Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 30, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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wnuFOim Tvnrrc Trcrnryrrc, arranroRD, oim.i.oy 'irisnw m y "a lom
i. p. JHWEIMf ',
Mi:uitH' rr.iNTiNa co.
Offlro Mnll Tril-tim- Ilnllilln, 26-27-21
North J'ir Hlruel u-iiplume ?,'.,
The Democratic Tim-, the Mi-dfnrtl
Mall, The Meilfmt Tillmne. Tbc Bomb
era Oregonlan. The Asblsnd Tribune.
)it year, by tnni, ss.ftft
Jne month, by mill ... .50
sr mnntn, iiriivi-ri-ii iiy inrrli-r in
Medford. Jurkaonvllla
and Central Point 10
etui-day only, by mail, jor year.... uu
Weekly, per year 1 SO
Official Paper of the Cltv of Mid ford
SfflcUU Paper of Jaek-ion County,
nleren aa second-rimm matter at
Mwort, Oregon, under the net of March
worn Circulation for 1915 life.
Full leased wire Associated Press dl.v
ns tents.
The Utei ninth.
II mn lookltiK for m.v husband.
Math YVIIholni. Una linen missing
since Nov. in. IUI.V (Iliilclmr by
Inula.) Don't know wlmtlmr he In
allvu or dead. Anybody hoarliiK of
or fliiilliin lilm will be rewarded $2.V
In tli. If you an- rcudlnit (lilt, please
answer mi). I am always ready to
ko after you. You don't have to uu
afraid to anawor inn. Orout Fall
(Mont.) TrlliuiKi.
Monday .Volse.
On Sunday, when I fain would
rend about the Promised I.hiiiI, or
King a hymn, or listen to some Sun
day iimhIc onmiod, my next door
nolnlibor aula IiIm uu und olio hi a pile
of wood. I frown my solemn Sun
dwy frown. II seems to do no hm1.
ly neighbor's wife tries all week
lonn In move lur spouse u bit, but ho
prefers to dose und read, In talk and
eat, und alt. Six days and nights he
grandly loafs, but on the seventh day
ha gets lila hammer, aaw. and ax.
and jwtkea a little hay. We makes a
noise throiiKhout the block, ho makes
Um netgbbore eore, and noun- fine
Runday afternoon hia yard will run
with gore. The folk who want to
rost or road or slua their lit Up songs
will hand toKthr with a whoop, to
right thalr many wrongs. They'll
roaka oau uoiay day of reel, and it
will ha the laal. Th man who makes
oar Sunday noise will mingle with
I he paat. CHAD U UltltiCOI.L.
Wlnu Hi l Wpeml Hie l(et or
a u'wk
WANTKD Room and hoard, lad) .
a-year-old girl and week-end hus
band. In reply please stale conven
ience and price. Memplile I Twin.)
Cotnnierclal Appeal.
JIAItltlKli .MA.V
Number 1
"U'hoo your wife aaks uu lu drnp
in al a down town department atr
Had bay her alx pair of allk atock
lafa. A llti by Any Oilier .Vnui Would
SIiik ) Ht!l)
Wo are all familiar with the ikhIIc
erda: "There'a many a gem that a
lHru to blueh uii-ii, ami waale lie
fragrance om (he deaeit air." - The
Kllutaruoek (Va l Herald.
rB"MIK (leiilli r .iiiiiics .1. Hill ii'iinMcs line oT (he fi'f'at
Aiut'i'icaiis of our limr. f Hm genius, encrtry jiiul vis
ion mafic him one of the nation's great litiiklcrs and hia
inojiuinciil is llir clcveloimn'iit of the northwest.
During hin life time, .Mr. Hill reapcil the reward he so
well earned and which is so rarely bestowed upon genius.
Honored and respected by the world, enriched beyond the
dreams of avarice, full of veal's, he passes to his final rest.
While Mr. Jlill helped solve the problems of his day, he
helped create problems equally as difficult of solution for
lutiire generations. He Jell a lortune variously estimated
ill from $100,000,000 to $.")00,000,000, from his capitaliza
tion of the future earnings of the people. The present and
future generations must pay tribute to his heirs in exces
sive railroad rates as interest upon securities, the inflation
of which created his wealth. Iron users throughout the
world must pay toll to his estate upon the natural resource
he exploited.
The hundreds of millions that Mr. Jlill left will he kept
intact in a trust fund, growing constantly larger with the
years-only the income of which will be distributed among
the heirs. This wealth will eventually, bv destrovimr the
incentive, destroy the creative genius of the descendants.
As the law ol entail accomplished the degeneracy of Euro
pean nobility, so will the law of inheritance destroy the
irility of the descendants of American money kings is
lest roving it.
The Hill estate will be only one of many vast eslates
left by the beneficiaries of our economic .system estates
created by capitalizing the future to maintain which all
the people must pay tribute, a process which makes the
rich richer and the poor poorer. There can be no great
wealth without nropoi'tionate great poverty, which clone
the door to opportunity.
Man is the only animal that attempts to provide for de
scendants an attempt to undo nature, that sooner or
later results fatally for the beneficiaries. It is a wise pro
vision of nature that the struggle for existence is essential
to development of the full powers of the individual and vast
inheritances prevent development and cause degeneracy.
Under the law of nature, life in the long run is a sur
vival of the fittest. Inherited wealth, aside from the in
justice it entails to humanity, creates the unfit and hence
eventually destroys those whom it was devised to protect.
-inrbea In lrntMli. Yeui.i iiko
M steel planted thru. In the lake, 0(1! f)MCI flKlODV
ay the "lofor of the lake" la lt j . jj J 1 1 W j tAUl
nTvl-or. it la hi who suggeMed wUuUI ILL. IffUUL I j
the building of 'Mliacle boulevard,
wide enough for S uutos, S ml lea in
Cast. A alrlke. flamy? Ye-'
How could any flah live in lu water
and not partake or lu royal nature
Five. That'a enough, all you can
have for today.
The government will expend f Too.
on its 7i mllea of road in tho park.
The county haa alread apent aovaral
hundred thouaattda on tho road to Die
The grado la the park I for the
main part 8 percent with one 1 per
cent on Pumica hill. Inside the max
imum will he (jtto 10 per cant and the
real 11 percent.
Gasoline can he aecured at Mod
ford, I'roapeel and tho park.
$2Cn,ooo linn been expended In thai
park. 5o,000 more tbla year and
$100,000 to be 'placed on Miracle
boulevard. Years ko, the road to
the lake from Med ford watt Innccea-
nlble to nutoa on account of the pro
IneiiiiH. tobv etltlliM'd the xtutc ot
iri'inin lor (Irani duritig his proi
dcntml i'iiuiiHit;n and wus rewnrdml
uitli .in iiijiointniunt n consul nt
linn; K"ttir, n t aimli he held for
ex rnvi-ar. When he relumed to the
t'nitcd Suites, Mosbv called on the
Minium: iiii-niber of hi ranger, und
iiMonMiment be i'oimd that u
r A inrn Fir ft r '" ntini-litnent he touml that ii
wnl!!l-ir ilraAI! '""'' lH'ni'","i'e "f lhpn' htid. benmu-
BtH'l II ! III Mil ''r-. In parting tlnir old roln-
I If IllCi It tL.1 U ,,., .,l(i: ..V,.. ,v,. j you lillt til.'
jdi'Ml li,t- yuu lnuglit the Ynnket-
there il he -ometbiiiK to it-cold nn
Most DnrifiH Confederate Civil Wan judgment duv."
Cavalry Lcrnlcr Psses Away at', ""'' mhmi umi gem
: for the government in olorudo, and
A(JC of 82 Brilliant Exploits ! from 1UI4 to HMO he wo nn nttorm
l;il. Thoe who were at lh" lnli-idi
when death came wore his wife anl
three children, Frank Sweeny of
Spokane. Hobert Swienv of Xe
vork Hnd Mia. Mlllnn Kdwardx of
Oakland. Cal. 116thor !on, sar
llelil SwcMi', 11 stub nt at Ynli' .
expected to :iri'ir bere tonlaht
Marked Career Life Saved
(kiiernl Grant.
WASIIINUTON. Muv :M.-Colonel
John Miib,Vt the fomou ennledemte
miller of the civil wur, died here to
dnv nftcr a Ikiuz illnen. ( wn n
tiutive of irxinin nml wu 8$ year
I'olonel MokIiv tlured deutli liver
in the department of justice. The
eloxinjr yenrx of hi life were -pent in
leetiirinir mid autlior-liip. IH limne
lay nenixe the I'otomne nt Wnrrentoii.
Vii., but he wne often wen in With
tngton, liix white linir ami tmnur Ho
niiin fetitureo makinr him it pieluv
vM'ie figure on the etreit or leeture
plulfomi. lie htul written "Mbv'
,Wur Heminiwenee," ''The Pawn nf
the Henl South" nml -"Stuart'- t'nv
lilrv 'iiliimi'.'li." If mi- nln Kunwii
Portland, Oregon. "I was troubled
lor vears with (-
male trouble -nut
tried a great many
remedies Without
nuv benellt 'inn I
I was ud vised to
,H8P Dr. rierve'a
KiU'irito Prescrin
tion. I tok -cral
bottles of it
ninl received r -t
i Vfl. ?H1
X 'i
' ' aittininnil thlH in ii-
f'-JIi - -t-' brtietlt then ft- i
I h h I can henrlly rt
hlbitlve Putwlro grado and Its dii-nil-v ymr n 'wn ," ",n ",'"1 ',
u ilium in n tew iituuitcd eouteiii-rirte
Rerous turns. The world was shut off
i.OMMIX, Mm j ::u (ieiiural Kir
Ikmglaa liula, coinniHiiiler or the
lll'lliah forces lu Kiauee aud llelaium
lH a aueech corliin the oiieiatlouK
of the Urlltah army in that irrlior
from Dftcttuitoer 1 last, wheu he look
uiar ttw eommaud until Ma IK.
pava high praise to the Krem-b de
feiue at Verduu and res Iowa in detail
the aciloua In ata tho Urillah hate
taken twit.
"Uurlng this period" he sas. "the
only offaaslvo effort mad b) the sn
euiy on a groat stale was directed
agatitat our Krewh allies near Vr
dau. The fighting in that groa has
baeu prolonged aud mi era.
'The afforts made b the enem
liav caused htm heuv lokst-H both la
men aud lit heritage and he has made
these sacrifices without Kaiiiing an
advautage to counterbalance tbeiu.
"ui'tilt; Ihih l rtt kk ' nn inxijik
Till'! passing of Colonel John Mosby, the daring confed
erate raider, calls attention again to tlte rapidly thin
ning ranks of the veterans of both sides, lVw are left
today who played a prominent part on either side in the
civil war and the number is tewer hourly.
Colonel Moshy, through his daring, attained great fame.
A quiet, country lawyer at the out break of the war, til"
conflict gave llieopHiiiimil for him to display llioscqiial
it ies I hitl-soon made him a nat ioual figure. The more diffi
cult the project, (he more eugerly Colonel Mosby embraced
it, and with a small band of cavalry kept a large army in
A few weeks ago auther daring cavalry leader of tN
civil war-(tcncral William ttoo -Smith -was called l
death al Med ford after a life filled with military ai-d i il
exploits, (lencral Stun Smith, however, was a I'm "ii
leader, and his exploits, while not as picturesque ,i. I h -
of Colout'l Mosby, were equally effect live aguinst the u
federates in the south.
Memorial day is dedicated especially to the lu roe .it
the civil war, and it is fitting in these days of prepare'dno
hysteria, that, as we drop roses on the graves of the !
wirtcd, we remember the lesson of Memorial tiny:
"That we here highh resolve that these dead hae imt
died in vain . . . That government of the people. h
the jM'ople and for the people shall not iierish from the
Miracle Boulevard
in i. s iiKVKitiDou
IMirarln Houletsid i'Vw ieuile
indeed know that tin- stuid tinted
Stales has forgotten (or a short time
to spend Us entire time to (he caret.
of government and la pendiua part
and i 'uiler Lake. From ! i
It eau be aeeti with all n-
lianauiK nO tic heaut)
AVIU Steel, we sail him Will
asked the Kovorumatil to ui,h
a liooa tog conatrurt a km!
from this und
Then the public spirited people of
.Med ford took up their erosa for
human kind, and with $50,ooo raised
among themselves, traveled 3S miles
to I'unilre hill, and cut a 1 percent
road Uirough, Iffbk out the danger
ous turns anil gave Orator laka to
the world.
Kates at the lodge are not exor
bitant, $.1.!o per da for meals and
room. $1.00 with bath.
Tent city (a 50c cheaper. Children
under 12 half rates.
A merchandise store Is there and
those who care to replenish their
stores, if they camp there, nia do
so at reasonable government prices.
The bent auto road Is from Medford,
SS miles, a 7 1-2 hour Journey, with
s fare of flS.Bo a round trip. A
noun stop at Prospeet. the great
power plant of southern Oregon.
linkers can make this trip easily
with stops along the road. Dinner
at Prostect coats r,oc, a room the
The last 30 miles of the trip has
no stop-i so the Biker must provide
food for this part of the Journey.
fS'o'oue will hold toil up. Kach
doe the heat this i.ui to help you
In onr pllgrtmait" to Cod's cuuldron !
reiders lie rode up nml down tin
Sn'ininiloiili vi.ley, etituriiiK "til-
xet-, ile-lrn.viiijx MippU train- mid I
eiittinir oil' nieano of eomuiunienlou.
It nil been cut una led Hint In- olten
neutralized the fnree of over I "t.000 i
federals in the ulle.
(-VptlllUil H (.Vlll'llll.
liom in I'owliotUiu eouuiy, n
Kitiuif Peeember U, lKCI. nml nidii
ntwl fiom fhe liiiven-itv f VirKium
in 13") 'J. lie u prnelii-ing law in
Iliistol, Vu., when the wur broke out
and lie began hi eureer iu the eon-
ftniernte army. He proved hi dur
ing nith stieh el led that lie became ii
woul for (Jt-iieinl .1. i:. II. Stuart umj
led the relebruled ruid around ale-
(.'lellnirs urtuv on tue L'liitukiihotn
inv. In Itielnnund u xcar later lie re
eruiled un indeH-mlent euvuli-y troop
whieb beeame fuuioux u Moh'j.v's
imrti-aii runger. Ihey beeume night
j-idei-s aud the tenor of the federal I
Jlo-byV iiio-l brilbiint exploit wps
the eiitiire ( Oeneriil Sounliton. (hi
p Minvh night iu ISO.'! he, with thirty
f.dlnwer-., rle iIimuIi the federal
arniv to r'airfux Court Jloiii-v, ouly
fillceii luilei frui Wimhiugl'iu, wheie
(li-m-iiil Slouiiiiioii i a-lt-ep. Al-
I (Ireek -elndiif.
"Jlv millt. ir i-H-i-il." he olli-e de
clined, "I- tin-- l i- belli r In iiiiike
ii -.-ninl I nn tliiin ,i -I, in. I "
I'OHTI.ANP. (b . M.o, .n
Sweeiiev. the iiniiii-u.uii iiiiiiiiu
died bile at :i:i'i n. in. lodio.
I Ii i-.
in. in.
:m. -iiihi-iiiiIi'iI '. nn n rni v find
when- liiiman tho -lii- .unl lo.u of in lum In en ir.iMin -1 1 . . t . . the -iiim-eares'muy
be drot "d .mil -:hen 1i.ii k 1 1 - i.innh U .iu.,M ,i .In In
in the big lofty lib al- 1 1 l mn , I. t i 1 1 I'lul iu.-ii. v iiiiin-. .mil Ini n -ii ; i-nr- in hi.. I
of sum rinen. ou Ji.iw- luoKed ami ibei r i . tin. i-niifi-dei.ite million- Imtiih.
talked with liod.
Sl't iKANK. Wa-h.. Mu
I'luirli-;. Sweeney, who died in INnl
lund twin v, wu n civil wur veteran
nml u pioneer mining man of tin- .-1
tie wu ii millioimire und inK-icted
henvily in I'ortluud end Hpok.uu-
Sir. Sweeney wn" bom in Ni
Vork City. Junuarv 'Jtt. 1U4H. An-i
Hie civil wur he went to t'tilit'nwim
and later wn- with the t'oiii-lnck nml
Ilelelier miiie at 'iiiniii City., Ni-..
where he w so severelv inininl in
the great lkdcher lira tlmt lie u.ive
up mining mul weut to Portland.
Puritig lit- reridem-e in I'urllniiil be
wus one of the organiser ol ihe Mi i -ehiiiits'
exchnnge. lie nioxed d- ....-
Killie III ISN'I mul I, !i-r llerji'n. Ii
etei! in m:tiii in the t'neui .'
In le lie mn.i-- . .1
lene to nil women who nri e pidii ,
to become mothers, as 1 d n -t tlnn1
tbero Is nnytbing to i-ip il u. It n
also good during the pen. d m uiulnl'
life." Miw. C. A. ,ium;, lit
ilacodum Street.
Dr. IVrce's r.ix'irib' I't"-' n.ilio'i ist
g true friend to enimii i'i inies "f
(rial and at tinnn of iiiii n-n t!
organa are not pcrfi-nn.i.i. t!.. m i "i"
lions. For lu-ail.n-lu, l-.u Ii. . '-t
flashes, catarrlml ct.i i.i ..n. bi-.ii.n?
down aeiisniK-ii, nn -i-1 ii-i-ni,
dimness, faintin.-i in. ,l -m.di ami
exhaustion, wm. i u """ll n ver t-il
to take this tru-U and tni- vonian''
lror girls nls'iit to 1 1 irr woman
hood, women about to In " moth
ers, nml for the clmiipim' dajy f
middle nge, Poclor 1'nrce ' linnnhi
rrescriptinii sluiuhl ill win ' I ' "ii li.nnl.
It's it teuiM)rauce i h tli.i' i
triicteil flftlil route XMll pi' ' (flji r
inc und its ingrediciiH un t i:lieh- -I
on wrapper.
Any medicine dealer ca -'.pply it
in either liquid or t.'libt Im.-i. fn
cost is modest, the restorative In in -lits
truly remarkable
Write I Victor Pierce, Invalid?' Hotel,
ItuHr.lo N. V., for ireo l.'si iu(je b". Ic
on woman's diseases. Kvery wmn i'i
should have one. Yon can also Ihim
conlldential . medical . ndvicu w itient
in,N h3Uiivj (nrR )
TO ORDER $25.00 UP
Also Cleaning. Pressing and Altering
Il In t,od. !
!'. K IIiimm and parl en low d
fihbiii. oi ill un l.'.i. ii. ii,i on
Slllld.l lull in n edi .1 in i ,ili In.
mil ,i !. Ii 'i
la- ol Ii,I(m.' tuiluttii IniMUsi lot ) Hi, wilt und -i i lllldrin un ,..
a mini. Mr. Hween hud been in On . .mil
Lire sated by (n-.ini. of ,ua, for ,.u.rtt ,aH i,tll.
' ' - i . ' J i I nn i I.i 1 1 i -.i i 1 1 1 1 on lib win tin direct i a1! - it .1- it 'i
. V i . i ii i ... ii , i . t, , .i Sun ii , t.mlv will i ii
l I in ' ' .' i.. i . ' i i -ii .-ii' un tn nn. i in v ni-1 i 1 1 '
Medford House Movers
u: inT
Phone 488-M
BI2 S Nelnwn. 737 W I4lh SI.
la makliiK aireshlble to ita people cm- f ! length from H
of the ureateat natural woudett. of
the world and is tning to hrlug out
iu all Its native grandeur the glur
of Ood's handiwork.
To do this jteo.uuo has beeu ap- '
The Ngw Whole Wheat
Food with the Delicious
Flavor originated by the
KellogToasted Corn FiakeG).
vard to ihe summit of i'lo i.i
Ood's hm Ihcepe.
Utand on Ita top. Iook' in i.
the east Master Oregon stuiiin- i
dim in the outlines of Idaim . i -
proprlated to tonsiruci a boulovawl ' the silrer Columbia. ud m-
arouud the rim of lister lake Miia
cle boulevard," could an uame be
wore appropriate"
tan peaks. Hood, Jefferson v.1
i i'U I. ii. the outlines of Mi I'. . ,.
We t to I lie ocesu, p.itt I'll! .unl ii.
Imtogiue driving )uur car up to iln ' "" '' the Itogue Kdeu
edge or a woadvrous tiater. Tm u lu
the left aud skirt it See tho ioa.1
lies along the edge. Peer over the
side oi the car. distance falls aws
then teeis, charges back at ou. aud
fllngo with all the wauloness ot cet
tslni), a most Kurseou sight full
iu wiui lace.
Stutiued, of course you aie
out- Ibousatid fs't liejo tu Ihe lilm
uens of liiteukit lu hades ot li
and purple lie the lake, with fin
ser hli.idow- ol the till In mieti niti :
hw- beeu lu t ' J'l in- ' - ' ' -i-i l ' ' I- Int. low .u il 'l- . in. i ! .n
slrt tin v lliiilt l" - - I i i.i 'I . ii . ' I - - ' i i-w ii " , i ' iit-u Uiin
ic-i-i-liun-e uskei1 i t , ,
of .ni uniitei t in dm lent iltoi -
lb f ot 1'ie I'i em .1 iilsn I Tiu'i
lit tii!r Hi itislv ( crcilc- .,,- in
I ' ' ,i loii al lc to si fm ' 1 1 i on -nt I
l i C . , ,)l .lei ii.' -i ,1 , , ig .., ', .i I v , , i j
ei ,i , i n. in i i . . . ly)
g . r . ii .
at .t i ,, .
dli " v all H-. int.
tankn IHIIKI...I .mil ii, it,,. I., i :. ol wni -n fjj i n 'i,' ih, i ,.i i,.(w
i iil i ni . . ' . . (i m; i ' (e' tt
until to California aud lit! i
? 'i.mtu
'l'U. 'ii see if Cod b.i leit win '
.line (.'banged ,e' iio i .
h in- aud vou Know
IUi . lo the lodge Stop. (h..i.
m i .it i ire, for the tup to i in uk
Is illiuiuplete if oil imglei t ii i
.in Ii li its water Slid the ueum
Hi I. .'.I
Mown you climb, ,i lone i,- i .
irti-.ini;, wiangitiK i in al ions, a
'.I i ! life. Hullo in' Ond'
Some dst .i tunnel will 'e o
-tiiii'lid 'i I inle Sin mi w i
n uil.e the den'OIlt mote c,.llv
JIlmIc liiiiiclies, row no.ii.-. i .
,m hi k me tued l- the w i ,i i i
.n ii 4ti lioiir
I l e i mil''i. Ii' 11 i 1 i ,
ii i iii i i" i n. ., i i i.i
( K H. II U I I.I IT
Ambulsuna Wrics ljcomt
WtrC -.
All Wheat
Ready to Eat
kHE dainty little
miss of Ihe house
hold knows how
is the new all-wheat food
with the delicious flavor.
Krumbles is the whole of
the Wheat, cooked, "krum
bled," and delicately toasted
and as everyone knows,
there is nothing more nour
ishing and wholesome than
whole wheat, especially
when the Krumbles meth
od makes it a joy to eat.
In the WAXTITE package-lOc
Look for this signature.
Velvet Ice Cream
I'all.i I ii . i ,! well ,i ,
li'Ollit I- un I tb is t I'lii s I., i i n
Ini- i. , ,l-, 1, II.
I unit i I i i- i i ado
i n i i . in , . . i i i ,ui
. i i -i i ii . .. i.i m ,
lie cr .. i I.. i l"i . i I , mi i
it V i il.iih inn i mm, i iii , ri .il
t'llllll Willi! HlHIl !,, I ,. '. -,i, ,1 w,
I i - low 111 III- h not uiiX'e il
i w i iii, iii ,i- a iK err,'
j i,.i- , Il lu.!.i .unl mi that il
i in i ii'isi. i He Tt i
l I mi'.- I'i i.- I'tind Kind
imi.iii itii.w AunK.yi co,
TIMIC LUH1I. Medford tor Ashlgad, Talent
i und rhoeiilx daily, except Sunday, at
v "'" m . i.oo, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15
i' in A. mi on Saturday at 11:16 p.
in S iinl.ivs leave st R-o and 10.30
a n. an.! 1 00. 2 no, f, n md 9:30
, in Leave Aihuud for attdford
!' except Sunday, at 9 00 g. m.,
' "". -' i". t:oo and 5.15 p.m. Alio
n - uird.iy nights at 6:30 and
:' ." .-nii: s leavo Ashland at 9:00
a -n anj 1:00. t:30, 8:30 and 10:30
1 ni.
Camera Shop
-' F.ivt Main Street,
The Only Exclusive
C'Miiiiu n-ial Photujrapherd
in Southern Oregon
' -' itics Made any time tr
!! f ly uiioin'tmtnt.
Phone ?47nT
WQ'U(it,v' n-st
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T P itb'j roif r p