PAGE TWO MEDFOKT) MAIT, TRTBFNTI, MRDFORD, OIJIX.OX, TFIFRSDW. ,irT I. 1f-l(l 4 St ;1 I0CAL AND JL' PERSONAL i It in ,V I I IIH - i of Main and I li I Ml Mt Judgi ("nnon nf ilil lt. nwntli appoint! l rKli'r 01 the land orrirp tkt RonPhiiTK. expects to leave to as nme hi post about Jun fi. I Hi Ub parlnre lll leave vacant the land commissioner berth la thin city, and A. 8. Hilton I mentioned for the pises. The tierkshlp of tha federal court la also vacated The appoint menu are made by the Jadaas of the federal court, and have no political signifies nc. 1) Vm givaa tradlHK lampi with oVerythlHK exrept greceriM. James lawless of the Blue tadw tllslrtet la spending a raw day In the city on business. Alt hats greatly reduced at Lot tie Howard. (Willamette valley papers devotei from three in nix Inches of space In resent issues telling of lh lrltiimh snl march of Crtl. Carl Y. Tengwald, through that serttoH with John A. Perl's new $.1100 auto hearse. Col. Teitgwalil drove the hearse down from Portland, and ertmled ulle a fHrnrn, and some etrltetmtnt. (let your milk, crunui, buttor, oaas mid buttermilk at 1)8 Voa'a. itlli ('antral! of Itiirh Is sponri. In the day In (he illy alltmdlng In business iimtters. Tynowrltor paper of all kinds at .Mwlford Printing Co. 3llss Minn Jones, stsnnarapher at two lUiane lther Trull and I'rmltiCH asKHilatlrin fur the past tii yoars. left Thursday morning fur an x tsnilwl visit with friends and rela tlvos In the Korky .Mountain state i. Tho world's greatest companies. Holmos, The Insurance Man. tamos Davidson of Kurt .hi'ins. In Veiling J. W. Mitchell of this cltv. Mr. Davidson Is surveyor general of Alaska, and arts as governor In the alstaHee of the regular govenor. if I were In need of any drugs or anything In the drug line I would mall or phono my ordtr to Heath's Drug Store. They deliver every thing. 82 Mr. and Mrs Pred William of Grants I'aas spent Wednesday In (his city making the trip by auto. .Inst received, another rar of that high grade Qlympla flour, doing at $1.IQ while it lasts. I.. II. Brown. W. t'shi-r. of Ashland, sient Wednesday In this rlly attending to business matters i fljtti0n Camera Shop for first-class hodaV finishing and kodak supplies. Harvey Miik, of Ashland, spent Wmiu'ml aftcrniMtn in this tit at lnlig to business matters. Try a King Hplts cigar and en onnrage home Industry. tf J. J. and Hum t)loiiilutii;h of i.i m Pass spent WimIihmIm.' lit tin n tttondlng to business mailers .m.i s UlHg frlnds. Peatage stamps at D Yoo'i. 3. R. Kalon, of Yreka. Cal . t. .. tteaa visitor In the clt ythls u h According to Klamath Kail re irta there Is seven feet of snow m tat Crater lak headiiuarters. ui thl ilme. Hatha iSe. Hotel Holland. (Farmers of the vull are oililtu, i heir hay this week, and arc woi iled over the threatening skies Col. H ('. WMshburn of TnM. llork. spent Thiiriiu in Meilloid .u landing lo buslnoKs niHiU'rs fie Dave Woods about that fire In suiUNse policy. Office Mall Tribune llldf. Miss Claire Johnson vHtoil i i.i .unl relatives In Ashland WiiIiu'mIi. iukM Jim Uwku of CciiIihIU, Wm-h . I i lilng friends and uUmo hi u.i-. n. this week. ht Voe buys beer bottles. Tom (laities, of tin- liill iIimiui lb i-udlng u few days in Hie ill m iuiik friend and attainting in t-u-i III M w K. llannon of Titli .ittemli.i in .!imii-k uiatlers mid .Iflteil iriini In thin city Thumduv timoke a King Spin cigar, tv They are home-made tf- Joe II. WiUou of Tali hi, Hm ., I' i liuitrs WetlnvkUut v iuiik In hi In on bitrluosti i.foiKi' v Irk ut tin 1'i.iil ii-ii' i !' Ill Wei , mluv ill Milliard nlliii'i Inr to lui i im nullrih Dr. Kir iigeasner will be at Hotl Naxli evei Wednesday. Hours fr coniiultati''i 10 lo S It K. I)' mv mill f r Mini, oi i i I iliklrUt in Wi'.lm- iiki li or Hum u'll ti in Ui I.- ( ,i fii a ia. creum at I'ov's t'otti-i of l.i ii H P.i Is ill iLii i it lui u l "" - i lit, I r r I II.. iiis (in tin Hull 1 1 1 1 iik ,1 lln Ill 1 of Main HMll I ll p, , Ui .,,,, ,, j(, , m-riu in- i unrpli ti l in no' oiil met- slih hiimIs i t.ii-i in.nliiu ioniilftion, ,iimi,iik i , m --( . m ii. 'ITjsi-- tho lt ordinance recently passed. ;and adsd new tone to that section of 'jlor ,., (.i ,( the pulii'ii think Atitolsts are not allowed to pass with-, the city. ' 'u WlI, ihc wrfc ,, ,(,- n trum. in the lins when imssenfters are em-1 If t lived outside of the rlt of, - barking or disembarking, and arcjMedford and needed unythlng In th Hiipposed to Mop until the car starts drug lice I .i nomi hi order to and the street cleared. Kullure to Heath's Dt.ii .-tiui- They pay the, observe this rule la liable to a fine, parcels pont iii.UK'." "'- Alrcad) a number of rjtlolsts have i,Mr. and Mrs .1 II 'lolmcs litr ignored th lines and rules j Monday for KllenKlmrK Wahlir:- Hlg ( tntlkssiHitet at tht VeVa. ton. Mr. Holme ha been superln- The regular w.-eklv band concert , dent of eoneiriirtloa of tho new will be held In the city park tlil ai ounoing ano a numrsi o. OVPlllna , metiiwru iiuniif' ii" fiiw i tm ran- Clams, crabs and alirlmps for Krl-! lr"c"on" ... . , 1 ,m-. j. -. -i i u .i. . Baldy Worthlnglon nnd wife leave day at Fish Market L. .... m iMutiiint iiimti nn pKtntuli'il uiitomobile V.. W. Blnrdeant. city freight ;,,, ,, wh!ch Mr Wor,,n,t0I In that aecttoB for .on. fsn.ow. agent or tue noumrrn i-acuic at m-lW, ctuwr t soil the rlabts to falo, N. Y., A. A. Price, traveling ,ne A,krn.worthlngton fish screen freight and passenger agent at Bnl-,for rr,KSt, aitehes ulr.adx ndopt tlmore. Henr, gchnelder. city ticket ;p) , 0rejM,n .,, ,,,, ,l( ,om. agent, and W. C Harris, traveling mjsRiong, rreignt and passenger agent, both or ! I ii nii ,i n -li i, jl , it. ill 'i I ii "'a unliH'niil!e luct, mill tin idenls of Ametica in the icniiikiiiu ( the old in the old World, nvcil tin- lm c-t txpc trodiii'i'd in I hi- hj:c li tin-iii- nnlcr in tin- nca woild IVmul low Wil-on." Young trout and Htlmou for the New York, were guests of A. 8. Hoe-, ,, B,x ,, ,B r Ma Tr,un ' K. Minis. Interestcl in the The Si llfi Max ' ii m in li i into tin Kerb mining district In Josephine mounty by the pun base by Alaska and Seattle mlninu m'ti nf 40 claims paid down. Tin -srr. ii. la known as the Neal Succi Mining coiniam and Is gold bemrini: 0-ton iii,ti. inent, and IS mi'ti ,m' now emploMil oil the worka. K E. Donne nnd .- w li I i 1 ii in GERJTiAa'S DON'T WANT 'WIL SON AS PEACE MEDIATOR liritl.lN, June 1 - t tin scsxln-i or tin relcliMag toiluv, l)r Custav Stri'Hcinaiin, national liin'iul, in .m nddrt'ss, rejected I he Idea that Piel dent Wilton would be jMillablc as a pence medinlor. i Wli) Smots rtit ( igars When t.s (tnnrias ar onlv ino uriunuiii, in mu ui), annua). imlow aittiarlmii m rnninvod war consummated a month tiro !!?. eVT'n .r.,lhl.,,,,0'Thur",l"'r t0 tne uw,rr ,,ond l A"h" .Thursday In thU Uty ou b ,,. highway. Kach month the Southern ,,.., .,,,. .rL whlir lliav ,, , n In nil llllila uiirk. where thev will Pacific sends eastern officials west nm, mon roQm (or (rowU, A new and western orrielals east, for a atudy ,,y r yMng nUse)hMi ,, fllt. of traflc conditions, so they will b. ,, tr0U vt.rdc nnU vMni)0k more efficient towards the public. itIfnoM thB rour lltUre vaHetles or Nice assortment of fish for flak Unyi , lhn ,,-.. .,,. ,. h.B r t ... a - .- .. i --"r.- ..--., ..- ..... - nay. I'fioin oraers eariy m t. Pish Market. Mrs. Porter J. Neff and son John 'conniption with it. 'BAKER PLEADS PARTY'S CAUSE left Thursday on an extended visit with friends and relatives In Minne sota. ' IClmer White, of Weed. Cal . Is mining the out or town visitors In tho city this week. Miles Cantrell of ApplegHte Post master IS. J. Kaleer of Ashland. Jeff Ilrophy, (it Flounce Hoik, were among those who attended the ilomocrallc committee meeting Wedncsdit) ucu ing A splendid time Is guaranteed, with first class music, at the pavllliou dance at Oultl 1I1II Salurda) evening. Everybody who has attended has been well pleased. Belter go. Mrs C. D. 1 1 (Mi n and Mrs. U I.. Cat heart left today for a visit lo their former Iowa homs, Mrs. Hoon go ing lo Humboldt, where her father lies critically III at the age or S3 years, and Mis. Calhcart to Sioux CIM Thev Hill travel together as far as Omaha, Nebraska J, O. OorklnK, tno Dest nil around photographer in soutliorn Orotfon. Always rellnble. Negatlvos made any where, time or plncu. Studio ttX iialn St. Phono 3I0-J. TrniiKforiiiii'rs for line lit the mwer house ol tin Culiforulu Dri'KOH Power romism iiu .iiirHsonviiie urrueit Thursdiiv inoruiiig. suit will be hauled lo .lai krtonvllle today. i He.ithV li iik Store IIIIk eer mull ordei nn 'ml mill tln ins tin nn i ! luihi i liar, m ii.1 reived t the Mall Tribune from the United Slates buroau of hatcheries for the Hijusrinm. The Drs t.ockwood loft this mrn- Inc for ( blcsK' where the will spi ml tin next tuo limit li In pos grmluate noik (ContlHiiwl trom page oni TOR ROBBED eome to he written. I he prcut t . , of the Amerieiin i l mnl in world wilt iippi n in li.i'e In i ii 'I ii Mir detinie " i.i !' Ii.'lnl "t ' tiiun iiHticnl. m i . i"l iu-t, r. In. ii 1 1 i.i -I nil the iniii'ii iiiiiin.Miiii'i - ,n,il jiliiougli nil tin in-- i orient- i.i I Ice liny, who rc-i-ieil ier imml-i """'" "ii"-" iii-ijiiniiii riituie rl il. Ttuit tli fa tim i iwi 'llierel UfllicWil tin i- a i eat lluiiji-:) T tbe tml .that three auicr.iliiins nf nmlliPM w un4 ami rvnimnu'iiiivii loi tiers alernityS The . Wqci! of Words It MwiJ.tcn I tI .iScxpocl.illonsihat muilii-.hood I, tlci. io su.!nne accom- r ' ' ii I. And If I - in.lli!nT, no ti r Ih lmple. lifnv npp ir ntly If t t rir, if II (1 r' '. lii In. a-'t nr 'n ni u riimfort It n cm1 ' i t motlur. It l( n V -oi s. And mulil U T rnacdy cilK I '" ' i-m PrlctHl." ! i il U Crr tl r st i ' .i tiii"-f'e. It h r ' j in IhiI on tlu p. ff ii r, an 1 wnli' I llirt tnttmrl.tM anil I t'lla rrticM tlio MmIii o-i t .jinui.ta. inlnril ' ipn n I lis .'u i!i. ut tiitiW cffnt tiimii I'io mtm. ! n tl,o tuns op-i lilnmlini, l,i. li m iniiii II nuli tin. rlil of rcpov, of p. ntle rvniH Mnri . fni.f . this Iim an utiuiii -tlmicil Inl'iicikx upon tltm 1,1 future clilld. flint ttila la t n : .- I ft I Irmnl I n-t.. that h! 'iiu! tin he n i i iniiitifH Amciiin'i Mini b ti u 1'rirnil." Aak Mmr nr.init itrurrtal fur n ltl nf till milniillil rrnit-i'). ll will ict n nFTTW TI liri TO I'dlier course would luoe lien ilex KY KP I I V IMlPUrN to denth in Imltlc; h-ond. that he L7 I I UI I I IIIILiLU iirtsencd the i iilin(ion il' the 'ilMli , 1 1 entiiry npiinst the lmt grent Hiuilt lllte Would llUU IK'CII IIU. llf lltlll mil IVtlx -nenk tlniM- UiiIiii-iIim . miiitr. ton, been -wept Uilu the lllglll enlelcl the (loldell Kllle St-re "" !ln.plii': third, tl.nt he . ,. . . ,. ., Miiilicntcd nnd pioeneu iinuuimiii il ' ,,a' l '''"""....-Oregon I'ower,,. of n(.il((.llU ,, .,,, coiiipun.x ..Hue, .eeuring JO cent in!,. .M ' 04.l8,.ri.nH from Mierilx iH'imiei ii nd u suit oi clothes allied ( nig international hiw to the MipiMnctl nt W") lor their ncfariotix effort ., An ne.c.iti of llieir militurv .hn-: . i It fur you. A in! Ihon wilto to Urailllilil IU s "Icil iilator On., J7 I nmnr IIMii, tlantii. (,i attempt wiim uImi made to enter the Juekoitn t'oiintv Kupph eouipunv on (lniM itrtft lt taking Hie front door nlt' the hinge, but the job win- leit tin I unfiled, An invitation wiim extended to the limular lo cuter the (lolden Itule xtiire. The buck window hiiK Mtii limkeu Inr Mime time, and till that w.i iii'cc-siii'y wu- to xtiek a liiiud lliiiilifll the tnile mill prinf the lilt eh, llllil lllc tile minimi. . Xuttlltf II nllll m ilnllii- and a pair of kuliki n i e miiiuii.' (lie mi-i-iut.'. Tin i lit i .iiii i in ih. i .it lm i,., ii i i.i I'iiu i i .ii ii i'i i- i Nn ii . and, fourth, Hint he -ineil up lln moral energie of a great nnd fnn jieoide to place them ut the diMial of mankind when thev rented Imm their work of doiritelion nnd lu".-mi tn re'eiiider: the ihishiOiIiUch ot uu lionul life. "Hi' lui- been the one mie ami Hcreue eoiiixp w It it It redeem tills ue and uhen the" elei'tioi nn- it will be found that the pitiple nt Auieriea, TOO ImVTI Tt OUXSRlHV. roit itrsr stiith iiii i i ui i. iil-hml I V I . model n house ii il in iiiiiiir m t iiT fur a HHiat lntr.lli,r Ux k nf IllfWinatimi to proapMllir ninilii r II U in illo.l friw. Wrll lurfu). It Ij j UouL uu Mill rnjbi. TODAY fZlaKr.. I, The New Wliole Wheat Foodwiih ihc Delicious Flavor ori$inaiecUy ihe JfelloggToasiedComFIakeCa Keili iniiii il.M ill lb! JsillBn li urtod bum ii hours Tbt' Willlipl .Mi . I. i mug (r li.ll n (ates ' ami ll mi- GAIN this morn ing for Breakfast a generous saucer of KRUMBLES with good milk or cream! And go easy with the sugar the more .vow cicmv Kvumbles tho sweeter it tastes I Better than any other Wheat food ever produced, K rumbles gratifies the palate, satisfies the appetite and nourishes the body It gives up its nourishment more quickly and completely owing to the way it is cooked, 'krumbled" and tuasted. bv u method originated by tin- Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake Comimny. WAXTITB nacUukte -1 Oc. i)r thtb Mgndture. .ii r'ord vr Hith In u liUM-Uall Ki'ine I .ll1- l.lhl S .11' I.i lil l Ir,.l I .. tin 'ii . i.i. .i I . i I . i i . i ii. I I I -'00 do i. Kluiii li Jlni I li Mil 'all- , llUlil n. . T3 Mldio All Wheat 1 I Keady to Eat m 9 a ? - ! "Paramount I'teiei MACI.YN lilll CM. I. In n ill. huh o' I ' home .mil iiollllci The REFORM CANDIDATE AdiulsMior. and in (eiits -lt-wort li more XOTK'B The jmbllc In Invited to see the first mevini: pit 'turn ita to be nutde In Medford tomorrow. The scone nt 1 1 o'clock in front of the Blar theater will be worth seeiim The tdrnle scene on the librnn lnwn ut .' li III. will be Interestiuc Tin iitlili in invited lo ;et in the -i el . TWO TRIPS DAILY -i;i:twi:kn MEDFORD and! EAGLE POINT! S II II i ill li auto Hill leave r u'le w t v i .mil i r m i '.ui . ia i ,.' - 'tiil.iv li .ui, A M an. I T M MH i all tor I i. tiuili I bull I III Mi'.Ifniil .Hid i ' tili n ui in in. . lm i in K.ivli i'niiit I IMHI ;l-a MI :l..l. I The Valley's Great Need, M n.i: nn. smi im;k Marincllo Cleansinir Cream! , MARINELLO HAIR SHOP (i llln-tl (HC) l.l'l Delicious and Refreshing i i.i. i.r V ll .11 .111 Mllll- I. i tCK M UHA ' Win not come i tie of these hot ! and tr oi of our Thirst Wuiu'liiiu .Sda with Pure Wheti . . :c.iHi in if 1 i ii - a I'm i- IniK'toHif Kft'l Cool I 1 ink I it - 4Hi mi to please nt I 1 iti- 'ft! win) tries out of our. 1 v f (nn on tcoines -- t I t it ii to. av U)id Uv w. THE DAIRY ! vuor m j AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS JESS WILLARD SAYS: Win. Kannini r.utsliincs itll i.iri.iiN rilnii iii lii i'ijrlitiiijr "ts in Fiht- 1 illS lilninl. BjMaiajMwaiaaiiaBaMaaMM m iA t nriftM? ! UaVMVWUdlilOiUt 0 1 I Lj W jTV " TTVnk T N BJ SI SL-S 1 1 UI IJL AJ LJa WD . rjtl lajaK ) W i ' K $L UT m H K liVJ A ViriJe Story of the the Kentucky Mountains ALSO NEWS PICTORIAL I HEINIE and LOUIE r in l . iM COMEDY World s Latest News i SKYLIGHT SLEEP Matinee 10c Night 15c Children, 5c rmt -COMING Hess Barriscale :medfords leading motion picture theater: ItJ i!weiuc"aM ' M WOMEN WHO BANK i n i . t i ' ii i i ii. i . ni . i i .i ,i i ii i in . u im i u iii ii .nut .it tin' I .u U - mi ( ' .mil Hunk will In. ti niii in chhkIIiUi limn htmio or iloviituwn. Why mrt stint iim ovcn sz veari under cnt" manage ment IWUTXHS3. :aatgwx-giigMPJttwwrapx- Medford Choral Society Grand Concert PAGE THEATRE FRIDAY, JUNE 2 Chorus 50 Voices and Orchestra Admission 75 and 50c A B m Social Dance at- Eagle Point Opera House June 39 p. m. Good Music and a Good Time TICKETS 50c Refreshments Served in Hall F. NEWPORT w 'f tff v s 1 I v ' !, n9- melH4 sIimt. tined Kl Mitt hells. -smasiMmmsii riumo :o i i ti