TTnT! RFC TFD'FOKn "rrr. TRmrw, wnvown, option, s'ittmv mv n. iniu A j I t SK POPLAR REFERENDUM FR WILL MEDFORD BID COM WELCH I MASTERSHIP AlllioiMi lli' piiiiiiii fleet l- pewt, tlie rotitctt fur the .MciIIohI ' jtosUnaaU'raliip m liv no moans onr mitt eantlnialBa mu- still continuing ilielr efforts for awwintmi'iii. The luteal idovp is n joint telojrram sent by thrw of tli uaiididalea- iktt Oar mlt, U. ). Ihmanl ami X. ramp, boll reoupmlujc I'ml the choir of Kftimatcr b lrft to n lKipulnr ott of the rrgiHlerrtl tltMiiwrnts of .Ml fonl, thf (udiilnteM to ho vnlad ujhmi to be the nriliennts for the ufi'iw, the thflion to be roniluuhil bv the newly clrrtwj 4'ountv ilMnwrnlit; commit I p. This MtiKft'Mtion tlitl not meet the fnior of the other pamliilnles, who )cfiimi to sign tho U'li'Rnim of rt- lui'-t. Ah oiii tutnilnlnlt iir('stil it, "lltib h iui eleventh hour Melieme to hnlt Nomt'OttH thnt Iiiim a nteli." The pjiniiitltiU1, both netive anil it reptive, h fur ah known, IwnIiIi' the llirw pniimeraletl, nn, Colonel (I. P.; Miiiih, . A. Ruder, M. I'nrtlm, Mint Antiii M. Jeffrey, ,lolin II. Hittler ami Lit JbcoIih, while Count, v ( (minium Mo-e llitrktliill is hohiir lltitt in rime nl it ilfiitllwk the lightning will tnk liirn. The reMrt tlml the )MMtmnittorehii luiil iK'i-fi offerwl John 3. Drth of the Mnlfiinl National bunk, aimoat einm ed heart failure naionur the rnnrii iliites, unit only the iihnoniiecment troni Mr. Orth that he wti not a run ilnliite iiiul eoiihl imt ix'ept npi'ioint ini'iil. rev i c(t I In- iliiniuiu Ikihik of the liiillitnl. SUPPOR I mm AT THE CITY PARK MILL LUMBER MOID 10 In in lii. , ii v . (,il 111 the limber it ...ln.iiii- h milium, when thev .it h'-im- !' '' ,l''"' "f lV i- otil tin to the mill limn il .l..l lliilih . we will qiliekU eli-e .mil l"i lh' I""'1 "' "' ""' '" ' Li,,,.' l, ,, a I....... thai will ennhle Time ,e bill...,,. ..t Hie mw .....lei- ' "It tlir ii'iiili' will -Inn.i It v ii" mill ,u- In 'iiiil" Inline liiliur and kee mil ml BASEBALL TEAM? 3 O'CLOCK SUNDAY CITYFDR OPERATION Nnw tlmt the ii nn wi .itlu-r Iui- m - The Meilloid ( lit lliiml. under the direction oi HandiiiaKiir Itomlitnd rned. it i- tune lor the tun- to hiw BjVl. nH fourth weeklv concert at the their loyalty to the Medtord baseball 'city jark bandstand tomorrow aft tentn, if there i to be any baseball : moon, oommenrtng at 3. Included in thp program arc many well-known and Interesting numbers. As the con- here thin summer. Manager Kwinjr and Captain Mile ore to lie Itiitfily cort Just irrreden Memorial day the rommeuded for the kind of baxcbnli ,raiertlon of 'war" song should be they have furnished, and the funs moat appropriate. Tlij following la eannol expert even the natural im- synopsis of the 'medley:" Intro provemnnt vhieh wnrm weather mild ",t,oa' 'Znm T,m!' Tn,"",' I , , . , . i truni ctriuia 1110 iuiiii;i uinui, uniiK whw limy inrnnn iwurr ""l- .Kingdom Coming." 'The Vacant IM.rt, Tho team hn been fitted with Chair." "Marching Thro fleorgla." new unifoniiN and shows mueh Koodl"8tar Spangled Hanner," "Yankee milerinlj but the unifornm mut M. ; IHwdle." The selection from Ualfes i...i.l f..r H..-1 tl... ,.!... .,. -..... ! 'Bohemian Olrl" has two very well ."-- r "....-, thine more MubNtantinl than tin ocean- iiinal "three rauixiiift eheer." OF rier lelii(tlie rilm shoeing the Hnli'k n-O-iU oh Its record run Into Hiar Valley, tho remarks or the siec tiiiors rr forelbly bniught to at tention the fact that He have become mi accustomed to th unusual work of which the Ilu Irk Is cMiable, that ve wry often fall to emphasise tliene fails and call Ibetn to the intention or tlioat luteraateil. You noticed a auction of the reel, Hiowlng th "caterpillar wheel" al inoht eomitletely burled In mud TliW i. only one of the doten difficulties from whhh the Huick "HU" ttxtrlrat i d Itself on ita own power. The pic ture, showed at the Page theater this v.ek. has 1700 feet of the most spec tin ular and Interesting film ever pro iliimd of an automobile In action, and Is an Interesting demonstration of what can be accomplished with the Huick motor when properly han dled Ktea tf you are not Interested in Motor ears you could not full to en i") and appreciate how obstacles of v inter trarel were overcome. Tho dever methods employed by the Huick crow In overcoming seemingly Impossible conditions were an edu (.it Ion to the most seasoned motorist. Alter completing this trip and he Inr exhibited for a few days In Ion Xiuoles this same car had the honor of i mg the first Uulck to attempt lrt louer the Uie Angeles-San Francisco and succeeded In clipping one i. .hi and t went -three minutes from ti. former record Iteming the Houtli i mi I'aciftc'e crack train. ' The l.ark," i three hours. Man has never Ik i i. traveled as UM betaeen I bene i"i lilies, 4r7 in lien hi in hours 47 llillllllt'N 'J'hn iiluyi'i'M are not till .Mntlford Iiojk, anil there is no niion why thnv kIiimiIiI idiiv fr Medford rather than the aninller jilnrcx, in the fnec of the fuel that (he Hniiiller Ihwiih Hiiitnrt their jilnyerK more lilHrally. Surely Medford, the Inrfp-Ht town in Ihi re- irfon, can support an (tmul n team lis Kiualler pliiecx like Gold Hill, Iloin brook mid Yieka Miippurl IiiiiIK. I.i't'x get I lie In, Mil fun li.ui Iher and liml ways and menus to keip mime of the ximh miiterinl here in Illata Myihi the Itknchern i ICxiileiitlv Miller is gettiiiu his bat- titiir ec, a., in .pile of some pmiii.nt: from the i-rowd. he found the bull e j cry tune up nod landed one mi ritice at an opportune innuieiit. Although the Weather wic- rcnllv to blame, it IVw hot lies of the ttoKUf Kimt 'alle fiinnery's Hipiilnr lHer :ie would hale been iippiopriate iii.iiri-liinent for tlie Inns. Dwelt In Marhle Halls," and "When j Other hips." "Iltg lien" Is this sea son's latest march and has Interwoven many old alri. Following la the program- March "Dig Oen" Allen Popular "ICIIInrney, My Home" . .. Iogan Medley-War Songs Me Cash Masurka -"The Dorothy" .. Lamiw Spanish Kernnnde "l.n Palnma" ... Yradter Hiledlon The Hohemlsn dlrl" Half.' Valsp- "MalitH of flladncsM' Ancllffe I March ';ht csuards" (ilhsnii 1 The SiiiiikI d ll.tiiio'i " E AI TALENT BURNS 1 Plan- lor a -i.i.ill sawn p unl lm ' f.ietnr iii Mcdfortl ure I !- I'll tn-i- ee: ny r,. i . ami . i vu h m i(i.;iie Hiver and Asbestos, ulm .ne now in this city osHPmbling the d' tail- !' tic enterprise. It will be loc.itnl on the llullis line or the I. It K.. the elmn being nmde on the ni'-t :iuul.illc proposition for supply it inula r "l the i in iper grade. "We ere preparing lo nn oipi.rnte a company for i2.,00) to In I imwn n the Home Lumber eompn UN," nd Mi. Welch. "We will install and operate n mill of 2",tllHi foot cap." m pel d.i. We will put out (i first-ili-- ipmliu of lumber and fitiifJiiiiir tunics. "ii sistcnt with preMiiling; price-. Ii n sitrett of generous iiwI.ii't .uni en eoiiriigeinent n to pntiminjc ui a home indii-try, we will put the wheel In rollimr nl the earliest pn--ilile mn ineiit. 111 KHhlW .Mill lis lleipilleil. "As the trade develop- nml pi-ti-fies it, we will increase the oi the plant. One of the most hijuii i I- is a box fiuiory here ( nh-nil. mir box lumber. If we ship tin- pimliict we lose n large port ot tin le iinnnii profit on such grntlos oi lnmiiei "We have bail nn extendi d evpni enee ill the lumbering liu-mc--. in tin sect ion, but have been lunula npped h long mitl exHnsive wngoii I I-. We hellcM' tllllt this is the hiu'lcal pine fur the plant, as we euu I ".'- In t lei than uc run Km ill Inn In i and .in ki.i I. pi nl liable u-e ot tl . v ist. n. hi The huruetl morning, catching from fir. Vance Wolanmolt h i at f:ni) o'clock Hnnm In .!.. I. Lt . I. . I a . . --initio ncnoix, wno mis taken high , , : , , ... . . , I.........U ... i.i i... .i! i stove, where k I mil Inn saturated n IIOIIOIN 111 HIS lllW (itltlllfia. Iijim M.itft... for his uicition. , N,niwlco,,A "' hf " ,,""",,,; by a college chum who is repul.,1 to . Mr '"" " " ' be "some twirier." Thex will both be J""' md UMHln " "T? L . , valuable addit.on- to the local sd. .kUc,h'" nir; "' Wl'h h' u,rn;-" Hy the way, if that sheak of light- T' i'Ut V" ,ar "r0,","d '" IliUir "I. Ihilil eol ,es . .,l.b tl... hot T? nd rM Mn,t f "Urn,"K tt-'lh ones , i, fu ,,.w , (lf ih,.ilta," nmblv to c,,eck the """"" eiow.l tlmt M ,, ,,.,-.. will make r'r,y "torU wt'r "" io ,',,'" "" nine tliin! s: Toiinil low i k. i . 'I II i n',i ... k WAITE OUILTY DP MUHDG11 (I'ontlniicd iron pago ottei fl v 'he," all the Wil lie-- " . . i .ii ..,h' opinioti, when i i nl. .1 I i. ' "I iui i lh it. ,l ill.' I IIIIC lie lllli.l I'..!-., in n,, .unl knew lliat In I-' Uloll.'." sm.IIis as Willie. Ahd 'I he net in. I W.ntc MUtled ulitU . a the wilin -l.uiil, llr. Mubou sunt the pii-on.r niil..l wluh kv va being miiihiu-iI h tin .tin i. isi. "i tbiiik he htnl tr.un.l him-, i t..i 5car to Ih deis,ini t ei, Jc til lit. ir. Waite -im11 I.i.i.i.IU .. t t tkbriigiicd bis -lionldci wluti ir M bou li'-lificd .' Ii. ilit'..l V ui. Wtts iiflliu fli Men. i . s, i,u. 'nit of Hi Iht H hosali.l, i.i.u.l ,tr. a vi line ! Ii pr.iM'cnliiiii, -aid he had e m i i , W.iile iii lio-pilul and ." . ii'i i tlml hi u,. .in. II. , in1 In I eil .ui, I km w nil w i - - in m ui n I ) i !, ,i Ml I'. , , i I II I ' . 1,1,. i. i , Pol - !' mTirMEBFcmn TRADE IS fliEDPGJRD MAjyE CHER E TOO WEEKS J. K. Itiickiii.i-I.i ht ti. tin office tnila a bl.lliell I rum one oi In, early cheirv ticc-. -how in;- the -:in ed pioduel. It i- the May !ukc eheiT and it is a competitor of the etiriv chcrrx in Mr. Little's Imtue or chard. The brunch from the lite is less than two feel in length, but it contains sutv-six cherries that wire not hurt h the frost. Ktidcnlh it i a hnrth uiriety, in atbiition to being early. He Males he secured rus' cherries two week- ago from this trie. L. Ii. Kent, 81,'. 1'a-t Main street. had a tree or two of earU cherin- in Ills little on li.titl. Thc llpi li be! Ween M,l 1 i and Julie I. fll. iiic.i -ii:.ill, stc client, Inn Mc Kent doc- lu.l know the inline ol I he tnlli'lN. Interest iii i lnir production m t In-alb-x is ineic.i-im:. It i- louml i,. ,(. a pr.. I it able li,nl, lor which thtie i II II iiubliiltcil iii.ii !..(, The lnihl i.ite is the old ob-l.iclc in llip wa often ptofllnl.le in, i, In, nun lh,, ,, I,,, Olltslllc lljlll'ktt-. Lilt-Ill I'HIIIICIII-- will lake cure of a till u ii,nilil , tl i bcllcvcil, from ilu- -e i on nn. hip l.iel.l in tin- t.'iin. In. ui i'i. i . I.mdeii slime ill cn-1 and will i "ill mu, I,, In so until wc ui I a -hoilii Im. I,, the Ctlllst. tower part of the bointe. The . 1 1 u i i'leer fire department w- un.ii i appear upon the scene i. lore ti,. , tire house was In flanu -, hut the framework with trees sin urn, i i 'lug. A large portion of tin ,. jtMitfilde tin kitchen and upst.iii u . I moved to a place of waft I h. house was valued at $mhi to f i i mill, with Hie household effect, u.m iDtereil by $tloo Insurance I SSTT7. T : Jbair-JLi fffffH 111 1 wcici' ill i fell 1&V& ' AMI WW few . wararwmmgs-sCTaafaaggsMutwsi jB.ujBjsmsafjui St factor n s YOU can pay 10 tfBO MORE llwn Goodrich Pair-List jjricos, for olhvr Fabric Tires of no better nuahty, without averatfinjrl'A MORE actual Mileage out of them ! ... You can fircitc7ii Puncture. ov accident allu Ruin, tho highest-prived Fabric lire that ever was frilled into Extravagance, in the FIRST WEEK you use it ! And. you would have no more recoinve (with such Extravagant Tires), than you have on these Fair-Listed Goodrich "Buretoot" lirw, which cost vou one-third to one-tenth LLSb, lor self-same Service, plus more Resilience, -more Clintf. Spring, and true Pneumatic titiality. Now, consider that Message. for ihrift. Tlien mite following prices: Goodrich "Fair-List" Prices BLACK "BAREFOOT" SAFETY-TREADS 30x3 1 30x3 32x3'. 33x4 34x4 36x4' 37x5 38x5'i Ford Sizes $10.40 "I $13.40 - $ - $15.45 . - $22.00 - jf - $22.40 - M ' - $37.35 - t - $50.60 wn it. r. coonkiai Akron, Ohio , CO. No T.r. , a 1 1 we " I Rr,KR ' tak. ,i 1 k for TvX'.--and S 'or Sic it .ii. (.oodiKh I-.iir List Tires wEIackTira(sa 99 Tires ii.iWHTwnmrTf i - -. sassnu S?! iS ft I Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar HO ALUM-HO PHOSPHATE Goodrich. Tires Sold Exclusively by C. E. GATES BEST IN THE LONG RUN Ym jenjWc I'stlmas are cocl ai.U eotnfortablJ to ihrotit and totigus. And they never leavo "thatovsc-noked foe). log" that lullows some cigrelU''j whii h f e not o iklllfully blsndsd as Fatimaa. A Sensible Cigarette x& -eir-v nv . Ki"tXA XJ OEs 71. T- i; e 1W"Z f f ? ? V ? y W"" ...- rjfa. v i W3L k V Why Mmiui nn Cttfors Waen lj Hondas are oalv tile f V f 1 . J ...1 ' Nfc v ''", .UV ,w., . . J$&?-a' V jmoti - i !f if iT i i ! 3 v ( N LasjV V7 4. aifc-sJ 1 '' 5 eiV y t ? X t X M...,.,- js in f Eft -. VJ fimH W g HB M.itur' rjT 1,J t.rln MOIOR I.KIS1IINC 0 ' V . Silt I : t Ml sT. I'hune ttkS No Bait Necessary We don't have to coax people to take advan- S . tatvA f A:n i o-i P ; Battery Service. ThVy . know a good thing when they see it. 2 o w The Electric Shop S sorru i.r i r m. ijht.n,. :u o Pr.te irrnUon of ur.y f.f.iry at en fmi v. Jfy M."inA;. j,l rs-jw Hir I . g fit Meat Nvpinj' l :JkhS if' " "TV." . ss- Electricity on the, Farm Here is your" new hired man who will not "loaf on the job"," "eat his head off," or quit you right in the busi est season.. ''MOTOPvS .x FARM VSE are ahvayt . rea(lv,'rrclinhle and inexpensive. One motor! will do j tne worK ot men ami (io ic lu'tter,They require'' no expert attention and will l.iit a lifetime. Let us shiN vtt where they ill b.ive uu UK'iic. California - Oregon a-iPower Co. Mudftml, Oiv. xi 'C t y y y t y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y x e tf ; ; i u 3 t'SX. WWiVWMUVUVU .;..: . ....:..,K.K, ...?.x..H....K..j.x..K..5 1 C