CO MARTIAL FOR MAS 11 0 WASHINGTON Mav 2.'.. Rowrs lug Ills previous decision, Secretary Haker announced today that the 116 members of the Texas National (Juard who failed to proiant themselves for muster Into the federal service, will be- brought to court martini imme diately under the present law. Mr. Haker liml Intended to nwalt the sinning of the new milllla law, now lioforo tlio president, and proceed under II provisions. Secretary Haker explained his ac tion by pointing out the difference In the enlistment oats guardsmen are required to take under the Dick law and the new Hay-Chamberlain bill. The Dick law requires an obligation to defend the constitution and obey orders of tho governor of the state, but not tho order of the president. The llny-Chambcrlaln act requires an oath to oboy order of both tho gov ernor nnd the president. J'pon recommendation of Judge Advocate (ieueral Crowdor, the sec retary has decided that the alleged offense of the guardsmen refusing to "present themselves for muster," was committed under the Dick law and the trial should be under that law. Goneral C'rowder, In a aupploniun tar opinion, held that the llay Chnnibcrlalti act would not abolish tho offense with which the Toxaus are charged as has boon suggested. On this showing It will not be neces sary to Issue a new call for the border militia after tho Hay-Cham-berlalu bill Is signed. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. Howlett It K Peyton and wife passed thru here the first of the week on their wav homo near Prospect. They had been out to attend the commence ment eerclie of tho Medford high echool. Mrs. John Itader and her sou-lu-law, Hnrvoy Stanley, motored Into town Saturday In her now Chalmors. mi Sunday was a busy day In our little village. The Gold Hill base ball team came in to meet the Kugle Point team In a game and there was quite a crowd of the friends of ouch team gathered to witness the game. It was a hard fought contest and for some time the game stood one to one, but finally a change took place and the final result was that the 14. P. bos won out, the score standing I to S in favor of Eagle Point. The great trouble with 13. P. team seems to have been on account of their pitcher, Frank Abbott, although he is considered a good pitcher, he Is at work on a farm and consequents has not tho time or tho opportunity to practice, and that It one of the essential In a ball pitcher, but last Sunday they had their old pitcher. Hobble Pelouse. He had just come homo from Saufnrd university, Cali fornia and was already trained for almost any part of the game and I heard some of the boys remark that he threw a "stunner of a ball." and the result was they liegan to get buck into their old standing, for the . P. bos when they are properly lined up are some ball player. Last tiunday was also a busy day at the Sunny side, for although Mr llowlott had no reason to expect any more than perhaps a few of her trtends lu for dinner, there seemed to have been a concerted action for there were between -",0 slid 0 took dliiner with us and umous them were Mr aud Mrs. Fender, recently of Sun Diego. Cal.. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Stew art. Mr. and Mr. Fred McPherson slid son. Mrs. Thomas K. Nichols, Mrs. T. F. Uolta aud two children. Mr and Mrs. Win. Von der llelleu and two children, Mr. and Mrs. K (!. Htowu, wife and daughter. Miss Hasel. Mr. and Mia. Win. Brown. Mr. Uert Hryant and daughter. Geo. lwla. Mr. ('. A. Knight aud his fore man. Mr. C. V. Cummlngs. Mr. John Friek, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pelouse aud sou Robert, Mr. Raymond Reter of Jacksonville, beside a lot of young folk whose names I did uot kuow. but they all bad their appe tites satisfied and 'wl good humor. A mau aud wife by the name of Marts have moved into one of the bouses owned bv James Owens. Joe Stickle of Oold Hill has been up here visiting hie daughter. Mrs. Jske Jonas- Mince Frgnk UU hat alarted hi jitney he fans had a telephone put in bis confectionery store so that peo vle having business in his line cn call him up on the phone. Kev. Gainron. the pastor of the Presbyterian church of Butte Fall, spent Monday night st the unnyW on hl home to Medford 1H. il In -I.Un.l M. V ' . . i -. . .-- 1 li. .1 Mil ui V .i it U'io l.U ...... ' g; - about forty grand children, besides a host of warm friends. He has two grand children In our town, Frank and Leslie Abbott and several, In Unite Palls. C A Knight has been making a chansjp in the management of his culinary department and has arrang ed with Mrs. llowlott to feed a part of his men for the time being. Monday morning early the crowd of people front all parts of the upper country began to arrive and iwsk through to see the grand parade of tho Robinson' circus and later wit ness the performance, but there was comparatively fow who wont from here. Miss Kstella llotz, who went to Medford Mouthy reports that an pld resident of the Hutte Falls country, Mr. Moore, passed away Sunday at the hospital in Medford and that the remains were tak"on up on the P. & IS. railroad on Tuesday. Mr. and Mr. G. W. Austin, two or his old neigh Iter, followed the lematus fioni Med ford to their Inst resting place. Hex. I,. I.. Simmons, the pastor of the Haptlst church of this place, who has been living lu Medford so as to send his daughter to high school, returned to his homo hero Monday. It. It. .Mtuter, one or our leading slock men aud farmer, was lu town Monday on business. Henry Meyer of l.nko Crook was having some ropntr work done at the Chllilreth blacksmith shop Monday, getting rosily for Ills hay hnrveal. Our orcliHidlsts are putting In a forco of men to thlu out the fruit that the frost has left. The treoa mo simply loaded with fruit. I have been living In this neigh borhood for the last 18 nine years and have never known or a crop full uro lu Hoguo river valley yet. Although the people have been telling all the while of the havoc the frost, the drought, and other visita tions have done, and I am still loath to believe that the damage to the fruit has been half so bad as the pes Hlmlsts would have us believe. Miss Ituth Thompson of Derbv is the guest of Miss Clnlro Xlmmcrmau at the Sunny side hotel. Kugle Point. Many were present from the val ley at the ball game Sundav afternoon when the Hcagle tenni attempted to turn the tables on the Meadows but failed for the score was Meadows 15 nnd lleugle :i. The Mountain King mine Is still op erating with a full forco despite the reports of financial trouble of the new owners. The wonderful show ings of ore being developed prove this to bo a great property and It Is rxiievted a transfer will bo made to other operator should the present troubles prove to be permanent. Mr. Mlllor of Ixiwer Kvans creek, ofriclal scorer at the ball game, with his wife spnt Sunday In the Mead ows. Sheriff Slngler got Into tho mining uaiiiu In the Meadows Saturday in his official capacity. The Peart aud Force Interests who claim ownership 01 1110 claim known as Cinnabar No. 1 and 2. served nepers on F. W. Camahan. slid his foreman, stopping work on the claim by that outfit. Foreman aiiiIhimiii has been taking out and fink Iiir considerable ore worth about n dollar a pound and the other claimants evidently decided that the matter of ownership of the gioiuid xhould be settled before the ore was retorted. The claim Is fully prom ising as the others on the western bills although oh a eroa seam from the mala ledge. Messrs. Nelthammer. Oden and uni. i.r.m. of liwor ISvan creek, spent Sunday lu the Meadows, taking lu the ball game lu the afternoon. Samuel llertleson aud Doctor Chl liolni drove out to the Meadows mines on Saturday afternoon, spend ing a couple f hour. The Little Jean mine i starting a new tuuuel to tap the clnuabar ledge at greater depth. Two uieu are drtv lug into the hill. Mrs. Dock Hutsou and two daugh ters weut to Gold HHl on Saturday. Walter Frauk of lh Cinnabar Mouututu mlmas was an tulerealed visitor at the Meadows claims on Sat urday. Mrs. Mitchell took the place of Mr Springer a mall carrier on Sat urday's trip. Mr. Svringer golug to Medford with Cliff Haslewood and Fred Moor for the day. Most of the young folks of the Meadow ent " danre at Mr. Galbraith's. down the creek, Satur day night and report a splendid time. Dave Cottrell was trying out a new Saxon sl Sunday. i-nokn like we had some dandy new baseball material in the Hockensmlth boys who bought the Wytanrt rawu. The Eads Transfer com pan v had a truck In the Meadows Sundav mov ing the new tenants on to tne inn Cottrell place. The people from the Heagie. n .inrh and Sam's vlley couutrv were out In force at the ball game Sunday. q'red Moore is hauling tumoer. The value of the claims In the Me,!u illMri. t iM il UMial effect. . r fulitiuiH v .- in--" tbis THE MEADOWS ttu.v ILt- Li. . )u. uui. v-a.'U Us MEDFORD JOm TRIBUNE, opened some rich ore Is claimed by two parties by right of purchase from owners. It Is hoped this will be sot- tied this week without recourse to law. brick, etc., for the now retorts on the Hluo .lay mine. The retort is ex pected Saturday next. F. W. Carnnhaii of Medford nnd the Hlue Ledge was a visitor nt his claims In the clnuabar belt Saturday. Jim Dlukeus won the umpire nt the ball game Sunday. He added to the enjoyment o'f the game. Miller, of Lower Hvnna, umpired the second game Sunday between the married men nnd tho want-to-bo's. It was a -practice game for tho big event, on Tth of June. Our lady fans all seemed to be on tho side of tho married bunch. The score renlly don't matter II was otily practice, you know. .Iliu Anderson Is getting a dandy showing on the Trudle, his prospect ou the cinnabar ledge. Ills two boys are with him at his camp uu section 17. Fred Moore, wife nnd family, mo tored to Ashland to attend a family minion. They expect to bring Grand ma Calhoun of Los Angeles back to the Meadows for n visit with them. ,'Mlss .losle Klncnld, our school teacher, vlsltud Agnto for the week's end. Her father aud three hrothorn came as far as the ball game with her on her return and stayed to enjoy the game. Ralph ItUHsell was a husluos lsl tor to Medford Monday. Thoo. Ice drove to Gold Hill Mou day. Ivor Coy who was Injured at the Mountain King mine some week ago is reported discharged from the doc tor's care anil again ready for work. Albert Cununlngs enmo over rronv Clnuabar Mountain to have a look at the western mines Saturday. Rattlesnake are out and seem fairly numerous this year, a number hnlug been kilted so far this season. GOLD HILL NUGGETS A very appu dative audience ac cepted Lynn W. Smith's Invitation to the recital glum at his rtsldence by t)ie pupils of Mis Mary IS. Young, Tuesday, May 23d. Every number was well rendered and thoioughly en Joy ml. Mia Kdua M. Proctor arrived on train No. 10 Tuesday evening. Shu trnvoled almost all Monday by stage from her home at Lakevlew, whore she ha been re-engaged as teacher for next year. Miss Proctor attend ed the local high school, as well as teaching her first year here several year ago and Is now renewing old acquaintances. '.I. I). (Doll I Mooro returned from he Klamath district Tuesday evening. Mr. Moore wa compelled to return home on account of an Injured leg. He ha been employed on the large dam construction. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. O'llnra. of Con trol Point, motornd to Gold Hill Tuesday evening, bringing with them their daughter, Mrs. M. D. Rowers, who had been visiting at the O'Hnru ranch for several days. Mr. Harry Tlhblls and children visited In Medford Wednesday. Mrs. S. T. Hodges and daughter, Miss Letsy Hodges, went lo Ashland uu the Wednesday morning train. Frank Flndley. of Ashland, was In (own Tuesday and Wednesday plying (or shall I say playing) his trade of piano tuner. The local base hall nine returned from Kagle Point Sunday evening de claring that good umpiring and ef fective routing does much to wlu games, ao this time we do not loll the wore, but boim to always lu the future buve enough loyal routers along to boost to good effect. Mrs. Maud Stickle of Medford spent a few day the last of the week at the home of her brother-in-law, Hunter Stickle in Gardeu Row. She returned Sunday afternoon. F. W. Dodge wa in town Sunday vlslliug friends. C. W. Martin returned lo hi home lu Medford Suuday after attending to business matters lu this vicinity. II. C. Ureediog was In Oold Hill visiting his slater Sunday, having previously visited his brother and father at Rogue River. i. W. Fredenburg. J. F. Dietrich. K. i. Matting and A. J. T. Smith made a party of odd Fellows who motored Sunday to the grand lodge at Roaeburg. Mesdamea !,u Mee, Floyd F.d dlng. Myrtle Day and W. II. Stickle left Monday morning for Roaeburg to attend the Kebekah meeting Mrs J. H. Heeman left the first of the weei( for a visit at th home How's This? W oSrr On.- If an .r I ! Mar. I(. -.rU t . o "f atairtt lb.. . ... t t ui 1 1111 g i aUrrk I'ur. f J ( UfcVSl A. i l-l. Ju O Wt lb un4rljt,vl lut k.jwn I J rfc'ttr; fur IU U.i '. . u4 Uliu Srfr ll bufaufabl.' lu .11 l,iil..' liaii.-.tlulM S4 ! Ullr I1' lu lorrji out iu! utillftttutu and bf SI Srui MAT MANK or (oMMIttcr Tilled. Otolu lljtl I lUrrb I itri t. rftken lnr.rfillv ai Muff ilf.-. II) Ul-M, .! LU I .'ii I. .!.'... l'fa.. .. liu. !-. r.lU. h... ' M J rat. . r i " - . ! 'like U..II lilt..., f U t. i ..Uitli'U. MEDFORD, OREdOX, Tlirics1 VV, A! AY 2."), 1010 of her sister. Mrs Frank Schmidt at Portland. Morris Horg and sister, Mrs. Hay Moore, visited friends In Grants Pass Monday. James Roderick Kendall visited In Medford Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hannah nnd Knill nnd Molllc Hritt of Jacksonville, vis ited for a short stop at the homes of Harry Porter and It. II. Moore Sun dny afternoon. Hon Moore of Portland came Sun day afternoon for a short visit with his father, .1. K. Moore, and his slstor Mrs. John Cook of Sams valley. Miss Helen Van Duyue of the local chool stnrr left Monday morning for her homo nt Kugcuc. Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Gallagher ac companied by Mr. and Mr. K, O. Hlncklngton, motored to Koseburg Monday morning to attend the grand lodge conrcnlug In that city. W. W. ISdliiKton and wife made a business trip to Medford ono dny last week. Miss Thili1 Lyman Is visiting tills week with the Robinson family in Medford, from whence they will at the end of the week attend the grand lodge or the I. O. O. F. nt Roseburg. J. A. Morrell left Friday for a visit lu Chicago. Congratulations, are extended Mr. and Mr. W. A. Adams oyer tlio blrlh of a 10 Vs pound baby sill. Mrs. W. C. Kenney was visiting In Modrord Thursday. II. D. Drossier was Interviewing some or our farmer last week. -Mr. Gardner, we are glad to eay, Is much Improved. She Is being vls ltud at proseut by her sister fiom California. Mr. and Mrs P. A. Myers were vis iting Sunday wlUi relative lu Rogue River. Geo. Lyman and Andy Hoot en are attending the grand lodge of the Odd Fellow lu Roseburg this week. Our school will close Thursday af ternoou with a program by tho chil dren. J. L. Non Ion and slater Marie vlslt hiI iclatlvo here Friday. Xellu Adam of Central Point Is staying at present with her brother. Willie, during the nbMtice or his wife. The largo auto truck that paaaed through here loaded with all Kinds of household good vo are told be longed to a Mr. Pickett, who purchaa. oil a ranch lu the lower Meadow. Haying has commenced ou the Deuel & Strang ranch, hut owing to the condition of the weather the hny Is not or the usual quality. Hyron De Ford. ('has. Hiitehlson and Jesse Tresham are working In a logging camp at Powers, Oie. Mr. .1. l.iiui'niuin of Tolo is isit ing her daughter in AMiltitnl for two weeks. The It. W. Kblen familv ami Miv 1,. King hit here Sat unlit v moining in their I'onl for l'ortbiiul. They will make nrioiis Mow on (he way, com bining bm-ines with lcaiiio. Itoy Mnule wa k viwlor Ht the Fred. Nt muli ranch Wedneinlay. Miss lla.t I Taylor nud mother worn dinner gm-i- i Hie home of (!eflrno Dhvin In-t Nuinlay. Mr. and Mr. W. TlnmiiMn called at the Itirkholg home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank I 'aimer skiiiI SiiihIiiv with Mr. anil .Mrs. Ilouri of Tolo. ' Klcjimr (rowiler lies - the ilistinc lion of Ih mi the onlv one of (his rommtiinU who grndiialcd t'roiu the Cent ml l' nut high 'lioo thin year. Anion-,: the Willow springers who 1 SAWS VALLEY Cleaner sparkplugs Your pifk plum will keep c leaner if on use a Mraifht-fl'i'itilleil, rcliners (;asolin.a. A n i fit oi ni iIpi ilv i. ii!iJ J..H01II1C luraVii tip inH depouu cuilion instead of fi.jjm,. n,ni pleir ifulifil ff .row ihe Gasoline of Qualify is the all-refinery ,Mvdine not a inixiuie. a v I t s iuiiuu STANDARD OIL COMPANY Mu'J .'J CHOICE GARDEN TRACT AND HOME PLACE - $050 Four-room cottage, garden tract, berries, flowers, shade, Just the place for a little home and garden tract. Paving $311. 10, sew er nOOU, sidewalk $70 so, all paid lu full. Lot UtxH7. Bandy loam toil. Best city property of this kind we have ever offered. Total prlae, J950. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. Rail Ifctatc, Imii, KeuUili, Iiiturunio, !(a West Main, I'liono 70 journeyed (o Medford to wituc the circus intrude weie the Dentin, Law, Lldeii ami Davis. Will (.'lurk hits left home to resume hi dutiex tit Salem. Mi llelene l'nrker. who is teacher at Derb, i ipcudiii;; her mention nt home. Mr. ami Mr, llitv Wnrd or Fern Vnllev were in Talent Tuesday. Mr. Surt'iu of Talent wits in North Talent buxiug u tlioitxuiul tomato plaiitM tor field planting. Dr. Hurl of the county fnitn wu in Medford on biistui" Tuesday. Joe Under ih doing jury duty iu Jacksonville this week. lln. M. Hose entue up from Med ford Tuesday- to her daughter, Mrs. A. S. Furry V. ' Airs. Kiul llricoe nnil Mins Linnie French of North Tuletit were calling on friends iu Phoenix Monday. Mr. .Ionium Patterson, l K. .lit -cobs Mr. U. K. llobit-on of Talent went to Koxehurg Mouduv to attend the Itchckuh and Oddfellows' conven tion. Mix. ('. Cnroy line the American flag' collection of ml, white ami blue sweet pen that lire worth seeing, the blue being the exact simile of that of our Uni,'. .1. K. Roberts lias just finished n big well ou hi gulden place in iorth Talent. He ui jutiill n pump I'm irrigation uirpooa. Mini of the fui-uici'H in litis pari of the willoy mo their Imy down. Mr. uiiil Mi'M. U. (1. Shearer of Medford, Mr. nud Mrs. W. CI. Kni!li ton of Kuglo Point motored out to I'. Carey's Monday. Il is noticenble Hint verv few China pbeasuutV uests are found this spring iu the liny fields, si in wing thai most of the birds weie slaughtered duriug the uiMfii seitHou lnt your. Mrs. A. S. Furrv liutl u guest ut dinner hist Sunday Mr. anil Mrs. John Grnffts, Mr. and Mr. W. K. Aiuler miii, Mi, Kimiier nud her ilaughtur, Mr. Siiima. KtiiOftod by Jsckson Count! AI tract Co., Hlxth and Fir Kta. (iicnlt Iiiuik of Miigdulemi vs. Minnie A. McKoc, iuilgmuiit. I'neifie .Mutiinl Ufa Insurance Co. vs. K. li. MeMunu ul al.. ulliilaxit. State vs. W. II. Duller, affidavit ami order for vitnoe. State vs. Ira I'offtuuu, motion ami order for discharge of bond. Mary A. Kincnul vs. I 'ha lies II. Pierce et al., cost lull. l'lizn .1. I.ewi vs. ,. S. nnd Weston llninelt, objections to cost bill. .Medford Famine Co. v. li. (3. Itrown et al., notiee of lieu, William Robert et x v. W. V. Watkiii el al., proof of moiling. Statu vs. Itiiuee House, verdict and order. Piiilmtn I'". (Nscuhruggo eslule, i'irsl seim hiiiiiihI refMirt. Arnold ItanhiuVr estate, older eoufiiiiiiug sale of real propel ty. Real llslalo Transfer Cold Hay Kenllv Co. lo Culi-fornin-Dregon Power Co., laud in twi.. :inV. $ It) W. II. Kuigler. sheriff, to Win. II. Stewart, hind in twp. ;)"- JW. I(l,',.) Condor Witter & Power Co. lo 1'aliformu-Oregou Power Co. luml in two. ,MI-;iW. Ill Oxford Iiiwstnient Co. to Ficd (!. Ibmiier, land tit twp. Il.'i- :HV. 1(1 CI OS NEW tk "" (Cix rtm FOR 1IKNT -I'tltMSHKD VIPIS. FOR RENT Apartment for ront. tho liorbon, iu Qulno St. FOR HUNT nOURES FOR RKNT Strictly modern house With gnrage, furnished or unftir itlshod. 5 It? W. Jackson t. 0 FOR RMNT Small home with good garden, fruit, .and chlrketi yard. Inquire 838 Rennet Ave. CO FOR RMNT--Furnished house. Tel ephone P23-W. BS FoiiKyxTntnci.i..'iNnouH FOlt RKNT Pasture, good fcL fences, plenty of water. W. II. Stewart. 02 FOlt RKiYT MOUhUtCHICPINa 1100.M8 FOR RKNT Cosy furnished lionso keeplng rooms, close In, )5 month. Lights, water, gas, bath. Phono S30-X. FOR HAliU MOUHKS FORSALK lilght-ioom house,'" & uore fine garden laud; (S50. Call tut premises, IOCS Court st, 1X)R HALK Tl.MHKR LANDS FOR HALK The best quarter section of timber land In southern Oregon Is offered for sale. The HIS 1-4 of the H 1-2 of the NB 1-4; and Lot 1; nil In srrtlon 4, township 33, range 3 Kant of Willamette Merid ian. Address Dr. Alice P Hhlbley, tRUP Wyoming Ave., Wnshlnnlon, n. o. r.6 FOit 8AT.IV--lVtVK!VWCK FOR ALK--Saddle liofso will w'ork or drive. Call 1)1!) W. lllh St., eTculnss. 00 FOR SALU Orey team weighing about 1400, nnd one crcy horse welching about 1700. lllc Pines Lumber Co. tf FOR SALIC MlBLTililiAJTEOnB i , -, i -i i. --ii i-L- -j- . - a FOR SALIC- One Ford roadster In iKoiut condition; one Overland de livery cur: one .'.-pass. Corblu, not good for much, but wo will sell It JttHt the Millie. Overland Auto Agency, 2S 8. Urape, Plion 323-.I. 67 FOR ALI Looeo bflllud barley hay at Kdgerllle ranch. Dr. II. Hurt. Phone 1 1-F15. 57 FOR 8ALW- Rare old celbT Apply li auk Anderson, Page theater. OK FOR HALKUHimrgalnT modern plumbing. Including laundry tuba, i-rooiu furnace and all plplug: complete. Iioi 11. Mall Tribune. FOR 8 A LIS Wood aaw. 4S2-W. Phone FOR SALB Two aeated aurrey, harrow, blacksmith outfit; will trade for wood. V. 8. 11., Mall Tribune. DS IIHIiI WANTKD at A LK WANTIflD Chore man on near-by ranch. Apply Mlravlala Orchard, J'houe 687-Jit. 00 WANTMD- A f1rt clan ranch cook, married or unmarried man to do chore, (live full particular and wage desired. P. O. llox 971, Med ford. 5b llUHINItS.S OITOUTUNITIR8 FOR 8ALK -Confectionery, one of beet locations In Mcdionl. centrally located, well equipped; term i:ab. Vddroaa till IJMuiii. 5! FOR HA'CUArU'K TcTtRADK -800 anrns. no cleared, In crop, Jeff, county, under now Ir rigation plan, 130 per aure, going higher, for improved, near Central J'olnl. A. W. Freeborg, Oaaton. Oregon. 73 FOR TRADK Picture theater for an unto. Frank II. Hull, Contra! Point. 67 Real Estate Ten-Acre Tract Rearing iars aud alfalfa, iltii black soil, woll locutrd, house, barn, ruuulug watei Total price $'-iU-ItHasouabl teuns given E. S. TUMY 210 (ihtt Cuisr UlUg NEW TODAY 10 acres, near JackkoiiTllln, small house, bam aud well; land rich and gently kloplns $Hnt), 80 acres, (Jrlfflu creek, S-rooui limine, barn, well, bearlug orehard, foothill lands. $l.iOO. TIIIMI' ARK (JOOD 1JUVH Hoon-Cathcart Co. I'iiono t(t? WHY? CAtui WA.rrKD 0 acree Hoar Creek bottom, 70 aorta la cultivation, alfalfa., (rult aud grain, easily Irrigated. Lew taaa I mile from Medford. J80v eash. One of the best buys la J&cksoa eougty. Hay whtg ttd will ahow you. J. C. BARNES 103 West Mj BL Phone 79a PAGE FIYR WVNTirn isrrcATiONS WANTKD Sowing at home Or by the day. Phone 479-M, 111 S. Control. SB WANT1M) ytincrrvtiAfyJSOflS S'IMSNaaeeikaaIla'tiakarfaaMeMaasaaIJ(aa(laTa) WANTKD To buy pair ged hod Siirlngs nnd mattress, 1 dresser, G dining chairs, 3 roekera. Phone 749. BG " NTRD-A small trart from fl ito ten seres. Address ID. M., P. O. llox Hiiri. GO WANTED TO IIITY IIorMM of (d dlo typo, and heavy horsos. Dr. Holm, 111 No. Fir, Phone 308. WANTKD To buy all kluda of metal, rubber, rags, wool and Hides. Phono 173, Nash Livery. SC WANTKD A family horse, gantlo for a woman to drive. Call AS-i X. Riverside. ' 80 WANTKD A good family cow; muat be worth money asked. Call Otl N. Rlvomlde. CO WANTKD Children to board In country during Juno, July nnd Au gust; terms reasonable; reforonco. tloosy Hlster. Rout 2. llox 57-U, Phono 7S l-W, Modrord. Co MUSLVIiSH DIKKOTORY Auto Bupptlea LAHKR ATJTO HPRINQ CO. Wa are oporatlng tlio largost, oldoat and best equipped plant In tbo Pa cific northwest. Uso our springs when othors fall. Bold under guar antee. 2C North FRtoonth St., Portland, Oro. Attorney QF.O. W. CMKRRY Attorney and Notary, Rooms 0-10, Jackson Coun ty Dank DulldlnR, ontranco N Central, Modrord, Ore. .mm -V PORTKR .T. NRFF Attornoy nt law, rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National llauk UulldlnK. A. E. REAME3, LAWYER Oarnott Corey bldg. O. M. RODERT8 Lawyer. Medford National Rank Building. Collections. 0OLLKCT1ONS AND REPORTS Wa collected some accounts 14 years old. Wo know how to got tho money. Tho nutlnck Morcnntlla Aumicy. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Haa klna' Uldir., 210 U. Main bL Dentist aj-JiaSaaMWt, .- Sa a Saaie afj Dr. W. M. VAN HOOYOU pit. a a. van Booroc Dfntlsts Onrnett-Ooroy Uldy., ultn Jit Medforn, Ore. Phono SIC. Oellectloni and Report DR. FRANK ROBI8RT8 D-ntlst. M. F. ft II. Rldg. Office Hoirr 8:;10 to 13; 1 to 0. Pboue iit7-R. RtiKlneer uiiil Contractor rlTNybUMMim"i h'g1neeVand contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Rldg Surveys,, estimates, lrrlKatlon drainage, orohnrd and land Im provement. Insiiranoe. KARL 8. TUMY (lenorat Insurance office, Flro. Automobile, Accident, Liability, Plate Ulass, Contract, nud Surety Honds, BxeoHont com panies, good local sorvlco. No. 210 Qarnott-Coroy Dldg. Instrurtloii in Music F?tKDALTbN"HAr piano nnd harmony. Composor nnd arrnngor of music, UalRht Music Studio, 401 Qarnott-Coroy nulldlnt:. nLIMSI I KINK Teacher of Violin! 'Muslo furnlnhed for nil occasions. Price reasonable. Studio 1121 E, Main St , Phono 303-J2. (7 at bn i;e GAnriAOK (let your premises cleaned up 'or the summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good sorvleo. Phone 274-L. T, Y. Allen. I'liyslclans ant) Rnrgeons DR. V; " O." CARLO V, " DR? H VA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physlelnns, 416-417 Unrnett-Corey bldg., phone 1030-L. Resldonce 2C South Laurel at. DRw7 w7 HOWARD OsteopathU physician, 303 Oarnett-Corey bulldtng. Phone 130. mT JT. KM MRN8 Physician and sureeon. Practice limited to sye, oar. nose nud throat. Hvoa aclen tiflrally tested and glasses sup plied. Oculist nnd Aurlat for B. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co. bldg., opposite P. O, Phone 507. DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon Phones, office 36, rest dsnoe 75S4-J. Office hours, 10 te 12, 2 to 6. DR. MARTIN O. BARI1BR Physl clan and eurgeon. Otrioe Palm block, opposite Nash hotol. Hours 10 o 12, 1 U 4. Phone 110-J. Printer and Publishers SaStaSaieSaSS., -.. J -a- a. HHW ! faa.aaH MEDFORD PRINTINO CO., has the heat equipped printing offlco in southern Oregon; hook btadlar, loose leaf ledgers, hilling tyateaw, tc. Portland price. 37 North Fir at. Tiwiiarora ejsssissas a e te.vsJsaVi -aaW0t QB CO. BAD8 TRANSrBR A 8TORAC Oftiee 43 North Front st. phone 116. Prie right 8rrte guar anieed SowIhk MchtHa 3AIJC OR RENT 8om used nit ehiue also for sale. Cleaulug and repairing. Baldwin Plauo tor sale from factory to ouatomer ReiN renee 246 80, Centra. Phono 3904 m 4