Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 30, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I- r.
Tht AIiIih I Mlla i las of tilt Chris,
llun 8imda school Mill meet with
MM. A. J llanhy, 728 Welch street,
Ttittftday aftsrnoon. All members
are cordially Invited.
iFlve-plere orchestra at Star thea
ter tonight.
Th work of Installing th electri
cal machinery for the operation of
th elevator In the new federal
building has (men completed.
D Voe gtvea trading stamps with
everything egrept groceries.
The annual? midsummer festival of
tf Seandliiarlans of the Itogtte river
V)Ijy will b held in Llthla park,
Ashland, Saturday, June 24.
del your milk, cream, butter, eggs
aad buttermilk at ! Voe'.
llffury r'allaglian leaves In the
morning for his mining claims in the
lJlue Ledg diittrlct.
Typewriter paper of all kinds at
Medford Printing Ce.
il lorn brook paper have Issued de
nials of the Kory published 111 the
Sacramento Ilee that auto partlee
from Medford and Ashland to that
elty were unduly hilarious and rerk
less In driving over the Pari fir
I Ugh way a week ago Sunday.
The world's greatest companies
Holmes, The Insurance Man.
A James Klmi'ton or Keddlng. f'al..
Is a business vlnllor lit the rlly and
valley. i
J, O. Oerklng, the riont nil around
photographer In southern Oregon.
Always reliable. Negatives made any
whore, time or place. Studio 228
Itnln St. I'hnne SIO-J.
Chester Oliurter of Salem, Is
among the out-of-town visitors lit
the city for a few days.
.Inst received, another car of that
high grade Olympla flour. Doing at
$1.10 while It lasts. U. II. Hrown.
Chester Bterenson of Ashland,
Bfwut Tuesday In this city visiting
Weston Camera Shop for first-class
hadftk finishing and kodak supplies.
II. J. Ilauley of Corvallls is amniiK
the out-of-town visitors registered In
the city this week.
Try a King Spits cigar and eir
courage home Industry. tf
Mrs. Dick Itland or (Irants 1'iiss,
1 visiting friends sn! rotative tu
this elty and Jacksonville.
Postage stamps at !) Vtte'i.
The comnieneement exercises of
lh Oregon Aiulcullursl college ut
Corvallls, will lomniencn Friday, June
S and end Tuesday, June 8. Clasa
reunions and ulumnl functions will
be held nest Saturday.
Maths !Bc. Hotel Holland.
Charles Sweeny of Simkane, mil
lloualre minimi man, a well known
U a Bomber of Medford people, who
Wr grelved by the news of hi
death at Portland, e arly Tuemla
Mm Dave Woods about that fir in
BMiUlMit policy. Office Mall Tribune
Jet M. Hader of Phoenix, spent
Tusaday In this elty attending to bus
iness matters.
1) Vm buys beer bottles.
Arthur Young of Ashland, transact
ed business and visited friends In
this elty Tuesday.
moke a King Spits cigar, le.
They ara home-mad. tf
John Hansen of Trail, has returned
la his home after attending u few
days In this city on busluc.
Or. Klrchgessner will be at Hotel
Naah every Wednesday. Hours for
oasNltatlon 10 to S.
rtfrs. K. It Talor of Aabland. vis
I ld friends uud relatives In this city
Monday and Tuesday.
Whipping cream at DaVoe's.
Uud Hamptou. owned by Jaunts
HuwrK of Anhland, and llemiln MtlU.
owned by IHck Turpin of UiU clti
Mill run a match race Smnl;, i u im-
in. at the fairgrounds for .i i."
Your lawn niowei- macuine sharp
eneit at Mtl hells Phone 820 J.
Since the JackKonvillv In .i iii li of
tin Southern Dnsou Traitum .oiii
I i4t 1 1 hi'Kali upi'ruiloiiri Din' lii' ."i
r.tioK huve t" en t ak tu In 'li" 1,'ti
ter turned (Mm maik Monli inn
lug This iii lint,' the train, 'inn
the Ix'Miuuliu hi th ertivc, u I not
for tin- con ii m mMt hrauib aiocc
Iton't ioiui n.mnti' talk ou "Fed
eral MarkitniK Plan" at the Mbrar;
May 41, si 2 i' in 6
N. F. M .ii .) -i t f ui (Ir.inu I'ami, Ik
spending a ( Uv In the ttt t
lending to ' i-nu'w matter
Gates sells Ford cars, fjoo down
and lf a mouth
iWth Hll, -!! kniian in tlii
tit) and Ciauu !'-. win-re a ruu
tlf Ol 111 I'm 4IHili atlt.titnl tt H
ifed. is nu edltur t Tb Jjiim "
piii'tr'iil'lHitil in PoMtaid tu 'in
iii4iht of tit ii i it ft urn in tfitti
,ir u'utnt kttut i '
nig 6r HiUksnakaa at If Voa a '
iiiiir- Tr.nitirf. f'Mir aur
iriiitonUnt of Midfoot uv it, t
l-Tiistiie f Han Fn4i'tw t''
eiu'!ri, nti4 MiPla riaM fru
a '-art Iii il Kl!' I'etts Vs
i' -iid tlillil iing VtatlM Irtvals
I'. i r V. lirrlrr o' S.t' ' I) Vat ( J
a ' m-ii j i iiof n ' ' ' i r I
tti f-U
'I In- xinnilKllig In over Have nur
house and window cleaning done ly
one who knows how. Work done by
hour or contract. "Illlly," expert
window cleaner. Phone 308-J. B9
A. I,. OWens of Montague, Cal. Is
among the out-of-town visitors in the
city this week.
In accordance with the usual cus
tom, business housea will close at
noon Tuesday. Jackson County Bus.
Iness Men's association, Earl C. Gad
dls, president. 6s
W. F Turner, former auditor of
the Pacific A Kastern, and later au
ditor or the North Uank railroad and
Oregon Trunk, bna been promoted to
be vlre-prenldent of the Spokane,
Portland A Seattle systems affiliated
lines and of the (Ireat Northern Pa
ri fie Steamship Co., succeeding C. O.
Jenks, resigned. Mr. Turner visited
Medford last week.
In tribute to James J. Hill, em
pire buttder, whose funeral will be
held Wudnesday afternoon at St.
Paul, Minn., the offices of the P.
E. will be closed from noon until 'i
p. m., and all traffic halted from
12 m. to 12:05 p. m. This will m
the custom on all rati and steamship
llnus owned or controlled by tho Hill
lfidison Marshall of ths city, has
sold a short story to Popular Mnau
sine, which will appear In an early
edition of that publication.
vlohnson's cafe Is back under the
aame old management and tho snmo
courteous treatment will be given
as before. 68
The annual flag day exerclsos of
the Klks lodge will be held June 1 1
at their new temple.
iJ. II. Carleton of Central Point,
spent Tuesday In Medford attending
to bualness.
!Mrs. John II. Kngllsh, who under
went an operation ror appendicitis
at Central Point two eeks ago, hits
been removed to her home.
Miss Alice Ilecroft of Ashland, vis
ited friends and relatives In this city
Tuesday afternoon.
tt'oitnty Clerk George Gardner of
Jacksonville, spent Tuesday after
noon In Medrord.
Mr. and Mrs. ICrnest Webb or Cen
tral Point, In ve itstabllalied a resi
dence at the Hotel Med'ord ror the
Work Is proceeding sitbstaullsll)
on the construction of the catsup
plant on the Southern Pacific line op
posite the Ice plant. Mr. Xlniiner of
the Knight Packing company. Port
land, Is euperlntendiug the work.
The work or Installing additional
machinery In the Itogue Itiver Val
ley Canulng comtiany'a plant Is near
Ing completion.
vlohnson's cafe Is bark under the
aame old management and the same
courteous treatment will be given
as before. .'(
O, 8. Sunderson of Peudloton, thin
state, I enjoying a business visit to
Medrord and the valley this aeek.
Mrs. J. A. Plnkerton of Harrison.
Idaho, is a Medford visitor this week.
F. O. Hyatt uud family or South
Newtown street, enjoyed an outing
at the itogue river hatchery yester
day. Ueorge Porter has received from a
frleud iu tirunts Pass, a present of
a bulldog pup of long pedigree and
eomdderable canine value.
K It Price uud wife or Kay Gold,
spent the first of the week In thin
Owing to this being Decoration
Hay aud a legal holiday there will
be no meeting of the city council to
night. The regular first of the
mouth meeting will be held next
Tuetiday, wheii action upon the Uiue
t.edge railroad boudiug proposition
will be considered.
F.rle AuderiUMi of the Hlue Ledge
district, returned to his home Tue
day after a short slay in this iit
Work upon the rveu tracing of the
Jscksonvllle road with bucklioi
muvel uml graulte sand begau Mon
day. nVhulUe and Carlton have the
(untrsii which is expected to be
completed by the middle of lnl
Cue Prim of Jacksonville, knt
Tuusduy moruiiiii in Medford attend
lug to huilues matter'
larlon laitue of Hold mil, hp.mii
u few hours Monde) in this ui. ,n
business. '
JtolNftl i'cloiite of Kagle I'oiul, i like o'ii iaiimii he cm -l.h i.J as 1'
waning friends and tvhitivis iu tbiu'we stood gloiu iu ihe woil.l .
tit) for a few days.
s i llurnlsh of
Kagle I'olnt,
ir.iiai ie Uusiuesa matters iu this
iiy for a few hours Tuesday.
I'm oner John A I'erl made au of
filial trip to Ashland Tuumlas inuin
Kenneth liiegory of Weed. Cal . U
spt'iidiiis a iv days in the ci uu
VUs Kllxabcth tkhoi'iieiibeieti ef
iik4, Cl . i VistHug friniiN iii Duo
ii v tln wtck
'otui X SiiNiirlle of Portland
dti'lty ailUitut of internal revenue
lot this disttut is ii tiding If
'!! li IU I liv ilh old fill lids .1(1
tr A !.' to Klg"i.ttii cuutHv
lr. lUstif Ot liidi't, la Ittiig iu
ttits ilv unit turd ri rtkurs
lor ft da
frank Iik uf t;ttif
l4U4ltl4 iUHlWtJilli f'
Ik'ilfird i'- .iiiiiui'I Inli. Hi '"
the ileud lieiiM n tin- cml win t"
dliv HlJli a imrmlc, cX'-r-iM'- at tli.
I'mtv lli'Mlii. ii k'fiier:il -ii-icri-ii'ii t
buine--nni! deeui'iitmn of grne
with I'liiwi r- uml ll.i -
1'iiiler the niiiice u tin i A. II.
nnl WiinienV Itilnl 'ni"-, tin iiiiriide
wiiw held in the morninir, the line of
niun-h beinit down Minn street I'nmi
the city park tu the I'uge theiiter. The
entire niemlicrMhip of the 0. A. II. uml
W. H. C. were in line, and the rank
hnve thinned ince lut neeoratinn
day. The line of inunh win lieuded
iiy the Medl'ord hand, followed liv fra
ternnl orgnnisntiMii1, hcIiohI ehihlren
and ( oin pn ii v 7, ('. A. ('.
At the Puire theuter the nildrcKi f
the day wu delivered by the Re v.
Wm. Ii. Hamilton of the Kiii'oiul
Ii ii nil. He dwelt upon the debt of
love owed the nation to the old nl
ilier, who fought for the preHervn
tion of the t'niim. He arituetl tlint in
a worhl war mm! the honor paid the
veternnx liv Amerien wu n oingular
lncnge of love. The aililrcMi vu of
iiiiii-iihI merit and t'orec and wn li
tftii'il to Iiy n Inrge uinlienee.
I'utriotie reudiii(w, nmn" and mn-ie
weie iriven by Mr. (leorjfe T. WIImui,
Mihm Sudie Whitman, Mis Weliitei,
5Ir. I.ynette Iluvinun anil Kurre-t ICd-iiieiiilt-H.
The theater wu deeornted
with the nutional eulor.
All day long Medford people jutir
neyi'il to the ccnietcric to lay token
of memory upou the liiHt reting
pluet'M if iiepnrteil onei, and the (1.
A. If. held their simple ami impreMve
exen-iiiw, n ti(f mill flowers beinp
placeil upon the Kfavc ,.,.), ,,..
parti'il veteran.
Cilv and count ult'icci, the bank
mill jMi-ti 1 1 iii' wcie I'liixeil nil ilnv.
The -Inn'- ami burlier -hup cln-cil at
The Choral soilit on he-Ira hud
another lehearsal l.ot cveuliiK In
their courm uf prviiarutlou for the
forthcoming rourvrt to be given at
the Page theater, Friday evening,
June t. and their Interpretation of
the orchestrations gives promise of
the chorus having a splendid assist
ance and support in their rendition
of the program. The orcheatru Is
comjtoseil of the best musicians from
different point of the valley as well
as Medford.
The fact that this society la or
ganising and bringing together the
best talent of the valley, for the
purpose of studying and rendering
the compositions of the greatest mas
ters is bound to stimulate the musi
cal and artistic taste of the com
Hiuaity. The chorus and orchestra
will he brought together this even
ing for rehearsal in which there a ill
be seventy -five musicians participate.
(Uoatlnued trom page oaei
of Ihe cash register. Hie stock Hiker
and the life of fatted eae."
Cry of Itoke l'mnttets
Two years ago these ' false proph
ets" said there would never he an
other war, the colonel said, uddiug,
"let us not be misled auuln " Kven
should peace come In Kurope tomor
row, he declared, it ought not to af
fect the AiiK' polio of prepar
ed liens
Colonel Roosevelt reiterated his
views thiil the American fleet should
have I. ecu moidlUed at the lieainiilnit
o( the war, a lonii'ct. ni man nut
I at ihe head of the uuvi department.'
and the urno pr pared
' I hIicm
n intern. iilmiul dutv,'
ie naiit
The dun oi a nation
I are one of s comuiuiiiiv ( n.illoii.-.
'and the etfiiMhe loud, inn ui.ii ol
wiongdoing l. that . oiu'ii'iii'i v i-
the cicat tei.e of civiiiativm
Pointing out that the one
l.i.Wa uud the Islilllds IlillSI '' de
feuded. Colonel Uo..elt .'.ii;.j at
trillion to ihe irankportaium of Itu-'
) troops from Kateru itlberia to
I'rsUie gUil ot the i euceutratiau ot
. HriilsH. Irciuh uud Australasian
Hoops at the Unrdauelles a illustia-
jtieiH in tin Aptvd and s.ilin wit'i
iwhuh great niane of o. tiers .an
I - -- - J-'"- i ?
t . ..
I llUt S Hue "
$ I1 Hill .' i n
hi i'iaii. l: '
I lioi:lr , Ctiilial
11. i.- . . e ..
k 1'i'mi.i
YA?TKll iTjlCK Teams foi
hauling gravel. itl t Die
MEDFORD, ()I?i:(!(), TUESDAY, M Y M. 101(5
A dunn-r aihi'M'i . Inilutto un
hni'lof fit ol in.i k mi; u repuhli'
out of I'ortUKul. .i'iiI It N n danci r lit
a BlU'' Itlblioti fehtiire,
'The Price of Foil," prodiued by the
V'itaKrni'h compnny, under the dliec
tlon of aeorge l Maker, that Udlth
Storey wilt achieve her desire to por.
tray a character that is absolutely at
variance with any he has heretofore
essayed. Miss Storey must be one fa
vored of the kocIh, an she no sooner
expreBned a wleh to he scan on tho
screen as a dancer than Mr. Maker,
who happened to be pawning and
heard her, assured the Yltagraph stir
her wish was to he grantnd in "The
Price of Folly." The story of the
picture Is similar to that of the his
torical danced who had an apartment
adjoining the royal palace in Mru-url
and will give MIpk Storey an oppor
tunity of displaying that veraatilltv
that stamps hor as an artist in the
front rank of motion picture stardom.
At the Star theatre today only.
be moved great diHtances. The col
onel again urged the aocond navy ot
the world," and a regular army of
2.r0,0i0 men, with a proper reserve.
Army hiiiI Navy .nit I'luotigh
"Hut the wavy and the regular
army are not enough." ho continued.
"Universal service and universal
training repreeotit the only service
and training a democracy should ac
cept. It Is the plain people, J 1,1s the
farmers, the working men, the small
business man, the professional man,
who above all others should back up
thin plan. '
"We have heard a good deal of
tolk about the officer class that vvc
ure getting from the volunteer train
ing camps of the present day. As I
long as we do not have universal '
military service these camps offer
tho only chance for young men to'
prepare so as to serve the country
1 vvaLytegftgBl'VEsmj HlHnly
The man who goes to them renders ---' -'-- V-i.VJ lllJ
u high and patriotic service and luci- A T r "POTTVTT
dentally profits Immensely by the , L'-t- VJri-JLy 1 VllN 1 I
training and experience. My sons S II. Hamuli" auto will leave i
have gone and are going to theae ? Point at S A. M. and I I M ,
.- , i... .u ... .daily, except Sunday; lenvo Medlord
camps. Ibelivlnthesetaiupswitltt A M, nna 6 ,.. wm ca, ror,
all my heart and soul. They are sup- passengers nt hotels In Medford and '
plying by private Initiative what our,
government representatives have not i
the foresight to proviiK- for every-!
body .
Hut such a system l findiinen-
tally undemocratic. It Is our o
fault, the fault of the peoiile, that we
do not establish the nully demo- j
cratlc system, for the onlv way t
establish the democratic system Is
through universal service '
"1 ask the plain i pie of the
t?nlted Btates. I aak the farmers, the
wage workers, the ordlnar men, to I
give their sons tho same chance that
the sous of wealthier men have." I
WK)- saoSa nn CusMrs
When j flnwdas oalv IHe
0J I1W ""BRi ill I i. ..
A SymimtlM'tlc WonmH
Who bus herself found relief from
suffering is usually willing to offer
helpful suggestions to her friends j
and neighbors who suffer likewise.
That Is the reason h Uydla K )
IMnkham'.-i Vegetable Compound has
today such an immense sale It is
bought because all ovei this . ountn
well women are telling, mmr vmiuu'u -
how this wonderful nudumc ii.i.le
them well dv. !
Let us alu)v ou the luumtif ul Cirucn Watch
Uoumo of Quality Visitors Always Welcome
I. I'..i-i tt ui tin in in i o' i i -
' ii r f merit "t .i'.th 'lit in . ii"
. I' l' . V el lilt I'll -tillli t.lik 1" .1 l.i I -i
I,'mI ill i i inli"- utxl liii-im - ii" n "I
tin Meiit'ord ill-tl'iet -intr.'l liniiilh
.io. iv ill auiiin be prectii Wiilne-i' i
uftcrniioii nt 2 o'clock at the piiline
librury to address the urortt-r- mi im
pro(rres heinr mnde by Ihe Fn it
flrowers' auency. I)r. 1 1 t-t i i M n -phemou,
ilireetor of nuukii- .'t tlii ,
Oregon Agricultural cullee, vmL' ml :
iiresn the mecliny on the subject ot
the never ideas of eo-upei'Mtion. I'm
fessor Walter Hrown of the horticul
tural department of the Otem Airn
ellltliral rnlleite will lApliun to the
growers the necessity i if propirlv
lllinillili).' the I'ruiU fn.iu tiee to uir.
J. t'. Skitinei, editor nt the I'iiiiI
anil Prmliiee M.irkcts, wi'l -jn.ik on
"The (liiverntiieiit Plan nt MniUetin."
HClMK, Mn.v 30, vtn I'm is. - A lnrpe
trmi-jMirt stenmer wns torpedoed uml
sunk by nn Itiiliiin war-hip in the
Austrian harbor of Trieste on the
night of Muy lH, it wns mI'IiiiiiIU an
nounced this ii Itei noon.
Krct' IfcHik of Stoumrli IIIN
Geo. II. Mayr, of i:4 Whiting St .
Chicago, 111., a prominent driiKulrt.
has published a guide to health, in
which he xhowa how he cured him
self and brought relief to tlnuixutwN
of other sufferer fitom contli:itlou.
biliousness, Indigestion uml Inteiti
nul troubles by the use or Kn nrli
healing oils. One dose usually con
vinces. The most chronic case rare
ly need over three doses. This book
will be mailed free on request Mavr's
Wonderful Itemerty Is sold bv leading
druggists everywhere with the posi
tive undertsandlni; that vour monev
will be refunded without question or
quibble If ONK bottle fulls to kIv
uu alkaline satlsf.iclion Adv
lTI?T'lT?",V'D T ..A
hotels and business Iu Kagle
' oini
imiem: -x ok K.ii.
The Valley's Great Need;
AI'TlUt Till: SMliKJK
(ponsinP' ("VPUm
K-i-lIl&llIg VlCtllli
(iill'lletl.t mi') Hlllg.
tli ri ml
,:l.i' c-
1 iur
hi..' the
ui di p ml upon
v. I.S
' ...M.i.nnnu-li'.i !"""
! Colt
rtpy hi i ..t
,1' ."' i'1
W, ill g
There is a better taste a zest to food
cooked with Cottolene.
UseJ as shortening, it blends with tho flour aailj
and the result shows in the fine baking. Used for
frying, it makes the foods better tasting and more di
gestible. Try it realize the quality it gives to foods.
Your ,-rocfr will supply y" regularly-Cuttolene Is packl
in pails of various sizes.
i ' ' a
' i . . i .-. i i
Spirit or Spring
by 7 of Ashland's Most Popular Young Ladies
( pjieiu-s nt Night Only l
and the Metro Wonderplay
m JPvtra a! MalirA
IBB. K yP.lil. SfS tUMiS U 3 ilH ,S ,
,V A & &TJSJ JJ!L 3.1iL&JLA,J
' Jmlk William
ii s Farnum
wfcZm aBm"MM sHT ok m " sT
iiV" i fiwri i H MsHv WsV nl KKmk.
n-v. .. Zmm sj ZJt.' Ill mi tt JidyiP
H: x. . 'v ..SLIshZAi.!ii
A -. s.W ssssisg sri ismji tsb ga sskssjsj
imm s tin. tttrtiw M.w vw :
.It an. u n.iii-, in , nl I.. ; i ,...ii,.i iln i (or llN follv.
lieu. i!lii iii .u K. die -i .1 1 1 1 r .1 Mil-, Muiulillnl ll.'i.t,. live-iiirt
Uluo liiMion fi.ifiie. irn' '.'.it I... i.i. .in litis not .iIwu.ih ay.
Edith Storey & Antonio Moreno
Will liiw ou mote ; lii-lUs tu th lulu it" than uin pliturn you have
ever seen In a Ioiik I line It '.. in.j o.r in heart throbs.
i'i i:.i'ii:ci; tu in srit. i n.e miiict Mitniiiiuu inMigin, frutu
7:;M) to ti:M).
The movie conicil li Uoi.i talent will ho iiuulu this week.
Uet In it.
Special Rates
from Medford to
Principal Eastern Cities
Oil Mile d nl : .lime lt
Mu I.
Retiiin limit : 'hi (i,i ,
.. .l li. i.
"To start right is to end right
Is the right way to start
"i r
U. i
t.ui r r..' i
olltllelll I
ox all Sovitnvvxi Pacific Routes
ixiir. Ku' iK- -ine r :t( r,,t..i.'
M'NnI r ,u fK tl.iuuu iwui!su,r
il. I'Att linl rK-Tl.e rullU. tl, ,1,,. JoWct tti,i(u,i0lli.
t ..:! ..n '.,:' :io,.,,, fr t'lrthernf'onimtiiin or write
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Pa$iongr Agwit, Portland. Oregon
Southern Pacific Lines
WeWW,w.iJPTUiswiuiMi'iiMi" '"' W "TflilP
OfcJ.M'Irtw' i'iiI1
ill i liaesSiieanosjejgl
and Evening
Comedy Cartoon
Teddy S Angel Cake
Intcrosting Bird Study
sliKttlim Itiiiwn Miuiet,
Tumi It, llcilg. siuit'iim,
( liiirt'liicli uml tlu Wit'ii
a A Q l.tNi'lhig .Mot Inn
i: U I'll tun' 'limit ro
v- ri
J . ul
!.. Si lit lllltll. lftlfl.
'I. i it' -a! not to
on route
Mt. Ijvsh" VallfV
' u':n;i FviMl-ltllMI
rwwsrrs , i
t si iTTTi i it1'
QJ .
o o
o o
4 lUtawit
jj liUs (JJUijir &w.