Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 25, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PffOTC EIX
Invitation ih extended lj the (I. A.
It. and Wuinuii'x Hehel' eorpi to nil
lu4lf(M. fraternal orders, m-hooU ninl
fllnoa to tnke pnrt in the Memorial (lav
IMU'atle ami exati'iaeii on next Titewlnv
utornitiKi May '". The pantile Mill
form Ml the city mrW at :15 a. in.
flnd. .Mart'h to the Pngu DiHHter, where
the Memorial dav pai'ivihph will ho
lloW. All aehool ehildren in the pnr-
Mdu will he fuuiiahed with flajra til lhu
Mik by the eoinmitloo in eliarnu.
The wrntle will lie lieoded by the
llwlfonl hand, mid in the line of
inarch will ho the (I. A. it., WomunV
tolief enr)M, Seventh r-oinifliiX' fonat
Artillery eorj city fire tlemt Intent,
fralomal ortlera, adtool eliildiuii mid
The o.verehu's nt the I'mro theater
Will he in (iliHrge of lhu (I. A. It. mid
Women' lltt)itf eor. Tim coiiiplutu
iimgram it an follews:
JlumV, olwtwl Medford IimiiiI
lllitriliiioiitMl llllthie . ,
- . Mian Snilio Whitman
iHvnoatlnn Itov. Harry Tucker
m CiHHmntilers order to atljiilnnl.
OiHHiwaiiiler'B welcome.
Hwaidiiift reeonl of fl. A. It. dead
Minim IhmI Memorial day.
ItMulitijr rwonl of decfMHtil wol
iliern, not 0. A. It., Ii.y Woman' Itulief
Swir, Mlwteil Forrtwl rMmwule
Heaillng. .. . Mr. flw. T. Wilanu
HtwIiaHmi, "TIih Man" .
ISNaafaalli Welelt, Vivian Miller and
Ilww Parker.
IttmiliHjr .. . .Mr. U'elwtur
"ilarrh Militain"
Twenty younjr Iodic under diitw-
lion of Miii. ..vitetle. llovioua.
Adiliwa Itev. Vm. It. Hamilton
Sting, "Slar-SiMiiiKhil itaiiner . .
The ote of Mrdloid, n- ofliemlh
(HHtlHled, gives IIiikIii'k lilt, fiiminins
375, lliirtuii HI. For neerelary ot
UW, iloori'N reeeived l-Ml, ll.'lllllt
Ulwitt'a 71(1. Mnehtel for ruilronil
tMMimiMoiier reeeited 37U mien lo
('mikwIIV I1X
Italian llowcra for the letfi-liiltuv
oly awuirud :, oten out of Med
fonl, aa aicaiMMt OKU for Sheldon and
S02 fur Tbonwa. Cunt lot joint rep
neuUtive ft 'J HI vote and (lore
8W in the laller'a bailiwlek.
Carkin carried Mud ford a well aa
Anhlaml fur dixtnet attorney oer
ItoJmrtH. The Medford ole atood,
Carkin A2U, Hubert .V.J2. WaUim 11(1.
Th iWhlnnd wn lMid, Carkin 'Jl.'t.
Itoborta 21)0, WnNn -Jill. ( hum
Talent, with Ha .VI plnrnliU Utr Holi
rl, that pm him the nomination.
lliliiebrand gave (lanlner a elo.
mee in Medford with Wi voice
aaiiit (JanlneiV W and WiUoii'a
Curiey Wilon lor nlmrilf reeeie.l
M vot., Clrieve ;1, Ufland llil
and Walker SJOil in the eil.v.
alaule ran well in hi home eilv for
tivanurvr, rweiiiif I IK vutea in Med
ford. itr. lilakele weivwl 174 and
Crunetnilier a.VJ.
K. M. WiImw wa the fauirile Wed-
trd candidate fur akMur, reeeiv nii;
AUSi tote in Hie eil.v. Coleman reced
ed j:il, IU?rrin 171, Uiinpiuuh l
and Truax 135 in Medford.
Ilanby r( ' aiedfurd Juratit
fur Uieriulfudeii of i.ebNlM, reeeiv
iair M5 vulei., HKuinl aJ7 fur Alter.
1110 for Kmilii. 2.U lot WelU.
Talent u)uiied for it favorite
aoOM, the folid Tnlent ole deeidniK
tae aeiorkhi) nod Minciinlcudcnl
raeM for (he Talent eandldalex, Cole
Man and Aer. Oilier Tnlent enudi
dalex reeeinif the Tnlent tote wen
Tiutnia for the l.i-Uimre and (lur.l
ner lor elerk o Dial Talent l well
to I lie I lire in tlie i imltln .in In ki I
A. It. Kliynit, who ih uiidrt i mitiiiet
to dull lor arlf-inn wnlci mi Frank
0. Owens' le-nlenec proHily in IImk
eily, Iiiim no fur had excellent miicccmm
in iiia enteiriMeH. The firnt irriKH
tion well he put down whm in the
Clnllirie orchard, nenr .Inekwonville. At
n depth of 1 17 feet he ntniek ii atnniir
flow of wnter, hut it waa not artes
ian. It eiime to a )oiiil within ix feel
of the top and from tout made it i
believed lo iwhso hii excellent How
for pnnipiiiK pnipoHea.
He hca-nii to drill lhu eeond one mi
the ame place n little oxer two week
ago and got an itrtciiui flow of ,10,-
0(10 xnlloim n day, wliile the firt one,
it in eatimated, will Niipply HO.OOO irnl-
lona k day. The water flown ocr
the lop of the second one nt the rule
of J 100 kiiIIomh n div.
Koc litigation rninm.
These wells are for iiiigiition pur
poses only. Mr. Kit, vail struck
string imlicntinns of oil in the sec
ond w'ell; but, ke says, "I am here to
guarantee water for irrigation nnd
am nol interested in oil. Others may
attend to the oil features of the pros
ihjcI. My ginirtinlee Ii rings wnter.
Then I'm icmly for the nexl job."
Mr. Knynrt drilled a well on the
liiiener prHitv in .liicksonxillii for n
mining investigation enlciprise. He
got water, instead, nnd plenty of it,
the 1ow being our 100,001) gallons a
After drilling the well for Mr. Owen
Mr. Knynrd will at once liegin one for
Mr. .Viedenneier, also in this city.
Ihilh of these wells will he drilled for
irrigation water.
"It is hiv opinion," said Mr. Knynrt,
"that we will have to go to no grunt
depth in a great ninny places in this
vnllcv for an abundant flow of wa
ter for nriiriitioii, though in ninny
phice the pump nm bae lo be
'The mil cum' ol the m icngc of
finilx thnt will come inln liearing this
year will more than double the weld
in this vn I ley this season," said N.
C'ninpl'll esterdny. "Kven though the
dnmnge to fruit by the recent frosts
inny be ns high n 23 iwr cent, I be
lieve that the yield, with that percent
nge deducted, will still be greater Ihun
nny former fruit hanest over lcnl
iwd in Juckson county. In this eti
mnle I refer piitlteularlv lo apples
and Knrs."
Mr. Cnmpiiull snvs llmt the grain,
es(Hcinlly that sown in the tall, looks
fine nnd stiong. The early fall wheal,
he Miys, is uuy weed), but the barley
is clean and good. Sonic of (he grain
is bending out in very promising con
dition. Fanners nre nt n loss for ex
plnmttinn of the piescnee of wucds in
gi enter growth m the wheal fields thin
year than oxer before. Some assume
Hint (he seed was in Hie wheat wliuii
rirevieeil .Xloi-o Abiinilaul,
Mr. Campbell has sixty aeron in
grain and expect good yield. Ilia
nl la I In shows the effect of Hie cold
went her. lis growth has been alow.
He Ih'Iicwh the low teiniRTHliires ae
count for Hint condition. Firewoed
is tpnrc nhundiint than usiml in alfalfa
fields Hum eiir. This, loo, is Hie
subject of some interesting sjhh'hIh-
It should be remembered, however,
thnt firewced grows nbiiiidniitlv on
the wuste areas and thai the nuttimii
winds carry the seed everywhere
throughout the wtllev nuil into the
foothills. I'ncultivnlud nnuis wheic
fireweed nnd oilier wild vegetable
jtestn grow vigorously should be burn
ed over ns enrly after the seed inn
lurc ns possible. Ciitnmiiuily clubs
ciin do this heller in an orgiinixed
wny thuii otherwise. The fnriueis
will find thai this concerted effort to
de-driiy tln- conlly iets will save
them initeh labor III their tiebU and
iiw ihem a u i iter iclil nl vvi
tiling plunli il
WXMIIIMiTUN, .Xl.n j , Kor
hum lanKUMKi. ulmohl eipmillng Him
employed In the last eoniuuinleailon
In (lermany on the Hiilimarlne lamie,
ia untlemtiMMt to characlerlce the
note delivered In the llrltlah and
French embaaalea hern ynterda pro
teallna aaalnet Interference with neu
tral ma I la.
1 1 It understood there ti no aub
tantlal illffeience'aa to iirlnclple
1etweeu the atate department ami the
London and Pari chancellor regard
lug the broad ipientlon of Inviolabil
ity or first riaan malls on the hUh
seas. The American object Ion la
baaed rather on the methods em
ployed by the allied government In
handling theae mall.
The Fiilted Mate doe not eon
rede the rlaht eteu to lnMrt flrt
clam mall In transit on the high
ea, aMiimlng that these do not In
clude an thing more l linn coire
anondenre and are not made the ve
hicle for supply of contraband to the
belligerent The fact that ii neutral
veiisel ran Inn mall between iuu
tral count rle I compelled to mmc
Into a belligerent port lo comph wiih
belligerent naval rule, It Is lul I
doe not remove Hie mall muiiei ni
board from the privileged cliHiuiit
of mall on the blah sea.
X resolution authorUluK the n.iu
iHirlatlon of mall lo aud iiom m
tral oit on naval vwi i ami ;
daring that "any Intei ' i nc
our mall ahull lm reaenled ) m .
hl with all power of the nau u t
of the Klilpx " was lutioducetl tnl
li lit pioeniatitc Taaue of Ma-
(liii-clis Ii was it til ml In a mil
C. T. Cosier ol (it-ebiliu -n- llie
(H-uple of Hint ail mid nil n llie -iir-rouudiug
couuti urc ei pilnliiiii
ocr the fact that the hae I'nuilK
oled bonds in Hie sum ol .UHi,ooo
for the niiliond into their timbei dis
tricts, as it means new hie
in Douglas county. The development
Hint will follow, he sa-. will mve the
s'nple of that country n hull' iiiillmu
ilollur payroll - all of wlneli the)
Mr. Coster is in Med lord lisla in
cminofiion with Hie iuilinl bu-uies- ot
one f the enterprises Hint will i ie
with the eouiplellon of then lailmnd
He euuiirutulnlcs Medford penile mi
hiixiug made the lnl -lep - !-,.
Inll to do a similar ihinu. allhuiih
he -a- he heliexes Hie lesniiiees
the Itlne l.eiluc tuad will tgp inure
III in ii lailiuplr ihusf 1. 1 tin- ,.,Minli
ti 'iiiim in tin ir Inn'
The follow Iiik ltd ki am of urn
gratulailon I u Haiiipii' ot thoc lie
lag received b the unnnereiHl eluli
oa the reault of' bond elei
Yreka. Cal . May 5
Medford Commercial club: Heart v
congratulation on ucceaa of bond
election SUklyou ha iuone avail
We to do ber share of promotion
work, and I willing to aid am uiea
gre Ibal promlMs lo ei tire rull
trliii tallou Dial will develop llie
Klamath iivir immu
YltUltA CH.X.MIil.K luMMK 1.
I lit "I I n ial i until i tin ill inn
i I tin piuniiN iili in i Ii. tim-liiil
I'dilsilu i m mnw Il -lin- that V
V II. mli n di le.itid I I li ll !"
the inuiiiiialuiii i- pti-.'i nl mj nt
lit V ll I.I lull ', till' lul.l! Nutl In I
KilU lul It.. mIi ii IP). Mi .li . . .
eaew"-r- ''' I !M I
The Boy is Father
to the Man
Old Miinss lilc tliU are fraught wiilt
a mot liiiiuitinl UK i n l mi. Ami what
U ' nl IV' 'HNl lilt
i'i' t i r lii oiiimmImc
Ii r Ii o .i 1 1 Ii , Ii , r
ii until, lur iiunur
l I '-o l ll,l llh .il.
- i o of ii'titlnm
1 i i i n uliji t of
"I in. mii, ut. Vnionf
I rMnlivl Ii, lp It '
n.i. inn. I ri'in i il y
I . ii .u Mi iiir'
I ' i ii I ' Aiiusl lo
I' t IIiIIm l.ri It -mLrf In
akWV J 9i ll ' ''I '" "i -' thn
Jik TI Hi ii ami pit ml it lhu.
in iiu,' ii.ii ;i. it ltiiU'iu iim
""'ii .liin. lotlutv cslm.
f Ik tltliciUmr kbwp auj
I NUlillk Iftllil h.innt I ..
Kit,- r ' M.'tU'r'n l-tloisl' nr urn druniat
uii.1 v.'ii ll tin n rc.Uiu wli) It ban be
iv nil '.i.. I tin, t,i iu itmim in our boil Iknum
t'.Miitli llrv (.in.rnl'on. It U iMrfwUr
luriiil. luit -i tifixthe Uwit eotw imn It
i rixxmiuwuilnl la ull ripM-lant usillwr by
llsw ha unit thrvuch toe orJi-.l ltk
Min.rulii , B,- Hritlag to BnulaIJ
Kiifiil.ili.r r.i, u- Unar Bldi.. AtUnln, 0.,
mi i.i i Iww n tree nm ut a wnutlrrul
fair. Urn. that imfulila iKwr Ihln. whk'h
all iKtjnt mulUci. a,litl Iu K.J. M'rtU
Dancing Party
I'fiiii. iiU tl it
I'llt I 11 , 'I I ,
ll-lllll I ill, .
Il.l.l 111,. 1 1
BELL-ANSi Friday, May 26
Absolutely Ixomove-s
1 iilittioii, Oiu'ji i K i't
iioXs.U. Jf.tU'lhlMt, 'ife.
I.uax' Mali. vVui i;iiiio. M.UI.rtl
I ' n i . i, . n i t(J ( i
2 Bisrilnctttrc Package
Oin the flexible "1
2 in tlic convenient Cr"
U Patcut'Lift" 13ox ZDC
Unvarying excellence and
supreme, maintained Turkish
Quality assure La Marquis
permanent preference among
tliecrilicalsmokers of the west.
Unexcelled in " mildness, incom
parable in flavor, unique in appcLizing
relish, comparison only emphasizes
the unusual enjoyment afforded hy
La Marquise.
v " ta0mmm MnA
UB ( dr t- -s" T "rnat
& Sri -SSJsWtXV' 'ssJttaL - wRjLr3i&&1lltllfflhL
.$&- -fc frTft j-WMwa m
mmmmTMUm WsRsmsmSfjssrsemm Kfmmmsmmmmtmmmmm
fcajjjilm - .m ii ml I M- 1 ' ' ' .XJ ' ill ', li.-'.-l I m i m ii I -JrOjWr1" " m mm ill Ml ' wan I aW
JVIanufnctiircd liy Btrri.KR-BUTI.Ot IlHANCn ' '
Makers of bigb-grndo TnrkMi rifiarrllm only
m-ii-nii, .xiuii
Viutli IUimI, hid. .liken llie.
rut it cYi.ini:it xiourus
'louiinii cr, 7 I !? h7fi
Itoatlkier, il.ieHM' J-541
l4llllUu-IUltlMH', tta. I tM
Seila n .. . . HUM
si.v i-i.imh:u Mim:is
TiMirlHU t'Mt'. 7lHls JsltlHR
iriMlMii . ;.pMtt(er IttttU
IrttnliHi-lfiMMUler? ; liMil
(iiupv i-iHkMnuei' 9 ttn)l
Oi'l'ui 1MT3
() 'i n i 7-IMs enir MKI
(I) J. II. i'ir.'H
When you buy a Studebaker,
you SAVE from $250 to $400
This $230 in $100 rfpivKonis the lUrrwiMii'o lie
i vtiii Hit' )i'ifi of n Studobiikt'i' and tlu nrifu
nf mty otlu'rcnr that iiiak it in vahu1.
Tht' ivasuus for this diriVrt'iict' arc iinniatcrial to
you as a huyir. What yon WANT is the car that
jfives the most for its prh-o. And when you find,
us vou will, that -ars with the same power, sixe
awl quality that the SKRI KS 17 Stndehakers of
fer, eost hundreds if dollars more, nmko tho
salesnmu tell you Wll V.
If a ear glxv no more, there's no reason at all
for paying a higher price, is there t .Just see these
ISISKl'KS IT Stiidelmkers. Make your own eom
jmrisoiis with other ears then ask the other
salesmen why T1IKV want from $'250 to $400
more thati the Studehaker prices Thirty min
utes spent in making such comparisons will save
ou several hundreds of dollars.
c. e: gates
o o
9' i