V MEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. ORKUON. TITsDAY, M Y 30. tntt FATJE THREE 4- DAY OBSERVED BY -"OREGON OUTDOORS" PAGE PROGRAM FOR DECORATION DAY BUCK LAKE AS I E They're comfortable. that's xvhy thay're sen sible. E IN NEW YORK; MOST ATTRACTIVELY CAMBERS DEFENDS EW ELECTED C0I1PLE MAGE ji COUNTY COMMUTE DOWN IE MLITARY PARADE DEPICTS OUTINGS SOUR EOF SUPPLY MEETS WEDNESDAY ROM NT PASS ' ' m to To thf Ktliter: In tin- .Mi-dt'oid .Mini Tribuiif tif Jlay IM, J. 8. lluwiml of Muilfuul stuti'M tlmt I tuck I like U supplied by ti lnru Hprinjf, whlfh in not cot-rout. It is fod by iiuiiiorous Ihi-u springs. The volume of water flow hn boon doteriniiiod by it number tif competent eiiKitioors. He claims tlio government topo Kinpliiful survey give Huek litko twenty equine miles watershed, whiuh is false. Huek lake lias u water ilietl of over 100 Minute miles in Crater national fortM, in the altitiule of from flOOO to 8000 feet. Mr. Howard wtys the iirigtition season lasts onlv four mouths, when the water would he shut off to allow the reservoir to ret ill. This is another error. The iirings alone will keep the power plant run ning the year around and the same water will he used for irrigating pur- ptHOS. A measurement of flood water, taken March .", Ill HI. at the outlet of Huek lake reservoir, was found to ho over fi00 seeond feet; or, in other words, over 'J0.000 miner's inches. Why tloiw .Mr. Howard propoc to liutko a ditch oight.v-1'iw miles lung around Hack lake down to Klamath river and hack, itu'ieiming the ex jHinse, when the government rcorts only twenty-three miles to the same point Yte he says he is not inter ested financially or employed by any one "for this write-up." Sle of Itut'k Idiko Mr. Howard states he understands Denver creek reservoir will he souie thing like ."iO.Otll) acre reel. We know Huek lake reservoir will ho over ll.", 000 acre feet. The dam at Heaver ercek will he seventy-fivo feet highi while the dam at Huek lake U only fifty feot high. The government engineers were out to Muck lake the last pint of last Hoplomhor, the dry est part of the sea son, and measured the Huek lako wa ter, and repotted the same. They went direct to Heaver creek from Huek lake ami made no report of wa ter at lioavor creek rosorvoir at that time. Why? Hceauso there was no running water theie at that time. Mr. .Howard i right the proposed Beaver eieek reservoir would be shut off bv nature to refill for five or six month, us theie i no running water there in the dry season. I can verity this fttnleinent, in regard to Heaver clock water during the dry season, h a number of responsible citizens of Jackson county. I would have Mr. How aid nk Mr. Cumiaings of Med ford, ono of the engineers who uMt ed in waking the government stirvcv nutl report, why he did not measure ami report water at piiistsed Heuver creek re--erwnr, the Inst jwrt of lust September, when he measured the wa ter at Huek lake Mr. dimming i well known and has un otfieu in Mudfurd, and was a siocKiioitier, manuger ami engineer for a numlH'r of veui-s for the l''ish Iakn Water cow winy, how known as the Kogve luver (.'ana I eomMtny. I'rosMil lllteh Mno The goernment ciifiiuccr uecr Hindi) thio Murvvy of eighty-live niilc ot ditob, Mr. Howard hHakh of. Thev made only one survey from Huek lake, west of Huek lake, uln.ut btraight through the mountain. I know this, for I whs with them when this port of the survey was made. Mr, Wheluu, the government cngineee, and Mr. Curuiuiugs. who wu upsinted h the tate. made the survey. Mr. w neiiw, me government engineer, told roe he surveyed only part of the ditch or canal and guesed at the ret, Louis V. Whiting, engineer who made the tvsrt Mr. Howard ittUeU. i a young man, in the prime of life, an cx-go eminent engineer, with euri. of ixNrieiiee. Well knoun in Medfonl, Hold Hill and Klumath Falls. Mr. Howard sa Wliiiiny' report i the rankest kind of go, work. The funkest guest. work i- t h falM) reMi( of eighty-five nn'i-, r iliteh or canal by one wh hu m m i (eu on the kiinev ground-. t if,, nunl canal and admiU (Iik nih.u , , , li'c Would iit llliu out of cmiiii--i for anv work in the tieldi Mi Whituu' u on the ground .mi i , -und thf vir .md made -md - n . I invite tin- citiren of A-hi.nid ,' Ttilcut water dMriet who re ii.t. x ('sted in irngutmn to cme to ; bike and meuMire the water, c n the dam Mte, reservoir und w.ini hed, take a boat ride and return i. Jii-Htfr creek and examine dam - ' and meaoure water the i.ii ii.ui August or the tirt ot September, il u mg tin- drvet eaMn. See lor ur itjlf ftud bnng, it ou wih, an inm J'jtvnt' enKintsM vlu u not inteie-tt-d (t)i or cuuneeted nilh the Komic Kiwr dflt.ll "SlHinv "T 4il i0.il I'ltck a1 .i' i Atnui.'s O (. ;- 3le(tfonJ Iloostejis SmoliQj (3e vjfedford and Mi Pitt risri The netth elected demociutie county eommittue will meet in Med- ford Wednesday evening and iwrfeet orguniKation by the election of ft chairman and ectetary. The follow ing are the precinct committee elect ed at the primarirs May 10: Ashland Iinst Cent rat. O. H. Hose; A-hlaiid West Central. K. K. I'hippsj Ahlnud. Knst Main, .1. 11. Oriscoll; Aolilnnd, Oak, Hal McXnir; Axhlnnd N'orth, C. H. Wolfe; luist Asliltiud R h. XcUnii. It. C. Gray; Southeast Ashlantl, C. 11. Wolfe; Notthwest Ash land, Ira Khowdy; Antioch, W. ,1. ltodgers; Applegate, Hluke Haldwiu; Helleview, .1. C. Harnard; Hutte Rills. Mary J. Cn'tlxow; Xorth Central Point, II. T. I'nnkey; South Central Point. .). V. O'llarn, Sum March, T. C. Itobnett. J. W. Jacobs; Dei by, Frank It. Xeil;; Fugle Point. A. C. Howlett; Flounce Rock, ,1. .1. Hrophy; Foots Creek, Chnrles Chumplain; flriffin Creek, John WiUon; tlold Hill, It. 1). Heed; North Jacksonville; R Hvbee; South Jacksonville, Louis 11 ri'cli; Luke Creek, W. C. Daley; J. P. Dinkens, Meadows; Medford, North Main, Oeorge Hunt; Medford; North Central, Martin Donough, N. W. Itor den; Medfoid South Central. C. A. Chapman; Medford North Riverside, J. V.. Knrkdull; Medfoid South River side, Thomas II. Weller; , Medford Oakdale, S. I. Ilrown; Medford, New town, William Campbell; Medford, Park, Forrest F.dinendes; North Med ford, W. I). Phipp; Northeast Med ford. Oeorge It. Lindley; Fast Med ford, S. S. Parker; Southeast Med ford, Robert L. Taylor; Southwell Medford. James Stewart; West Med ford, John lleiiselinan; Northwest Medford, II. D. Manning; Perr.vdale, R. L. Ray; Fast Phoenix, Joe Rnder; West Phoeni., Henry Hart; Rock Point, It. H. Cooke; Rogue River. John Owens, 0. W. Wilcox ; Sams Valley, Ocoruc Lvuiaii; I'ust Talent, Louis Ilrown. .lav Ternll; West Talent. L. Hrown. John llailev; Trail, Dave Pence; t'nnin. Miles ('antrall; Willow Springs, ,1. p. IIiMulnud; Wuner, Wm. Hillis, F. It. ChaiMllcr. E (IRANI) .H'NC'TION, Colo . M.i .".n Seven persons were injured earlv today in a derailment ot Ilonver k Itlo (Iranda passengor train No 2, three miles west of (irand Valley, Colo. Five cars were derailed, the causo unknown. tFlrst aid was administered and all the Injured were taken to Glenwood Springs. ICnglueer Fahrmoyer was pinned beneath the engine, but not serloukly hurt. The Injured passengers are: Mrs. II. Owen, Wionandoah. la., and daughter, Tracy; Henry L. Beige!. 29 12 Frost aveuue, Kansas City; William II. Campbell, Denver; M. O'Koefo, residence unknown 0. A. C. F PCLLMAN. Wash, Miii : tin gon Agricultural tolleae forti ned the northwust collegiate coufereme hase ball rhamptonslilp to Washington State college iu a message received here todav The two colleges weie to have pls.ved at Corvallls, Ore., the last of this week for the i haiiiplon Hlilp it is undei stood tliut Williams, tin sl.ir 1'iti hei of the tlreuon Akkich hus '.'. a d. ( I irr 'l im limide Home Celebration of Wonder Interest The arrival of a lb In the hnutohold completely changes the entire asoect of ' tne rutur. aut m ttw tarnAin, Hurls Um M'Hii perlcxt at i pM-tiricr. tfcr b I ' K 'iJ rnncdjr kstvn ' I M4Ur'( FrSKKl'' thj .1'M vrmi.tfr. It ' l r r 'erust m, r- i IncJ t'ie piln i( o ie expansion, tr'A Hi si t quiets tha i - , eit.-niU IU In V e ti !! inienul c - 4 ii 1 remove to a pr ,t titent UuteD i)' : : to He tit and Uh prrlirnsion It . a r li .1 trratinent, safe for tli motlitr hii to druj effort vtbaUo ter anj fur tlii r iv ii muit exert not! Iiencflciiil influrm.'O ufX'U Unm functions dt fcctJy connected with motbrriauod. la rerr Interastlnf Look the aubjcit l fradr dlaruued and a copy will Im mailed frrc to all ripccUnt niotlurri Uy BradScId Refalatiir Co, ( l.amur Bdy. Allunla. (la. OM, Idlll of "Mother Friend" today or any 'tnyrfUt. l' u dirnird und you Hill Uttn know why inotW-M for li.jrlj lulf a irnlury lta UMT.1 ItU.I rnoillilllhlr.l Ilu uptrutllj Hkl lo inotlwrliiMiil IIm-it Mtrr are u-ittn i v( ilW I' 't I'rtalln. luuifuit (u vrcri worrf, (IOLD HFACII. Or.. Ma Completing a hir-rnising i down Rogue river front Grants vu- in a lioine-inade watanmrnn, .iitr shootitng rushing waters, thrc.olm nanow canyons and rapids, dodnn rocks and whirlpools where th" ei rent ran white, Cnplfliti John Aebm and his crew of four arrived In r Friday. The object of the trip was to .! liver a stamp mill, weighing three and one-half tons, to the Hlosoin Har mine, throe miles below Mule crek. The lieuvy stamp mill steadied the csscl in rough wator, hut added to the difficulties of steering. .The crew was made up of oliiii-j tccrs who desired to get to the mouth of Rogue river and were willing to saw the time und expense incident to the conventional trip oveiland. The were not concerned with the dangers involved. Resides the captain. the. included J. 0. Van Itoin, Frank Stone, Commodore Fleming and C. C. Pouting, and they took Van Horn's dog along. The craft was modeled along the lines of a double Venetian gondola, but of more ample propoitions, with a length of IIS feet and 1M2 feet beam. Captain Aubery, who bus had years of experience in navigating the Rogue, declares the boat was the largest that ever descended the river. The expedition was a succession f thrills and narrow escapes. The partv. left Orants Pass Satiudny, May HI, and all day Sunday was spent get ting the boat over Rogue River falls. At Almedn it was neeexsary to weigh down the boat before it could be not ion under the bridge. The country is smrelv Mettled, but news of the expedition was telephoned ahead, and at cerv accessible point along the river bank the adventurers wore cheered bv the -et tiers. I'S I WAMIINUTON, Mav M- Wash ington today did honor to the nation's dead soldier and sailor heroes. Pres ident Wilson and government clerks, gnzxled xeterans and white-dud voting (lower girls, Daughters of the I'niou and the Confedeiney joined in observing Memorial day. The president was the principal swker on the program of the 0. A. U. exercises at Arlington National cemetery. Siaicial honor was paid the memory of those who lost theii lives on the battleship Maine, sunk in Havana harbor, nud the submit i in t F-l, which sank off Honolulu re cently. Fifty women standing on the deek nf a steamer as it passed up the Po tomac river strewed flowers on the water in honor of the national her oes. Oovernment departments were elos. id. The senate adjourned for the holidav. but the liou-c ol reprcscntu li' , In !l a - -Sinn. NATi DEAD HON DA CAPITAL INSIST ON HOME PRODUCT THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY-KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME S SN7 Wtlftiiiic it tii lpillSf yiuip home. I'mlil. It will Rogue Spray Flour MEDFORD ROLLER MXLLS H. O. Nordwick, Prop. Phone 507 Patronize tho institution Payroll in Tbe Mediferd The Best Enuipju'd Job Plant in Orcm outside of j Vrtl.wnl. , . ,., hyt'tt fhom TML CKIUL Vf .MAUwU Tlio sunlal add' . .utr.utton for todav fleeor.it Ion l.i at the Page theatre will lie ccn or Ashland's inoit popular young ladles In a very charming dance called "The Spirit of Spring." The movie feature on the program for today I a Metro Wonderplay call ed "Tlio Prleo of Malice" featuring Hamilton ltevello and llarbara Ten net. Fine, snow scenes are a con spicuous part of this feature, but perhaps the most spectacular Is tlio sinking of a yacht after It crashes in an Iceberg In the waters of the far north. Tlio sotting for making those scenes was off the roast of Labrador. The main atmosphere Is that of the British war office and Hrltlsh high society. To complete the program there Is a clover cartoon comedy from the pen of Karl llnrd, entitled "Teddy and the Angel Cake," and a remark nlily Interotlng stutlv of birds. The views of our foatbered friends have all been photographed nt close rango and are most cbarmiiiK Ill repotting the send ace nivcn Ar thur Diltx on a charge of -cllen: in toxicating liipiors, liulli Medfoid pu llers cut the sentence und fine down .'111 l-:i ier cent. Diltr. was given thirty days in jail, fl.'iO tine ami the cnts. Thin is the Iirt ease ou a charge of selling liipior that has been brought to the circuit court on apnml and ill passing sentence Judge Calk ins announced that from now on the MMialties inflicted by his. court would be more severe. It might be added that in spite of the fact thai the slate hod but one witness to the transaction the pirv broke a record for prompt nc-s m re turning a verdict of guilty. I write this toi the rea-oii that I believe the moral el feet ol the court's attitude should not be lost bv erron eous reports. K. K. KLLLY. ELLIS NEIL OF ASHLAND FOUND DEAD IN BED Fills Noll of Ashland, age :!n eiirs son of Leauder Neil, a retiied farmer and southern OiMon pioneer, and nephew of Judge .1 It. Nell of .lack son rl I la committed suicide at his home In that lt Sunday night, the dead body being discovered Monday sftornoon. No motive Is kuowu for the last rash act. lSvldenco collet led at the house showed that ,N il had aone to his home, put u itoard r in the k.ih meter, HARD NE BOOTLEGGERS Ii, flour .Rould be in your Make it a iiu'iuber of your hcrvc vim faitlil'tillv. WiismwHlsia that mnii.taiiis the Largeit Medford. Printing Co. I U MIRK, May HO. -The high! i l) i patriotism caused bv the pre t i.,im-- cuiiipflign emphasiied the ii (nation nf Memorial day hero and u l, ttic military display one of the i .i t notable in many yeans. Nation- I i ird organisation, G. A. It. jswts, spuii-b War veterans, the Coast ar n'urv. Iinttalions of marines and ailoi- from the warships in the ltar Imi. the llo Scouts and other organ-'i.itioi'- mnde tip three imnules which iiuircbcd the streets in the boroughs of Manhattan. Brooklyn and the Bronx. One of the most interesting memor ial services of the day was to take nhicc later this afternoon when Rear Admiral Charlea t). Sigsbee, V. S. N., retired, who was in charge of the battleship Maine when she was blown up in Havana harbor, placed a wreath on the monument to the he roc of the Maine at Columbus circle. The Rev. John P. Chad wick, chap lain of the Maine, was scheduled to deliver the address. turned on the gas, nud wrapped in a blanket, lay down on tlio bud, to await tlio end. No farowoll notes wore left. Null had been married but a few mouths. Ills wlfo was not at homo. Failure ot Noll to npponr Monday led frlonda to go to his house, fearing that ho was sick, Noll is survived by two brothers and two nlstors, nud when Inst seen appeared In a cheerful frame of inlnd. Tlio news comos a a shock to the city of Ashland wboro ho was wldoly known. Coronor John A. Poll will make an Investigation today. vt I ? U, Geared Up The proM'i balanee of physical and mental wwera fur efficient endeavor aie diuctly related to certain mineral elements- phos phate of pot.ib, ele,, iii one's dailv food. These vilnl .c.m 1 1 u - .M i n I m kill',' ill the iiual dlelaiv are silppluil in j ' mini I'l linn iii ilu 1, ono i- pine food. Grape Mude o whole wheat and malted barley, this delicious food i-, long baked, hence easy and quick of digestion, yielding a wonder ful return of mental and physical energy. (Irnpe-Vuts rouie in I lie form of crisp granules of nut -like flavor, rcadv to -rive dueeilv the paekiiue is opened. Willi cream or good milk, Onic Nut- i a spleudidl bal.iuicd loud and makes tor etticii io v . "There's a Reason" USE THE PRODUCTS OF Rogue River Valley Cannery The Dest Made Help Home Industry. Try Loganberry Juice and Sherbets at the fountains and Ice ore par- lors. For GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATER Rial IRIUflATlNa PI PIS Oo to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grape St. Teli'iihoae HiQ The latest book issued by IhH Southern Pacific is their annual book "Oregon Outdoors." This book hi printed in three eolora on u very ex pensive grade of enamel tmper. The cover shows two actual diotographic scenes in colors, one a fisherman and the olher a bathing acene. The in side color plate is of Portland, "the Rose Citv. The illustrations, which include over 100, are tastefully ar ranged in combinations of three with a light yellow border, making u vers handsome effect. The text is well written and con tains articles on the following points of interest in Oregon : Columbia river highway, Willam ette valley, tlio loop trip, the state capital, Tillamook county beaches, Newport, Coos bay country, Mount . Jefferson country, McKensio river and Three Sisters, Oregon mineral springs, Ashland mineral springs, Or egou'a famous Sin; the I'mpipin ' River valley, the Marble Halls of Oie- gou, tlio Rogiio River valley, Critter. i ..i ...: I ......l i it... i.-i ,il.l i.iihc nniioiini pniK nun uiu iiuuiuio country. Portland antl'vicinity is very thor oughly described and the tourist is advised to make a long stay in this beautiful city. The rose festival is shown to be Portland's great nnniiul event. The Columbia river highway occupies a very promisHiit position and a lungtliv article is devoted to it. Hvery loyal Oregoninn is urgod to secure a copy of this beck and send it to n friend in the east. Copies can be secured from any Southern Pacific agent or by addressing John M. Scott, general passenger agent, Portland, Or. C --Wt . Afl MB Tell US tllC SlZG Ol OUr WtluiuMH Ullll dlllllH ttlld VSI' II auinil) aiiurali'li in.iilf frsint'K (01 them Wo'll muimI tlio ulndowa ami doors too If )ou desire (live oti better results than any haudork. GIys you a choice of design and fin ish. And ou'tl be surprised at how little our mill work touts. Coiuo und InwHtigute. Nuts MEDFORD SASH & DOOR GO. Ask Your Grocer and Butcher ROGUC They Are &$c0, m'ie ev- Home m ACORt; ite Grown o A Sensible Cigarette sismnsdM at BaroiBun Wednesday Eve MAY 31 Hours 6 to 9 p. m. TABLE D'HOTE 75 Cents A. A. CHISH0LH, Prop. Sport Hats Big Bargains lion I mil's this rhanre lo get Jubt what ou have hceii looking for. Miss Lounsbury, Milliner M. M. Ilept. Sloi-o Our Skh laity a $.1.00 Hat hfirtf von R I VZl aTCi t the Best HSM saw Ever ETh H Rv I IK W a TI RHI 1. i- J4T DANCE Panamas 7EP 4f (l A-75 'h i f