. MMi""i M. nm, 111 L EXERCISES TO BE i HELD TOMORROW r MEPFOTiT) nvnrnpMN trr Arvm TRmryrc, wnFoim orcFrtov. mVty. vw ?n toin CHORA f The niiuitiil tin"tr ,t tin hiing to 1 1 10 di'Hil of tlm Civil unr mil bo puul tomorrow, Memorial iln. Tin fl. A. . and Women's Hi-lief corps will hmu churo of t ho cxi'insc. The pimuh' will fmin at the city )tirk nt 11:15 n. in. mid start at 11:110 it. in. Mi'tnliois of the 0. A. It., Worn mi'h Holiof Corp, C'ompHnv Sin on, (.'. A. C school children and fraternal orders will innkc up the line of inaieh, hcnilcd by the Bedford hand. The exercises of tlm day will he held at the Pajfe theater at 10 o'clock. Tile nddross will he dcliveied bv the Itcv. Wilhnin 11. Hamilton of the KpiHCojml church, and the invocation In tlio Hcv. Ilarrv II. Tucker. The toll ot' the (liim Kcapor on the fast lliitiniiif.' lines of the old soldiern since Inst Decoration dn will be rend. In xtrimicntiil and ocal nitmhers will he contributed liv Miss Sadie Whitman mid r'oriONt Kdniendcs, pntriotn ieuliii(,s by Mr. Wchnter and Mrs. Ounrr T. W'ilnon, Mini n mililniy niHi'i'li by twenty voting IimIwm under the diioction of Mrs. Lyuctte Iloii. Otis. AftCC till Paifc everci-e-. the di - WtioHH-of the grave of the old ! dior will Iiofrin. The Hall Tuxi eoni pnny wHI carry women and children lrp to the ci'inctericK between Hip hmitv of S n. m. and noon, mooting at the Craior Ijike gnmge, on Fir ntreet. Scvenil hnndrctl can be accoituao tint oil. Tho ii'0tinni nt the l'nge in n fol lows : Muie, selected Mwlford band liistniiuonlnl tniisio - . MisH Sndio Whltinnn Invocation Key. Hairy Tucker Commander', older to adjutant. Commander' welcome. lk'iiiling record of 0. A. IJ. dead biiico Inst Memorial day. KoHiHnjr tccord of decen'-ed Mil- liern, not (.!. A. H by Wonmu's Ilutiul cor. Song, selected l'ono-t Kdmendes Homling.... Mr, (loo. T. Wilson Itueitution, "The Hg" Kli.Hbolh Welch, Vivian Miller and lleuo Parker. Hemlitifr.. Mm. Webitcr "Mnreli Militaire" Twtjijty young Indies under direc tion of .Mrs. I.ynette Hovioiiri. Address Key. Win. H. Hamilton .Song. ",Star-SaiiKled Hanner Audience. Ilcni di timi. SOCIETY 'LANKY BOB'S WIFE TOGIVEPRETENTJOUS 10 TELL OF OPERA PROGRAM FRIDAY STAGE Ai POLPII "0 mrrrzxmT MARBLE BRICKS ,to Install a plant for the tmitiorr ot khuu'Ich of Imd and oinaincntal ore train Iiubv for two yearn, wlth 1 manufacturing marble brick out ot work, aa well. Y can then tell what out further ilmlopinnt. IS NEW INDUSTRY PROMISED VALLEY the product of thai region. I hare no fear of the market problem. The demand for that claw of bnlldlnjt The eniiceit i. In jmcii mi I'ml.n elening June 2, at the l'ngr theiitei by the Med ford Choral oeiet will be one of the most pteteutious musical program. eer ntteinpted bv local tal ent in Mcdford. t will include noth ing but the hcs coiiiH)Kitioiis of the great ma-tcts m Iiii-h have boon suf ficiently .studied and ichearsed to in- 't-rotn the Opera Sla to the Pulnli" will lie the topic that Mrs . Dob rittslnuaons, nee Countes Ta me Zelta, prima JtniM, wtf of the avworld champion pugilist will ill. I CUM at the llaptlat church TiiemlM 'evening under the auaplces of tho Pacific Coaat Heacuc society. She I U'lll mM lh. .n....l.H1.1 A ........ .... t iir.. i. ..i,,H. .wl i.,(.,lli.,.., !,.- "'" ,v ' .... Blur i nor ,,.,. . ,, . .. '. i life and concrlon. i vt,,ii,.ii. in jut'iiiuui ui Him ur banization desire to have it especially understood that it has not been the purpose of the society to simply re hearse a program and ive n concert, hut that it is the intention to make "I am through with jou. Stick to Margaret and Dan McOlnnlty." Thoae wore tho wordn .Mr. Hob ritwliumons wrote to her husband, th(- ev-chnniplon prim-fighter, before UU.. n. ....I ... .. ..... . ,1.1 . . . e. . . . , ,. niiL'iuinisi io L'umuiii auiciue uy this il peiinft f it olga 117(1 lull din in- ' . , ., , . . . ..1...1.. .it ...- ,. ::..-. ...i i... Jli"M'K out of tho window In tho v.Ui.-i- fill 'i nil' HlUtlUII 4 til LIU HI IIIU ..... I.. ...I. 1 t a i valley. 1'o.tuna.ely this community ".y " "1,!" ' tow hn,anunuMmllviHreporeenngoof;".0"t,,, n"0' fAs ?Uo '"" ,n, "; musical people and there is no logical I w,ndow road) l" ?rv "' ll',r th reason why M.sl ford mui.ol haVo a l n V ' T""" pe.nnincth organucd chorus tlint I'l H .' V!' ."""' "T Will ake Its .,!.... in the I'm..! rank 1,,B ttVV 0M " U1 "" lck" . .:.i i ... ., inea, huh any suniiar orguui7,aiioii on me J'aeifie coast. Tho members lime nil jriven their i time and hne been faithful in attend- ing and working at ihinrsnls. Tlu-v I now uiitiouiK'e the concert on Krnl.t.,' June 'J, for the side tatrpOM' of run- . ing funds to ptttvlinse a more eoiupie-1 hejisiyp librnry for their organization ( and in so doing tho hac abiding confidance that the eommunit will' lChHHlU. 1,1st of Pailfclpnnta. !Mr. Kitialmona nnawnrod that he was not . Ohriatlan, and that h never had rend the lllldtt. Rho had been confined In tht hoipltal almoat i'nnilen, for three montha, awaiting death. Friends hail dew i led her. Hob hod ceaaed to write, and ahe wel comed tho chance to take her own life. Hut till Tornan opened her mind for the Incoming of the leach Inga of tho Ulble, and ahe waa con. vertud. Since that time ahe baa been lnc- 'l'lin fiillnuilifr ik I tin lil nF niMnlmiv who will take their tospoctiy,. , ,"I;," ft0? lho ru,pH of lho law in the pmgrnin : THREE MUSKETEERS AT PAGE T D'Ai'taunan! There is uiagu- in the f Word. WIio has not read 'The Thice Mllskeleur-.," lined Alhos, I'otthos aud Aruoii and tell the thrill of hold adventure m traveling with D'Artag f on journey of peril to aavo fair lady He la h any one of ua might ho iu supreme moments, us many mil lions of men nre at thin moment, leady to die for n gooil eniice, n smile on llie lips. Can we ace him in the wreen portrayal ns we mow him when reading Dumas' great story? Then are things in tronaer who Blight iu well he vegetables n for defending honor and principle arc coiircnutd, creatures ho eat. sleep, IVprtMiittfc theaiM'lMH., rot and die, hut there ure some leal men left, and they aU ait up and take notice when the word play i nctie in the Kay-lice jslnotioH of "D'Artagnnn." Throttyhoui fie rceU wc follow D'Artuipiin's earecr ft h.m breadth eeaHs, now stirred In his coinage, .now in accord with hi praetical na . lure, now smiling oxer his cleverness at intrigue. An nttrnctive feature ot the presentation is the artistic iruun work of screen imprints, appropriate and suctainiag the mood of the pluy. ' A decided success. Orria Johnson, the jvmlar actor who already ha so munv urteiv to hi rslit. stars in li'Aituguan." As fur the Keitoilt', "Flodo' Fate'' with Cli.nlis Mnrrav we!;, there is an , n.l nt -riiMintiuh tuun.N siliiatnuis. Sopranos; Lulu J. Mutnly. Lcthn Knglish, Mrs. George Andiews. Alice H. Seiidder, Willie llowaid, Kuth Wiiniei. Marion Ooiild, Florence Ha elrigg. Mis. May MelJonough, Mrs. Ony Clulders, May It. Wells, Mrs. Winfield llailey, Mrs. C. A. Meeker, Mrs. .1. J. Wilkinson, Frances Ash, Mrs. Guv Palmer, Sadie l.aey. Altea: Hdiiu Isaac, Kitty I.ungc, Margaret flnllngher, Mrs. W. K. Urav- ton, Mrs. .1. M. lrenlov, Hnttio W. flore, Mrs. K. . Coffin, Mrs. A. S. Hill. Tenors; Walter Miindy, K. K. Oorc, Forrest IMmcadea, Xolo I.indley, Kd wnrd W. Huutcf, C. A. Meeker! A. J. MeDonoiigh, A. L Hill, W. L Vnlen tine, C. McCurdy. liases: W. II. fiore. William II. Hamilton. William F. Isaacs, S. V. Ileekwith, William Vawter, J. Percy WclU, F.d Andrews. Ihrector, (leorui Andrews. Pianist. Mrs. II. . Marsh clllea of the coaat. and him ducldwl to dmote her llfo to evangelistic work. Sho la u member of the Tem plo llfiptUt church of J.oa Angeles, of which Dr. Junius Uliltcoinli Itiougher, furnivrly of the White Totuple, Portland, la p.iator. She apoke at tho White Temple, and her aubject waa, "What Can u Man (live In KehanRo for Ilia KouP" She addreaaed the Y. M. ('. A. meeting Sunday. "I never lind had the opportunity to become acquainted with Jeaua un til the woman wived me at the hoi pltal. My llfo fiom the tlmo I waa II j curs old until I married Hob in 1911 wag apent on the Htago with Home of tho bout grand opera com panies In Kurope or Ainorlca, ami there la not much chance to hear about Jonus on the atage. 'Now I look forward to tho time when Hob will be converted and wc two can devote our Uvea to ovnn- Lgflliatlc work. He la pleased to think U) ISDN Marble bricks, nuutl in quality to tho marble sin Us of Vermont, can be mad out of the marble depoetta of the Blue I.udR dUtrlct. No one 1ms attempt! to Cktlmate the nuiui tlty of marble found In that rcatou It oMata In vaat lodgea occupllng the Kreater nroA of one mountalniililo (treat walla of it atand out In a preci pice nearly a mile long. It U white an snow. Appaiently Ita quality la excellent. Scientific teats have not jet been made of Ita tinture. Sample of tills marble now on ex hibition at the Commercial club have been examined by thoae who work In marble and granite. They pronounce It flnn In quality, lloweier that may be and without hazarding a gutma. It Ih known to bo excellent mnteilat out of which to liwrnufacture a firat-claaa quality or what la termed "marble brlcka" and for which from $20 to $3b a thousand la paid. .Mnt-hlo 1'ixnit Klnlsh II. A. Janson, proprietor of tho Med ford Cement Hrkk and Illoi k works, ia authority for (tie atateineut that iflinu of the inarlde-riiilah brli ka now being uaed In the block being erected on the cernet: or Kir and W M Main atreeta coel $! lit a thouaand "Thla same quality of marble brlfka I can inHko out of tha nine Ledge marhln for lmi than linlf of that price.," aald Mr .tanaen. "In ' fact," ho continued, "they ought to bo better, bocnuso the will be all marble. Many of those In commer cial uao now are only 'glazed.' I would grind the marble to the proper flnonesu and manufacture the brick from that pioduct. Just ua certain claya nro made Into brick. I bolleve It could bo dono o Inoxpoalvely as to onablo the manufacturer to put tho product on tho market nt 130 a thousand. There in quite, a differ ence between that figure nud 1110 n thousand. For such a brick there would ho n great demand. Ample Capital A mi Its "Tho mini or fftO.OOO awaits In vestment In my enterjulno ns noon as there Ih donuiud for It. With u rail road Into tho Illuo Ledge territory the demand for this capital will quickly appear. It Is my Intention may be done with it." Tonnage for (ieiieentlims Those who talk Inanely about tack material will be abundant just as of tonnage for a railroad to the Hluu oon as It can be put on the market Ledge country certainly count ex- nt a fair price. Scarcity of the raw peel Intelligent people to giro them material In accessible regions la what patient audience; nor can they reas makes the marble brick so high in onably expect bualness men and worn, price now. A railroad to that moun- en to listen to such cheap twaddle tain ot marble In our great mining , without feeling a sense of pity for outside of the transportation of raw dUtrlct would make it a mint of mon- those who make It. materials. ev for all who cared to utilise It Over two billion feet of merchant-' (All of our vegetables, meats, pout There Is enough of It, from descrlp-' able limber In the Hlue Ledge tils- try products, canned goods alid a tlons I have had of the deposits there, ' trlct alone la the estimate of govern- great deal of our fresh fruits will for generation. meat officials. have a market at home ' I hac ordered xome of the mar- Tonnage from the mines, In ores Heaven has nothing to do with bio for tin purpoH' of making a few already blocked out, will keep an the crime of fl knocker's exlatonco. Tonnage of fertilizer is practical ly beond computation. Ditto tonnage In raarblu. The reduction of thesa raw mator lala Into, commercial products will employ thousands ot men. In the development ot that reglou thousands of tons of freight wilt com mand the services of the rallro'ad pitfRaSlJgaftl vm IN MEMORIAL In the midst of this terrible death strug gle of our Anglo-Saxon brothers in the war in which we had no making, we pause for a clay's reflection, and our minds revert to those who have paid the price and made our liberty possible, as one people under one flag. Under the sod and the dew, Waiting the Judgment Day Love and tears for the Blue Tears and love for the Gray. THE MAY CO. Stoiv Will He Closed Ml Aflcrniwui TucMUiy. sv: tit x r5j. Seat sal ens at the bo,ftieo on I tlmt ' havo b"',n cow'r,'d nd ha Itching Torture Stops Wedni'sd.u muming. SOUTHERN OREGON bMtKo UKbAN Li. quit drinking. The whole trouble with Bob throughout his life has been that he was too good n fellow. The wouien canned his downfall, and be haa been too free with his money." FREE AUTO TRIPS TO THE CEMETERY The JM! T.isi ( wi1! ..m ww tfrtt sad thi'i'ica free to the cetttrn Jomoraiw between the hour if 8 a $tt, rttti! li nv Thiei ha ittn i .-" Still wl 4t lb (rarer l..i,e U'im ('at '' ftartig on Ktfli Fn Uiwt JttvtJ ITuit Vii ami cl i alrrtt gro sjHtjalh limited t g a "V t I fflitTJlkw c.ire up scural iv sro.; iv -j.e. 1MUXAXT1V. W. McCoy of Afchland waa elected ehairmuu of the iiHaoeiatioii; W. II. (lore of Mcdford, viee-ehninnnn, and At a meeting of li.mkus i,t Lake, J Marshall HooHr of (Irnnta Pass was Klamnth, Curry, .!iek"ii and .1 ephine counties, held at Ahland, Fri day, group 1 of the American Iiank era' aasocintion was organized. J. elected sii'ietan'.and treaaurer. The meeting, will be held twice each vear. Itanks will close during the summer months at noon hereafter. dfjf'SML iltj Like Ga& fo-r ccytrt-icyri: and convenience NEW PBRFCUOM OIL CpQK-iSJOV I Sr MHI A HIW: T-7 t'-nx JW ' .if .s trf, r- ,c-s m Mvv.rM7WMfc. bwct. xrL rmmn , uv.uS5fi. ' v oris rewsw. ti MmilimMBMiMA SO km wKmBi ififim NjS s. - zj3'l It la unnccpwiary for jm t auffcr wlib etaeuia. riiiKnorni. rSKben nihI miii ilar kiu IrmililiH. in 1 1, ,.uio, koii. ii at any drua sion- i.n- 'S . nr $ini fn extra larai ImxiIi-. tui'l .rouiiilv aipbsi will ummlly giu in-mni iflh.f li.nu iuli ItiS turlure. It l-un-ii nitd MMitlim iIm kin and Iwal iii k 1 mikI nVuoi'l) most akin disrtisi'N. 'mm ia a Hinid.rfnl ilinappMrlnc IniiiM and doM not Milan ilu- aawt iIpIUuih xkin. It Is net jtrvHuy. is ,mkiI upullisl uiel coat a llttli,. (,'et It luday anil Me till furtlter dUtn. Viun, CI. ilnud. lllllZllXllly nno j ? No coal, wocid or ashes to lug r.y Wdinnj foi the fire to burn up. Bet ter cook-tig becaubc of the steady, evenly-dis-tributod h-it, um!cr perfect control. All heat concentrated on the cookixand not radiated around the room. The long, blue chimneys prevent all smoke and smell. Uk, buiU, MI. toatl. Muit tlti.itnt thun youi WIMxl Ol 1J itOVC 4nd LOItU Itks lo operaic. ASK YOU H DKALEK TODAY. STANDARD OIL COMPANY tCl.Ic IiiJ 1 Use Pearl Oil Belter cooking and a cleAncr, cooler kitchen. Now serving 2,000,000 home3 In 1. 2. ) (nil 4. buiniwti.,wiiti vx without ovn. Alio cabinet modal with l'iilsu Couklr.g Oveus. GAENETT COREY HARiDWABE CO. MEDFORP FURNITURE & HDW. CO. " '-rr inTiT'T - riVTY ifl " .11 V V i-. V ISMmL -A L- i '.,) Jtt M l t L A A.. I Cl earance races I ON Ladies' Highly Tailored Suits Silk Taffetas, Poplins, Serges All Koiny tetfartilcM of wholesale cost Any Suit up to $30.00 in value Any Suit up to $22.50 in value Any Suit up to $20.00 in value Now $18.45 Now $16.45 Now $12.45 t 's tt i i iii 1" si tilt n- lic;nil i till suit. N(i two ;ilik.'. Slotith as, wi-ll ;i ri'uulni ;il ihoso iirii'c-. All m-w spring stli's, jsi.t, 31 to II bust. Splendid 5prin Coats priced now $7.50 to $20.00 i t ? ? y v ? V V ? V f V ? ? V V T ? v l You will find it to your advantage to trade with us. Wc sell strictly for cash A and will guarantee to save you money. We have dozens of satisfied customers from Mcdford and vicinity. They know our prices are right. . f ? ? ? ? ? ? t r t f: WE INVITE YOU TO CALL ON US siku: nrrixti .r )nu linnl Ik fll? If jnll air ue noiihl likn to iiitK't u. V iat rMTts In mr s!hh llirlii;iil niul ttlll Kiumiii t n fit i. G. Enders e Sons Gash Department Store ASHLAND - OREGON KiioK iia'i& Our inUe NIV mho to suit )l JIM I'M'. V' HIH mo JOII friMH flllv (o s; 1.0(1 on joor kllUMt. Wn Iihvo ho rvnt to iO hiiiI kvll for wli only. Why MlHllilll't U INtlt itl UMMIttj? Cull Mint MS,, ;XSKKK;K:K HaSi.