Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 27, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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At the Churches
St. Mnrk's Episcopal.
Holy communion, 8 a. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
'Mgrnlng prayerll a. m.
Keening prayer, 8 p. in
Wm. D. Hnmilton, Vicar.
Owrtcrtlc Cniircli.
South Oakdale avcnuo.
First mass, Sunday, at 8 n. in.
Benediction after first mass.
Second mans at 10:30. No evening
Rev J. Powers, Rector.
Kv.-LUTH. Zlmw Church
Oakdale avcnuo and Fourth strcut.
Rev. Dr. W. It. Moronz-Oosor, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a. in.
Morning sorvlco 11a. m,
HvcnlnK service 7:30 p. m.
All servlcos English. All nro cor
illully Invited.
JackMinvlllo IhWiytorhui.
(Morning worship. It o'clock. Ser
nion by Itiv. .1. Mnnley Sponcer. mod
orator of Prosbytcry of Southern Ore.
Hon. Mr. Sponcer will also liavo
change of tho evening servico at S
o'clock. Special musical program
with George Andrews as cliorus lead
er. Onkilale Avcnuo Methodist.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. in.
Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject.
"Th0 KlnKdom of Hoavon."
No sorvlco In tlio evening, as we
will unlto with tho M. 13. church
and hear Dr. Holllns speak on tho
union of Methodism.
Prayer mooting Thursday evening.
All are Invited to these services.
II. M. Hranhnm, Pastor.
l'lwt Christian Churcli
Cor. Ninth and South Oakdale.
The church with a vital message to
which you are cordially Invited.
Special music at morning and even
ing service.
Morning sorvlco at 10: 15, "A Cos
pel Message."
Evening, 8 o'clock, subject: "Am 1
My Urothor's Keeper?"
iSundny school at 9:45.
Christian Kndoavor 7 o'clock.
Mld-wcok prayer mooting Thursday
7:45 p. in.
Harry 13. Tucker, minister.
Flrt Church of Clu-Lst, Scientist.
'Branch of tho Mother Church, Tho
FJrst Church or Christ, Scientist. In
lloiton, Mass.
Sunday sorvlco at 11 a. in., subject,
"Ancient and Modern Necromancy,
alius .Mesmerism nnd Hypnotism, De
nounced." Wednesday evening meetings at
which testimonies of Christian Sci
ence healings are given, S o'clock.
AH are cordially Invited.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. in. All
under age of 20 are weleome.
'Heading room In church edifice,
SIS North Oakdale. open from 1:80
to -1:80 p. in. dally, oxeept Sundays
and holidays.
Klist Methodist Hpl-copal
Dr. J. C. Holllns, pastor.
Services for Sunday as follews:
The Sunday school meets at 9:45.
A cordial Invitation to strangers Is
The Epworth League wrvlco at
C:4B, a flue hour for all young people.
Public worship at 11 a. m. and S
p. m.
At the morning hour the annual
Memorial service. Dr. Holllns will
preach tho sermon.
The CI. A. H., the W. It. C. and
their allied orders will attend In a
tody. There will be special music
far the occasion.
JAt the evening service Dr. Holllns
will speak on "The Great Epoch
Marking Conference" a glimpse of
ike great meeting he has been attend
ing the past month.
There will be special music at this
service. The public Is cordially Invited.
First lUiptlst.
"A live church with a cordial wl-
ffunday school, l:4B. Classes for
IMoralng service at 11. Musle -"Chriatlan.
the Mem Breaks O'er
The" (Shelly). Miss Florence Hasel
rjgg. Mrs. J. M. Greasly. B Hunter,
Wllllum Vawter: "Oh. Dry Those
Tmn" (Del Rlego), Mrs. Ouy
Painter. Sermon, 'Men's Place In the
Church." Dr. Wttbam of Grants Pass
will preach. He is a strong, vigor
ous preacher with a message that
grips. He sure to hear him.
,M. Y. P. I-. T p. m. 'Tired of
Missions." by Iyal Hearts class.
Kvfrylody welcome
Evening service, S p. m. Music.
"WhlsiH ring Hope" Miss Florence
IlaifilrigK. Mrs J M (inislv Ser
mon. " Patriotic Dut.v." Dr. Witlum
will preach a memorial address The
C A. U and W H C will attend tho
evening services In a bod). Be sure
and tnmo and hear a masterlj pa
triotic sermon.
Baptist Hi tie school, 9 30 ong
(lejvjue led by MiB Grace- Bratr.ev
o Lenon studied." Acts 1."-J-3r, sub
(Jei 0iflO' '1 a Jerusalem,
EHr. vu- JilUd to conn ,and
learn the great Magna Charta of tho
church. Come early and practice
songs for children s da)
Tin party given bj the Junior Ep
worth League at tho church Wednes
day evening was a very enjoyable af
fair. These little parties are be
coming very popular events and the
children look forward to them with
great ploasure. Games preceded tho
dainty lunch.
Mrs. Langdell was a Rogue Hlvor
visitor Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wostledoror nnd two
soiib of Qlcndale, wore In Gold Hill
ill. C. Kolsoy was a visitor to Med
ford Thursday.
Mrs. Sam Honlon wont to Grants
Pass Thursday.
Mr. Woody returned to San Fran
cisco Friday morning nfter spending
several days In Gold Hill Investigat
ing mining Interests in this vicinity.
"Doll" Moore returned Tuesday
from' Klamath neighborhood.
Alfrod Caster of Medford, was In
Gold Hill Wednesday and rumor has
It that he wnB arranging for a posi
tion at tho plant.
Llnwood Hlakely wont (o Medford
Sunday morning to visit with her
mother, Mrs. Ada Hlnkoly, for n short
Frank Hay of Medford, was In Gold
Hill Thursday and nlsi on Frldny on
Victor Flint loft Sunday evening
for Portland and othor northern
Miss Nolllo Hodges spent Thursday
with hor friend, Norn Newton, on
Sardine creek.
ID. H. Miller Is on tho sick list, bo
lug confined to his home the past few
Mrs. Myrtle Day roturnod Thursday
night from hor visit at Rosuburg In
attondaneo upon the grand lodge and
Is at hor familiar duty In the post
Mrs. Laura Hanunorsley nnd son,
Vornlo, wont to Grants Pass Thursday
to spend a day or two with frlendH
at that place, and thou on to Hugo for
a longer period.
MrB. James Hutsrr returned home
Tuesday from a fow days' visit with
friends In Medford.
Mrs. Haedel and chlldron wont to
Medford Wednesday.
A. 13. Kellogg was a business vis
itor to Medford Wednesday.
Mrs. Horbort 13. Darling was a
dentist's visitor to Grants Pass on
Joe Hicks was In Grants Pass last
S. Hertolson and It. J. Rowan, a
mining engineer of New York, took
equipment to tho Stuowe mine to
pump out the shaft and make a
thorough examination of the prop
erly. It will be remembered that the
Stuewo mine Is one of the valuable
holdings In the Foots Creek district,
and that S. ilertelson Is tho mining
man so much Interested In the cinna
bar mines In the Meadows district.
The Cooper mine on Sardine creek
Is now opened and a busy tlmo Is
looked forward to on the creek, as
the new owners aro Seattlo people,
and the mill Is expected to be In
operation soon.
Mrs. Floyd Kddlngs, delegate fiom
Amethyst lodge, our local Rehekah
lodge, returned Thursday night, and
reports a very fine time all around
at the Hoseburg grand lodge.
ltd Woodcoek of Foots oroek, was
in Gold Hill Friday.
II. C. Raodel went to Medi-" '
Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Sardine
creek, were chopping aud seeing
fi lends in Gold Hill Frlda).
Seven Japs were brought out on
Tuesday' to help tend the beets on the
Collins and Fluly ranche.
The showtirs of the last few das
have btien very beneficial to crops of
all kinds, but are not welcomed by
the orchardistir, as they are great
blight spreaders.
Wire worm aro doing a great deal
of damage In this district to all kinds
of garden plants and sugar Deets, and
In some placet have attacked the
young grain.
U. D. Nor wick and family moved
onto their ranch in this district the
first of the week, having decided
to try farming life for a while.
Harry Wilcox, owner of the Arrow
head orchard, reporu a good erop of
fruit In spite of the frost aud and
not withstanding the fact that he did
not Hinudk-e or try to protect hU
fruit In an) way Between the treea
he hag a fine trop of com that bhoo
no ill fftiis of the frot
Mr Wilcox' orchard Is jut atove
th- frost bdl on I In- billNide, so hr
(njo)s Ms sleep wbli otUrs It foi
tunalo ore lighting srnudi- i-ots
J Ii Kamuels had accepted the po
ltiou recently vaiMt'l r K ' Ham
ilton a the canal runvan's ranch
tt Rate
Hatr Wile (it left MwlrtV t at
Udi tbO funeral of ifl u&U(, IvuU
ert M Wilcox, who passed nwny Sun
da) at his homo In Connecticut Hnrry
wlll remain for some time to assist In
settling up the estate.
Mr. Persons has moved his family
to the Peeso plnce, whero he Is put
ting iu a crop of corn and potatoes.
A portion of the Wycoff ranch is
being seeded to oats. ,
Snnford Houstln of Trail, is em
ployed at the Modoc orchard.
J. H. Lydlard rcturnod Saturday
from a two weeks' visit In California,
where he was sununonod to the bod
side of n sister, who was very 111, but
at this time Is much Improved In
health. Mr. Lydlard reports that the
frost did much danuigc In the sections
he passed through.
The primary election passed very
quiotly In this district, only sixty
seven votes being ctiBt, thirty-nine re
publicans nnd twenty-eight demo
crats, not a progressive showing up.
Much complaint Is being mndo In
the Sams valley road district about
road work. It Is claimed that road
crews In coming too and going from
their work trn'vol o distance of fif
teen miles on the county's time, mak
ing the actual day's work ncccssnrlly
very short. i
Now thnt wo have n severe nttack
of the blight, a rigid enforcement of
the law regarding Infected trees
should be carried out. Those who
have not enough faith in the fruit
biislnoAs to give their dally attention
to fighting this post should be mndo
to pull out their trees.
Wo should do one or two things,
keep a crew large enough In our or
chards to keep this disease under con
trol or pull our trees out; as somo of
us think tho lattor Is the better way
let's get at It and give our neighbors
who havo courage enough to stick to
the business u chnncc for their lives.
Parties who bonded their rnnchos
In this vicinity to tho Page-Drossier
company are asked to grant an exten
sion of time, which nearly all are do
ing, bollevlng that with a little more
tlmo the deal can bo pulled out.
A report has reached our oars that
game birds, auch.ns Hungarian part
ridges, bob whites and Chlnoso pheas
ants nre being klllod in this vicinity.
If this Is true tho names of tho guilty
parties should bo turned In to tho
gnnio wardens, who should recelvo
our assistance In capturing the cul
prits. Anyone guilty of tho destruc
tion of game birds during tho nest
ing season, irrespective of gnmo laws,
Is not fit to be called a citizen of any
Several from this vicinity attondod
the circus In Medford Monday. All
agree that the performance in tho
big tent was extra good, but the side
allows and many of the employes
wero about as rotten as thoy mako
them. NumorouH games wore worked
to separate people from their monoy,
the one principally rellod on bolng
the short change game, one man from
the Antloch district losing $1S by
this method.
The last planting of sugar beots Is
up and looking fine and at prosont
everything looks favorable for a big
.Miss Hattlo Lester closed a very
successful term of school In this dis
trict last Friday, tho closing exercises
being hold Saturday evening before
a large crowd which onjoyod tho
program Immensoly. Tho program
was well carrlod out and was very
appropriate. Special features wore
the pantomime "Old Kentucky
Home" and the drills 'Glrla of Hol
land," both of which wore loudly ap
plaudod. Miss Lester, while among
have proved herself a very con
tentious and efficient teacher, and
patrons and pupils alike were sorry
to learn that she has contracted to
teach in Central Point during tho
next school ear.
Miss Fa Given, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Gi-oige Given, was one of
the Medford high school graduate.
Prof Deurdorff closed a ery suc
cessful eight months' term In tho
Hoece ereek district Inst Wednesday.
There waa a spelllug match between
the older people and the pupils
which was won by Charles Pettlgrew.
This was followed by a basketball
game. Those who were neither ab
sent nor taidy re Charles aud Le
land Pettlgrew. Charles Pettlgrew
has been neither absent nor tardy the
seven years of his school life.
Mr. and Mrs. 12. II. Linvllle were
called to Condon Wednesday to th
bealde of his father who had been
seriously Injured by a horso.
Mr and Mis Tim Dally are at the
HIipcrAKt orchard for the summer
Mr ami Mr Thomas Kaine) vUlt-
How's This?
W offrr it. Jlui lt..l fk.lur l. ra fr ,i,
cx- f al ,rrb Hat ' i.-.t IX furnj I ) 1UI1
i aurru i ur
i J IitNCY 4 iu TiUtli. O
W lbs uni!rilnri hitr k .uwu K J
Cb' n f r ti, la.t I, j. a, l 1 hh tilm
lriril Iwt, rLblr in U.ib... iranka itma
UI Cuan Ullf abli im rrjr uul aur uMigatlou
Cut J Vf tui Prm
TcliHiu, Mfclu.
rtill'a ("atarrti Ciur I. Iilxn Inc. mail; ai'tinr
ilr.-ctl) upob ilia bi',iMj at. I u.ur.,ua aurfaii a cf
Hi .jairm Tittlmuiiai. , t c f-- )rl e ft
KlU yrr Mill, Iv II It all irjghll
lfe UlUI I6ll.ll I'llM lif .iball,Uwl.
cd their daughters Mrs Frank Miller
and Miss Ora Rnluc at Central Point
tho first of the week
S. F. Smith made a business trip
to Medford the last of the week.
Supervisor Peterson visited some
of the schools hero the forst of tho
week. He gave a stercoptlcon pic
ture dlsplny at the Contrnl school
Gone Hollow moved Prof. Dcar
dortf's household goods to Ashland
Paul Robertson and Charles Pettl
grew went to Derby Monday to the
picnic nnd spelling contest.
Contractor Hartninn is building a
new ferry boat at the Free Ferry.
Harry and Mls Clara Skyrmnn
have returned to their home on Trail
creek. Thoy hae spent the school
year In tho Central Point high school.
Tuesday tho spoiling contestants
and somo of their friends met at Trail
from the following districts: Upper
Trail, Lower Trail, Contrnl, Long
Hrnnch nnd Debonger Gap. The
morning was spent In races and gen
eral good time, after which n picnic
dinner was enjoyed. Iu the afternoon
Miss Wllllnms gave two readings
which was groatl) enjoyed hy all.
Prof. Kllpatrlck of the extension ill.
vision of the state university gave a
plenstng address on "Community."
Supt. Wells then conducted the spoil
ing contest. Miss Francos Simmons
of Long Ilrnnch and Claude Hngsdale
of Trail wero the miccossful contest
ants. Oluf Sk)rinnn of Upper Trail
and Merle Houston of Central wore
first and second substitutes. All de
parted for homo feeling the day well
, - -, S. V
Whereas, lly renolutlon of the city
council of the clt) of Medford, Oro
gon, there was duly submitted tu tho
legnl voters of said city at the spe
cial election duly held In and for said
city on the 23rd clay of May, 1 a 10.
the following act of municipal legis legis
lateon: Kntltled, "An art to nuioiid the
charter or the city of Medford by
uildlng thoroto section 139, author
izing and empowering the council to
borrow $300,000 to build, otpilp and
operate railways within or without
the city, nnd to that end to acquire
rights of way, easements nnd real
pioperty within or without Its boun
daries for any of such purposos; to
Issue bonds for such purpeses: to
crouto a fund for the redemption of
the snine, nnd to levy u tax on the
property within the boundaries of
said city for said fuiiil to pay said
bonds and Interest."
And Wherons. The recorder or said
city has, lu my' presence and In the
presence or the city council, duly can.
vassed tho returns ot snld election
and It has been determined thereb)
thut the total nunibor of votes cost
at suld election was 1G31; that the
total number of votes cast In favor of
tho said net of municipal legislation,
above referred to, was 1331. and that
the total number of votes cust against
tho same was !95; and It further ap
pearing that the aald act of imuniclpal
lc (Miction received an affirmative
majority of all the tote cast at aald
Now, Therefore, lly virturo of the
nowor and authority vested Iu me
as mayor of the city of Medford, Ore
gon, 1, V. J limerick, do hemby Is
sue tlils proclamation to the people
of said city and do horeby declare
that the votes cast In favor or and
against said act of municipal legisla
tion was iiH above sot forth, and that
the aald act ot municipal legislation
above referred to, received an afflrni
atle majority or all tho votes east at
said election, and I do hereby de
clare tho above act of municipal leg
islation to he in full force and effect
Iu said cltv from and after the pub
lication or this proclamation as in
quired by law, and that the following
! the full title and text or said act
or municipal legislation and of the
whole thereof.
A proposed charter amendment of
the charter of the city of Meilfnrcl,
Oregon, to enable and empower the
city council of said city, lor and on
behalf, and for the benefit and use
of the Inhabitants of said city, and
tor profit, to build, equip, acquire,
lease, own and operate railways, op
erated by steam, electric or othor
power, within and without the boun
daries of the aald city aud running
from a point within the city ot Mml
rorcl to other towns, cities and poluts
without Hi" boundaries or the said
city, aud to that end may acquire
rights of whn, easements and teal
proper!) within aud without its boun
daries for an of siuii purpoaea, aud
to create a railway construction,
maintenance ami redemption fuud.
and to authorize a mlllage tax to pro
vide the hdiutt, to authorise the Is
suance of KWieral obligation bouds,
not to exceed $300,000 in addition to
the warrant and bonds authorised In
section VI and 7Xa of said charter;
and to provide that the houda au
thorise) herein shall be redeemed by
a special ami limited tax levy In ad
dition to Hi'.' limitation of indebted
ness provided by the city charter.
The people of the city of Medford
do ordain a-c follews:
Section t That the charter of the
city of Mi dford be, and the sam
hereb) ix .i mended by adding thereto
the following seetlou
Section 1 9. The city of Medford,
under the pnweis vented in It by the
General l.uws of Oregon enacted b)
legislature- of the w-hhIoii of 1913,
chapter ZHi. as amended b ibupter
AND HOME PltACE - $950
Xour-reom cottage, garden tract, berrh-s, flowers, shade, Just
the place for a little hume and garden trait Paving $289.20, sew
or $100.32, sidewalk $7o KO, all paid In full. Lot 118147. Sandy
loam soil. Best city property ot this kind eve have ever offered.
Total price $960.
Itual KkUito, limn, Rentals, Imurancc.
lO'J West Main. Phono 700
1 10 of the General Laws of Oregon
of the session for tho year 1915, and
i ue cit) council, under the powers
vested in it by the city chnrter, nnd
particular!) section 25 of said char
ter, and In addition to Its powers by
virtue of soctioti C5 or snld charter,
may lovy a special railway building,
equipping and operating tax on tho
tavable property within tho corporate
limits of tho city at tho time of mak
ing out the annual budgot as pro
vldod tor by this charter nnd as part
or the total city levy.
Said tax levy shall bo special and
In addition to the ten (10) mill tax
limitation contained In section Gfi
ot this charter, and the money from
said special levy shall be kept In n
separate fundi and be used for re
demption purposes of the bonds hero
in authorized, nnd for no other pur
pose. In addition to nil warrants ami
bonds authorized to be Issued by sec
tions 72 nnd 72n or this charter, the
city council or the city ot Medford
Is heroby further authorised and om
ivowored to borrow money on the
Talth nnd crodR of said city, and ror
that purpose to Issuo bonds and war
rants In tho manner provided by sec
tion 72 ot this charter tor the solo
purpose or obtaining the snld sum or
$300,000 to build, equip, ncqiilre.
lease, own and opornto railways, op
erated by stoain, electric or other
power, within or without tho boun
daries or thp snld city ror tho benefit
and uso or the Inhabitants or Med
ford, Oregon, ror profit, and running
from a point within the city of Med
ford to other towns, cities and points
without the boundaries of the said
city, and to that end may ncqulro
rights of way, easements, renl prop
erty or lease, within nnd without Its
boundaries ror nuy of such purposes.
Thnt tho said city council Is hcie
by authorized and empowered to re
ceive proposals for the construction
of uny such rallwny or railways for
and on bohnlf of said city and to
ndopt tho same; provided, however,
that no such proposal or contract
shall be binding upon tho city until
the ramo shall havo been submitted
at a special or general election to the
qualified votera of said city and duly
approved by a majority vote or the
qualified olectors of wild city.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, May
20, 1910.
(Signed) V. J. KMRRICK,
Attest (Seal) Ma) or.
(Signed) , 13. T. FOS8.
Summons Suit for DUoi-co.
In the Circuit Court of tho State or
Oregon, ror tho County or Jack
sou. Lueludn Slovor, linlntlff, vs. Alouzo
Slovur, Defendant.
To Alouzo Slover, the nbovo named
In the name ot the Stnto ot Oregon
you are horeby required to appear
nnd answer the plaintiff's complaint
against you now on file In the nbovo
entitled court anil cause on or beforo
the Inat day or the tlmo prescribed
In tho older for publication of sum
mons heroin, to-wit: On or beforo tho
10th day of July, 1910. mild date be
ing the expiration or six weeks from
and after the date of the first publi
cation of this siiminous.
And If )uu full to appear and an
swer, for want theieof. the plaintiff
will nppl) to the Court for the relief
prayed ror In said complaint, succinct,
ly Minted as follews:
That the bonds of matrimony exist
ing hotwoHii plaintiff anil defendant
bo forever abrogated, dlssolvod and
annulled, and that the plultitlff be
awarded Much other and further re
lief us to the court shall appear
Just and oqultabltt.
Th Ik summons Is published lu the
Medford Mall Tribune by order or
the Hon. F. M. Calkins, Judge or th
above entitled court, which aald or
der was made and entered of record
on tho 20th day or May. 1910, ami In
compliance therewith, the date or the
first publication lioreof is tho 27th
day or May, 1910.
W. 13. PHIPPS,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notleo of TniMiMi'! Halo lu I tank.
In the District Court of tho United
States, for the district of Oregon
Iu thu matter or It L. Dennett and
Louella It. Hennett, co-partners.
under the firm name and style or
"Art Store." ami It L. liennett and
ILouella R. liennett, Individuals,
To the creditors ot the above
named Itankrupts:
Notice Is hereby given that by or
der or the rerereti herein, Frank J.
Newman, that 1 will offer for sale
aud will sell the Htock or merchan
dise and fixture belonging to the
above named bankrupts, as same U
now contained lu that certain store
building, known as No. 220 WmmI
Main streot In the city or Medford,
O i ego n, and that said sale will be
made upon sealed bids, which bids
will be opened at the offlc of the
referee over the Jackson County Hank
In the city of Medford, Oregon, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. iu., on the
7th day or June, A. D. 1910. and
that such bids will be received by me,
or said referee, at any time up to the
time ot said sale; 10 per cent of the
amount bid must accompany each
bid, aud tlie right is reserved by the
referee to relnct any or all bids; said
goods may be Inspected or the In
ventory eiamluad upon application
to the undersigned at bis office at
232 (Cast Main street, Medford, Ore
gon. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this
37th day or May. A D 1916
FOR 8ALK Coufectlonery, one of
beat looattous In Medford, centrally
located, well equipped; terms cash.
Addr- 121 i: Msltf. (9
FOR RENT Apartment tor rent.
Tho llcrben, 10 Qulno 8t.
FOR RKNT Strictly modernTiouso
with gurngo, furnished or unfur
nished. D1C W. Jackson st. CO
FOR RENT Small hotiso with good
gurden, fruit, and chlckon yard.
Inquire S3S llonnot Ave. CO
FOR RENT Fumlied house. Tel
ephone 929-W. CS
FOR RENT Pasturo, good feed,
fences, plenty or wntor. W. II.
Stewart. 02
FOR RKNT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms, desirable, convenient;
also C-rooni house furnished All
lioso in. Phono C5S-J or call 31 C
IN. Central. C2
FOR RENT Cosy furnished liouso
keeping rooms, close In, $5 month.
Lights, water, gas, bath. Phono
FOR RALE -Eight-loom houso, " U
aero fine cardon land; $850. Call
nt premises, 10C3 Court st.
TOW, nAtiiw-rorRvroGK
FOR SALE f.O head ot ewos and
lambs. )oung cow and cair 3 daya
old. Pnono SC9-H. C2
FO R SALE Oroy team weighing
about 1400, and one grey horso
welching about 1700. Hlu Pines
Lumber Co. tf
FOR SAI.E Thrcc-weok-old "cnlf
nnd celery plants. Mrs. Wm. Rain,
West Clark st.
FOR HALE Good, cloan nflafln hay
In Hold nt $10 per ton, Shorty
Garnutt, Rons Lane. CO
FOR SALE Twelve aoroa or nirnlVn
hny. Phono 639-JI.
FOR BALE One Ford roadster lu
good condition; ouo Ovorlnnd de
livery car; one S-pnss, Corbln, not
good for much, but wu will sell It
Just the same. Ovorlnnd Auto
Agency, 2S S, Grapo, Phono 323-J.
FOR SALE Loose ballot! barley liny
at Kdgovllle ranch. Dr. II. Hart,
Phono 1 -1-116. 67
FOR SALE At n bargain, modern
plumbing, Including laundry tubs,
7-room fiirunco and nil piping;
complete. Ilox 1-1, Mull Tribune.
FOR SALE Two soated surrey,
harrow, blacksmith outfit; will
trade for wood. U. S. SI., Mull
Tribune. 68
srsn- ,: i i i i iji i im.j-.-i
GIRL wants position to do house
(work. Phono 7-F13 69
WANTED -Thinners and prtinora.
'Wagea $2 per day. Rose Orchard,
m 1 1 o N. E. II. E. Kreuter. 68
WANTED A first class rauah cook,
married or uumarrlod mini to do
chorea. Give full particulars mid
wagea desired. P. O. Ilox 97 1, Med
ford. 6
JC-ai ii aai
WANTED Mim.nrYirtntYK)UH
WANTED Bn'iaTl "tract "' oir from R to
10 acres: give details and price.
Addrosa K. M . P. O. box OOC.
WANTKI-A small tract froiiTTlvo
to ten acres. Addrosa if. M P.
O. Hox OCR. CO
WANTED TO HUY Horses ot sad
dlo typo, and heavy horses. Dr.
Helms, HI No. Fir, Phone SOS.
WANTED -Children to board In
country during June. July and Au
gust; terms reasonable; reference.
Hooey Slaters. Rout 2. Hox 57-11,
Phone 7t-W, Medford. 60
anM i"WaJai
TO TRADE-200 acres, CO cleared,
In erop, Jeff, eouuty, under new Ir
rigation plan, $30 per acre, going
higher, ror Improved, nour Central
J'olnt. A. W. Freeberg, Gaaton.
Oregou. 73
FOR TRADE Picture theater tor
an auto. Frank II. Hull, Central
Point 67
Real Estate
Ten-Acre Tract
Hearlug peurs and alfalfa, rich
black soil, woll located, house, barn,
running water. Total price $2100.
Reasonable terms given.
21 (iainett-forey Hldg.
Some Income properly lu eastern
Washington is offered iu excuauge
for good free soil land In the center
of the valltty. it Is valued at $ 1 1,000
and has a very small Incumbrance.
Hrlugs about $2o.oo a month.
A flno lot on South Oakdale Is of
fered iu exihaugc for close-lu acre
age. Hoon-Cathcart Co.
Phono 107
LOST Hetwoen Medford and Jack
sonville, Krldav night about 10:30,
automobile license No. 11022 If
round notify Mrs. Dora ilaruough,
Jacksonville. P. O. box CI. 57
L08T Motorcycle sent between Elec
tric Shop and Griffin creek; ro
ward. Phone R-13X. 5.1
.nto Hnpptlea
are operating tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant lu the Pa
cific northwost. Uso our Bprlngi
when othors (all. Sold under guar
antee. 26 North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Oro.
GEO. W. CHERRY Attornoy and
Notary, Rooms 9-10, Jackson Coun
ty Dank Dulldlng, ontranco N.
Central, Medford, Ore.
PORTER J. NBFF Attorney at law,
rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National
Hank Building.
Corey bids.
O. M. ROBERTS Lawyer.
Medford National Dank Building.
a g- nw. ..
collected Fomo accounts 14 years
old. Wo know how to get the
money. Tho Bullock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Ras
kins' Bldg., 216 E. Main at.
Oarnott-Corey Hldg., ulto
Medfora, Oro. Phono 868.
Collections nnd Reports
M. F. & H. Bldg. Ottlco llourc
8:30 to 12; 1 to 6. Phono 007-R.
lCnglncor anil Contractor
FRED N. CUMMING3 8ngineor and
contractor, iu ii. t: & u. mat
Burvcya,, estimates, irrigation
dralnago, orchard and land Im
provement. Insurance.
EARL S. TUMY Qonoral Insurance
office, Flro, Automobile, Accident,
Liability, Pluto Glass, Contract,
nnd Surety Bouds. Excollont com
panies, good local sorvlco. No.
210 Oarnctt-Coroy Bldg.
Instruction In Music
piano and harmony. Composer
nnd arranger of music. Halght
Music Studio. 401 Gnrnett-Corey
BLI8S HEINE Tcachor ot Violin.
Music furnished for all occasions.
Prices reasonable. Studio 1121 E.
Main St., Phono 303-J2.
UARnAGE Get your premises
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on tho city garbage wagons for
good sorvlco. Phono 274-L. r
Y. Allen.
Physicians unci Burgeons
DR. F """ G. CARLO W, dK! EVA
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic
physicians, 416-417 Oarnott-Corey
bldg., phono 103C-L. Residence
2G South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath!
physician, 803 Qarnett-Cor)
building. Phono 130.
DR. J. J, EMMENS Physician and
surgoon. I'racuce limited to eya,
oar, Host and throat. Eyos acloa
tltlcally tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurist ror B. P
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. a U. Co
bldg., opposlto P. O. Phono 667
DR. U, W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon Phones, office 36, rest
denao 724-J, Office hours, 10 U
12, 2 to 6.
clan and surgoon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
Printers and Publishers
best oquippod printing office tn
southern Oregon; book binding
loose leaf lodgers, billing systems,
etc Portland prices. 27 North
Fir st.
Office 42 North Front st. Phona
316. Prices right. Service guar
Sowing Machinal
SALE OR RENT Some usod m
chlnea also for sale. Cleaning and
repairing. Baldwin Piano for sala
from factory to customer, Rest
rAnco 84R Bo Central Phono Jtfln
t . : , ' an ,, ,3
80 acrwi Bear Creek bottom, 70
acres in cultivation, alfalfa, fruit and
grain, easily irrigated. Less than
8 ullee from Medford. $6S0u cash.
One of the best buys in Jackson
county. 8iy when aud I will tihow
102 Wett Unhx ft. PhoQ 79ft