Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 26, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    P'AGF, voxm
jrnDFOItt) irSTV, "PllTJiimK MEDFORD, ORKflOX, FRIDAY. MAY 20, 1910
Kxci;rT hcniiav nv thk
Officii Mall Tribune HiilldlriK, li-V-tt
Nor Ih I'lr treat, tnlrphono 76.
The Democratic Tim1, Urn Mndford
Mall, Tho Mc.lforri Tribune, Th Mouth
jjfti OrcKonlun, The Aahlamt Tribune.
a lROBl'UTlAM,Kmor.
On jrar by mm,
One month, by mall
Pr month, dllvrel by oerrler In
Mertfm-rt, Phoenix, Jnckaonvtllu
and Central Point . ..
ffelhrday only, lv mall, par year1.. . 1 QQ
wowir. jipr ymr j av
Ofjlfltal ''per of thr rilr of Medford.
OTnetel Paper of Jarkaon f'ounty.
Filtered 4a arconil-iliiaa Matter at
Uedforii, Oregon, under the act of Marsh
Sworn r-ln illation for 1916 1IS6,
rull lia( wire Atiaoclated I'reaa dla-tmlehM
1 J2&SsSa&!SS2
MOVKMHNT ipum-fl uisi(1iTiililf hiwlwny
in On-iron h tin- imimiohhI 'h- the ntutc to print lite-
tt bookH used in the inlli- kpIiooIh irintc-ad of Ht-ndiiij?'
il i r. .1 I . I - f ! I
i iic money our 01 me htmi- iiiiu paying execHHive proms
1o the seliool hook tritnf . The movement Iihh liemi indorsed
by conimeivi:iI orgniiixatinim, purcnl-teuehers unsocial ions,
the ffrninrer.s and labor unions.
Despite eo,tlv blunders nnd poliliral strife, (he printing
' of text bookH by the stutc linn proven a urn-eons in Cnlifor-
11111 I he wiving to the people over the reran priecg pliui-gc-u
bv piibliuhoi'M exeeeded $,2.;(),000 in 1913. On the mine
ral in, the saving to the ix-ople of Oregon wmilil be $70,000
annually. Kansas is also printing a portion of the text
books used in that state with a sitnilur proportionate sav
ing. Dili the aelual saiug ill eost of hooks to the publie is
not all the benefit I be derived from state printing. The
money paid out for materials and labor will be kept at
As the prevailing eonlraets on adopted text books ex
pire in 1910-20, it will he up to the mining legislature to aet
upon the matter. Failure to act will postpone the matter
l or six years.
A Cull for ti New lilllltnl I'mly
Tho no ciiipmiIk or iiniIdiiiiI pol
Ulna Imve leHthod it inntlltlttn whlili
It nhoiit a ohv lo iiiideratttiid
fitlnrlut mimic, we tlit nnileralMhod,
hor)' Iwiitti m chII fur (tin foritintlnu
of h hdw political party (hat will Nil
ti a h Iihvhii of rofiixti for tlin Uwal.
t'lMMt uf votura In our lioil) pallllu.
TIihI tho anolnllatM aro no lonaor
aofllallatlr nnniigli lo anil tho innjnrltv
of thoan who havo followml tlittlr foot
hIojht. that tho anarcliliilN hu no Ion.
gnr a hat eh lat lit onntiKli, that tho
MlHiidrmttHra urt no longer aland mt
imoiiKli, thai tlitt rHillcnla no longHr
mas oiioiirIi.
W mom for Dm oatHhllatintiMit of
h pwrly to lw Hint ahall lie hbI'ii tho
tHtUJIlla, agl'n tho anHrclilala. mI'ii
lit UmliMOlHm, hkCh tin rmllcala
nd anl'n (ho govenirrvetil.
WI.10M 8HAI.I. IUC ANY Ol.ll
VtWtif l4Hlj Siiiglny ".V Km liinl or
h t-t'irt .-
druMd itatt
Wltk rut lliu vim
OoMtalulBR whit cartMitlttHji
On lap of It.
hft of waata .
VUiex riU
OMQ tb necttmtMiHWs bautta.
Olawrini of ibe Utre(.
WhK kW
Otor ot liwdM
Ltwg whit glttvoa
JIHlly ralurHOd
I'pow lfi elmnir,
l'lml mo, ,
TteMll MttVOk)
'rHa)rP KutWHlw f I'lHH lamilHlH
Til luxl driver wlio can't rhaiiut'
five dollar Mil
ft1 niw who lutuvi to put tin-
(ui out uatll UU lfi ukva dim to
! l 1 III
'I i' mid ma u t the IIiiWh mIio imi
ru im.Iv ull Vtflf lll-
!i- kdwln Imiiu ouit (I.iIikM ih
Ulrla TliuraiU) tluu nt lur liuim
Wral Mitlu xtit-M. ThiiittUio n i
Women Sufferers
Need Swamp-Root
TIlOMaullit' 111. on IIh'Us.iihIi o( ni
pn hvi Mil nn and ll.iUlor lioul l
aud nct ani t it
.Woittcn'a coiuiiliilnla often irov tu
1'f MtnittK '" '"" llln iroul'U',
01 Ik rotull o( Uliitiry or bU.ur UU
It Um kl4oeK rc not In a lualtb
loinlltloa, tbo) ioa laoxH tin other
luimu to Uecutu dlmahfil
ou way Buffer a urcut deal of taln
In tli bark. hwadaiUf. loan of uinol
tiun irvouana aud ma t ili
i um. m ad triitu
Hon t 4la atarliiiH trtutmnit in
KniKi'-i twint-Huot, a ibt4rUu
i I. -i ui'iinti. obtained ut ttn ilrtin
in ii ,i.irHl h"ttlO tli U'l' klou'
!.u lp Jut lb.- iiini'ih ii td 4 loot
(trrotne aticWttitidltlona.
tittt a tuts (fni . r f i. iMiar m
AN initiative petition is in circulation proposed by the
I'll jiuil h'igbts for Home I ndustry" commit tee, ( 10.
S. Wood chairman, to amend the prohibition amendment
by abolishing discrimiu.ition against home manufacture of
light boer. The bill, if carried, will permit the manufacture
of beer, containing less than four ikt cent of alcohol, in
Oregon, but restricts its sale, as under the present law, to
original packages ns prescribed therein.
lTnler the present prohibition law, any person i.s al
lowed to import twentvfour quarts of beer from points
outside the stale in any one month. This closes the local
breweries and sends the monev outside the stale- to build up
foreign industries and support distant payrolls. It de
stroys the local market for Oregon hojw and deprives t In
state f the payrolls. It smashes home industry and fos
ters the mail-order booze house.
The present prohibition law is illogical and absurd. If
people are permitted to purchase beer made outside the
state, there is no moral reason why they should not be able
to keep the money at home by purchasing, under similar
restrict ions, beer made at home. The law is really an anli
salonu measure, instead of a prohibition measure, and the
same purpose of eliminating the saloon can he realized by
purchasing trout a home brewery us well as ironi a ( ali
fornia or eastern brewery.
1 1 is not beer or malted drinks that cause tin- human
flotsam and jetsam, but distilled liquors and our prohi
bition law stimulates the use of strong Honor ami discour
ages the use of light lieu-ruges like licer. The wa've of pro
hibition thai lias swept over the nation has decreased the
brewery output and increased the distillery output.
The prohibition law lias accomplished its purpose of
destroying the saloon. The saloon has been eliniinatcd
prohabh ftirgoml at least in its old form. But as long a
we sanction the purchase of a limited amount of liquor
llure is no reason why we should not make il ouwlw-s in
alead of having to -nid nut of the state lr it.
wv .tv- -
WASHINGTON. M.i -'ii. I inlf
tliv plun loi win 111 (Mine n niitlitifil
8ay w can't help but lok
better and feel uttr
aftar an Insld bath.
T.i innk nne'a bat and feel one' )("'
U to enjoj en InaMe bath each morn
Ing to flush iroui me system mo iin-,
in tliu piuitrutii ol the Icnynr lo on-1 lou daa waetc, our fermentmlonB
.i t- , i u. , i. and polooui toxins before It la W
I 111 I'M tllllll-il. till! I llllllll Sllltfl lllll'llt I . . , .!. 1.1 1 I...I'.. Vlt
'I'lio nlliloto ifliin- i-
tnii, liniml ,tniiii'i i ix I i i' i. mi in
till' ii'lil.itllloil ll'i i nl U lii hi it I'm! i
ill liliin in i'iiiiiiiii' ii n 'ili ' I i n
on il ii In .'.i mi"- ni i In I n i m i 1 1 u
I'i 1 1 ii - I pin, i
ii.litnii- lut mill kit arr liHr
" il in tin ill ilirl, ulifiu ln Innili'il
'H iiplilllit: II O ItHWIllutlr- Ifltp.
Ii i- i mi-nlnul otio uf Ihe ftifitlf-t
"I iiMi I," iiicitiii-. tm-r tnktii t ii Irnt'k
nnd tH'ltl liMt't.
awPSSjePtWHaBpiaBBte J ' -f a. m
r sHuinui
I'ltiNt-ic (u:o(.i: n c. iv :'
Dhiiiiiki- Ih IimIiik 'itixtiilncil In thlii
pait of llrltlHli Colnnililii tlirouKh for
mat flrun Many lm xlartHil In tho
hot, drv weather of tho past few dns
Mild tli moke' front them rait bo mn
for mlltw mound, out within a te
miles of tho clt prosonts a gorgeaue
(onp at' night.
An (Miormotm lihirc Is snld to he I
rnttiuif In Mount Itnlmon park, on tlm'
fire nd Trunk l'nclUc. and on the
cmiadlH Xortkern near Yellow ht-ail
(The pinvlnoihl aoveratnent has a
anwli army of men flKhtlug fires In
this vicinity. Main Is needed for the
protection of the forents and In sonx.
i-iifK foi tlif mo III of tin- crop.
I ii m, built h Mkhael ISurles, n
wealthy lumbrrniiiii In 1912 at a cost
of f.oo oof), wa totnlly destroyed by
Hie this afternoon.
'I'lii' ImtPl was tlttiHtwil In the heart
or iIih OlMitple tnountuliis. Tlio biillil
InuKjwpre ell instirvd
Vl. ICttrlliiK, prnfldont or tlio Mll
wuiih'( rulltosd, and 1-om UocUh
fellvr mill null' wore on the roml to
Sold no W itiiioniolilli' ut the tinio of
the lire So fur us known, no ono
Ml tfoltlut was lujnrod b tin- flic.
With Mfldfnro traoe U Mi'dfonl nnilo.
1'oiCL' pi'iii't1. tin1 I lilted .Mute iinlit
Imve lo H'linitii-li some of it older
intorpivtntioiii of tlic Monroe doe
trine in the event of u di-pute with n
"HtuojK'an power. Ouoige Griil'tiiii Wll--oii,
pfiift'fsoi' or inlernntioiinl Inw
n( llnnnn, deelitieil in nil ndilrewM
hero toilnv before tlio I'lrxl tuitiiMiul
iiMseiiibliitfe of tlte Icuirin, miller pence
tientin Mjau'tl in recent etirn, I'ro
liwsor Wilson niil, Hitch euneeNNions
will have lo be nunle.
"Tile United Stiite Iiiih within re
etMil veal's' I'1 "lid. "become n pnrtv
to n Ini'Kc diiiiiIht of tivnticH in which
I lie hitfli colli fnct illir pmlicM nree
tlmi till (liMpntes lielvveeii them of ev
ery nnliirc whiiNoever Hie .cltlcment
f which do not apply in their trcalv
leiiiiH or nre not tipplied in hid, -hull,
when diploitinlie iiicIIioiIh of mljif..
incnl hnve I'mtcd. lie icfcrrcd for m
vcNlifriifioii mid icport to mi nitcriut
tioiinl ciniiniMiin mid Ihtv mtree imt
lo decline wm or hcriii liolilitic ilor-
iiiV "licit iiiM'-tiiiiiliun and hclme the
reHrt fn snlimittcd.
"A diipntc in repaid tu the Mon
roe doctrine or involving it" princi
ple whatever thev innv be would
Mirelv he included in Hie nreciiicnt
liindc hv the United States to reler
dipntei -of everv nattue vliat-u-evei'
In mi internntioniil cihiiimiI(iii
for ii icport."
J. A. Welch, of the Meadows, Ih
trHiuaclliiK hiiKlnesH In Mod ford to-
diiv II (' WcIIm will loin him in the
development of a lit luiti k ( 1 it I in in tin
Meadows illhlrld
Win Mndfnrd trnne h Mmlforrt mnfln
Always First on
the Grocery List
sorbed Into the blood .Inst as roal.'
when It burns, leaves behind a cer
tain amount of Incombustible materml
In tho form of asln-B, no tho food and
drink taken ouch riav leave In the all
mentury organs a certain amount ot
Indigestible inntcrist, which if not
eliminated, form toxins und polsmi .
whleh are then sucked Into tho b'ood
thratih tho very ducts which arc In
tended to suck In only nourishment
to sustain the body.
If you want to see the glow of
healthy bloom In our cheeks, to bct
jour skin get clearer and clearer, yttt
are told to drink tviry morning upon
arising, a glnhs of hot water with a
leasiKHtnful of limestouo pbosphut In
it, whloh is a hunuless moans of wash
iiiga tho waste material and toii
from the ptomaeh. liver, kidneys
bowels, thus cliansiiiK, hweetenlng .tnd
purifying tho entire allmrutary trm ,'
before putting more food into tho ston.J
Men nnd women with sallow akin;
liver spots, pi in i den or pallid com
plexlon, also thimu who wake up witli
a eoa toil totifzuc, bad taste, nnnii
breath, others wlio oro bothered wim
headacbea, bilious spells, ncld stout i It
or const I put Ion should beln this pb
phaied hot vvitu ilrlnUinn nnd an
assured of very pronouncud rcuults tu
one or two winks '
A tpiorter iound of llmetono phnn
phate costs' very little at tho dno;
store but Is sufficient to demonstrate
that Just ns soap and hot wuti t
cleanses, purifies and freshens tlio
skin on the outside, so hot water ntnl
limestone phosphate art ou tho Ini'.s
organs. We must always eoneldt r that
Internal sanitation Is vastly inorr :u
portant tliait uutalde clcantlnt-in be
cnime th skin poros do not ab irb
Imptirltlis Into the blood, v hllc tin
ImiwH tiores do
Iford t reaiui r llul-
llc KIOiet lls of
liiindlcilx of housiwiveM Ih becuuse
Instant rellof for nching-, pulled-1 there u no iiuestlon to v lliui"Mt
Up, oalloiucd feot and with the groier. She dot ant buve
corng. I to ask If It Is fresh, whether It I
puio, full wvIkIiI, wholcnoine and of
Why ui llmplnfi around with nehinc.
putfi-dup fwt fet mi tire.1, cwfo
highest qualltv she knows that It is
ull ibis nnd more.
pour vi.i:u:s. w.i-ii via ,t.
The main itneture ol tin Sol
.1,1. Mot I'llius hot' 1 and o.m.iior
'ISl" tnnLi ai f.l !, .ill.
ft. Uke down twcllimw and drnw I'OHiiu.
the ir'ini and miwry right out of
ivi iimi riwic, smart and iirn. "Tu'
inManuy stopa pain iu conn, eallou
iin,i mmiona. "r" t Biorlou
tired, selling, oro fmt No more shoo
tujutnaas no ware fot tottuie.
making Medford
so highlv miIu-
tiflc und so thorough!) standardlcd
that evvr.v latund Is like evei otlur
Hill F Mil I ION HfllFI i """::"" A" w.s i ,. T"' MT" -.
llnLI llllLLlUn IIUILL I KK a JMm box of 'lit' from the Cremnerv Uuttcr Is
il.uf U( CU.. ..Il I
'r?;,; Medford Creamery
1 l"i n '. ntnl
Jfnr-y rr AftO
dniiial II in v I
ed lo nici ill
tOimiiaudii o! ti
III. h I to l'l I eiu
tttlllWlIK u i
M.o o i uii 1 1 d i i
II, w a I 'i 1 l Ii hi
.1 In e i i i
V l1 hi i i I '
I l 1 In t fe
!) l I I
t ' '
l l1
l ,1 !
nil .t i .
i i i
II l
Il 1 lolllml I
' ' I
, Il
u Slate- t i.
i - of ma) I ii i i
demand It Mllti d i I'i.
i t nn 1 rt iii i im 1 1 - i
j -'.I, l i
i i i !
PWW mi . ii -
i . v ". I W i I
t Vti.inili Ii i t
,i in iiisto . lei
iiioimlit ii .mi
IWO .1 1 - aii
i llui 1 1 i ii .it I,
'tie inwu'diutrli friiu uu ilrl-e oo I $) mmm v m il ti p
-: Hhl$ Jtat Wl-awtloit (U4 ti-U tenia 9mm " u m
t't . .., 'Miia miai itrcnuriiiiuii. Btiiu ivn ct'iiiM
. - iwwuw- .-..;-. . i -. , . i ts
- ' iii icnJ 4to. iuiMwium j AtKOlUliiS iuMnuS
a luiiii i it
. -0
A Record-Breaking Fruit Crop
is Practically Assured for This Year
Now is the lime lo begin preparing- for
the packing and shipping season.
Among oilier supplies needed will be
'Fruit Box Labels
We can supply you in any size, style,
color and quantity. We have the facili
ties especially for this kind of work. Ask
us for samples and prices.
Kgop money at home by patronizing home institutions
Medford Printing Company
a room
MAY 26
Hours 6 to 9 p. m.
75 con Is
. ( IIIMKHiM. l-eoo.
Medford 1 louse Movers
m. mdi:
Phone 488-M
BI2 S Now. town. 737 W. Hth f
i.vmu itiitN itrrcxMR co.
timi: fAltll,
l.pj t Iford tor Anhland. Talent
and I'hiiit.lx il til), i nci't Hundav, et
1 s en a in . I no, 2 ou. 4 00 and r. I j
l in Al o on Halurd.iy at II: I". v
ui. tiuud an leave at 8.00 and lo i
a m. and 1 o, 8 oo, 6. SO and ' .
li m. l.av Axhland for ilodford
Idailv, txceut Sunday, at :00 a. .' .
' 1 oo, : oo. i oo and 5:16 p. in. Al o
on Saturday nlgbta at G SO a . 1
: JO. 8nudas leavo Aahland at 9: on
a m. and 1.00, 4;S0, 8:30 tnd 10 ..J
d m
Camera Shop
208 East Muiu Street,
Tho Onlv Ej'!uslv
, Coimnercial I'hotorapht'va
m Syuthor Oregon
rfpr:ith e radt- any Unit or,
Il.ue ljy apiuhtuitTit
Phone 14f-J
We'll tlO tl'OlVAt1
B B.TvESTON.Prfip.
I -.ii m. 0i in
;, i iiai i i i " "i' '
i . 1 1 j-i""ii ji
l'biiru 31 i'. an J fJJt
, ii i, ut HI' a
ur i
PJ-F... .
tfaniii.MiM.iwir. iii.
V , lot (l ' !,') 't W v icn