V -- g p qx-crfa ASHLAND AND VICINITY Ol'tii'ial iiiiuoiini'i'iiii'iil- 1 tlit. lor-1 iiial 'iiiug of Lltliiu imrk uiul it uliulinry pleasure ffti t n 1 1- nic be iiiw circulated, imw llmt all niriiuge iiii'iit". nte j'itlier iirat'lk'nllv eoutplet oil or well under way. The tnniii exeats include tht c coloal imiiide. liii'ludmic (uceii l.ithitiV Triiiirfh, which will be mi iinlHtrinl i'Xiol tioit; tin- Flo or Pageant, inuoiHirat ing elaborate decorative effects King Sulphur ami Children, nonfilled to comic uiul mirth. The Kogiio River Roundup will rival Pendleton' bt'-t liilofi mul xH.'i'ily mount- in u repio iliit'linH ol' the annual event which Inns mil ih' Pendleton' name fammn t'ontiiiiiou concert h.x tlif leading IiiiiiiIh or Southern Otogon il fur mull n ciirnixnl T uiuiful nceninMiiit mi'iilni'whlli' UittV fninnii lirework will nU'onl a HM.'tneuliir p.xrotecti nie ilb-play t Ihi' bund of t'XMrt who illuminated the night hv at San Fraiii'ifico diiiinir the exposition jier ioil. Minor oiitti tfiiiitnonf will be I'liilli'MK in variety, t'olleetivelx thee uttrni'liuiih go to innVo up, Ahlnnd'a throe groat lUtyn of practical dcmoit stmtiiHi login-ding thi' miiii'ral -pi inj.' installation, combined with plcnsiiro mul jollity srnlovi', the dates being .Inly I, . ami (I. Tiiowliiy, Wedneeduv ami Thiii'Mlay. Ki'iiiii'tlt Williams, mii'inplo,ii1 al Kliimulh Full, i here torn i-it with hi paiou!, .Mr. ami Mi. F. (I. Me Willinni. I'lolimiimiy to a "Pri'pariHlui'nH Salt' inaugurated hint Saturday inoiitiitir, lti'i'bi' KinnoxV store wuh closed n few dnv. Among attrac tion in store window aiv a profu sion of "mystery ihickhucs" duly sealed ami imli'M'd under chisiiieu lioii indicated for men and women only. .'. W. Hoot a tut W. 1). I'nii'v eon- toinplalu an t'Xt end I'd n tit it tout', tlu lime of ilouflrhiio doMniling upon vvonluor I'ondilioiiN, and thov may stint on the first unit of the outing thin week. Objective Kititw nre to xisil old liumi' scone in Ohio tiinl Michigan. Thuy go by wav of Kno riinii'iilo ami Salt Uikc. their wixos iiciMimptinsin lliciii. Ford in euoh intiineo will bi thi our driven. On Tliaiilay afti'rnooti, .him' 1. tin mi'inhi'i'Mhip ol tlit .MiH-iitimrv xwiclv ut thi' I'lcxliyli'iiiin I'him'h will picnic in local jMikft, fiii'udn hitiitc inviti'd. (1. W. Seotl, I'oniiBr. lenidi'iit ami now of I'oilliiml. i- in town on mat Iith I'oniici'tL'd ith piojMMty inU'ii'xt here. I'tirpnl - Toai'liiT axociatioiiM thnntltiMit the mi lie v to I In- numlH'i f int'i' a woii' will oIimtm' Flair day in llic Ahlniul mrk with appiopri tf nuixiful uiul literary cxvivimjn in ti'iiixod with a niiiltilicil of ItauiPM. The imitation to iiltcnd it. niadt' iri'iicral to all the orKanixiitiouo in the MHitlu'iii ()ii'ttii ditricl. In Miiill of tin Fourth of Jul I'l'lehmtion hcii', thr ciH nutlioHtic. lune waived juri-dii'tioii ri'iranlinit fun'0iaiiH, iinurk di"pln and the tvuulntioii of jitney liaffie in fa orof the (piiein crU'bratioii eomunt ivo, ('. F. lluti'". who iiuiiinui' the local Ktockyanls attended to the lVt'diiiK of thirty-one earloadx ot fat eaUle, in till uer S'Jl head, while in transit lat Thurila,v helween (hikdtilc, Ciil., and Tneonia and Sent lie. eonoiutied to UvetiH'k tk'aler ami itaekin e-lab-lihuii'iitN of thoM- eitieo. .Mr. and Mr. V. A. Turner rwtuiii iil thtvliwt of Ilia week from their eii toniary winli'rV May in oulheni Cali fornia, riiiciMill at Loiik Ik'iieh. Hnrl Kuhor i iiKiiin tiuiMirnriU on the imliit' force o KiibtituU' for I'm trolmaii Winier, ho i takiuif a hurl layoff iucinVnt to rcniexinj: to a tdimiBP of residence on Tcrrnei -Heel. W. K. Vun AiiiImtk of lirooklMi. N. Y aeerwlitiil reprcxenlatnc iln Iiiiediititioual Ihhle Stndenl-' io-opiii-I lm, arm eil here on Fi iil.n ' and on S.lllllil.ix i,i(l .1 iiU' "I ,nlillee- under a cheluli' .i- inn it u U J M. I'ii-IiiIiiij 'Pn vi-itiii i tn,i-- rc3ejr IVE me hospitality befo the soup an' a pipe o' VELVET after the pie an' it don't matter much about the rest o' the meal. -frfM 'JtZ 3DC iilBKh S- r Htvr tind uei'-pn.'MiIent ot the 1. H. S. A. llaiiin I.i llutijr of Sun Fiunei-en ii Mituur In1 cousin. aminv Wan I'htinyr. of the local Cliimvi' colon. The latter i heir nppnri'iit to Wah ('Iuuik I. iren ot the tlowerx kmt- doh in territory evtCMihiut from Ah IhiiiI to SiiiM-amento. Fruit men and all other interexted met in the Coiniiipieial eluh iouiiih tin afternoon ami in the aheiiee of V. F. UunNctt, iroveimiienl official. ho wn unable to till his cnam'incnt here, liiteiieil to adilieMiOd from l,iofeoi. Mel'herxon mid a'k of the Agneiil lurnl eolh'ue at rorvnllii, on hoilit- eultiiial topiex, iiiainh the atlaiitngi" to fruit rn idol's in a mnW'iiu'iit lonkniir toward the eo-opertitiu' feature in marketini; produet'. Stunrt Saiinder.. wiuxhipful mailer of Afthlniid Imlire N'o. 2:1. A. F. vV; A. M., and Dr. V. K. IHake. titbit piiext f SNki.Mm ehapter, No. 21, It. A. M., will ivpie('iit tiiee hodie at the tH'iiml Imlgo ami fcitiud ehapter atli erinjis the 00th and ."(ilh re-peetivelN. whieh will eonxene at Albany thi j ear. the tin tea heiiiK Jiuit' ."i-W, in cluie. .Mim. Klxie Churehmiui. worthy matron ot Alpha ehapter, No. 1, (). F S.. will lepri'M'Ht that hodv al ilx (fraud ehapter meeting in I'ortlnml. On Sat n i day eleu'ii earx of ea tile, 2H0 bead, were fed al Hie tockjuiidx, bouiiil for Portland from California; alxo a carload of hoir from Klamath Fall eniixigiii'd to the xaiuc dextiiia limi. Orniuille Van Vnotor, neeoiiiiMinii'd by hi mother, It'll lt Fiiilnv for the vicinity of Snn Fruneixeo to try the cliunue of elimntc in hehalf ol the xoii'x health. A ehuit oak boariiiK n wealth of eletulH'riiur ruxex instead ot mistletoe, ix one of the flu nil attraetinn- to be xeen on the Dunn homestead, on Granite utreet, now occupied b F. A. Drown. At the teeent session of the niaiul IiHlge of Odd Fellow at UooburK. (Jeorife W. Tielien'of this ntv as elected deputy grand master, lie has filled siicccxsiveh about all the ehairx in the lucal MiilHirdinate and cnfuinii iiient hotliex. Henry S. Westbrook of I'ortlnml, is the new ttraiid iiiastei. In the Itehekah at filiation, Mis. Nellie Wuttoiihut-K ot Klamath IVIU is the newly eluetcd jireh1ent ; (lenie Hurke of (iiiiuts Fnsx, warden; Mrs. Made lliiehaiian of HoseburK. conductm, these beiiiK the officers allotted to southern Oregon terrilor. There has been a slight falling off in the mem berxliip ol the subordinate urguiii.n lioii throughout the state duiuii; the (Hist eiir. On Satunlav monirng lat. . V. I's-hei', liH'iil manager of the loeal tel ephone exchange, talked oier long dixtanee ith his brother. Dr. Clar ence I'xsher, at ! Angeles. The con versa lion wax strictly confidential, the nords being heard h eerboila as elenr ux n Ml. Dr. 1'nxber i ix iting hix brother Charles m the south ern California metropolis. He is a medical missionary, leccntk xtatioaed at Van. in Axinte Turkey, ami retum ml to America by the wuy of ittixxja. Me will kit u re in the Congregational church here on July (I, depicting the horrors of war as witnessed b him in the Turkish dominions. Yesterday wnx observed b Yreka ax Memorial day, villi Itohert It. Nix on in the role of orator. On Kuiidav, Mav -'K, the Soul hem Pacific cancelled the running of eleven nnsseiiger I rains m extended territory embraced on ilx Panlk sxsti'ui. Two o ihcMallci Ashland, Xos. .";! and t. and three Sacra meuto. The remainder aie on the lines luitht i south. I). V. Cooluluc hoilleiilturixl of note, ami who nmluets a uiu'ei' and raie plant uaidens at Pa-udena, ix ciuji.'cl hi a loin of wide iiivi'sltgii lion, I he seoH' o hull will iiolvc a tup .ill over llic I nited Ktule. He i a liiuthei of i .1. It. CusPv of Ibis citv, mid in the course ol ln tuiveU will visit Ashhiiul wiliiin ,i lew week. I.. T. Il'.ili, ,ii tin h. .i,i ol the Ollllllilll.il ih .i i tmi in III llic local lllh -I'lmiil. lilt Im I i.i Mi oil Sii l0t&f" 3C mir: 9 tf rri.tja.y-1 TKDK)RD MXTD TTilBUNE, iirdux to take .i eonise in special in struetioii at the state univerit. Fiuishiiii; touches ale being applied to "The Miingnlow" lunch and re ftesliiiient pavilion, near the entinnee to l.itbin pHik. It is a eumuiodious stmetuii' and will he etpitpped with every convenience, leadv to eater to public dt'tmiudx on or about dune 1. Waller Keoue ix lesxee. Yexteitlny wn oberved ax Memor ial SiiiiiIhv at the Congregational ehureh. with a large uttendiiiiee of the veteian element, in addition to the ac tive military orgunintioiis and citi xenx in teeueral. At the leading churches- the morning xerviee hour was devoted to the reception ol iiiembetN bv confession of faith and bv letter. The rite of biiptixm m many instntieex wai alwo eonfened. As n result of the leeont evniigelistic meetings over 100 fining K'ople and adults were added to the seveial ehureh al filiations. Mrs. Ikm Fitrximmoiix, wife of the pugili-l. will speak in the Methodist church on Monday evening, May 211. Her tlumie will he "The Winning Fight." n subject in keeping with ex IH'rietiee gamed through Christian (Oliver-ion. She will appear heie un der the auspices of the social service wotk of the Mi'tluxliiit ehureh. Harold Frohbaeh, son of II. . Frohbaeh, lelt on Thuixdnv for Mad- ison, Wis., where he will enter the state iniivcisitv. Harold was one of the graduates of the Ashland high scIumiI, eltiss of lUtti. He plan to take a course that will fit him to en ter the journalistic field. Scandinavians thtonghoiit the val ley will hold a midxiimmer fest in (he local pinks on June 21. Though a trifle late in the season for the clown ing of a Max ipieeii, n sovereign will be proclaimed in accord with all the marry traditions which folio in the wake of the xenial cquiuox.. A meet ing wux held at Dr. F. 0. Swrnlen hurg'n office in thix eitv lecently to perfect itrrnigements. (). N. Xuhwu ix president of the Seundinav iau cIhih throughout southern Oifgon territory. ami A. .1. Anderson is xeeietary. Mes- daini'x F. (1. Swedenbiiiv, A. 11. Duv enhill, K. A. Woods and Marx John sou constitute H eonuuilteo which have the main details of (he festival in chin gc. O I.. Irwin. Mr. anil Mrs. P. C. Sltoll ami MIm Ora Walkur, all of the owet station, fordml to Dorb Saturday, the 20th, to moot Mr. Knoll's daughter, livolyn, who has lieeii unending neliool in Ashland Dlnee last fall. They found several miidliules. In one of which they stuck for an hoar ur more. As It has ruin, oii several time since, motorists would do well to avoid tlm Derby road until there has been a week or so of good woatber. I.uke, the stage driver, says there ain't no such thing as good weather but ho U a pessi mist. iau Aiken, r., took tho ideation loturns from this precinct out to tho county seat Saturday. rriia farewell paity for .Miss (Cath erine Hooting Ht the power station Halurday evening was tho social event of the season for this neck of woods. School Runer Isor Polorsou was present with his stHreojillron am) showed a number of beautiful and Interesting views which were groatly KIMirtHiated The floor was then cleared fur dancing and ever.vbodv had a grand time until the wee small hours. Hupper was served at eleven o'clock. Music was furnished b.v Mr and Mrs. Lewis of Persist, I.ee Kd mondson and Lucius Kincaid. Kpace forbids men t Ion of all those pieat'iu but it was a reiord aasoniblage Miss Katberina Dooling, Miss Win ifred Walker aud Pat Walker drove to Medford Huuda. They ml tended the circus Monday aud on Tuesday Miss I tooling left for her home in Portland. Mr. Walker drove to Full CretK, ('al , and Miaa Walker want to visit rriends in Medford until the re turn ol ber father Icier in Ibe weak. TIhh wan the program when they left line uud we presume they did all nunc things but due allowance must e mude for the effects a peanuts. n i) lemonade and a long absence 1 1 inn town Mr Verblc, with u crew o( wen, iiiom ui to bis store on Colon Cmek in his auto truck ttundav. The ihmv snows of last winter wrecked hi noif liuiiding and it will nave to lie rebuilt Mr. Verblc returned to Medford Tbursda. Conur Kincaid bad "Itig I.i." the -idK" auto back ou (be run Wedm-s-ilus m spite of verv unfavoraMi weather condition. He made the run ii' Weduesdav afternoon and aik Tbursdav (oicnoon all O K uui failed lo show up at the unuat time Tbursda evening A elepbone missago at late hour spoke of a iiieakdown near Peelor k Hlamb ard s Aa an auto driver ou are s punk steamboat man, I.uke Hack to the alfalfa burners for ours uutll the mud dries up. t nele Ham has aeat tho two long eared ietn of the forcstrv hpmIii- up i j I i. rinter -a!i. in hi Mill iml I'll' A ' I.U A l'l-lT ..illlil I I I 1 PROSPECT MTCPFOftD, OKT'dOX, MOMUV, Af W "0, 1016 surelv .it band Toi ilicac Mlsuri ipiRdrupeilH, Itee-ltaw Maiiil and tlee Ilaw Jack, herNlil!i tlm apiiroadi of hot weather ami th flio neoii You're as welconio the flowers that shoulil have bloomed In Ma.v. Maud ami Jack. Mrs. Chan. Wlilker ha been visit I UK In .MotUord slnoe Friday ot lat week. Shu U e.iected back Sunday or Monday. Mrs Itertrum Karl Vdamx of ltork Point was in Cold 11(11 Saturday shoiplng nnd vlitlilug old time friends. Mrs dams was tormortv of Indiana liolls and alwa enjovs speuiliug an afternoon with former residents of (he Uoosler" statu. (Martin Johnson and Ralph Dar ling wont to Portland Frldnv night on land not ami expects luvldontittly to ride honiu In Martin's new car the first ot the week A. .1. Smith and Iteorge Lyman ft'etuiiiod Frlda.v ufturnoon from 'Hoseliiug, having attended tho I. O. O. F. .1. it. KcIkoj was a bUHluow visitor to tlrantB I'naa Suliirday. J. W. Hicks, accompanied h his Hon Harry left Filduy night on Hi for a visit at tho homo of his daugh ter, Mm. Illmmel at Myrtle urcek. Ilarrv will upend tho summer with his sister nnd Mr Hlcka proceed to Marshfleld Inter on. .too will ho mlesed greatly around (told Hill ee peelall.v vvliuu theie aie broken w liter pipes, aa ho Is the only plumber ob tainable. Miss l.ets Hodges, accompanied by her liollxln. Miss lleinlce M)crs, of Ashland, at whose home aha has been visiting for several days, re turned home Friday night on 16. iMr. Flint returned Saturday even ing to spend Sunday with friends at this place. ' K. T. Simmons and A. Bchuermaii began moving their flour and feed atore into tho J. 1'. Hammersly store building on Front street. Miss llaxel Lowe, the 8ama vallev teacher, went to her Ashland home Krldax afternoon. It will be reinom. bered that .Miss Ixiwe la engaged for seventh and eighth grade work In the Hold Hill schoool for net year. Mrs. Tutu DuiiKcy and daugbler. Kunlce, or Halls creek, went In town shopping I'rtdnv. i L. 0. Walker came up Saturday to spend a day or two with friends In (told Hill. Mlsa Vera Davidson tolurnad Bel inda) from a visit with lola lives on the Applogale. Mr. and Mis. .1. W. Meirlll telui li ed to their home in Cell I re I Point Saturday night. Large crowds from Medford, Cen tral Point and Grants Pass attended the pavllllon dance Saturday. Mlsa Itita Tiffin entertained a few of her young friends Saturday even ing at her home on N'orth Seventh street. The Misses Hodges gave a very pleasant paity Saturday evening, to their high school friends, and to com pliment their cousins, Miss Heruice Myers, of Ashland, and their friend, .Mlsa ICdua Proetor of Lakevlew. Mu sic and general good time was had preceding the dainty lunch. Mr. and Mra. George MeClellan made a trip over near Central Point Suturda. ntiirniuR home In the af ternoon ' DON'T SUFFER WITH NEURALGIA Musterole Gives Delicioug Comfort When iho.r ilurii paint go shooting through m'iii hi .id, wliiu your skull IMHik as if ii would split, just tub a lit tle Ml Si I K'OLF. on the templet and ncik. It driv. i out the inflammation, soothes away the pain give uitk Ml'STFKld.F. is a ik-an. white oinl- ..., . ..I. u ill. ml .,f miivlar.l Itrltcr 1 ninii, iii' '. - - " ,, than a mustard plaster and does not bhx - Doctor and nurses frankly recom - I UIICTIUni I." f C,- Tl...... menu Ai i'J r-.iv-i- ivi -wiv 4,.,uii Hroachiii. ( ioup, Stiff NVk, Astlun.i, I Neursb:!.!. ( tnueitin. I'lcurisy, Khcti- matiwn, l.urdago, I'.unt and h"i of the Hack or Juints, Sprain, Sore Mux eies, Brui-i s Chilblains, Frotfed Feet Coldi of the Chest (it olten prevents Pneumonia) At your druggist's, ht 2Sc and 50c Jars, and a W.1 large hoxol.al , it for $i SO lie sure xnii get inc g'tiuine Mt'S- TEROI I l'i fiie imitat ivn c what you ask lor The MihitoIc Comuany, Cleveland o'no. CHOICE GARDEK TRACT AND HOME PLACE $950 J'our-rriom cottagf. gurden the I Uoe for a liitlft Ihhuu and er ?lf0 22, stdewuU f7u "J. all loam soil. Hekltlt) jiiupeitjr of this Kind ec b.ive ever ottered. Tolftl pnpo, $iO. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. lUwl IwilMtO; I wn, RenUtbi, Iniuikiiie. 102 Wit SlaJu. IMione 700 E Kvortod by Jichson Uotinty At tract Co., Birth and Fir Bti ltiiit ICstate Tiimsfois W. II. Smglei. sheiifl. to New ton Tinker, lots ." and 0. blk. 1, New town Add., Medford. WSM'l W. W. McDonald to V. W. Mc Donald et til., undivided one half in lot 1, Amended Hiver side subdivision W. W. McDonald to ('. W. Mc Donald, land in twp. U7-1W. (.'. W. McDonald et nl to ('. D. Wolverton, lot IS and III. Hivrrxido Sub., in l p. Ml 1W. Fulton Smith et ut to Mav Smith, block H. Taleul W. W. McDonald to ('. W. Me Donald et ul., undivided one hall' in lots 18 uud It), lliv crxidc aubdivieiou in twp. :l(l IW. A. D. Knight el u to .1. 1.. Uiy ton. land in nee. Jll-flS-iW Carson Fowler Lumber Co, to (lencvH W. Allen, land iu Ashland Cheater C. Kuhli et u to .1. 1. 10 10 ."..1J0 100 10 1 1,000 1 I 3 I..i0l) Ln.xlon, light of wuv for ir ligntion ditch in twp. :1H-IW (ilud.vx Itose et vir lo .). L. Lay ton, same lleira of Knspcr Kuhli to Lea ler lytoii, wiixt bnlf of ter Lavton, laud in twp. ,'IK IW. Illcaiior dene Kubli to Leeter Lavton, liuiil in see, 'Jl-.'IH-IW. 1" idled Stales lo W. II. MeLeod. laud in twp. il.VIF.. . l'utcnl ASK REMOVAL OF GOTHAM MAYOR FOR "WIRE" SCANDAL XRW YOHK. Muy 2S.- Tho remov al of Mayor .inhn Puriov Mltchel from office was asked 111 resolutions adopt ed and sent Governor Whitman bv Hie United Independents of Deihucrals of Kings county. The lechnlrwl hauls for the reijueal A Medford Woman's Experience Can vou doulii I he evidence of this Medford woman" You can xeiifv Medford endoise meut. Read this: Mra. C. A. HcUuiiitt 510 . Fir at., Medford, says- "I used to have considerable trouble wl'h my kid neys, which affected mv whole avs tern. My buck ached constantlv and often I felt so bad that 1 thought I would have to give up. I had rheu matic pains lu my limbs and couldn't keep gulag. It was vol) difficult for me to get up or down. In the morn ing 1 felt so tired and lame that 1 could hardly get out of bud. My kidneys were also too frequent lu action and I felt tired and languid all tho time. Tho flint ho or two of Dean's Kidney Pills did me so much good that I kept on ualug them. Soon I felt like a different woman. My klduev didn't cause me any treuhle, my hack stepped aching and In every wav. I felt well aud strong. Price TiOc, at all dealers. Don't slniplj ask for a kidne remedy- get Dean's Kidney Pills -the samu that Mrs Schmidt hud Postxi-MIUnirn Co . Props . Hullalo. Y Adv. WHY? CMKII WANTKO HO nores Dear Croek bottom, 70 ucrea In cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and gruln, easily IrrUiited. Lens than 3 miles from Medford. $f!80u cash. One of the beat buys In Jackson county. Say when and I will show I Toil , '""' , J. Cm BA.RNES " V- A-X .. -vx 1 MiVJ mj West Mls Ht . , l'linn 70 Real Estate j np fi rrr Tr-of Cfl" ACfC 1 F3C t H-airtuK i'.ir slid alfalfa, rlcb i,ai k soil, well loated, bouse, baiu, huiiihii.' w.Uir Total mlio l2."iuo. i Hi usoiiittilo teiuib giveu 1 E. S. TUMY j '.' o i.jijii tt Coiy Hldg. tract, herru K'inl'i t'-" paid lu f nl fiowers, sbade. Just i'.om; ;a9.20, sew l.t 111x147 Sandy COURT HOUSEN for the ii.ivor.-. leiiic il nun tli.it he li.ul failed lu his duty as a cltlEOM lo notif" the illstrtit attoriievti of Kings and New York counties of Die know ledge he atil he bad Hint eterg-'men were conspl'lng (rltuliially for tIK mil purposes. The rosolutloni rite J thai In testimony and in public statomout" the mnyor repeitndly said that he tiatt such knowledge. Infanta and Invalids HORLlCgC?S TIC ORIGINAL MALTED I VI BLK Rich milk, mslteil erain, in powder form. For infants, invnlidsni)growinijchildien. Pure nutrition, unbuilding ihtxvholebodv. Invigorates nursing mothers aoj the aged. More 'nutritious than tea, coffee, etc. Initantly prepare J. Requires no cooking, Subititutcs Coit YOU Same Prico To the Holilerri of I'lrM .Mottgnge Slv IVr Cent, Sinking I uiul (iold ItomN or I'miflc .V liiMein Hall way, Hue June 1st, IHitT. (Die undersigned truteea under the mortgage above referred to deslrea under nuthorltv of said mortgage to expend the sum of Twenty-eight thousand seven hundred stxtj -four dollars nnd slt-tlirue oeuta ($2K, 7(!i.liR) in tho imrchaso uf bonds of said Ismiu, provided said purchase can, in its opinion, now be liinde ml vuntngeoifsly. Sealed offers of said bonds may ho sent to the office of the uudorfdguml, Trust Department, flO Hroudwn), New York City, on or befoio .tune 12th, at 12 o'clock neon. The right In re served by the undersigned to reject any and all offers. COLPM1I1A TItl'ST COMPANY, Sucieaeor-Truateo. llj (UCOItUhl K. WAUIHB.V, I Vice-President. Dated, New Yoik.Muv 17th, IHHi I'Oll HUNT KUltMSHKl) AITfi. FOR RUNT -Apartment for Tho llorbon, 10 Qtilno Ot. rent. FOR IlKNT nOCSEfl FOR RICNT -Strictly iiiodoru house with garage, furnished or unfur nished. 5H) W. Jacknon at. 00 FOR ItrSNT-Small house with good garden, fruit, and chicken yard linpilre SI1R llennel Ave. 60 FOIt RKNT I'uriilshed house, epbone ti2fl-V. Tai ns CO It RICNT mim:isliniihw sstses as wsssei s FOR RBNT Paatiiro, good faeil, fences, plenty of water. W, II. Stewart. 02 FOR HUNT imrtMflCHlfPINU ROO.M8 FOIt ilKNT Furnished hoiiBokeen luif rooms, desirable, leiirenlenl: alxo li-rooiu house furnished All Hohk in. Phone u.'.s-.l or call III 8 IN. Ceutral. 62 FOR RBNT Cosy furnished house keeping rooma, close in, fi mouth. Lights, water, gaa, bath. Phono 8,0"X1- 1'Olt SALIG ACHKAUH FOR KALI: ( 'leered 2 I - 2 , 1 . 1 0 . 2 0 acre farms in heuullful Hm-hesler vallev; unsurpassed for poultry, Vriilla or dairying Very low price. Improved and unimproved places. Write lion 71, Rochester. Wash :8 FOR KAIilt HIMKSIW FOR 8 A LIC - Klght-innm house, V, arre fine garden Isnd; $SI0. Call at premises, 1003 Court st. rOlt BALfy litriW1Tt YOK HA l.K HiT heaii of ew ea and lambs, oung cow and calf 3 dava old. Phone s-. fit FOR 8ALR Orey team weighing about 1400, and one grey homo weighing about 1700. Dig Pluea Lumber Co. tf FOR HA Lit MlniTVliIiANKOUH FOR KALK him Kress, 3UJ II Iran bed. springs and used one year. Puoim 00 KDH HALK Hood, cleau aflafta hay in Held at $10 pr toil Hboriv iSamett. Rimm Lane. HU' FOIt HALK- At a bargain, modern plumblug, including laundry tubs, 7-rooui furnace and all ptpina; vomplete. Uox 1 1, Mali Tribune 6 IOK 8AI.K-4:S3-W. Wood saw. Phone FOR HALK Two sealed surrey, barrow, blacksmith outfit; will trade for wood. U 8. 3d., Mail Ttibuue 5" WANTim smi.vriOKH lilltl. wants position to 'work I'boue 7 -Kin do bo use is 11 KM' WANTH!) SIAMI ssas"s'eiwei"sasap'iasssssgsesasi WNTKl Thiiim-re and pruners Wages I'.' er dav ltOfce On bant. 4 miles X K II. K K renter Uh WA NTI0H HihVrtttfji.'ViSOUB siwsassaessj s WANTKD TO Dt'V Horses of sad dle tvpe, und heavy horses. Dr. Helms. Ill No. Fir, Phone 303. WNTFO Chililten to board in couuii" dm in? I uni, July and Au gust, let-in-, i. ionubb". reference. Moos Uisurs. Rout 2. Uox 67-is, I'honn 74-W , Medford o0 FOR IC.VCMASnK sis i ssveassasasSsjsa TO TRADK 900 acres. IP cleared, in crop, left, county, under new Ir rigation plan. ::o per acre, golag liUlur, for liupioveit near Central l' ,n i v I'neeii.-riF ilaiton. PXnFFTVIU lOH I OBT On road to h'nwt a silver mesli lias with i urM- l-"li'e con tniiiiug eonie money. H'lurn to Walt Trtbnna. llfSlNKHS OPI'OltTUMTl its roll SALE ConfeclloBery. one of hen locations Hi Medford, ceiurally Lmted, well equipped; terms ensh. Add: cm 12 1 K. Main. 53 IinBIM-S" tHttBCMOHT Auto Biii,pilf LAHER AUTO BPfHNQ CO.- We are oporntlng tho largest, oldest and best dqulppod plant in tho P.v clflo northwost. Use our eprlngi when othora fall. Sold under guar antee. 26 North Ftfteenth BL, Portlnnd, Ore. Attorneys OEO. W. CHURRY Altornoy nnd Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackeon Coun ty Dank Dulldtng, entranco N Contr&l, Medford, Ore. PORTKR .1. NKFF Attorney at law. rooms 8 and 0, Medford National Rank Dullding. A. K. RKAMK8, LAWYER Harnett Coroy bids. 0. M. RORKRT8 Lawyer. Medford National Dank Building. Collections. COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS W colloctnd tome accounts 14 yoars old. Wo know bow to got the money. Tho Duilock Mercantile Agency. Inc., Rooma 1, 2, 3, lis kins' lJIdg., 210 H. Mnlnst xz Dentins Dr. W. M. VAN 8COYOO DR. C. O. VAN 8COTOO Dentists aarnctt-Corey llldg., nlte Slf Medforo, Oro. Phono 850. Collections and Report DR. FRANK RODKRT8 Dentist. M. F & II. llldg. Otflco Hourc 8:30 to 12; 1 to C. Phono C07-R. Engineer nnd Contractor FRKD N. 0UbYm I N03-8ii gineeVanii contractor, 404 It. F. & H. Dldg Surveya,, cfltlrontea, Irrigation drainage, oroherd aud land lm provonmiiL Insurance. KARL 8. TUMY (lenorai Insurance office, Fire, Automobile, Acclih nt. Liability, Plate Glass, Contract, nnd Surety Honda. BxcoHent com ponies, good local service. No. 210 (lurnett-Coroy HIdK. Instruction In MuMc Fit ii DALTOn" H A mi VV, Teaefinr "of piano and harmony. Compner nnd arranger ot music. Hulght Music Studio, 401 Oaruott-Coroy building. RL 1 8gHI I NIC Teacher of Violin. Music furnished for all occasions. Prices reasonable. Studio 1121 1. Main 8t., Phone 303-J2. flurnnge QAItnAOB Oct your premises cleenoil up 'or the summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phone 274-L. T Y. Allen. Physicians and Burgeons DR. F. O. 0ARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CAHLOW Osteopathic physicians, 416-417 Oarnett forey bldg., phone 10SO-L Rsldenc 26 South Laurel st. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopatht physician, 303 domett-Core) building. Phone 130. OR. J. J. KM MKNH Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye ear, noso and throat. Uyos scien tifically tested and glaaaos sup plied. Oculist and Aurlot for 8 P It. It. Co. Offices M. F & II Co bldg, opposite P. O. Phone 507 DR. It. W. CLANCYPhyslclan and surgeon Phones, offloe 30, rest deuco 724-J. Office hours, 10 te 13, 2 to C. DR. MARTIN C. I1ARHER Physi cian aud surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash hotel Hours 16 to 13, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. Ii Inters anal Ihibllstiers MRDFORD PRINTING CO., has the host equipped printing otflco In southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir st. Transfers MADS TRANSFHR & 8TORAQK CO. Offlse 42 North Front st. Pbone 31&. PrUes right. Service guar anteed. Sowing Machine aiNOBR SBWI.VO MACHINR8 FOB SALK OR RKNT Some used nu ehlnes alto for nle. Cleaning and repairing Baldwla Piano for sale from factory to eustomer. Resl .linen S4''. tn r-antrn! I'linn SftO NEW TODAY Some Income properly tn eastern Washington Is offered in oxcuaug for good free soil lead la the center of the valley. It la valued at $ 1 1,000 and has a very email incumbrance, Brings about 130ft uo a month. A fine lot on South Oakdalc i-, of fered iu exchange far cloee-lu uuo age. Hoon-Cathcart Co. I'liooe 1U7 i -A 4 J j s fct m 3 !CTK5Km