Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 01, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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wpfotct) Arvm TnrnuNF, wrrFonr, oimiov Tiirnsnw. ,Trr 1. inn?
Jrother of Secretary of Interior
Heads Lobby Promoting Interests
jof Oil Land GrabbersFactional
fright May Reach Proportions of
JDalllnger-Plnchot Scandal.
i Prospects Good for Pork Production
I Shortage of Fat in Empire-
Meat Lines as Lonn as Butter and
Milk Lines-Eggs Plentiful and the
Chief Food Item.
WASHINGTON, Juno 1. Tlio
indent attempt of fitniidnrd Oil mid
dhcr mtcu'xls to grub the wivul to-
Ni-ncK nf nil in Cnlifiiriiiii, ii cui-
'riici-d in tin- Phcliin bill, which win
'VspoM-d i tin it ooIuiuiik n week ngo,
' iBnow iihout to ho con-Minimntod. A
lrUiTl'iil lobby, bended by Oeorge S.
Ami'. brother of Soctotnry of llu In-
' ViL"1 '""I'li ' ''' bit been in
N indiiiigtiui promoting the intorotrt
"ilijhe oil-grnhhof. Tho relationship
litX'uccii tin- lii'tiil (if tln lobby anil
til? lii-nil nf tin- government deimrt-
i'('iil ttlin-li control-. (In- oil field-, hn
iiWuiini-il eomiiienl in mi extent
verging on wcHiiilnl.
Itnillipr Ijuip wax not ip tlio party
vliii-h went in tln Whilo IIoiiku hint
Kroek w. justify tho I'holnn bill, hut
a hirao iniinbpr of -enntors nt I'hp
ilimV rwiipnt, joined liim in Attempt
ing to poniin-p the president tbnt
Noerotuj-y ol' thp Navy Daniel nml
Attorney (loncriili-ftrcgory nro wtong
in dmifuiuoing tin- -teal, ami tbat
Secretary of the IiiIim-ioi- Iuiic i
liulit. Ciihlnol llli!od
Tbp -aliiint i divided on the Mtb-jpi-t.
.Soorotnri of Agriculture Hohk
ton Iih liri'ii looking into tlio mnttor
nml will probably Mippurt Daniel
nml Oragory in opening tbp grub.
President Wilfon i iunniiiiig into tlip
- fiioiiiuu with mi "opi-n iniiiil." Ho
i naturally loliiotnnl to wee liis i-iili-iii
ft embroiled in a fiielionttl fight
over a i)iiftimi wbii-b may take on
tlio proportion. of ti Hallingcr-Pin-I'luit
Auothor phice of (bo matter de
iiinnilint; tlio pro-idenlV attention i
tbnt tbii legislation wtaiiils in tlio
way of tin naval program. Score-
try Daniel decline to adhere to bin
original recommendation of five oil
burning battb' oniiner if tlio Mipply
of fuel oil in to be given away to pri
vnto intere-l. At tbo direction of
tin Seotetary ot llio Xnvy, CiHfiiiiiiii.
iIpi- J. 0. ItiphHnlMin made n pccinl
atudv nf the nnval reserve oil field
f California ami on the uhm of hi
report Soorctury DitnieU hu le
obi roil that it would ho better to
nhundnii tbo cnliri- now huildinc pro
Itriim of tbp wiivy if tho government
i to be lipid up by tbo oil trut hhiI
ooMi)H'ilpil to ay iiunoMtlv jirioo for
fuel for tbo now hip. I'mlor tbo
proHid navii program tbo oil-burn-injf
voixfpU of (bo nmv would oon
Miitio iitiuly two million bam-U of
fuol oil h ypHf.
No Shadow of Tit In
Tho wot-.! font u ro of tbo jtrah i
that tho pouWk hnvo alrt-nily dot-In r
o dt bat thoP i-biiinunt". bnvo no
shadow of titlo nud uuthiuK oxoopt
tbo Miwcr of the oil intproth and tlio
iiMirt I bey huvo rwnveA fnnu
Socivlary ijine and the California
Ki-nntor. Pbolun, ffivem the leffilation
iui tflAwUnit. Thi i hiiffioient.
bow i'f r, to make vor trbalil- n
Iaiit unk-Nii iiifluoni-OH i-mi !
ormiitht to boar to head ii oil'. Tin
pliin ut prt'piit i to brin.' u op "
imtliateiy utter the )Uiiai:' -i i--riM-nuid
harbor bill in the mm, it.' . . i . J
to jam it thmiiKh at unv it. I -iiiidi-i'tood
(hut Souiilor (ii-" .i
Xorru of Nebra-ka and I'.. J "
Ilii-timr of Winoonin are pn-pn -u
miitority reMrt vhieh 'll i. -i
ilu ulfuir lor Hie lu-iuttt ut Hun
r iiilli-infuoi. AH the eoii'i-n.-ii -'
-uuior are tremrel to Iuh .
nyauiM it, but mile. tbo ruv-id. nf
ouliH'x out i(:aillt it, it I- ti-arid tin
iliiinuratio majority ninv put it
It i etimated tbo oil deposit-
in the nuwi ierr N" J m 'I'
ioiuio rc worth at !ini $."0,Ot0,
(M)u. ThU U the mullor of the two
jimul reene in queMimi.
Thp (til intert eekinir to t:-t
tit let. hav been treaiiiir mi iln
navAl reervei anil the depart tm-nt "i
jii-tiee bn oeeun-d eourt nrdii-
a-.-amst them. Ofl upM-al tin- -n-prt-ine
eourt of the United Stati- -u--tniiieti
the deeUion of tin- l.r
riuirt ntrainxt the elaimani- T"
I'lul.iii lull MH-k- to et :i-nli ili-
oiiiirt onloi". and wili'l-.ti i -J'raudalciit
ATTF.NTIO.S .. F. & . M.
A Special communlcaiion nf
VMedford Iodi So 1 :'.. K
S & A. M on Prld4 e-nins.
June 2nd, for the iurtto- o- .on
ferrinis the M M. degrtte I-iuut r.
fretHaK'n'" itl 'e nerved
A. v. tilM'hliKASO, -
HKIILIN, May 1(1. -fCotroiWinil-cnoo
of tlio AxMooiatod I'iti.) For
tho first limp sinoo tbo outbroak of
tbo war meat is hard to obtain in tbo
oHpitnl and Inrpjor oitios of tbo (lor
lnnn i-inpiio. "Mont linos" have
(jrovvu as Ittnjc as tbo "butter and milk
linos,'' and tho-o foniiitiK thnni must
Mimetmies wait for hours before tboy
onn uroouio tbo uiiolu Hllottod by
tlioir oat ds.
Itospinisihiliiy for this ooiulitioti is
tlio heavy demands of the tuinv, mi
almost total oe-.alion of imHii-ts and
the Kovoniiiionl's now jiolioy nf dis
onuraKiiiK tlio slaughtering of mettt
animals hofoio fatteninir has jjivon
tlioin their maximum Hoiulil.
Cuttle owners rei-ontlv have sIhihii
it tenili-tioy to keep Im-U t'linii the
junrket Im-i-iiiko tho inrxiiiuini price
nrrnnffempnt hits lefr thorn little
folk l'rOXH'ts (ilHld
Propeotx for n B'"xl pork produe
tion are nnid to bo excellent.
fall the jMirk was poor in ipuility anil
quantity. In tho winter of llll 1-1.)
tho Kiivi-iniiu'iit advised tbnt all pigs
in good eondilion be dniiuhlorod and
their meat preserved. This wa done,
but in many oaos tho moat vcit mi
HHirly ourod, owint; t" n l'"'k of eoni-H-tont
help, that it spoiled by tho
tlimiuiii1s of tons, Tbo question is
now w bother it will bo Miih1o to ob
tain tbo foudslut'l's uooossnrv to liiiitir
this year's animals to a sond eight.
A good potato erop would greatly
facilitate this, as would al-o more
Indian porn from Hiiiniuiin. whioli, it
is lioliovod, pan be obtained.
There has boon a slight improve
ment in the milk and biillei situation,
but it is considered out of tho (liH-s-tiou
that these artielos will again bo
easily obtainable until several mouths
alter the war. Holland, Deiimatk and
Switciliiinl eanuot luipe to make
good the e.i-o-s demand wuieh the
war has placed iihii the dairy indus
try of Germany.
(.'rain Pi-osjiects f'ootl
Kggs have lHen rather )ileutil'ul
this season. In many en-os they
hae bts'ii the pritH-ipul food item.
Fish also is easily obtnineil, although
n laek of fat has mhbed many of the
dishes proarod with them of much
The one bright ray in fiermnn.'s
national eiiboard is tbo fact that (In
grain phsiH'ers for the present .war
are exeoedingly gool. K,e ami win
ter wheat are well advanced and the
spiing crops bine been fuwiicd bv
timely ruins and m early season. Po
tatoes bftve boon pin nt oil early and
while an yet little i-hii bo sHid on the
crop outlook, there ure thoe who suy
thut Oermnnv never has two bud h
tato crops two ears in succession.
Crop conditions in AuMro-IIun-garv
and in the teriitory occupied by
the central jxmeii.' lroips are also
good so fur ns the Associated Press
corresMiiident has been able to ob
tain information personally. The only
iliiiiu'ii' now i thai runt may inter
t re uilii iln li.ii"-liii-.-l a .i tin
c .1-. I. i-l . I ... .1 II,
,,l III
-1.1,1 I
A prOpillCllllCSS 1! I'.ldc IS st.lcd
diul ui-r the l'ncilii Iih;Iim;i bc
tween this city and an C.ilitoruin
town old enough to possess a saloon.
What it lacks iu length and numbers
it makes up iu frequency, ix-rsist-enee
ntul speed. Tho panniers return
uitli liquid tile iiuiler oover, and a
sliong reserve force for uo in oiisc
the an- bitten by n rattlesnake while
wandering up and down (bo boule
vards of Medfoi-d. Never before has
the majestic scenery of the SisMyous
bold so much ebarin and never before
bnvp so iiihiiv "trnngprs slapped tbo
hollow of their foot on tbo brass tails
of giuiuills at Hilt, llorubronk, Yreka,
Wood and wnv stations. The simple
announcement of it ball game on Kim
duy lutes more people from Jnekon
county thnii usually attend n bull
game iu this city. Autos for hire
hnvo fell tbo thrill of pmsporitv that
follows iu the wake of big sales of
war munitions,
Some of the travelers in love with
Siskiou scenery mid bnsoonll as she
is pbiycd iu northern California have
.relumed, loaded inside nml outside
with the slufr supposed to bo pstim-t
by virtue of the prohibition law, and
had tho outside supply confiscated
by the Mlice. One scenery and Imsc
ball fan thus tionled threatens to n
plewn tho police to got back his fiie
Htor. The daily lipgiin is not confined to
Medford. Hveii Asblnnd, where the
litbiu water is supposed to iiuoiich ev
ery ubiin of thirst, furnishes n large
sootiou of tho iHirado. Also (hunts
l'flss and as tar noilli as Kn-tliuri;,
I'ili.eiiH tiudiiig thoinselvt-s spitting
i-olton. iiilvaiici- by tiuin and auto to
tbo moist places of tbo golden state.
Prohibition has brought to southern
Oregon one of the most popular pus
limes it oor know, to-wit: n journe
to California.
The situation has leaohcd the deli
eato point whole it is highly uufash-
lonnblo to mention in tbo papcis ihat
"So-and-So and So-and-So trans
actul business iu llorubronk I'mlav."
At a miTlmir il the n.uU ch.tid
dpinoeratio emmtx committee held at
I tlio Medford hotel Wednesday even
ting. W. X. Cnmivboll of Medford was
! elected ohnirmnit of the eoiintv cen
; trnl committee over Mmi- Hurkdtill.
the old ohnitinaiii Sid Hrowu of Med
. ford was oleeted secretary over II. T.
Pnukey of Central Point, and Hal
: Me.Vair of Axhliuul stnt,. coiiiiuittee
jinaii over d. C. Harnaid of Ashland.
'01 i... :..:...!
nil- roiuesi nns n itiiu'U one.
Hint politics makes strange bed
fellows was tU-nionstratoil bv the now
aliguiuonts iu evidence. The Pbipps,
Ciews mid Ituikdull laclioiis united
to siippott tbo obi chairman, Vtho dis
tinguished himself bv rules that
would make Czar Wood or Ciu-lo doe
Cannon blush with envy. IU appoint
ed a secretary nml, ignoring n ooin
miltee on orodontinls. tirbilrnrilv rul
ed all proxies burred and only the
delegates present entitled to a vote,
thus eliminating n considerable num
ber present with proxies. The ruling
precipitated a dchnlo ami a motion to
sustain the chair wn- curried by a
Mile o' 111 u l.. The vnlc, bnM'M r, mi indication ni' the lincii. mi
cnuilniiili-s, as I hi urc halli.liiii;
POItTIiANI), Juno 1. It. C. Mc
Kliny, un liiaiinince broker fonuorly
of Cortland wa nrreitod today at
MImouIh, Mont., on a ilinrge of lar
ceny by Imlloe.
It Is alleged tbnt MclClroy drove
finny from hi home Ihki AiiRimt In
an auloinohllo owned hy bin wlfo
taking with him Palsy Hay. IS years
old who had lived with her parents
up to that time. M. Hay, the Rlrl'H
father, said today that ho had boon
Informed MeKlroy hail man led his
daughter nud that he did not know ot
the man's previous marriage.
A very pretty homo wedding took
place Wodnetidii.v afternoon, when
MIsh June White and Mr. Knimltt N
Palmer were united In marriage, nt
the homo of the hrlil' purcnta nt 81 1
Knight atroet. Key. William II.
Hamilton of the KiiUcopal rliunh
offlt luted. The Impressive rlnu er.
vlrn naa ittrformed under X nower of 1
puiK ami wniie ro enf.Miidt vvitti
fragrant honesuckle. The bride
wore a almple tiMvellna eoatume unit
was attended by Mlaa liuima Drew as
lirldeamald, and Mr. fleorge Maker
waa boat man. Mra. Walter J. Man
day played the wedding math during
tho ceremony.
The brldo la the charming daiiKh
ter of Mr. and Mra. Allen C. White,
formerly of Uau Clnlre, Wla., and Is
well known In Medford, having made
her home hero for aovoral yeara. The
groom Ii tbo aon of Mr. and Mra.
K. V, Palmer of tho rannh colony
nour Central Point, la a graduate of
the Oregon Agricultural rollex. and
la well and favorably known In tho
After the wedding a prettily ap
pointed luncheon waa nerved to tho
bridal party and Immediate family.
Mlaa Laura Trelchler aaalated In aerv
ing. Tho oung count left on a
short honeymoon trip, and will he ut
home to their mnn rrioiuU in Mul
foiil after lune .'.Hi.
i..r i ! ili r i -, r I . -i,
llll 1 I III' '! Ill I
I. Ill I'. 1,1 .1
.1 tin 1. ml.
Caused by Disease of tho Kidneys.
Tho closo connection which exIMn
bctvvi-on thu heart mid tbo kiduuya is
well known nowadays. An soon ns
kidneys are dlsi-nocd, nrtcrinl tension is
increased and thu heart functions are
attacked. When the kidneys no longer
pour forth waste, uremic poisoning
occurs nud tho person dies, nud the
ciiuko la often given an heart disease, or
diK'iuie of brain or tuugD.
It is n gool insurance iigatmH such a
rick to fiend IU centa for a wunjilu
IMicknge of "Amine" the latest ilia
oovery of Dr. Pa-rce. Alan aenU a
sample of your water. Thl will be
pxuminiHl without clmrgo by exuut
chemitta at Dr. Picrce'a Invnllds' Hotel,
llnflalo, N. Y, When you suffer from
backache, frequent or Bounty urine,
rheumatic, pains here or there, oi that
constant tired, worn-out feeling, it's
time to wrlto Dr. l'n-rco, describe your
Kymptoins nud get Ins medical opinion
without charge nlsiolutely fa-u. Tliii
"Anurio" of Doctor Pierce's is found
to be 37 times more active than hthi.v,
for ft dissolve una acid in the system
as hot water docs sugar.
Wmpry ask for Dr. Pierco's Anurio
Tablets. There can bo no Imitation.
Every package of "Anurlc" is sine to
bo Dr. Pierce a. Y u v ill tlnd the sigua
tutu on tho piickuKe just na you do on
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for blood nud etomncli.
Kfdney DIhMM i MitnnehMl bv mmlloal
men when patient n.aiplatn of luickacho
or MilTer with trnauUr urination, iti
turbed, too frtMiui'i., M-anty or painful
pukjugu. Thugi mral synipums ru rheu
matic Iim or neiiraigla, h-adacioii,
duy hjIU, Irrltai ility, dc.pondi'iicy,
maknesa and gemrul misery. Wmry
I a frixpicnt cainsi ami aoiin'tliniH ,i
SYDiptom of kkliiiy -1 -cuis-. 'J boiuaiidii
hnvo tUMtllleO to fin-i 'slliito relief fr..m
thort t.ymitbmH atl.r uaing Dr. 1'iTv.c'
Anurio TaUuU.
!'20i6pl5K ;
i c
j i
! .. .Sairii ' Vr,Tr
i A. Jaw - 1
II slfei J w Wmrm M Ms, " JH JB ft7r
I a I
The Medford Choral Society
Medford -- Friday -- June 2
Hall Iltlahl .lodc" Tannhauaer Wanner
Kne. "Maaa ait. Cecelia." Tito Uounod
Holo, ' Kllgla." Ylolln obllgato Msawnat
i.loiU, ' Mas it Cerellu." with Tri (iounod
M1JS. Ul'Y CIIILDBKal. KOKHEalT KDMKAUKii. W r ISAACS. the Chtrublc Host, Holy City"
me of the Triton
iawn Now on lb HilUopa. "Htmaon and Delilah'
(i for toe Wings of u Dove," Solo and Chorus .. .
t' 7c Song from "Pio Malatcrainger," Violin lolo .
i Pan- tu, "Mu St. Cacallt." lolo anal Chorus. i
i . . ... ..... t-. a. r-.n. . k3..l-. -..! nt
...galnt Raeus
,. Gounod
Public Opinion
n""" 'illaliii lUiMi i (fwnri ii i W
jvj jjJ Three wrappers tefe
jjaBc&S'L preserve Whn
. Sgli their delicious -"
E "jKfS4JyI.sssMsfPsssssssssssifl
T1r first fiisttMif New Post Toasties ivycmIs tlio fuel Uinf sonipfliin diC
feront sonit'lhiii"; lu-llt'r lias iutiyihI Top lite hivn leftist tabic.
Tho sccrcl is in the I'lavop -a scirdcvt'lupcd flavor of nearly whito Indian
foi'H nol the flavor of I'lt-ain and siijiir upon which other flafces have' to de
pend. And notice, too, the appearance of New Post Tonsties, particularly the
tiny bubbles on the surface of each flake. These bubbles are a distinguish
ing feature produced by the quick, intense heat of a new patented process
of manufacture.
New Post Tonsties do not "chaff" or crumble in the package, and they
don't mush down in cream like other flakes. They're more substantial and
fire altogether more satisfactory than any flakes that have preceded them.
The proof is in the eating- have your grocer send you a package.
New Post Toasties
H?fr Green Stamps Are Here to Stay
After July 1st $?$ green stamp books
will be redeemed in cash only. Up to that
time premiums may be had as usual.
1 A large shipment of premiums has just
been received and more are coming, so that
our stocks will be nearly complete in all lines.
4?M" Stamps will in the future represent
a cash discount, and as previously stated will
be issued as formerly, without interruption.
Sperry & Hutchinson
Always ask for JjV(. Green Stamps.
1 UB-d
I , ,. ,. . I
Telephone one-two-three
Rooms 5 and 6, Medford National Bank Building
o References: Any of our many patrons who liuvc suffered losses
III ii tie inn, .via ni i .Trim nuiu BUU L norllH
MILS i.l.iJldil' .Diti;.s.
? i