amendment in the senate so that Oregon will get 90 per
cent of the proceeds, which shows the difference between
the influence of the Oregon senators and that of the Ore
gon representatives. The usual wire can be expected from
Congressman Ilawley, "I done it."
Secretary Daniels must go. The Med ford Sun has de
creed it. President Wilson has no other alternative. Such
is the power of the press.
iliiUMl fit 7S.
I hope Rod will give buccmh to all
fun people all IhrouKU life. Mr.
Nnk Vanha Adv. In the T Mar
"ih (ailun i lournal-Newa.
B)IJ...,I.LJ I, -
' -at
I m"t
. a
To the I'foplit of AhIiIhihI
Do wd want tin- xprliiKM projoit car
ried on ti nfvn who haw tlu inter
net e of tliu ill) at litutrt, or b !recr
and lila ayatum of dlatrlbiitlng the)
Uxpayera' monay by lottliiK contracta
to hlmaolf and othem without com
M'tltlv blda?
UrHr aaya that I have boon bltttn
ly autagonlatlc to tha aprlima water
drtVtdopMtmil. I wiah to aav to the
ptniplf of AMhlaml that I tun nut now,
nor hav 1 tvor n, uKMlnat th
aprlnga water project, but I am
agalnat Mr. (Irear and hla aatem
of dolua bualneaa, and tht twkleaa
wa- lu which Iim hua handled U uu
payera' irntnuy.
It Ha Oroer made xod? I any no!
Not for the people of Aahlnnd. Ho
baa flourUhvd In hla own buiiiaa.
Why not? No competitive bid on
thut llou.Otio contract, (lunr told
ua that It took one mau to run in
aprlttKa eommlaalon job, aud two mtn
to watch him. and whn I lualhted on
five oomiiiWatouiTB I wa4 rallml a
knockur Any iiihh who doea not
agrM with tlreer and hia ayateiu of
dolnR thiuga la a knotUer, accordliiK
to the TldlHKi.
Mr. tlrat'r la a rosy old nun of
Kraat experience aloua i' Hn ot
bualneaa, which I oonalder la hood
winking the public Foxy Uraer ha
aaid a ureal daal about ma, and It
in ua( be ao aa he la an houoreblj mau
and we timet not queetlou bin truth
fulneaa, even though hla alal innuu
do aometlmea much reaemble ftali
Tlile Mold la rather email for a iiihu
uf (lrr bualueaa aud a man of
iitt-r'a at'lltl) to hoodwiuk th pub-lu-
I am afraid that Ashland will
-iuit U a nril atateifiunn and
'in iiu'l.-r In hint, uuleaa the people
umiI.I toto another $1011000 for
dttcnifd .1 knekur and tin Hunt to Mox
Ico to Im executed by Vllln.
'oh, Mr. Taxpayer, iiult your
ttuockliiK ud get lu tlio baiulwHaoii.
v ui'od 6(1,000 nioro booklela. Tin'
Midford 1'rliitliiK CompHtiy will print
llii'iu for 1112 R0, but that won't do,
Hi' miiHt kiH'p the Job at home. Proli
ant) Chairman Orcer would print
them for the aaino prlco aa he charKi'd
iM-fore, $00.00. Oreat Scott; that'e
chi'up enough for it good Job, and
probably Ureer would make good the
5000 which I am told were apollt'd
In the laat lot Iih printed and never
made good, but wo muat not Inalat on
that, leat wo be aent to Mexico.
Illut abovo all, wo nued money. Wo
need money for repairing thoae leaky
plpea ao ably inapacteil by Mr. Oreer'a
Imported boy iuapectnr. We need
money for filling the vacancy In
Oreera' Hat of private aecretariea,
aud how long, dear reader, oan w
expert thoae auto repalra. new tlrea.
aud even gua to laat? Aa a matter of
fact, we need money, money, aud
more nniney, een to keep Oreer with
ua at all aud we kuockera iiiuat he
killed off In order to get it. Perhapa
he will father a olty iuherltanre tax
Oreer aaya 1 have been bitterly au
tagontatle to the aprlnga water devel
opment, leat the development of the
park would help tb Plaia bualueaa
dietrlct. I waa chairman of the firm
park board and halpad to make a
beautiful park out of a pile of rocks
with h waa pleating to Mr Oieer
when he landed from California with
hla aecond-haud Pierce Arrow aud li'
oarpetbag. I alto offered the hotel
co in ni It tee fiooo aa a bonua for a
new hotel 011 the old Hotel Oregon
elle or on an) other lte In the bual
neea dlatrlct. Doea that aubHtantiate
llreer'n atatementa There wan a
time when lireer could iiillead the
public I' lit that time has .is.ed
Pd ttdt H O I NHl'US
t'lirk (ll' I'lol'UKMlt. illld fllHt 1
, ( r. ( i 1.1: imii lull
I Iiuii
Im . hi liiii!
1'.hhI bill to umke Xo.m1.
1 I'li-tKiii 'it ot' enln.
1 ''iiiimii il di'li.iU' mi 1 n -1 1 1 1 1
Sen.i 1,
, Mum
mjiuii't 1 , ullhout am r'
a to how and Wb u tl
.ill lie mm 1" ! I 'll1 ,x
. , in . to .111 -1,11
I '
AahlHiid plana to entertain nt leant
thirty thousand people on July
Fourth and Fifth and Sixth the oc
caalon being the formal opening of a
mngnlflcont park whlth liaa cost tlio
city over a quarter of a million dol
lar and which provides the autting
for AMhlnnd'M famous llthla and soda
and Hiilphur aprlnga, now highly du
vnlopod and placed Ht the dlapoaal of
tlio public.
fThe park la a Mplendfd naturally
acenlc tract, right In the city, with
Ashland crook carrying th melted
anowM from Mount AahlHiid through
It, with waterfalls and lalios nntl
fountaliiM nnd drlvoa, frco auto and
team campn with modern conven
iences and sanitation, children's play
ground, rustic soutH and tablus, shade,
greensward, comfort, enchantment.
To celebrate tlio opening of this
splendid resort 11 three-day piogram
has been arrniiKod.
Itouud-iip l'ejititie
Tliu big feature Is a reproduction
of tlio Pendleton Houndup u $10,
000 attraction under the nnmo of the
Itoguu River Houndup. A splendid
tract of land adjacent to the city has
been secured for race track nnd arena
and u vust nuiplthcntre Is being pre.
pared. A four-hour show will he giv
en dally. This great attraction is In
the hands of men who plan to perpet
uate It an an annual event, and they
are staging It this jear on u strong
basis, with that In view.
Three stupendous parades are un
der way. On Jul) fourth "Queen
Llthln" will pass through the streets
In triumph, with tt resplendent train
of patriotic and Industrial flouts and
Wild West attractions. Queen Llthla
Is now being chosen by ballot front
among the beauties of Ashland. On
the second day, July fifth, tribute will
be paid to the Pacific highway In a
innKiilflcHiit parade of decorated uu
tomoblloa, for which autolng visitor
from far and nonr are expected to
(oine prepared. July sixth "King Sul
phur" will turn out In a hilarious
frolic that will fill the streets with
un asotulahiug aggregation of comic
floats and feat urea.
Pyrotechnic IHsplny
A gorgeous phase of the celebra
tion la the pyrotechnic display. The
llltt Flreworka company of Seattle,
who furnished the flreworka for the
exposition at Sail Francisco all last
)ear, have been employed to furnish
anil ataxe the display. To these at
tractions will be added a lontlnuous
concert b some of the liet hands of
boutheru Oregon In addition there
will bo water sports nt the Mlniral
Springs Nntatorl'im nnd llelman s
White Sulphur Hatha. Dancea and
confetti battles and scores of minor
attractions will give the populace
three busy days and nights.
"Following the big three-day cele
brntlon the Southern Oregon Chan-'
tauqua Association opens Its twent)
fourt?i annual session, which runs
from the Ttli to lMh Inclusive.
NHW Ynllx. June J.- H.-uek
White, nsnr t llie church !' Hie
Noeiul revolution, who lit-d night nnr
tieimted in the hurninu of the Ameri
can flag mid other iintimitil emblems
in the rem of hi ehuieli.'toduv wn-
found guilty by the court of onecm
wesson of ile-ccriitiiitf the Amerii'nn
emblem nnd wii sentenced to tlintv
ln ill the itetntentinrv and to pn :i
line of .flOOO. The otfene of win. I.
he whi eonvieteil toilnv w the de-e
criitiuii of the Aiiiei'ieiin lint; in ir
euhifi he en used In be distributed
some weeks .ii'u.
Med ford Iloostuis Smoke
Meilford and Mt. Pitt CUnrs
"Well, I Should Say
'Bets-It' DOES Work"
"Look a There, If You Don't Think
It's Jutt Wonderful for Corns!"
"nicns my stars, look at It I-Jiml of
tho llvin"' Why. jut look at It' Thut
corn iiiiiin ri(;ht off. JUHt llku invl
lni; bunuiiuu. l'ut your tinner on my
Dtin'l Hide Tliem With n Veil; lie-
liniio Them With the Otliluo
fflils prescription for the removal
of freckles was written by a promi
nent nloalrlan aud Is usually so sue.
ceasful In removing freckles and giv
ing a clear, beautiful complexion that
It la sold by any druggist under guar
antee to refund the money If tt falls
Don't hide jour freckles under a
veil; get au ounce of othine and ro-
moe them. Kveu the first few ap
plications should show a wonderful
imnrovemeut. some of the lighter
freckles vanishing entirely.
He sure to ask the druggist for
the double strength ethine: It is this
that is sold 011 the money-back guarantee
S II Harnih'8 auto will leave
Uagle Point at a A. M. aud 1 P M
dall), except Sunday; leave Medford
9 A. M and : P M. Will call for
passengers at hotels in Medford and
hotels and bunlneaa houses lu Eagle
IMIONT :i-2 Oil H-XJl.
(g) Suits,
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Also Cleaning, Pressing and Altering
( y tor 1
rrtfcTj HiiTLLu w'tMt'MMiutio?
rrn ' 1 n. vi.v "' iU'
ita tkl i H UaWiCi ii 1
' 1 i ti. Htt fl . li.ui 1 mi .
'" ul sfrlMitfti Oil ''' Jjli'4i.C,
Absolutely ttomoves
Indigestion. Oiwiwckajjo
provcoit 20oaiUruuiUii j
lu!y Aaaisdiat
IW8. nifT!Jb.TX
rrxsMn M. 41 attJ 4TJB
itubjalwaoai Sorvtog
T1MU C'Altn.
Lcavo MeJfor.) tor Ashland, Talent
and Phoenix daily, exoopt Sunday, at
8 00 a ci., l.UO. 2:00, 4:00 and 6:15
p. ra. Alio ou Saturday at 11:15 p.
m. SuuduMi leave at 8 00 and 1030
a m. and 1 o 2 00, 6 30 and 9 30
p m. l.eavo Akhiand for Medford
dally, except Sunduy, tit 0 00 a. m.,
I 00, i 00, i.i)i and 5:15 p. tn. Alto
on nights at C 30 nnd
: 20. SuuJava U.1TO Ashland at 9:00
a, m. and 109. 4.30. C:30 nnd 10;30
P, a.
'Did You i:rr Src the Mkef Tio
Wontlrr 'drm-lt' la tlir llluKrat
brlllUK Corn Cure In tlieUorldt"
too, rlKht there. don't be afraid,
tlmt'H It, fuel how Minooth the skin
Is? Wall, that's where the corn vvus.
Well, that beuts nil'" That's the way
"Oets-lt" vvnrks on all corns, every
corn, every time It's tho new, slmnlo
vviiy of curing corns. You'll aay good
bye to all foolish contraptions like
liundllns; bandnacM, stltky tape, plus
turs, toa-imtliiK snlvcs, and aruvo
illgKors aiirb us kiiUnn. rasors Mini
aeluors. "Onts-H" stum nnln AppllHl
In t wH'onil". Never full. Nothlim to
stlek to, hurt or prena on the ciiru,
"(lets-It" Is sold everywhere, 2So a
bottle, or sent direct by 1J. Lawrvnca
A. Co., ChliuKO. Ill
auiiI 111 .Mtuioid and recommended
aa the world's best corn remedy by
i,i:o 11. nisiii.vs.
Medford House Movers
WK altA'K
Phone 488-M
612 S. NrWtown. 737 W. Mill St
Always First on
the Grocery List
The reason Medford Creamer) But
ter Is first on the grocery lists of
hundred's of housewives Is because
there Is ho question to be dlseusned
with the grocer. She doesn't have
to ask If It Is fresh, whether it is
pure, full weight, wholesome and of
hlgheat quality aha knows that II Is
all this-and more.
The priMjess of making Medford
Creamer) Hutter la ao highly scien
tific aud so thoroughly standardised
that every pound is like every other
Medford Creamery
11. "1 i. Central
Camera hop
208 "East Alain Street,
The Only Exuliuive
Commercial Photographers
in Southern Oregon
Negative Made any time ot
place by appointment.
Hione 147-.T
We'll do the rest
JE. D. WESTON, Prop,
Mix the Breakfast Biscuits
the Night Before
j2h RlrSS
Set Them
Away in a
Cool Place
and Bake
them Fresh in
the Morning
If the family do not all eat breakfast together, you can 1
bake a few at a time. If you are having hot biscuits tor 8tipier,
mix and cut out enough more for breakfast. They will be
much nicer freshly baked than warmed over.
Of course you can't do this very successfully with sour
milk and soda or with any of the old fashioned, single acting
baking jxwders, but this convenient way of making hot bistuits
and muffins for breakfast is entirely satisfactory if you use
E Bakimg Powder
width Is really a blend of two baking powders, one of which
brpinsto give off leavening gas as Boon ut moisture la added.
The other is inactive until heat la applied. The dough will
remain In o partly leavened condition for hours and when
put In the oven will ume up Just aa light and fluffy
as if fieshly mixed,
'Get a can of K C today and try this eaiy way of baldng
blbcuits at once. You'll never go back to the olU way. u
(. crri
I Stan
ft J5S&Sm
I Wffl
3 MJCMBUN- frOUN PiIB w7zy-:
"f""!'' "
12 to 15 Extra Weight
i h
I t
' 'I
l l
Ml I Ml
I I. Mltjggaiaaii ' it.ii !
i is
Wlton yoo buy your. next fc're mako this simple
tost. Lt us wiffh a MiehoUa Uurcrstd Tim
in comparison with any other notvskid of t)h
sme size.
You will fad the A.vMii 12
In 13 1 hia titr ti..m 'u -vcwjCj
fh r -u I p-f.ei.fofe ifrj'c" .n
tic .V ,'fs ilia u.. 1 i ;iJ,
LI mtr vc'oKt "rnrvfiilt r- - . "..
ami iai-.ic, wait.tx ir.uaiii e:;t.-i. icnlc
Medford Vulcanizing Works
Medford, Oregon
asar'aeaaBaBrgawBtaiaau. j. j
s-a ".P,g,1TVA.b'TX.P!.1"'' "J H"frIr
X. 'I
Pivparin I'tii'.Jmif i.iiiiiii,iii"iis. Now in st'ssion.
llalf-Dn.x Si.imi.s .linn-, .lnl and August. Spcfial
rates. Cniii'liiny i-liivs I'm' yr.ulf piiiil now heiutf
Ininifd. I'liime 1"-L
Medford Commercial College
Wxt i?ij aS53 ' il yjJLj aigJaTI
11 im 1 v.i.ii iiiniii aud . ..,! Ii i- lit-10 kiiovvlfilgw
111 11 uii'lii ii'u.ur tuii liMii-i-hidd in imv.iie i-hi'cklng
t -, U .ll'iill.lll ul tilt .l.llUull t'lilililv ll.inlv win he
11 ulih .11,, -ijlili- riiim hnuiv ul ihiwiiiiiwn h uut stuit
txKcsmsEmma&Mi x-
2"r7ln l"IHi
r .amn; .
r W 't WvJm My HiaV saDB alaVBsSK
QUyTaMkJAri&hAriktt4i(a9a MaiHaBvlaHIBalaVHBaSaHBaBaBHaf
l -'
II NllWl m
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I t.i.H a, 4aaa.
1' t-aaa h Mit,
'I imni4SMliiii
t vj
" ' .
ae. Jlk t a. .ad au - . .
I.-T.V-- w- r-v aa,. V,
. " J V
tti 1 tiu V---